58 bus time schedule & line map

58 - Netherton (mersyd) View In Website Mode

The 58 bus line (Liverpool - Netherton (mersyd)) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Liverpool: 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM (2) Netherton: 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 58 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 58 bus arriving.

Direction: Liverpool 58 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Liverpool Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM Magdalene Square, Netherton Tuesday 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM The Marian Way, Netherton Wednesday 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM Leonard Cheshire Drive, Netherton Thursday 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM Pinetree Close, Friday 5:39 AM - 6:07 PM Stand Park Avenue, Netherton Saturday 6:19 AM - 5:49 PM Dunnings Bridge Road, Netherton

Breacon Walk, Netherton Park Lane, Liverpool 58 bus Info Abbeystead Avenue, Netherton Direction: Liverpool Stops: 36 Hereford Drive, Netherton Trip Duration: 40 min Line Summary: Magdalene Square, Netherton, The Bridle Way, Netherton Marian Way, Netherton, Leonard Cheshire Drive, Netherton, Stand Park Avenue, Netherton, Dunnings Bridle Road, Liverpool Bridge Road, Netherton, Breacon Walk, Netherton, Bridle Way, Netherton Abbeystead Avenue, Netherton, Hereford Drive, Netherton, Bridle Way, Netherton, Bridle Way, Netherton, Bridle Road, , Gardner Avenue, Bridle Road, Bootle Orrell, Park Lane, Orrell, Bailey Drive, Orrell, Fernhill Road, Bootle, Sefton Road, Bootle, Linacre Lane, Gardner Avenue, Orrell Bootle, Marsh Lane, Bootle, Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (C), Park Street, Bootle, Hawthorne Road, Park Lane, Orrell Bootle, Trinity Road, Bootle, Bedford Road, Bootle, Station, Kirkdale, Goodall Street, Kirkdale, Bailey Drive, Orrell Bradewell Street, Kirkdale, Witsun Drive, Kirkdale, Foley Street, Kirkdale, Whittle Street, Kirkdale, Fernhill Road, Bootle Kirkdale Road, , Buckingham Street, Everton, Penrhyn Street, Everton, Virgil Street, Everton, Rose Sefton Road, Bootle Place, Everton, Manseld Street, Everton, Queen Square Bus Station, Liverpool Linacre Lane, Bootle Stanley Road, Liverpool

Marsh Lane, Bootle Marsh Lane, Liverpool

Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (C)

Park Street, Bootle

Hawthorne Road, Bootle Merton Road, Liverpool

Trinity Road, Bootle Hawthorne Road, Liverpool

Bedford Road, Bootle

Kirkdale Station, Kirkdale Westminster Road, Liverpool

Goodall Street, Kirkdale Brunswick Close, Liverpool

Bradewell Street, Kirkdale Leven Street, Liverpool

Witsun Drive, Kirkdale

Foley Street, Kirkdale

Whittle Street, Kirkdale Smith Street, Liverpool

Kirkdale Road, Everton Medea Close, Liverpool

Buckingham Street, Everton

Penrhyn Street, Everton

Virgil Street, Everton Great Homer Street, Liverpool

Rose Place, Everton

Manseld Street, Everton

Queen Square Bus Station, Liverpool Roe Street, Liverpool Direction: Netherton 58 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Netherton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM Victoria Street, Liverpool 1-3 Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool Tuesday 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM

Great Richmond Street, Everton Wednesday 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM

Virgil Street, Kirkdale Thursday 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM Great Homer Street, Liverpool Friday 6:43 AM - 6:36 PM

Wilbraham Street, Everton Saturday 6:54 AM - 6:24 PM

Buckingham Street, Everton

Boundary Street East, Everton 58 bus Info Sterling Way, Kirkdale Direction: Netherton Smith Street, Liverpool Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 41 min Leison Street, Kirkdale Line Summary: Victoria Street, Liverpool, Great Richmond Street, Everton, Virgil Street, Kirkdale, Medlock Street, Kirkdale Wilbraham Street, Everton, Buckingham Street, Medlock Street, Liverpool Everton, Boundary Street East, Everton, Sterling Way, Kirkdale, Leison Street, Kirkdale, Medlock Street, Tawd Street, Kirkdale Kirkdale, Tawd Street, Kirkdale, Rumney Road, Barlow Lane, Liverpool Kirkdale, Kirkdale Station, Kirkdale, Wadham Road, Bootle, Trinity Road, Bootle, Hawthorne Road, Bootle, Rumney Road, Kirkdale Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle, Hornby Brunswick Close, Liverpool Road, Bootle, Knowsley Road, Bootle, Thornton Road, Linacre, Hawthorne Road, Orrell, Monfa Road, Kirkdale Station, Kirkdale Orrell, Watts Lane, Orrell, Menai Road, Orrell, Gardner Westminster Road, Liverpool Avenue, Orrell, Farriers Way, Netherton, Bridle Way, Netherton, Hereford Drive, Netherton, Lingeld Close, Wadham Road, Bootle Netherton, Brecon Walk, Netherton, Dunnings Bridge Road, Netherton, Stand Park Avenue, Netherton, Trinity Road, Bootle Elton Avenue, Netherton, The Marian Way, Netherton Hawthorne Road, Liverpool

Hawthorne Road, Bootle

Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle Back Stanley Road, Liverpool

Hornby Road, Bootle

Knowsley Road, Bootle Stanley Road, Liverpool

Thornton Road, Linacre Linacre Lane, Liverpool

Hawthorne Road, Orrell 13 Linacre Lane, Liverpool

Monfa Road, Orrell Watts Lane, Orrell

Menai Road, Orrell

Gardner Avenue, Orrell

Farriers Way, Netherton Bridle Road, Liverpool

Bridle Way, Netherton

Hereford Drive, Netherton

Lingeld Close, Netherton

Brecon Walk, Netherton Durham Mews East, Liverpool

Dunnings Bridge Road, Netherton

Stand Park Avenue, Netherton

Elton Avenue, Netherton

The Marian Way, Netherton Saint Oswalds Lane, Liverpool 58 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved