The Belfast Gazette 26 May 1995

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The Belfast Gazette 26 May 1995 478 THE BELFAST GAZETTE 26 MAY 1995 CONDITIONS ATTACHKD To THIS LICENCF. Luisiana (La), Madrono (El), Mairena del Alcor, Mairena del Aljarafe, Marchena, Marinaleda, Martin 1. Any consignment imported under the terms of this licence de la Jara, Molares (Los), Montellano, Moron de la shall be for personal use only. (See Note 1.) Frontera, Olivares. Osuna, Palacios (Los) y Villafranca, 2. Pig meat and other meat products derived from swine may Palomares del Rio, Paradas, Pedrera, Pilas, Pruna, not be imported from the following areas which are subject Puebla de Cazalla (La), Puebla del Rio (La), Rinconada to restrictions due to the occurrence of African Swine Fever: (La), Roda de Andalucia (La). Rubio (El), Salteras, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Sanlucar la Mayor, Santiponce, (a) Sardinia, Italy: Saucejo (El), Sevilla, Tocina. Tomares, Umbrete, (b) that part of Spain from which pigmeat may not enter Utrera, Valencina de la Concepcion, Villamarique de la intra-Community trade under the terms of Council Condesa, Villanueva del Ariscal, Villanueva de San Directive 72/461/EEC as read with Commission Juan and Viso del Alcor (El). Decision 94/887/EC (see Note 2); (d) In the province of Cordoba, the municipalities: Aguilar, with the exception of pigmeat products which are eligible for Almedinilla. Baena, Belacazar, Benameji, Bujalance, intra-Community trade under the terms of Article 4 of Cabra, Canete de las Torres, Carcabuey Carlota (La), Council Directive 80/21 5/EEC (see Note 3). Carpio (El), Castro del Rio, Conquista, Cordoba, Dona Mencia, Dos-Torres, Encinas Reales, Espejo, 3. Products in which trade is prohibited by a declaration under FernanNunez, Fuente Palmera, Fuente Tojar, Regulation 23 of the Products of Animal Origin (Import and Guadalcazar, Guijo, Iznajar, Lucena, Luque, Montalban Export) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993 may not be de Cordoba, Montemayor, Montilla, Monturque, imported under this licence. (See Notes 4 and 8.) Moriles, Nueva-Cartaya, Palenciana, Palma del Rio, 4. "High risk" material, as defined in Council Directive 90/ Pedro Abad, Priego, Puente-Genil, Rambla (La), Rule, 667/EEC may not be imported. (See Note 5.) San Sebastian de los Ballesteros, Santaella, Santa Eufemia, Torrecampo, Valenzuela, Victoria (La), Villa 5. Products which are subject to any restrictions imposed for del Rio, Villafranca de Cordoba, Villaralto, Viso (El) the purpose of proteciing animal health by any Decision of Zuheros. the European Communities shall not be imported save as permitted by or in pursuance of such instrument. (See Note (e) In the province of Cadiz, the municipalities: Alcala del 8.) Valle, Barbate de Franco, Cadiz, Conil, Chiclana, NOTES Chipiona, Espera, Medina-Sidonia, Puerto de Santa Marie (El), Puerto Real, Puerto Serrano, Rota, 1. The fresh meat or meat product must be intended for personal SanFernando, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Trebujena and consumption and not resale. If the quantity of fresh meat or Vejer de la Frontera. meat product imported by an individual at any one time exceeds 10kg in weight the importer may be required to (f) In the provinces of Malaga, the municipalities: Alameda, produce further information or evidence to support a claim Alcaucin, Alfarnate, Alfarnatelejo. Algarrobo, that the import is for personal consumption and not resale. Algatocin, Alhaurin de la Torre, Alhaurin el Grande, Almachar, Almargen, Almogia, Alora, Alozaina, 2. The acceptable areas of Spain from which pigmeat may be Alpandeire, Antequera, Archez, Archidona, Ardales, imported are: Arenas, Atajate, Benadalid, Benahavis, Benalauria, Area defined as free from African Swine Fever and consisting Benalmadena, Benamargosa, Benamocarra, Benarraba, of: Borgo (El), Burgo (El), Campillos, Canillas de Aceituno, Canillas de Albaida. Canete la Real, Carratraca, A. Autonomous Regions Cartama, Casabermeja, Casarobonela, Casares, Coin, Aragon Extremadura Colmenar, Comares, Competa, Cuevas Bajas, Cuevas Asturias Galicia de San Marcos, Cutor, Estepona, Farajan, Frigiliona, Baleriac Islands Madrid Fuengirola, Fuente de Piedra, Gaucin, Genalguacil, Canary Islands Murcia Guaro, Humilladero, Igualeja, Istan, Iznate. Jimera de Castilla La Mancha Navarra Libar, Jubrique, Juzcar, Macharaviaya, Malaga, Castilla Y Leon Rioja Manilva, Marbella, Mijas, Moclinejo, Mollina, Monda, Cantabria Valencia Nerja. Ojen, Penarrubia, Riogordo, Salares, Sayalonga, Catalonia Basque Country Sedella, Sierra de Yeguas, Teba, Tolox, Torrox, Totalan, Valle de Abdalajis, Velez-Malaga, Villanueva de B. In Andalusia: Algaidas, Villanueva del Rosario, Villanueva del (a) The provinces of Almeria, Granada and Jaen. Trabuco, Villanueva de Tapia, Vinuela and Yunquera. (b) In the province of Huelva, the municipalities: Aljaraque, 3. For the purposes of this licence fully cooked meat and meat Almendro (El). Almonaster la Real. Almonte, Alosno, products (including pigmeat products) in hermetically sealed Ayamonte, Beas Berrocal, Bollullos par del Condado, containers which are on sale to the public in countries of the Bonares, Cabezas Rubias, Gala, Calanas, Campillo (El) European Community (including Sardinia and the whole of Cartaya, Cerro de Andevalo (El), Chucena, Escacena Spain) and which can be stored at ambient temperature shall del Campo, Gribraleon. Granado (El), Hinojos, Huelva, be presumed to have been produced in accordance with the Isla-Cristina, Lepe, Lucena del Puerto, Manzanilla, requirements of Article 4 of Directive 80/215. Minas de Riotinto, Moguer, Nerva, Niebla, Palma del Hermetically sealed containers are any containers which are Condado (La), Palos de la Frontera. Paterna del Campo, designed and intended to protect the contents against the Paymogo, Puebla de Guzman. Punta Umbria. Rociana entry of micro-organisms both during and after heat treatment. del Condado, San Bartolome de la Torre, San Juan del They include cans, glass jars and flexible pouches. Puerto, Sanlucar de Guadiana, San Silvestre de Gu/man. Santa Barbara de Casa, Trigueros, Val verde del Camino, 4. Under Regulation 23 of the Products of Animal Origin Villablanca, Villalba del Alcor. Villanueva de las (Import and Export) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993, in Cruces, Villanueva de los Castillejos, Villarrasa, the event of the occurrence in another country of a disease, Zalamea la Real. zoonosis or other cause liable to present a serious threat to public or animal health, the Department of Agriculture for (c) In the province of Sevilla, the municipalities: Northern Ireland may issue a declaration giving notice of the Aguadulce, Albaida de Aljarafe, Alcala de Guadeira, problem. Such a declaration may specify types of meat Alcolea del Rio, Algaba (La), Alganitas, Almensilla, products which may not be imported from the affected Arahal (El). Aznalcozar, Aznalcollar, Badalatosa. country or region. Beracazan, Bollullos de la Mitacion, Bormujos, Brenes, Cabezas de San Juan (Las), Camas, Campana (La), 5. Under Council Directive 90/667/EEC the term "high risk" Carmona, Carrion de los Cespedes, Casariche, Castilleja material includes: de Guzman. Castilleja de la Cuesta, Castilleja del (a) meat and products from all bovine animals, pigs, goats, Campo, Coria del Rio, Corice, Coranti (El), Corrales sheep, solipeds, poultry and all other animals kept for (Los), Dos Hermanas. Ecija, Espartinos, Estepa, Fuentes agricultural production, which have died or been killed de Andalucia. Gelves, Gilena, Gines, Herrera, Huevar, on the farm but were not slaughtered for human Lentejuela (La), Lebrija, Lora de Estepa. Lora del Rio, consumption, including stillborn and unborn animals;.
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    AGRONOMIC BEHAVIOR OF STRAWBERRY COMING FROM DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOIL FUMIGATION IN NURSERIES. J.M. López-Aranda (1)*, J.J. Medina (2), L. Miranda (2), B. De Los Santos (2), F. Domínguez (3), M.D. Sánchez-Vidal (4), J. López-Medina (5) and F. Flores (5) (1) CIFA Málaga, CAP-Junta de Andalucía, 29140 Churriana (Málaga), Spain (2) CIFA Las Torres-Tomegil, CAP-Junta de Andalucía , 21800 Moguer (Huelva), Spain (3) OCA Deleg. Provinc. de Agricultura y Pesca, 21450 Cartaya (Huelva), Spain (4) Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Cartaya-CIT Malatao, 21450 Cartaya (Huelva), Spain (5) Universidad de Huelva, 21819 Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), Spain The field trials reported herein are part of the RAEA program (Andalusian Network for Experimental Agriculture) and supplements the National Project INIA SC 97-130 on alternatives to Methyl bromide (MB) in several crops. The aim has been to study the agronomical behavior of strawberry plant material (cv. “Camarosa”), coming from our experiments on MB alternatives in high-elevation nurseries located at the area of Castile- Leon (Central-Northern part of Spain), in order to establish the influence of the soil fumigation system utilized in nursery in the subsequent strawberry cultivation field at the area of Huelva (South-Western part of Spain). Material and methods: Two experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farms “El Cebollar” (Moguer) and “Los Reventones” (Cartaya), both located in the Eastern and Western coastal areas of Huelva, respectively, during 1999, 2000 and 2001. The design of each experiment was in split-plot with 3 replications and 200 plants/ replication. The plant material (cv.
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