Emthanjeni Municipality Annual Report 2008/2009
EMTHANJENI MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR Local Government is a critical sphere of governance for coordinating and ensuring implementation of government policies relating to service delivery. In our case Emthanjeni Municipality is playing a vital role in ensuring that Government Departments, NGO’s and Business Sectors talk to each other and remain focused and talk to each other in addressing the plight of our people. The challenge of HIV/AIDS, need for proper housing, water and sanitation, unemployment and poverty etc. are ongoing issues facing our people daily and require a proper coordinated mechanism and strategy for addressing and dealing with them effectively. In order to effectively solve some of these serious challenges we need to work with each other, hence the government theme for this year of “Working together we can do more”. Local Government has emerged from a prolonged transition to face a second generation of challenges. A growing economy and urbanization have resulted in increased demand for economic infrastructure, ageing assets are increasingly requiring upgrading, rehabilitation or replacement and the location and nature of poverty is changing. As Emthanjeni, we face huge challenges in addressing backlogs in basics services, mostly on housing delivery. Attempting to deal with all our different and unique challenges, this period is also characterized by the economic recession, which places on our shoulders the responsibility to plan properly and prioritize. We are the custodians of public funds, whether raised from our own revenue or received through grants. We are tasked to use these resources to respond to the needs of our communities in Emthanjeni for infrastructure, services such as water, electricity, refuse removal and enabling and guiding spatial development within Emthanjeni Municipality.
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