STARTER WALKS to improve your health...

FIND YOUR NEWPORT WALK LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks 10 Reasons to walk...

1. Makes you feel good e op e P tev 2. Reduces stress © S 3. Helps you sleep better 4. Reduces risk of:- • Heart disease • Stroke • High blood pressure • Diabetes

• Arthritis e op e P tev • Osteoporosis © S • Certain cancers and can help with their management and recovery 5. Meet others and feel part of your 6. See your local area and discover new places 7. Kind to the environment 8. Can be done by almost anyone 9. No special equipment required 10. Its FREE, saving money on bus fares and petrol

2 LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks How often should I walk?

As often as you can Aim for at least:- 30minutes This can be in one go or 3 walks of 10 minutes or 2 walks of 15 minutes per day or more days 5 of the week How fast should I walk? Start slowly to warm up gradually increase to a brisk pace:- • heart beating a little faster • breathing a little faster • feel a little warmer • leg muscles may ache a little • you should still be able to hold a conversation Slow down gradually to cool down Tips • Walk to the local shops • Get off the bus a stop earlier • Park a little further from your destination • Walk the children to and from school • Go for a lunchtime walk • Walk to post a letter • Use the stairs • Walk with friends/family • Explore new areas • Walk the dog • Note your progress 3 LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks What equipment will I need?

Healthy Start Walks brochure:- • Comfortable and sensible footwear (no flip-flops or high heels) • Water

Small Walks for Small Feet brochure:- • Comfortable and sensible footwear (no flip-flops or high heels) • Water

Healthy Challenge Walks brochure:- • Sturdy footwear • Water

Countryside Walks brochure:- • Sturdy footwear/Hillwalking boots • Water Safety information (Countryside brochure only) • Tell someone where you are going • Tell someone how long you will be • Remember to let them know when you return

Have fun and enjoy your walk!

4 LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks Walks

Distance Page

1. Pond 1.6 km 6-7 1 mile

2. Morgans & 1.5 Km 8-9 Woodstock Pools 1 Miles

3. St. Woolos Cemetery 2 Km 10-11 1.2 Miles

4. Circular 2.2 Km 12-13 1.3 Miles

5. 2.3 Km 14-15 1.4 Miles

6. Bettws Brook 2.9 Km 16-17 1.8 Miles

7. Malpas Meander 2.9 Km 18-19 1.8 Miles

8. Tredegar Park 3.7 km 20-21 2.3 miles

9. Ringland Wood 2.7 Km 22-23 1.7 Miles

10. 3.2 Km 24-25 Welfare Ground 2 Miles

Please refer to map on back cover

5 WALK Lliswerry Pond 1 D A C B E G F OPTION: To from walk - Go to E directly G , through shorten a gate and back to the start. same gate. Walk Pond around Lliswerry the recreation through the groundand re-enter direction in a clockwise Turn Pond around direction and continue Lliswerry in a clockwise back to left the start. throughGo gate and enter recreation ground. PondAt far end of Lliswerry keep on lower path on your right running alongside the Pond. Turn on gravel and continue Pond. walking left around direction Lliswerry path in a clockwise Pond.Lliswerry throughGo gate, continue along alleyway between houses and go through another gate entering Road... at bottom of Lliswerry Start recreation area. route around the with a level grassy path around the pond A level hard surface to spot. of wildlife with plenty pond around Lliswerry enjoyable walk and A short available.parking Note: There is no car PondLliswerry WALK 1

6 Lliswerry Pond Distance 1.6 Km, 1 Mile D C E

F Aberthaw Road Aberthaw School B G A

Liswerry Road

Arthur Road daughter. of Brycheiniog’sKing house of manor relating topossibly the Court, Maidens means Welsh “Llyswyry” from the Lliswerry KEY Gate BusStop Route Walk Picnic Table Bench

7 WALK Morgans & Woodstock Pools 2 D A C B E F direction back todirection the start. Follow around on walking path past Green and carry Buildings on yourWoodstock left Pond in a clockwise leading back to on yourbridge left Woodstock Pond. At incline, fork bear right at take path top to of incline and follow up a short your left path, cross over the At fork keep on main path running level alongside the Pond. Take path and walk on your around left Morgans Pond direction. in a clockwise Take care: No sides to the bridge. Turn when you reach left the green metal buildings on your follow left, path over bridge. Pond direction. in a clockwise Cross take path and walk on your around metal stile in bottom left right hand corner of car park, Woodstock Lane... in the car o Bettws park Start surface paths.surface A level walk on hard to spot. abundance of wildlife There is an Bettws. near shing pools walk around the peaceful and A short Woodstock Pools Morgans & WALK 2

8 Morgans & Woodstock Pools Distance 1.5 Km, 1 Miles D E F C B

Bettws lane A

Blaen-Y-Pant Crescent P


Residential Home Malpas Road Malpas the Bob Smalls Fishery.the Bob Woodstock Ponds or known as Morgans & Pools, also commonly Morgans & Woodstock P KEY FootBridge Bench BusStop Park Car Route Walk

9 WALK St. Woolos Cemetery 3 H G D A C B E F At mini roundabout keep following outer path back to around start. edge of cemetery and follow left At direction. turn road path in a clockwise junction around cemetery of cemetery. Keep straight ahead on footpath passing a gate entrance and follow on your left footpath around outer edge into entrance cemetery at point F. Road, leading to turn right Risca on pavement boundary and back Road outside cemetery along Risca on past the building ahead of you, togateOption through carry into kissing small wood ‘Coed Melyn’ and followleft footpath around outer edge of cemetery. When you reach a building ahead of you take the small footpath on your right, between bollards then turn Turn right and keep following main road leading uphill. around cemetery the cemetery. the footpaths on youraround which loop back to the outer left the main road edge of cemetery around right followingBear main road down around a slope then uphill. cemetery There are many options to take direction. on along main road in a clockwise around cemetery and carry left Bear slope (ne views of hills ahead) Turn before o ce left and follow cemetery footpath tarmac around down outera slight edge of cemetery entrance at main to St WoolosStart on Road... Cemetery 3 John Jeremiah Lyons 2 John Murphy 1 Alfred Saxty BATTLE OF RORKE'S DRIFT ALSO - SURVIVORS OF THE tobenches rest at. There are many road around cemetery. use main otherwise are uneven,footpaths tarmac Some Newport. hillsides surrounding ne views of the A lovely walk with Cemetery St. Woolos WALK 3

10 1 Arthur Gould KEY 11 Welsh Rugby's rst Superstar Walk Route 2 New Dock Disaster Memorial, 1909 An event which gave Newport one of it's heroes - Tom "Toya" Lewis P Car Park 3 Colour Sergeant John Byrne VC DCM F Only holder of the VC to be buried in Bus Stop Newport 4 George Philip Reynolds

Distance 2 Km,Distance 1.2 Miles Founder of The Boys' Brigade in There are many E 3 C interesting grave sites S 3 with the following of notable interest. See G 2 left 1-4.

1 2 H Also... 4 D A C Commonwealth War Graves 1

St. Woolos Cemetery Woolos St. S James Flewitt Mullock B Clerk to Newport and P St Woolos Burial C Board - blue plaque on oce wall WALK Caerleon Circular 4 D A C B E Cross road and follow roadtoCommon Goldcroft next Turn with Lodge left. right at then turn junction Road Bath Road. ( Take care: no pavements.) with Cold and continue Bath Road, along Cold left turn Exit gate right along road and turn towards junction perimeter of Caerleon AFC Football Ground. take the gate and walk on your around left the grassy At end of Fosse right onto Lane turn Cold Bath Road, Barracks and return by same route to tarmac path. paththe Barracks. leading to to Option take short as Fossepath known leading towards Lane on your left Turn right along Broadway then take the tarmac Road on the level grass and exit using the same gate. around keeping amphitheatre direction in a clockwise throughGo the gate leading to the amphitheatre, walk in car on Broadway park Road...Start H G F J I Hight StreetHight is a busy road to cross. crossing back to the car park. Take care as the the road towards Broadway using road Road Street, with the High At cross junction over onto Street. Museum At and continue fork straight bear left ahead to cross. Street. Take careStreet as Mill is a busy road road using road crossing and head up Backhall Turn Street with Mill then cross at junction left bear right between houses onto Tram Road. Cross over Usk into Road Afon Lwyd Close, Usk Road. island and continue straight ahead down Cross over the roundabout using the tra c Last admission 16.30) (Open 09.30 - 17.00 Amphitheatre. around the with grasssurface on pavements or hard A level walk, mostly Barracks. and Amphitheatre of the Roman the remains and walk around Caerleon historicalA wonderful Caerleon Circular WALK 4

12 Caerleon Circular Distance 2.2 Km, 1.3 Miles D C

A Station Road Station B E P F J G Caerleon Bridge I

H River 1920’s excavated in the was and 3rd Century AD75 to the end of Augusten Legion from of the headquarters Caerleon was the P KEY Road Crossing Playground G Bench BusStop Park Car Route Walk ate

13 WALK Fourteen Locks Canal Walk 5 H G D A C B E F J I Fourteen Locks Visitor Centre. ( Take care - busy lane and on a bend.) Cross Cwm Lane and walk straight ahead down a slope, across footbridge bear left back to the AvenueCross Ruskin and keep straight ahead along canal footpath. ( Take care - busy road and on a bend.) (Take care route on cycle - cyclists 47.) Turn and follow bridge after footpath left the tarmac along the canal. Walk over a humpbacked bridge, there is a handrail on your right on the steeper downhill slope. AvenueCross Ruskin and keep straight ahead down ve steps. (Take care - busy road.) At end of path,left. turn signposted on your left. right and followAt turn path junction path straight ahead passing ‘Barry Walk’ and then ‘Paxton Walk’ both footpaththe tarmac on your signposted left, ‘Scott Walk’. At end of footpath, cross overAvenue, Ruskin Avenue right along Ruskin turn for about 10 metres then take between the houses. Turn right atfootpath tarmac on your right (opposite Jessop Close) and follow footpath straight ahead (Take care - busy lane and on a bend.) From cross car park over Cwm Lane and walk along Brunel Avenue. at the Fourteen Locks VisitorStart centre car o Cwm park in Rogerstone... Lane bridge. over a hump backed small steep section surface, with one on pavements or hard A level walk, mostly & Brecon Canal. the of along the banks residential paths and through quiet A rewarding walk Canal Walk Fourteen Locks WALK 5

14 KEY 15 Steps E Cwm Farm Walk Route F Hump Backed Car Park Bridge D P

Bus Stop

G Bench C Distance 2.3 Km,Distance 1.4 Miles Greendale Cafe H

The ight of locks was I Forteen Locks completed in 1799 A P and raises the water level 160ft in just half a mile. Currently there are also various guided B J walks on the rst Ty-Du/ Saturday of every Cefn month from the Rogerstone Highcros Fourteen Locks Visitor Fourteen Locks Canal Walk Walk Canal Locks Fourteen Centre – telephone s Road 01633 892167 Start at car park behind police station... WALK 6

A Walk past Bettws Sensory Garden and cross over Lambourne Way using zebra crossing outside police station. Bettws Brook

B Turn right and follow pavement over Bettws Brook. A pleasant mostly level walk on Bettws Brook C Turn left and follow tarmac footpath running along Bettws Brook. pavements or hard surface along both D Carry on past bridge, then past weir. sides of Bettws Brook. E Follow tarmac path uphill onto Tamar Close, walk past garages on you left.

F Turn left onto Monnow Way and follow road downhill past roundabout, using tra c island. (Take care, busy road to cross.)

G Turn left through gate, opposite Foxglove Meadows Estate, keep straight ahead across grass & cross bridge over Malpas Brook. H Turn right and walk around outer edge of playing elds in an anticlockwise direction.

I Turn right and follow gravel path along Malpas Brook.

J Go through “Bike Slow” gate and cross over Monnow Way. (Take care, busy road.) 6 K Go through “Bike Slow gate” opposite and follow tarmac path alongside Bettws Brook WALK 16 KEY 17

Walk Route

P Car Park B Bus Stop P School C Bench A Distance 2.9 Km,Distance 1.8 Miles Foot Bridge D Road K Crossing Bettws J E I Gate

Bettws Brook F H Bettws means oratory or chapel. G , Chartist B Leader, married in St David’s Church, Bettws. WALK Malpas Meander 7 D A C B E F Start at the car in Grove park ParkStart o Pillmawr Road... using handrail if necessary. At going downhill, end of path,right, then rst left turn ahead. paved footpath around bend and continue straight Follow path straight ahead, then bear right following your right. right, turn Keep straight ahead and at end of grassy ground on and followthen immediate left path over footbridge. When you reach trees and grass in front, right, turn straight ahead. Follow path through underpass, continue Restaurant on right. playground and the Usk on your left Vale Bar & From walkfootpath car park up tarmac past children’s H G K L J I bear left at both forksbear left with bollards. remembering straight to ahead back to start, (signed for houses “235-387”) and continue right at and then turn white bungalows Walk over footbridge keeping straight ahead footbridge. crossroads, heading up slope towards atAt path left bollard then turn bear left, opposite and follow path between houses. keep straight ahead towards “Claremont” sign just before woodcarving. At top of slope, with handrailHead up slope on your left boardwalks on your right. Keep on path, past two footbridges and head back towards benches and woodcarvings. Walk loop at end of path, then around short and benches. past wood carving At bottom right following of slope turn path near the cycle route. the cycle near decline incline and surface, with a short on pavements or hard A level walk, mostly rest at. many toand benches wooden sculptures are some delightful route.the cycle There enjoyable of section along an paths and residentialpleasant follows some walkThis satisfying Malpas Meander WALK 7

18 School 19 KEY

Walk Route J Malpas Relief Road P Car Park K I Bus Stop

E L F Bench

Distance 2.9 Km,Distance 1.8 Miles Malpas Road D G Foot Bridge

Children’s Playground

C Slopes

Malpas is derived from Malpas MeanderMalpas the French for “bad passage”, the road H B west from Caerleon ran through a wet and di cult area. A P WALK Tredegar Park 8 G D A C B E F Start in car at Tredegar park Start Park... CHALLENGE: Try out the marked 1 mile route. Can you beat the 4 minute mile?! on path back to the start. through and up slope along pathGo towards underpass, left then turn picnic benches. Keep straight ahead back to the underpass At over bridge Ebbw River do not cross. Turn steep path and keep straight right down ahead on path short At gravel pathright where turn it forks, following narrow path towards Ebbw River Bridge Follow path over over a small bridge a brook right. Follow and turn direction. low path in a clockwise Take on the grassy direction hand path path. and walk in a clockwise the rst left At path the end of tarmac walk through the M4 underpass. have a go if you are feeling energetic! Walk track along the tarmac passing the LifeTrail exercise equipment, river. the near sections steep uneven short surface, with some or hard on tarmac A level walk, mostly the river Ebbw. gol ng range, skirting the attractive old beyond and intopark spacesopen of the A ne walk across the Tredegar Park WALK 8

20 Tredegar Park Distance 3.7km, 2.3 Miles E D C F G B A P around the route. out as you walk try exercise stations t There are 9 Life trail P KEY and Finish 1 mile Start Picnic Tables Playground C FootBridge Bench BusStop Park Car Route Walk hildren’s

21 WALK Ringland Wood 9 G D A C B E F Start in car on Cot park FarmStart Circle... and follow the road uphill. Turn onto Edward left Crescent German and follow the road uphill. Turn onto Sterndale left Road Bennett the road uphill. Turn onto and follow Road Dunstable left Turn and follow Circle. left Ringland views towards & Christchurch. Celtic Resort Manor take steps leading down Circle, to Ringland with throughGo gate right. At and turn end of path through a gate leading into Ringland Wood. houses and take the footpath to bearing the left, At end of recreation ground right before turn recreation ground. and follow road towards & then alongside the Turn onto right out of car park Cot Farm Circle M N H K L J I and return to the start. Exit Ringland Wood through the gate on your right entering Ringland Wood and continue along path. Near the bottom of the hill, take the second gate and follow left turn the road downhill. with Sterndale Road,At Bennett junction and follow left turn the road downhill. with EdwardAt Crescent, Junction German Newman Close. through the gate exiting Ringland Wood onto At path crossroads, right and go up 3 steps turn and Wood.Ringland of throughGo gate and continue along the top path Wood. path leading to on your a gate left into Ringland the children’sJust after playground take the tarmac the quiet roads. pavements alongside remainder on the wood with the paths in Hard surface Channel. views over the steep hills but ne Wood, with some through Ringland enjoyableAn walk WoodRingland WALK 9

22 Ringland Wood Distance 2.7 Km, 1.7 Miles E F Steps D H G I K L C N P J B A M after a local farm.after wasRingland named P KEY Ground Recreational Playground C Gate BusStop Park Car Route Walk hildren’s

23 Start in car park at Rogerstone Welfare Ground... WALK 10

Take footpath with tennis courts on your left, and playing elds on your right over grass elds towards Rogerstone A picnic benches. Welfare Ground Keep straight ahead past small pond on your right and walk through a gap in the trees, keep to the left-hand B boundary of the recreation ground, then midway along recreational ground take the path on left through a A scenic walk along gap in the trees to meet the path running alongside the river. the banks of the river C Turn left and follow the river path past two pipes running across the river. Ebbw and along a quiet country lane. D Cross over footbridge on your right. (Note: there is a small metal stile.) Some uneven and E Turn left after crossing bridge and head up uneven tarmac path. sometimes muddy Rogerstone Welfare Ground Welfare Rogerstone F Go through kissing gate & turn right following ‘Sirhowy' Valley Walk’ arrow signs, along hardcore gravel path. tracks alongside the river. Go through opening in fence and at Pentre Tai Road, turn right and follow country road downhill. G (Take care: there are no pavements along this quiet country road.) Mostly level route but H Bear right and walk through underpass. with one short steep section leading up to I Bear right and cross over footbridge and turn right following river path. the country lane. J Keep following river path past two pipes running across the river.

10 K Take footpath on your left back to the start. WALK 24 Rogerstone Welfare Ground Distance 3.2 Km, 2 Miles I H J G B C E F D K A P in the 12th Century. built by Roger de Haia Castleas a Norman Rogerstone originated P KEY Gate Refreshments FootBridge PicnicBench BusStop Park Car Route Walk

25 LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks

This brochure forms part of a series of four brochures on walk in the Newport area. Please see below for the other three brochures in this series.

Small Walks for small Feet

SMALL WALKS for small feet...


Healthy Challenge Walks

CHALLENGE WALKS challenge yourself...


Countryside Walks

C ountryside Walks

26 LetsWalk Newport - Healthy Start Walks

Useful Information

Bus & Rail Information Traveline Cymru - 0871 200 22 33

Other Information NHS Direct Online - 0845 46 47

Newport City Council - 01633 656 656

Ramblers Association - 01633 894 172

Gwent Police -01633 838 111

Walking Information


6 7 4 2


10 3 1 5 8

© Crown Copyright All rights reserved 100024210.2008

Healthy Start Walks in Newport...

1 Liswerry Pond 6 Bettws Brook 2 Morgans & Woodstock Pools 7 Malpas Meander 3 St. Woolos Cemetery 8 Tredegar Park 4 Caerleon Circular 9 Ringland Wood 5 Fourteen Locks 10 Rogerstone Canal Walk Welfare Grounds Version 1. October 2008