THEVolume 44, Number 3, 2000 TRACKER JOURNAL OF THE ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Members may join any number of chapters. Chapters, Newsletter, Editor, Membership Founding Date & Annual Dues Inquiries Boston Organ Club 1965, '76 OHS Charter Central New York, The Coupler, Phil Williams 1976 Cullie Mowers, $5 Box F Remsen, NY 13438 Chicago Midwest, The Stopt Diapason, Julie Stephens 1980 Fred Beal
[email protected] 10 South Catherine La Grange, IL 60525 &
[email protected] Robert Voves, $15 Eastern Iowa, 1982 Newsletter, August Knoll Dennis Ungs, $7.50 Box 486 The Organ Historical Society Wheatland, IA 52777 Florida, 1998 The Rackboard Post Office Box 26811, Richmond, Virginia 23261 Henry Vollenweider, $8 (804)353-9226 FAX (804)353-9266 newsletter@ohs- e-mail:
[email protected] web: WWW. ORGANSOCIETY.ORG Greater New York online catalog: WWW.OHSCATALOG.ORG City, 1969 Greater St. Louis, The Cypher, Eliza- John D. Phillippe The National Council 1975 beth Schmitt, $5 3901 Triple Crown Dr. TERM Columbia, MO 652012-4814 Officers and Councillors EXPIRES Harmony Society Clariana, The Rev. John Walt Adkins Jonathan Ambrosino ...........................President (2001) (Western PA & Ohio Cawkins, $5 476 First St. Heidelberg, PA 15106
[email protected] Valley), 1990 Scot Huntington ..........................Vice-President (2001) Hilbus (Washington- Where the Tracker Action Is, Ruth Charters 34 Summer St., Westerly, RI 02891
[email protected] Baltimore), 1970 Paul Birckner, $8 6617 Brawner St. Stephen J. Schnurr, Jr. ..........................Secretary (2003) McLean, VA 22102 St. Paul Catholic Church, P. O. Box 1475, Valparaiso, IN 46384-1475 Memphis, 1992 TBA, $5 Dennis S. Wujcik 45 N.