Recent advance Techniques of Fundus Imaging Amit B. Jain, Vadivelu Jaya Prakash and Muna Bhende Shri Bhagwan Mahavir Introduction Discussion in this review will be limited to Vitreoretinal Services, Ophthalmology is a specialized field of medicine, non-contrast techniques of fundus imaging along Sankara Nethralaya where we can directly visualize the pathology and with recent advances. A detailed discussion on treat accordingly. Imaging of fundus helps in doc- FFA and ICG is beyond the scope of this review. Correspondence to: umenting the disease process which further helps The list of available machines mentioned is by no Vadivelu Jaya Prakash in classifying, treating and following up effect- means exhaustive and does not indicate any com- Associate Consultant, ively. Fundus imaging helps in diagnosing various mercial interest of the authors. Shri Bhagwan Mahavir ocular and systemic disorders like diabetic retino- Vitreoretinal Services, pathy, hypertensive retinopathy, age-related Sankara Nethralaya Red free fundus photography macular degeneration, glaucoma, subacute bacter- Email:
[email protected] It is a technique of monochromatic retinal ial endocarditis, leukemia, systemic malignancy imaging which uses green contrast filters to with ocular metastasis etc. and thus helps in modify individual tones in monochrome images effectively managing the condition. This review and the increased scattering of light at shorter focuses on various fundus imaging modalities wavelengths. Various fundus structures can be fl such as digital fundus photography, auto uores- better visualized by limiting the spectral range of cence, infrared reflectance, etc. making a note of the illuminating source.3 recent advances in fundus imaging technology. Green light enables excellent contrast and view The history of fundus imaging dates back to early of fundus as the peak spectral sensitivity of the 20th century, but it has advanced as time has pro- human eye falls in the green–yellow portion of gressed.