Clinton County News / S£^in^lhsLCUnion.dAsuLSinaLl856 116th Year No. 38 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1972 15 cents St. Johns Board h opes balanced 1972 budget The St. Johns School Board adopted capital outlay, $10,000, down, $25,659; and. 881; federal sources $40,387, down $33, its 1972 budget later than usual this year federal programs, $39,087, down $13,550. 582. due to uncertainties of such things as price- Revenues anticipated this year are as A deficit of $107,977 was incurred last \vage ruling and state aid. follows: Local sources including property \ Estimated revenues were put at year resulting from the free textbook taxes, $1,226,000, up $31,572; County In­ ruling, the transfer of junior high students §3,178,470, up, $153,096 from last year. termediate District for special education, The board approved expenditures of $3, from a parochial school at mid-year from $17,500, down $14,775; state sources in­ part-time to a full-time basis and a re­ 175,918, a jump from $56,429 last year. cluding state aid, $1,894,583, up $169, Nearly all the Items on the budget duction of state-aid. showed an increase over this year. Ele­ mentary instruction was set at $967,785, up $26,106; secondary education, $1,206,750, up $8,979; special education, DeWitt wants ban on $92,600, up $10,853; administration, $103,400, Up $3,256; health service, $13,684, up $914; transportation, $224,465, up $23,347;. operation "of plant, $305,040, topless go-go dancing up $10,011; fixed charges, $132,106 up $16,783.. DEWITT TOWNSHIP-Formal petitions formal action until the recommendations 1 have been delivered to Clinton County Pro­ of the attorney are presented. He said such Three budget categories showed a secuting Attorney Jon Newman by a group an ordinance, if adopted, would not single decreased expenditure. Listed were main­ of citizens from DeWitt Township de­ out a specific club, but would govern all tenance of plant, $81,000, down $3,712; manding some regulation of topless go-go "such instances." dancing at a township night club. Spokesmen for the .management of the The group had met earlier with DeWitt night club, CD's, located on US-27 north Gi resigns Township trustees presenting a petition of the Lansing City limits, said if the and calling for a township ordinance pro­ township tried to close his club, he would Robert A. Gill-will resign his position hibiting topless dancing in the area night ask his attorneys to seek a court injunction as personnel manager of Sealed Power spots. to remain open, pending court rulings on • JAYCEE AWARD WINNERS Corporation on Jan. 28 to take residence other cases in the Detroit area that are on in Atlanta, Ga. where he will own and Township attorney Merle Wyble of Lan­ appeal. operate a rental complex. sing and Magistrate Gordon willyoung of Newman said he would meet Friday with John Arehart and Barry Dean display plaques they received at the annual Gill started his years at Sealed Power, DeWitt Township explained to the citizens a "group of concerned citizens' from the which number 25, working in the plant. that there were existing state laws govern­ township. He noted that the citizens were Bosses Night, sponsored by the St. Johns Jaycees, which was held at Daley's Res­ Prior to being named personnel manager ing such shows and that they should direct also angered at the current fare offered taurant Tuesday, Jan. 11. Arehart received his award for being the Outstanding Young 16 years ago, he was the local firm's their petitions to the county prosecutor. at the Northside Drive-in Theater on US-27. Educator and Dean received the Distinguished Service Award. James Becker, far assistant officer manager. However, the board of trustees did pass The drive-in is currently featuringX-rated Born in Lansing, he has been a resident a motion to direct the attornev to studv movies. right, was unable to attend the banquet and later in the week was presented the of St. Johns since he was 12 years old. the feasibility of a resolution regulating The citizen's group is headed by Owen Outstanding Young Farmer award by Mike Palmer, who served as chairman of that 'He has been an active member of the the shows, although specific details of such Munk, a township resident. The petition community and involved in area service an ordinance were not disclosed. \lrive netted signatures from 304 township award. Clinton County.News Photo by Annette White organizations. He served as president of Township Supervisor Milton King said, residents during the past few weeks. the St. Johns Exchange Club in 1970 and Tuesday that the township would take no a past member of the Chamber of Com­ merce board. He was assistant chairman of the .United Fund Campaign last year and Leadership unchanged on commission board holds memberships in the Lansing Indus­ trial Personnel Association and the Greater Andrew Cobb who resigned from the board ST. JOHNS—The Clinton County Board The property management committee in­ were named to the four-year term posts Lansing Management Club.. He is a member on the board of canvassers. Canfield suc­ of commissioners^ December. The Tri- of Commission leadership remained, un- cludes Ditmerj chairman, Hufnagel, Claude of the Pilgrim United Methodist Church. " changed following a reorganizationa^-meet"". ceeds Earl Darnell) while Mrs./.Cheney-' County appointments v'are''for -loner* year.••*?*•** •~' Gill'anorhis wif ey Winnie; who is employed Underbill and De'rrilT Shinabefy; health has been oh the board. ing Tuesday., committee, Andrews^ chairman, Mont­ Almond Cressman was reappointed as a as .a realtor at the Briggs Company, reside Gerald Shepard, who represents Batlv, * Andrews was named, with Nobis, to' . at 3331 West Parks Road, St. Johns. They gomery, Underhill and Shinabery; building represent Clinton County on the Tri-County memberrat-large for a two-year term. Township, was re-elected board chairman authority committee, Lankford, chairman, Chamberlain was reappointed to represent | are the parents of two sons and one daughter, and Gerald Lankford, who represents part Regional Planning Commission. Andrews Gary, who is working on a doctorate degree Nobis, Chamberlain, Ditmer and Andrews. was previously a representative from the the board of commissioners on the Clinton of DeWitt Township and the City of DeWitt, County Department of Public Works board. at the University of Wisconsin; Dean, a was re-elected vice-chairman. Both Ray Canfield and Mrs. Nancy Cheney county on the board while Nobis succeeds dental lab technician in Lansing and Dee who will graduate from Alma In other action, the board established March. They have four grandchildren. new committee membership for the 1972 session. Named to the finance committee Koenigsknecht were Lankford, chairman, Walter Nobis, O-E, St. Johns top Duane Chamberlain and Robert Ditmer; ~r Auction Sales governmental and personnel committee, wins planning Keith Colbry will hold a public auction / Nobis, chairman, Maurice Gove Lankford, at the residence located 3 west o'f St. Roy F, (Jack) Andrews and Robert Mont­ News tourney Louis to Alger Rd., 2 1/2 north. List gomery; land use committee, Chamberlain, commission post consists of tractors, farm equipment. Sale chairman, Montgomery, Gove and William ST. JOHNS—Roman Koenigsknecht was OVID-ELSIE-"We went over In the third annual tournament. starts at 12:30. Al Galloway, auctioneer. ROBERT A. GILL Hufnagel, there with the Idea to win, but Fowler High School does not have See list on pace 11B. re-elected, chairman of the Clinton County Planning Commission Wednesday during we were almost out from the a wrestling program. the group's annual reorganization meeting. first round," St. Johns wrestling x The Redwings had five srest- Other officers include Jack Kzeski, Coach Billy Brown commented lers in the final rounds, staged elected vice-chairman; Jane Smith, re­ Monday after the Redwing mat- at the Ovid-Elsie High School elected secretary-treasurer; and Ernest men staged a comeback to place gym Saturday night. Two of them j E. Carter, appointed recording secretary. second intheNewsClintonCounty Tom Butler in the 98-pound divi­ mat tournament, here Saturday sion and Kevin Hayes in the 126- Members of the planning commission night. pound class, won.division cham­ include Gerald Wilcox, Dale Anderson,. pionships. •• < Almond Cressman and Blaine Lentz. "It was just the luck of the- draw, I guess," Brown said. KWe Other Redwings in the finals had to fight for our lives. Last included John Hayes, 105-pound year, we came in third, and we division; Don Lewis, 119-pound hope that next year we will be In division; and Keith Love, 138- first place. That O-E team is pouhd division. pretty tough." . Hayes lost a 5-2 decision to The Ovid-Elsie Marauders Ovid-Elsie's Fred Enos, while were indeed tough as they shat­ Lewis losta4-2 decision toO-E's tered the tournament scoring Al Cobb. Love was topped by . record by roiling up 123 points DeWitt's Brad HiUs, 1-0V to take the first place trophy Brown said he was displeased for the third straight year. • with the long break, in the after­ St. Johns who had finished third noon between the preliminary In 1971 with 66 points, rallied in ~ elimination matches and the the finals to grab 81 1/2 points, championship rounds. He said good enough for second place. that next year the tournament DeWitt came In third with 77 will be held continuously from points, while Pewamo-Westphal- opening round to the finals. ia was fourth with 61 and Bath Pewamb-Westphalia willbethe last with 34. All but one Clinton scene of the 19(73 Clinton County County school* was represented tournament. .R. KOENIGSKNECHT Results •>>>>X^,>I,M£"M***KOWW!»>K*ttxW;*!W;»l"!«&

- . 98-pound—Tom Butler (SJ) decisioned Jim Tewes (D). | - '- * : . Don Haid (B), 2-0. 167-pound-Cayle Efeha-,*(0-E) de­ 105-pound—Fred Enos (O-E) decisioned cisioned Larry FegUer(B) i-0. John Hayes (SJ) 5-2; 185-pound—Piich Albertson (D) pinned 112-pound—Dan tPumford (<>E) deci­ NeilSchulz (O-E). sioned Kurt Martens (D).f3-3. Heavy weight—Chuck Bengel (P-W) 119-pound—Al Cobb (O-E) decisioned pinned Jeff Mosher (B). Don Lewis (SJ) 4-2. , ^ s 126-pound—Kevin Hayes (S J) decisioned Consolation champions (third place Dale Young (D) 7-4. finishers)-Mike Hoeft (O-E, 98), Chris Corr (D, 105)* JimIngemi (P-W, 112), i y Fred Lewis, second from left* who announced his retirement as chairman of 132rpound—Glen May (O-E) pinned Tony the Selective Service Local Board 19 in St. Johns, lasi^week, was honored for his Vettraino (D). Bill Skinner (P-W, 119), Dan May (O-E; 21 years of service at tbe regular noon meeting of the St. tFohns Rotary Club Tues­ 138-pound—Brad Hilts (D) deqisioned 126), Lowell Boyce (SJ,-l£t2)> Paul Tom- day. Presenting a certificate of appreciation to Lewis was Col. W.J. Meyers, U.S.A. Keith Love (SJ) 1-0. asek (O-E^ 138), Mike Sheipard (P^W, Ret., the deputy state director. Dale Robinson, far right, holds another service 145-pound—#F rank Enos (O-E) de­ i45), Calvin Lounds (SJ;,t55), Dan Jones aWard presented, to Lewis from the Rotary Club as Mrsv Opal Podblak, secretary cisioned Duane Shooltz (D) 1-0. (p-W, 167), Mike Schnetder(SJ, 185) s i55-pound—Mike Buck (O-B). pinned and Rob Nethk^6y"--(QHEv;'li"e'&vyweielit)-" at the, local beard, looks on.. . . 2A CLJNITON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan. Wednesday/ January 19, 1972 bride treatment scheduled 15 per cent dividend declared • Topical Fluoride applications of four Visits to. the fluoride ^In addition to providing pro­ Year end figures releasedwitti stock dividend be declared, If ap- | Business notes :, WU again be offered to Clinton clinic at approximately two day tection against cavities, the pro­ a report to shareholders and cus­ prpyed by the Comptroller of the countychildren this summer' Intervals. The child's teeth are gram offers a valuable dental tomer s. by 'Harold Wellman, Currency. As a result of this '. fording: to, Mrs. Luella Can- stock dividend, the number of d R cleaned on the first visit and experience for children with no President of Central National ' J}.^ ' -Nt,: Chairman of the a fluoride application is ap­ discomfort. Dental­ Bank show a continued increase common shares outstanding will By MIKE PREVTLLE .wunton County Topical-Fluoride plied directly to the surface of cation by the clinic personnel in­ in resources, deposits and be* increased from 33,262 to the 'News Advertising Manager : Committed " ;-:,-•;-; prdpqsed 38,252. The bank's cap­ ; the *teeth.' The fluoride appli- cluding instruction in the proper profits. '•.• The Aup>ide.;program wMch catidn only is then repeated ital funds, including reserves, method of brushing teeth, also Wellman also announced at the Everyone sooner or later locks I would haye killed him. . .a ,; ;js. s^peryised by the Michigan' during the three succeeding now are $1,154,820 as compared - - 1 beat on the door, I rang the is an important part of the pro­ Annual Shareholders meeting that themselves out of the house or not a jury in the country woti . -^Department of Health, will be visits. "This technique has been gram," Mrs. Canfleld said. the directors of the bank will wtih $996,097 on December 31, bell, I yelled, I swore, I woke rniade: available; to pre-schoolers, shown to reduce tooth decay by 1970. Tills growth has all been apartment whilewearingnot very up the neighbors. have convicted me. Se recommend that a 15% stock much. But I did it on the coldest But. for all my banging '.:"' wnd;- fifth .and eighth graders about forty per cent compared Parents of eligible- children dividend be declared, if approved accomplished through retained I ran to the side door praying ; ??d to special cases referred * with the sixty to. sixty-five per will be notified soon through the earnings. morning;in years, shouting ,,the only living thi by the Comptroller of Currency. that it would be open, someone stirring 'In the house were PI . r by; denUsts, According to Luella cent reduction obtained with schools and through the mails ex­ During the past, year the I * stepped out of the shower Ca 1 The text of Wellman's report early Saturday morning, wrapped up there really doesn't care > and the puppy. • nfleld,; the procedure consists fluoridated water," she said. cept for pre-schoolers as we demand deposits of Central is: . ;• • a towel around and trundled very much because It was locked, I tiptoes thru the snow to have no way of knowing^where To Our Shareholders, Customers . National Bank increased $844,009 too. I rang that bell, I beat on they are. If you want your pre-, and savings deposits increased downstairs to make the coffee. garage, thank heavens the k and Friends: , * The Free Press was lying on the that door, I threw snowballs were In the car. And believe school child to have these treat­ $1,469,529 which represents an at the window, I hollered and ments and the child is old enough I am pleased to report that front porctw to slide behind the wheel or. 1971 was an outstanding year for increment of 22,3% and 12.5% turned the air blue. . .and I to sit still for it call 224-2195 respectively. We are pleased to And being that it was early vinyl seats wearing, only a CENTRAL NATIONAL. BANK of think the neighbors called the frozen towel is a thrill I'll n or 224-7772 and an application show the substantial percentage . . . and being as how I didn't police, ' .. - - Will be sent or stop by the of­ ,St. Johns i'n, terms of operating rummage around looking for forget. With the key, Iletm profits and deposit growth. increase in demand deposits, in­ fice at 106 Maple St., St. Johns. asmuch as the banking industry clothes and getting dressed and By this time my soggy towel in the side door. The net earnings after security probably waking Big Mama (she's was getting a little stiff, there I was so happy to get ihsldfe the gains amounted to $199,782 for as a whole indicated a 9.7% in-, crement in total deposits and the mean in the morning anyway) was little feeling in my toes warm house I didn't oven look the year 1971 which represents I looked both ways and made a and if T could have caught the where I was walking. Which us a an increase of $46,424 dr'a30% significant gain in commercial City league bank' deposits was evidenced in dash for the paper. * paperboy who left the paper on bad mistake when there's a pew With Our Services gain in profits. The per share the porch instead of in the door, puppy in the house, . earnings for 1971wasS6.01 com­ the time and savings category. Naturally the door closed, .. State Licensed Contractor pared to $4,61 during 1970. . We would again like to thank and.locked, leaving me standing volleyball you for your continued loyalty on the front porch in -10 degree * Aluminum Siding TAKE On January 19,1972, the direc­ tors of the bank will recommend and interest in the'bank. Your weather wearing a soggy towel CAST TRYOUTS * Vinyl Siding ADVANTAGE ; Jan. "14 POINTS to the shareholders that a 15% . support during the.year 1972will and. . .a smile? * Ciistombuilt OF LOW JCI 6 be substantially responsible for Alice was upstairs sleeping. for the "FIRST NIGHTERS" Aluminum Awnings MID-WINTER Rejects 4 P-Wopen house : continued growth and profitabil­ * Doors -Windows ity, My boys who usually get up hol­ PRICES Lundy's 4 lering arid screaming at 4 a.m. SPRING PRODUCTION Post Office 4 PEWAMO-WESTPHALIA-The HAROLD W.H. WELLMAN on weekends were upstairs DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE OWNER Holm 3 Pewamo-Westphalia Schools President sleeping. Kroger 3 have scheduled .an open house on "Breath of Spring" DAVID ROSENBERG jcn 0 Sunday, Jan, 23, to allow all Radio 0 • interested parties to tour the new Republicans to hear Allen TIME: Friday, Jan. 21 We sell material, for the do-it-yourself handyman Next Week elementary and junior high addi­ Early—Lundy's vs Holm tions. , Representative Richard Allen Dively (R-Traverse City) and Monday, Jan. 24 Northern Aluminum Products Kroger vs JCI A dedication program will take (R-Ithaca) will be the featured' jolin Engler (R-Mt. Pleasant), Late—Rejects vs Post Office place in the high school gymna­ speaker for the upcoming Mich­ along with representation from 121 E^STATE RD. LANSItC PH.487-5956 Radio vs JCII sium at 2 p.m. followed by tours igan Federation of young Repub­ the National Federation of Young FROM 7 p.m to 9 p.m. of the new additions until 4 p.m. lican's quarterly board meeting. Republicans. Allen will climax their weekend PLACE: Community Room at a Saturday evening banquet ADVERSITY on "Jan. 22, at the Park Place Motor Inn inTraverseClty.Some It always takes a chain of CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 150 Young Republicans from all circumstances to show up the parts of the state will converge Where Prices Are Discounted, Not Quality 1 -weak link in a man's character. on Traverse City, Friday, Jan. |WHY PAY THE HIGH DOLLAR? 21, for three days of meetings and skiing area resorts. Clinton County * everywhere first, then see us. We honestly feel we can beat General Electric 7th Annual The Young Republicans chose your best tjre deal 99 times out Allen because of his appeal to News the state's youth both in legis­ of 100. 4 Service Bays for fast Robert MacDonald...Gen. Mgr. installation. NATIONAL lation and other activities. Allen Timothy Younkman . . . Editor 5 has backed such youth oriented Annette White....Assoc. Editor Wheel balancing and alignment. issues as the age of majority Michael .Preville . . Adv. Mgr. Brand new Spark Plugs 69* ea. legislation, the 18-year-old vote, Harold Schmaltz..Asst Adv Mgr USE YOUR MICHIGAN BANKARD birth control services to'miriors, MASTER CHARGE CARDI DAYSl AYS and abortion reform. Recreation­ Second class postage paid at St al activities of bicycling, horse­ Johns, Mich. 48879. CLEAN SWEEP Published Wednesdays at 120 E. back riding and skiing add to his Walker Street, St. Johns, by Cllntort ST. JOHNS. AITOMOTTVF. &• TIRE. DISCOUNT CENTER active image, "i intend to ski County News, Inc. 100^ \. i'S 27 St. Johns, MiHii|-.-in LEFT LEFT with the best of them," Allen Subscription price by mail: In Mich­ said, of the weekends entertain- , igan, $5 for one year, $9 lortwoyears, Open I);, i I v' N i (i (\ $3,75 fornix, months, $£ for three Phone 224-4562 ment aspects. jnonths;- outside Michigan, $6'for one C I nsi-1 Snnibivs "Commenting on his appearance' year. Allen stated, "I'm honored to be able, to represent the legislative REHMANN'S of St. Johns' to the Republican. youth of the state. I think the Republicans have- a strong block of working youth' JANUARY CLEARANCE In the state and they'll be play­ ing an ever Increasing roll in the upcoming elections." Other state legislators ex­ pected to make an appearance at the weekend board meeting will amencana be Representatives Michael Range SCHOOL MENU Sf. Johns High School • Automatic Oven Timer. and Rodney B. Wilson MENS and BOYS • Convenience outlet MONDAY, January 24 • Installs easily on 30" Fish on Bun wood or metal base NOW Hash Browns cabinet. Reg, Mixed Fruit CLOTHING-FURNISHINGS- .1/2 pt. milk 1 only-white $319 '239 Butterscotch Brownies THE BEST INBUILT-INS SHOES •-. LARGE GROUP $ No ...forbuilding or remodeling! TUESDAY, January 25 defrosting Swedish Meat Balls on Rice Carrots. VOI UBSToS98i0 vever! Tossed salad Roll and Butter SUITS " «ow-- ,1/2 pt. milk . OTHER SUITS GREATLY. REDUCED Jello and Whipped cream

WEDNESDAY, January 26 LARGE GROUP Pizza Burgers CUSTOM cnnKTM' P-7* AUTOMATIC .ALL BUILT- and KXllrtUST SElf-CLEANINC Potato Chips SPORT COATS MENS AND BOYS up xO !ll)tl[> OVEN SYSTEM INS' REDUCED Green Beans more h(MH> FOR THIS WOFF 1/2 pt. milk SALE . Apple Crisp ' ... THURSDAY, January 27 MENS and BOYS WINTER General Electric Italian Spaghetti ieiG CU. ft No Frost Buttered Peas Refrigerator-Freezer Cabbage Salad ' JACKETS and COATS UP TO • ••' Frc'i'/cr lioIlls) up lo Roll and Butter '154 lbs. W OFF 1/2 nt. milk Cookie 10NLY FRIDAY,, January 28 Taco's *MENS and BOYS SWEATERS Potato Salad *338 Corn .-.*'•' •WOOL TOP COATS /: 1/2 pt. milk '•' SAVE OVER Pineapple Cake UP TO 00 All Washers and OFF *ALL WEATHER COAT W) Dryers On Sale NORTH STAR •SLACKS *SHIRTS*SH0ES Available in BUS SCHEDULE^/ several colors W/T Slightly Higher In Color $» All SNOWMOBILE SUITS and BOOTS ON SALE , : [TO LANSING ' Deluxe GE 30" RANGE LEAVE ST. JOHNS We invite you to stop in 10:45 a.m. , 3:30 0:CE p.m. ;j: ALL LINED WINTER SHOES and BOOTS ON SALE with P-7J Automatic Self-Cleaning ARRIVE LANSING . • Oven System, Picture Window Poor 11;20 o.m. 4:10 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Automatically, cloclrjcally, cfaorto entire ovon-plus and look over our specials • RETURNING surface unit rellcbfor pans.-Automatic Oven Timor, LEAVE! LANSING Clock and Mlnulo Timor. Convontonca Outlet, Porco* 0:10 a.m. 2*30 p.m, 0M5 p.m. loin Enamel Broiler Pon.'Solld Stalo Ovon Tompora* f, I ARRIVE ST* JOHNS • turo Control- Storage, Drawer, THt TIME TO SAVE IS NOW! 10!lG m 0!43 a.m. 3*°° P-™- P* ' REHMANN'S CLOTHING — FURNISHINGS — SHOES 1 KURT'S APPLIANCE for DAD and LAD • t- 217 N* Clinton St. ST. JOHNS PHONE 224-3895 • '<•. ;- sf^JOHNS; .:•'•• Wednesday, January 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan Page 3 ^ tH(4Melturif Lions Club to present 21st show Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stanton The Women'sSocietyofChris- The St. Johns Lions Club will "Bozo" and "Alley Cat" tele­ country sponsor projects such as and Mrs. Edith Schuknecht were tain Service of the Mlddlebury present its 21st annual talent shows and has done this to gain funds in order to at Lake Orion Sunday to visit United Methodist Church will show on Friday, Jan. 21 and several benefit performances in further the work for the preser­ Mrs. Lena Davis who ts ill in meet Tuesday, Jan 25 in the Saturday, Jan. 22 at the St. the Lansing area. vation and conservation of sight. a hospital there. dining room of the church with Johns High School auditorium She first became interested"| Rebecca Jordan has returned Gladys Warren and Frieda beginning at 8 p.m. in ventriloquism seven years to her studies at CMU at Mt. Warren as hostesses. Coopera­ Featured along with local ago when her parents, Mr, and Pleasant following semester tive dinner at 12:00 noon sharp. talent will be Barb Piggott, a Mrs. Donald Piggott, gave her break which she spent with her Ilien VanDyne will present the 14-year-old ventriloquist from a ventriloquist *doll". The one \\Z\ f'll'bS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jor­ program on Call to Prayer and Union Lake. doll has now grown to four, one ; POINTS dan Slef Denial. Miss Piggott, a ninth grader of which is a girl. at Walled Lake Central High Barb will bring her favorite i & COND School, has appeared on the doll "Sunny" when she performs Changed Coat of Arms*' In St. Johns. Sunny and Barb \ SAVE AT FRECHEN'S , President Harry Truman have a special dentist routine '.'• 'Hi"j i i V ! N A T E S made a change in the U.S. with Sunny as the patient and 1 coat of arms. The eagle now Barb taking the part of the den­ ANNIVERSARY SALE , not only faces to its right— tist. the direction of honor—but Also appearing in the show will B orden's Shedd's Bowl Pack ' also toward the olive be. Charles Gregory, a one-man branches of peace which it variety act. Gregory has re­ PHONE 224-4562 MILK Margarine holds in its right talon. cently appeared* on the Mike Formerly, the eagle faced Douglas Show and excells in 51 JOHNS. AUTOMOTIVE toward the arrows in its left audience participation routines. & TIRE DISCOUNT.CENUR talon, symbolic of war. -89* »39* Lions clubs throughout the k US ;> it JOHNS A doctor v' V who operates on himself SPARTAN SPECIALS All 15-oz. cans-Spartan has a fool for Kidney Beans a patient. Pork & Beans It's an old saying, but it's never made H & R Block's charges start at $5 and Whole or Sliced 8 1 more sense. There are some jobs in life last year averaged under $12.50 for Potatoes that you just don't tackle by yourself. over 7 million returns we prepared. The preparation of your income tax And, if we make any error in the preparation of your tax return 151/2 oz.Cut Charles Gregory, a one-man variety show, will be ap­ should be one of them. And that's where H & R that costs you any interest Green Beans pearing at the 21st annual Lions Club show January 21 and Block, The Income Tax or penalty on additional 17 oz. W.K. or C.S. 22 at the St. Johns High School auditorium. Price of ad­ People, come in. H & R taxes due, -while we do 00 Block is America's larg­ not assume the liability CORN /for | mission is adults, $1.50 and students, $1. Local talent will est tax service with for the additional taxes, we will pay that in­ 16 oz. also be featured on the program which will begin at 8 p.m. more, than 6,000 con­ veniently located of­ terest and penalty. Sweet Peas fices to serve you. Our one time fee en- Try-outs set Your H & R Block titles you to year 12 oz. Catsup oo representative is spe­ 'round tax service and 6***1 Casting for theFirstNighter's cially trained and can assistance. provide information on Come to the company 48 oz. 16-oz. spring production will take place legitimate income tax that more than 7 million c c at two tryout sessions this week. Shortening 59 S«l«"es 25 Tryouts will he held in the benefits and opportunities Americans placed their con­ community room of the Central that the average man on the fidence in last year. Come to mstant Non Fat Dry Milk 20 qt. 5J89 National Bank on Friday, Jan. 21 street doesn't even know exists. the people who will fill out your income tax return efficiently, 32 oz, 32 oz. and Monday, Jan. 24 from 7 For instance, do you know all about next p.m. to 9 p.m. quickly, confidentially. Come to H & R c c deductions for child care or casualty Salad Dressing 39 Popcorn 25 Eight people will be selected losses? Or, that if your income increased Block. for ths parts in the play "Breath over the last few years, you may save of Spring" which was approved tax dollars by "income averaging?" And DON'T LET AN AMATEUR DO Mich. by the play reading committee even if you did, would you loiow how to H&R BLOCK'S JOB. c at a special meeting held last go about "income averaging" to begin i0» .45 \.> Thursday. with? Probably not. And there's no rea­ \ s V Waxed Canadian J A- Ida Red V J rfi Although the production calls son why you should. After all, you're Rutabagas lb. IU. Apples j ibs,45 for four women and one man in an amateur when it comes to doing H&R Block. their sixties or seventies, income tax. t **&*«** ./*w«. The income tax people. V 100 Size Sweet Florida Temple Oranges Dz. 4 MJC ' younger persons will be con­ sidered for the roles. A girl in ",-**..-* , JCT^Ni; Clinton\ JI '^Florida Indian River 40 Size / TAr ' her twenties and two men of any % Week days 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat ° avm.-5 p.m. Ph. 224-4602 v^ Grapefruit 0*07 - age are also needed to fill the parts. _^IHMNO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY.^^^_^ Choice 79« 1 Rib Steak n>. Now, Your Choice 1 Choice Cuts j Beef Roast lb 69* of Three ' Farmer Peet's Hi Style I Semi Boneless VA/1 Kodacolor Processing i HAMS »./y' Barb Piggott, 14, smiles along with one of her favorite ''dolls", Sunny, in Services Available FRECHEN'S MARKET preparation for her appearance at the FOWLER 21st annual Lions Club Show next week At Parr's ^Free Parking_iji Rear of Store ^^J in St. Johns.

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MANY MONEY Saving Bargains Saturday is the Final Day Parr's Rexall Drugs

201 N. CLINTON ST. JOHNS PH. 224-2837 rpr^s

CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan Wednesday. Innrinn/ "572 Lansing, Alan Thelen of St. Johns Dora Karber of St, Johns, and I and Mark Thelen of Columbia, Mrs. Julalne Snater of St. Johns; Mo.; three brothers, Leo, Arthur four.brothers^ James of inton area obituaries and Roman, all of Fowler; a Savannah, Ga., Arthur of Ithaca, sister,, Mrs. Regina Miller of Richa'rd of St. Johns and Paul 2$l£ir#fsB Detroit; 42 grandchildren; 16 oftarising.' -Artri^iT'V •'••' Hospital following an. illness of field officiating. Burial was in great-grandchildren. A daugh­ * •- •. IJffifc?' •••••'ass >^jSt"!M5- LfcWIS -several months. ', ,.- Ford Cemetery. ter, Julianna Thelen, preceded * *s*'**- 77.7 •-,- ' * «:< Funeral-services were held She'was horn in Saginaw County him in death. Hazel I. Lov§ _^es iie-v/ls> -77, of 205 South Tuesday* , Jan. 18 at the Carter on-Aug-, 8, 1894, the daughter of Jesse and Mary Sutliff and had OyW;^P^di,Eisie died Sunday, Funeral Home with Rev. Justin Betty D. Ike Hazel Irene Love, 69, of 110 been a resident of the Elsie area W*;$? at •thg^Owosso Memorial Shepard and Rev. David, ttfch- South Warren Road, Ovid died most of her life. She first mar­ 71 Betty D. Ike, 49, of R-3, St. Friday, Jan. 14 at Memorial ried Everett Potter in 1914 and Johns died suddenly Wednesday, Hospital iti Owosso, *l he preceded her in death in 1947. Jan. 12. Mi. - *l Funeral services were held DOLLAR DAYS Later she married Ward Lewis Funeral services were held Monday-, Jan, 17 at the Houghton in Flint.and he died in 1968. Friday, Jan. 14 at the Hoag Chapel, of the Osgood Funeral She was a member of the Elsie Funeral Home in St. Johns with Homes Inc., Ovid with Rev. Earl United Methodist Church, WSCS, Rev. Robert Prange officiating. Copelln officiating. Burial was in I* r West Elsie Extension Club and Burial was'inMt. RestCemetery. the Elsie Literary Club. -West Carmel Cemetery, in Eaton *» DISCOUNT DRUGSTORES She was born in Pennsboro, County. Survivors include a daughter. W, Va. orf June 16, 1922, the She was born in Charlotte on Mrs. Wava Thornton of Elsie; daughter of Webster and Goldie June 8, 1902, the daughter of Mr. a stepson, Donald Lewis of Elsie; Welton and had been a lifelong and Mrs* Henry Palladay and had r 'v ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON a stepdaughter, Mrs. Norma resident of'Clinton County. She been a resident at her present 1 ** » was employed as a lab. techni­ Rivest of Ovid; six grandchil­ address for the past four years, o cian at Clinton Memorial Hos­ REGULAR-FILTER-KING dren; eight great-grandchildren; moving from "Grand Ledge. She. pital. ALLBRANPS nine step-grandchildren; four married Merle Love in Grand •ira step- great-grandchildren. Survivors include her husband, Ledge on July 15, 1967. William; a daughter, Mrs. Robert CIGARETTES Survivors include her husband; Sheldon of Brooksvllle, Fla.; one a son, Lester Cady of Lansing; grandchild; a brother, Jack two grandchildren; two sisters, CTN. Linda Louise Welton of St. Johns.: . % SAVE .1 Millimeters ...On. 3.10 Mrs. Ida Smith of Grand Ledge WITH THIS COUPON THRU SAT. and Mrs. Verna Carter of Grand •-'s JAN. 22,1972 LIMIT 1 CTN. Swineheart AdellaM. Ledge; two stepsons, VerlinLove of Laingsburg and Kenneth Love J Mrs. Linda Louise Swineheart, George of Ovid; three step daughters, 34, of Brownsville, Ohio died Mrs. Maxine Stead and Mrs. ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON suddenly Saturday, Jan. 8 of an Adella M. George, 88, of 720 Shirley. Lukas, both of Owosso and FITS UP TO 30 GALLON SIZE apparent heart attack. North Oakland Street, St. Johns Mrs. Roy. Cowell of Morrice; m Funeral services were held died Wednesday, Jan. 12 at the 19 step-grandchildren; 26 step- HEAVY DUTY Tuesday, Jan. 11 at Zanesville, Jackson-Nursing Home in St. great-grandchildren. Ohio with burial in Brownsville, Johns following a long Illness.. TRASH BAGS She was born in Si. Johns on Funeral services were held "REG.'" Feb. 2, 1938, -the daughter of Friday, Jan. 14 at the Osgood 43* EA. 3f$|00 Earl and Dorothy Reynolds Dodge Funeral Home in ,St. Johns with , * and was a graduate of Rodney Rev. Harold Homer officiating. , "tWITH THIS COUPON THRU SAT. SAVE • B.Wilson High School. Burial was in Oak Hurst Ceme­ The Clinton County Republican Women will install its. •:'.'•*-, JAN, 22.1972 LIMIT 3 PKGS. Survivors include her husband, tery in Whitehall. ; newly elected officers at the annual meeting Tuesday, Jan. Richard; two daughters, Valorie She was born in, Cabery, 111. £errtce Jean Detty and CrystalSueDetty, on March 11, 1883, the daughter 25 which will be held in the community room of the. Central ; ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON both at home; three brothers, of Charles and MaryPowellGos- National Bank beginning at 1:15 p.m. Taking office will be,. Kenneth Dodge of Ohio, Lloyd nell and had been a resident of Navy Fireman Apprentice MAPLE LEAF BRAND Dodge, in the Navy, and Duane St. Johns for the past. 18 years, MARLIN J.WIERMAN,sonof Mr. standing from left, Virginia Zeeb, president; Betty Mohr, F Dodge of St. Johns; a sister, moving from Whitehall. She mar­ and Mrs* Martin R. Wierman of treasurer and Jackie Langfcird, vice president. Mary Rosl, HALF GALLON Mrs. Mary Jane Augilar of St. ried Newell George in Illinois 114 W, Alward Road, DeWitt, £= Johns; her mother, Dorothy on July 29, 1901 and he pre­ graduated from recruit training not present for the picture, will serve as secretary. Speaker * ICE CREAM Fuller of St. Johns; her grand­ ceded her in death in 1952. She at the Naval Training Center at for the afternoon meeting will be Carol Macintosh from the 1 OUR parents, Mr. and'Mrs. Ernest was a member of the United San Diego. He is scheduled to REG. HAIF$100 Hoffman of St. Johns. Her father Methodist Church. report to the USS Hunley, home- office of Senator William Ballenger. 69? EA. 2 GALS. • preceded her in death in 1970. Survivors include two daugh­ ported in San Francisco, Calif. % • Clinton County News Photo by Annette White - WITH THIS COUPON THRU SAT. He is a 1971 graduate of St. JAN. 22. 1972 LIMIT 2 ters, Mrs. Florence Layerne of * > Minneapolis, Minn, and Mrs. Johns High School. Julius C. Thelen Anne Snater of St. Johns; a son, Frank George of Fort Myers, ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON Fla.; 14 grandchildren; 41 great­ cMJSfo. grandchildren; three great- Applications available 5-OZ. DOUBLE DRY gr e at-grandchildr en. HOUR AFTER HOUR Roy I. Droste for teen-ager contest DEODORANT S«00 Roy I. Droste, ( 39, of West' Miss Michigan Teen-Ager will al Finals. Also, each state winner iPECIAL French Road, St. Johns died be cnosen at the state finals to r: will receive her expenses paid 2 "-•for" *'> - B PURCHASE 'to1 the, NtiUtoial Finals-ih:'Atlanta* li^ ^iH'T^lS^bljpbN THRU'SATr /; *:"? a^ ; tlm ) A'«aW Memorial1 Arts1 «"" r^A>J;,22AV9'72UMlT>2 — ,^ '7?* '01 W« I v,. "!-r ... . eligible "Ceriter^n;]^.26,.which Includes mTOTO^TO^T^I,^^ Funeral services wUlbfe held if £hey areU. S. Citizens'and a, 4-day tour, plane.Iare round Thursday, Jan. 20 at St. Joseph residents of Michigan.- There is trip, food, and lodging. Catholic Church at 10:30 a.m. n0 entrance fee, and there is no with burial in Wilsey Cemetery. bathing suit or talent competition State winners will return to FUNERAL HOMES ARNOLDS M Bible service will be held at involved* Girls are judged for their respective states to rep­ the Hoag Funeral Home in St. their scholastic achievements, resent their state in civic events ST. JOHNS FOWLER /"* 1-LB. BAG li Johns Wednesday at 8 p.m. civic contributions, poise, per­ such as parades and celebrations MAPLE RAPIDS- . OVID He was, born in Ionia County sonality and appearance. Civic, throughout the coming year. Ap­ POTATO CHIPS on Sept. 28, 1932, the son of political, and educational leaders plications may be obtained by g 1 Donald and Laurina Werner recognize this' outstanding writing the Official Certification ,.$100 JULIUS C. THELEN Droste and had been a lifelong pageant as very worthwhile for Headquarters, 126 Bunn Drive, No job is too large or too small 3 BAGS • resident of the area. He was teen-age young ladies throughout Rockton, 111. 61072. Julius C. Thelen, 80,211 Sputh for CAINS COMPLETE WITH THIS COUPON THRU SAT. Mead, St. Johns died Thursday, employed as a.. carpenter and the countrv. Deadline for applications will JAN. 22,1972 LIMIT 3 builder, " \ Jan. 13 at the Clinton Memorial be approximately March 1, so MTOWiTOOTfflm^^ Hospital. '• Survivors include his wife, Winners from each state will girls should write now for appli­ Funeral services were held Ruth Mary; seven daughters, receive a scholarship, as well as cations to be certified. BODY SHOP Monday, Jan. 17 at St. Joseph's Mrs. Lynda Roof of DeWitt, Sue, to the 1st runner up and 2nd Any Make-Any Model ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON Beverly, Joyce Lisa, Nancy and runner up from each state. The- B Catholic Church with burial in theme of tne '/ / , .Bumping-Painting-Reconditioning REFRESHING Holy Trinity Cemetery. Rosary Jennifer; four sons, Bruce, National Finals is PIPE DREAMS Douglas,. Daniel and Timothy; his "What's "Right About America" the finest workmanship makes it look like new ' was recited daily at the Osgood and QUART-BOTTLE Funeral Home in St. Johns. mother, Mrs. Laurina Droste winners from each state Buick of St. Johns; his father, Donald will be asked to write a 100 To be able to tell good fish Pontiac He was born in Dallas Town­ CAINS Inc. COCA-COLA of Ithaca; three sisters, Mrs. word theme on the subject as stories, a man must have con­ ship on June 6, 1891, the son art of fidence in his imagination. . 210Higham St. Johns 224-3231 OUR.. LucUle Howard of Lansing, Mrs. P the Judging at the Nation­ '3 REG. of Joseph and Catherine. Pung Thelen and had been a resident 38* EA. rrm:^lw BTLSRTLS. • WITH THIS.COUPON THRU SAT. of St,'Johns since 1954. He mar­ JAN. 22, 1972 LIMIT 4 ried the former Anna E.Spitzley iTOWWWTOWlW in Westphalia on June: 4, 1917. gpw He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Usher's Club, ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON Knights of Columbus, Legion of Mary and St. Vincent De Paul. COME SEE! •tw 15-OZ. VASELINE WITH PUMP F Survivors include his wife; INTENSIVE CARE four daughters, Mrs. Laurene Thelen and Mrs. Germaine HAND LOTION Rehmann, both of St. Johns, Mrs. Mildred Smith of Pewamo and COME SAVE! OUR REG. 00 Mrs. Aile'en Thelen of Fowler; $1.39 •I three sons, Justin Thelen of Our clearance sale ,is-oh! Time to save WITH THIS COUPON THRU SAT. JAN. 22, 19721IMIT1, money and get fantastic values on*ryoUrv'' SwiwiTO 1JM family's shoes. Take your choice of^ ARNOLD DISCOUNT COUPON fashionable styles for women. Bold Ipbks

^ 17-OZ. BOTTLE Dear friends, for men. Quality-minded children's sMes. COLGATE 100 Also They're in the colors you want mojt ahjd It deserves emphasis that Owosso MOUTHWASH the time, the place, the char­ ST. JOHNS the sizes that fit you best. So corrie yirt^ Durond 3 acter of the ^funeral service, 121 N. ClintQn CONOMY now and save—While you can still chopfe! ',:&,-;31 v $100 ,the merchandise used, the E SHOE STORE • and ! Phone224-2213 $1.28 EA. -JBBUS. • cemetery selected - these are flnl IrTFoet Fiihlwii with Ftrmut Irani IftMi ' Strand's Shoes from our complete selection,. ? "1 WITH THIS C0JIJPC»N THRU SAT. decisions of the family of the . Ionia C3 •'•> JAN. 22, 1972 LIMIT 2 deceased. The funeral direc­ tor acts only as arepresenta- tive of the family. r FOR MEN . i FOR WOMEN FOR CHILDREN The clergyman should be V*N6T AVAILABLE AT VAN DYKE STORE •FLORSHEIM , *FLORSHEIM consulted in matters that,con- •FREEMAN '' •JACQUELINE •BUSTER cern him before any decisions BROWN •DEXTER :;t.- v *AIR STEP THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF are made, • PEDW1N \- *CONNIE / \ *JOLENE '•MOTHER GOOSE . THE MANY DOLLAR DAY .'.-•' Respectfully, ITEMS ON SALE AT ARNOLDS •AIR STEP :;" •SAMPLER, r^ a?/J*^ $380J980 •CONkE ;- *BAtis'.^ & Save iKte •HUSH PUPPIES7 '7\' $780.$28»o 50 _S-<^ 80 80 792 SOUTH OS-27 n 16 *5 ->24 •>•> <• ST. JOHNS, MICH. Jioag Funefdt Home T 1 •ST;-JQHN!it.A*iftft^i .: .' rtMAMJMUliMi •*MMH*MnMM*l Wednesday, January 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Pagq 5/^ Margaret Keilen now Bonnie Lanners bride of George Saxton Bonnie Lanners and George They wore identical gowns of Saxton, both of Denver, Colo., cranberry-red velvet skirts with Mrs: Robert Varty Were united in marriage at St. side slits to the knee, topped Mary's CatholicChurchinSalem, with dusty-pink crepe fitted Margaret Keilen became the William Koenigsknecht, uncle of S. D., December 31, at 3 p.m. blouses with ruffled neckline and bride of Robert John Varty Sat­ the bride, officiated at the 1:30 Rev. Gerald Thury, Mitchell, and lantern sleeves. The waists were urday, Jan. 8, In a double ring p.m. ceremony. £ev. Bernard Weber; Aberdeen, accented with a wide tapestry ceremony performed In St, The bride is the daughter of S.D., con-celebrated th,e Nuptial belt laced with matching velvet Mary's Church, Westphalia. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Keilen of Mass. They were assisted at the cording. Each wore a Cameo R-l, Pewamo and the groom is Altar by Danny and Ricky Sabers, brooch, a gift from the bride, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard cousins of the bride. . and carried bouquet*5 of pink Varty of Port Huron. Lectors at the Mass were roses. Miniature bows of cran­ hurch News The bride, given in marriage Gerald Feldhaus, Sioux Falls, berry-red velvet ribbon were by her parents, chose an ivory and Cyril Heiberger. placed in their hair. The first meeting of the newly- satin gown with Venetian lace and The 200 guests who witnessed The flower-girl, Nicole Mar­ rganized Sarah-Louise Circle of a chapel-length train. She wore the ceremony were ushered to quardt, niece of the bride wore e United Methodist Church was a Venetian lace Juliet cap with an their seats by Kenneth Garry a co-ordinating empire dress of Id, in the Youth Room of the elbow-length veil, /The bride car­ and Kenneth Sabers, cousins 'of cranberry-red velvet and dusty- urch on Jan. 11. Nine members ried a bouquet of red and white the bride. pink crepe, similar to those of the d two guests were present. roses. The bride, escorted to the altar bridesmaids. She wore a Cameo *ew officers for the coming Mary Keilen, sister of the by her brother Larry, chose a necklace and carried a basket of ar were elected. Serving are bride, was maid of honor. Assist­ gown of ivory Angel-skin Peau red rosebuds, pink spider mums Mrs. Fred Fleischer, chairman; ing as bridesmaids were Judy De Sole, trimmed with re- and white carnations. Mrs. Ed Tucker, co-chairman; Keilen, Ann Keilen, Grace Keil­ embroidered Alencon lace. The The groom was attended by Mrs. Howard Woodbury, co- en, all sisters of the bride. empire bodice had high scalloped his brother, Kenneth Saxton, chairman; Mrs. Bruce Fowler, Also Mrs. Helen Jagielo of neckline and Camelot sleeves, U.S.N.. .Hawaii, best-man, and secretary; Mrs. Maynard Esch, Plymouth, and Celeste Smith of lavishly trimmed with Alencon David Bonacker, Sioux Falls, treasurer; Mrs. John Thrush, Freemont, Ohio. The attendants lace. Two rows of lace trimmed Robin Cook and Gerald Thomas, spiritual growth and Mrs. Bruce wore identical gowns with an the demi-bell skirt. The detach­ Denver, his friends. David Feld­ Fowler, executive board rep. ivory bodice and moss green able train also was trimmed with haus, nephew of the bride, car­ Mrs. Edwin Wells presented velvet skirts. They carried yel­ motifs of Alencon lace and pearls. ried the rings on a white lace the program on "Prayer and Self- low roses. Her four-tier elbow-length veil and satin heart-shaped pillow. enial" and ended with devotions Domingo Ruiz of Lansing was was of illusion, cascaded The ceremony was followed and prayer. best man and serving as grooms­ from an Angel-skln and lace by a reception in the Salem Refreshments were served by men were H, John Workman, Dea headpiece which was trimmed Armory. Mrs. Emery Havens and Mrs. Kldd, Dan Beauchamp all o, with rhlnestones and seed pearls Bonnie is the daughter of Mrs. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE SAXTON Donald Swagart, Detroit, William Morris of and she carried a cascade bou­ Nick A. Lanners, Salem, S. D. The next meeting will be held Gainsville, Fla. and Patrick quet of red roses and pink car­ and George is the son of Mr. and at the home of Mrs. Howard Cogley of Port Huron. nations. Mrs. Donal Saxton, Ovid. Woodbury on Feb. 1. The reception was atst. Mary's Mrs. Gerald Feldhaus,Sioux After their wedding dance at During the business meeting Hall in Westphalia. Falls, was her sister's matron 9 p.m., the couple left for a plans were announced for the Special guests were Mr, and of honor, and bridesmaids were honeymoon in Michigan, where on Guest Night dinner on Feb. 8, Mrs. Walter Keilen, grandpar­ Mrs. Howard Marquardt, Sioux Sunday, Jan. 9, they were honored ents of the bride. and also for the annual salad t Falls, also a sister, and two at a reception by his parents, eaxty smorgasbord on April 13, 20 and The new Mr. and Mrs. Robert MRS. ROBERT VARTY friends, Arlene Costar, Sioux Mr. and Mrs. Donal Saxton, in 27. Varty. will make their home in Falls and Kay Lamey, Denver. Ovid. 4 The reception in Ovid was COMPLETE BODY WORK Fulton plans sale for band attended by 150 guests. The tables were decorated with pink and red AND GLASS REPLACEMENT MIDDLETON-The Fulton High be used to sponsor the Fulton n the Kitchen carnations. Mrs. Linda Huyck 15557 North East St. -School band and Band Boosters High Sch'ool band on a three-day and Janet Saxton assisted at the Lansing Ph. 482-6273 Club is sponsoring a Flea Market, concert trip to Jarvis Collegiate gift table, Kathleen Saxton pre­ BOB'S AUTO BODY CELERY AMANDINE sided at the guestbook. The serv­ PROFESSIONAL CAREER) 800 N. Lansing Phone 224-2921 Baked Goods Sale and Coffee Institute in Toronto, Canada in April. 3 cups celery slices ing table was centered by a X' and Donuts sale on Saturday, (%-inch pieces) IN THE BEAUTY FIELD For Your Valentine Jan. 22, beginning at 9 a.m. Anyone havingitemstheywould beautiful cake, decorated in the CLINIC % cup chopped toasted bride's colors. Mrs. WayneDush, New classes starting and continuing all day at the like to donate fortheFleaMarket almonds OPEN TO Perrinton Village fire hall. or Baked Goods sale may contact aunt of the groom, cut and served THE the first Tuesday of 3 tbsps, diet margarine every month %A6£jffi Slavic any band member or call 236- Vk tsps. chopped chives the bride's cake, the groom's PUBLIC The proceeds of the day will 7233. cake was served by the groom's For .further information, write or call FAVORITES Cards & Party Goods % tsp. salt aunt, Mrs. James Huyck. Coffee • -1 Day Film Servlce- Place celery in a saucepan Mrs. Sonnenberg, Manager. and punch was served byacousln, MEMBER OF, All services rendered by supervised with water and boil, uncov­ Mrs. James McCausey. ered, until tender, about 15 NATIONAL senior students for a minmum charge. 220 N. Clinton The couple will make their minutes; drain. Add chopped ASSOCIATION OF toasted almonds, diet mar­ home in Denver, Colo., where FREE Wigs & Hairpieces, COSMETOLOGY Use the convenient garine, chives and salt. Mix the groom is engaged In build­ PARKING Cleaned and Styledi. Free Parking at our well and serve. Makes 4 ing construction, and the bride SCHOOLS rear entrance, i servings. Is a R.N, at Mercy Hospital. turn ~l They will reside atll90XeniaSt. its* &X SSI*

Over 7 Million 'v3*** ••'&

SAFETY Paid To Our Savers

164th SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT in 1971 DECEMBER 31, 1971 ASSETS First Mortgage Home Loans $147,230,566.98 • |M\. / Home Purchase Contracts 4,782,642.33 1 1 m)1 vf Come Get Your Share in 1972 Savings Account Loans 556,255.28 1 1 Mv Home Office and Branch Office Buildings MmmC - Less Depreciation 2,342,061.22 IIKK Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment - Less Depreciation 251,810.49 llvr Real Estate Including R, E. In Redemption 29,379.49 III x 1II w [f ** Miscellaneous Assets 109,560.08 • IBK-K \ Federal Home Loan Bank Stock 1,500,000.00 I|K\ United States Government Securities 8,216,167.09 MMWMJ Other Investment Securities 1,728,259.15 MMMZJ) ^3 Cash on Hand and in Banks 4,545,952.54 \ $171,382,654.65" urn« LIABILITIES I IKN Savings Accounts $153,734,893.15 lmm&\ Federal Home Loan Bank Advances • • .00 ill ^i Loans in Process . 3,077,809.99 .11 IL-jL. Tax and Insurance Escrow Accounts 367,398.44 11 Ivt^ t^l Unapplied Credits 2,094.55° w Miscellaneous Liabilities . 77,449.79 |•ll'/| |c!^1i\ 6 Mos. Savings Certificate Contingent Profit on Mortgages 1 •B^'^uH J 5Daily Interes%t on and Land Contracts 313,899.52 • llYf^fe ($2,500 Minimum) Passbook Savings Reserve for Interest Uncollected 61,41*9.58 II lup^d Reserve for Taxes 251,823.09 c< Reserves - ^MilK/ofc* ^M Byf 7?"**^ mi Over 1 71 Mi 1 1 i on Legal Reserve $ 9,701,027.70 IIVN L In Assets Undivided Profits 3,674,838.84 11KVV-^ Federal Insurance , 120>0Qp.BqQ„ - • ••MllC"*, i 13,495,866.54 Iv 1 V • ••oMi£{} $171,382,654.65 J 1 Over 13 Million STATE OF MICHIGAN) life? 0 I^1V1 • i n Reserves County of Ingham) ss. Robert E. Clark, President, and William J. VanHoesen, Secretary, respectively, of Capitol One-Year Savings Certificate Two-Year Savings Certificate Savings & Loan Association, of Lansing, Michigan, being duly sworn severally depose and say sr% 6($10,000% Minimum) that the above is a true statement to the best of their knowledge and belief. ($5,000 Minimum) ROBERT E. CLARK, President k WILLIAM J. VANHOESEN, CAPITOL SAVINGS & Secretary LOAN ASSOCIATION Subscribed and sworn before me this sixth day of January, 1972. INCORPORATED 18?0 • LANSING, MICHIGAN HELEN ROBACK * Main Office: 122 E. Allegan, Lansing, Michigan Notary Publid, Ingham bounty, Michigan My commission expires on January 18,1975 222 N. CLINTON AVE. - ST, JOHNS !// Ppge >f: 6A CLINTbN COUKlTY N)EWS,,:St. Johns, Michigan W^W^¥:W:Wi^^¥^^ 7Xey he .Q*fty*4 *68&$ms&m$m®$$msmmsm$8®fo Celebrate anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ovid will'present a series of eight messages on Bible Doc­ trine;? on Wednesday nights be­ ginning Jan. 19, and continuing through Mar. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Reverend Frank Turner, of Okemos, will be the messenger. Subjects to be presented are: 1. Existence of God, and the Works pf God; 2, Attributes of God; 3.) Jesus Christ; 4. The Holy Spirit; 5. Man; 6. Sin; 7. Decrees T,of God; and, 8. The Final Things. The First Baptist Church is SUSAN KAY CROSSON located at, 301 S. Main, in Ovid. The public Is cordially invited Mr. and Mrs. Reginald to attend alj services. Crosson. o* 8211 Island Rd., El­ sie announce the engagement of Jhelr daughter, Susan Kay, to Thomas Edward McGraw, son of HOPE SCHOMKCH Births Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGraw SHARON STOY MR. AND MRS. DALE LEVEY of 242 W.. Clinton St., Ovid. Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Stoy Clinton • Cidzani of No weddtag date has been set of 7477 South Lowell Road, St. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Levey, Mr, and Mrs. Levey lived in Schomisch of 802 W.' Baldwin, Tomorrow by the couple. St. Johns announce the engage­ Johns announce the engagement 6048 Lusk RdH Elsie will cele­ the Elsie area for two years ment of their daughter, 'Hope of their daughter, Sharon Val to brate their 50th wedding an­ before moving to Kalamazoo Irene to John R. Hoskins. He is Lynn E. Smith of 704 E. Baldwin SCHMITZ-A girl, Michelle niversary Sunday, Jan. 23 at where he was employed as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Street, St. Johns. He Is the son Lynn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. truck driver for the Upjohn Co. WALL <2f WEBB Jenson of 2605 Centerline Rd., of Mrs. Jennie Sipith and the late Maurice Schmitzwof Fowler Jan. at their home. They returned to thefamllyfarm St. Johns. Clare Smith. 3 at Clinton Memorial Hospital. They were married January in 1938 where they still reside." The bride-elect is a senior at The bride-elect is a senior at She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. 25, 1922 at the parsonage of the T,hey have seven grandchildren St. Johns High School and is St. Johns High School. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. First Baptist Church in Elsie and three great grandchildren. employed at Wall and Webb Jew­ The prospective groom Is a Herman WIrth and Mrs. Peter with the bride's father, Rev. Their children, Mr, and Mrs. elry. 1971 graduate of St, Johns High Schmitz, The mother is the form­ L.A. Fisher performing the Dale C. Levey and Mr. and Mrs. School and isemployedatSchmitt er Darlene Wirth. i ceremony. Mrs. Levey is the Don Adair of Elsie are hosting The prospective groom is a former Ruby Fisher. The couple 1970 graduate of St. Johns High Electric. the party. A June 24 wedding is being ANDRUS-A girl, Tonya Lynne, was attended by Mr. and Mrs. It is requested that there be School and is employed at Olds- George Walker of Elsie. mobile. planned by the couple. was born to Mr, and Mrs. Darrell no gifts. A July 15 wedding is being Andrus of R-2, St, Johns Jan, 8 planned by the couple. at Clinton Memorial Hospital. She Coming events weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Married JANICE ALLEN AND DONALD CHANT JR. Jan. 19 - The St. Johns The baby has one brother ,and Nancy Jane Haueter, daughter Woman's Club will meet at the one sister. GrandparentsareMr. of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haueter, home of Mrs. William Morriss Mr, and Mrs. Guydon Allen Jr. employed at Cadillac Mercy Hos­ and Mrs, Lloyd Welch of St. Johns and Richard E. Ackerson, son of at 1:15. Speaker for the day will of Cadillac announce the engage­ pital. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Andrus Mr. and Mrs. AUyn Ackerson of be Mrs. Manning Bross who will ment of their daughter, Janice to The prospective groom is a of St. Johns. The mother is the Sunfleld were united In marriage present "Best Sellers." Donald Lee Chant Jr. He is the 1970 graduate of St. Johns High former Carol Welch, Saturday, Jan.* 8 In a 6:30 cere­ Jan. 19 — The Clinton Memor­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chant School and is employed at Olds- mony performed by Rev. Ralph ial Auxiliary board will meet at of South DeWitt Road, St. Johns. nobile in Lansing. FERGUSON-A boy, Timothy Kolleveit. 8 p.m. in the' hospital dining The bride-elect is a 1970 grad­ A May 20 wedding is being Leigh, was born to Mr. and Cathy Haueter, sister of the Jan, 25 — There will be a uate of Cadillac HlghSchool and is planned by the couple. Mrs. Lynn-Ferguson of 814 E. bride, and Bill Weller, brother- joint meeting of the DeWitt Chap­ Oliver, Owosso on Jan. 17 at in-law of the groom attended the ter 99 of Blue Star Mothers, Owosso Memorial Hospital. The couple. and the St. Johns Chapter 88 of baby has one brother. Grand­ An evening reception was held the Blue Star Mothers. Installa­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald in the Mulliken Fire Barn. tion will be held at the St. Johns Powers and Mr. and Mrs. Neil The couple are now at home at First Congregational Church with Ferguson. The mother is the 528 Looking Glass Ave., Port­ past presidents as hostess. The former Susan Powers. land. meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. ANDREWA-A boy, Randall Allan, was born to Mr. and Mrs. SELF-DISCD?LINE Jan. 25—The Clinton County Robert Andrews of 1001 E. Republican Women will hold Its annual meeting in the Community* Mrs. Bernice E. Carey of Walker St., St.. Johns on Jan. 8 Before you attempt to reform at Carson City Hospital. He others, be sure you display a Room of the Central National Farwell, formerly of Mount Bank at l:15'p.m. LEXA KAY SWATMAN Pleasant, announces the engage­ weighed 7 pounds, 13 1/2 fault-proof example. ment of her daughter, Rose ounces. The baby has one 'MMi PJ rSfflPI' ' 'I 1 iU» Ui 1 I J Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Swat- Bisbey to Leslie Ritter. He is -brother.- Grandparents are Mr. >lt~Pays :to Shop at man Jr., of 408 South Prospect the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland and MrsilJouie Slpkovsky of St. Street, St. Johns, announce the Ritter of St. Johns.'" * * ' Johns-tandjMr. William-'Andrews engagement of their daughter, The bride-elecj: willbeagrad- of Perrinton and Mrs. Marie •a &• a i Lexa Kay to Philip S. Knight. uate of Farwell High School this 'Ellis of Hart. He is the son of Mr. and'Mrs. spring. Her fiance is a grad­ dv[ac-J\lnnon ± Alden Knight of 6788 WestTown- uate of St. Johns High School. FEDEWA-A girl, Beth Ann, send Road, St. Johns. A June 24 wedding Is being was born to Mr. and Mrs. Notes From PHYLLIS ANN KURKOWSKI The bride-elect Is a 1969 grad­ planned and will be held at the Kenneth U. Fedewa of 506 N, for Better Values uate of Rodney B. Wilson High Prospect Park Church of God, Morton, St. Johns on Jan. 13 Mr. and Mrs. George School and attends Central Mich­ Mount Pleasant. at Carson City Hospital. She Kurkowskl of Royal Oak announce igan University, She is employed weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces. The Teachers the engagement of their daughter, part-time at the Clinton National The baby has one sister. Grand­ JANUARY Phyllis Ann to Ronald N. Fox. Bank and Trust Company In St. parents are Mrs. Mary Cornwell He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johns. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fedewa Norbert W. Fox of Westphalia. The prospective groom is also of Fowler. The mother is the The teachers of the St. Johns Education Associa­ CLEARANCE The bride-elect is a 1968 grad­ a 1969 graduate of RBW and is former Theresa Cornwell. tion are extremely proud of John Arehart - the J C 's uate of Royal Oak Kimball High a student at Lansing Community Outstanding Young Educator of the year, Rosemary School and will be a June graduate College. He is employed atGreen HENGESBACH-A girl, Amy Green ancTDick Kramer were also recently presented SALE of Michigan State University, Printing Company. Sue, was born to Mr. and Mrs. awards for their outstanding teaching performance. Louis Hengesbach of R-l, Pe­ The prospective groom is a No wedding date has been set Aren't you glad the St. Johns Public Schools are by the couple. wamo on Jan. 10 at Clinton staffed by a competent, professional teaching staff? Fall and Winter 1966 graduate of Pewamo-West­ Memorial Hospital. She weighed phalia High School and a 1970 9 pounds, 9 ounces. The baby graduate of Michigan State Uni­ has four brothers and seven FABRIC 1 table 20% off versity. He is employed as a Coming events Paid for by the teachers of the sisters. Grandparents are Mrs. St. Johns Education Association. social worker for emotionally Jan. 25-A film, "Past Way Robert Platte. The mother is REDUCED 1 table 30% off disturbed children at Lincoln Nowhere" that depicts .the life the former Evelyn Platte. Center, and time of today's teens will A June 24 wedding Is being be shown at the Pilgrim United ALL GIRLS-BOYS planned. Methodist Church, corner of Parks and Grove Roads at 8 SNOW SUITS JACKETS Marriage p.m. A free-will offering will be KATHLEEN ANN McCLUNG asked and the public is invited licenses to attend. and COATS Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mc- Feb, 12-The Elsie PTA Talent Clung of Flint, announce the Winter Harold A. DeLay, 20, R-l, Show will be held at the high engagement of their' daughter REDUCED Vestaburg and Hope Alcaraz, 19, school at 7:30 p.m. Persons Kathleen Ann to Larry Alan Van R-6, St. Johns. in the area interested In par­ Deusen, son" of Mr. and Mrs. Clearance Polyester Ninon Values to $3.98 Marvin E. Hayes, 26, R-4, St. ticipating should contact E.E. Lewis Van Deusen of Ovid. Johns and Shirley A. Smith, 20, Knight Elementary School and The couple plan a spring leave their name and phone num­ Flocked • $-88 R-l, Pewamo, wedding. Sale Begins PANEL ber by Feb. 1. PANELS I Wednesday at 9 a.m. white only 72" 81" .90" long UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Price On Close out of $ooo Meet'the new TIER CURTAINS PAIR MANAGER DRESSES values to $5.98 30" 36" 45" Joe Verrier SKIRTS long NOW MANAGING SLACKS GIRLS DRESSES 20% off FOWLER Table of Sweaters- °"dff SLACKS 2Q% GAS & OIL 0FF Mobil WINTER Group of Gowns odds'n ends in SHEETS COATS TWIN and FULLS Muslin . Joe spent four years In the United States Air Force as an Airborne Radar Operator; then attended the University of Wisconsin where he received his degree Percale and Permanent Press in 1959 in Marketing, He then went with Mobile Oil Corporation as marketing rep­ GREATLY REDUCED FOR resentative-for three years. 1/3 V \ \K CLEARANCE Limited Quantity He presenting resides in Lahsing with his wife, Nancy and thejr three chil­ dren. off Girls Shirts Blouses 4 and Dresses 20% off Stop in and meet "Joe" today! Wednesday, January 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St.* Johns, Michigan Page 7A , 3-S*:::W>:%*:::::-:*:-^^

X* f Clinton Counlty Board of Commissioners

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1971 Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:15 p.m. not need concerned about describing the various parcels in ordinance. Commissioner - Chamberlain replied probably by I the several districts. [ After the ordinance has been properly January 1, 1972, She expressed concern over dogs running at The pllnton County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, P.M. SESSION adopted, we should have copies printed and available, for sale large. November 2, 1971 at 9:00 a.m. Prayer was offered by Robert / to the general public for their information and guidance. In the Chamberlain moved, supported by Hufnagel, to adopt the Ditmer. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the flag. Roll was Arnold Minarik, Zoning Administrator, reported that he has published ordinance, the maps must also be published as the maps, proposed Dog Law Enforcement Ordinance, as amended. On a called land a quorum reported. Present were Andrew Cobb, not obtained at this time a legal opinion on the publication of as I have mentloned,|are an Integral part of the ordinance and roll call vote, those voting aye were Cobb, Nobis, Gove, Ditmer, Walter Nobis, Maurice Gove, Robert Ditmer, Duane Chamber- the Zoning Ordinance./ publication of the text of the ordinance without the maps would Chamberlain, Underhill, Hufnagel, Montgomery, Lankford, ain, Claude Underbill, William Hufnagel, Robert Montgomery, He has bids on printing of the new ordinance as follows: be of no avail. I must caution you that the maps are a most Impor­ Andrews and Shepard. Nays were none. 11 ayes, no nays. Motion erald Lankford, Roy Andrews and Gerald Shepard. Green Printing Co. tant part of the ord nance and the original maps must be kept declared carried unanimously. Minutes of the October 19, 1971 meeting were presented, 500 copies -'$918.54 1,000 copies -$1,363.08 with the original copy of the ordinance. The Board recessed at 2:50 p.m. t was moved by Nobis, supported by Underhill, to approve the Clinton County News Should you have any further questions concerning this, I Upon coming to order, Lankford reported on a recommended inutes'as presented. Voted and carried. 500 copies !• $1,358 1,000 copies -$1,522.00 will be pleased to ecelve your advice and to that end await revision of the Emergency Employment Act funds In which funds Communications were read* Hufnagel moved, supported by Ditmer, to accept the low bid your pleasure. \ originally allocated to the Sheriff Department would be re­ A 'request from the City of DeWitt for another employee of $918.54 for 500 copies as submitted by Green Printing Company. Sincerely, allocated to the Zoning Department, County Clerk and Treasurer's PW) under the Emergency Employment Act of 1971, was read, Voted and carried.^ GREEN & MAPLES Offices. e chairman referred the matter to the Emergency Employment The matter df permits for farm buildings was discussed. By: TIMOTHY M. GREEN Nobis presented the following resolution and moved, supported t Committee. The chairman referred the matter to the Land Use Committee by Montgomery, jto adopt the following resolution. Voted and A letter from the Clinton County Senior Citizens Housing for a recommenda'tlon. It was then moved by Nobis, supported by Underhill, to pay carried, Committee', inviting, the chairman to a meeting held October 27, Commissioner Cobb reported on requests for electric type­ the bill of $290,00 as presented. Voted and carried. 1971, was read. Chairman Shepard appointed Claude Underhill writers for the^ following offices: Assignment Clerk (Circuit A notice of a Capital Area Planning Association Council RESOLUTION to attend the meeting. Court); Prosecutor's Office; Treasurer's Office; and Drain of Governments (CAPACOG) meeting and an invitation to attend A second letter from the group, requesting a resolution Commissioner'I Office. at the Lansing City Council Chambers, December 8, 1971 at 7:30 WHEREAS, Andy Cobb has served as County Commissioner fjfom the Board in support of their efforts, was read. Lankford Cobb moved, supported by Andrews, to approve the purchase p.m., was read. ' from the 1st District since the reorganization of the County moved, supported by Ditmer, to adopt and send in return a letter of a typewriter for the Drain Commissioner's office at a price Lankford moved, supported by Hufnagel, to notify CAPACOG Board, and acknowledging their request, favoring their action and wishing of $549.00. Action on the matter was deferred until a later time. that Clinton County does not wish to participate In the organization. WHEREAS, Andy's past experiences have been of great them well in their endeavor. On a roll call vote, those voting Mr. Purkey, representative from the 3M microfilm SvitRm. After discussion, iCobb moved, supported by Andrews, to table assistance in helping to guide ,and direct thi s new Board from aye were Ditmer, Chamberlain, Lankford and Andrews. Nays demonstrated a reader-printer as developed by their company. the motion. Voted and carried. its beginning, were Cobb, Nobis, Gove, Underhill, Hufnagel, Montgomery and A reader-printer is priced at $2995.00. A camera is $2750.00, A billing from Soil Conservation Service for soil mapping THEREFORE, It is with deep regrets that we accept his Shepard. 4 ayes, 7 nays. Motion declared lost. with blip, $3125.00, The rental rate, three years with maintenance, in the amount of $5,921.21 was presented. Chairman Shepard resignation from this County Board and wish him the best of The Board recessed for committee meetings at 9:55 a.m. is $238,24 per month. (Complete system) referred the matter to the Finance Committee, luck In his new position in government. Upon again coming to order, Bruce Campbell appeared on The Board recessed at 4:05 p.m. A regional census users conference will be held-in Lecture Nobis moved, supported by Montgomery, to take from the behalf of Keep Michigan Beautiful, Incorporated. He thanked the Upon being called or order, Nobis moved, supported by Hall, Lansing Community College, on December 3, 1971 at 8:00 table the matter of appointing members to the Clinton County Board for their support and presented the Board a Certificate of Montgomery, to have the Property Management Committee arrange a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The apportionment committee will plan to Building Authority. Voted and carried. Award, for machines to be brought in for an on-the-job demonstration attend this meeting. Nobis moved, supported by Cobb^toesJabllshaCllnton County Chairman Shepard reported on the East Michigan Tourist and to make a committee recommendation. Voted and carried. An invitation from Mayor Gerald Graves to attend a Manpower Buldllng Authority. On a roll call vote, those voting aye were meeting held October 27, 1971 at Midland, Michigan. He stated Commissioner Nobis reporting for the Government and Area Planning' Council meeting in Lansing on December 16, Cobb, Nobis, Chamberlain, Underhill, Hufnagel, Montgomery, that it was a good meeting and well organized. They adopted Personnel Committee made the following recommendations to 1971 at 1:30 p.m. was read. It was moved by Andrews, supported Lankford, Andrews and Shepard. Nays were Gove, and Ditmer. and supported three (3) resolutions: 1. Daylight Savings Time supplement both the Circuit Court reporter and District Court by Cobb, to authorize Chairman Shepard to attend the meeting. 9 ayes, 2 nays. Motion carried. (on ballot); 2. Atomic Plant for Midland County; 3. Increased recorder by the same amount, $2500, above the State minimum Voted and carried. Nobis moved, supported by Lankford, that Lorenz Tiedt, enforcement of anti-litter laws. salary, for a total salary of $11,500 for Circuit Court reporter A letter of resignation from Donald Haske as County Drain Harold Wellman and Timothy Green be nominated to serve on / He also reported on a Council of Governments meeting. He and $9000 for District Court recorder. Engineer was]read. It was moved by Ditmer, supported by Nobis, the Building Authority. Lankford then nominated Jacob Morelan has a copy of the proposed by-laws which will be studied, He moved, supported by Andrews, to approve the above to accept withj regret Mr. Haske's resignation. Voted and carried. of Watertown Township to serve on the authority. Charles Frost appeared on behalf of the Clinton Memorial salary changes. Voted and carried by a majority vote. Lankford moved, supported by Ditmer, to send to Mr. Haske. Nobis then moved, supported by Hufnagel, to close nomina­ Hospital Committee. He Introduced Mrs. Reha who presented Nobis moved, supported by Cobb, to rescind the action taken a letter of appreciation for his service to the county. Voted and tions. Voted and carried. the committee's objectives and views on the local hospital by the Board at the October 12, 1971 meeting setting salaries carried. Chairman appointed Claude Underbill and Andrew Cobb to situation. Mr, Frost pointed out the local lack of doctors and also for the following seven positions: A letter of resignation from Andrew W. Cobb as County serve as tellers. Voting by ballot, results of the first ballot lack of adequate emergency facilities. 1. Assignment Clerk - Circuit Court Commissioner of District No 1, was read* Mr. Cobb expressed were as follows: Green 11; Tiedt 9; Wellman 7; Morelan 6; Commissioner Cobb reported on problems arising at the 2, Registrar of Probate his regret on leaving and also the pleasure and satisfaction voted. County 4-H Fair Grounds on the question of police jurisdiction ^ 3. County Clerk's Chief Deputy which he hafe experienced as a member of this Board. Chairman declared Timothy Green, Lorenz Tiedt and Harold on county owned property within city limits. The Property ' 4. Clerk of District Court Mr. |Cbbb has been appointed as Administrative Assistant Wellman appointed. Management Committee will attempt to make an agreement with 5. Register of Deeds Deputy to Allison Green, State Treasurer. Chairman Shepard appointed the Board as a committee of the city on the matter. 6. Treasurer's Deputy Gove i|noved, supported by Hufnagel, to accept with regret the whole to attend the Michigan Association of Counties annual The Department of Public Works Director, Don Haske, 7. Drain Commissioner's Deputy Mr. Cobb's resignation and to wish him success in his new position. meeting to be held In Lansing December 6 and 7th. appeared and reported on county DPW projects and bond issues. Voted and carried unanimously. Voted andsjCarrled, Cobb reported a request and moved, supported by Underhill, Also present were DPW members Dale Chapman, Roy Davis The committee recommended that the seven positions as ThefBoard recessed at 10:15 a.m. to approve the purchase of a typewriter for the Drain Commis­ and Paul Nobis; and bond consultants Ray Stauder and James Tesen. listed above be paid a salary of $7,000,00. Upon,jfagain coming to order, Commissioner Cobb expressed sioner's Office at a cost of $549.00. Voted and carried. Ray Stauder presented the resolution for DeWitt Township, Nobis moved, supported by Cobb, that the salaries for the his appreciation of the cordial relation which he has enjoyed Chamberlain reported that the committee recommends that Project No. 2. Changes have been made in the resolution, DeWitt seven named positions be set at $7,000.00 each, per year. On a as a member of the County Board of Commissioners and offered the balance^ of monies allocated for bridge construction be Township has not at this timeacted upon them and he recommends roll call vote, those voting aye were Cobb, Nobis, Gove, Ditmer, any assistance which he can offer In his new position with the designated for Victor Township. Gove moved, supported by Under­ and directs tha t action by the county board be deferred until Hufnagel, Montgomery, Lankford, Andrews and Shepard. Nays state. |" hill, that the balance of the unused portion of the $50,000 allocated such time as the township board can approve or disapprove the were Chamberlain and Underhill. Nine ayes, two nays. Motion Commissioner Nobis presented and moved, supported by to the Road Commission for bridge construction be allocated resolution as amended. declared carried. Montgomery, to adopt the following resolution. Voted and carried to the Holllster Road Bridge in Victor Township. Voted and A general discussion followed with Mr. Stauder answering The matter of appointing a County Building Authority was unanimously. carried. questions arising from the discussion. discussed. Nobis nominated, supported by Lankford, Lorenz Commissioner Gove stated that the matter of building Dale Chapman introduced Arden Pierson, newly hired Reg­ Tiedt, Harold Wellman and Timothy Green.t These men would 'W RESOLUTION permits for farm buildings should be resolved. ' \ istered Land Surveyor. * serve without compensation except(expenses. / , y) - Lankford suggested that a It'be covered by permit fees as Don Haske^presentetf a" resolution frofif the Tillage "of Eagle, Lankford moved/nsupported by Chamberlain, to table the fiE- IT RESOLVED, That theClinton County Board of Commis- follows: ^ . requesting assistance from Clinton County Department of Public motion. Voted and carried." sioners requests the Citizens Research Council of Michigan to Site Inspectibnonly - $5,00; >\. Works in establishing a Sewage Disposal System for the Village Nobis moved, supported by Hufnagel, to change the first prepare a position classification plan and pay plan for county Limited inspection - $10,00; * of Eagle, meeting In December from December 7th to December 1st, emplbyees numbering approximately eighty (80) in the following . Complete inspection - $15.00. Commissioner Montgomery moved, supported by Lankford, to Voted and carried, departments: approve the request. Voted and carried. Nobis moved, supported by Gove, that the Zoning Committee Montgomery moved, supported by Chamberlain, to adjourn present, at the next meeting, a proposal for a uniform building Number of Employees at this time and to meet again November 23,1971 at 9:00 a.m. Department permit fee schedule. Voted and carried. GENERAL RESOLUTION REQUESTING ASSISTANCE Agriculture 2 Voted and carried. Chamberlain moved, supported by Ditmer, to approve commis­ OF ,\ Animal Shelter 2 Meeting adjourned. sioners expense accounts as presented. Voted and carried, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CLINTON COUNTY- i Circuit Court (Judge) 1 A letter from District Court Judge, Roland Duguay, in which IN FINANCING AND CONSTRUCTING PUBLIC WORKS r Assignment Clerk 1 GERALD E. SHEPARD he stated that the action taken by the Board, November 2, 1971, AUTHORIZED BY ACT 185, PUBLIC ACTS OF 1957, AS AMENDED Court Reporter Chairman setting the salary of the District Court Clerk, was an illegal RESOLUTION Friend of the Court ERNEST E. CARTER 3 action and should be corrected was read. The County Prosecutor , Probation & Parole Clerk 'l has been asked to furnish a legal opinion on the matter. WHEREAS, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO Civil Defense 1 PROTECT AND PRESERVE THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND welfare , County Clerk 6 It was moved by Chamberlain, supported by Montgomery, to adjourn at this time and to meet again December 1, 1971 at that a Sewage Disposal System be acquired and constructed to TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1971 Court House & Grounds 4 service the Village of Eagle, Clinton County, Michigan: Drain Commission 3 9:00 a.m. Voted and carried. Meeting adjourned. WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization provided in Act 185, The Clinton County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, District Court 8 Public Acts of Michigan, 1957, as amended, and resolutions duly Probation 2 November 23, 1971 at 9:00 a*m. Prayer was offered by Maurice GERALD E. SHEPARD adopted by its County Board of Supervisors, the County of Clinton Gove. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the flag. Roll was Equalization 4 3 Chairman has established a Department of Public Works; and called and a quorum reported. Present were Andrew Cobb, Probate Court ERNEST E. CARTER 3 WHEREAS, the authority provided in said Act 185, Public Walter Nobis, Maurice Gove, Robert Ditmer, Duane Chamberlain, Juvenile Probation Cierk Acts of Michigan, 1957, as amended, in the opinion of the Eagle Claude Underhill, William Hufnagel, Robert Montgomery, Gerald Prosecutor 4 Village Council provides the most feasible and logical means of Lankford, Roy Andrews and Gerald Shepard, Register of Deeds 3 acquiring, constructing and financing the project generally referred Minutes of the November 2, 1971 meeting were presented. Sheriff Department 14 to above, and will result in the lowest cost to the citizens and Corrections were made. It was moved by Montgomery, supported Jail 3 taxpayers of the Village of Eagle for the said project immediately by Gove, to approve the minutes as corrected. Voted and carried. Drivers License 2 Crossword Puzzle 5 necessary to protect and preserve the public health; and Communications were read. Treasurer 4 WHEREAS, The Eagle Village Council is ready and willing A billing from Green and Maples for legal services rendered Zoning Here's the Answer to enter into the necessary contracts and agreements with the regarding airport tax case» in the'amount of $60.00, was read. ••Q acaan acasn said Department of Public Works of the County of Clinton to It was moved by Hufnagel, supported by Montgomery, to approve It Is understood that the Research Council will make no At Home '••a noma EIHEID permit the financing and early construction of the above project the bill of $60.00 as presented. Voted and carried. charge for staff time devoted to the study. The County will pay una •caEisncintan under the provisions of Act 185, Public Acts of Michigan, 1957, A second bill in the amount of $290.00 for services" rendered travel expenses" for Research Council staff at the rate of nine HORIZONTAL 4 Area UDDaaHD DDQOO as amended; to date on the new Rural Zoning Ordinance was presented. Also, cents a mile, lodging and meal costs when staff is away from home 1 Lion's home 5 Conceal ana ciaea NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: a legal opinion on the publishing of the new zoning ordinance, base, and form preparation costs in an aggregate amount not to 4 Rude home 6 Musical ansa msaa ••• exceed $500 upon presentation of a statement of amounts due for domestic exercises •Dat3na oanana 1. That the Village Council of Eagle does hereby request was read, Jt was moved by Nobis, supported by Cobb, to makef 7 Split pulse ••ansa saaciran at completion of the study. animals that the department of Public Works of the County of Clinton the legal opinion a part of the minutes. Voted and carried, Y 8 Bird's horns 8 Spruce •••D GQD pursuant to the authorization provided in Act 185, Public Acts The Board of Commissioners will supply the Research Council 9 Pen name of Re: Clinton County Rural Zoning Ordinance 12 Anger Charles Lamb of Michigan, 1957, as amended, take the necessary steps to with the information and cooperation necessarytothedevelopment 13 Cordage fiber .»«.;:"»-„r on_ establish, construct, and finance a sewage disposal system to of the position classification plan and the pay plan. 14 Century plant !°2??° li * naaa cuama raos Dear Mr. Shepard: 15 Baby chick's U Care for service said Village specified in the preamble hereto. Completion date of said study to be July 1,1972. 17 Appearance 20 Essential 41 Adhesive This office was requested to issue its opinion concerning first home 10 Vigilant being 42 Wild animal's 2. That the Village Council of Eagle recognizes and affirms Nobis moved, supported by Montgomery, to close the court­ 18 Praise . 1 publication of the new County Zoning Ordinance and whether 18 Comforted 23 Cut 31 Former home that the entire cost of said project is hereinbefore described, legal descriptions, of the areas in the various zones have tdfbe house on Friday, November 26, 1971. On a roll call vote, those 20 Endure 24 Facts German coin 43 Nested boxes including all professional services required and other expenses, described and contained in the ordinance. il Voting aye were Nobis , Chamberlain, Montgomery, Andrews 21 French island2*A/?0™ 38 Pole in front 44 Pack and Shepard. Nays were Cobb, Gove, Ditmer, Underhill, Hufnagel, 28 River In of American 46 Portent will be paid by said Village Council of Eagle in accordance with The enabling legislation, being Act 183 of the Public Acts 22 Glimpse France Indian homes 47 Unusual any contract or contracts to be negotiated with the Board of and Lankford, 5 ayes, 6 nays. Motion declared lost. 24Magl«tra(e of 1943, as amended, MSA 5.2961 et seq, upon which the county's whose home 27 Wearing a 38 Containing 48 Leading actor Public Works, as approved by said Village Council and as finances Zoning Ordinance is predicted, does not require publication of Lankford moved, supported by Ditmer, to close the courthouse was ancient - small crown cerium at home on by bonds and other evidences of indebtedness of the County of on December 24, 1971 and December 31, 1971 at 12:00 noon. Venice 28 Chemical 40 Narrow the stage the ordinance subsequent to its passage. Act 183 requires two- tufflx valleys 50 Poem Clinton issued in anticipation of the contractual obligations, Nobis moved, supported by Gove, to table the motion until 26 Poetic Island thirds vote of the board for passage which has been done. S^ifbse- 27 Hint 3'. The Village Council of Eagle recognizes that the Depart­ quent to passage, the Zoning Ordinance, including all maps,- the next meeting. Voted and carried. 30 Wards off ment of Public Works of the *County of Clinton will be expending must be submitted to the Michigan Department of EcoHomlc The matter of a membership dues increase as proposed 32 Players funds for administrative costs in obtaining federal loan approval, by Michigan Association of Counties and also rules changes were 34 Cut teeth Expansion for its approval, which I understandhas been received. 35 Shops and in the acquisition of pumping station sites prior to a final The County Clerk must sign and certify to the ordinance discussed. The annual meeting will be held in Lansing December 36 Art (Latin) contract being entered into for the construction of the Disposal and maps as well as the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners 6 and 7,1971. 37 Roguish System; and will pay to the said Department of Public Works such The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:00 noon. 39 Carry (coll.) and also to be signed by the Chairman of the Michigan Department 40 Mirth costs if said Disposal System and the bond issue to pay therefor of Economic Expansion. A copy then must be deposited ^rtth the 41Fig'j home is not accomplished, Secretary of State andacopykeptin the office of the County clerk. P.M. SESSION 42 French city 45 Homeless 4. That a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted I might also point out thatthe county, in adopting any ordinance, Upon again coming to order, Arnold Minarik, Zoning Admin­ wanderers to Donald Haske, Director, Clinton County Department of Public as found in MSA 5.331,\Sectlon 11, Paragraphia, provides 49 Waiting rooms Works, St. Johns, Michigan, with a request for early action istrator reviewed the status of the new Rural Zoning Ordinance 51 Make lace thereon. which still needs some clarification. 52 Press Mr. Minarik read a letter from the Zoning Appeal Board 61 Song for two "All the laws, ordinances, regulations and 54 Age. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE:' acts of incorporation provided for in this In which they expressed a desire to work with the County Board 55 Operates oara AYES: 6 paragraph shall not take effect until notice of Commissioners to amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow more 58 Hireling of such adoption has7 been published at least latitude in the area of locating of mobile homes in hardship and 57 German NAYS: 0 article once In a newspaper of general circulation f emergency cases. ' VHTICAL MARY FELDPAUSCH, 1 in the county and they shall have been approved * Commissioner Chamberlain presentedforreviewtheproposed 1 Expiree Eagle Village Qlerk 1>y the Governor of the State." ** new Dog Law Enforcement Ordinance. Two Interested citizens 2 Therefore / appeared. It was moved by Lankford, supported by Nobis, to I Women wear \ -*t u 1 them it home I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true'and complete Pursuant to this Act, It Is my opinion that the" Ordinance, delete from Article HI, section f, on page 3, the following words: copy of a Resdlution adopted by the Village Council of Eagle, together with all maps, must, be submitted-to the Governor lor ". . .and two dollars ($2.00) for each summons Issued." Voted NEWS WANT ADS t County of Clinton, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the his approval and a notice of adoption of the ordinance must be and carried. CAM SELL AHYTHIM 7th of June, 19/1. published In the Clinton County News..Publication of this notice It was then moved by Lankford,. supported by "Hufnagel, does not require publishing the ordinance, - . to change in Article m, section f, page 3,'to read "by the County MARY FELDPAUSCH, Legal descriptions, of the areas in the various districts,- Aiidit Committee for their approval prior to payment by the Eagle Village Clerk need not be recited verbatim but the maps are an integral part County Treasurer** Voted and carried. Use NEWS WANT ADS CAU 224 2361 of the ordinance and, cover the various dlstricts.\Thus. vou dr> Mrs. John Bradley Inquired as to the effective date of the X CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, January 19, 19.72 Redwings drop 78-61 decision 11 each and three catrers with, time.. - thee foiufoul; line. But from that Rapids guests, 63-55. Down aatt , f ^H^B^fc^^W^^K^tfr^ :V ..•<' :':^ By Harold'schmaltz 11 each and three cagers with least 17, points during various 7Vie e. ' ' " * St Johns managed to maintain Poinpoint on•on .j throughout the rere-­ - least 17 points during various h •§HBIBBBH^^^^- ~ .' •* « 7 apiece. St. Johns managed to maintain stages of the game, the junior the lead up to the 5:20 point mainder. ;ot the game, it was ' ^J9HNS.-Jt.w&s a cold, cold Coach Doug Japinga's squad . Forest Hills In command. squad fought back to within three • was overshadowed, incite statis­ of the third frame with Waganar points with just two minutes left night ia St. Johns Friday night hitting for Forest Hills to bring Four Redwings left the game especiany.'durin^ the fourth tical department while dropping via the foul route which un­ to play. Somehow, the junior their seventh decision of the his team within one point of Rangers kept their cool and went •quarter as the Redwings dropped .th'e Birds, 43-42. Seconds later. doubtedly told the difference in a 78-61 decision to the visiting campaign to the non-conference the game's outcome. Fouling out. on to their ninth consecutive Grand Rapids Forest Hills Visitors from Grand Rapids. The Bill Heneveld stepped to the win of the season, without a loss. line for the Rangers and sank with five personals were Mike cagers.. - . ' .. . Rangers outshot the Redwings Sutherland; Bruce Irish, Rick The Redwings settled for their from the' floor, 33 per cent two free throws to put his team The final: score did not in any Hudson and Mike Grost. It was third defeat coupled with five vic­ to 42 per cent, hitting on 26 ahead, 44-43. tories. •way' indicate '

1 O-E hangs on / / F!Goodrich to MMB lead CORUNNA-Narrowly avoiding an upset at the, hands pf-wlnless' Corunna the^Marauder cagers overcame a cold first half to stop the Cavaliers 63-58 here Friday night. The Cavaliers jumped to a startling 13-9 first, quarter lead and kept the lead at halftlme 25-24 and for a time it ap­ peared the cold Marauders mighty hand Corunria -its' first victory ; in seven starts this season.' But Ovid-Elsie's cagers came the 40,000 mile lire out shooting in the third quarter to take the lead 43-35 with a 19- point blast and.held on despite a 23-poinL output by Corunna in sthe final, frame^ i%^.,, , , .- J.-PI* ? a 4?: -. ' RickrMc'er^ejiyrie-d the fcl " rauder^attack^with 19 points oh ^jMsjLO

whUe Klaver netted 10 buckets Others 'scoring for DeWitt DeWITT—After seven straight 1 wins this season, the Fowler and two of five free throws* were Dan Davis (5), Tom Ashley Eagles* met up with an old jinx Pat Botke hit for 11 points on ,(7), Mark Simon (8)±and Randy " that has' plagued them through five field goals and one of- two ' Lankford (6). '• each of the last three seasons. charity shots. , Others scoring for Fowler It seems that every time the The Eagles were led by John were Mel Pohl (6), Tony Thelen Eagles start up-with a nice win Simon -who collected 16 points (7), Bill Thelen (6),\Gleh Thelen on six field goals and a perfect (7), John Pohl (6), Scott, Spicer streak and become rated in the 1 1 we guarantee it< state-wide cage pollsi they run four for four at the line. Al (5) and Bob MacKihno ^ (6). : head long' into the DeWitt Harr added 15 points on seven Scoring by quarters: • • a Panthers. They did it again Fri­ buckets and one for one at the - DeWitt 12 23 '26 20 81 LIFESAVER RADIAL TREADWEAR GUARANTEE Fowler 15.^217 lh .73 If you don't get a full 40,000 miles of treadwear from a Lifesaver Radial in normal day night. here and the Panthers free throw line. use on your car, the retailer who sold it wilt give you the difference as a credit against walked away, with an 81-73 vic­ 1 \ the going trade-in price of a new Lifesaver Radial, plus a small service charge. tory. • -"''.'" i >»• . Fowler, rated seventh in the Lifesaver Radials are priced from $42.95, size ER70-14 state, by the Associated Press whitewall plus federal tax of $2,61 Per tire with trade-in. for Class D squads, came out fighting against the Panthers and took an early 15-12 lead in, the DANCE first quarter. But DeWitt held.' and fought off the Fowler 3 WAYS TO PAY - BUDGET TERMS PLUS WE HONOR attack to.: trail by two^points at halftime.." The. Panthers poured on 'the. steam in the third quarter behind the" powerful scoring punch. of iaTuraay Ron. Wilcox and ttoug. Klaver. DeWitt outscored the Eagles 26- January 29 -ym RAJWATW "" *$<*&: 1 17 and rallied fqr 20 mdre in '- the final quarter'while holding •,•*• the street tire tough enough to compete |s NOW AVQllflblG Fowler1 to 19 points, . ' . 9:00 to 1:00 a.irtv * against special racing tires. • i |f / | With the'victory, DeWitt took • unique radial ply construction' • " • |M 14 *|A lC " * "'• $ oyer sole possession of the Cen­ • 4 belts of Dynacor® rayoh III. 10" II" IJ ' g tral Michigan* Athletic Con­ V.F.W.HALL 'for added strength and safety ' , • • S-: ference 'ship. with a per- • 60-series wide makes it as wide • -.. •_ <••-.*. • *« \ ' §i . fect .4>0:'ieague" record. Fowler as any radial, arjywhere IH-fll NITnC v ff ; Music By The Musicmakers • built especially (or droppe^ into, a tie for second high-performance cars with Pewamd-Westphalia. Both teams sporjt, a ,3-1, conference mark.": -"'"-"% "/_:•'• * • ",': •" '.• • ,y er tou ,e . .'Both WUCox and Klaverled the $5.00 p p THE / , Panther ;attoijk'wiih 22 points untAvn* sach; Wilcox, hit for seven.field goals and eight of lo free throws, u:• :\ Sponsored by the RADULTME t Ik; St. Johns Football Club MOM y' LETHAL .',- '; B.F.Gooch'ich . People who always speed >dn St., Johns Phono 224-3218 the highways live in danger of 1411 North US-27 Jim arriving at the end suddenly*

• .'" i I, .. • -' .- ' * \ - - '; V-....^...- llf * «•• Page 9y\ .Wednesday, January 19, 19,72 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan' News wrestling tournament champs

Dan Jones (PW) Cayle Reha (OE) Larry Feguer (B) Third TI- J. "i cr? Second First 167 i^w*^-L^-;-j;--;

'\*-~**.*'M Calvin Lounds (SJ) Mike Buck (OE) ..Jim Tews (D) Third First 155 ., Second Mike Hbeft (OE) Tom Butler (SJ) Don Haid Third First 98 Second

-I Rob N'ethaway (OE) Chuck Bengel (PW) Jeff Mosher (B)' Mike Schneider (SJ) Rich Albertson (D) Neil Schulz (OE) Third First Second Third First H * Second

BEE'S Chevy-Olds, Inc. Chris Corr (D) Fred Enos (OE) •John Hayes (SJ) Third First 105 Second World's Sweetest Place To Deal *l i .Mile South of St. Johns On US-27 Phone 224-234J QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS V- •('; 4**. ,.-7.. -V- Pre-owned Cars .•••nut a. ,'j .-_J Jim Ingemr(PW) Dan Pumford (OE) Kurt Martens (D) 1971 CHEVY II SS, 8-cylinder, 1969 MERCURY MARAUDER, 2-door Third First 112 Second 4-speed, 2-door, radio, vinyl top. hardtop, 8-cyIinder automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top. The differences in 1971 CHEVY IMPALA-Custom, 2 doqr hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic, power 1969 OLDS 98,8-cylinderluxurysedan, aBee's Pre-own&d car ' steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl full power, automatic, air condition­ top, air conditioned. ing, vinyl top. 1971 CHEVROLET IMP ALA Convert­ 1969 OLDS VISTA CRUISER station ible, 8-cylinder automatic, power wagon, 8 cylinder, power steering, steering, power brakes, radio. power brakes, automatic. * 1971.FORD-PINTO, 4 cylinder,-radio.; 1969-RENAULT, 4-door. automatic, radio] ,1971 OLDS VISTA CRUISER 9-passenger 1969 FORD XL, 2-door hardtop, 8-cylinder station wagoni 8-cylinder automatic, automatic, power steering, power power steering, power brakes, air brakes, radio and tape player. conditioning, radio. 1968 FORD Country Sedan Station Wa« Bill Skinner (PW) Al Cobb (OE) Don Lewis (SJ) 1970 OLDS 98, 4-door luxury sedan, gon, 8-cylinder automatic, power First 119 Second 8-cylinder, full power, air condi­ steering, power brakes, aircondi- Third tioning, AM/FM radio, vinyl top. tioning, radio.

1970 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, 4-door 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBU, 4-door se­ hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power dan, 8-cylinder, standard transmis­ steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl' sion. top, air conditioning. 1967 MERCURY PARKLANE 2 doof, Bee's Pre-owned cars 1970 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, 4^door hardtop, 8-cylinder, power steering, hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power power brakes, automatic, radio. steering, power brakes; AM/FM ARE Thoroughly stereo, air conditioning, vinyl top. 1967 DODGE CORONET 440, 4-door sedan, 8-cylinder automatic, power steering, radio. Tested and Conditioned 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 4-door hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power 1967 CHEVROLET BEL AIR station .. -^:, V-J^i"..-.-. .. :•• steering, power brakes, radio. wagon;• 8-cylinder automatic, radio. ^Dan, May (OE; Kevin Hayes (SJ) Dale Young (D) 1970 CHEVY H NOVA 2-door, 8-cyl­ 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500,4-door sedan, /; Third First 126 Second inder, automatic, power steering, 8-cylinder automatic, power steering, radio. -radio. 1969 CHEVELLE MALIBU-4 door, & Complete Financing cylinder, automatic, radio.

1969 OLDSMOBILE 98-4 door hardtop, 8 Available cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl top.

-USED CARS \ 1966 FORD GALAXIE-4 door, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio. Lowell Boyce (SJ) Glen May (OE) Tony Vettraino (D) Third First 132 Second 1966 OLDS DELTA 88, 4-door sedan, 8- cylinder automatic,

power steering, power brakes-t radio.

1964 FORDTHUNDERBIRD, 8-cylinder automatic, power steering, power

..&•' *""" •"*-•- brakes, radio, air conditioning, • -. - ' 'r. ,™**& -' it" .'' - • --A* TRUCKS

>•'• * if*- 1971 CHEVROLET Bauville van with turtle 1966 FORD. BRONCO, 4-wheel drive, top camper unit, 8-cylinder automatic, 6-cylinder,- standard transmission. air conditioning, radio. • Paul Tomasek (OE) Brad Hilts (D) Keith Ldy.e (SJ) 1966 CHEVROLET l,.t6n with welding Third First 1.38 Second : * .., 1970 CHEVROLET 1/2 ton pickup, 8- cyllnder, standard transmission, radio. x box, 8 cylinder, 4 | speedy radio.

BEE'S WARRANTY DOES ALL THIS, 1966 CHEVY 30 SERIES TRUCK-8 bylln- • 1969 CHEVROLET 30 SERIES TRUCK- der, tour speed,-with rack.- You get 100% repair or replacement with van body, 292, 6 cylinder, auto­ matic, HD equipment, radio. 1965 CHEVROLET panel suburban, 6- cost coverage oh engine/ transmission, cylinder, standard transmission. rear axle, brake and electrical system 1968 CHEVROLET 3/4 ton -camper special, 8-cylinder, standard trans­ 1964 DODGE 1/2 ton truck,-6 cylinder, for 30 days or 2,000 miles. And 15% mission^ 4 speed: with 2 speed.axle, 23,000 actual miles. discount ohf parts and labor for a full- 24 months! Mike Shepar^d (PW) Frank Enod (OE) Duanti ShoOltz (D) Third first 146 Second 10& CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St; Johns, Michigan Wednesday, January 3l9, \972* activities communities improvement. To have a hand in Jaycees offer- leadership training through community'de­ , searching out community ills and then to plan and execute con­ velopment for young men between The Fowler Jaycees were ex­ the ages of 21- and 35. The or­ structive action, projects to tended in 1964 by the Grand Ledge remedy them. Jaycees and received their char­ ganization is designed specific­ ter with .26 members. ally to meet the needs of the young (3) The desire for fellowship. The Fowler chapter wa s awarded the coveted "Milestone man seeking to make his place To meet progressive young Award" which is an award pre­ in community and business people in their own age bracket, sented by the Michigan Jaycee : to the best first year chapter i ranks. ' \ with similar interests and the State. Today, local Jaycee chapters similar goals. The friendships Past presidents of the Fowl made are not confined solely to Jaycees are Richard Freche are active in over 6,400 com­ charter president, Franc munities across America and in the local ' community, but ex­ Schafer, Robert Halfmann, Rich­ over 80 foreign countries. tended nationally and inter­ ard Fink, John C. Rademachcir and Clare Koehlgsknecht. > Some of the reasons why young nationally as well. The Fowler Jaycees have rep men become interested . in be­ ceived the "Blue Chip" award In Clinton County there are five out of the last six years; longing, to the Jaycees are (1) The four active chapters of Jaycees This is an award for excellence desire for self-improvement. To In achieving membership growth, located in St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, and meeting qualifications of learn how to accept responsi­ 'Westphalia and Fowler. chapter management and lead­ bility, to make decisions, become ership training. Ser.ving as president of each effective speakers, learn man­ . Some of the past projects have chapter this year is Barry Dean, been a county wide Oral Polio agement techniques, to be better -St. Johns; Clare Parker; Ovid- Vaccine Clinic held in 1965, Med­ employers, employees and citi­ ical Self Help Course in 1966, . Elsie; Stan Smith, Westphalia and Village Park Renovation and zens. Maintenance -1967 thru the pres­ Frank Hufnagel, Fowler. ent, Construction of Ice Pond' (2) The desire for community Warming House, Drug Abuse Program and a V.D. Awareness Program which was accepted and conducted as a Michigan Jaycee St. Johns Project. Annual programs conducted by Next week marks the founding elude David Humenik, internal they run the Little League pro­ of the Jaycees in 1915, when a the Fowler Jaycees include Little vice-president; Larry Slade, ex­ gram fot nearly 300 boys on a League, Punt, Pass and Kick man named Henry Giessenbier ternal vice-president; David field that they helped to buildand saw the need for a young men's Competition, Childrens' Hallo­ Needham, secretary and Wayne maintain. Monies for this project ween Party, Bloodmobile, Junior civic group and' organized the Banner, treasurer. Directors are PROCLAIMING JAYCEE WEEK are acquired by sponsoring a Bowling, Shooting Education, Bi­ first chapter in St* Louis. The Terry Cormvell, Gary Emery dance. cycle Safety, Easter Egg Hunt, movement spread so fast that in and Arnold Wiles. Other money making projects 1920, the U.S. Junior Chamber of The St. Johns Jaycees take an Slow Pitch Softball and Christ-. In celebration of Jaycee Week, January 16-^22 local government officials Commerce was formed with 24 for the organization have included mas Programs. These programs active part in the community and the selling of trash liner bags, cities represented. are responsible for many proj­ are made possible through the in St. Johns and. Fowler signed declarations recognizing the event. Left, Mayor compiling and selling football support of the Fowler community* In July the St Johns Jaycee ects especially geared to programs for Redwing games and -Wood signs the proclamation as Barry Dean, president of the St. Johns Chapter, Chapjter will celebrate its 25th children. of the various Jaycee ways and.' operating the c'oncession stand at . means projects. looks on. In Fowler, John Spicer, village president presents .the signed document year. As a yearly event they super­ the Little League field. The club has a membership The present Fowler Jaycee vise and co-sponsor the Soap They are the hosts of an ama­ to Frank Hufnagel, president of the Fowler Jaycee Club. of 35 at the present time and Box Derby and the Punt, Pass president is Frank Hufnagel and heading the group as president is teur softball tourney and sponsor one of the goals of the.chapter Clinton County News Photo by Annette White and Kick Competition. Each sum­ a Hunter Safety Program in con­ Barry Dean. Other officers in- mer when baseball season starts this yearAis to earn a "Gold junction with the Department of Chip Award" which is awarded Natural Resources. for fulfilling the requirements of As an annual event St. Johns "Blue' Chip" for five consecutive, Ovid-Elsie Jaycees host a city-wide bridge years. The membership require-' tournament, an event which has ment of ten per cent increase- The Ovid-Elsie Jaycees, with afternoon. The Elsie Eagles won games. Refreshments of pop, been popular with a variety of is only one short of the Gold 33 members meet the fourth th trophy. Other activities in­ chips, popcorn, candy and gum ages. Chip goal and a Speak-Up Pro­ Tuesday of each month at the Ovid cluded helping Clark's Ford with are available. It is supervised A tiny tot park, located at gram and Leadership In Action Village Hall at 8jp.m. The board Pass, P.untj-.and Kick. A spaghetti by Jaycees volunteer. the corners of Ottawa and Glbbs, course are in progress at this^ meetings are held the second supper was prepared by the Aux- District Basketball, Is another; was made*~possibie tfirougli the time. Tuesday of the month same place iliary..for .the "Membership program sponsored-by the O-E efforts of the local club and since Night," Jaycees , Ovid-Elsie has won The usual annual programs* and time. its construction has been main­ '.are continuing. Those currently Money making projects for On Dec, 11 a Christmas Shop­ three games from, Corunna, tained by-Us founders. Durand and Owosso, and lost twn in progress are the American 1971 were a Horse Show held ping Tour was held and 44 chil­ The members honor their em­ dren taken shopping for new games to St. Johns and Fowler. Essay Contest in which eighty- in May at the Elsie park, and ployers each year at an annual two 7th and 8th grade students a Circus at Ovid in August. The clothes, shoes and boots in Ovid Jaycee of the Quarter Award, Bosses Night Banquet which also and Elsie. They then returned is new in the chapter this year. have taken part and the main­ Dunking Booth is a summer included presentation of awards tenance of the village ice skating project, and Trash bags.a year to city hall and had a party, A Jaycee is picked for the ex­ given annually to the Outstanding talked with Santa and received ceptional contribution to the rink. around project. Young Farmer, Outstanding The 66 Fowler Jaycees are candy, color books, and cravons. chapter and community. First Young Educator and the Distin­ In September a Wives Appre­ A Youth Center was opened quarter (July, Aug. and Sept.) active in local government and, ciation night was held and each guished Service award, an awa'rd school affairs also. Dec. 1 located at the Marauder's was John Sumner of Elsie, sec­ given to a person for outstanding Jaycee took his wife to .dinner Cove. It is opened to youth with ond quarter (Oct., Nov. and Dec.) The week of January 16-22 at the Eagles in Lansing. achievement in service to the is Jaycee Week and is set aside student I.D. cards and under. was Jerry Herblet of Ovid. betterment of the community. The club sponsors Flagfoot Hours are Monday, Thursday and New -Jaycees as of Oct. 1 to observe the founding of the ball for 7th and 8th grade boys Friday 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and The organizations national Jaycees. Fowler Jaycee activi­ are Rick Sloat, Rick Bancroft, headquarters is located in Tulsa, in Ovid and Elsie, and 95 boys Saturday 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Bob Hier, Rev. Walter Kargus, ties planned for this week are a< participated, three teams from. Activities included pool, foos Okla. and today its membership Community Attitude Survey and a Pete Boyer, Rodney McCreery, is over 300,000 strong. Ovid and two teams from Elsie.' ball, pin ball machines and tables Kerry Reed, Larry Sprague and dinner meetingwith several com­ Thi s program is held for five Lester Reed. munity and religious leaders as 11(.. ™ o.™i„„ for playing cards and other guests. J weeks with two games on Sunday^ _ ** „, » .. The Fowler Jaycees welcome NATIONAL new members. Jaycees offer leadership training through com­ JAYCEE munity development for young men between the ages of 18 and 35. The Jaycees is designed spec­ WEEK ifically to meet the needs of the young man seeking to make his JANUARY place In community and business ranks. "in working toward thest goals,, 16 TO 22 every young man is offered the opportunities of a voice in com­ munity affairs,'a practical lead-, ership development course, the chance to try new ideas and im­ prove old ones, and social con­ tact with other young men.

R0LLIN AND GENE DUNKEL DISPLAY TWO FINE SNOWMOBILES FEATURED THIS WEEK AT SPECIAL PRICES . . . . The Westphalia Jaycee organ­ trical fixtures. Also $2,005 worth izations were chartered in the of playground equipment has been year 1963 and at-present time erected withthejayceesdonating JOHNSON SKEE-H0RSE have a membership of 32. the first 20 per cent of the cost. •30 Horsepower OMC The main purpose of the group, WAS is to promote leadership training In the past eight years the Jay­ Johnson Engine to young men of the community cees have sponsored 130 boys to •20 1/2 inch Wide Track by organizing^ various Health, compete in the Soap Box Derby safety and recreational projects.' and the community has been •Electric Start beneficial to our community. rewarded with five first place •Reverse One of the first projects winners. •Fuel Gauge 95 started was the building of West­ The Jaycees are the sponsor­ phalia Park later renamed the ing organization for the West­ •Cigarette Lighter NOWM149 Daniel Droste Memorial Park in phalia Scouting Association memory of one of the charter which takes in 79 boys. Swim­ members and a key maiuin its ming instructions were given to 55 boys and girls last summer' BOA SKI RT 340 development. ; i , WAS Over the years playground and 63 boys-participated in the •15 1/2 inch Track equipment, was set UP* horse^ Hunters Training program. Santa Claus was the village guest and •30 Horsepower Twin shoe pjts installed, a pavilion erected, a well dug* picnic tables gave candy to well over a hun­ cyl. Kohler Engine purchased,' lighting! set up and dred kids, ....-._.. ,,_,• • ,' ^ Spring brings baseball fever •High Back Seat many other things added sq many ; families who stop can enjoy their and 140 boys Join in the com-. •Speedometer leisure time. petition with junior league and pony.league sponsored by jay­ •Fuel Gauge The 1971V72 Jaycee year will cees. • • •;" , Meet the presidents of the four Clinton County chapters see.the biggest .addition of all with the approval of a federal All during the year many dif­ of tfaycees. Seated from left, Barry Dean, St. Johns! Frank grant which helped provldefunds ferent types of ways and means Hufnagel,, Fowler, standing from, left, Stan Smith, Westphalia for a baseball diamond, two new projects must be run to fund restrooms, an improved parking and complete the goals set each and Clare Parker of Ovld-^lsie, ' r lot and building to house elec­ year. • , •," ST. JOHNS Phono 224-3372 Page fl A 'Wednesday, January 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan



Their Achievements Have Given Our Community "Grow Power,**

We're wearing our pride on our sleeves be­ cause of our community-minded young men. They represent progress and prosperity. A fine ex­ ample of good citizenship is self-evident. They have made our town a better place to live with their boundless energy. We are in step with" a changing-World through their tireless efforts. Because they care, we are strong. We heartfully thank them . . . because we care.




used Space heater for LP gas, FOR SALE: 12 feeder pigs. Also NORWOOD hay savers and s'ila^e OVID-ELSIE AREA - Sharp w elp Wanted |M«*eellaneous large size, new and used Sala­ CLASSIFIED AD PAGES 35 yearling hens, $10 for the bunks, all steel welded with built, 3 bedroom ranch o mander heaters for LP gas; sev­ lot. Phono 669-9918. 38-lp •rolled edges to last a lifetime. acre with full basement, 2 •Wanted eral used Whirlpool washers; new CASH RATE: 5c per word. Minimum,*$1.00 per in­ See "at our yard, 5 1/4 miles garage on black top road. i ST ART IMMEDIATELY. Serve and used Hoover washers and sertion, YOUR AD RUNS 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE FOR SALE: Hampshire purebred south of Fowler. Phone 587- Fred Denovich 224-2597 STAMP COLLECTIONS wanted dryers; used oil furnace, 175,000 OF 2. Second week will be refunded when your item * stock hogs and gilts, also bred '3811. Fedewa Builders, Inc. 22-tf consumers with Rawlelgh for cash, also old letters, FURMAN - DAY REALTY BTU size $50, Gowers, Eureka. $ells the first week. gilts due soon. Quality meat 3236 or 485-0225. 37- Household Products in area. Can postcards and coins. Contact Mr. type stock available always at 36-6 1 , SAVE a 25c service fee by .paying for your charged earn $3,50 and up full or part- Younkman at 224-2361 or 224- Hellers, 7 3/4 miles west of -tlme. Rawlelgh. Co., Dept. 113, 6084 or write to Mr. Younkman, ad within 10 days of insertion. SEE THIS NEW 3 bedroom FOR SALE: New, White sewing DeWttt, 9800 Howe Rd. 38-6p >s*X' Harris,. Freeport, HI., 815- c/o Clinton County News, St. Automotive just off north US-27.If you machine, pald$369.00,willsell BOX NUMBERS in care of this office add $1.00 ^232-461. '"- '35-4p Johns, Mich. 48879. 22-dhtf country living, then this i "S fei'-._ i';;... for $150.00 , all attachments. FOR SALE: 2 purebred Yorkshire home for you. Call Fred Den Kitchen table and four chairs, boars. Flegler Farms, 5 miles FOR SALE: 1970 Buick LeSabre 224-2597 or FURMAN-DA 8 ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED ,f'^hf *" Salary and commission, TIMBER WANTED; Logs and dresser with mirror, stove and West, 5 1/2 South, 1/2 West custom 4 door hardtop, air REALTY 224-3236 or 485-0225. •^lots. of, extras. Apply in person. standing timber. Lops dsr refrigerator, large size camper UNTIL 5 P.M. MONDAYS on Church Rd. Phone 224-4274. conditioning, power steering and » 38-p.-nc /Qalns,wIno. 210 W. Higham, St. llyered to our yard. DEVER- for pickup. See at 122 W. Front, 37-3p power brakes. Excellent condi­ tion. 834-2607, Charles Bracy, '••Jphtas.* ' ,, 36-tf "EAUX SAWMILL) ECO., 2872 N. Ovid. ^ 36-3p-nc RATES are based strictly on Classified Style. Hub'oardston Road, P e w a m o, Farm R-l, Ovid. 36-3p-nc NEW LISTING-OIder 4 bedriom Michigan. Phone 824-3101. 40U farm home on 6 acres south ^WANTED APPLIANCE repair EARN A WIG, FREEI For details FOR FAST RESULTS —PHONE 224-2361 call Mary Rayman your FOR SALE: 1968 Ford Torino, of St. Johns on blacktop road. _- -. man to repair household appli- Machinery WANTED "TO BUY ten 650 pound Queen's Way Fashion Counselor. GT, p.s., air scoop, 302 CI. Large barn and other outbuild­ •ahces and heatlng equipment. or ENTERPRISE 8201 vaccinated Holsteln heifers. Call 669-9346. BOOMS RED AND WHITE TOP Some damage to right side, $500. ings. Priced at only$21,500.Call ' person after 6::0( 0 p.m. Wilbur Thurston, 3 l/2 miles SILOS: Newly designed stave ™one MjWWTO. 38-3 Jean Amos 224-7095 orFurman- Gjiwers", Eureka. 36-4 West of St. Johns. Phone 224- 114, Williamston, Michigan 48895 P Day Realty 224-3236 or 485-022* FARM BUREAU WILD Bird seed, now being manufactured on our 7600. 37-lp 38-4p FOR SALE: A used Willys Jeep 38-1-nc available in 25 pound bags or new stave machine -giving us a -SALES HELP^Bth grade students pickup (cab over) , 4-wheel custom mixed in any quantity, stave with extreme strength and * to retired male or female. Farm drive, less than 8,000 miles,with Miscellaneous St. Johns Co-op. 36-3 NUT SALE: Senior and Cadette durability. Red and White colored NEW LISTING-OIder 4 bedroom Michigan's leading published in electro-lift . Don Sharkey, Girl Scouts are selling nuts to metal roof now standard on all home with 2-car attached Michigart„Farm Weekly, The Produce St. Louis. Phone 681-2440. Items TINGLEY RUBBER boots and purchase camping equipment and new silos. 43 years of experience "garage on extra large lot in St. farmer's Advance, are looking FOR SALE: Hay - square bales. 38-2-nc Johns. Priced at only $15,500. for circulation sales help to call PANT SUITS GALORE I Earn ^ rubbers, men's and boys' troop flags . Won't you please Harold Coffman, R-6,St. Johns means the best possible Job for sizes, also snowmobile boots. help. January 17 to 30. CallMrs. you. We do the complete job in- Call Jean Amos 224-7095 or on the farmers in their local area. yours free through Queen's 37-3p Furman-Day Realty 224-3236 or Peanuts Are In. Westphalia Mill­ Don Pease 224-7150. 38-3p „__...... -- eluding the foundation. Write or FOR SALE-1969 Chevy pickup, 25% commission. For details Way to Fashion. Call Mary Ray- step side box, black, chrome ,485-0225. 38-1-nc ing Co., Westphalia. 36-3 call today and get all the facts contact by letter or in person man 669-9346. 36-3p-nc OATS FOR SALE, ALSO dry wheels, new tires, many extras. FARM PROPERTY TAXES. about the silo with the heaviest , Tthe, Farmers*' Advance, 108 N. stfelled and ear corn. Can Exceptionally clean $1950. Phone 3-BEDROOM OLDER HOME In FOR SALE: Full size mattress Taxes are due to go up, unless and best inside finish. We prob­ -VPlrie River, Ithaca, Michigan FRANCIS AVIATION, INCl deliver. Ph. 224-2221 or 224- 224-4067. 37-3p excellent location. Ideal ,£48847. , 36-3p and springs-good condition. you Join in the effort to bring 7148. 38-3p ably put on twice as much mater­ Travel the safe way with our property tax relief by working starter home. Small patio, fenced l"f ,- '- Old used L.C.Smith typewriter. ial on the inside for a seal in play area, good sized lot. 'charter service or learn to fly with Farm Bureau members. and remember this is applied with FOR SALE: By owner, 1971 ^JNTERESTED in earning extra Phone 224-2574 after 5 p.m. Priced under $16,000. Call with us. Vets approved. Capitol Farm Bureau needs you. 38-lp a cement gun for better adhesion Chevelle, Malibu 400, 2 door *"«!,„ money? $306-$500 per month 37dh Pets Bellant 224-7581 or Furman- City Airport-Ph: 484-1324. and this Is the only part of a' hardtop, 3 on the floor, seat 'jpart-time. Call 517-453-3498 or 23-t covers. Rally wheels. Call Ovid Day Realty224-3236 or 485-0225. FOR SALEf 1971 G.E. Washer and ANNOUNCEMENT: OPEN silo that wears out. Silo-Matlc write Box 29. Pigeon, Mich. 48755 FOR SALE: AKC Norwegian Elk 834-5807, 37-3p-nc 38-1-nc dryer, $400. Phone 834-2496. HOUSE and Trade Show. Feb. and VanDale unloaders and feed­ ^ , * 36-4p FOWLER RESIDENTS: Take Hounds, 14 weeks old. Have * 37-3p 3 Gower's Hardware and Eleva­ ing equipment. Also dealers for your adstoFinkbelner'sPhar-, tor. 38-2-nc had puppy shots. Males, $75. Harley field stone pickers. Some FOR SALE-1965 Chevrolet, 6 Use Clinton County News macy for fast, convenient ser­ Jobs TOR SALE: Parts for all electric* -- __ Females $50. Phone 862-5480. choice areas open doe dealers cylinder, standard transmis­ Classifieds for Fast Results vice! . 50-dhtf shavers. Levey's Jewelry, I WILL NOT BE responsible 38-3p-nc or salesmen. EARLY ORDER sion, clean. Phone 224-4067. Wanted Elsie. 1-tf for any debts other than my DISCOUNT NOW IN EFFECT. 37-3p --COLLEGE GRADUATE desires FOR SALE-TJsed 16 foot chest own after January 12, 1972. Jay FOR SALE: A.K.C. Registered Order now and save $$$. Booms I- work. Broad background and type freezer $50. as is; New FOR SALE: Wood and steel Goodrich. 37-3p male beagle, 4 1/2 months old Silo Co., Inc., Harbor Beach, 'Symbol of " references. Wanted, ride from Cole heater, 4 room size, new portable cattle managers. from excellent hunting stock. Mich., 48441, Phone (517) 479- l sump pump for only $39,95; tele­ Simon's Planing Mill, Fowler. 6654. 31-tf Real Estate ,tLansing to St. Johns at 10:00 WANTED: SKILLED employees Phone 224-3347. 36-3p Service' --p.m. Monday, Wednesday and vision, radio and" stereo, color Phone 593-2000, 28-tf always in demand. Learn a good television as low as $329.95; \Friday. Call 224-6014. 37-3p paying skill today. Enroll now FOR SALE: 1006 HampshireDr., FOR SALE: One 2 burner fuel BEHLEN BAR MESH FENCING, for data entry classes at Sparton Horses 4 or 5 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, oil heater, 2 bottle gas heaters Keypunch Academy. Call Lansing Heavy steel rod dip galvanized after welding. For years of rust family room with fireplace, In A-l condition. Call 224-6095. 393-8615 for more Information. formal dining, attached 2 car ptigfiilcmiwii. 28-dhtf ATTENTION: HORSEMEN,. free service. Economical and AUCTION CALENDAR 37-4p Complete line of Western wear ideal for yard fencing. No stretch­ garage. Phone 224-3441 after­ and Saddlery. G-Bar-A-Ranch, ing needed. See it at Fedewa noons for appointment. 36-3p .FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 10:00 a.m., Orvllle Coon, construction PICKUP COVERS, cab high. $158 | I WILL NOT be responsible for St. Louis 463-4122. 8 miles west Builders Inc., Ph. 587-3811, equip." Located 2 miles West of^Chesaning on^M-57, 1/2 26 Inch. Paneled and insulated any debts except my own after ( $228. Lansing largest display of Sk Louis on M-46. 11-tf 5 1/4 S. of Fowler. «J| 17-tf CHOICE COUNTRY LOTS avail­ mile South on M-52, Consignments welcome. MUVi* ^*' Jan. 12, 1972. Armando Rositas. able. WiH build on these using, 200 W. STATE ST. 1! wholesale prices. B S. L Dis­ " 37-3p PHONE 224-2301 " i your plans or ours. Financing SATURDAYf^JAN^'22; a-t"12:30, Keith Colbry,* fiit^ tributing 882-7902. 37-tf Others get quick results with Clinton available. Call Fedewa Builders 806 Diesel, Int. 504 gas with industrial manure loader, Int. FULL"TIME OPERATOR.Varm Cattle County News classified ads- -you will, too! Inc. 587-3811. 1«u| 49 -tf NEW 2 BEDROOM on 600 Diesel (Standard), Int. 315 combine with three row corn 'LET' US RECOMMEND a painter Bureau is a full time operator Oak St., carpeted din- in legislative affairs that affect FOR SALE: Registered Holsteln headT (1970 Model), good line of haying and tillage tools. or paper hanger for you. Your kit comb w/glass door farmers. You can't be there, manl ( heifers due to freshen in Feb. .^Located 3"'miles west of St. Louis to Alger Rd., 2 1/2 north. Sherwln Williams Dealer. Fink- Ph. 224-2221 or 224-7148. 38-3p USED MACHINERY to patio, attached garage, beiners. Phone 582-3121 Fowler. But Farm Bureau canl Join and be full basement, price at part of the job. 38-lp SATURDAY, JAN. 29, 10:30 a.m. Clare Finkbeiner and 37-tf FOR SALE: 1 Holsteln heifer- TRACTORS just $21,900. Glen Bechler. 40 late model tractors, 50 plows of all types, due soon. 1 1/2 miles east of New Int. 1466 diesel THIS ALL BR"lCK BEAUTIFUL WEDDING INVITA- QUEEN'S WAY leads the way in $11,000 several discs, drags and etc. located 1/2 mile west of Elkton, Hubbardston RoadonColonyRoad J.D. 5010 diesel with cab HOME has a beautiful TIONS andaccessories.Speedy spring fashions. Earn yours $ 5,900 • Mich. Paul Scherer 593-3409. 38-3p M.M. G-1000 Vista diesel, 18x38 rear stone fireplace in the car­ service. Finkbeiners, Fowler. free! Cal1 MaiT Rayman 669- tires with duals peted liv. rm., 'din. rm., Phone 582-3121. 37-tf 3346' 36-3p-nc $ 5,250 family rm. w/flreplace, J.D, 4020 diesel, power shift w/duals • SATURDAY, FEB. 5, at 10:30 a.m., Sam Brill, formally Hogs & $ 4,975 patio doors, garage, plus Oliver 1850 diesel Ford and Massey-Ferguson dealer. Trucks, pickups, tractors, MODEL 400 MEC reloader with HOT PANTS TO HOSTESS $ 4,600 the barn provides plenty trailers, shop tools, parts bins, new and used parts. Located 22 and 20 gauge dies. Call GOWNSI Queen's Way has Sheep Oliver 1900C-series, GM engine, - of extra storage space, on M-37 *01d Miission Peninsula* 16 miles north of Traverse power, p.s. $ 4,250 after 6 p.m. Ph. 593-3626 Fowler everything! To get yours free, FOR SALE: 4 sows to farrow $27,500. City at 17015 M-37. Allis Chalmers XT 190 diesel $ 3,975 38-3p call 669-9346. 36-3p-nc In February. One sow with 10 N. OAKLAND Cape Cod J.D. 3020 gas, wide front ? 3,975 pigs. Ray Armbrustmacher, 11/2 pick your own decor, 3 MM G 707 D $ 3,500 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 12:30 p.m. Al York, farm "PIANOS - ORGANSI Repos­ miles North of Fowler. Phone bedrooms, w/family area WELL DRILLING and service. JJD/SOIOD $ 2,975 machinery, located 1 mile North of South Lyons on Pontlac sessed. Assume low balance on Pumps, pipes and supplies. 593-2664. 37-3p has glass door to patio, J.D. 3010 gas $ 2,875 trail, 1 mile West on 11 Mile Rd., 1/2 North on Dixbora Rd., easy terms. See locally. Write built-in bunk upstairs, Free estimates, Carl S. Ober- ? 2,700 1/2 West on 12 Mile Rd. on Kitter Farm. including telephone number to: MM G 705 D, wheat land model, 100 h.p. full basement, 2 baths, litner, 4664 N. State Rd., Alma. $ 2,400 M.M.C. Credit Manager, Box 532, Phone 463-4364. 18-tf SIMONS Case 530 with backhoe and loader $2,000 will handle if you SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 12:30 p.m., Philip Straub, A.C. Lansing, Mich. 48933." 38-2p J.D, 730 diesel, wide front, p.s., 3 point can paint. , XT190 dlesel, A.C. 170 gas with 517 Industrial loader, full hitch G &. W POLE buildings for farm PLANING MILL $ 2,200 NEW 3 BEDROOM 915 line of farm equip. Located 1/2 mile East of Elsie, 2 1/2 J.D. 440 crawler loader. NEED MONEY? State and local and commercial uses. Call us $ 2,100 N. Oakland, 3 bedrooms, South on Meridian Rd., 1/2 mile East on Juddville Rd." governments need money too— Case 600 crawler loader. $ 1,900 before you buy, and compare our Manufacturers of: 4 pc. bath, carpeted kit- and will get it. Will more and quality and service. For the finest M.F. 65 diesel $ 1,600 din w/glass doors to patio more of it come from your prop­ Case 500 diesel, p.s. $ 1,250 full basement $22,480. SATURDAY, FEB. 26, at 12:30 p.m., Norman H. Graham, In pole buildings call (517) 655- Truck, pick-tip, hay and erty tax reforms. Join Farm 3889 or write Post Office Box M.M. GB diesel ' $ 1,200 Massey-Ferguson super 90 Diesel, Massey-Ferguson 165 grain racks,forage PARTIAL BRICK Bureau. 38-lp Oliver 950 diesel $ 1,100 FRONT makes this L- Diesel > Massey-Ferguson 300 combine and 222 corn head, boxes, bunk feeders, f portable cattle mangers CORN HEADS shape ranch especially full line of good used farm equipment. Located 6 miles west and accessories. Custom appealing , carpeting ot St. Johns on M-21 to Forest Hill Rd., 4 miles north. Purchasing new tractors, combines and farm machinery? woodworking. We have contacts in several states. Get our prices before throughout, master bed­ Saba\ room w/l/2 bath, deluxe SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 10:00 a.m. Ohlgren Scientific *y •iKkDIamorul you buy. Farms, Harold Ohlgren owner. Full line of late model farm J.D. 343, snap-on, narrow row cornhead $,2,500 stove, full basement w/ and hay* equipment including 2 John Deere practically new 268 S. Henderson New J.D. 313 n.r, comheads to fit J.D. 45 storm shelter, power fully equipped 4020 Diesels, John Deere 2510 Diesel with Fowler, Michigan or 55 $ 2,200 humidifier on furnace. loader, 2 Harvestore silos: 20x40 and 20x60 complete with J.D. 313 n.r. cornhead to fit 45 combine $ 2,200 118 ACRE grade *A* Phone (Area 517) unloaders and automatic feed setups. Located three miles HENRY E. DREPS, Inc. J.D. 334 n.r. cornhead to fit 55 or 95 $ 1,600 beef set up, the 5 bed­ west of Plnckney, Mich, on M-36 to Hinchey Rd., then two 593-2000 COMBINES room home is a real gem, miles north to 6465 Hinchey Rd. 11375 N. US-27 DEWTTT. MI. E.O.W. outbuildings are in excel­ Complete Service Facilities 1971 JX),6600combine, diesel engine, vari­ lent shape, silo w/unload- SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Anna Rozen, able speed feeder house, cab, 13 ft. grain er, barn 40x60 w/19 Motor Homes, Campers,Cars A Trucks head, 146 actual hours 5 tractorsi 1970 Massey-Ferguson 180 Diesel, wide front .«dSSft EBBS iff*" $15,800 stanchions, new tool shed, M.M. 4290 with cab and all extras, 360 actual hours. Int* super M.T.A. gas. Phone 517-669-9996 $ 4,900 new pole barn, $60,000. 1963 Gleaner A with cab John Deere 60, Farmall H. Int. super A and good line of TRANSMISSIONS AUTOMATIC & STANDARD $ 2,950 50 ACRES Mead Rd. & 1964 JJD. 40 combine farm machinery. Located 4 miles north of St. Johns, Mich. WHEEL & FRAME ALIGNMENT, TIRES & BRAKES $ 2,000 US-27, 5 bedroom home, DAY, WEEK, MONTH or Oliver.73 n.r. w/husking bed and sheller $ 1,900 cement tool shed, 40x50 on US-27 to French Rd., 5 miles east to Watson Rd., 1/4 JJO. 42 pull type mile north. LONG TERM LEASE $ 900 barn, contract terms, * - * GOOD^YEAR $42,500. SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 11:00 a.m, John Beck, 5 tractors: CAINS, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS We need homes for cash Late Model 1100 Massey-Ferguson Diesel, 500 actual hours, BUICK-PONTIAC New Int. 6 bottom plow No. 700 spring trip ' buyers from $12,000 to all extras including cab, 1965 Oliver 1850 Diesel, all extras, bottom and coulters $ 2,700 $30,000 . Call us todayl USED MACHINERY OPEL-GMC J.D. semi-mounted 5 x 16 $ 900 'l$64 Massey-Ferguson 65 Diesel with multi-power, all extras New Home? Build (to Ford Dexta with freeman loader. 1600 actual hours. Massey-Ferguson 35 Diesel. John Deere 210 vy. Higham St. Johns J.D. semi-mounted 4 x 16 $ ?50 your specifications or Farmall 560 gas, Int. semi-mounted 4 x 16 $ 750 ours in Prince Estates.- 95 Combine Hl-Lo with 435 narrow row corn head. 0-6 Int. M.F. 180 Diesel. Phone 224-3231 Orchard Tractor. Full line of good farm machinery and J.D. 14 ft, disc $ 700 Several new, medium A.C. D-17 gas. 2-tf 2 Kilbros 6 ton wagon, 180 bu. gravity box, > orchard 'equipment located 7 1/^ miles north of St, Johns, John Deere A with plow and cultivator ' priced homes for sale. Ford ""*• will sell separately $425 & $450 Mich. oftjW.\ John Deere No* 45 loader. 8 wheel disc II to 14 ft* from * $325 up FOR APPOINTMENTS • New" Holland PTO grinder/mixer, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 12:30 p.m. M".W. Wiseley, Es­ FARM and INDUSTRIAL 2 A.C. WD or WD 45 wide front-In exchange OTHER TIMES PHONE:- Massey Harris 44 with wide front. tate. Farm equipment. Located 8 miles'North of Dexter on TRACTORS and for n.r. front each are— $ 225 ' New Idea No. 210 single beater spreader with pan. -Mast Rd. to end of road, East 1/4 mile on Strawberry Lake EQUIPMENT Mrs. Winnie Gill Kewanee 41 ft. elevator, nearly new. New and Used "WE HAVE USED PARTS FOR JJD. 45 AND INT. 101 224-2511 "< Rd- t - New Idea No. 312 narrow row picker with husking bed COMBINE, WIDE & NARROW ROW CORNHEADS AVAIL­ Bruce La merman j .SATURDAY APRIL I, 12s30*p.m.,Ted Barton, JohnDeere and sheller, Sirnplicity 5'/ ABLE. REBUILT HEADS AND GOOD SELECTION OF 224-4746 3020'gas* full line farm equipment. Located 12'miles M.F, 1150 diesel demonstrator with 18.4x36 duals and LAWN and GARDEN TRACTOR PARTS. Derrlll Shinabery 'North of St. Johns on U.S. 27 to M-57, 1 1/2 miles West. cab. EQUIPMENT 224-3881 AL GALLOWAY USED FARM MACHI NERY HENGFSBACH FORD \lbert Galloway 224-4713 'Wfe Specialize in Farm Machinery and Dairy Cattle Auctions- First Farm North of Roy F. Brlggs 224-2260 . TRACTOR SALES , IF PLANNING A SALE SEE US Sattler & Son, Inc. RannyBriggs 224-6074 St. Johns on US-27 Archie Moore • " COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Phone 647-6356 GALLOWAY'S Miclclloton 5"l-tf , Phone 517-224-4713 or 224-4300 (DeWItt) 669-6645 , iLl.GALLOWAV. AUCTIONEER ' Phi*" 224-471"" 3 St. John' s Plionr ?'16-7?30 Mir PORTLAND* MICH* PQ e Wednesday, January !9, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 3 13A

RESTAURANT with good returns time of the loss of our loved one. Your kindness will never be and locations Has 2 party ' Auction Sale forgotten. The family of Charles Ovid Bethel installs queen Real Estate rooms and dlningroom.Seatsl25 Morrison. 38-lp I Happy Homemaking persons. For, appointment call , Sarah Woodruff, installing senior ^ . By BARBARA BAKEk fFOR SALE: A two bedroom brick Mary Vandervoort 224-7925 or AUCTION: Farm Bureau offers custodian; Debbie Goodrich, in­ ranch type house, like new on Furman-Day Realty 224-3236 or the best farmer influence in stalling Junior custodian; Greg 485-0225. ' 38-1-nc Michigan and the nation.' Loca­ In Memoriam a large lot in the village of Pal en, soloist; Dennis Hunt, The shower is a good place dirt that might, escape from Pewamo, Bring or write bids to tion of "sale"—your Farm Bureau musician; Sue Austin, flag to spray large dusty house the pots. Roman P. Thelen, of Fowler, OUTSIDE LANSING on Burton neighbor or the County Farm In loving memory of Lucas bearer. plants. Just set them in the * * » Executor, Rose Stump Estate. Street. Nice, neat 4 bedroom Bureau Office. Join todayl 38-lp E. Mikulka, who passed away The flag was escorted by Jim shower, turn the cold water If you have trouble with home on 1 1/2 acres with fruit 36-3p 5 years ago Jan. 22, 1967. Gooding and Jeff Sack, members on gently and then let them a narrow garage, here is a- trees and grapes. Call Mary Van­ Business We think of him in silence, of Shiawassee Chapter Order of there to dry. Two precau­ method for saving the car's dervoort 224-7925 or Furman- fenders: Suspend a ball YOU CAN build a new home and No eyes can see us weep, DeMolay of Owosso. tions—do not have the water Day Realty 224-3236 or 485-0225. Opportunity But still within our aching hearts Guests were greeted by Mr. so cold that it will shock the from the center of the ga­ finance it at 7 1/4% interest rage ceiling or door frame 38-1-nc His memory we keep. and Mrs. Dick Hallead, host and' plants, and put a protective lth low monthly payments and cloth or some* other device and line up the middle of ery small closing costs if you BUSINESS OPP. For Sale 1,248 Sadly missed by Father, hostess and Pam Flegel and the car radiator with it SOUTH OF ST. JOHNS just Off sq. ft. model home, at the Mother, brothers and sisters. Jeanne Klbby attended the guest over the drain so it will not uglify. Under this plan you can / become clogged from any when entering. uild a 3 or 4 bedroom home, US-.27 on blacktop, sharp 3 bed­ corner of M-57 and M-66, book. Sheridan, and the sales rights you can't qualify for this fi- room ranch on 1/2 acret under Installation ceremonies were —, |» !-*•—<•« for most of Montcalm County for ncing program, we have other $20,000. Call Mary Rappuhn224- followed by the lighted cross CrGSSfflOn SOTflS QlplOlTlQ ancing" programs available 3469 or Furman-Day Realty 224- the leading line of Modular ceremony, after which refresh-, fch can be adapted to your bud- 3236 or 485-0225. 38-1-nc homes. Call Elsie 862-5480. ments were served in the dining t. For more information, call . 38-3p-nc room. Terry Lynn Cressman,thenew dcwa Builders, Inc. 587-3811 LAINGSBURG AREA - 10 acre Standard Oil dealer at 613 South stop in at our office located building site, rolling with pos­ Main in Ovid, has received a 1/4 miles south of Fowler on sible natural pond. Call Fred Card of Thanks diploma from the oil industry's Wright Rd.lM] • 27-tf Denovlch 224-2597 or Furman- Fix-It Tip most comprehensive course in i Day Realty 224-3236 or 485-0225. service station operation. 38-1-nc BIERGANS—We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and rel­ Oak, walnut and other Recently expanded to four TWO NEW homes for sale in St. open-grain woods cannot be weeks in length, the course is Johns. Low down payment and FOR SALE: 4 bedroom home, atives for their prayers, flowers, cards and food given at the time made completely smooth conducted ataspecially-equipped low interest financing available. new kitchen, under $12,000. with sanding, nor will var­ training center operated by the Call Fedewa Builders Inc. 587- A real bargain. Contact Gail of the loss of our husband and father, also Frs. Schmitt, Beahan nish or other material seal Standard Oil Division of the 3811. E|r 49^ Goetze, 224-2673, Simon Real them completely. These and Kent for all their kindnesses. American Oil Company in Estate. 38-1 woods have open pores in the Detroit. The family of Herman Biergans. grain. These 'must be filled FOR SALE: Older four bedroom, FOR SALE: 56 acres vacantland 38-lp before . finishing to ge t a Cressman graduated from the 2 up unfinished, 2 down car­ also 59 acres vacantland, both smooth surface. school in late November after peted, large living room and din­ good development land with ex­ The Ovid-Elsie Jaycees would Use a special paste wood schooling in all phases of serv­ ing room both carpeted, three cellent building sites. Call Rey like to thank everyone who helped filler made for this purpose. ice station operation and care of piece bathroom; carpeted, oil Hanses, 587-3422, Simon Real in their annual Christmas Shop­ Thin so that it is about as customers' automobiles. Espec­ forced air furnace, one car Estate. 38-1 ping Tgur with a very special thick 'as heavy paint, then ially stressed were maintenance garage, priced right. Call 224- thank-you to the following: brush across the grain a of a clean, attractive station, management of money, manpower Cressman and his wife, Jane, 2619 after six. 38-1 FOR SALE: 28 acres, 5bedroom Maron's IGS, Bancroft Clothing, DONNA GOODRICH small section at a time. As it dries, rub it in and then and materials, and knowledge of are the parents of one son. They ranch with 1 1/2 car garage, The Villager, Beard's and Tom's wipe off the excess by wip­ Standard's broad line of quality reside at 111 1/2 West Higham, FOR SALE: 2 bedroom home on small barns, farm ponds with Western in Ovid and Dancer's in 1 acre lot. shown by appoint­ Elsie, also Ovid Acme Society, Donna Goodrich was installed ing across the grain. products. St. Johns. fish, located 1/2 mile from Long honored queen of Ovid Bethel ment, Ashley area. 110 acres Lake near Ionia, $22,500. Call Holy Family Altar Society, John vacant land, on US-27 near Clin­ Sinicropi, both Ovid and Elsie 36, International Order of Job's Rey Hanses, 587-3422, Simon Daughters, in special cere­ ton and Gratiot County line. Con­ Real Estate. . 38-1 Village Council, Ovid-Elsie tact George Leavitt evenings, FFA, Ed and Doris Prowant Knit Set monies on Jan. 8, at the Ovid 224-4304 or Lepley Real Estate and anyone we may have missed. The popular Star Design of Masonic Temple. 21st Annual 875-3990. 38-lp-nc Wanted To 38-lpnc quilt-m aking has been Installed to serve with Queen adapted to a knit rug and Donna for the ensuing term were pillow set. Pattern No. 5361 Linda Morgan, senior princess; Rent LOZNAK-With sincere thanks FOR SALE:Modern country home has complete knit directions Connie- Everts, junior princess; ST. JOHNS LIONS CLUB we would like to express our ap­ 3 bedroom, 2 baths and 2 car WANTED TO RENT; 3 bedroom and charts. Kay Chamberlain, guide; Ellen preciation for the many kind garage, at 8292 GratiotRd., Ban­ home in or close to St. Johns. Watson, marshal; Sally Everts, expressions of sympathy in TO ORDER, send 60 cents nister. Wayne Walters, phone Contact Russel H: Patton, 108 recorder; Sue Gilbert, trea­ cards, flowers and memorials for each pattern with name, 224-4713 before 5, after 5 Elsie 1/2 Spring St., Apt. 6, St. Johns. surer; Amber Parks, chaplain; SHOW St. Johns to the Cancer Society that were address with zip code, pat­ 862-4323. 38-3p-nc 38-3p-nc Linda Erfourth, musician; Kathy given when we lost our loved one. tern number and size to NEEDLE ARTS, P.O. Box Moore, first messenger; Roberta Thank you to the Duplain Church High School FOR SALE: Ovid, 1 acre lot on 5251, Chicago, 111, 60680. Baker, second messenger; Paul- Mobile of Christ and the United Meth­ 21 and 22 blacktop, corner of Warren and —! ett» Grinnell, third messenger; odist Church and their pastors, Krouse -Rds. Good rock well, Cindy Hehrer, fourth messenger; Adults $1.50 Auditorium septic and drain field. Excellent Homes Revs. Shephard and Litchfield for their prayers, comfort, kind­ Joanne Gruesbeck, fifth mes­ Students $1.00 location! Phone Ovid 834-5262. • FOR SALE: 1970 Marlette 12 STATE FARM 8 p.m. 37-3p-nc ness and understanding. Thanks senger; Debbie Goodrich, inner x 60 fully equipped trailer to the Eastern Star, Masons, guard; Sue Chamberlain, outer guard; Dawn White, senior cus­ WE, OURSELVES, will buy your home with expando, located in ladies from the churches and featuring St. Johns trailer park. Call 224- those that made contributions of todian; Cindy Moore," junior cus­ *»* land contract. For prompt, 3565 or contact Jeri Toben food for the family dinner. Stan todian. courteous action, Call Ford S. Studio. ' 38-3 would want us to thank the family Selected by the new honored LOCAL TALENT PRESENTATIONS LaNoble, LaNoble Realty, 1516 and friends for the prayers, INSURANCE East Michigan, Lansing, Mich. queen to serve as the installing, CHARLES GREGORY/ Comedian, Musician, Humorist cards, letters, gifts, visits, officers were Sue Chamberlain, Phone 517-482-1637. Evenings FOR SALE: Great Lakes trailer, phone calls and other acts of 517-337-1276. , 33-tf. -i-8'x30' with aluminum skirting,- installing honored queen; Sue "A ONE-MAN VARIETY SHOW" kindness extended, him during FOR INSURANCE CALL Besko, installing guide; Debbie fully carpeted. Phone 224-3067. his illness and time spent in BARB PIGGOT, 14 yr. old Ventriloquist 37-3p-nc Morgan, installing marshal; Pam IN OVID LARGE Mobile Home the hospital. Stan and I were Fowler, installing recorder; lots 80 ft. x 150 ft. for sale most grateful to the family and Betsy Baker, installing chaplain; and Sunny or rent. All city facilities. Call Justin Shephard for being in 834-2288. 1-tf For Rent Boston with us in our time of need. God bless you all, we wish you well.—The family of Stanley FOR RENT: Upstairs apartment, R. Loznak 38-lp-nc You're never 3 rooms and bath. Furnished. No children. Ph. 224-4627 after BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY '5 p.m. 38-tf SIMON—I wish to express a sincere thank you to Fathers Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firms too old DICK HAROLD FOR RENT — Air hammer "fur Schmitt and Beahan, friends, breaking up cement, etc. V?e neighbors and relatives for all HAWKS GREEN have two available. Randolph's to hear better] the prayers, cards, visits, St. Johns Automotive & Tire FLORISTS Ready-Mix Plant, North US-27 flowers and food I received AUCTIONEER Discount, Where you save on i Levey's Jewelry, Orange Blos- phone 224-3766. 40-tf s Chicago, 111.—A free offer ofj during my recent stay at the 200 W. State St. tires, US-27, 224-4562. ,„ LL r^i . L Y-1 * ii °m diamond rings, Bulova& Ac- special interest to those who hospital and since my return Watt Florist Flowers for all cufcrQn Wa g J hear but do not understand FOR RENT: Dewitt Norwood home. Cora Simon. 38-lp St. Johns, Al Galloway, Auctioneer. Used' occasions. 121 E, Pine. Elsie— ' ' words has been announced by Apts. Quiet country living, few Farm Machinery & Parts, St. BARBERS 862-5257. Beltone. A non-operating model minutes from Capitol, paved . WADELL—I wish to express Phone 224-7160 Johns, 224-4713. parking area, 1/2 acre play area, of the smallest Beltone aid even my sincere thanks for the excel­ Beaufore's Barber Shop, 1002 1/2 Jay it wUJl Quality Flowers from PARTY SUPPLIES private entrance, partially fur­ STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES made will be given absolutely! lent care I recently received Home Offices: Bloomlngtoa, Illinois State. Open Tues. thru Sat. also Woodbury.s piowerShop, 321 N. nished, carpeted, 2-bedroom, while a patlentatClintonMemor- free to anyone answering this| Wed. & Fri. evenings. clinton st# Johns 234-3218. D&B Party Shoppe, Package advertisement. storage area, no pets. $150 per ial Hospital. A special thanks AUTOMOTIVE month. $175 security deposit, •!•"-1 • »^—. 11. •• •! I. Liquor—9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Mon. - Try it to see how it is worn to Drs. Russell and Grost; to also 3 available at $140 per Bill Fowler Ford. New & Used FOODS Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m. - in the privacy of your own friends and relatives for their CLEANERS month. Renters pay heat and CONCRETE Cars & Pick-ups. N. US-27, De- 11 p.m., 224 N. Clinton. home without cost or obligation thoughtfulness. It was all greatly electric. Phone 669-9879. appreciated. Harry C. Wadell Witt, 669-2725. Gene's IGA Foodliner, Elsie 9-6 of any kind. It's yours to keep, Fedewa Builders, Inc.Egj|29-tf ANTES DRY CLEANERS, pickup 38-lp Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-9 Thurs. free. It weighs less than a third WALLS and delivery. 108 W. Walker, & Fri. 862-4220. of an ounce, and it's all at ear PLUMBING FOR RENT: Private furnished A new home is a lifetime Bill O'Shaughnessy Chev. Inc. phone 224-4529. level, in one unit. No wires lead MORRISON-Special thanks to apartment with light house­ Fr. Hankerd, ambulance service investment. Let us help you New & Used Cars & Trucks, Open from body to head. Mon., Thurs., Fri., evenings, Dunkel Plumbing & Heating, keeping. Phone 224-7740. 36-3p men, Osgood Funeral Home, secure this investment with Andy's IGA, St. Johns, Home These models are free, so we Ph. 669-2235 DeWitt. - ' Licensed Master Plumber, Ph. neighbors and to those who helped the best basement wall DRUGS Baked Bread, Pies, Cookies, suggest you. write for yours' possible —a poured concrete * * Choice Meats, Carry-out ser­ 224-3372, 807 E. State St. now. Again, we repeat, there is' FOR RENT, Modern apartments New Year's Eve. To those who quiet country living on a good brought food to our home, for wall. We are equipped'to do vice. no cost, and certainly no obliga-| the complete job or any part road. Laundry facilities.Nopets. flowers, cards, money and those Cain - Buick - Pontine, New & Parr's Rexall Drugs, Open daily REAL ESTATE tion. "Write to Dept. 2247, Bel­ of it. Bring your prints over tone Electronics Corp., 4201W. Call 587-6616. 37-3p who prepared the dinner at the .Used Cars, 210 W. Higham, Com­ 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Sunday 8:30- FURNITURE or call for an appointment plete Body & Service. 12:30 & 5 to 7 p.m. Victoria, Chicago, 111. 60646. 587-3811. Burton Abstract and Title Co. Abstract and Title Services, 119 Ford Tractors READY-MIX CONCRETE Large selection sewing ma­ N. Clinton. Ph. 224-3294. chines, parts, accessories, Mill­ and Implements For All Your Needs *"- Egan Ford Sales, Inc., 200 W. ELECTRICIANS QUALITY - SERVICE Higham, phone 224-2285. Pinto, er Furniture 224-7265, St. Johns. New and Used Machinery Ford-Maverick-Torino-Mustang Furman-Day Realty, 1515 N.US- Parts and Accessories 27, Member Lansing Board of FEDEWA M Maintenance Elect, Service Res­ Realtors, Multiple Listing CARLAND SALES idential, Commercial, Industrial GIFTS Service, 224-3236 or Toll Free and SERVICE Hub Tire Center, B. F. Goodrich Ph. 224-7966, 507 E. Higham from Lansing*485-0225. Tires, Ph. 224-3218, Front-End t The • Treasure Chest, 220 N. "Gib" Simon -Howard^ Gladding Phone Owosso, SA 3-3227 BUILDERS, Inc. Alignment. Clinton, Hallmark Cards—Russ­ Brokers 102 N. Clinton Carl and, Michigan 6218 Wright Road, 53-tf RESTAURANT ell Stover Candy 24-tt 5 1/4 Miles South of Fowler.. 'Schmitt Electric Co., Residen­ tial - Commercial - Industrial, PHONE 224-6736 DALEY'S FINE FOOD, Dining & Bob's Auto Body, Complete Col­ 224-4277, 807 1/2 E. State St. HARDWARE DREAMS BECOME A RiAilU. WITH ROTARY WATER WELL DRILLING lision Service, 224-2921, 800 N. Cocktails,' Ph. 224-3072, S. U.S. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Lansing. 27-1/2 mile S. M 21. FOR HELP CALL ONE SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS SOLD & REPAIRED * * SIMON REAL ESTATE, Dalman Hardware, Ph. 669-6785, OF THESE SALESPEOPLE." . GILBERT & INGALLS, Inc. DeWitt, Whirlpool Appliances, FERTILIZERS Zenith TV, Plumbing and Heating' WESTERN Audrey & Jerome Witgen'- John Schumaker DeWirr-669-9636 or Dimondale-646-2871 48-tf 224-2206 224-7371 Debar Chevrolet Co. New &Used Zeeb Fertilizers, Everything for Cars. Elsie-862-4800. You can't Tom's Western Store, 1 mi. W. John Fedewa Louis Thelen the soil, St. Johns, 224-3234, 593-3158 do better anywhere. INSURANCE Ovid, 9 - 5:30 Mon. - Sat., Fri. 593-2197 Ashley, 847-3571. til 9. Anytime by Appt., 834-5446. Gail Goetze Rey Hanses 587-3422 Jim McKenzie Insurance All 224-2673. Esther Hendershot NEW HOMES Moore Oil Co*, If it's tires, Line of Inst 224-2479 Xonia-527- CALL MILLIE 909 E State, Ph. 224- FINANCIAL 2480. * and place your 224-3563 see us t '4726. advertisement in this HOMES, ACREAGE, LOTS, FARMS, BUSINESS OPPORTUNrTlES. DIRECTORY GOOD SELECTIONS. Schafer Bros. Builders JEWELRY Capitol Savings & Loan Assoc, Licensed and fully insured-Free estimates & planning. 3 lines for 50$ Each Hettler's Motor Sales, 24 hr. 222;N/ Clinton, 224-2304, Safety additional line 20$< Six Service, Good Used Lake's Jewellery, Your Diamond JJ nt,\t ions Z- Members of Lansing Board of Realtors Call 669-9494 or 669-5070 for Savings since 1890. week minimum running. V. ."V-"-"'-' h tf Trucks., Specialists^ Ph. 224-2412. & Multiple Listing Exchange Service'.. 559. E.Webb Road' DeWitt - \ ^ggr •*-* i Page 14 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesdqy, January 19, 1972

Ovid Mrs. Oliver Smith we care Phone 834-5252

Mrs. Andrew Reichert re­ noon was Bon Price of Battle turned home recently from a Creek who has a religious pro­ visit with her son-in-law and gram called "The Altar of the daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Air* on WOAP radio each morn­ Jacobbauski of North Hollywood, ing. He stressed the value of a California, She was the former mother's influence on her chil­ Alice Schoch of Ovid. The high­ dren and praisedhealingbyfaith. lights of the visit were San These programs are taped and Francisco, Fisherman's Wharf, distributed to prisons and boat ride around Alcatraz Island, wherever needed. Questions fol­ California Museum of Science lowed the - talk which were ^in­ . . , IS A VERY IMPORTANT and Industry, Museum of Natural terestingly answered. He played History both at Los Angeles. She a musical saw and he and his also enjoyed Knott's Berry NUMBER AT CENTRAL NATIONAL Advertised Prices Good in wife sang, a duet with piano Farm, San Juan Capistrano, accompaniment. Refreshments All A&P and A&P A-Mart China Town, World Famous, Pan- Stores in this Area were served by Mrs. Harold chitos Spanish Restaurant, Beau­ Beardslee, Mrs. Winfield Al- BANK ... BUT IT DOESN'T SHOW of Michigan Through tiful Christmas Tree Lane and drich, Mrs. Bernon Willett and Saturday, Jan, 22nd. the Rose Parade at Pasadena. Mrs. Lawrence Mack. A busi­ NO WHOLESALE The Women'sFellowshipofthe ness meeting completed the pro­ ON THE STATEMENT BELOW! PURCHASES United Church held their regular gram. meeting on Wednesday at the 48 is the number of officers, directors, and staff and one" day-to-day tasks that enable our bank to Main St. Building, with other Mr. and Mrs. Harold Euler meet and grow with the financial requirements of Clinton of Bloomfield Hills were guests members (men and .women) who spent an important Government Inspected church women as'guests. Devo­ part of their lives working for Central National Bank County industries, businessmen and families. tions were given by Mrs. Betty of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Blakeslee We salute them!.For, their growth and ours. This on Saturday, Jan. 8. in the communities we serve throughout Clinton County. Jones. The speaker of the after­ When compared with the large figures 'appearing in past year Central National's total assets grew over WHOLE FUESH our statement, it Is small. . .almost Any. But its 2 million dollars. importance cannot be overestimated for these are the And when you .read the figures below, remember people who take care of the banking needs of some other . . .it's people who make a bank's operation's efficient— very important people. . .our customers. There are and profitable. Pewamo the human beings who cheerfully perform the "thousand Call No. 480 Charter No. ,.i.?.Si?.9. National Bank Region No .7.

2 OR MRS. IRENE FOX REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING MORE Ph. 824-2021 DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE " IN A BAG Visitors at the home of Marie Sunday, Jan. 9 as a pneumonia Central National Bank of St. Johns Cook Sunday, Jan. 9 were Mr. patient. As of this date Jan. 17 and Mrs. Russell Olson of Lan­ she is still a patient. IN THE STATE OF .Michigan AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON ,..R?.Z9$?&f...?.l 1971 sing. Funeral services were held PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE The six weeks old granddaugh­ Friday, Jan, 14 for Edward J. 12, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. SELECT, SMALL SIZE ter of Mrs. Cornelia Schrauben Cook, 82, of Portland at St. Pewamo, Veronica Lynn daughter Patrick's Church in Portland. ASSETS Dollars Cts. Spare Ribs ...... 65l b of Mr.andMrs.KennethSchraub- Edward J. Cook was a former en of Ionia, underwent major Cash and due from banks (including S. . unposted debits) . , .533. .7.4.8.. ..8Q Pewamo resident. Several from U.S. Treasury securities .2.7.1. 39.4 ,9.6. "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY—WHOLE 0 ff*?. surgery Thursday, Jan. 13 at this area attended services. He Blodgett Memorial Hospital in Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations .2.72. ..Q3.3.. ..Ql died at the Ionia County Memor­ Obligations of States and political subdivisions .5.71. .as 5.:. ..7i Semi-Boneless Hams 07ib Grand Rapids. none ial Hospital Tuesday, Jan. 11. Other securities (including $ corporate stock) .3ia. August Kramer was admitted .29.4.. ..51 Surviving are five sons, Brother Trading account securities , . mn.e.. Michigan No. 1 Jonathan or as a medical patient at the Ionia Leon of Hlngham, Mass, Leonard Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 6.QQ. ..QQ County Memorial Hospital Mon­ .00.0.. 3 and Reynold of Grand Rapids, Loans 3.6.7. BSS- ..A.. day, Jan. 10. 164, ,71 Thomas and Robert of Portland, Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises . . 627, "59 Father Philip Cook of St. Jo­ two daughters, Mrs, Stella Real estate owned other than bank premises 886* seph spent a day visiting in Degrazio of Colorado and Mrs. Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated lone^ Pewamo with his sister, Marie Lorraine Esch of Lansing. Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding none Cook. Rosary was recited at the Neller Other assets (including $, none direct lease financing) 1SX oaa M. John Fedewa who underwent Funeral Home at 8 p.m. Thurs­ TOTALASSETS \ ."*... .-. _1S B52. 522. J& knee surgery at St. Lawrence day. Hospital in Lansing on Jan, 6 LIABILITIES was released Thursday Jan 13. H e will be in a cast for four SCHOOL MENU Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 3 .Q.8.7.. weeks. sr: JOHNS Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2.5.a. ..6.5X Mrs. Wilma Cook entertained Deposits of United States Government ii .6.9.a. .9.5.5... ..3.0. her card club Monday evening ELEMENTARY Deposits of States and political subdivisions ,6.95.. .3.5.Q.. ,.95„ at her home. MONDAY, January 31 Deposits of foreign governments and official institutions .nans Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fox Deposits of commercial banks , .flfflrig BANANAS © O Salisbury Steak .31, attended a belated Christmas Mashed Potatoes Certified and officers' checks,'etc uz.. .D.B.4... TOTAL DEPOSITS . . . ' $ 17 .fi72 .403.54 party Sunday, Jan. 2 at the home Corn, Peas and Carrots $ of Mr. and Mrs. Gunther at Bread (a) Total demand deposits 4.633.920.93 100% BRAZILIAN (b) Total time and savings deposits $ 13.238,483.61 Lansing, Sunday, Jan. 9 Herman Margarine Wieber and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase none Milk Liabilities for borrowed money none Cummins and sons, • John and Cookie EIGHT Jerry Cummins were visitors of Mortgage indebtedness none none Mr', and Mrs. Joseph J. Fox Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding TUESDAY, February 1 Other liabilities 830 307 90 Tuesday, Jan. 11 was the 57th Hot Dog ia 702 717 44 O'CLOCK I wedding anniversary of Mr, and TOTAL LIABILITIES Baked Beans MINORITY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES Mrs. JoseDh J. Fox. Visitors Apples w/Red Hots were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Down­ Hot Dog Bun RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES ing and daughters Pamela and Margarine Patty of St. Johns and Mr. and Milk 87 Mrs. David Cummins. Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 166 AQ.?.... none Mrs. Barbara Alexander spent WEDNESDAY, February 2 Other reserves on loans none the week end with her daughter Reserves on securities BBQ Hamburger 166 109 87 Mrs. Mary Albers of St. Johns. French Fries Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keller of Buttered Corn TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES • Flint spent the weekend with Hamburger Bun Mrs. Charles Cook. Margarine CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Mrs. Charles Cook recently Milk returned from a two week's Cookie v Capital notes and debentures % Due "___ S cruise on the Caribbean. She ac­ t 988 710 45 % Due $ companied her son and daughter- ^THURSDAY, February 3 none in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Cook Chicken on a Stick Equity capital-total of Marlette, Tater Tots Preferred stock-total par value i 332 620 00 ^Mrs, Matilda Cook, R-2, Rosy Applesauce No. shares outstanding none Pewamo was admitted at the Bread Common Stock-total par value « Ionia County Memorial Hospital Margarine No. shares authorized 33/262 No. shares outstanding 33/262 .2.7.5.,.. .0.00. .QQ. Milk Surplus .381... .ago. ..45. Undivided profits -^ nana Shepardsville .FRIDAY, February 4 Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves . . - qflfl 210. A5. By Lucille Spencer laasagna TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 19 857 537 76 Buttered Green Beans TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Applesauce MEMORANDA This message to Ovidltes who Bread might be Florida-bound within Margarine Average of total deposits for .the IS calendar days ending with call date 17 563 180 the next few weeks: The 1972, Milk Average of total loans for the IS calendar days ending with call date , ...... 485* 945 none Ovid area reunion will be Feb­ Interest collected not earned on installment loans included In total capital accounts ruary 21 at the Palmetto (Florida) National Guard Armory, I4th Ave. at 10th St. Wacousta in Palmetto, Fla, The picnic Mrs Edward Krafts 626-6944 I,...HSX0ld..J?,f...R/...Me^M*..JPKS.?iE?.?.n.t...., of the above-named bank do is scheduled for 12 noon and (Name and tltlo of officer authorized to sign report) folks are asked to being their hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my/Knowledge and belief. gSSSgp Jt» Pad™ own table service and a dish Mrs. Ivan Bancroft and Mrs. to" pass. We urge everyone who ' Almeda Spencer called on Mrs. .-* * J 1. .1 Hattie Cohran and Mrs. Ella We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by can possibly join us to come. Last us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. WHITE year we had 126 present. Don Leavenworth in Lansing, Sunday. U.S.Government Securities of" and Carol Chamberlain are co- Mrs. Roberta Herfretty is a chairmen of this picnic and are $ 1,475,000*00 were pledged at surgical patient at Sparrow Hos­ December 31, 1971'to secure former residents of the Ovid pital. Public Depoists of $ 300,000.0 fitjli,*?. !•'.->. Directors. area, * t Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Neumeyer of Treasurer of State of and* son of Detroit spent the Michigan and for weekend with their parents, Mr. Pthnr puryn,,... = and Mrs. Leonard Jastram and CLINTON daughter. CENTRAL Wacousta Community United THEATER Methodist Church WSCS will meet NATIONAL BANK Wednesday, Jan. 19 for a noon Downtown St. Johns luncheon. Rev. Ted Otto is in •St. Johns Beginning Friday charge of the program. SULTANA OPEN EVERYDAY ' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Felton former Wacousta area residents Show Time 7:45 p.m. are medical patients in Ann Arbor Salad Dressing Hospital. January 21 Thru 25 Neighborhood Society will meet Thursday for a 12:30 p.m. QT. VVal f Disney's potluck with Mrs. Ed Kraft. Co- JAR hostesses are Mrs. Dan Stenzel and Mrs. Charles Phillips. "Lady and Mrs. Charles Phillips, Jane, 39 Rodney and Van Phillip were 91 theTramp Sunda y dinner guests of Mrs. ,nl Ion Phillips of rural Mason. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Michigan rear end review nemployment jumps to nine-year high

By Michigan Employment total for a single month since exhausted their regular benefits The good news in the auto because of the short and early Detroit was more sharply af­ and government registered only It appears that both the Security Commission March 1961. * and met the eligibility require­ industry appeared to carry oyer changeover period this year, the fected because of the heavier minimal gains. Private non- National and state economies Because of the high level of ments, can receive additional to other segments of the eco­ industry began full scale pro­ concentration of auto related in­ manufacturing firms in the State will continue their upward trend Despite the recent pick up in Joblessness and the extended benefits under the Joint federal- nomy, with retail sales moving duction earlier and consequently dustries and manufacturing white added about 4,000 new em­ over the next year. The New [conomic activity, unemploy­ benefits program, the Michigan state extended benefit program. toward substantial gains and con­ had more cars in inventory when collar personnel in the area. ployees. The government sector, Economic. Policy implemented ment in Michigan moved to a Employment Security Commis­ Although there were good aufo sales began to climb. with an increase of approxi­ by the National Administration struction continuing its recovery For the first time since 1962 le year high in 1971. sion distributed over $350 production months in this early cycle. These same factors con­ mately 10,000waswell-belowthe has definitely aided American |The State's unemployment million in unemployment In­ tributed to an upward unemploy­ Michigan and Detroit did not have auto makers by dropping the ex­ part of the year as the industry,' Usually, Michigan expects to growth pattern of more recent fel for the year, at 293,000 surance benefits over the year. tried to build up inventories ment trend in the Detroit metro­ any increase in the size of their years. cise tax and strengthening their see its employment jump when labor force. Generally it is ex­ 8.1, per cent of the labor The total amount paid out was after the strike, Michigan's econ­ politan area. Detroit trl-county The upturn in new car sales competitive position with foreign |rce, was substantially above the largest since 1958, and the auto production climbs. But for unemployment jumped to an an­ pected that the labor force growth makers. omy remained farily sluggish. several reasons this was not the did not exert much influence on year ago figures of 253,000 average payment of about $60 The President's announcement nual average of 143,100 or 8.1 will keep pace with the change in The c o m b 1 n e d effect should case this year, as total employ­ the population size of those six­ the average work week for Michi­ 'or, 7.0 per cent. The number of for a full week of unemployment of his New Economic Policies in per cent in 1971 compared to gan's production workers. Mich­ make 1972 a good auto sales unemployed reached a monthly was a record high. During ment fell by over 15,000 to 3,328, 116,800 or 6.6 per cent in 1970. teen and over. Normally this year for American built cars. August signaled the start of a 900 for 1971. First, much of the igan production workers in 1971 pekk in July with 374,000 out of periods of high unemployment, period of renewed economic ac­ The Detroit area unemployment amounts to about a two per cent Although unemployment is his­ domestic sales gains were in gain in the number of people in worked an average of 40.7 hours wi)rk, which was the highest unemployed workers who have tivity in Michigan. level for 1971 was the highest per week at $4.58 per hour or torically one of the slower seg­ sub-compact models, which are since 1961 when the annual aver­ the State's work force. The de­ ments to exhibU an improve­ all produced outside of Michi­ cline in the number of persons $186.12 per week. Last year, the age unemployment rate equaled State's production workers ment after a recession, the job­ gan. Secondly, de-emphasis of 11.0 per cent or 157,300. entering Michigan's labor force less rate should show a definite styling changes this year caused this year indicates that as eco­ woked an average of 40.6 hours The State's employment loss for $4.15 per hour or $168.33 and welcome decline in Michi­ many independent auto-related nomic activity accelerates a dis­ gan and Detroit in 1972. firms in the area to severely was concentrated in the Detroit proportionate number ofpersons per week. cut back employment over the area, where the number of will be seeking jobs. past year and a half. workers fell from 1,632,400 in &• 1970 to below 1,615,000 in 1971. Because of the current un­ Third, the cut backs in white When the Detroit area employ­ employment situation, many have This is | collar staffs that the auto com­ ment decline is subtracted from probably gone back to school or panies made to improve their the State total, the rest of the just abandoned their job search profit situation particularly af­ State's employment level is vir­ until the opportunities increase. Jim Leon Week fected the Detroit area. Finally, tually unchanged from last year. Because of this potential back­ log of workers, coupled with those currently looking for work, V It will take a substantial amount I of growth for Michigan to sig­ Jim is a relative newcomer to St. Johns but in the five Clinton County nificantly lower its unemploy­ years he's been here a large number of activities have felt s ment rate. his influence. He's immediate past president of the Chamber r\t thQ fhraamainr segments of of Commerce and has been a "Development Corp. board the States economy, only member since its beginning. But besides these more formal News manufacturing posted an em­ ties, Jim has also played vital roles behind the scenes of fe ployment decline. Michigan many projects, ranging from the First Nighters to the Doctor manufacturing industries re­ Search Committee, with the United Fund thrown in for good duced employment by approxi­ measure. We're pleased #to honor Jim as our citizen of the mately 23,000 workers in the past week. He's one more reason why this is a good area in which year. The overwhelming propor­ to live. January 19, 1972 % tion of the decline, about 75 per SECTION cent, was attributable to cutbacks I among the durable goods indus« tries, especially the auto and related supplier firms. Most of CLINTON NATIONAL B that loss was centered in the Ole Man Winter isn't all bad. While it can be miserable Detroit area. BANK & TRUST CO. . f for some, it can be fun for others as is .indicated by this Elsie Private non-manufacturing fisherman heading toward his ice shanty for an afternoon's 7*7 relaxation. With the mercury dipping to record lows, Maple r~ River should bein no danger of thin ice. extra cash means extra earnings with (News Photo by Harold Schmaltz) time deposits at the wide-awake bank Strictly Fresh The fellow who tells you The Ovid-Elsie that money isn't everything most likely has a few tens stashed away in his wallet. report * * * A disgruntled ad agency chum says that the best ' By PATTY BERNATH thing some artists draw is their pay checks. Wednesday, Jan. 12, the O-E fensive boards with center + * «c Girls Varsity Basketball team Carolyn Woodard and forwards The days we hate around was victorious over St, Charles Nancy Lemke and Cindy Kay- here are the ones when the by a score of 33-27. O-E over- anek. boss no's all the answers. j powered both offensive and de- Getting O-E points were Kayanek, 13; Woodard, 6; Lemke, 8; S. Latz, 5; and J. Galecka, 1. MOORE The O-E junior varsity played the same night, but came out on the other end, losing by a score OIL CO. of 29-11. Scoring JV's were: K. 909 E. STATE Fett, 5; S. Gruesbeck, 3; L. Whit­ ST. JOHNS ing, 1; D. Marriage, 1; and B. Zephyn Whiting, 1. purchases to: Varsity St. Charles scorers were: Turner, 3; Gantner, 14; Ph. 224-4726 Pasionek, 4j an d Kendal, 6. JV scorers were: Williams, S;t Berdella and Vorgellor, 7} Zorn," Parliament, and Simmons, 2; and f INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! Knull, 1. Both teams are new members HOME-FARM in the Tri-County League. O-E

ST. JOHNS LIONS CLUB Our congratulations to Jaycee award winners: Barry Dean, Outstanding Young Man John Arehart, Outstanding Young Educator James Becker, Outstanding Young Farmer . January SHOW St. Johns 21 and 22 High School Adults $1.50 Auditorium Students $1.00 8 p.m. CLINTON NATIONAL featuring CLINTON NATIONAL LOCAL TALENT PRESENTATIONS CHARLES GREGORY, Comedian, Musician, Humorist BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ( 'A ONE-MAN VARIETY SHOW" . Serving the Clinton area from eleven locations. BARB PIGG0T, 14 yr.old Ventriloquist The wide-awake bank and Sunny • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation « Page 2 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan . January 19, 197 Clinton County News Woihinffton Raporti Bits and Pieces Revenue Editorial Page sharing Pride and Honor

U.S. Rep, Garry Brown HAROLD SCHMALTZ Lawmakers have WASHINGTON, D.C.-Waysand The Administration plan pro­ Means Chairman WllburMllls' vides no incentives for state and 1 recently proposed substitute rev­ local tax reform, and I was crit­ This being the month of Jan­ Christian gentleman with un­ 1 < enue sharing proposal has some friends and homefolks and d ical of this fact in my testimony uary and today being the 19th, questionable bravery. fend a cause that really did good points lacking in the Admin­ before the Ways and Means Com­ my thoughts turn to the From the very onset of his a sorry image istration's plan, but I regret he mean anything to him or do mittee. TheMiUsbUlwasclear- birthday of an illustrious military career, which began very natural thing, that of fig did not go further and incorporate ly drafted with this criticism in character of whom I have in the Mexican war, he dis­ the tax credit app^ach that I ad­ ing for his own? Andsowenth "KosV^df -the people I talk to Six times Dowdy"'s trial was mind; however, it nevertheless I deep admiration. Such admir­ played zeal and intrepidity which tory.... r2 are reasonably satisfied with our vocated in testimony last year provides for continuing large ation moved me to name one of won for him, praise and pro­ delayed because of his reported before his Committee. federal payments to the states af­ my sons after him. Robert E. motion. It has been said that uj I system. What they no longer like illness. But the inaction of the Under his proposal, the ter minimal reforms have been Lee is the man of whom I speak. His high character and self- secession of Virginia from is the ability of the people in Federal Government would for achieved. My proposal would ul­ Thinking of southern hospital­ sacrifice in the' interest of the Union that Lee made this state­ House Ethics Committee in­ five years make upto$3.5billion timately see local government ity and bravery perhaps un­ cause he believed right, gained ment to Montgomery Blair, who government who are running it. dicated he was competent to rep­ annually in direct grants to local raising their own revenues matched by anyone militarily, the sincere admiration of even was offering him the commandlof •Those who pervert it to serve county and city governments and through their own taxing perhaps the noblest soldier to his former enemies; while the the Union Armji, "Mr. Blair AI resent the public even though incentive payments totaling up to authority without additional tax ever graduate from West point, calm dignity with which he met look upon secession as anarchy. selfish'ends are to blame for his attorneys said he was in­ $1.8 billion annually to state gov­ payments being required from Robert Edward Lee is pretty adversity and submitted to the If I owned 4 million slaves in tile a ^"crisis* of confidence." Pub- ernments. These statepayments taxpayers; that is, the local gov­ special to me. inevitable, brought forth South I would sacrifice them all capable of representing himself would be geared to the revenue ernments would use part of the to the Union, but how can I draw IT ISTRUETHATHEFOUGHT Northern compassion and lie opinion polls show this de­ raised by the state's individual federal taxing authority rather Southern pride. my sword upon Virginia, my in a trial. a lost cause when he surrendered native state?" clining confidence in govern­ income tax. They would be in­ than the federal tax money. Even at the age of eighteen, Now there is a felon con­ tended to encourage the states to many years ago at Appomattox, ment's 'ability to convert to Further, only my plan of the but did he really lose? In my Robert E. Lee ~was known as a As Lee presented his letter develop and improve their own model student at West Point of resignation in the Union Army, viction—but still no action. income tax systems. three eliminates the costly ad­ opinion he did not! changing conditions. ministrative inconvenience of the by his superiors. During his he was quoted as saying, "Save It hasn't always been thus. The Mills plan, the Adminis­ Your first reaction to this That, of course, puts the issue round trip to Washington of the statement might be, wait a four years there he was never in defense of my state I, never The committee voted to expel tration's General Revenue Shar­ taxpayer's dollars. , known to have received one de­ desire again to draw my sword," in the laps of critical voters. ing and my own proposal for the minute buddy . ,, Am I reading One thing is clear as the Con­ correctly? Do you mean to imply merit for misconduct. He grad­ We all know that General Lee Adam Clayton Powell without Federal Government to shareits uated with highest honors. did, Infact, draw his sword again. Had' ihe public elected good men taxing authority would all provide gress approaches the start of the that a general who has fought any conviction. This action was second session; the strongest and surrendered a war by factual One could wonder how a man Against an adversary we all knew in the first place there would for approximately the same lev­ as U.S. Grant of the Union Army, proper in this newspaper's els of funding, about $5 billion possible revenue sharing mea­ proof could have actually won, of such character and repute be fewer problems. per year. sure must be passed this year. contrary to all written records? ever got on the "wrong side of >.At this moment stop and con­ opinion. I will continue my fight toward Considering the fields of battle the fence," sider this . . . when you have a -It grows evident that elected What is needed today are man­ All three plans would for the that end. Only in this way can and ritual of surrendering his spare moment sometime with 'most part distribute funds on the state and local government truly Robert E. Lee had love ... no, officials" also have the duty of sword, he did lose. But to the not the kind of love we normally nothing else to do, take out a datory ethics committees. They basis of local need and revenue- be strengthened and government people of the South and his­ book of reference and do a little policing their own ranks. There raising effort. decentralized. think of, but love for his state would review all seriously al­ torians of both the North and of Virginia. He could not stand reading. Read of Grant's life are some good people in Mich- leged improprieties. This would South he did not. the thought of swords being drawn after the Civil War and compare igan's legislature, of course. According to many military upon his people, his heritage, it to that of Lee's. remove the process from legis­ authorities, Lee was perhaps the nor his state. You'll see Jhat Robert E. Lee But they contribute to the drop in lative whim, friendship or ani­ Back thru greatest of all American did not lose. The victory he confidence by a procedure that generals , . , yet he was not a gained was the most important mosity. LEE, THEREFORE, MADE A all 'but insures no policing in this "blood and guts Patton-type" decision of conscience. What was battle of all time, that being the but rather a mild, dignified, his purpose? To fire upon his "battle of life". century. It would be better, of course, if greater respect of officials the years Congress presents a new and existed. Clinton County and the rest of horrible example. It is the case One Year Ago Central Michigan, still reeling Representative Dowdy is a from the blows of last week's of Rep. John Dowdy, Texas Dem- Jan. 20, 1971 paralyzing ice and snow storm, •'oerat. w. ^ *." felon. He should not be allowed took it on the chin again Sunday to remain in a position he has State Sen, William S. Ballenger night and Monday as another ;.' He was convicted a |ew days III (R-Ovid) was given the oath eight Inches of snow blanketed the been found guilty of abusing. of office by Supreme Court area In less than 16 hours. s'ago for taking a $25,000 bribe. Justice Thomas E. Brennan at As we've said before the law­ Funeral services were held tBut the House Ethics Committee swearing in ceremonies marking Tuesday for Daniel Frappier, 88, By TIM YOUNKMAN makers themselves are to blame the opening session of the 76th of rural Elsie at the Carter Fun­ & plans to do nothing until all appeal Michigan legislature Jan. 13, for their present sorry image. eral Home. Recently Mr, Frap­ ;•- routes are exhausted. He has B, Stanley Pocuis , Clinton pier celebrated his birthday with —D.S. County intermediate superin­ PLEASE DO* NOT •DISTURB** *^» ****** ^not said he will appeal. his twin brother, Samuel of Lan­ i *fi U.S.^Government can afford to I feel qualified to lead this (YLB) are the most recent threats And how much bad legislation was islative performance by numbers bill. such as reading, watching TV or balances as of Dec. 31, 1946. sidetracked by the Legislature? C count, ringing crusade because my wife to Michigan's 1971 corn crop, of bills passed also fajl to take This same situation existed in £* Ma Bell has requested the swears I am the only man on thinking about Ann-Margret. I Points at the beginning of the Still another factor is the age- into consideration that there are have since refined this down to according to George McQueen, reverse back in the Fifties and 1" usual rate Increase, It's up to the earth who can sit and listen to a Clinton County Extension Serv­ game count just as much as those old question: "Who is the many subtle forces at work that one simple golden rule: I will coming at the end was the lesson early Sixties when Democrat i, FCC ,to decide whether Ma really phone ring and not answer It. ice, judge?'' make passing new laws ex­ Governors G, Mennen Williams * needs more of your money each It's really easy. Long ago I answer the phone if It is in my learned (the hard way) by the In the latter category, de­ tremely difficult. hand when It rings. Otherwise, 4-H and FFA members will and John B. Swainsonhadtowork month. But how can the FCC set discovered that, of 346 phone have the opportunity to put forth Redwing basketball team in their pending upon the feelings of the For Instance, Michigan has two phooey. clash with Grand Ledge Saturday with aGOP-controlledLegls- a fair profit if it can't first calls coming Into our house every their Ideas on Pollution Control "judge'*, a legislative session t major parties in the Legislature lature. determine Ma's expenses? day, only .00045% were for me. I strongly suggest that all. by entering the Pollution Poster evening , The Ledgers won on would be rated successful If laws —Republican and Democrat. their home floor 35-34. were passed to liberalize a- Actually, many political There's no way. And that was always some guy parents treat Ma Bell in similar Contest. Generally speaking, Repub­ scientists feel that such divided Two members of the FCC who had chopped up his wife fashion. In three weeks she will The men who are among the bortlon, block financial aid to licans are considered to be the best informed about food prices non-public schools, liberalize leadership—with one party con­ V deplored the decision to drop the and wanted me to keep his name be small enough to be investi­ 10 Years Ago more "conservative" of the two trolling the Governor's office and, t investigation as'bordering on the out of the paper because the gated by an off-duty patrolman are looking for the price curve divorce laws, cut back on wild and Democratsthemore"llb- - to turn downward this year. welfare spending, and liberalize the other party controlling the . ? irresponsible.* Said Commls- news would make his mother making some extra money on Jan. 18, 196: Tuesday 103 7-9 p.m. 10.00 6 ings to be so threatening to our 18, 19 and 20. § Crocheting Tuesday 149 7-9 p.m. 8.00 I ways of life—so much at odds IS 10 Reatha Winans The school is sponsored by §: IS Welding Tuesday 154 7-10 p.m. 25.00 10 with our rooted beliefs, that we * Auto-Owners Insurance Company •:•: % *Arts & Crafts Monday 109 RB\ 7-9 p.m. 17.00 5 Village Clerk could not tolerate Him for long. and is designed to provide par- £1 ft*- Knitting Wednesday 149 7-9 p.m. 8.00 a Not a pleasant thought is it? ticipants with life insurance-jlj 10 % Cake Decorating Thursday 149 7-9 p.m. 10.00 10 The Wise Men were certain skills and sales ideas. Thirty-•:•: % Bishop Sewing I Tuesday 148 7-10 p.m. 25.00 nine Auto-Owners agents from 10 •::: 10 I about Jesus. If only 20th century Bishop Sewing II Tuesday 148 7-10 p.m. 25.00 10 wise men were as certain. states were in attendance. :$ % REGISTRATION $ Upholstery , Wednesday 170 7-10 p.m. 18.00 10 **Bookkeeptng II Thursday 113 7-10 p.m. 20.00 10 1 **Offlce Machines Tuesday 113 7-10 p.m. 20.00 10 NOTICE NEWS WANT ADS CAlt SELL ANYTHING Is T Typing n Thursday 113 7-10 p.m. 15.00 10 % Office Practice Tuesday 113 7-10 p.m. 18.00 TO THE VOTERS OF (ABC shorthand & office techniques - typing required) 1 Artificial Flower Making Thursday 149 7-9 p.m. 8.00 THE VILLAGE OF OVID NOTICE 1 * Arts & Crafts - this course will include stitchery, simple REGULAR 1972 CLINTON COUNTY 8 rug making, macrame): (creative knot tying), candle maki batik, Friday, Jan. 21 $ tie dying,> * BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETINGS ** These courses will begin the week of March 13th. •f- These courses are a continuation of 1st session and started Jan. 6th. is the :ft •S The Clinton County Board of Com­ Sfrff»B888SS8B88389SSS8S^^ LAST DAY TO missioners will hold regular meetings on the, first Tuesday of each'month, ENROLLMENT BLANK­ REGISTER With the exception of April and October. ET ail to: FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION These being set by State Statute. St. Johns Public Schools Voters may register from . January 4 July 5 August 1 Vocational Office, February 1 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. September 5 Box 230 Marcli 7 St. Johns, Michigan at the Village Hall A ,, -.-, October 10 April 11 November 9. or May 2 December 5 Name: Phone: at my residence at June' 6 , Address: . Cttv: 217 E. Clinton St. At 9:00 a.m. in the Courthouse, Class: Fee: from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. St. Johns, Michigan. Amount Enclosed: I ERNEST E, CARTER Suggestion for future course Signed, Kafherine Huts' County Clerk ! Village Clerk I'&s:::::::^^^ 'I I Page 4B' CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan January 19, 1972 \ Business and Professional Announcements the North 28 feet of Lot 13, in Block 1 of Hurd and sickles NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE The period within which the Village of Fowler Subdivision of Out Lots G and H, —Default having been made in the above premises may be redeemed to the City of St. Johns, Clinton . terms and conditions of a certain shall expire six (6) months from' Council Meeting IRS checks retailers COURTHOUSE County, Michigan, according to mortgage executed by DARIAN' date of sale, FOWLER, MICHIGAN Detroit, Michlgan-The results the highest dollar sales volume LEE GRAHAM -AND LORETTA AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST, r O" the plat thereof as recorded in Of initial IRS spot checks of retail during the last fiscal year,, or Liber 34 of Deeds, on Page M. GRAHAMj his wife to CITI-. COMPANY Dec. 10, 1971 stores in. Michigan for com­ those products which accounted lEs 233, Clinton County Records, ZENS MORTGAGE CORPORA­ a corporation, of Lansing, Mich­ pliance with Price Commission for 50% of the total dollar^ sales] :. ...» TIMOTHY M.GREEN, ?£? fateTransfers The length of the period of TION, a Michigan Corporation igan - Mortgagee The December meeting was posting requirements which went volume during that year, ;whlch-j Judge of. Probate (From records in office of redemption- from such sale will dated 20th day of December, 1968, Date: November 17,1971 called to order by President into effect January 2 were an­ ever is less, ; ' .Register of Deeds) Dated: January 4, 1972 37-3 and recorded on 26th day of Foster, Llndemer, Swift and be six months. ( Sp'icer. Roll call was next in nounced today by T h o m a s Car- Retailers with sales oi • ;*; - >• December, 1968, in Liber 254, Collins CITIZENS MORTGAGE order. One councilman was ab­ doza, Internal Revenue Service $100,000 or more per' year arJ _ :Jah., 6: Fuller, David V. and. Page 631, Clinton County, Mich­ CORPORATION, Attorneys for Mortgagee sent. The minutes were read by District Director. required to display promineritll Sharon R." to: James L. and Susan Claims Gump—Mar. 15 igan Records, which mortgage a Michigan Corporation^, Mort­ 900 American Bank and Trust the clerk. A motion by'McKean Spot checks conducted during the base price for food and fc >B. Hicks,, property In Sec. 35, STATE OF MICHIGAN - The was assigned by said. Mortgagee _/ Riley. "•"•.• gagee, Bldg. to accept the minutes was sec­ the last week indicated that ap­ related (grocery store) prpductj Probate Court for the County to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT­ Dated: October 25,1971 Lansing, Michigan 48933 29-13 onded by Wohlfert; carried.. The proximately 40% of the retailers These prices may be posted a(f 56- "Jan, 6:. Value Builders, Inc. of Clinton GAGE ASSOCIATION, a National Marion H, Crawmer, Esq. • •- bills were then read. A motion were in full compliance, or In central location provided ttf i; to. Thomas C. and Helen M. Estate of $&• • Mortgage Association, by assign­ Monaghan, McCrone, Campbell Final account Haueter-Feb, 23 by Rademacher to pay the bills various' stages of, compliance. signs are available in' each d| Walsh, property In Sec. 17, MIRIAM K. GUMP, Deceased ment dated the 13th day of Jan­ and Crawmer, STATE OF MICHIGAN — The seconded by McKean; carried. Sixty percent were found to be in partment indicating, the lopat Watertown. It is Ordered that on Wednes­ uary, 1969, and recorded on the Attorneys for Mortgagee Probate Court for the County Councilman-Pettit gave a re­ violation of the posting require­ of the base,prlce list. •_ Jan 7:,Warnke, William H. and day. March 15. 1972. at9:30a.m. 17th day of January, 1969, in. 1732 ,Buhl Building, • of Clinton. * port on a meeting that he and ments. _ Hilda; Koepperi, Donald and Joyce in the Probate Courtroom in the Liber 254, Page 797, Clinton These larger retailers mi Detroit, Michigan, 48226 Estate of Councilman Wohlfert attended in Prior to the January 2 post­ to Bing B. and Vivian K. Bailey, Courthouse in St. Johns, Mich­ County, Michigan Records, oh also post the base price for the 961-0473 26-13 CARL HAUETER, St. Johns with the Police Depart­ ing deadline IRS found a high rate 40 non-food iten»s which had the property in .Sec, 16, Essex. igan a hearing be held at which which mortgage there is claimed aka CARL W. HAUETON, .Jan.. 7; Phalen,.John C. 'and all creditors of said deceased License tosell Cook—Feb, 23 ment. of compliance Cardozasaid. highest dollar sales volume \n ,tobe due, at the. date of this Deceased. • Catherine.B.' to. Robert V. and are required to prove their STATE OF MICHIGAN'- The notice, the sum of THIRTEEN - A proposed Budget was readby Much of the recent noncom­ each department during the last It is Ordered that on the 23rd Councilman Pettlt to be further - Kathleen A'. Mack, Lot 70, River claims and heirs will be deter­ Probate Court for the County THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED pliance, he explained, relates to fiscal year or those non7food . Wood Sub. mined. Creditors mustfile sworn of Clinton* day of February, 1972, at 11:00 discussed and studied at the Feb. the fact that until January 2, re­ products which accounted for a't . JariV 7: Pierce, Keith A. and claims with the Court, and serve Estate of FORTY-ONE .AND_26/lpO. a.m., in the Probate Courtroom meeting, tailers were required only to least 50% of total dollar sales in Xoulse M. to Robert J. and Nancy a copy on Robert A. Wood, Ancil­ VICTOR W. COOK, Deceased DOLLARS ($13,941,26). in the City of St. Johns, Mich­ i . A Resolution by McKean to post signs announcing the avail­ that department during thatyear •, K.V.Divish, property in Sec. 20, lary Administrator With Will It is Ordered that on Wednes­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, igan a hearing be heid on the 'transfer 10 per cent of Major ability of base price information. whichever is less. Base price Eagle. ' Annexed, 200 W. State, St. Johns, day, February 23, 1972, at 9:30 that by virtue of the power of petition of Vernon C. Babbitt, Highway Funds to Local Highway Regulations requiring addi­ lists for non-food items must sale contained in said mortgage Administrator, w.w.a. of said ; Jan. 7: Pierce, Keith A. and "Michigan, prior to said hearing. "a.m., in. the Probate Courtroom Funds was seconded by Wohlfert. tional posting procedures by Jan­ be prominently posted in each and the statute in such case estate, for the allowance of his [Louise. M. to Robert Lee and Publication and service shall in the Courthouse in St. Johns, Roll call vote, Rademacher, yes; uary 2 first appeared in the Fed­ department containing non-food made and provided said mortgage final account and assignment of JJ11 W. Tubbs, property in Sec. be made as provided by Statute Michigan a hearing be held on the Wohlfert, yes; Smith, yes; Mc­ eral Register on November 13, items. ••* ' will be foreclosed by a sale of residue. ;20; Eagle. / and Court Rule. Petition of Vernea. J. Witgenj Kean, yes; Pettlt, yes. Carried. 1971. . Cardoza emphasized that: the said mortgaged premises, or Publication., and service shall A discussion was held onSno- ;_•.. Jan. 7: Fedewa Builders Inc. TIMOTHY M. GREEN, . Administratrix,.for License to' location of price, lists must be some part of them, at public be made as provided by Statute , mobiles Drivers as complaints Cardoza stated that IRS is giv­ ,..^tp' James L'., ,and Margaret M. Judge of Probate Sell Real Estate of said deceased.' easily accessible to the "custom­ g : auction on the 29th day of March and Court Rule. are coming In on their activities. ing top priority to spot check­ Korfenj property in Sec. 9, Riley. Dated: January 3, 1972. Persons interested In said estate er and,must not require him to, t 1972, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., East­ If they fail to police themselves, ing for compliance with the price Jan.. lOr Bechtel," William D. Robert H. Wood are directed to appear at said TIMOTHY M. GREEN, ask a store employee for access • ern Standard Time, at the main then the Council will take action. posting requirements. The num­ arid Judith A* to Wayne E. and Attorney for Estate hearing to show cause why such Judge of Probate to the information. At least one license should not be granted. entrance to the Courthouse, in Dated: January 7, 1972 Meeting adjourned, ber of IRS personnel engaged In Diane E. HOover, Lot 5, Willow 200 W. State St., spot checking retail stores In sign (minimum of22*x28*')must the City of St, Johns, Clinton T. Carl Holbrook and Hudson E, REATHA WINANS, Creek Fjirms. "-r ", St. Johns, Michigan 36-3 Publication and service shall Michigan for compliance has be displayed on each floor of .a, County, State of Michigan; that Demlng Clerk . Jan. 10: Popoff, Christine to be made as provided by Statute been expanded starting Wed­ retail establishment announcing Lyle F. and Gerald L. Parmalee, Final account. Gqodsell— Feb. 2 and Court Rule. being one of the places of holding By: Hudson E. Demlng the availability of base price^ln- Circuit Court in said County, Attorneys for petitioner 1 nesday, January 12 and over 150 * ...Property ,in:Sec. 3, DeWitt. STATE OF MICHIGAN > The . TIMOTHY M, GREEN, members of the IRS District formatlon for all items that are Said mortgaged premises are 200 South Bridge Street State schedules Jan. 10: Brown," Elinore and Probate_Court for the County , Judge of Probate staff will be In the field checking not. required to be posted, he described as follows: Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837 Jerry L. to Sally Ann Barrett, of Clinton. Dated: January 10,1972. compliance. Retailers who have added. Lot 51 and the East 10 feet 37-3 property in Sec. 26, Victor. Estate of Robert H. Wood Public Auction made, a bona fide,, but Incom- It is vital, Cardoza said, that of Lot, 50, Supervisor's Plat of 1 _. Jan. 10; Warnke, William H. CARLTON J, GOODSELL, Attorney for Estate .plete, attempt to comply with the retailers and . consumers be and Hilda; Kpeppen, Donald and Deceased 200 W. State St. Ballantine's Wee Farms, Section The new year's first auction aware of posting requirements. >. 28, T5N, R2W, Township of De- guidelines will be given until Jan­ Joyce 'to. Donald- Richard Hill It is Ordered that on Wednes­ St, Johns, Michigan 37-3 CITY sale of State-owned used motor uary 17 to adjust their posting He urged consumers to look for •Jr., property in Sec. 16, Essex. day, Feb. 2. 1972, at 10:30 a.m., Witt, Clinton County, Michigan, vehicles will be.held at 10 a.m. the price lists and speak to store *;: procedures. Retailers who have V Jan. 10: Smith, John Kent and in the Probate Courtroom in St. according to the recorded plat COMMISSION ^Saturday, Jan, 22, at the State managers if lists are absent or .a.".' Will Hurl-Feb. 16 made no attempt to comply with Antoinette: D<- to Una J. Warren, Johns, Michigan a hearing be held thereof as recorded in Liber Plat Highway Department Garage on appear incomplete e. STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Book, Page 2, Clinton County the requirements will be held in Lot 28, Chandler Est, on the petition of John J, Moskal, Probate Court for the County MEETING West Saginaw Street (M-43) at Violation. The penalty for each If a consumer discovers that Administrator, for allowance of Records, the Interstate 96 interchange. a retailer is in violation of post­ n- Jan. 11: Gingras, Richard G. of Clinton. violation is up to $5000 a dayfor and Sally A, to Larry R. and his Final Account andfor assign­ Estate of The length of the period of MINUTES According to William N. as long as the violation continues, ing requirements, a complaint ment of residue. redemption from such sale will may be filed by'contacting',the •'bt Karen E.. Johnstone, property VERN E, HURL, Deceased Hettlger, Director of the Cardoza said that the current in Sec. 17, Bath. Publication and service shall It Is Ordered that on. Wednes­ be six (6) months. DECEMBER 27, 1971 Michigan Department of Admin­ Local IRS office. The IRS will be made as provided by Statute Dated at Lansing, Michigan, posting regulations require re­ investigate all "complaints ;.re- day, February 16, 1972, at 10:00 The regular meeting of the istration which is conducting the tailers with sales of less than Probate Court and Court Rule. a.m., in the Probate Courtroom December 29,1971. City Commission was called to sale, there are 110 motor vehl-. ceived. In Detroit complaints FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT­ $100,000 per year to display may be filed by contacting' the HON, TIMOTHY M. GREEN TIMOTHY M, GREEN, in St. Johns, Michigan a hearing order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor cles and several other pieces GAGE ASSOCIATION, A National prominently the base price for IRS at 226-7650. " Judge of Probate Judge of Probate be held on thePetitionfor Probate Wood. of equipment to be placed on the Dated: Dec. 29, 1971 of Will* and Determination of Mortgage Association Assignee Comm. Present: Rand,Ebert, auction block. Among the vehi­ HELENA M. BURK of Mortgagee. Register of Probate Fortino, plaxton & Moskal Heirs as filed by Bernard L. Wood. Comm. Absent: Hannah, cles are 41 passenger cars, all ./\y>gmmm By: John J. Moskal Deyarmond, Sr. DAVID M, LICK of Grost. StaffPresent: CityClerk, With automatic transmission and FARHAT, BURNS AND STORY, *•'•> WEDNESDAYj January 26, 1972 Attorney for Estate Publication and service shall City Attorney. of 1968 and 1969 model,years., ^P^^flr fr"- Edward Pasch, claims, 175 Warwick Dr., Jbe made as. provided bg, Statute P.C, .Motion by Comm, Rand sup-. - .Also Ja^basold, are 37 pickup boa n (jgbrge' % ^ctJrtofob^cl&ms. Alma,- Michigan '•- 36-3 and'66uH"ttuleV'"v'. "*'lL Attorneys for Assignee of Mort- 'ported by Comm. Ebert to; apV Trucjcs.'a^d^ dumpVrucksyMr. ^^C i S Ainslejr'Ji^BeCker,' claims. i .,. .. , .. „- ,J^ "'"*'''TIMOTHY'M. GREEN, . &&*'„...-„.. ...,. =.... "..-.prjove the minutes of. .December*, .HettM^saiaf. 1 Claims ••"•• 1971.--Motion carried. Prospective buyers must be --.' ! -1.. JwS^. .." :.t. »W,.J3&;! STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Lansing, Michigan 48933 35-13 ^ * V* Dated: January 7, 1972, Motion by Comm. Rand sup-, prepared to make payment in MRS. ROBERT VALENTINE V . LEGAL NOTICES Probate Court for the County Warner, Hart & Morgan ported by Comm, Ebert to ap­ full, either by cash or check, at ( of Clinton Ph.. 862-4342 Ronald G. Mogan NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE prove the warrants. Motion the time of sale. Buyers also iiA-J^ Guardian Creyts—Feb, 23 Estate of Attorney for carried. must be able to show proof of STATE OF MICHIGAN - The HELEN M. MICHELS, Deceased Bernard L, Deyarmond, Sr. Default havng been made in the Motion by Comm, Ebert sup­ insurance or to pay the $45 un- . The Bannister United Metho­ Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Probate Court for the County It is Ordered that on Wednes­ Lansing, Michigan 37-3 condition of a certain indenture ported by Comm. Rand to ap­ isured motorist fee when pur­ dist Youth met Sunday evening in will be held at the Bannister of Clinton, . . day, March 15, 1972, at 9:30 of mortgage made on the 3rd day prove the agenda. Motion car­ chasing license plates for ve­ Wesley Center. Special guest for United Methodist Church on Jan, Estate of a.m., in the Probate Courtroom MORTGAGE SALE - Default of February, 1969, byBONNERS, ried, hicles. the evening was Kathleen Beagle 19 at 8_ p.m. A very special ROBERT Di- CREYTS, in the Courthouse in .St. Johns, has been made in the conditions a co-partnership consisting of Mr. Ralph Shoemaker & Mr. The vehicles and other equip­ of St. Johns. She showed slides program is planned is mentallyvlncqmpetent person Michigan a, hearing be held at of a mortgage made by HOWARD Dick Bonner, Robert McKee and Michael Jones of the State High­ ment may be inspected at the and told of her trip to British hoped that many''will attend,1 It is Ordered that on the 23rd which all creditors of said S. PICKMAN and DONNA J, Marshall Livingston, as Mortga­ way Department appeared before garage-from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Honduras with a work group. The Ashley WSCS has been invited. day ,pf February, 1972, at 11:00 deceased are required to prove PlCKMAN, husband and wife to gors, given by them to the AMER­ the City Commission with the Thursday, Jan. 21,andduringthe young people found this very in­ This program is sponsored by the a,m., In the Probate Courtroom their claims and heirs will be WILLIAM H. SILL MORTGAGES, ICAN BANK AND TRUST COM­ proposal for the widening of US- morning of the sale, teresting and a time of discus­ Bannister Women's Society of determined. Creditors mustfile in the City of St. Johns, Mich- INCORPORATED, a Michigan PANY, a corporation organized 27 at M-21. Mr. Shoemaker sion followed showing of the Christian Service. ;- claims with the Court and serve igan .a\, hearing be held on the Corporation Mortgagee, dated told the Commission that the slides. Cathy ..Ensign, vlce-pr%s- 4 and existing under the laws of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Valentine petition of Hudson E, Demlng, a copy on Alba F. Wert, Executor July 30, 1969, and recorded on State Installed oversized signals ident -conducted a short business the State of Michigan, as Mortga­ Shepardsvillo and family were Sunday guests successor- guardian of said R.F.D. NO. 1, Box 6013, Punta August 4, 1969, in Liber 256, at the intersection because of the meeting. Feb. 12 was set for a gee, and recorded on the 6th By Lucille Spencer of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. estate,-for. the allowance of his GOrda, 'Florida, 33950, prior to on page 208, Clinton, County day of February, 1969, at the number of accidents that oc­ bake sale to help sponsor the The Chippewa Chippers and the Fifth Annual. Account, said hearing. Records, Michigan, and assigned Office of the Register of Deeds curred. He indicated that most three youths going on the U.N, L Congratulations to thenewMr. Busy Green Clover 4-H Clubs V publication , atid service shall Publication and service shall by said Mortgagee to FIRST SAV­ for Clinton County, Michigan, in accidents, involved vehicles Seminar in March, The three are and Mrs. Lee Chant, the former took a large load of glass to be'made as provided by Statute be made as^provided by Statute INGS .AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Liber 254, Page 938, Clinton making left turns. He said that Debra Hlnkley, Lori Miller and Mrs. Linda Bailey. Mrs. Chant Alma Saturday. They will con­ and Court Rule. and Court Rule, OF JERSEY CITY, N, J. by an County Records, on which mort­ the accident rate would continue Pat Terrell. The^date for the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tinue to collect glassat the homes TIMOTHY M. GREEN, assignment dated July 30, 1969,. gage there Is claimed to be due to climb until the intersection annual Pizza Bake was set for TIMOTHY M, GREEN Karl Smith and was married on of Robert Valentine and Raymond Judge of Probate and recorded on August 4, 1969 and unpaid as of the date of this was widened to facilitate a left Feb. 26. • -*.'-".• Judge of Probate . Jan. 9 at the Church of God. Stewart. Dated: January/i2,. 1972 38-3 Dated: December 30, 1971 - in Liber 256, on page 212, Clin­ Notice the sum of THIRTY- turn lane. Robert H. Wood ton, County Records, Michigan, THREE THOUSAND NINE HUN­ Mr. Jones told the Commission Several from the Shepards- Heirs - Smith-Mar, 29 Attorney for Estate on which mortgage there is DRED SEVENTY-FOUR AND48/ that they expected to increase the ville area attended the program Shepardsville STATE OF MICHIGAN - The 200 W. State claimed to be due at the date 100 ($33,974.48) DOLLARS in­ at the Main Street Building in pavement width approximately 12 By Lucille Spencer .. Probate Court for the County St. Johns, Michigan 37-3 hereof the.sum of TWELVE terest; and no suit or proceed­ ft.; that the Highway Department Ovid on Jan. 12, to hear the of Clinton : Rev. Don Price speak. Rev, Price IF" THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ing at law .or in equity having would purchase approximately 3 The new minister for the Estate of '*.'"-- is well-known for his radlo'pro- MORTGAGE SALE * NINETY-FIVE AND 60/100 Dol­ been instituted to recover the ft, from each property owner Shepardsville and Price VINA M. SMITH, Deceased gram "Family Altar of the Air." lars ($12795.60), including"inter- debt or any part thereof, secured fronting on US-27 and the es­ churches Is Rev. Darold D. Boyd, It is Ordered that on Wednes­ Default has been made in the est at 7-1/2% per annum. by said Indenture of mortgage, timated cost of the project would The general meeting of the a Free Methodist minister doing day, March29,1972, at9:30a.m., conditions of a mortgage on and the power of sale In said . be $170,000, Shepardsville WSCS will be in- graduate work at M.S.U, His in the Probate Courtroom In St. Under the power pt sale con­ single residence property not indenture of mortgage contained Several p e r s o n s in the aud- charge of the Program and De­ present address is 8080 Parks Johns, Michigan a hearing be held tained in said mortgage and the more than 3 acres in size made having become operative by rea­ lence asked questions about the votions. Drive, Spring Arbor, 49283; tele­ oh the petition of Helen Walker statute in such case made and by RONALD R,' DIETZ and' son of such default; proposed expansion and urged the The trailer home of the Rev. phone 517-524-673L He is at' walk on LEFT Bell, Administratrix W.W.A., for provided, notice is hereby given JOYCE M. DIETZ, his wife, relocation of US-27 outside the Joseph Eger was badly damaged present looking for a place In determination of heirs; and at that said mortgage will before-] Mortgagors, to CITIZENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN City. by fire a short while ago. the Lansing area^ FACE traffic which all creditors of said de­ closed by a sale of the mort­ MORTGAGE CORPORATION, i that on the 15th day of February, ceased are ^required to prove gaged premises, or some part of Many citizens voiced their op­ Michigan Corporation,.Mort­ 1972, at V0:00 o'clock in the fore- their claims. Creditors mustfile them, at public vendue at the position to the widening of the gagee, dated December 21,1970, noon> at the North entrance to the sworn'ciaims^ with the court and north door of the Court House street. and recorded, on December 23, Courthouse, in the City of St. serve, a copy on Helen Walker in the City of St. Johns, Clinton Motion by Comm. Ebert sup­ 1970, In Liber 259 of Mortgages, Johns, Mlchgan, that being the Bell, 420 Kedzie Street, East County, Michigan, at 10:00 ported by Comm. "Rand to au-- on Page 847, Clinton County place for holding the Circuit j*r •tahsing^ Michigan, prior to said o'clock a.m. on Friday, April 14, thorize the insertion of the MC Records, Michigan, on which Court for the County of Clinton, if'^hearing. :*• / 1972. .' District In place of the Neigh­ mortgage there is claimed to be there will be offered for. sale * ' Publication .and service shall Said premises are situated in borhood Service District In the J due at the date hereof the sum of and sold to the highest bidder ^0rmacle'as-provided by Statute the city of D e W111, Clinton proposed Zoning Ordinance; fur­ EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN. or bidders at public auction or y arid^ CdurtRule/. :"V County, Michigan, and Lare ther, to authorize the City At- HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE AND vendue, fOr the purpose of sat­ AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE :?.'.'- - " "TIMOTHY .M.GREEN, described as: 'torney to index the proposed or­ iv 86/100 DOLLARS ($18,729.86), isfying the amounts due and un­ >.*•/. ",;•'•• '.--}'•<' "judge of Probate The North 11 feet of Lot 35 dinance to facilitate the new dis­ including interest at 8-1/2 per paid on said mortgage, together For the BEST BUY in |DatedrJa^Uary43).,l'972.' and the South 59 feet of Lot 36 trict. Motion carried. GOWER'S HARDWARE cent per annum, which is more with all legal costs and charges Purina Feeds: ^PhiiipiT* Carter^:. of Evelyn Cutler Replat of Lots New & Used Chevrolet* than 66-2/3 per cent of the of sale, including an attorney Means $ $ $ In Your Pocket and •* 'Attorneyfor;P.etiUdner . ".. 21 and 22 of Viewcrest River Motion by Comm. Rand sup­ See original indebtedness secured by fee In the amount of ONE HUN- £bl:^pster,' iLlhaemer, Swift & AddttiOn to the Village of DeWitt . „ ,„ ^ ,, „ ported by Comm. *Ebert .to ad­ Mathews Elevator Co. said mortgage. Mrw /ff nn n journ at 8:53 p.m. Motion Car­ EDINGER & WEBER GRAIN ELEVATOR j-cbiiins/ /-, ' . on the South fraction of theNW DRED FIFTY ($150.00) DOLLARS Grain—-Feeds—Seeds 7 Under the power of sale con­ ried, FOWLER ' Phone 582-2401 BOTTLED GAS ^96o American;Barik&-Trust Bldg, 1/4 of Section 8, .and replat Of as provided In said^mortgage FOWLER Arising'; -Michigan . 38-3_ tained in said mortgage and the part of putlot G; Assessor's, the lands and premises in said/i Cylinders or Bulk statute in such case made and- Plat of Village of DeWitt, Town mortgage mentioned arid de*| Eureka .Ahnual^account Chapln—Feb* 9 provided, notice is hereby given • 5 North, Ranged 2, West,, now 1 scribed as follows:. .'• • • De-ke tanks CREDIT BUREAU Phone 224-2695 • 'STATE OF MICHIGAN - The that said mortgage- will'be City of DeWitt, Clinton Comity, Be a Partner fore-closed bya sale of the mort­ Phone 224-2953 • -- , probate Court for the County Michigan; ' ; Commencing, at a point which To take the freeze off animal NOT JUST A CUSTOMER gaged premises* or some part CLINTON COUNTY '".': of; Clinton^ ;._•__.•• The "length of the period ,of Is 2054.0 feet'S 0 degrees 58* water tanks* wrap them with ' Buy the Co-op Way * • of them, atpublic1 vendue, at the Estate of'! •'-"•• redemption from.such sale willbe* and 70.0 feet N 89 degrees' 08V heating tape or use an electric CREDIT BUREAU Deceased entrance to! ,ihev County FARMERS' CO-OP INSURANCE JOHN * BiVCHAPIN, maln 6 months. E of the.section corner common tank de-icer/says. Robert Mad-. .- ' *r Building, in the City of St, Johns, Phone224-2391 -It Is Ordered that on Wednes­ Dated: December 28, 1971 to, Sections" 3, 4, 9 and 10, T5N, dex, Michigan State University FOWLER Phone 582-2661 Clinton County, Michigan, at Complete Insurance Service day, February• 9;"1972, at 10:30 FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN R2W, DeWitt Township, Clinton agricultural engineer. Credit > Reports Collections %m.V 'in tRe\ Probate Courtroom 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, ..ASSOCIATION OF JERSEY- County,' Michigan,- thence S 0 Since 1933 1 on FRIDAY, the 28TH day-of The only other alternative'to vat St. Johns /Michigan a hearing CITY, N, J, ; 1 revent 1Ce fARM: " AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE [:,*.• degrees 53'E 187.0 feet, thence P covered tanks or. be held on the petition of the JANUARY, 1972, .-':•• '*' Assignee' of Mortgage N 89-degrees 08' E'220,6 feeti 'rozen plastic bases Is to make. DRAINAGE FOR YOUR LISTING IN THE FIRE INSURANCE ' Detroit Bahlf arid Trust Company, SHAHEEN&SHAHEEN •* Said premises are situated in • thence N 0 degrees 53'W 172,01 more frequent trips with the GENERAL CASUALITY Trustee^ for allowance of their. ..By; Joseph Shaheeh the City of St, Johns; Clinton feet, .thence S 89 degrees:.08» ^ater.paii. .But-that's not too/ JAMES BURNHAM fwentV-Seventh ahhOal account. • Attorney,1 Business Directory County, -Michigan, and are dQ^ ",' W'89.9 feet, thence S 86 degrees Practidal, especially if you have . Phone St. Johns 224-4M5 Allaby-Brewbaker, Inc. 5Sc>iioh^and service shaU/ vj^ '™ , 2520 Guardian Building, R-»» St. Johns 55* W 131.2 "feet to the-point Several animals to water, says Ph6rtft*24-tm Over Gamble Store ' r tt{* »**•«* "Iftouth 3/4:01 "til Hind, Detroit, Michigan 48226 86-13 6tbeginhirigj •'... MaddeX* - , ind court Rule. • ' ' St. Johns - Phorie 224-Sttfe

•r L ' \ Page 5 g CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan January 19, 1972 dual - B. Wawsczyk, 545. High Martin, 3-10; A, Thurloiy, 4-7- 291/2 271/2 Allaby & Brewbaker 0 , 8 Moriarty Lumber game team — MP's, 678. High 10j D.Shepard,4-6-10;P.Butler, 24 33 High individual game .~ Kay Bob's Bar series'team - MP's, 1969. Ovid 5-10; B. Beck, 4-5. Coca Cola 24 33 Penix, 221. High series lndivi- , Mrs. 'Nick Lanners of Salem, Capitol Sav. & Loan 20 37 dual - Kay Penix, 575. High High game individual - Jerry S. D. returnedhomeMondayafter COMMERCIAL Fresca 20 37 team game — Roadhouse, 867. Brockmyre, 212. High series in­ -being a house' guest for a few High series team — Roadhouse, Jan. 4 W L Woodbury's 19 38 dividual - ^ernie Wawsczyk, days sin the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daley's 36 18 High game individual - Bud 2540, 500 series — Jan Fowler, 560. High game team - WPA's, Donal Saxton. Mrs. Lanners was Bowling N 529; Carole Thum, 512; Doris 658. High series team - MP's, Schmitt's 36 18 Schneeberger, 216, High series here to attend the wedding recep­ Demmer's 34 20 individual — FrankSumbera, 564. King, 508; Cynthia Tiedt, 504. 1896. 200 games — Bernie Waw­ tion on Sunday, for Mr. and'Mrs. Zeeb's 4 2 Jim's 33 21 High game team - Co-op's, 842. 200 games — Sharon DeMarais, sczyk, 202; Dean Burk, 200. George Saxton.. CITY CLASSIC WEDNESDAY MORNING Clinton Crop Service 31/2 21/2 Rehmann's 31 23 High series team — Co-op's, 208; Doris King, 204; AnnaHatta, Jan. 6 W L INDUSTRIAL Kurt's 3 3 Bruno's 30 24 2477. 200 games —Larry Pewos- 204. Lake's 38 13 Jan. 5 W L I VPW #2 Redwing Lanes 30 24 ki, 210;GaryMay,201;BobPratt, News About Clinton County Jim's Ins, ( 37 14 Sandbaggers 6 0 Hazle's Mobile Feeds Galloway's 28 26 208. NITE OWLS Green's Printing 33 18 Holy Rollers 5 1 Bob's Auto Body Sprite 26 28 Jan, 13 W L Redwing Lanes 32 19 Beef Jerkys 4 2 Sprite McKenzie's 23 31 KINGS & QUEENS General Telephone 7 1 Federal Mogul 30 21 Will Tell 4 2 Coca Cola . 1/2 51/2 Style Master Homes 9 45 Jan. 9 W L Rivard's 7 1 Clinton Nat. Bank 28 20 Tool Room . 4 2 High game individual — Paul Aloha , ' 46 Levey's 42 30 F. C. Mason 6 2 Coca Cola 26 25 Speeders 3 3 Bishop, 225. High series indivi­ High game Individual • G. Karen's Krunchers • 42 30 Beck's 5 3 Army Private JAMES L. 4th battalion. He entered the army Warren's Ins. ' 2D 26 Whites 2 4 dual — Paul Bishop, 634. High Dunkel, 223. High series indivi­ Fighting Irish 42 30 Kurt's 5 3 MA6IATEK, 20, son of Mr. and in March 1971, received basic Heathman's 25 26 4 Aces v 1 5 game team — Strouse Oil, 907. dual - K. Harter, 589. High Sandbaggers 41 31 Central Mich. Lumber 5 3 Mrs. Edward Maciatek, 280 E. training at Ft. Knox,Ky.,andwas Budwelser 19 32 Wild Ones 1 , 5 High series team — Strouse Oil, game team — Bruno's, 882. High Pins fitters 40 32 Smith-Douglas 4 4 Webb Road, DeWitt recently com­ last stationed at Redstone Marshall Music 8 43 Tri-Ami Outcasts 0 6 2536. 200 games — MUo Rowell, series team — Redwing Lanes, Court Jesters 39 33 GutterDusters 3 5 pleted eight weeks of basic train­ Arsenal, Ala, He is a 1969 grad­ Curley's Laund." 6 45 High game individual — Lyle 200; Paul Bishop, 225. 2587. 200 games — Bob Boet- Four P's 37 35 St. Johns Co-op. 2 6 ing at the U.S, Army Training uate of Rodney B. Wilson High Ploate, 215. High series indivi­ School, St. Johns, High game individual — Ray­ tger, 209; Keith Harter, 202-210; Misfits 36 36 Wheel Inn 2 6 Center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky.He dual — Jon Tatroe, 560. High NIGHT HAWK G. Dunkel, 223, 200; L, Lewis, Foursquares ' 33 39 Schwan's 1 7 received instruction in drill and mond Richards, 233. High series game team — Sandbaggers, 738. Jan. 11 W L Individual — Wayne Dush, 580. 213; Bob Upton, 201; T. Kent- Dush Const. 30 42 Foobars 1 • 7 ceremonies, weapons, map read­ High series team —Sandbaggers, 361/2 201/2 Army Specialist Four High game team —Green's Print­ Legion field, 206; Watson,207;AlDutch- Gutter Dusters 29 43 High individual game — Pat ing, combat tactics, military 2110. 200 games - Harry Pugh, 35 22 JEFFREY M. C?ELLER, 20, son Of ing, 901. High series team — Dunkel's er, 204; R. Lynam, 211; Jon DePeal's 21 51 Munger, 208. High series indivi­ courtesy, military Justice, first 203; Joe Martinez, 211; Don 34 23 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Geller, Green's Printing, 2564. 200 Zeeb's Tatroe, 213; Mark Myers, 205. High game individual - Shirley dual - Lela Clark, 494. High aid, and army history and tradiT Adair, 211. 32 25 108 W. Baldwin St., St. Johns, games — Wayne Dush, 215; Keith Beck's High game individual — Keith Castner, 180. High series indivi­ team game — Central Mich. tions, PvU Maciatek is a 1970 32 25 recently was assigned to the Penix, 203; Paul Bishop, 202; Coca Cola Barrett, 233. High series indivi­ dual - Iola Adair, 473. High Lumber, 900. High series team graduate of Bath High School. 31 26 504th military police battalion Sonny Estes, 201; Terry Kent- TWIN CITY Roadhouse dual — J.Spousta, 586. Highgame game team — Misfits, 645. High — F. C. Mason Co., 2459. 200 near Da Nang, Vietnam. Spec. field, 203; Charlie Green, 222; Jan. 5 W L Randolph's 29 28 team - Jim's, 916. High series series team — Levey's, 1833. game — Maxine Smit, 202. Strouse Oil 51/2 1/2 Farm Bureau 28 29 Geller is a military policeman Rudy Masarik, 202; BobSchmidt, team - Schmitt's, 2592. 200 200 games —, Jim Rasmussin, Shirts and Skirts Army Private First Class Paul's Auto. 251/2 311/2 in the battalion's company C. He 202; Ed Conley, 201; Ron Camp­ Andy's IGA 5 1 games — P. Montague, 201; N. 210; Clint Adams, 214 with a Jan. 7, 1972 CHRIS L. CORNELL, 20, son of Rupp 23 1/2 33 1/2 entered the army In January 1971, bell, 216; Roger Heathman, 201. Cains ' 5 1 Keys, 201; R. Kentfield, 204; L. 553 series. W L Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Cornell, VFW#1 41/2 11/2 Hettler's 18 1/2 38 1/2 received basic training at Ft. Lewis, 200; R. p Krldner, 223; TUESDAY TEATIME LEAGUE Slop Shots 4 0 1601 E. Center Line Road, St. Egg Station 17 40 Johns recently was assigned to Knox-, Ky., and was last stationed O. Estes, 219; A. Tiedt, 212; Jan. 11 W Kelly Tires 3 1 High game individual - G. J. Spousta, 206,209; Mark Myers, the 44th artillery in Korea. Pfc. at Ft. Stewart, Ga. The special­ Paradise Radio & TV 7 Coldstream 3 .• 1 Snyder, 223. High series indivi­ 1 ist is a 1969 graduate of Rodney 205. EdNeltzke - 079] I 6 Ken's Service 3 1 Cornell is a member of head­ dual — S, Bunce, 584. High game Val's Pizzeria B. Wilson High School, St Johns. 5 The P.B.'s 3 1 quarters battery of the artillery's team — Roadhouse, 925. High Redwing Lanes FIRST NIGHTERS 5 Dunkel Plmb & Htg. series team — Zeeb's, 2540. 200 Aloha Drive-in Jan. 10 W L 5 games - S. Bunce, 213, 202; Central National Bank 5 G. Snyder 223; J. Greer, 213; Lanterman's Ins. 7 1 Go-Getters Raylke Farm S. Sillman, 212; D. Brown, 208; Cltgo 7 1 Gratiot Farmer's Sup. 4 Central Nat'l Hincaid fctiirict D. Pease, 202. Simon Realty 5 3 Randolph's 3 Patterson & Sons Lewis Heating 5 3 St. Johns Furniture 3 Dry Dock'd By ItOSALYN PARKS, Correspondent THURSDAY MORNING Homeliters 5 3 Clinton Machine Co, 2 R&W's Pin Pickers 5 3 2 Guy's Service COFFEE CUP Art's Refinery D & B Party Shoppe 5 3 Furman-Day Realty 1 - High individual game: Joe Mrs, Donald Potts visited Mrs. and Mrs. Porter Parks and Kris Jan. 6 W Nick's 4 4 High game individual — Helen Greer, 231; Donna Humenik, 199. Clarence Parks Sunday Sunday. Daley's 511/2 161/2 Andy's IGA 2 6 High individual series:, Dennis 39 29 Studer, 257. High series indivi­ afternoon. Darcy Wells spent the weekend Jay's * Rolling 5 17 dual — Donna Humenik, 545. High Bauer, 547; Donna Humenik, 557. 38 1/2 29 1/2 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Balmer with her grandparents Mr. and Houghten's Bruno's Wonder Bar 1 7 game team — Clinton Machine, High team game: Kelly Tires, 37 1/2 301/2 and Ted Balmer visited relatives Mrs. Donald DuMond. O'Connor's Hub Motel 1 7 959. High series team — Clin­ 656. High team series: Kelly 32 in Charlotte, Saturday. Saturday evening, Mr, and Jim's 36 High game individual — Jan ton Machine, 2466. Splits con­ Tires, 1909. 34 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Austin and Mrs. Porter Parks and Kris Hettler's 34 Fowler, 208. High series indivi­ verted — Diane Harger, 2-7; 35 family of Perry were Sunday din­ visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Briggs 33 dual - Jan Fowler, 569. High Rachel Schumacher, 4-5-7; Joan REDWING LEAGUE Flegler of Lansing, _ S & H Farms 31 37 game team — Lanterman Ins., ner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fox, 5-7-8; Erma Burk, 6-7-10. Jan. 7 W L Friday, Mrs. Ray Sherman Alley Dusters 29 39 874. High series team — Lan­ George Balmer. WPA 45 23 and Kevin of Grand Ledge spent Tastee Freez 27 41 terman Ins., 2545. Splits con­ Saturday afternoon and evening TEN PIN KEGLERS Jales 411/2 261/2 the day with her parents Mr. and THE FORD TEAM Wing Trailer 26 42 verted — Carole Thum, 6-7-10; Mr. and Mrs, Porter Parks and Jan. 12 W MP's 39 29 1 25 1/2 42 1/2 Kris visited Donald Parks and Mrs, Donald Sullivan. Jerry's B. Shop Cecile Ritz, 4-7-10; Elma Cock- Roadhouse 8 Sandbaggers 37 1/2 30-1/2 Douglas Esple at Sparrow Hos­ Mrs. Alexander Lang is High game individual - Betty rum, 5-7-9; Judy Pease, 2-7. Hallenbeck Const, 7 Nlte Hawks 37 31 wants to play ball with you pital, Lansing. visiting her sister in Florida. Martin, 191. High series indivi­ Ludwick's 7 Honeymooners 36 32 Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russ Sullivan of Edmore spent dual - Betty Martin, 524. High Parr's 6 Sunshine Group 34 34 CAPITOL Esple of Lansing were Sunday Saturday night with his parents game team — Daley's, 863. High 5 Fearsome 4 34 34 Jan. 10 W L American Legion dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sullivan and series team — Daley's, 2477. 4 Ten Pins 30 38 Co-op's 39 18 Hub Tire Center Porter Parks and afternoon vis­ family. Egan Ford Sales, Inc. High game individual — J. 4 King Pins 25 43 Central Nat. Bank 381/2 181/2 McKenzie's Ins. itors of Mr. and Mrs.'Eldorls Hasselback, 191. High series in­ Julie K , * 2 Shannon & Davis 25 43 Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. ST. JOHNS Sprite 34 23 Hahn and daughter. 200 W. Higham dividual - J. Hasselback, 494. Masarik's Shell 2 4 Aces 24 44 Donald Sullivan visited Mr. and Moorman's Feeds 33 24 Mrs. Donald, H enning, and High game team — S&H Farms, Schmitt Electric 2 High game . individual — iJo, ( ^M,rs.:Raymond *Sher,man and Carllng's Beer 32 25, f children of DeWitt visited' Mr."' Use Your Seat Belts!! 872. High series„team — Daley's, Clinton Nat. Bank 1 Wohlfert, 211.,High series indiytr. Kevintiof £jrand1Ledge.>.ttA 2494. Splits converted, - B. Beaufore's i 31 26 ) PLANNING FOR WEDDING? You can choose from a wide selection of the newest and best in Distinctive Im PRINTING THE LOOK OF m Wedding Stationery When Time Means Money Worn Men's en's We can save you both. We'll IN FASHIONS at the Clinton County News office meet your deadline and save you money. CALL US Clinton County News BECKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE NOW I FOWLER' Stationery and Accessories for the RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS Wedding Invitations ORDER NOW . Bride-to-Be I onia & Seed Wheat AIR CONDITIONING check Our. Ferti I izer Prices HEATING-PLUMBING * Announcements 50 *RCA Appliances * InvHattont As low as B-4-U BUY! * Mass Booklets IJO * Custom Kitchens * Reception * In forma Is * Floor Coverings Cards -WE NEED OATS- * Thank You * Wedding Guest Highest Prices Paid , BOB LEWIS Cards Books Including Double Envelopes Heating Plumbing Sales and Service * taper Plates * Thermo Cups MATHEWS o ^ ELEVATOR Eureka Ph. 224-7189

PERSONALIZED ITEMS EVERYTHING SEE US FIRST FOR} FOR THE * Napkins * Ash Trays " LA1MDBATMK * Cake Knives * Coasters FARM LOANS SOIL * Place Cards * Match Books New Facilities?

* Reception Decorations 1104 S. US-27 • Repairs? • Pti. 224-7127 St. Johns, Mich, ©Expansion? St. Johns Ashley Serving America's Farmers. Modernization? 224-3234 847-3571' Providers of Plenty * VIRGIL ZEEB Clinton County News

PLUMBING AND Your Friendly HEATING GOT YOU BUGGEDTOSKG MIN-A-MART PRESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL Our skilled tire' truing and wheel" Only' •QUALITY WORK balancing experts can take the edge off of tire imperfections for a,smootli - ,,-uinn-T OPEN DAILY YlbraUon-free ride. JPERWHhEL DUNKEL i ajn.-ll p.m. Jim Edinger Chevrolet Hub Tire Center PLUMBING & HEATING PhT224;.3218) N.Us:g?J St. JOHNS i US-27 South at Sturgis St. Johns ""^_? Fowler Page 7B ^January 19, '1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan CLINTON-COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns/.Michigan January 19, 1972 ficant compared to the under­ own a hand-gun, A neighborhood When the funeral director ad­ home" of Frederick -Van Amburg lying causes leading to the plan­ grocery store Just a block from Appointed west Elsie CROP resource totq vised him of this he refused to Thanks for help of i Sunday, ning of the crimes. While there where I am employed has been believe it until he saw the dam­ an armed robbery victim 3 times By Mrs Wayne Mead '&HI Ball ' The flu bug has been visiting have been no announcements that enger wins aged coach, in the past year but I'm still Phone 862-5447 • several families in this area. LETTERS TO ™ EDITOR I know of regarding the motive for o LETTERS™THE EDITOR DON H. HAKER the robbery in which the bank not jittery and feel possession * , . S27 E. Sheridan Road Mrs. Robert Higbee and Mrs, $150,000 civic-minded person manager, was slain, Ihave a hunch of gun would be a liability Instead Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oberlln value over Lansing, Mich. . . Marian Speerbrecker have been drugs were involved. Most likely of an asset.. ( returned home Saturday fol­ 1 DeWitt, Twp.' Dear Editor: --•, out of work and under the doctor's ticides for Indonesia, 42 pounds award at banquet Dear Editor: As for anyone "yelling," the we do have, permissionfrom both care the past week and Mrs, Har­ to obtain the finances to support A few years ago when I had Dealer! lowing a two week trip to Hawaii. CROP resources collected In State In the Jan.-12, 1972 issue of We would like to bring to the the County Board of Commis­ a drug habit, possibly it was even Michigan, in 1971 had a total poultry va;ccirie-for Malawi, «nii„- •Senator William S. control over several fly-by-night 'Clinton County Deputy who ar­ old Higbee Is ill with it at this a German Shepherd dog, I too They left Capitol City Airport E your paper, two letters appeared attention of the Clinton County sioners and City Commissioners Gun aws won't committed under: .the influence of OVID—The Koehring Master value of $154,549. Michigan 50,000 pounds' fertilizer for ann»ti ^ ^-Ovid) received the rived, and then refused to do any felt they were a deterrent to Christmas morning, went by way 1 is deer processing plants. time, Division, Manufacturers of to A^, ? ^^ished Service in your Letters to the Editor North Bengal residents and to the residents of pending legal lnterpetatlonbythe drugs. criminal attack. In recent years of Chicago and Los Angeles and CROP Hunger Appeal resources Congo, and J19 pounds farm hand Ballenger is also the prime Mrs. Jack Cooper and Mrs. Knipco Heaters, announces the tools for Peru. last ni ht Column, each written byadiffer- thing, was the only person to -St, Johns proper, a real civic City Attorney to setupaportable- From' njy view-point it was hot I've read and heard that a per­ because of the time difference to .feed the hungry overseas and at nF^!^*'*™** E sponsor of a bill, still bottled By Mrs W'm. Ernst Carl Talor attended a bridal appointment of Ovid Roller Mills h Annu ent officer from the DeWitt Twp. raise his voice. As to witnesses and community minded person. office at the Dept. of Social Ser­ son must assume responsibility provide self-help programs to­ CROP administers the Church vL;,,f ; al Michigan Ag- up in committee, to check the shower In honor of their cousin, lack of gun laws in our society of five hours, they arrived at Police Dept. who attended an to this we can give a half dozen The Michigan Employment vices Building on SouthOakland. for damage done by dogs de­ as the local Knipco Heater Dealer taled $88,114, an increase of over World Service Clothing Appeal, ricmural conference dinner at disappearance of good agricul­ Dawn. Cooper in Lansing Tuesday crime rate that was theresponsiblefactorin Oahu Honolulu Christmas Day accident which occurred at US-27 people who stood with me and David Rossow began his win­ Security Commission has been Once again we wish to com­ fending person or property of for Knipco Portable Space $24,000 from 1970 contributions. in Michigan which collected Michfean state University. tural land by allowing assess­ night. these 2 crimes but a lack of law in the afternoon. They toured this 61 and Clark Rd. on Dec. 14, 1971 listened to him from thirty or ter term of college at Ferris trying for some time to es­ mend .and thank "Ed" Schmitt the guff he used, his father's their own instinctive volition, Heaters. i nnr, J^ *' *«ended by over The Eagle Methodist Church, Dear Editor* in the family. At no time in island for five days. The 1971 results were an­ 164,975 pounds of new and used ment of farmland on the basis of and each officer placed much •forty feet away. This group also State College, Big Rapids on tablish an office in the area to for his help to establish an police revolver. and to command the dogto attack Knipco features the most com­ ; *.000 farmers^ legislators, top and Delta Mills Churches will I read your editorial in last American history have we seen They visited Pearl Harbor, nounced by David C. Bower, clothing in 1971, CWS trucks; its value for agriculture rather emphasis on the importance of Included Rev. Bretz of Valley Monday. Jan. 10 after spending a serve the people of the St, Johns Employment office for the resi­ Furthermore, in the kind of is a criminal act. plete line of Portable Heaters ^. state and federal officials, stu- hold a joint Service at 7 p.m. at J iek's News regarding the re- the accelerated decline in the saw ships in the harbor that were Michigan Director of CROP, at .pick up clothing at 55 locations than its potential market value. helping the injured. Farms, month's holiday vacation with his Area. dents of Clinton County,, a real crimes of passion you cited in­ available, offering Standard and aents and agricultural business­ Delta Mills Church at 1 p.m. tlonship of availability.of guns family as the basis of training Best Regards, bombed during World war II, the Lansing office. CROP collects In lower Michigan in June and men^ has become the traditional "Needless to say, I'm very Since I was Involved, I feel •patents, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Our representatives contacted civic minded individual. crimes of violence. While volving family or close friends, Deluxe models from 50,000 to also the monument over the This deputy verbally abused the Sunday evening Every one Is in­ Stanley R. Pierce resources In 32 states each year December of each year. Clothing evening -wrap-up of the opening honored to have been chosen for a slight correction should be Rossow andhisgrandmother, several sources for a rent free , Don Berndt, Manpower Spec /as motivated by a conflict they usually occur in the home for an orderly society, as has 245,000 B.T.U. for use with pro­ ships. They visited the National funeral director and also threat­ vited.' R-l, Williamston to help stop hunger in about 30 picked up' lri 1971 totaling 31,776 oay m January of a new legis­ this coveted award," commented made regarding the two injured Mrs, Herman Rossow/ space to set up an office and Gerald Deer Rural Man- agreements * and disagree- where there are many objects, been witnessed in the generation pane gas and fuel oil. Memorial Cemetery of the pounds was designated for dis­ the 30-year-old lawmaker. "I ened physical abuse as well. finally went before the Ameri­ Cathy Sleight spent severs since the end of .WW two. Knipco heaters provide Instant overseas countries. lative session, *: women Officer Spagnuolo from - power Rep, Ints with your views, time which can be a lethal weapon Pacific in Honolulu located in an, tribution by:Lutheran World Re­ don't feel that I alone deserve Again we have ample witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sehlke of days of her vacation with hei Youth Hunger Walks at Mid­ Featured speaker was U.S. the DeWitt Twp. Police Dept. can Legion to solicit their help.. not permit me to write lm- wielded by a person in a. rage. The emphasis on obtaining heat when and where needed. Your extinct crater called Punch Bowl. lief. An. additional $11,928 was it. In all fairness, the other one, a utility truck driver who Fowler visited Mr. and Mrs, The Legion voted to let us use' i grandmother, BeatriceBiei Restrictions on guns will only more education to prepare for Knipco dealer invites you to see land and Marne provided $10,304 Senator Robert p. . A1S0 says he helped. Let's give credit fdiately. West Elsie The dead are buried there from collected topurchaseblanketsfor four members of my committee .used his signal light on his truck Fred W. Pasch on Monday even­ their large hall for such pur­ gans. alter the 'statistics on weapons, life in modern civilization has him today for a demonstration of of CROP funds for Peru and Present were Governor William where credit is due. ilnce that time we've had ex- World war n( Korean War and refugees and $9,113 was received should share it with me. I'm to help with the traffic control. ing, Jan. 3. poses. Ed Schmitt, a member of Linda and Patrica McCrumt not the number of crimes nor the been the prime factor. Not just By Mrs Wayne Mead sure-fired portable heat. India. Michigan milk producers " ^'MiUilcen and MSU President In caseOfflcerSpagnuolodldn't Eagle Iples of two kinds of crimes Viet Nam. They visited the Dole for the processing of donated sure that it's in recognition of the Post, was in attendance and , Mark and Janie Mlros playdd ratio of fatalities. 'To prevent because of the quest for knowl-, Phone 862-5447 contributed $6,006 to purchase Cimon R. Wharton, jr. notice—no one was left In the Mrs Charles Higbee Involving the use of handguns Pineapple fields and factory. 75 u^ed clothing. my entire committee's efforts As for Spagnuolo and his touch­ Mrs. H, E. Rossow called on stated that he would be glad to their accordions and entertained the shedding of human blood by edge or what has been learned, non-fat dry milk to ship to chil­ • A non-farmer himself, Ball- damaged car where the Injured , Phone 636-6531 in J the Lansing area occurring per cent of the pineapple har­ The year of 1972 is the 25th that I was selected." ing concern, it's a Joke. The Mrs. Otto Thelen of Fowler on donate office space in his building the ladies at a Rest home in taking away all the guns is like but because the system fosters Mr, and Mrs, Joe Fabus and dren overseas. Future Farmers _ enger/ nevertheless was selected had been, by the time he arrived within a period of 2 hours at Ovid vested there is shipped to main­ year for CROP in Michigan. The "I will add, however, that be­ wrecked Ford was in the inside Wednesday afternoon, Jan, 5. on East State Street seeing that ' Lansing on Sunday. , \ trying to prevent house fires the concentration of youth in family attended the funeral of America chapters and Church a year ago to be chairman of the at the accident scene. 1 mid-day on Monday. I realize Mr. and Mrs. Donald Groom lands. total contributions from persons cause I am not and have never .south bound* lane with another the. office would be helping to Brian Seldon, _ young son of Kenny Love, son of Mr. and caused by careless use of masses away from the influence of Mrs. Fabus' brother-in-law, Women United units, contributed " jncreSsingly important Senate I, too, was concerned about it is unfair to use a single in­ and daughters returned Jan. 3 They also visited the orchid of Michigan to persons overseas been a farmer by occupation I twenty or so cars behind it, all William S. Ernst and son, place veterans and others in jobs Mr. and Mrs. Gary Selden^is Mrs. Garry Love has the measles of family discipline and Into Charles Sedlarik, 53, of Swartz nearly $15,000 to purchase self- gommittee on Agriculture and being hit by an oncoming ear- stance to refute your claims, smoking material by outlawing by jet flight from San Diego, nurseries, Hawaii Volcano v bearing funeral flags. Ronald of Battle Creek were in the St. Johns area until a this week. the treacherous paths of mass help and family planning mater­ through CROP during the 24 years ; Consumer Affairs. have tried extra hard to arrive so all of us got out-very quickly! recovering from kidney surgery. but in one case a 21 year old matches. Creek recently. Mr. Sedlarik National Park—the only active guests during the week-end of more suitable office spacewould media communications, group Calif. They spent the holidays ials. Thirty-two lower Michigan has been $2,213,014, CROP began : at a full understanding of the My husband, (who had been in He parked in front of the Ford He was on the operating table man shot his 17 year old girl The other case involves the use passed away Thursday, Jan. 6 volcano on the island now. They ••,:.;" ^^len&er's committee, taking Jan. 8 of Mr. and Mrs, William become available. * suggestion and immature experi­ with their daughter and husband, counties organized to collect re­ in 1947 as a farm commodity unique problems of Michigan ag­ a, different car) removed our son -some protection!! three hours. He is home now and (•""friend in apparent revenge, for of a gun in a crime for financial of a heart attack. went to Portar Ranch where beef r a. more "activist" tack than has F, Ernst and Maxine. mentation. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Hunt Jr.' sources for CROP in 1971. feeding- program for European riculture—problems which I We moved our office to that doing as well as could be ex­ * --. i .__ ,„-..i_j .- _ 1.. n«ln In t-Vil*. tnr.lnnnn nA) f/i In. -_; «ie committee in previous years, from the car and checked to see As for his having sons I can not being invited to a party. gain, in this instance not to in­ They visited San Diego Zoo, Sea cattle were raised. refugees of World War II, and now don't have to be a farmer to sym­ pected, %H> Commenting on some ad­ Emergency food shipments, in­ ,;. handled some65blllsduring 1971 If the rest of us could make it tell him quick that it was MY Saturday, Jan. 8 visitors of location at the end of September The kind of gun legislation law timidate the victim to cooperate, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Buck World and Disneyland. On the Island of Kauai they saw provides self-help materials to pathize with or help find solutions ( MUITIPLE cluding high protein foods, and i- dealing not only with farm pro- by ourselves. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Rossow and and have been operating there to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van- but to over-power an attempt to ditional remarks in your attended the funeral of her aunt, more than 30 countries each for. SON in the hearse. enforcement people have been Captain Cook Monument—famed cash for medical and housing ma­ £ T Plems but also with Nader-style I was injured and so was my David and Mrs. Herman Rossow ' date. Amburg of Lansing and Mr. and harping for would not have pre- thwart their scheme. editorial, none of the crimes Mrs. Bessie Lunsted at Big Pacific navigator—toured in year for improving water re^ 1 in Lansing has ever invoked In To.attain a place in the sun, a terials, were shipped to Paki­ ; .consumer protection"legisla- "In some ways I think it may be. passenger. I, (not the police) He didn't even know the hearse were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Now that the space is becoming Mrs. Glen Giar of Holt and Mr. . vented this crime. Because he In both of these cases I think RaDids Tuesday. a glass-bottom boat to see fish sources, teaching new farming was involved until v/e returned inadequate due to the number of' and Mrs. Herbert Patrick had me a desire to carry or even man has to treat many blisters. stani refugees in India. Some of J)..' tipn.;.,; ,/•-•"... peculiarly advantageous to fight helped her out of the car and took , ... . Schneider of Lincoln Park. ^w still' would haye had access to the weapons used are insigni­ and coral. methods, providing high quality from applicants registering for work their Christmas dinner at the the self-help' shipments were: ;'^; ; Among measures channeled for the cause of a special Interest her to the shoulder of the high- ^ cemetery, On the island of Maul they took 27,092 pounds vegetable seeds seeds,, food-for-work projects, * -through Sallenger's committee group—in this case farmers and way where her husband was. The a bus tour and train ride along for Brazil, 40,000 pounds insec­ ' and family planning programs. f ^and signed Into law were the so- consumers—when one doesn't Clinton Co. Sheriff Dept. took the coast line, saw sugar cane ^ catted ^Wierzbick-Ballenger have a personal or direct stake in her to the hospital. fields, wild turkeys and | 'Pesticide-Control Act of 1971'V the successes of that group. I No one offered me so much as pheasants, Mountain Iao Needle | 'M measure empowering the State think if peoplelookatalawmaker a bandald until a lady in the car THE ACTIONEST overlooking sight of a Hawaiian Simplicity .department of Agriculture to who is not a farmer but who is behind mine gave me some tissue battle. They could see whales guarantlne farm animals"which fighting hard for some of the to wipe the blood off, my face about a mile from shore and ;.ha>e been exposed to poisonous things farmers want and. need, and hands. spent two days on this island. : then people are more likely to f,<3£Ugs' or grain; a.bill cracking The DeWitt Twp. Police Dept, They flew from island to Island, Time and tide, wait for no man, say "Why, if this guy is for it canceled the ambulance which had OF THE YEAR by Hawaiian airlines. &-; down on doori-tb-dopr salesmen; ...SALE Neither does the snow. gf'a.; .measure requiring retailers then maybe it's worth sup­ been ordered and when the entire PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU JANUARY 22nd, 197? porting" than if the lawmaker Dec. 28 was the 25th wedding When that white sniff piles up fj. to . ,r,edeeni. tetiirnable bottles; ordeal-was almost over and I anniversary of the Oberlins and Some of it has to go. was a farmer himself." called Officer Spagnuolo's atten­ and a bill giving the state more 4 they celebrated that day by having *3 tion to the fact that I had addi­ fc3*k Tender-Breaded BECK'S dinner at the top of Maikiki, There's a real simple, easy way tional lnjuries,partofwhlchwere BECK'S Boneless-Boston Style •4 a rotating restaurant that over­ To do the job realistically 4 visible,. .THEN. . J was offered looks the shopping area of Why not let us help you NOW assistance—which I refused. ACTION EXTRA ACTION EXTRA Walkiki. They also attended a ,r»- With a brand'riew . Pork Cutlets Hawaiian luau as guests of the Yours truly, Pork Roast Outrigger Hotel, New Year's L, DIANNE ROWLEY SPARTAN S* SPARTAN Eve they watched the fireworks 3126 Garland St. CREAM STYLE '••^•\! from the hotel patio. Lansing, Mich. 48906 7-oz, OR WT. lb. lb. Come In And See The WHOLE KERNEL CAN -'*$ FREE RUNNING OR IODIZED They left Friday afternoon CORN 69< from Hilo Hawaii. In about 45 Dear Editor: CUT WAX 69* *$;; minutes the passengers realized New Ones! ^ ^i. Armour Pan Size I have Just finished reading the CUT GREEN BEANS »" SWEET Herrud's Bulk the plane made a sharp turn and letters written bytheD.T.P.O,'s. >r. headed back for Hilo, announcing 16-OZ. 16-OZ. CUT FROM 12 oz. I don't believe we are dis­ WT., WT. mechanical trouble. Upon landing G & L SALES cussing the same wreck. PEAS APPLESAUCE Ring Bologna lb. BACON pkg. at Hilo airport they announced First, Wilcox says* he had Va LOINS ,..10$ all passengers to leave the' Cliff Loesch, Owner debris .in the road. This is, a:lie. _ «!£»< SALT plane immediately—there was a m$i .It was. my sister's FordFairlane bomb-on tfie^plahe Which'Would US--37, At Dili;Road . _^-- ^Vi^vDeWitty^r;:^ (\1 :Phpiie;669-3107' "that was .hit broad side. and was go * off soon. The passengers 'yfr)»i>OgQ|gWWWWWWBW»WWp^^W'g't»Ml»t'****iW»q*»l<»» ^ »*—*»* never moved from the point of FOR 26-61. were taken by bus to safe ter­ impact. - Beclc WT. ritory, the plane was searched BECK'S PKG. as well as all luggage but no CAN Second, Wilcox would have the ACTION EXTRA bomb was found. About four hours public believe that I engaged ACTION EXTRA later the flight was started again THE FORD TEAM officers in an argument. This is and due to the delay they missed YOU 111 another lie. I remained on the PORKIHOPS their connections at the other east side of the highway and talked GRADE A Stuffed-Ready to Bake airports and flights had to be wants to play ball with you to no one while my son's funeral CErryqJ «.*-. changed. was being destroyed. I just stared ANSWER &OLDEH Quartered Frying Nevertheless they arrived in disbelief. CORN Roasting home Saturday afternoon with much excitement and many happy Egan Ford Sales, Inc. Third, I repeat, a man and his memories. THESE wife who attempted to ask a civil 200W. Hlgham ST. JOHNS question were told to shut up Chicken BECK'S and move along. These people are Merrill Clark, 43, ofSanJose, Use Your Seat Beltsll willing to confront Wilcoxifthat's BECK'S Calif., passed away Dec. 31 of the way he wants it. ACTION EXTRA a heart ailment. Mr. Clark was Is it necessary to have recreational the son of Ivan and Florence u ACTION EXTRA vehicle insurance? k lb Clark of Ridge Rd. Mr. Clark Are pickup campers really safe? . ib SPARTAN lived in the Elsie area until Freshly Sliced-by the piece Lean & Meaty Pork "vVhere can I find new or used SPARTAN after his graduation from high camping vehicles and equipment? Redwing school. He then joined the Air Chop Suey Meat 79$ Force retiring in 1968. He had Where can I get good recipes to use 12-OI. b. lived in California the past when camping? • WT. Pork Liver WHITE BTL eleven years. He was married Where are the newest campgrounds CATSUP in, London, England to June in Michigan? Basketball Rdugh, She survives him—also a What company is coming out with a 14-02. •Becks Beck's* Beck'7 Beck's" new line of recreational vehicles? TOMATOES WT. Beek'7 Beck' son, Glenn 15, a daughter, Gil­ WHITE OR 200 CT. lian 4; his parents; three FACIAL TISSUE ASSORTED BOX Country Sryl e Loin End ffckrich-AI BREAD brothers, Earl and Don of Elsie Pepsi Cola Vdr i et i es Vanden Brink Bulk and Beryl of Owosso. Burial was ^ pork Roast Turkey 20-OZ. ;in California. 8 PACK Spare Ribs V mok-y-Links HAM WT. Flavored Loaf LOAF Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clark left. SUBSCRIBE i ; FOR X0o2. lb, Drumsticks Jan. 1 for San Jose, Calif., to Iway O.oz. $169 attend the funeral of their son, pkg. Merrill Clark. They expect to TO be there about three weeks. Saturday pkg,

POTATO R. E. BENSON SPARTAN-^ HOLE-LINED MtW SPARTAN CHIPS. TfXAS CARROTS 2 IBS. 48-OZ. PLUMBING 9:15 a. FILLER PAPER WT. CAN CALIFORNIA CELERY STAIK GOLD SHIELD 'SPARTAi • N QUALITY & VALUE & GOIO SHIELD 'SPARTAN CI SHORTENING BECK'S NOW 350 CT BECK'S BTL > - M Becker's Salad 12 oz. ASPIRIN HEATING SPARTAN Tray ACTION EXTRA 106 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS AND YOU ACTION EXTRA Tomatoes Country Fresh 48 FL. Phone 224-7033 6 OZ. £ VEGETABLE OIL OZ. 17 OZ pkg. fin Roof SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER: WTCAN Crisp Red Radishes SPARTAN SPARTAN 1/2 gal. LIGHT OR DARK RED 3 MASTER 00 ICECREAM SPARTAN KIDNEY BEANSl5.OZ.WI . 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION '2 Coach's MK N' BEANS FRUIT COCKTAIL ! COUNTRY FRESH COUNTRY LANE-ASSORTED FLAVORS POTATO PLUMBERS 15-OZ, WT 16-OZ. 64 FL. BROKEN . 16-OZ. COTTAGE OZ, ICED OR WHOLE POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS PCS. WT. WT. American-Standard j Just fill out and mail in this coupon, along Corner CTN. CTN. SLICED OR 29-OZ, CHEESE ICE CREAM HAIVES WT, ; * - •- • SPARTAN YELLOW CLING PEACHES Plumbing, Hor Water J with your check Or money orderr(please print) TOMATO OR APPLE JUICE °" GLASS BTL. SPARTAN '- SPARTAN FROZEN 11.OZ.WT, 6-OZ. WT. CAN Heating Friday 3:45 p.m. MARGARINE SOLIDS GRAPE JUICE J rxo. L. SPARTAN TOMATO SAUCE j Name...... ,.. .^.'i.-'.-.-;....'....';"• Lennox Warm Air EgtSJggpFpfo APPLIES ONLY WITH THIS COUPON I fflM$!fk ;; ; Save 30<-Spartan .j| N, •'''••" " Heating and Air i Conditioning FOR 3-lb.Tin J|99 ~e Reserve The Right to Limit Quantities •i City...... ^."-"o »• V".'...;.>...... '.\ WRBJ CUSTOM SHEET j~ State...... >..,.V.-,.,.ZipCode..\Vi>..; without coupon $2.29 METAL SHOP Good at Beck's . v, 16-OZ. WTr PKG. Mail T6: T'ail*a-Wav» Circulation Office I Open 7 Days A Week 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 109 N. Lafayette St., Greenville, Michigan 48838 thru 1-22*72 w 47 Years Same Address 1580 Miles North of St. Johns on US-27 -***

•<•*!?/' CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan January ]% 1972, Jonuary 19, 1972 , *> CLrNTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 9 B

T-; with U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice KROGER Kroger Beef

*Meets U.S. Dept. of Agriculture MEANS more more quality specifications for the USDA every way CHOICE Grade. 'Complies with Kroger's additional MORE rigid selection standards for buying Prices effective Monday thru Sunda Double Top Value Stamps Every Wednesday and inspecting beef. ML Prices & Coupons "Passes continuous government We Reserve The Right To LimidPHbHHPt ^ Good thru Jan. 23,1972. inspection for wholesomeness at both Quantities. Copyright The time of dressing and in Kroger Kroger Co. 1972 in 1ST. JPHNS distribution plants where buildings, equipment and personnel pass continuous inspections for cleanliness.

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*Grahvfed to be more flavorful, juicy and tender.


Poultry Buys Beef Bargains Pork Values Luncheon Meats Luncheon Meats Kroger Fresh Bulk Tigertown Herrud Hygrade U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice 12 z ..,„.„„„ Gordon's Roll Fres-Shore Family Pak Fresh Fryer U.S. Govt, braaea ono.ce " « MM QnllaA U4m "° *1 90 Parfu Accnrtmanf 1?" 99 Fres-Shore • Wieners.... .!# 69* Ball Park Franks.'. * 89* Pork Sausage.. 3 .£.$1.29 fish Sticks ....A 39* Fish Sticks...... ,.^V*1.39 Whole Lees or Thighs...... Lb 59* Boneless Rump Roast...Lb «U9 Pork Sausage .....Lb 49* Boiled Ham .? wtPk8 1.29 PartAll Beeyf Assortment ,.«. w ^* " Whol. e or Butt _Portio .. n Herru• >_ __*•_d) * All ROOT > • Family Pak Fresh Fryer Fresh Cubed Breakfast Sausage...... ^ 49* Oscar Mayer Kroger or Herrud Oscar Mayer Fres-Shore P.D.I.F. Fres-Shore "'drumsticks or Br^fe^^.Lfa 6^ PorR Cutlets v...Lb 89* Smoked Ham...... ii 55* SmQky.Unks..^;;,..^ 69* » Wieners...... ,...»...... ^89*"' All Beef WienersWX&:~& 79*•-.? Smokies i«.:\z$m& 79*j Shrimp,,.,..,...w,.J?$,^2.89^ BreadedJhrimp^.^ksS 89* |

c,rmi1f Drta. rt,. - ., . Jiffy Gravy & Sliced Turkey or I De,lcIous U.S.- Gov't. Graded Choice U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice Boneless Sirloin Tip or Center Slice Boston Butt Small and Lean Fresh ^^^^^.* COUNTRYSTYLE Farmer Peet Old Fashioned Salisbury Steak & Gravy U.S. Gov't Graded Choice Fork Serve N Save 3 *»J69 Sliced f Ring Pork Lb Lb T-Bone ••149 Porterhouse *f59 Sizzle *fl39 Smoked Pkg Lb Lb Lb Spareribs Wieners b Steak 79 I Bacon 59 Bologna Steak i" Steak ...... I Steak ..?...• Ham Here are just a few of Kroger's Befdale Frozen Foods Health & Beauty Aids Fresh Baked Foods Dairy Foods All Purpose Everyday Low Prices! Kroger Iced Raisin Bread or Unsliced Dutch $1.29 Size Cough Syrup Frozen Cheese ••••• ^•^•k.C Apple Loaf 3i*S»l Kroger Dawn Fresh Hi-C Formula 44 «5W *1.02 ' Duo Creme V & W 16-Oz $1.10 Size Dry Skin Cream Cottage Shortening Grape Drink. ;££. 3H _ Wt Each $ 24-Oz Sandwich Cookies...3 wtP°4 l WtCtn Kroger Yellow Cling Sliced Deep Magic £ ™ 84$ Pizza Kroger Unsliced Cheese Peaches ....£&• 31$ $1.09 Size Cough Discs 49 Cinnamon Loaf 3 wt L« '1 Eatmore Cream Style Whole Green Valley Formula 44. SU 88* Libby Corn TStS, 24' Strawberries 2 wf& 88* $1.79 Size Regular or Unscented Kroger Hot Dog or pk Soft Margarine...... 3^*1 Sandwich Buns ...... 3 «»'! Kroger Campbells Avondale Arrid Extra Dry ££.'1.18-. L b 99tf Size Hair Spray Kroger Vanilla Ice Cream .SSL 78* Pork & Beans ™"£. 15$ French Fries .5B . „ 69* Kroger Sliced , Chicken Noodle Kroger Frozen Peach-Peach or Aqua Net « 48' 'X Cinnamon Rolls,. oil 29* American Cheese •!% 59* 100 Holiday Glaze Ham' 0 Campbells Soup...... ISES 18* Apple-Apple Pie ,£2. 89* Giant Kroger Coffee April Hill Frozen Kroger Butter-Me-Not or k Sanitary with any pkg of fTI Hills Bros $£. $2.35 Dinner Rolls .....£ iY29* White 4 Flaky Biscuits...... 2X&2SP 50 Mrs. Pauls Sea Food LLI Kotex 24-Oz Kroger Lowfat Flavored Electric Perk Pkg •-A W't'1 Lemonacto or Choco. Chtpf-™] Minute Maid Frozen Of 40 WtLvi Kroger Non Fat Sanka Coffee £& $1.99 Pkg of 200 Pert Napkins or Swansoft Bread Chocolate Milk ££> 49* 50 Angel Food Cake , UJi Fleece 650 1-Ply Orange Juice. wfS. 67* Napkins 88 Freeze Dried Instant Coffee Bathroom Tissue 4 K£ 35* Paper Towels.™ IV: 4 -* »l Instant Dry Milk inn wthi pn -A. 100 Banquet Buffet Dinner LU Tasters Choice && $1.09 Kroger Dinners Swansoft Ralston Quick $ $ with 1 pkg Kroger Midget r—11 J Avondale Catsup j*g, 6 •*«. 1 - Quaker Oats...... ;.... '££ 61* Facial Tissue SS 5 •« l Sugar Chex....2 £%. 39* Macaroni & Cheese.. m£tu 6^ 1 50 Longhorn Cheese ULl Avondale Biltmore All Purpose \ -nA with 3 pkgs Kroger Snack or r—J Cream Style Corn ,££, 7 ^r'l Lunch Meat ...... 3 vJfSn, '1 100 Baking Nuts LU Gold Medal Flour...... 5 B," 55$ J 9 All Purpose Hillcrest I ""••'•. '- Pioneer Pure Golden Ripe Embassy Regular or Buttery Flavor , , I'- ' __ with 2 dozen Large or •* Whole Kernel Corn..7^&,*l Syrup 24-n 50 Market Basket Eggs Beet Sugar 5 & 63* OzBtl Avondale 49 wtth2pkgj All Purpose Pillsbury Flour 10 89 Kroger Peach, Blackberry or Strawberry CriscoOil ,.£3. 59* Returnable Bottle Mountain Dew, Cabana Bananas tomatoes. ,....5 m£l '1 Preserves O 12-Oz Jl 100 Light Bulbs ED 0 WtJars 1 Purina Diet Pepsi or Regular with $1 purchase of; Toys, Plus Btl 16-FI U.S. No. 1 Michigan Flavorbest Crayolas, Color Books frj] Dog Chow...... 1&£ '1.39 Deposit Oz Btls 50 « $2 purchase of , l—J White Facial Pepsi Red Sunkist Seedless 113 Size Broom or Mops Puffs Tissue S&. 29* oe with 1 pkg of i - 25 BAND-AID Brand " 100 2-Ply Sheets SwaAsoft 500 2-Wy ..^BJ „„„ A^A' Delicious Q Navel 1 Adhesive Bandages Gala Towels...... J*!. 36$ •\- r « with a 4-lb bug it* • Powerful Apples....,,^;. Oranges.... OUPopeye Popcorn Bathroom Tissue •# 0*7 Lb 69 rn with «20-lb bag Michtrjah ..^ . All Detergent...... ^„ 79* 4 Lb Bag BH 50 White Potatoes n For Automatic Dishwashers Kroger Dawn Fresh it Jonathan or Michigan Unclassified Round m U.S. No. 1 Michigan Flavorbest Jonathan or - _ with B-lb bag White or Ruby Cascade...... ;...... ^ 79* w:'| .25 Grapefruit Oz Ctns • White \ Liquid Mcintosh 4 50 I^ Low Fat 3 Coupon Strip Expires Jan. 23, LiKandu Bleach..-,...v...... "St. 45$ • Apples*....»» 49 Potatoes. B., •

'."-. V

fa- Pqg< 10 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, Michigan January 19, 1972 CONGREGATIONAL T CHRISTIAN CHURCH Maple Rapids, Michigan Rev Robert E. Myers, Pastor lOjUu a,m,—Worship Service Next Sunday In 11:15 a,m,—Sunday School KINGDOM HALL 7:00 p.m.—U.C.Y.M. meets on al­ ternate Sundays 6:45 p.m.—Thursday, Cherub and Junior choir. of 8 p.m.—Thursday, Chapel choir. Clinton County Churches 1:30 p.m,—Third Friday, Women's Fellowship, church basement. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES All Churches in Clinton County are invited to send 8:30 p.m,—Service meeting their weekly announcements to The Clinton County News. They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure Matherton Area publication in the current week's issue.

Every Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Com­ MATHERTON COMMUNITY St. Johns Area , School, Teens for Christ and Adult CHURCH „ „= * .* *?• • munion. 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10:45 discussion—9:15 a.m. 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School j *&.r*"*' a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. Divine Worship—10:30 a.m, 3:00 p.m.—Worship service Other Sundays, 10:45 a.m. prayer and PRICE UNTTED'METHODIST VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH £ CHURCH sermon. 211 E, State Road Fulton Area 10:45 a.m. Cliur'ch School and Rev, LaVern Bretz, Pastor Dr. Robert Anderson Nursery. 9:45-10:45 a.m.—Church School. FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH There is a class for everyone from Va mile easl t of Perrlnton on M-57, 411 Butterfkid Dr. Wed. during Lent—7 a.m. and 7:30 the youngest to the oldest. The Bible h mile south Is our textbook Hev. Fred Wing, Pastor , East Lansing, Michigan 48823 p.m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a.m,—Sunday School Phone 351-0976 Mon, 3 p.m. Brownies, 7:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-12 Noon—Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Senior Citizens (1st and 3rd). Junior Church for children through 6th 7:00 p.m.—Youth Service • '9:45 a.m.-Church School grade 7:45 p.m.—Evening Service U, a,m.-Morning Worship Tues. Noon Senior Citizens (2nd 5:30 p.m.—BYF for both Juniors and 7:45 p.m.—Thursday, Prayer and (Women's Society meets the fourth and 4th), 1 p.m. Cadet Troop, Seniors praise service aaday o£ each mohth 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service tVoU - Dinner at- Wed. 7:30 p.m. Choir practice. 8:00 p.m.—Morning Choir practices ".30, Meeting at 1:30. Thurs. B p.m. AA and Alanon. Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. — Mid-week Eureka Area Joueh Fellowship meets the first Prayer Service; 8:00 p.m.—Morning CONGREGATIONAL n t 1?d Sun WEST PILGRIM UNITED Choir practice 5 iL " day of each month at METHODIST CHURCH Saturday 10:00 a.m,—Jr. Choir prac­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2-30 -4 p.m. tice 2619 E. Maple Rapids Road Corner of Parks and Grove Rd. '1st Thursday 7:30 p.m.—Woman's • Rev Paul R< Jones, Pastor Council of Church Ministries and Rev. Brian K. Sheen, Minister Phone 224-7709 Administrative Board meets the first Mission Society 10 a.m.—Bible School for everyone, 9:30 a.m. — Worship Service 2nd Saturday 2:00 p.m.—Ann Judson 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sunday 0f eacn momh following a pot- 10:45 a.m. — Church School Guild for Jr. Hi. girls iucl; dinner at noon. 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.—Men's Fel­ 7:30 p.m —Adult Bible discussions. ASSEMBLY OF GOD lowship Nursery provided during services. Youth Choir meets each Thursday S. US-27 & E. Baldwin 6:30 p.m.—Youth Meetings ^ night at 7 p.m. Joseph F. Eger, Jr., Pastor SOUTH DeWITT CHURCH 6:45 p.m.—Wednesday, Jr. Choir; 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School OF- CHRIST Chancel Choir, 7:30 p.m. Senior Chofr meets each Thursday 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Temporarily Meeting at the night at 7:30 plm. DeWitt High School 6:30 p.m.—Youth Service Evangelist: Richard J. Wolfcale Bath Area 7:30 p.m.—Sunday Evening Telephone: 669-3395 7 p.m.—Weanesday, second and 8 a.m.—"Revival Fires." Channel BATH UNITED METHODIST FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH fourth, WMC 5 TV: "Revival Fires." lllo radio. CHURCH. Averill M. Carson, Minister 7:30 pm.—Wednesday evening 9:45 a.m.—Bible School service 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship. Serm­ Rev. Clarence Keith Saturday, Jan. 22: 12:30 p,m. Junior on: "The Mind of Christ." Telephone 641-BH87 Choir rehearsal. 1:00 p.m. Children's SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 68B North Lansing Street Weekly Communion. 11 a.m.—Worship Choir rehearsal. Elder, E. F, Herzel, Pastor 6:30 p.m.—Youth groups for grades 10 a.m.—Church School Sunday, Jan.,,23: 9:45 a.m. Church Services held on Saturday 1 through freshman in college. BATH BAPTIST CHURCH School. HJOO a.m. Morning Worship. 9:15 a m.—Church Service 6:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Serm­ Rev. James L. Burleigh, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Sabbath School Service on: "What the Church of Christ Stands 10:u0 a.m.—Sunday School Monday, Jan. 24: 6M5 p.m. Congre- For." 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship gators. - * JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Hour of Power. 7:3} p.m.—Evening Service v Kingdom Hall 8 classes. Midweek service on Wednesday 7:30 Wednesday, Jan. 26: 6:45 p.m. Boy lira N. Lansing St. Thursday, 7 p.m.—Fishermen's Club p.m. Scout Troop No. 81. 8:00 p.m. Senior Thurs.. 7:30 p.m.—Theocratic Min­ Choir rehearsal. istry School. A school designed to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ROSE LAKE CHURCH improve our speaking habits and in­ OF DeWITT Itpnrrant7ed L.D.S. crease our Bible knowledge. 8:30 p.m., Jay T. George, Pastor Elder Earl Premoe Service meeting. This meeting is de­ The First Baptist Church of DeWitt Corner of Upton and Stoll Hoads REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS signed to show the proper techniques will begin conducting regular serv­ 10:00 a.m.—Church School CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS of our ministry and assist us to be­ ices in the Township Hall No. 1 lo­ come better ministers. cated at 414 E. Main in DeWitt Sun­ Elsie Area Corner Upton Rd, fitStoll Rd. Sun., 9:30 a.m.—Public Lecture. day, September 20. Elder - Earl Premoe Given each week by a qualified rep­ Sunday School Will begin at 10 a.m. Sunday School—10 a.m. Preaching resentative of the Watchtower Bible ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH and Tract Society. 10:30 a.m., Watch- followed by Church Worship service Rev. David Litchfield, Minister Servlce-11 a.m. tower Study. Systematic Study of the at 11 a.m. There will be an Evening Service at 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship Choir Practice-Wed. 6:30 p.m, Mam ATtlcle In the current Watch- For more Information concerning Mid-Week Prayer Service — Wed. tower Magazine. 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School, Supt. Tues., 7:30 p m. — Congregation the First Baptist Church of DeWitt 7:30 p.m. Book Study. Text studied: "Then is call 669-9763 in DeWitt or 224-4511 Jn Merle Baese,' Everyone welcome. Finished, the Mystery of God." St. Johns. Public invited—free—no collection DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH fl» VALLEY FARMS UNITED **•*• ** * taken, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. David Litchfield, Minister •*r*-*^J- 155 E, Sate Rd. 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. Ken­ FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Rev. Neil Bolinger, Pastor 1 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rev. c.A. Stone, Pastor Phone 489-1705 neth Kiger Rev,, Harold E. Homer, Minister 312 N. U.S. 27 9:30 a.m—Sunday School. 11 a,m.—Worship service. 11:00 a.m.—Morninu Worship. 9:30 a.m. Church School, 10:30 a.m. Phone 224-2448 7:30 p m.—Sunday evening Evange­ Fellowship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor­ 9:45 a.m. — Church School listic. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ship-Installation of j WSCS officers, 7:30 11:00 j,m. —Worship Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m.—Youth ser­ Rev. Charles Cowley 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship vice. p.m. Prayer group in the lounge. Thursday. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study. WEDNESDAY We cordially invite sou to attend 10:00 a.m.—Worship service any or all of these services. 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Paul SHEPARDSVDLLE UNITED 4:00 p.m. — Logos Club Brown, Supt. 8;00 p.m. — Family Bible study Listen to our international broad­ 6 p.m.—Junior and Senior BYF METHODIST CHURCH cast HARVESTIME Sunday morning 7 p.m.—Evening Service 10:45 a.m.—Churcn Scnool CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE at 10:30 a.m., WRBJ. 1580 on your 3:30 p.m., Wednesday—Junior and 7 p.m.—Choir practice Wednesday 515 North Lansln" Street dial. Senior Choir practice. , t evenings. Rev Wesley Manker 7 p.m., Wednesday — Prayer and * / Afternoon Circle meetings at the Phone 224-7950 Fowler Area Bible Study. homes of'members, 2nd Thursday. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Berean Circle on the third Thurs­ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship day evening, also the homes of mem­ 6:15 p.m.—Young People's Service Rev. Fr. Albert J. Schmitt, Pastor DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST bers. *- 7'0'» n m.—Evening Worsh/p 3 miles west Ovid-Elsie High School ' Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. — Caravan. Sunday Masses—6;30jfl:30 and 10:30, . 5565 Ef Colony Road . -" f ' *• 7:45 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer Justin Shepard, Minister „• JACH-WEEK THE,CLINTON COUNTY NEWS WILL PUBLISH ONE OF THE MANX FINE CHURCHES LOCATED IN CLINTON COUNTYL i ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH hour. a.m, • * Jack Schwark, S.S. Supt. i . Rev William G. Hankerd, Pastor Weekdays—During school year, 7:30 10 a.m.—Sunday School ..,. S Rev. Raymond Goehring and 8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.—Church Jf ^v Assoclate,Pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH 7 p.m.—Junior and Youth Fellow­ . ,'f ^ , " %- •>•• • 305 Church Street Holy Days—5^0; 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 Rectory—109 Linden St.—Ph. 224-3313 ship Convent—110 S. Oakland—Ph. 2^4-3711!) - Phone 224-3349 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. eve before. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service School—201 B. Cass—Ph. 224-2421 Robert Bentley, Minister Sorrowful Mother Novena—Friday, 7 p.m., Wednesday—Prayer Meet­ THESE CLINTON COUNTY FfRMS MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE ' Mass Schedule 7:30 p.m. ing Saturday Evening—7 D.m. Sunday— 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 12. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Saturdays-7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Holy Days—See bulletin. 7:00 p.m.-Evenlng Worship Weekdays—7:3Q and 8:30 a.m. and ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. CYRa CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:15 p.m. Prayer service as announced. Fowler Rev Fr E, J. Konieczka, Pastor Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays, H.E. Rossow, Pastor Rectory: Bannister. Phone 862-5270 Farmers Co-op **" 3:30 to 5 p.m.* after 7 p.m. Mass DeWitt Area Sunday Masses—8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Schmitt Electric untill 9 p.m. Weekday evenings—a 9:30 a.m., Worship. 10:30 a.m. Sun­ Daily Mass—7:30 a.m.; First Fri­ ELEVATOR few minutes before evening Mass. WAYSIDE CHAPEL day School and Bible Class. day. 8 p.m. 807 1/2 E. State Wayne Feeds and Grain First Fridays—Sacrament of Pen­ A BIBLE CHURCH Holy Days—Masses 7 a.m. andiB St. Johns Phone 583-2661 ance, Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m p.m. •. and after the evening Mass until all 14337 Turner Road, DeWitt Riley Township Confessions—1 to 5 and 7:30 to are heard. Mass and Prayers of Rev. Douglas Beach, Pastor ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30 p.m. every Saturday and before Federal Land Bank - Adoration at 7:15 p.m. Holy Com- Phone 489-92S1 Mass on Sundays, Holy Days and *• munion on Friday at 6 and 7:15 a.m. MISSOURI SYNOD «,-„FIrst, pridavriaavs, U0 a,m. Sunday School VA miles west of St. Johns on M-21- * - Association Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 5'A miles south on Francis road Central Nat'I Bank Burton Abstract and Schofer Heating, Inc. 8:30 p,m. on Thursday through 7 p.m. 11 a.m. Worship Service 2 miles west on Church road on First Friday. < 6 p.m. Young People Marvin L. Barr, Pastor P.O. Box 228 Ph. 224-7127 OF ST. JOHNS Heating, Air Conditioning Devotions—Our Mother of Perpet­ 10:30 a.m.—Worship EAGLE UNITED METHODIST St. Johns—Ovid—Pewamo Title Company ual Help Novena— after 7:15 p.m. 7 p.m. Evening Service 9:15-a.m.—Sunday School and Bible CHURCH Swimming Pools Mass each Tuesday. 7:15 p.m. Wednesday - Bible Study Member FD1C Classes. , „ , „ J Rev Ray McBratnie, Pastor Fowler, Ph. 587-3666 Religious Instruction Classes—Adult, Telephone 627-6533 or 489-3807 119 N. Clinton, St. Johns 1 Inquiry Class, Tuesday at 8 p.m. High and Prayer. Holy Communion first Sunday -of A friendly church with a message the month at 8 a.m., third Sunday 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship ^ School CCD, Wednesday at 8 p.m. of the month at 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.—Church School S & H Farm Sales Public Grade School CCD, Tuesdays for today. 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, Bible Study from 4 until 5 p.m. Bible Loving - Bible Believing - SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH and prayer meeting. Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by Willard Farrier. Pastor appointments Other arrangements by Bible Preaching. & Service Egan Ford Sales, Inc. Federal-Moaiil Located Vt mile east of Francis 20Ofifl0 WUT . lltrrlttvHigham* Phonn(t^»#e> 214-228***** i»v5 ' appointment. DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH Road on Chadwlck Road EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH CORPORATION (Inter-denominational) 10 a.m.—Sunday School New Holland Machinery Murl J, Eastman, Pastor 11 a.m,—Worship Service Rev. and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastor St. Johns plant Ovid Conv. Manor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School Our Specialty Amy Mulford, Sunday School Supt. 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Hazel Dletz, LPN Adm. South US-27 Marilyn Krol, Co-Supt. 7:30 p.m. — Wednesday Prayer Paul A. Travis, Pastor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Gunnisonville Area 9480 W. M-21 Phone 517*834-2281 11 a.m.—Church meeting 4 Mi. N. on US-27 to French Rd. 9:45 a.m. Bible School 7 p.m.—Youth Fellowship GUNNISONVILLE Phone 224-4661 - - Phillips Implement St. Johns Co-op 10:55 a.m. Worship Service UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Ovid Area 11 a.m. Children's Churches REDEEMER UNITED Clark and Wood Roads COMPANY METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Dan Miles, Minister N. Clinton Ph. 224-2381 6 p.m. IN-TIME and HI-TIME 313 N, Lansinc St. Ph. 224-2377 7 p.m. Evening Worship 105 N. Bridge St. 9:30 a.m. Church Service H. Forest Crum, Minister OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH \ Each Wed., 7 p.m. The Hour of 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Main at Oak Street Power for, the'whole family. 8 p.m. 9:30 a.m.—Worship, (nursery pro­ Maple Rapids Area Rev. Earl C. Copelln, Pastor Choir practice. * Norma Johnson, Church School Supt. D & B Party Shoppe Jim McKenzie Agency Maynord-AUen First Sunday—Communion Service vided), 10:30 - ll:00a.m.,CoffeeFel- THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH- Mrs/Ida Beardslee, Organist Open Monday thro Saturday 212 N. Clinton, St. Johns STATE BANK First Tuesday—Deacon's Meeting Iowship, 11 a.m. Church School. Maple Rapids Area Parish Capitol Savings 9:45 a.m. - Church School. 11:00 Complete Party Supplies 2i4 W. Washington, Ionia Portland—Sunfield—Westphalia Second Tue- *y—Ladies' Missionary ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Pastor—Charles VanLente a.m. - Morning Worship. AND LOAN ASSN. Circle. Corner US-27 and Webb Road Parsonage and Office: US-27 and 224 N. Clinton Phone 224-3535 Member F.D.I.C. Phone 587-3111 Rev Glenn V Cathey, Jr. Clinton-Gratiot County Line Road Wed., 7 p.m.. Senior Choir 222 N. Clinton Phone 224-2304 Last Tuesday—Trustees' Meeting - Residence 669-3967 Church 669-9308 Phone 244-6166 Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Mon,, Frl. "Moments of Medlta- Rectory 224-2G00 Office 224-2865 Study. Allaby-Brewbakerjnc. ; Hon." Radio WRBJ. 2nd and 4th Sundays—9 a.m., Holy MAPLE RAPIDS UNITED Communion and sermon. METHODIST CHURCH 10:15 a.m.—Church School CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 108 1/2 N. Clinton St. ' ST. JOHNS BAPTIST TEMPLE Other Sundays — 9 a.m., morning 11:30 a.m.—Worship Ovid, Michigan Antes Cleaners 400 E. State Street prayer and sermon. 5:30-6:30 p.m.—Youth WorshipServ- Robert B. Hayton, Pastor St. Johns, Michigan Rev Jerry Thomas, Pastor Church school every Sunday, 9:30' lce (community wide). 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday School at 10 a.m., With a.m. 7 p.m.—Youth Fellowship li a.m.—Morning Worship Pickup and Delivery • Wes' Gulf Service classes for all ages. Teaching from 6 p.m.—Sunday evening singing for COMMUNITY OF ST.'JUDE Monday boys and girls. 108 W. Walker Ph. 224-4529 WE GIVE S&H STAMPS - the Book of Revelation. Catholic Church 7 p.m.—Scouts 7 p.m.—Sunday evening services. (»!•* -"J .Morning worship at11 a.m. Tuesday • Wednesday eyening prayer meeting . Free Pick-up 8i Delivery *. sTndayT 6 p.m., study hour, with Father Jerome Schmitt, Pastor 7 p.m.—Senior Choir practice. at 7 p.m. adult group, young people's group 409 Wilson, DeWitt 1:30 p.m.—WSCS first Tuesday of S. US-27 Ph. 224-2212 Daily Mass: Mon. and Thurs. - 7:30 each month. CHURCH OF GOD i , ^uidlyrltm^vangelistic mes- Ovid, Michigan p.m. Tues., Wed. and Frl. 7:00* a*m. SALEM UNITED METHODIST Rev, L. Sanders, Pastor Parr's Rexall Store ^Wednesday at 7, prayer meeting< Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School The Corner Drue store The F.C. Mason Co. Mathews Elevator s and study hour. Services at Middle School, DeWitt, 9 a.m.—Worship 11:C0 a.m.—Morning Worship 10 a.m.—Church School 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Phone 224-2837 Grain—Feed—Beans \ ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH EAST DeWITT BIBLE CHURCH 7 p.m.—Senior High Youth Fellow­ 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service 200 E. Railroad, St. Johns (Non Denominational) ship; Junior Youth Fellowship every •7:30 p.m.—Wednesday,- Bible Study; Phone 582-2551 y US-27 at Sturgis Round Lake Road '/* mile • other week. 8:45 pm.—Choir practice Rev. Robert D. Koeppen, Pastor East of US-27 Wednesday •• 9:00 a.m. SUnday School and Bible Glen J. Farnham, Pastor 7 p.m.—Choir practice. UNITED CHURCH OF OVID Sunday— * 7:30 p.m.—Mid-week Service. 141 West Front Street * "Discussions. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Classes for Thursday Walter A. Kargus III, Minister HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Fellowship. Official Board meeting at 8 p.m. on 10:15 a.m. Divine Worship. all ages. 7:30 p.m.—WSCS Third Thursday. Vera Tremblay, Church School Supt. , Ovid, Michigan ' ' WSCS meets third Thursday of the 4th Monday of each month. ' - Holy Communion - 1st Sunday each 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 9:30, a.m.—Church School, 4th thru Fr Joseph Auoin Methodist Men's Club Meetings — 5:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship, Senior, United Worship Services of 8th grades, 10:30 a.m.—Mass on Sunday month at 2 p.m. Potluck at church at 0:30 p.m. on Short Takes month. 14 and up; Jet Cadets, 10-13. LOWE AND GREENBUSH 10 a.m.—Adult Class 7 p.m.—Evening Mass on Wednes­ 1 1st Wednesdays of Sept., Dec.t Feb. f Confirmation Instruction Wednes­ 7 p.m,—Evening Service UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES 11 a.m.—-Worship Service. Nursery, day. , - „ , Victor Township and April. Sunday morning breakfast days after 3:15 p.m. >* Wednesday— 9:15 a.m.—Church School babies through 2 year olds. Church Confessions 10 to 10:30 on Sunday on 1st Sunday morning of Oct., Nov., 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer. 10:15. a.m. — United Worship Serv­ School, 3 year olds through 3rd grade. morning. « * GROVE BIBLE CHURCH Jan., March and May at B a.m. Valuable Stamp 7*30 p.m. 1st Tuesday each month - Supervised nursery for babies and ices (check for location). 7 p.m.—United Church Youth Rev, Robert Prange, Pastor The world's most valuable Lad'ies Guild-LWML. small children in all services. LOWE—Lowe and N. Lowe Rds. , • Each Wednesday choir rehearsals, Price and Shepardsville roads "An open door to an open book" 4 p.m., Children's Choir and Junior stamp is considered to be - 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays - Adult In­ GREENBUSH—Marshall and Scott Choir; 7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir. Pewamo Area 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school.' Clashes ... A Bible preaching church with a Rds. for aU ages ST. MARY'S CHURCH the famous British Guiana formation Classes* beginningeachSep- message for you . . . 7 p.m. — Youth Fellowship meets 2nd Wednesday — Women's Fellow- ' •tember and"February. Call 224-3544 •11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev Fr Aloyslus^ H. Miller, Pastor one-cent stamp of 1856. The ST, THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH with Salem. 5 3rd Monday—United Men's Club, ST, JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 6:30 p.m.—Young People Fr Martin Miller ' or 224-7400* wlr«topifle Information. October to January, Greenbush; Pewamo, Michigan 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Assistant Pastor stamp is valued at $32,500. Fathers Francis Murray, Joseph February to May, Lowe; June to OVID FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rt Rev Msgr Thomas J. Bolger, M.A., 7}30 p m.—Wednesday, prayer meet- Sunday Masses—6, 8 and 10 a.m. * Church Office Hours - 9:00 -12:00 Droste and Lawrence Delaney September, Greenbush—i months in Pastor t Wecltdays—During school year 7!00, * * * n Wed nefiday each churchi - 130 W. Williams St*. Sunday Masses—6 a.m., 8 a.m. and Ladles Missionary circle meets 4U1 7:45 and 11:15 a.m. ' " i a.m., M° ^K J ' ^^V' Rectory: 102 W. Randolph,'Lansing Thursday Sunday 10 a.m. ' , Saturdays—0:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. First Martyr* * 1 Friday, '' Phone 489-9051 8 p.m Daily Mass—7:30 a.m. Couples Club meets 4th Saturday In Holy Days—5:30, 7:30, 0 a.m. and Saint Stephen was the Mass Schedule— Saturday! 7 p.m. month * CHURCH OF, CHRIST PF ST. JOHNS. Sunday: 6, 8, 10, 12! DeWitt, 9 a.m. host chUrch. 6:15 p.m.—Youth Service Holy Baptism—Sunday, 1 p.m. 8 p.m. first Christian martyr, He .' 690 N» Lansing St, Holiday: 7, 8. 10 a.m.; 5:30, 7:30 Greenbush WSCS 4th Thursday at 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service 1 Sacred Confession — Saturday, 3:30 Evening Mails—Friday, B:00 p.m. 8 p.m, Tuesday and 7!30 p.m. was stoned "to death outside * Seventh Day AdvenUat Building "^Weekday Masses: 8 a.m.. 7:30 p.»n. Lowe WSCS 2nd Wednesday at 1:30 10 a.m.—Women's Prayer Service Family Holy Hour for Peace—Satur* Jerusalem some time after Mike Hargrave, Minister Confessions—SatUrdaV: 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday day, 7:19 p.m, > WACOUSTA COMMUNITY Lansing the Crucifixion. 0130 a,m. Gunday.Schooi and 7:30 to fl; Eves of Holidays, 8 to 10 a.m.—Men's Prayer Service METHODIST CHURCH Maple Rapids Administrative Board T - 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship ^ 7:30 p.m.—Mid-Week Service* UNTTED METHODIST CHURCH Rev Dale Spoor, Pastor KIMBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST * * • 'Baptism: Sunday at 1 p.m. Please meets at 8 p.m. odd no. months, 2nd Also, Bible School," which is Inter* Phone 627.2310 1007 Kimberly Drive l i Wtd. 7:00 p-m. Prayer Meeting, call in advance. Tuesday. denominational begins Monday,-the Pewamo, Michigan 10 a.nii—Morning Worship , Lansing, Michigan Difference Call 324-4012 for more information. Salem*Administrative Board meets 17th, end ends Friday, the 21st. The Rev, Wayne Sparks; Pastor 11 a.rrr,—Sunday School John Halls . - The aortic arch which, car­ HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH at 7:30 p.m, even no. .months, let final program will be held on the 420 E. Bridge St., Lyons 6:30 p.m.—Senior and Junior Youth 11 a.nii—Morning Worship * David B. Franzmeler, Pastor Tuesday. , 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Vacation Bible Fellowship 10 a.m.—Bible Study ? . r ries pure blood to the body i *P. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 380 W. Herbison Rd.. DeWitt Lowe and Greenbush Administrative School is for, children ranging from 517/855-3878 Thursday, 3 p.m.—Children's Choir 6 p.m.—-Evening Worship turns to the, right in. birds, * corner of E. Walker and Mead sts. ^ Phone 669-9608 Boards meet at 8 p.m. odd no, months four years of age through tht eighth Sunday - 10:00 Morning Worship. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Senior Adult Midweek service T:30 p.m. Wednes­ Now using new house of worship, on 1st Monday, grade. day night. but turns to the left in .man Her. Hugh E. B»nnmgai Pastor Sunday morning schedule: _Sunday 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Youth Choir and other-mammals. ,l * rectory M*-2«00 omce 224-2885 Page I] B January 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Optimistic forecast Authorize extension,on price support Ipans

Farmers were encouraged this plication of their decisions on storage, he addeo", and io a1 tool week by Nick Smith. Chairman of market prices. which farmers.may retain Toronto trip for corn damage the Michigan State Agricultural A good example, he stated, is title of i their stocks of grain Stabilization and Conservation the increased use of the loan until such time they feel it Is the Committee, to recognize their in­ best time-to^ sell^For the 1972- Michigan farmers "should be "The blight situation in 1072 program on 1971 cropcornwhich fluence on markets and the im- .73 program 'year, he stated, re­ in good shape" to ward off exten­ .will also depend on .the weather, has contributed to an increase in sive damage from Southern Corh but this time state farmers will the market prices over the last seal programs have been an­ | Leaf Blight (SCLB) this year,1 be In better shape because they few weeks. Michigan producers, nounced on 1968, 1969,1970 and i contends Dr. Elmer Rossmari, Cook speaker he added, had placed nearly 6- 1971 crops wheat, barley and ** By JOHN AYLSWORTH have more SCLB-reslstant * Michigan State University crop seed," says Rossman. "Last 1/2 million bushels of corn from oats; 1969, 1970 and 1971 crops ! scientist. year, they planted 30 to 35 per­ the 1971 crop under loan as of corn and grain sorghum; and 1971 cent of their acreage to (N' cy­ for meeting Nocember 30 and there was a croprye stored under farm stor­ Kathy Hazle, of St. Johns, has Mrs. George Hazle. Michigan's are entered in the Rate of Gain "But we could havesomedam- toplasm seed, which is resistant continued strong demand for age loans. 1 een named Michigan's Dlstln- Distinguished Holstein Boy was Contest to see which animal will age from yellow Leaf Blight to the «T'race of SCLB," he says. The speaker at the annual _loans during the month of Decem­ He explained that the extended \iished Holstein Girl for 1972. won by Donald Jewell of Ionia make the best daily gain between (YLB) if we can't get the corn "In 1972, we expect toplan^80 meeting of the Clinton County ber. loan program promotes orderly ( he will receive an award by County. now and the Fair in August. planted on time or If we have an to '90 percent seed with N' cy­ Soil Conservation District will be Smith pointed out that while marketing by providing the pro­ e State HolsteinFriesianAsso- January's "4-H Teen Leader The Olive 4-H Project mem­ abnormal growing season that toplasm. Dr. R. L, Cook. Dr. Cook has ducer a longer period to seek v the emphasis Is on placing cur­ atlon at their state meeting at glass collection project amounted bers learned a lot about drug keeps corn from maturlng by retired from Michigan State Un­ rent crops that-are eligible for the best market'for his crops to 16,060 bringing the total glass abuse from Charles Anderson, mid-September," he says. • t "SCLB 'T* overwinters in iversity where he was head of the e Ovid-Elste 'High' School on loan under price support to pro­ ^and also assures a steady flow collected to ' date of 239,430 Police Chief of'DeWltt. Mr. Michigan, so it maybepresentin Soil Science Department. Since turday, Feb. 5. Kathy won this In 1971> SCLB didlittle damage mote orderly marketing, there is of commodities to the market, pounds. The next 4-H glass con­ Anderson had on display many of 1972. warm, humid or wet 1962 he has traveled to many nor following the committee's in Michigan mostly because the also a reseal loan program which thus guaranteeing the consumers tainer collection day will be Sat­ the different kinds of drugs and weather could contribute to its countries, and during October summer was dry. This plus a permits farmers to extend their an'adequate supply of grain. Pro­ urday, Feb. 5. marijuana collected from differ­ development. _ and November of 1971 was in relatively warm June and cool loans for an additional year if ducers who extend their loans, ent arrests of people In the area. "Other leaf blights, such as Argentina as a consultant to the 92 4-H members, leaders and July and August limited spread they wish. ' he added, will receive a storage guests of the Fowler Busy Bees yellow, eyespot and northern, administrator, of the U.N.D.P. payment for the*additlonal stor­ The Kountry Kousins 4-H Klub of the blight. Smith stated that if our com­ 4-H Club enjoyed an evening of members had their annual could cause trouble. (United Nations Development age period after the 1972 ma­ roller skating Thursday evening "YLB has been widely prev­ Program). mercial farmers are going to turity date.. ' Christmas party and gift ex­ And because most farmers continue to make the needed in­ at the Ranch Roller Rink in St, alent in Michigan during the past He plans to show colored slides change Dec. 28 at the East Olive planted early, their corn matured vestments in our farm industry; Smith emphasized that the Johns. three to four years' but has not of how several countries are School. Charles Frost, County before blight damage could hit. if they are going to continue to early announcement of the re­ caused extensive damage," says managing their soils to bring With the snow arriving this Civil Defense Director, was the risk hall, drouth, plant diseases seal or extended loan program Is Rossman. "Its symptoms on them into production of food for past week, enthusiasm is picking guest speaker giving a very in­ and all the other uncertainties in being made now'so that farmers leaves are nearly identical to a better diet for their people. up for 4-H members and leaders formative talk on fire safety. farming and if they are to con­ can made appropriate plans for those of SCLB so it is next to He has titled his program "Soil interested in attending the 4-H The club will have the Prairie tinue feeding the nation effici­ 1972. Ovid impossible to distinguish be­ Problems which Limit World Snow Camp Weekend Jan. 28-30 4-H Club officers as their guests ently, they must have adequate tween the .two. Undoubtedly some Food Production". With the at Traverse City. The deadline for their Feb. 1 meeting. All , returns. , More than the Imagination has Mr. and Mrs. DonalSaxtonand blight infections credited to President going to China,andthe for reservations is Thursday, demonstrations at their meeting to work ifa man expects to meet Jan. 20. Trip award winners may will be given on health. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dush and SCLB have actually been YLB. Governor suggesting that prime The reseal loan program pro­ Dwayne of St. Johns returned the high cost of living. attend for $8 while non-trip win­ "Eyespot and Northern Leaf agricultural lands should be pre­ motes maximum use of on-farm Members of Charlie's Gang home last week from a trip to ners will need to pay $16.25 to Blight have not been, epidemic in served, Dr. Cooks' program will 4-H Club viewed a film called Salem, S. D. where they attended attend thi s weekend of fun and any season to date inMichigan," be most timely and one that no "Darkness, Darkness* showing the wedding of George Saxtonand fellowship at Traverse City. The Rossman adds. one will want to miss that has persons addicted with heroin and Bonnie Lanners of Denver, Colo. camp capacity is limited to 100 the problems involved. Members an interest in wise land use. people. / George is the son of Mr. and are busy with their woodworking Mrs. Dpnal Saxton. The meeting begins with a noon The following 4-H clubs have projects. Kincoid District meal at the Ovid-Elsie High reservations to participate In the School on Feb. 12. Dinner tick­ KATHY HAZLE 4-H roller skating activity on Mrs Porter C. Parks ets may be purchased from di­ Thursday, Jan. 20 from 7-10 p.m. I— . . rectors, Stanley Baird, Kenneth reviewing of the contestants' rec­ at the Ranch Roller Rink in St. Mr, Lee DuMond and John Loudenbeck, Robert Moore, ords and interviewing of the top Johns. The clubs are: We-Hah- Price of Lansing spent the weekend Clarence Manning, and William three girls. Kay-Asta, Pioneer Trail Riders, with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Du­ Mayers. They also may be pur­ This is Kathy's 9th year in Westphalia 4-H, Riverside Mond and Ron. chased from the District Secre­ 4-H club work taking projects Riders, Happy Hustlers, Bengal District Mr. and Mrs. Donald Potts and tary in the Soil Conservation in Dairy, Clothing, Foods, Dairy Community, French's Corners, Mike visited Mrs. Rose Potts of Service Office, 100 South Ottawa Street, St. Johns. Science, Flowers, and Teen Merry Makers and County Farm MRS. HAROLD CROWLEY Lansing, Friday evening. Leadership. She now owns 15 head Cut-Ups. Ph. 224-3014 NOTICE TO of registered Holstein dairy Alan Cobb, Elsie 4 Corners, cattle. Kathy has been exhibiting and Susan Striz, Scattered South­ New officers will assume Frlcke, local church representa­ AREA FARMERS her cattle for eight years at the east, were recognized at the tive; Mrs. Helen Hunt, flower Check seed corn tags County Fair, District and State duties when the Women's Society County Holstein Association An­ of the Price United Methodist committee. Black and White Show, State 4-H Check seed corn tags for re­ to one-half the plants will have nual meeting Saturday as Clinton Church meets Jan. 26, and in­ The Goodwill Committee con­ Dairy Show and the Michigan State sistance to Southern Corn Leaf some resistance to the "T* race Bulk Potash County's Distingulshed^Holstein clude: Mrs. Benjamin Walker, sists of Mrs. Kenneth Fricke, Fair, She will receive an award Boy and Girl for 1972. Mrs. Richard Curtis, and Mrs. Blight (SCLB). 'of SCLB and the rest of the plants president; Mrs. Russell Ormsby, "N" on the tag^stands for from the National Holstein Sixty-two steers have been Elzie Exelby. will be more susceptible. vice-president; Mrs. Harold "normal cytoplasm* which is Friesian Association, also. Kathy registered for the 1972 Clinton The program theme will be and Urea are Crowley, treasurer; Mrs. Clar­ generally resistant to the new "N" seed is also slightly more is a Senior at St, Johns High County 4-H Youth Fair Beef Show "Call to Prayer andSelf-Denial." ence Neller, ChristianSocialRe- "T" race of SCLB, says Elmer resistant to yellow leaf blight, School, active in band, chorus, and Sale, Aug. 14-16. The steers Hostesses for the 12:30 pot- girls ensemble and science club. lations Secretary; Mildred Ash­ Rossman, Michigan State Uni­ says Rossman. But the difference are all on feed as of Jan. 1. luck dinner will be Mrs. Richard L ley, Missionary Education Secre­ versity crop scientist. due to seed type is less clear- NOW AVAILABLE She is the daughter of Mr. and 15 steers have been weighed and Curtis, ,Mrs. Ralph Shumaker tary; Mrs. Elzie Exelby, Spirit­ aN" seed costs more because cut than for the "T* race of ual Growth; Mrs. William Ashley, and Mrs. Clayton Brewer. Rev. Darold Boyd has been it is produced by hand^nd mach­ Membership; Joan Ashley, pro­ ine detasseling^pf seed fields, AT ,, ... appointed pastor of the Price and i( "No one is certain what' the gram materials; Mrs. Kenneth says Rossman, but the price won't Shepardsville United Methodist blight problems will be in 1972," A FUELforALL seem out of line If SCLB hits Churches. He is doing graduate says Rossman. "Disease devel­ GAS your farm. work at Michigan State Univer­ opment'depends on threefactors: B0UGHT0N ELEVATOR SEASONS Fix-It Tip sity and will soon be living In Some corn tags will bear the 1) presence of the disease path­ the East Lansing area. Hi's fam­ labels "T" (sterile cytoplasm) ogen; 2) favorable environment ily includes his wife, Karen and or "B" (blend of normal and for the disease; and 3) suscep­ An electric light that is sterile cytoplasms). PHONE 669-6684 controlled from more than two children, Cheryl and Steven. tible crop varieties. DEWITT one point, as on a stairway, The UMYF of the Price United "T" seed is generally suscep­ will have a special switch Methodist Church will sponsor a tible to the "T" race of SCLB. known as a three - way church-wide sleddingpartyonthe It is produced in seed fields us­ switch. If you replace one Neller property Sunday, Jan. 23 ing male sterile seed parents of these, make sure you get at 3 p.m. that do not require detasseling. the right kind of switch. The Living Room Dialogue "B* seed is a blend of both There will be three terminals "N" and "T" types of seed, ex- AUCTION SALE instead of the nsual two. meeting will be held at the Rus- sell OrmsbyhomeThursday, Jan. ^J^T"' *? \Jflds plf ^ NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NEEDS- Simply rewire as the old with "B* seed, probably one-third LP GAS WILL DO THE JOB! switch was connected. 20 at 7 Saturday, January 22, 1972 Prompt Delivery 6S60 S. Begole Rd. PERRINTON Having decided to change my farming operation, I will sell nt public auction O-E FFA chapter busy located 3 miles west of St. Louis to Alger ltd., 2 1/2 miles north 1/2N-2W -1/2N' WHITE'S From Pompeii By QWYN NETHAWAY ects is being used to build a addition of a new advisor, Law­ broiler coop. PHONE POMPEII FFA Reporter rence Sprague. He Is replacing Also this year the Ovid-Elsie Albert Ackley who retired re­ 12:30 Sharp! The Ovid-Elsie chapter was chapter was honored with the cently. 838-2201 ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ GAS very active this past year. The ¥ MM ¥¥ ¥ ¥ :)M JM ¥¥¥¥¥y ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥ chapter was awarded first Gold in the Michigan over all chapter TRACTORS competion. > 1965 IHC 806 dlesel, wide front, new No 460 New Holland Hay bine In this same contest only on the HERE'S A JANUARY rubber, 3 pointhitch, all extras New Holland tractor rake National Level the chapter was 1965 IHC 504 gas with industrial loader, New Idea 51 ft. elevator PTO w*th drag again awarded a Gold rating. Also and spout on the National level a Gold SPECIAL THAT COULD power steering, new rubber, heat award in 'safety was received by houser. Gruesbeck 32 ft. elevator the chapter. In leadership con­ IHC 600 Diesel(Standqrd) Century 3 point hitch sprayer with 200* tests, the chapter won three on BE "DEERE" TO YOU! gal Ion plastic rank. the district level, two -on the FARM EQUIPMENT Badger self propelled feeder for bunk regional" and a Gold and silver on the state level. feedlng732 ft. long to use on 64 ft. ^ 1970 IHC 315 combine with cab Ediable feed bunk, with motor In the state skills contest the bean att./obot head chopper model chapter was again tops in the / 327,three roW/narrow rowcorn head 2 Cobey self unloading box on 8 to-i state, taking three golds andfour Cobey gears silvers. The chapter was honored John Deere 55 comb'pe high bin with 5 bottom John Deere plow'with at the Clinton County Farm \ Ediable Bean att." John Deere Engine Midwest liftharrow^s'mi mounted Bureau banquet for its participa­ tion in Soil and \yater conserva­ 1970 New Holland 880 chopper complete New Idea 200 bu. Flail manure • DON'T tion. with 3 row narrow .head & hay pickup Spreader. PTO (Model 205) / TAKE CHANCES... In the Clinton County Soil Con­ John Deere 8 ton running gear with servation District's soil Judging 1970 56 IHC hopper blower PTO 180 bu. gravity box. TAKE OUT .contest the chapter took both high 400 MODEL '•wSL-r 1970 58 6 row IHC plante^dlsc openers MISC. individual and high team. This with both dry & liquid fert. att. Snowmobile Insurance year the chapter has won the 399 cc 28 h.p. JjttU. state trophy for the Funk Seed" $ Massey Ferg 6 row cultivator^ point hitch, 59 Dddjo truck with 14 ft. grain rack Company's Project 200. '1970 Brlllion 12 ft. cuitipacker 1962 Int. 1/2 ton pickup'' • ' . , MQRE PROTECTION FOR YOU For money making projects NOW 998 this year, the chapter held a 1970 IHC 14 ft. wheel disc 1 set 18 x 4 - 34 used tires & tubes slave auction and sold citrus 500 MODEL -*"?»^ Brit I ion 16 ft. .wheel drag. suitable for duals •Choice of $25.00 or $50.00 deductible fruit. The money from these proj­ 9 ft. cuitipacker 1 set 14 x 9 - 28 used tires & tubes *lnsured for actual cash value 436 cc 36 h.p. J3&5JT No. 10 New Idea 1 row corn picker Several items to numerous to mention *Sleds & trailers may be added for flat charge PCA LOANSI ow Liability & medical payments (including REDUCE (NTEREST ^ M098 . you & family) may be added CLOSED; At SATURDAY NOON 'til MAR. 1 TERMS: CASH. Anyone desiring credit should see your bunk before sale day. COSTS No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or stolen * Renewal premium is automatically Ask about PCA's unique money-saving items day of sale* > * adjusted to allow for depreciation interest formula . . , application loan plan . . . Good, Carson City reasons why PCA is FIRST IN JOHN DfFRF Prop. KEITH COLBRY FARM CREDIT. Farm Ph. 517-681-2438 PRODUCTION CREDIT WENDELL AUSTIN, MANAGER & Jim McKenzie Agency, Inc. M ASSOCIATION HUGH ROBERTS, OW^R Al Galloway, Auctioneer ' JOHN DEERE SALES ArO SERVICE St. Johm, Ml. Ph.517-224-4713-. 517-224-4300 t.1 1104S.US-27 St. Johns ; ??? ' ??-\ ?-\7t ' Phone 224-3662 CARSONcrry ., J,,. PHONfe 584*3550 bM* I Page 12 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan January 19, 1972 Dawn Hodges attended a birth­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis order by Supervisor King at 8:00 Humphrey of Valley Farms. WEAR Director of the Parks Commit­ tract with the City of DeWitt. day dinner party honoring Linsey v PeWITT p.m." , tee. Approved Committee's South Waterlown Green* of Marmoor, Friday eve­ Tom Turpin underwent surgery ONMTE Planning Commission minutes Board members present: Pow­ plans. of the Januarymeetlngwere given ^ Mr* Bruce Hodges ning. at St. Lawrence Hospital the past TOWNSHIP ell (late), Johns, Purves, King, week. Petitions were filed to estab­ by Johns. Recommended approval , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walsh _ MINUTES Syverson, Zeeb and Pline. of rezoning of DE 31 from B-l Helen Lotfell attended a U. of attended the play "Promises Mrs. Helen Dayton Is In St. Mm lish an Ordinance prohibiting The meeting was opened with Lawrence Hospital undergoing Synopsis of the Regular meet­ "Topless Dancing" in any estab­ to B-2, Reappointed Horvath,* - "y ^umni luncheon at the home Promises* In Detroit Saturday, the Pledge of Allegiance, Whitaker and Syendsen to the g* Mrs; Gordon Stow of Lansing at the Fisher Theater. treatment. ing of the De Witt Township Board lishment In DeWitt Township. Approved the minutes of the Wyble will check into this. Planning Commission. • _Sa.turday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patrick held Jan. 10,' 1972 at DeWltt Regular Board meeting of Dec. High-powered" -autos become Township Hall, f780 E. Wieland Fire Committee minutes and Police Committee minutes of. . .Mr, anq Mrs, Don Cobb enter­ and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry- 13, 1971 as mailed. the January meeting and the De­ tained 25 guests at a post holi- hill and family and Mrs, Myron high-powered weapons when han­ Road, Lansing, Michigan. Communications were read. Fire report were given by dled by careless drivers. AFTER DARK. »• The meeting was called • to Purves, Voted to accept the Con- cember Police report were given l^ay family dinner Sunday. Humphrey were Sunday dinner Accepted King's resignation as by Pline. Voted to have all Police] vehicles fully marked. Inquire] if the Lansing PD would dis­ SERVICED BY patch Township patrol cars, Apl proved purchase of two newStatl Police band radios. Federal Grant for low band radio equii ment has.been approved. Bids be accepted. Letter from' Kir "PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER" Arthur's Court was read, DiJ cussion followed. Transportation Committee r| port was given by Powell. • SERVICE • QUALITY • LOW EVERYDAY PRICES . . . Again approved Horvatl liquor license. There was a discussion on tihe sewer, * \ V.'.V.V.V.V.V 3rd quarter report was re­ TABLERITE "BONELESS^ , jr. viewed. . \ Request the Clinton County DPW to reimburse the Township TABLERITE for engineering fees and a copy of the Federal of State audit of CHUCK ROAST» 98* the bond money. m W Proposed 1972-73 Budgets are FAME w due at the February Board meet­ c ing. PORK CHOPS Approved all Vouchers,' SKINLESS FRANKS., 49 Announcements: Planning HYGRADE "WEST VIRGINIA" ' Commission meeting: Monday, c Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Regular 'MIXED' BONELESS HAMS lb. 99 Board meeting: Monday, Feb. U at 8 p.m. TABLERITE Adjournment at 11:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, STUFFED PORK CHOPS b 79$ DONNA B. SYVERSON, TABLERITE "BEEF & PORK" Clerk e MILTON J. KING GROUND MEAT LOAF ib 69 Supervisor WHOLE ,— • ...» c WATER TOWN PORK LOINS 67$ GROUND CHUCKib 88 CHARTER TOWNSHIP __ MINUTES _ F AY GO FAME STOK ELY CAMPBELL'S Regular meeting called this VAN CAMP'S date by Supervisor with all Board • CREAM STYLE - 15 Flavors - members present. Also in at­ FACIAL • WHOLE KERNEL- VEGEJABLE tendance Lawrence Maier, Rev­ erend Ted Otto, John Walter and Bruce Harlow. TISSUE POP BEEF STEW Minutes of December meetings CORN SOUP approved. WHITE No Deposit - No Return Treasurer's report approved. OR Bills read and approved. l*'!t*«*-l Orders 1 thru 14 were drawn on' ASSORTED the General Fund and Orders 1 24-oz. and 2 were drawn on-the Ceme­ 17-oz. c JO-oz. tery account. 200-cf. 16-ox. c Commissioner Montgomery Can Btl. unable to attend and Mr. Open- Pkg. lander reported several County h*i't»!i :*'.»: matters to the Board. Mr. Maier 15 10 stated that in the future all zon­ ing change requests will require :;X;X;X;X;X;XvXvX;X;X;:vXv a 60 day delay. Repart given on the Special IGA TABLE TREAT meeting of the Planning Commis­ 11 ' MICHIGAN 'RED' CELLO sion held January 5. The Plan­ ning Commission recommenda­ c tion relative to the three re­ C quests for tavern license is as CARROTS 2 B"39 BREADS?!'" 89 follows: "We recommend to the Watertown Charter Township POTATOES DOUVILLE c Board that action be deferred on 6-ct. Pkg. 49 all three tavern license requests COOKING POKA DOTS (namely, Bruce Harlow, John and OVEN FRESH "ASSORTED" - . Beverly Hunt, Ron Garlock, rep­ ne ? resenting 4-D Corporation, Inc.) e until the exact location of 1-69 LUNCH BOX CAKES S° 8/98*; through Watertown Charter |20M.79* ONIONS 3 »«49 Township is known," Motion made, supported and passed unanimously that the '•".. •• .'.••.••'...... •,.'.- ^«^l^^l•^•'^'!^.^^^^'^v/•'.:X^^'^^^^^^^•^^^!:^?^^^; Township Board adopt the rec­ ommendation of the Planning Commission and so notify the IGA TABLERITE TABLERITF MAXWELL HOUSE Liquor Control Commission and- LOW FAT the three applicants. Gallon 28 The dry hydrant installation discussed. Ctn. COFFEE - Com municat'ions read and 'SV'V.l MILK M. BUTTER placed on file. 1 lb. WITH COUPO-N ft $7.00 PURCHASE The Township Board will at­ r. A M i. COUPON EXPIRES SAT., JAN. 22, 1972 tend the M.T.A. Convention at SOLID - Ctn. Grand Rapids on Wednesday, Jan. 'QUARTERED' , : •••' i..••• .• .••• .'..'.-•:'. '.•;.•,•.•• •','•.••• ymiJJr--- 12, 1972. Members of the Park and Plan­ :;x:u Cemetery was renewed for an­ , MM., MI • . I.I ,. »..' .,•' • [....' '•.•,•.•--.. • .•;.?? other year. It was pointed out that -,'••„• • •'•'.• '-•.••' • •'.•.'.•'... '• •' • •' ••' -' •' • — • • ••'-' ...LI | II ._, , . .' '.."' ,. . ,."''•""" according to the Rules and Reg­ FRENCH FRIES CHICKEN : , , ulations of Wacousta Cemetery, ,••'••,•••'•; •'•:; - i'-; •••••,'•','•'•'• •••'••! T--' "••••"I "I • •^'••l^^y^ fy; with Purchase of 2 Cans the following Regulation is going BORDEN'S to be enforced BY AUTHORITY AJAX OF THE TOWNSHIP BOARD: net 14-0:. "Artificial^ flowers and artific­ JET BAR ial wreaths are. permitted on lots tan only during the Fall and Winter, :.'' Clerk HERMAN OPENIiANDER, ^ Supervisor