[email protected] Source : SIGA2800 Basic SIGINT Technology Objectives 1. Identify which modulations are also known as angle modulations. 2. Given a maximum modulating frequency and either a frequency of deviation or deviation ratio of a frequency modulated signal, determine signal bandwidth as given by Carson's rule. Objectives 3. Given a bandwidth and either a maximum frequency deviation or deviation ratio, calculate the maximum modulating frequency that will comply with Carson's rule. Objectives 4. Given a carrier being frequency modulated by a sine wave at a fixed deviation ratio, calculate: a. Average signal power b. Bandwidth in accordance with Carson's rule. c. Signal power present at the carrier frequency, any frequency harmonic, and at a frequency equal to the frequency deviation. Objectives 5. For angle modulated signals, identify what factors drive overall power in the signal. 6. State what factors affect the bandwidth of signals modulated using angle modulation. Sinewave Characteristics Phase Period Time 1 Frequency Period A sinusoid has three properties . These are its amplitude, period (or frequency), and phase. Types of Modulation Amplitude Modulation Phase Modulation Asin(t ) Asin(t ) Frequency Modulation With very few exceptions, phase modulation is used for digital information. Asin(t ) Types of Modulation Types of Information Carrier • Analog Variations Amplitude • Digital Frequency These two Phase constitute angle modulation. (Objective #1) WHAT IS ANGLE MODULATION? Angle modulation is a variation of one of these two parameters. UNDERSTANDING PHASE VS. FREQUENCY To understand the difference between phase and frequency, V a signal can be thought of phase using a phasor diagram.