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i - iday. December 29, 19-14 THE TOLEDO UNION JOURNAL Page S hirty Seconds Over Tokyo" >ic Film Based on Best-Seller Book L ~--- -~w- ~ ---- ^x..--...... ,fc...... “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo,” which begins Saturday at the JIMMY CRAIG’S GAG • James Craig, handsome Tex­ Real Chef Cooks Valentine Theatre, is a film of epic proportions. Vividly adapted an, says Japs’ loss of 13 ad­ Heard On A Hollywood The WaSdorf Twinkle, Little Star for the screen by that expert scenarist, Dalton Trumbo, from the mirals is big break for them. Movie Set In ’Waldorf Him best-seller by Captain (now Major) Ted Lawson and Robert “Cuts their payroll,” he says, “and with their fleet mostly HOLLYWOOD — Those Rebuilt In HOLLYWOOD — In the in­ Considine, the film emerges as one of the most human stories to sunk, they didn’t need ’em any­ who put dogs in the “dumb terest of realism a certain movie ^Lme out of the present war. way!” animal’’ class have never company has cast Chef Milan! met a sassy little pug who Hollywood as the chef in “Weekend at the" Climaxed by the famous Pirate Lover and English Lady appears with American bombing of Tokyo, it and Robert Walker in a Waldorf.” relates the glorious personal ro­ scene from “Her Highness HOLLYWOOD—Ted Saucier Chef Milani, one of the welt mance of Ted and Ellen Lawson, and the Bellboy.” is 3000 miles from home but it known figures in Hollywood, it i the man who takes part in ad- The pup, who was sup. is impossible or him to be home­ the beloved chef of the Holly­ posed to focus his entire at. wood Canteen, who has devoted t venture so daring, and the wo- sick! tention upon Walker, was Al! he has to do is to walk his services since the opening i man who waits for his return. too intrigued with the of the servicemen’s entertain­ Their story is the story of hu- beauteous Miss Lamarr to 300 feet and he is home! ment spot and supervised prepa­ Iman beings during wartime. care whether he obeyed hit That’s because “home” io ration of all the food. ||‘ Mervyn LeRoy has combined trainer or not. Every time Saucier is the Waldorf-Astoria As the chef of the famouf Kthis romance.with gripping sus- the dog had a chance he Hotel in New York City. He is hotel, Milani will not only have Kpense and thrilling characteriza- would squirm from Walk­ a chance at histrionics, but a ■ tions by an expert cast. A star er’s grasp and stretch in Hollywood as a technical ad­ I chance o whip up some of the ■ no less than Spencer Tracy was enough to plant a moist viser on “Weekend at the Wal­ culinary delights which have ■ chosen to portray the celebrated tongue on Misa Lamarr’s dorf” in which M-G-M is star­ won him fame in the einem* |Lieutenant Colonel (now Lieu- face. ring , Lana city. He may even sing—his fa­ ■ tenant General) James H. Doo- After four srrch occur- Turner, Walter Pidgeon and vorite sideline. Klittle, leader of the historic raid ances Director Richard fc- -and that is as it should be. Thorpe stopped the cam­ . He is a member of ■Lawson himself is portrayed by eras. the hotel’s personnel, but until Life Contract To B^an Johnson; Corporal (now “Things have come to a the film is completed his offices Rumba Conductor I S ;aff Sergeant) Thatcher by pretty pass,” he said. “I are right on the studio lot, not 1B obert “Private Hargrove” ask for a dog—and I get a from the stage-seting. HOLLYWOOD — Swing may ■Walker, and Ellen Lawson by ‘wolf’.” Oul come and swing may go, but th# f Phyllis Thaxter, a face and Saucier arrived recenly, after rumba goes on forever at the ■ name new to moviedom but des- many of the settings had been Waldorf-Astoria — they’ve got ■ tined for early stardom if her Fred Lucky Charm built, and his first experience Xavier Cugat under a life con­ | present performance is any impressed him. GLORIA GRAHAME gets ahead faster than you can say tract! ■fciterion. For His Partners He spied a door-handle beau­ “woo-woo.” A quick success on the stage with her special kind The popular Rumba King is Mr “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” HOLLYWOOD — Learn to of comedy brought Gloria an .M-G-M contract without so much the only band leader in the HBlIs of the Doolittle mission, dance—get in a picture with tifully finished in bronze. as a screen test, and the lead role in that studio's “Blonde country to have a permanent Bwhat preceded it and what fol- Fred Astaire—and boom! You “How on earth did you know Fever”, coming soon to Valentine Theatre. contract — a life contract witii Howed it, in deeply human are a star. those handles were bronze,” the world’s largest hotel. ■rmi. Ted Lawson’s training Astaire is the open sesame Saucier asked M-G-M’s Super­ As soon as he completes his ^Kor the great task and his fleet- to Hollywood success — ask vising Art Director Cedric Gib- Marilyn Maxwell role in the screen version of the ■ng moments with his Ellen Ginger Rogers, , famous hostelry, “Weekend at ■orm the basis for what is cer- , , bo na. the Waldorf,” he returns to New ^ftainly one of the most stirring Rita Hayworth, and now, Lu­ Visited Waldorf York to open the Waldorf’s ■Jncture' in many, many months. of Paramount’s Technicolor film, cille Bremer. Li felines Starlight Roof for tbe 12th con­ “Frenchman’s Creek,” arrived at the Paramount Theatre co- Gibbons replied that he Bi There are several other new- In “Ziegfeld Follies”, Astarie Her career began at the age of sixteen, when she was sing- secutive season. B ajrners in the cast who bear starring Joan Fontaine and Arturo de Cordova. This splendid had as his partner another un­ guessed one of the studio re­ Bfl^hing. As members of the Alitchell Leisen production is an adaptation of Daphne du known, Lucille Beremer, whose search department members ing on an amateur radio show in Des Moines, Iowa. There she ^^^Bson crew, Tim Murdock, Manner's best-selling novel which has thrilled millions of read­ performances in that musical must have visited the Waldorf was heard by handleader Ostot and her career was under way. Unions Must IVleK^y. Gordon McDonald ers. In the able supporting cast are , Cecil earned her stardom for “Yo­ to find out. Actually the door­ Previous to her discovery, Marilyn was a studious pupil in I aii'-i Don DeFore turning in ex- Kellaway and Ralph Forbes. landa and the Thief** in which handles are cast from discarded Ft. Wayne, Indiana, at Centra High School and Washington Bargain For | cellent performances to rival she again dances with Astaire. type metal. The “bronze” touch grammar school. In company I those of the leading players. was by a painter. with two other promising Metro- Wayne, Indiana; height, S feet, Negroes It “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” Beautiful Romance Story Bids Raise Price When sets are completed for Goldwyp-Mayer starlets, Don­ 6 inches; weight, 125 pounds; WnoHINGTON. December TV |l altogether a “must” picture. “Weekend at the Waldorf,” they (LPA) — A railroad’s closed ■ By all means go to see it. To Actor’s Friend will occupy 120,000 square feet na Reed and Frances Fafferty, eyes hazel, hair, blonde. shop contract with a union that Due in 'Frenchman's Creek' of floor space, whereas the real Marilyn was born in the tall Singer with Amos Ostot, denies membership to Negroea HOLLYWOOD —( A day free Waldorf takes up one city block corn state, at Clarinda, Iowa. Buddy Rogers’ and Ted Weems’ By Burny Zawodny from his chores in “Without Her musical talents and career must not exempt the union from Success Story If we are to believe the rumor that is spreading about on only 81,337 square feet, orchestras; singing star of Best representing Negroes in collec­ Love” at a movie stage set, ac­ Saucier explained. The film are a heritage, for her father, of the Week” on NBC; radio “Frenchman’s Creek,” this Paramount Technicolor production tor Carl Esmond recently wont tive bargaining, the U. S. Su­ which arrives Saturday night at 11:30 to the Paramount Theatre, Waldorf will be scattered about Hal E. Maxwell, and her moth­ singer for seven years. preme Court ruled last week. to an auction. A colonial French on many studio sound stages. er, Anne, are musicians and is all things to all moviegoers. writing desk was put on the The decision was handed down For those who are enthralled by great romance, “French- “Lobibes, the Park Avenue Marilyn traveled with them on JANE’S CLEAN BOBBY with no dissent in the case of block and Esmond began bid­ entrance, Peacock Alley and their engagements when she was man’s Creek” is a powerful love ding. A voice across the room Until wartime shortagea in- the Brotherhood of Locomotive many other details of the Wal­ but a tot. terfered with the hobby, Jane Firemen and Engineers and 21 story set against a thrill-studded ful job in supervising- “French­ continually upped his bid. Only dorf are being reproduced in Taller than the usual movie Powell, new singing discovery*, Southern railroads. background. Joan Fontaine and man’s Creek.’* after he had given up did Es­ exact detail,” he said. “Even the starlet, Marilyn is five feet, six mond discover who the other collected soap carvings. Ip all The firemen s cases new re­ Arturo de Cordova, co-starred The story tells about beauti­ Starlight Roof and Astor Gal­ inches in height. Her 125 pounds colors, the majority pastel, the turn to lower courts for injunc­ bidder was—his close friend lery will be seen in the picture. are distributed in the right 150 figures include Disney char­ tive action to compel the union-'••ei in the picture, are a romantic ful lady who yearns for a life and director, Andre de Troth, places on her shapely figure. unfettered by the callings of 'a Despite the designer’s fidelity acters, dimunitive dolls trimmed to cease its promotion of an il­ team to rival any yet seen on who is furnishing a new home to fact, Ginger Rogers may have She has hazel eyes and striking in gold, animals and odd shaped legal contract. the screen. For those who want London court. She gets her wish for hit bride-to-be Veronica a say so in one of the settings. blonde hair, a combination that Lake. makes Technicolor cameramen is? scope, color and action in their by leaving the city for her coun­ In the film, she plays an actress Beains Saturday filmfare, we are told that none try home, Navron House, on the who lives in one of the Tower whoop with joy. Born, Marvel Marilyn Max­ of these elements is lacking in Cornish coast. Perhaps in the New NAW Apartments, and many of these the picturization of the novel rooms are decorated by the well, in Clarinda, Iowa, August by Daphne du Maurier, author hearts of all women lurks one Clouse Serves guests. 3; daughter of Hal E. and Anne Valentine of “Rebecca.” In the film, persisten dream that she might “Just you see what I’ll do to Maxwell, musicians; educated, there are two thrilling hours of leave behind her all the cares Vets Jobs that Waldorf apartment! says Central High School and Wash­ and attachments of daily life Ginger. ington grammar school, Ft. daring love and dangerous ad­ and literally sail away in the DETROIT, Dec. 26 (LPA)— venture. arms of a romance, adventurous The jobs of 500 World War II LATE SHOW SATURDAY NIGHT AT 11:30!! It has been said that Academy man. veterans at the .Packard plant Award winner Joan Fontaine here have been saved in the plays the most spectacular femi- Miss Fontaine does just that by face of layoffs affecting 5000 ine role of the year in “French­ feigning illness as an excuse to workers as the result of a spe­ man’s Creek,” a part which de­ escape in the clothes of a cabin cial agreement signed by Local manded immense versatility. As boy. Standing before the main­ 190, United Auto Workers-CIO the Frenchman, master of a pi­ mast with her daring lover at and the company. rate ship, Arturo de Cordova her side as the pirate ship “La The company agreed to a should be established in the Mouette” sails out of the hidden model contract clause devised forefront of male personalities. cove, she listens to the songs of by the UAW’s Veterans Depart­ Basil Rathbone, always a fa­ the gypsy crew, the screeching ment awarding seniority equal vorite on the screen when he cries of the gulls overhead and to time spent in the armed GLORIA GRAHAME has portrays a scoundrel, plays Lord the spanking wind as the groat forces to veterans not covered NEW YEAR’S broken all the speed records Rockingham, the meanest vil- sails are unfurled. by the Selective Service Act. EVE SHOW!! for getting Into films. She lain in captivity, Some of the The veterans would have been TICKETS NOW > z Sht is a woman who has among the very first to have w,'i turned down small Holly- other noteworthy actors promi- chosen to live her dream, For ON SALE!! wood offers in high school nently cast in “Frenchman’s one day and a night she will been laid off, Victor Reuther, anrl went into the theatre, Creek” are Ralph Forbes, Nigel know freedom, high adventure assistant director of the union’s where her special brand of Bruce, Cecil Kellaway and Har­ and fearless romance with a War Policy Division, pointed humor won success and a old Ramond. According to those daring man of dauntless spirit out, because their seniority W7 juicy M-G-M contract without who have seen the picture, Di­ and impassioned love, whose dated only from the beginning so much as a screen test. First rector Mitchell Leisen, respon­ whole life is attuned to the beat of their employment. film role is the lead in sible for the recent hit, “Lady of a romantic, carefree heart. The Packard agreement, first screeW “Blonde Fever.” in the Dark,” has done a master- in a major aircraft or auto MOST DARING While at sea the Frenchman plant, is expected to serve as the decider to show his lady some model for other plants and sport and plants an attack on an even for other industries as re­ LOVE STORY By Wiley Padan English ship. Joan, dressed as a IT’S TRUE! member of the crew, joins in conversion layoffs begin, Reu­ the raid and her pirate lover re­ ther said. * wards her with the red wig of of o bored beauty and a cold, handsome brigand Themou who lived and loved with reckleu abandon far thrill- Lord Godolphinl master of the NOW pocked English ship. SHOWING twenty-four unforgettable hours. half- If escape into a world of ro­ minute mantic adventure is what au­ Paramount present* m IweCery^ diences want today, then this CESS is the picture to see. Joan TonUiiie Hrturo be G)iW ■‘■^A MB FREE PARKING Rootin’, Tootin’ Western! Roy Rogers ’EWCWMANS t in MtfGA/W State "LIGHTS OF OLD »W' Starting SATURDAY SANTA T[CiUov°« Cri®C, ===== 2nd Thriller! = .. ■ OBRIEN “The Climax” Color Cartoon, Loew's News RISES TO NEW in Technicolor Gene Autry HEIGHTS otorring .MITCHELL LEISEN also Short Subjects Boris Karloff, Suzanna Foster wThe BIG SHOW” Production FILM! YOU'LL « and Turhan Bey tri th SMILEY Bl RNETTE W’rth Bosil Rothbena • Nigel BrucZ\j^C>irecled by Mitchell Lei*en • From EZ w PLUS SECOND FEATURE GALA NEW YEAR S EYE SHOW!” GASS ZWW# Jon Hall and Louise Allbrillon Cecil Kellaway • Ralph Forbe» the Novel by Daphne du Maurier Tickets Now On Sale! Begins Saturday rLoew'* j Sr “San Diego, FEAi URETTES. . "SWtET SI0VX5’ I Love You” IFeekf O'ri ESQUIRE Broke all FRIDAY a SATURDAY k Broadway S!2 KAHTI M'^j0Kle MAlM IN MGM’s I reuM&d a, KA! it TUNFFUL ROMANCEi ean Arthur—Charlei Coburn In FREE “MEET ME IN ‘Known From Coast to ^oast "THE IMPATIENT YEARS" >c.- alto Edward G. Robinion in Aa« SothWB and ST. LOUIS". SHE ••TAMPICO" Jah* Hodiak la FMIS IN IOVF WITH In Person! (near Peikeide Blvd.) r 7bM DRAW? Stage, Screen JEER "Haisie Goes to Reno” and Radio Stars WINE alM Hopaloni Caitldy la T-HE BOY NEXT liquors Showing Nightly ; PARKS' "Texas Masquerade” James CRAIG • AIm “ * FWOji Y SdtPRtfAY Ktn Chlnaie and Amet- . iean food- O**" Directed by VMLLIAM DiETERLE I until I :»• •- ■• "SECRET COMMAND"