Lebreiro, S. M. 2013. Plio-Pleistocene imprint of natural climate cycles in marine sediments. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 124 (2): 283-305 ISSN: 0366-0176 Plio-Pleistocene imprint of natural climate cycles in marine sediments S. M. Lebreiro Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, OPI. Dept. de Investigación y Prospectiva Geocientífica. Calle Ríos Rosas, 23, 28003-Madrid, España
[email protected] ABSTracT The response of Earth to natural climate cyclicity is written in marine sediments. The Earth is a complex system, as is climate change determined by various modes, frequency of cycles, forcings, boundary conditions, thresholds, and tipping elements. Oceans act as climate change buffers, and marine sediments provide archives of climate conditions in the Earth´s history. To read climate records they must be well-dated, well-calibrated and analysed at high-resolution. Reconstructions of past climates are based on climate variables such as atmospheric composi- tion, temperature, salinity, ocean productivity and wind, the nature and quality which are of the utmost impor- tance. Once the palaeoclimate and palaeoceanographic proxy-variables of past events are well documented, the best results of modelling and validation, and future predictions can be obtained from climate models. Neither the mechanisms for abrupt climate changes at orbital, millennial and multi-decadal time scales nor the origin, rhythms and stability of cyclicity are as yet fully understood. Possible sources of cyclicity are either natural in the form of internal ocean-atmosphere-land interactions or external radioactive forcing such as solar irradiance and volcanic activity, or else anthropogenic. Coupling with stochastic resonance is also very probable.