INTRODUCTION Having been exhausted with the different forms of expression such as poetry, prose, essay and drama for many centuries, the writers longed to adopt a new mode of expression and it resulted in the emerge of novel. The novel owes its interest to the curiosity of humanity in the realm of human passion and action. While the drama is subordinate to stage effects, the novel is independent of them. Although the novel is defined as a long narrative in prose, Marion Crawford terms it as ‘pocket theatre’. The novel started becoming popular right from the early eighteenth century not only in England but also in America. The writers also feel comfortable at making use of novel as a tool to analyse the social, moral, cultural and political problems of the day. Of them, Bernard Malamud, a distinguished twentieth century novelist of American Jewish society, was born in 1914 in Brooklyn, New York to Bertha Malamud and Max Malamud. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia who lived with a meagre income from a small grocery store they ran in Brooklyn. Despite their poverty and lack of formal education, they encouraged their son’s desire for education. Malamud studied at the City College and Columbia University in New York. In 1940 he got a job at Erasmus Hall Evening High School in Brooklyn, where he had his school education. Even as a school boy he started writing stories which were published in the school magazine. In 2 1945 he married Ann de Chiara, an Italian. The couple had a son, Paul and a daughter, Janna.
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