VRS) Have Compiled the Following Condensed Report of a Publicly Traded Company on the Athens Exchange, Greece, Solely for Information Purposes
Valuation & Research Specialists (VRS) have compiled the following Condensed Report of a publicly traded company on the Athens Exchange, Greece, solely for information purposes. Investors should also look at the listed company’s financial statements, annual report and other similar information, as well as risks related to its business and operations, in order to form a more analytical view about the company’s fundamentals and prospects. The following report is based on the publicly traded company’s official financial statements, annual report, and presentation compiled in order to inform the communities of institutional investors and equity analysts. Valuation & Research Specialists (VRS) do not intend to express any views or judgments about the listed company / stock via this report. VALUATION & RESEARCH SPECIALISTS (VRS) - www.valueinvest.gr 1 VALUATION & RESEARCH SPECIALISTS (VRS) Share Price Graph (August 2010 – August 2011) (Price in euro) GEK TERNA GROUP S.A. Category: Large Capitalization Activity Sector: Holding, Real Estate, Construction, Energy Foundation Year: 1959 Source: www.euro2day.gr Share Price: € 1.30 (11 August 2011) Company Profile GEK TERNA is strategically placed in critical business sectors such as Constructions, Real Estate, Concessions, Outstanding No of Shares: Energy, Industry, implementing strong investments that put the Group in a leading position in these sectors in 85,882,688 Greece. For the Group, 2008 was a notable year, as the corporate transformations that simplified its structure and strengthened its capital base, were concluded. Specifically the subsidiary company TERNA S.A. was separated, with Market Cap: € 111.65 million its construction activities absorbed by the company LITHOS S.A., which was further renamed to TERNA S.A., and its remaining activities were absorbed by the parent company GEK S.A., which was further renamed to GEK TERNA Athens Stock Exchange S.A.
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