Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2004, 11 (2), 326-331

Loading working enhances affective priming

MARK ROTTEVEEL and R. HANS PHAF University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stronger affectivepriming (Murphy & Zajonc, 1993)with suboptimal (i.e., reduced ) than with optimal (i.e., full consciousness) prime presentation suggests that nonconscious processes form an important part of emotions. Merikle and Joordens (1997) have argued that both impoverished presenta- tion and divided can produce suboptimal conditions and result in parallel effects. We manipu- lated attention by means of a concurrent load while keeping presentation duration con- stant, as participantsevaluatedJapanese ideographs that were preceded by happy, neutral, or angry faces (affectivepriming) and male or female faces (nonaffective priming). In contrast to nonaffective priming, affective priming was larger with divided attention than with focused attention. It is concluded that ma- nipulations of quality and of attention can both be used to probe the distinction between con- scious and nonconscious processes and that the highest chances of obtaining the pattern of stronger priming with suboptimal presentation than with optimal presentation occur in the affective domain.

To investigatewhat it means whether or not a stimulus 2001). Merikle and Joordens (1997) have argued that di- is processed consciously, Baars and McGovern (1993; vided attention and impoverished (i.e., short, masked) see also Merikle, 1992) proposed the general method of presentation can both be used to produce suboptimalcon- experimentally manipulating level of consciousness and ditions,so that both shouldhave correspondingeffects. To contrasting the effects of conscious (optimal) and less our knowledge,however, this correspondencehas not been conscious (suboptimal) conditions (i.e., a contrastive explicitly studied in the affective domain. We have inves- analysis). This method can be applied to the study of tigated whether stronger suboptimal affective priming many independent variables and has revealed a number than optimal affective priming (Murphy & Zajonc, 1993) of qualitative differences (e.g., Cheesman & Merikle, also occurs when suboptimal conditions are achieved by 1984; Greenwald, 1992; Groeger, 1984, 1988; Jacoby & dividing attention instead of through impoverished pre- Whitehouse,1989)which suggest that conscious and non- sentation and whether this contrasts with nonaffective conscious processes do not always have the same form. priming. In addition, the finding of stronger effects in less con- Murphy and Zajonc (1993) investigatedpriming in af- scious than in fully conscious conditions contradicts the fective and nonaffectiveevaluationof unfamiliar Chinese view that suboptimal processing constitutes only diluted ideographs. Affectively valenced (i.e., happy or angry conscious processing (i.e., with some trials inadvertently faces) and control (polygons, faces with neutral expres- processed consciously). This type of result has primarily sions) stimuli were presented in either a suboptimal been found in the affective domain (Bornstein, 1989; (4 msec, or about 10 msec effectively; see Winkielman, Fulcher & Hammerl, 2001; Janssen, Everaerd, Spiering, Zajonc, & Schwarz, 1997), or an optimal (1,000 msec) & Janssen, 2000; Murphy & Zajonc, 1993; Rotteveel, de fashion by means of a projection tachistoscope. Because Groot, Geutskens, & Phaf, 2001; Stapel, Koomen, & the absence of an effect in a (direct) task measuring con- Ruys, 2002), whereas weaker suboptimaleffects than op- scious effects cannot guarantee that all conscious pro- timal effects are usually obtained in other, more nonaf- cessing has been exhaustively excluded (Cheesman & fective, domains (e.g., Lubke, Kerssens, Phaf, & Sebel, Merikle, 1984), the cautious terminology of suboptimal 1999; Maxfield, 1997; Murphy & Zajonc, 1993, Experi- and optimal, instead of subliminaland supraliminal, pre- ments 3–6; but see De Fockert, Rees, Frith, & Lavie, sentation was adopted by Murphy and Zajonc. In the first two experiments, happy and angry faces led to reliable, valence-congruent, shifts in ideograph evaluation only The authors are grateful to Julie Boland, Phil Merikle, and an anony- with suboptimal prime presentation. The stronger subop- mous reviewer for very helpful comments. We thank Susannede Boer and timal as opposed to optimal results preclude the possibil- Marisa Stoffers for their assistance in performing the experiments. R.H.P. ity that suboptimal effects are caused only by conscious is in the Department of Psychonomics; M.R. is in the Department of Psy- processing “leaking through.” Nonaffective priming of chonomics and the Department of Social . Correspondence about this paper shouldbe sent to M. Rotteveel, Department of Social Psy- size (Experiment 3), symmetry (Experiment 4), and gen- chology, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amster- der (Experiment 5), however, revealed congruent shifts dam, The Netherlands (e-mail: ([email protected]). only in optimal conditions.

Copyright 2004 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 326 WORKING MEMORY AND AFFECTIVE PRIMING 327

Rotteveel et al. (2001) have argued that the finding of tention in both an affective priming (i.e., with emotional stronger suboptimalas opposedto optimalaffective prim- faces as primes) and nonaffective priming (i.e., male and ing may be rather brittle and sensitive to problems asso- female faces serving as primes) task. Attention was var- ciated with impoverishedprime presentation. Eye-blinks ied by concurrently loading working memory (see Mul- or saccades may, for instance, cause participants to miss ligan & Stone, 1999). Participants were instructed to suboptimalprimes. Because one is effectively blind dur- maintain, and to reproduce at the end of the trial, a digit- ing a saccade (Morgan, 1994; Tovée, 1996), a brief stim- letter string of seven elements with divided attention, or ulus presented during the saccade cannot exert a priming an empty string (i.e., a “–”) with focused attention. The effect. The stronger suboptimalas opposed to optimal af- participants were instructed emphatically to perform the fective priming might thus be weakened only with short concurrent working memory task as accurately as possi- presentationdue to the influence of saccades. Single frame ble. They also had to judge intuitively whether Japanese presentation on a computer screen might also dilute sub- ideographs(Rotteveel et al., 2001) preceded by the faces optimal effects. The picture is built up pixel by pixel and represented something either positive or negative (i.e., line by line. The visibility of a single pixel corresponds affective task), or somethingmasculine or feminine (i.e., to the effective persistence of the specific phosphor used nonaffective task). We expected stronger affective prim- in the screen (about 4 msec, Bridgeman, 1998).This time ing and weaker nonaffectivepriming under conditionsof is generally shorter than a single screen frame, and prime divided as opposed to focused attention. presentation may sometimes be too short to allow for any processing at all. Impoverished presentation may, fur- METHOD thermore, allow for a confoundingof presentation condi- tion and instruction.Murphy and Zajonc(1993) instructed Participants A total of 96 (65 female) 1st-year psychology students (M 5 participants to ignore the faces only in optimal condi- 5 tions, but did not tell them about the suboptimal primes. 21.96 years old, SD 2.69) from the University of Amsterdam par- ticipated in the two tasks for course credit. All were right-handed The participants might have applied the controlled strat- and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. The experiment was egy of counteractingthe prime influencesonly in optimal announced as a test of “intuitive knowledge of the Japanese lan- conditions, whereas in suboptimal conditions no effort guage.” Only participants naive with regard to eastern languages was spent to discard possible effects of the faces. Al- were enrolled. The participants were divided into two groups of 48 thoughRotteveelet al. (2001) also obtainedstronger sub- for the affective and nonaffective priming tasks, respectively. optimal as opposed to optimal priming with impover- Design ished presentation when instructions were equated, it The affective task had a 2 (focused vs. divided attention) 3 3 seems better to have some form of suboptimal presenta- (happy, neutral, or angry face) mixed factorial design, and the non- tion that allows more fully for the applicationof the same affective task had a 2 (focused vs. divided attention) 3 2 (male vs. fe- instruction. male face) mixed factorial design. Attention was manipulated be- Merikle and Joordens (1997) proposed that manipula- tween participants. The coupling of prime to target was tions of attention and of stimulus quality(i.e., in terms of counterbalanced over participants. Order of presentation was ran- domized by the computer for each participant individually. Affective presentation duration and masking) have parallel effects. and gender ratings of the ideographs served as dependent variables. They obtained equivalent effects of both manipulations As an exploratory dependent variable, the proportion of correct re- with false recognition, exclusion failure, and a variant of productions of individual string elements was calculated per condi- the Stroop-task. To achieve suboptimal processing, at- tion for each participant. tention was diverted away from a stimulus that was pre- Material and Apparatus sented as long as it was in the optimal conditions. Moni- 3 toring a sequence of auditory digits for three consecutive Forty-eight pictures (in grayscale, measuring 12.5 cm 15.8 cm on the screen) of Caucasian models (24 female) with happy, neutral, odd digits served to divide attention. Merikle and Joor- and angry facial expressions were selected from the Ekman and dens argued that finding similar qualitative differences Friesen (1976) and Matsumoto and Ekman (1988) picture sets. Also supports the view that both manipulations address the 24 male and 24 female faces with a neutral expression (transformed same underlying process distinction (i.e., of conscious to the same format as that of the affective pictures) served as primes and nonconscious processing). In terms of a contrastive (Lundqvist, Flykt, & Öhman, 1998). In pilot experiments, the se- analysis, both manipulations may thus serve to reduce lected faces received the most consistent ratings on their respective attributes. The 48 prime faces for the nonaffective task were more- level of consciousness. over judged affectively neutral in these experiments. Forty-eight Merikle and Joordens’s(1997) positionis strengthened different Japanese ideographs of equal complexity (i.e., consisting further if the stronger suboptimal as opposed to optimal of 10–12 black strokes on a light background) served as targets. priming is also reproduced with attentional manipula- Forty-eight different digit-letter strings consisting of seven ele- tions. Affective priming seems to be most suited,because ments (e.g., 3D6F8G2) were prepared for the divided attention con- the pattern appears to be predominantin the affective do- ditions. The strings consisted of digits (1–9) and letters (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L) combined according to three rules: every string main (but see Clore & Ortony, 2000). A nonaffective started with a digit, digits and letters alternated, and digits and let- priming task was, however, also included in order to in- ters were not repeated within a string. vestigate further whether affective value was indeed the Participants made two-alternative forced-choice ratings with their critical factor in the priming pattern. We manipulated at- index finger on marked keys from the keyboard. The labels (the 328 ROTTEVEEL AND PHAF

Table 1 have the same number of levels of the factor prime in the Average Verbal Working-Memory Span (With Standard affective and the nonaffective tasks, the neutral condi- Deviations) in the 15-Word Test for the Participant Groups in tion in the former task was omitted. Because we are pri- the Focused and Divided Attention Conditions of the Affective and Nonaffective Priming Conditions marily interested in differential priming patterns be- Focused Attention Divided Attention tween divided and focused attention conditions, the actual coding of the judgments does not matter. We Priming Avg. SD Avg. SD choose to code both negative and masculine ratings with Affective 4.96 0.86 4.96 0.55 Nonaffective 5.20 0.72 4.88 0.68 a “1,” and positiveand feminine ratings with a “2.” In the 2 (affective vs. nonaffective task) 3 2 (divided vs. fo- cused attention) 3 (prime “1” vs. prime “2”) ANOVA, only the type of prime constituted a within-participants ideograph represented something “negative” or “positive,” or some- thing “masculine” or “feminine”) were balanced over both keys factor. If stronger suboptimal as opposed to optimal across participants. The experiment was controlled by a Power Mac- priming occurred only in affective conditions, a three- intosh 4400/200 computer equipped with a 15-in. screen. Viewing way interaction of task, attention, and prime would be distance was approximately 60 cm, resulting in an 11.8º horizontal expected. This interaction was indeed found to be sig- and 14.8º vertical visual angle. The fixation point was presented for nificant [F(1,92) 5 7.03, p , .01]. In addition, an overall 500 msec and was followed by a blank field for 500 msec. The digit- priming effect [F(1,92) 5 27.0, p , .01) and a task 3 letter string (or “–,” with zero load) appeared for 3.5 sec and was prime interaction[F(1,92) 5 7.25, p , .01] were obtained. followed by a blank field for 1 sec. The second fixation point was 5 5 presented for 0.5 sec and was immediately followed by the face for Prime “1” (1.45, SD 0.16) and prime “2” (1.57, SD 1 sec, after which the target was presented for 1 sec. If a string was 0.16) resulted overall in congruent ideograph ratings. The presented before the trial, participants typed on the keyboard what priming effect was, moreover, somewhat larger in the af- they remembered of the string after rating the ideograph. fective (negative, 1.43, SD 5 0.18; positive, 1.62, SD 5 0.15) than in the nonaffectivetask (male, 1.46, SD 5 0.14; Procedure 5 To determine individual working memory capacity, a modified female, 1.52, SD 0.14). No further main effects or in- Dutch version of the 15-words test (Deelman, 1990) was first ad- teractions were significant.To see whether the effect of di- ministered. The participants were instructed to reproduce lists of viding attention indeed diverged in the affective and non- Dutch words spoken by the experimenter. List length started with affective tasks, the two tasks were analyzed separately. 2 words, and each time two lists had been presented, the list length increased by 1 additional word, until a length of 7 words was Affective Priming reached. Whenever participants made a mistake in one of the two Ideographs were overall evaluated congruently with lists with the same number of words, the preceding number of 5 words was taken as the verbal working memory span. the affective primes (positive, 1.62, SD 0.15; neutral, The participants were instructed that the experiment was about 1.52,SD 5 0.14;negative,1.43,SD 5 0.18). Because the intuitive knowledge of the meaning of signs from an unfamiliar lan- affective ratings of the happy,neutral, and angry faces in guage. They were informed that this knowledge presumably sur- the pilot experiment obeyed a linear relationship,a linear faces best when they are actively engaged in another task. The im- trend could also be expected in the priming effects. The portance of the concurrent working memory task was stressed, and overall linear trend of affective valence [F(1,92) 5 24.2, the participants were encouraged to keep trying although they p , .01] was indeed significant and was qualified by an would probably not succeed in reproducing all strings correctly. 5 , They were also told to ignore the faces appearing before the ideo- interaction with attentioncondition[F(1,92) 5.47, p graphs, which served to increase the concurrent load in other ex- .05], indicating that the priming effect was stronger with perimental conditions. The participants first practiced on the rating divided than with focused attention (see Table 2A). No task for 10 trials. After 24 experimental trials, a 2-min break was significant quadratic trends were observed (Fs , 1). given. The experiment was concluded by an exit interview. Planned comparisons revealed that with divided atten- tion, priming by positivefaces differed reliably from prim- RESULTS ing by negative faces [paired, one-tailed t(23) 5 5.79, p , .01], whereas this difference did not reach the level Generally, the participants reported they had been well of significancewith focused attention[t(23) 5 1.66, p 5 aware of the faces before the ideographs,even with divided attention. Working memory load was relatively homoge- neous with dividedattentionthroughoutthe two tasks. The Table 2A average scores on the 15-words test (see Table 1) did not Means (With Standard Deviations) of the Affective Ratings differ significantly among the four groups. In the divided (1 5 Negative, 2 5 Positive) as a Function of Attention attentionconditions,the affective primes did not clearly in- and of Facial Expression fluence string reproduction (positive, 0.52, SD 5 0.16; Focused Divided 5 5 neutral, 0.53, SD 0.12; negative, 0.55, SD 0.13), nor Facial Attention Attention did the gender primes in the nonaffective task (male, 0.61, Expression MSDMSD SD 5 0.16; female, 0.63, SD 5 0.17). Positive 1.56 0.17 1.69 0.11 The affective and nonaffective ratings (see Tables 2A Neutral 1.52 0.16 1.54 0.11 and 2B) were first subjected to a combined analysis. To Negative 1.46 0.18 1.39 0.18 WORKING MEMORY AND AFFECTIVE PRIMING 329

Table 2B tion may be excludedthan with impoverishedpresentation. Means (With Standard Deviations) of the Nonaffective Ratings The participants generally reported that they had seen the 5 5 (1 Masculine, 2 Feminine) as a Function of Attention face preceding the ideograph even when working memory and of Model Gender was loaded. This remaining consciousnesswith dividedat- Focused Divided Attention Attention tention presents a problem only when one wants to ex- haustively exclude all consciousness and wants to show Gender MSDMSD that all remaining processing must be nonconscious (an Male 1.42 0.12 1.50 0.17 Female 1.52 0.12 1.52 0.17 indirect-without-direct effect; Merikle, 1992). Creating suboptimal conditions by dividing attention thus makes sense only in a contrastive analysis and not if one wants to obtain an indirect-without-directeffect. The generalization .0553]. Affective priming was not qualified by partici- of these effects to other consciousness manipulations fur- pant gender in any respect. In the divided attention con- 5 ther strengthens the idea that a fundamental contrast is in- dition, moreover, there was no significant relation (r volved and that the distinctionbetween conscious and non- .27, n.s.) between string performance and affective prim- conscious processes is meaningful. ing (i.e., the ideographrating difference with positiveand Clore and Ortony (2000) have attacked the notion that negative primes). stronger suboptimal as opposed to optimal priming is specific to emotion. They argue that it should be ex- Nonaffective Priming plained in the same way as other types of priming, and In view of the expectations, a priori tests were per- claim that “The only difference is that the visual mask, formed. With focused attention, the priming effect (see which ensures that the image is available for only a few 5 Table 2B) was significant [paired, one-tailed t(23) 3.19, milliseconds, interferes with the episodic knowledge of , 5 p .01], but it disappearedwith dividedattention[t(23) having seen the stimulus. But it does not interfere with 0.467, n.s.). Participant gender again did not influence the the semantic knowledge of what was seen” (p.43). This priming effects. With divided attention, moreover, the fails to explain, however, why in similar conditions the strength of priming again did not depend on string per- opposite pattern (i.e., weaker suboptimal as opposed to 5 formance (r .19, n.s.). optimal priming; Murphy & Zajonc, 1993, Experiments 3–6) should occur with nonaffective priming. Moreover, DISCUSSION the participants in our experiment appeared well able to report the presence of faces despite the working memory Stronger affective priming occurred with divided than load. Episodic knowledgewas thus not suppressed by di- with focused attention,but nonaffectiveconditionsshowed vided attention.If anything,moreover, dividing attention the more classical pattern of weaker priming with divided actually reduces semantic processing (e.g., Craik, Govoni, attention. The notion that divided attention and impover- Naveh-Benjamin, & Anderson, 1996; Mulligan & Stone, ished presentation have parallel effects (Merikle & Joor- 1999). When, for instance, participants searched a prime dens, 1997) is, therefore, supported by the finding of word for a specific letter and attention was redirected to stronger suboptimalas opposedto optimalaffective prim- nonsemanticstimulus attributes,semantic priming was re- ing and of weaker suboptimalas opposed to optimal non- duced or it even disappeared (Maxfield, 1997). If affective affective priming with both types of manipulations. The priming is equivalent to semantic priming, we should finding of parallel effects by Merikle and Joordens and therefore have obtained less, instead of more, affective by us clearly suggests that the same type of conscious priming with divided attention. processing is affected by impoverished presentation and The stronger suboptimal as opposed to optimal prim- by dividing attention. Moreover, these results imply that ing does not seem restricted only to the affective domain. predominantly nonconscious processes can be studied De Fockert et al. (2001) recently reported stronger sub- even under conditions in which participants subjectively optimal interference than optimal interference by (non- report that they are aware of the primes. The results emotional)faces in a name classification task. A working therefore support the notion that no direct measure can memory load resulted in increased face-related activity be used to exhaustivelyexclude all conscious processing in the visual cortex, owing to presentation of the distrac- (Cheesman & Merikle, 1984; Merikle, 1992) and that a tor faces and to increased interference effects. De Fock- contrastive analysis is the better research strategy for ert et al. argued that working memory is a prerequisite for characterizing conscious and nonconscious processes. directing attention to relevant stimuli and for ignoring ir- Dividing attention for obtaining suboptimal presenta- relevant stimuli. To also explain our results, however, the tion not only has practical advantages, but also has theo- idea that divided attention decreased conscious control retical implications.Alternative interpretationsin terms of (i.e., to ignore the faces), so that nonconscious response timing of stimuli (e.g., habituation processes) can be ex- tendencies became more dominant, needs to be supple- cluded because of the matching of presentation durations. mented with the hypothesis that such response tenden- With divided attention, moreover, less conscious percep- cies are generally stronger for affective than for nonaf- 330 ROTTEVEEL AND PHAF fective stimuli. Because affective processes may be bio- sometimes, or never? In R. D. Lane, & L. Nadel (Eds.), Cognitive logically (and genetically) prepared (Öhman, 1986; neuroscience of emotion (pp. 24-61). New York: Oxford University Press. Öhman & Mineka, 2001), there is a higher chance of Craik, F. I. M., Govoni, R., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Anderson, N. 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