Lyndon Larouche on Immortality
Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2003 Lyndon laRouche on Immortality OnJan. 15, 2003, Marianna Wertz, the vice-presidentof but because people become corrupt. the Schiller Imtitute, died afterundergo ing cardiac surgery This goes back to Solon of Athens' letter to the at Johm Hopkim Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Asthe Athenians at the end of his life, on how they had reportof Marianna'sdeath arrived to Lyndon and Helga became corrupt, after he had earlier saved them. It is LaRouche, he was giving a publicaddress to a group of cultural corruption. When you do not produce the both young and oldpeople in India. Although he had not leaders who can lead the people away from corruption; yet learnedof her death, he was, at that very moment, when you reject them, after you have produced them; speaking about immortality. LaRoucheasked that his you are going to pay the penalty. For example, the case remarks be conveyed, as a message fromHelga and of Hamlet; the case of Hamlet is typical. himself,to her husbandWill Wertz, and tofriends For example, Schiller's treatment ofJeanne d'Arc, everywhere. which happens to be historically precise; there is one dramatic change in the play. Jeanne d'Arc made "" "" "" possible modern European civilization. Without her Despite all of its development as an action, it would not have occurred. She was a simple industrialQuestion: power, as a great nation, how could it farm girl, who went to her stupid king. She said, happen, that America has come to this point, to want Stupid king, God sent me to you, to tell you: Become a to be an imperial power? real king! She said, God wants you to become a king.
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