Environmental Assessment on the Effects of the Issuance of a Scientific Research Permit (File No
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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admlnletratlon PROGRAM PLANNING AND INTEGRATION S ilv e r S p ring, Maryland 2 09 1 0 OCT 7 2009 To All Interested Government Agencies and Public Groups: Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an environmental review has been performed on the following action. TITLE: Environmental Assessment on the Effects of the Issuance of a Scientific Research Permit (File No. 14394) to Conduct Research on Shortnose Sturgeon in the Altamaha River, Georgia LOCATION: The proposed research would occur in the Altamaha River, Georgia, between the Altamaha Sound and the confluence of the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers (rkm 215). Most sampling, however, would occur in the tidally influenced portions of the river to river kilometer 65. SUMMARY: The current EA analyzed the effects of shortnose sturgeon research on the environment in the Altamaha River. This proposed research is a continuation of similar research objectives conducted under Permit 1420-01 which expired on September 30, 2009. The permit would be valid for five years from the date of issuance and would authorize non-lethal sampling methods on up to 500 shortnose sturgeon annually, but not to exceed 1,500 over the life of the permit. Research activities would include netting, measurement (length, weight, photos), genetic and fin-ray tissue sampling, PIT and sonic tagging, anesthesia, laparoscopy, and gastric lavage. To document spawning in the river, up to 20 eggs or larvae would be lethally collected with artificial substrates annually. Additionally, one incidence of unintentional mortality or serious injury is proposed over the life of the permit. The proposed action analyzed in the EA would not have significant environmental effects on the target or non-target species; public health and safety would not affected; no unique geographic area would be affected; and the effects of this study would not be highly uncertain, nor would they involve unique or unknown risks. Issuance of this permit would not set a precedent for future actions with significant effects, nor would it represent a decision in principle about a future consideration. There would not be individually insignificant but cumulatively significant impacts associated with the proposed action, and there would not be adverse effects on historic resources. The permit would contain mitigating measures to avoid unnecessary stress to the subject animals. @ Printed on Recycled Paper RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Jam es H. Lecky Director, Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 713-2332 The environmental review process led us to conclude this action will not have a significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared. A copy of the finding of no significant impact (FONS I) including the supporting EA is enclosed for your information. Although NOAA is not soliciting comments on this completed EA/FONS!, we will consider any comments submitted assisting us to prepare future NEPA documents. Please submit any written comments to the responsible official named above. Sincerely, ,l.n.A>aul N. Doremus, P .D. D-. NOAA NEPA Coordinator Enclosure UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Nat:lonel Oceen1c and At:moapheric A dmlnlat-ret:lon NATONAL MAl'l•"-'E FlSHERIES S ERVICE ! S 1t-v't!r S~ng, M O 209 1 0 OCT -5 2009 • F.NVIRONMENTAL ASS ESSMENT ON T HE EFFECTS OF THE ISSUANCE OF A SCI E~TIFI C RESEARCH PERl\ llT (File No. 14394) TO COl'iDtJCT RESEARCH Ol'i SRORTNOSE STURGEON TN THE ALTAMAHA RI VER, GEORGIA Octo bcr 2009 Lead Agency: USDC Na1ional Oceanic and Anno~pheric Administration Na1ional M ari nc Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources Responsible Official: James H. Lecky, Director, Office of Proiected Resources For Further Information Contact: Office of Protected Resources National M:arine Fisheries Service 1315 Eas1 West Hi ghway Si l\·cr Spring, MD 20910 (30 I) 7 I 3-2289 Loearion: Ahamaha River and Estuary, Georgia Abstract: Tbe National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposes to issue a scientific research permit for takes ofshortnoscsturgeon (Acipenser brevirosmun) in the wild, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA; 16 U.S .C. 1531 e1 seq.). Tho primary objective of the proposed research would be to assess the distribu1ion, movements and abundance of shonnosc sturgeon in the Altamaha River, Georgia. This research project would also collect currenl infonnati.on about abundance, age srruc1ure, and critical habitats of shortnosc swrgcon in the Al tam aha Ri ver with the unifying goal to ide111i fy specific habitat requirements of the various Life stages of shonnose sturgeon within the ri\·er. The pcm1it would be valid for five years from the date of issuance and would authorize non-lethal sampling methods on up to 500 shonnosc sturgeon aooually, but not to exceed 1,500over1he life of the permit. Research ac1ivitics would include netting, measurement {length, weight, photos), genetic/fin-ray 1issue sampl ing, PIT and sonic tagging, anesthesia, laparoscopy, and gastric lavage. To document spawning in the river, up to 20 eggs or larvae would be lethally collected with artificial substrates annually. Additionally, one incidence <>funintcntional mortality or serious injury is proposed over 1he life of the permit. This proposed research is a continuation of similar research objectives conducted under Pem1it 1420-01 expiring on Sept 30, 2009. UNITEC STATES CEPARTMENT CF COMMERCE National Ocea n1o and Atmo&pheric Administration NATIONAL MAf!llN E FtSH e:Fues SERVlCE Sitver Spring. MD 20910 SEP 2 2 2009 MEMORAl'\/DUM FOR: James H. Lecky Director, Office of Protected Resources FROM: Christopher Holmes c._GI/" Acting NMFS HQ NEPA Coordinator SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment on the Effects o r the Tssuance of a Scientific Research Permit (File. No. 14394) to Conduct Research on Shortnosc Sturgeon in the Altamaha River. Georgia to the University of Georgia (Pl: Dr. Douglas Peterson) I have reviewed 1he Environmental Assessment (EA) and proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONS!). My specific comments on these documents were provided to the technical staff processing these doctunents for approval, and have been incorporated appropriately into the dOClllllCJltS. Thank you for the opportunity to review tl1ese draft documents, and, as always, l am available to discuss comments wi th you and/or your program staff should that be helpful. cc: GCF (0 ' Brien) FfPRl (Mohead) @ Primed on R«;yclcd Parer TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: PURPOSE AND NEED FOR ACTION...................................................................... 4 . 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION.................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Purpose and Need.......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 Objectives of the Research............................................................................................................. 4 1.2 SCOPING SUMMARY............................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 APPLICABLE LAWS AND NECESSARY FEDERAL PERMITS, LICENSES, AND ENTITLEMENTS............................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.1 National Environmental Policy Act............................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 Endangered Species Act................................................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER 2: ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION............................... 8 2.1 ALTERNATIVE No. 1: NO ACTION....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 ALTERNATIVE No. 2: PROPOSED ACTION – ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WITH STANDARD CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.1 Map of Action Area........................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.2 Description of Action Area………………………………………………………………………. 9 2.2.3 Research Activities......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.4 Unintentional Mortality of Shortnose Sturgeon............................................................................. 14 CHAPTER 3: DESCRIPTION OF THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT....................................... 15 3.1 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................ 15 3.2 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1 EFH, Critical Habitat and National Marine Sanctuaries………………………………………. 15 3.2.2 Altamaha River System Description…………………………………………………………….. 15 3.3 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................................................. 16 3.3.1 ESA Target Species Under NMFS Jurisdiction............................................................................. 16 3.3.2 Non Target Species.......................................................................................................................