16 May 2016


I have the honour to transmit herewith at the request of H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, a letter dated of 13 April 2016 from H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon as well as the Communique of the 588th meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council on the situation in held in on 6 Apri12016.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

c< ~ v~~A~~ Mogens Lykketoft

To all Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the United Nations New York THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Office of ii-le- P(1A,

22 April 2016

Dear Mr. President,

I have the honour to transmit a letter dated 13 April 2016 from Her Excellency Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The letter forwards the communique of the 588th meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council on the situation in Western Sahara, held in Addis Ababa on 6 April 2016.

I should be grateful if you would bring the letter and its attachments to the attention of Member States and Observer Missions.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency Mr. Mogens Lykketoft President of the General Assembly New York "', ;::,. : ",. '.: .... ~ .. :..

AFRIQAN .. UNION· AJ=FUCAtNE ., u6no:N{" ,":" ,~,n 1·.N,: ~....)',. ,.l~.JJ "~'-'-'~'~'''''U~IAO AFRIPANA •. . . .";'~'=':::'''''''.''''.~-!-'''~':. ·w.,.···"'""'''''''·<·,_...... -...,..;,v..·''w~ Ad,dls Abab~i elHJOPIA TeL. (iSl~1)S!'38 2a. faxi (2si~1) !);:l:9a1f . EmaU: situiltii;lnroQm@afiita-unii)n,ofg .


TneCCmrntssron .orthe AfficanUhion (AU) pn~S,(Hlts fts compliments to the United Nations dff'k:eto the Au' (ONOAU) in Addis Ababa-and has the honor to forward/herewith, for onwi;lrdtransm'lssion to its high ad:dressee,a letter addressed by the Chairpersqn of the

Commission, ,Dr, NkosaZallEl DI~liiinl~Zuma, to the United Natiol1s Secretary·General, H.E. Mr.;aahKi:"rn,odh.

'!be.Co,m'missloi1ofthe Afr.i(:sln UrHQna',@iI,sltseltElftl1is6pp6rtuh'ity to ten~wto the Uhlt.ed Natlon's:Office tottie,AUlh Addis Aba,ba the:asstit'al1.ces ofits hlgh'est

1'0= Urtited Nations Oftlceto theAU ,Adm$; Ahaba .

tc: AlJP!ermFl!1ent Missi(mtothe-Unlted N~tl(ms Neil!tNorlt





!amWtlting to bring to yburaUehfi'oh ar)ci thaI Qf th~,Unlted Nations ~p~)Se9urIty Coutrcitt,h!'3COt11hlunique o.n the situation in Wes~ernSahara,aqoptedby the'Afri nUnion Peace~nd$eC'urit.y Gouncil (AUPSC)at Its seaUi meetihg, neldTnAdd(sAbab'a .6 ApriL 2016, '

TheAWPSG mee~ingwas conVenedasafoJIow"up terthe de¢isiorisoQ,ll1esituatiollfn VVi3sfern Sahara, adopted by the relevantAUPoHcyorgans;

,j WowlgJJketo expressrriyappteciatidh foryoIJr'recentmissiOh to westen,. $,aoi;tfiii,and the.re!;1i9[l, At thesarnetimei I regret that theMoroccan,authoritiespr~ventetl you,fr0i)'"! visiting , and the MINURSO headquarters in the occupiedoity of Laayounei c9pitalof the aCiC'U pied Western Sahara.

ilis against this background that the AUPSCSirorjgly qondemned ,{he deci$ionby to expel 84 international civil servants, including African Union personnel ,from the UN MiSSion for' the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and for denying )IOU to Visit Ba,b~tand Laayoune, This decisidnby Morocco cOnsiitwtesadangeroUspr!7icedent,9Y cha Heng fng and undermining:thernandateof the ,UN SeGurfty CounciL in maintaining ih,temationalpeaceandsecurity;' ' "

'", " The presence and operation of MINUR$O ,lnW$sternSahara is pursuant WXUN SecurityGouncH resolution 690 of29 April 1991. Theactiapby Moroccoinprevenfing'Your EXQellericy's Visit, furtbercomplicatesthe .current deadJockln thepea~eproces~; ,rekindles tensioF\s(nWestem Sahara, and threatens regional seourity andstabiniYi at a tilTle whehthe international qomm4tii(yl$mobilizing tofinq a solQlion to tOe. pqnflict in We~t~rDS~har8.ih ;3Qcordalioewith relevant OAU/AUandUNSecurity Oouncitresolutlons.

H.E.Mr., BANKi~MOON Se:c.retaty-'Gelieral UnIted Nations New York, USA Page 20f2

lh light of these recent developments, the AU Peace and Security GouncH, in its Q8cision c6Iilson the UN Securitll Council to fully 8ssumeits responsibility in the matter, by acting under Chapter VlI, to demand that Morocco annuls its decision to expel MINURSO personnel, Council also utges the UN Se9QriW Coqndlto ff;;affitm. the full mandate of MJNURSO,.inCluding the setting 0fadatefor the .Organization ota ReferendumoRtheself, determination bf the people of Western Sahara; ThE)' Peace arid Security CoUnCil 8rnphasizE1dJI16' need 'for thelhtern~tionalcommunityto contInue to proVide SllPPQrt to' your QrigOfogefforisand those of your Personal Envoy,. Ambassador Christopher ROSSI towards a solution to the conflicf!r; accordance with intetnatiohallegl:iHty.

In this. respect, I look fOlWard to the renewaloithe mandafeof MINURSOafter the expiring or its ourterit manciate tm3 April 2.016, asdec.ided py the SecwtityCo.Wl19i1 in resplutf9n~2te (2015) of 28AprH20tS.

'lJVollJd lIke also to urge the UN 8ecUrltyOoLil1cll totakethe necessary sfeps to provide MINURS.O w,i.th a human rights. mandate, taking into account the need to;ensure;sLlstaihed, independent and Impartial monitortn9 bfh'Ljmahrf9h~s in botl1 thj3 Territ~.ry .and~h¢ refugee Can1p~an.g·.re:qllE1stlhe High cQmmf~$ioner for Muman Rights to taKe appropriate steps in thisre.spect ..

I would therefore appreciate If the attached All Peace andSecuiity Communjque Qfits SHeth meeting can.be circul.ated as an o.ffiCial document of the UN Security Council and UN Gehe.raf Assembly.

Your assistance: inehsurlng. that my High Representative Joagtlihl Chissano is given the opportunity toqdqress the Sequrify CounCil during its April 4016 meeting on Western $phpfa Will ajsopehighlyapprecfated. .

Ple(i!s$. qc;cepf,ExceHency,. thect$$vrl:lHceof roy l1j,ghest pC)p)slt:Jeratfon.>

prJ (JJJ~.\Jb.l1t UNf.~PAtRI¢AN~ '" Addis Ababa., , P;O.Bo)(:3243: TeI~:(iSi-l1} 551"38:22: Fa:i< ~ (251.11;) 5519.321 . .EmaU}situatiollfOolf\@afrka;;.union.org



The Peace ahdSecurityCounci! (PSG} oftne African Unibn (AU},at its 588t11 meeting held bn 6 AprH2Q16,adoPted the folloWitig dedsio.n .011. the situation in Western Sahara:

1.. Takesnotecfthebriefitigpfovided byfhe Cdmmissionerfor Peace'3nd Securi.t¥'QI) the situation in Western Sahara,ofthe update .provided by the 5pecial8nvoyofthe, Chairperson of

the Comrhissioll for Western Sahara l former President JoaquHnChissaho of . Couhcil also takes note of the statement mad.e by the Minister for Afri.tan Affaks o.ftne Sa!ig.ravvlArabpemocratk; Repypllt (SAD!):,} pS Welt a!> py .the representatives of Seneg~f, NigerW, SbLrth , ; NewZ~alarid} Sfjalh, Hance. uhited Kingdom al1d United. States of Arn.eric?,(Jnit~(fNation${UN), anpEYfopean Union(EU};

2. Itec

3. FurtherrecaHs decision Assembly/AUjDec.598(XXVI), adopted by the 2Eith Ordinary SessIon of th~ASsemb!,y of the Union, neldih Adqis Aqaba, from 30 to 31 )anuary2016, reiferating,AU' 5 cali forthe early resoIUtibnoftheJ6ur •. decadeloi1~ tOhflictihWesterhSahara., inlihgWitninte'!rnationaltE!g.ality, and?PPeafing, once, ilgi'lfl1, 10 QNSepurify CPllod!tg fuHy as'sum.e its' reSFjOnsibility in thrsrespec~ wlththavleW toathievlhg.? fairiJastitigal'id mtitiJaHy aCG~Pt

4. Notes with deep CPI1Ceril that, iiJspile ofthe sustllrnedefforts· made; including bythe suctessivePers9n~!.tnv9Ys of the tJNS€f~reta ty,~et)eraft h ().p (ogress hasP eel1mage, in the.. sear¢hforan'effe'ctiV'e sdlutiontothecoriflkt ih WesternSahara,;.whkh' has been ina .sta ie tri ate fqrmqnrthanfburde(;ad~s;

5.. c¢mm:enQs the (:ffom of UNSecretarYcGeneral, Mr, Bah Kl"moon,.in tne$ea(c;hfbr a, settlernent to thecol'lfHct in western Sahara and welcomes his visit I;Indertaken to Western PSCiPRfCOMM.{OllOO{VUI} . P~~/!2

Sahar.aahdthe rElgl6nj from 2: to 7 Matc!120HL CouhClI strongly etrlibtll:age'sthe UN SecretarY" <.5;;neralto prENaIJ' in his efforts (lnd reassures him of fullsupportofthe·AV;

6. COI'II:leml1s strpogly the decision by Moroqcp tp expel 84 internatipnatdvilserv:Elf.'ltJ;, iticludfng AU perSQnh~l, from the UN Mis~J(jn for the Referendum iii Western sahatCl (MINURSO) and for denylnglhe vlsitbf UN Secretary-Genera Ito Rabat; and to Laa)toUntt,tapital city of pccupled.' West~r:n. SaHara anq MINUR,SC)'s He~qt)art¢rsiw.hl.ch l:Qn$ti1u~s i'! VJ~J!Y dafrger

7... Callsbh In(~' UN Sf:c.uri'tYGou~¢W ~9:f~llY~$si::lh,1e i~~ fespi?M r,~ilipr[hrh~ tjlf.ttt~r/l)ya¢tlng, Ul1detChaptet V11~t(;i d:emand Moto¢cp to 8'oottf its deci:Siti:r.i toe)(pel MINVRsope.rsotii''ieL f:urtn~fbt,ore) ti;)u.~cll !lr.ge.sth~ UN Sacvtitv;~()lJncH to.(~irl'Tfrm·~he fuill1'FH1

8. looks fQfward to the rf:\newid of the mandate of MINl,J~S:O O1t the expiratlon qfits c:urre:ht iilahdate~ on.30Aptil2016,.asde<:ided by the SecurityCbuhdl In resblution 2218 (2015) 9f .~8'April 2015,CQundi.vrges the \,iN 'See,YI'\ty,CQ'uIlCifto take the l"ieeeSSi\11~yst~pstop:toy.jO:e· MINVRSo. wJtha human tlght~ ~rida~i. ,~iiR'~g, !.nt~:i a¢cqu.fi~ th'~' ry~~d. t():~lls~r~ p,jj~t~:rt:l~d~ lri:d~p'el'1(Jef.lt:a,rtd jmi:lartlarn1(tn.i*~Jf.hg:Qf htiin~ri rights mb()t~ t6eT:efrtto:rV:'a~d, th~ r:ef4IS¢e c~hr.ip$,.hi this .resp~<:t,eP.!lntiitequ$t$ tbe H1Sh··cQfhml~$i9.rtef for HumiH1'RIghts tO'take ~pproprlate st~i1iin;thlS' ie~'i:lett;Couti~ii' fufth€th~itef.~t~· it~. re

9; Notes Wim deep coliier.rI the acute hu'm

...... ,. "."",.:. .. '"'",...... ':': r: ,'i~""'" "':',"::"" ,'.,. . .. , ...... '". " .. :-~, ... r;,:(.::' ;.1.:.;.···, PSC!PR!COMM.(DlJOOO1JH) Page 3

10. Comment!s: the EU Court: of justice for its/ recent rolthgissue:a dn 10 December 20'15'. CiQ.nuUingtn.e traiJ:~q~~lin agriGuhqral 'and: fIsh~.rfes prqdv~ts.CQncJudedlnMarGh 201l, betweej:fthe\l(ingdbfu of Mordccoafid thE: Wi dUf!to'ltS ihcluslohofWestern: Sah'ctra a:ridca;n$ uppngit,i ,gm:;l;\med~o r~sjiJ_e~tth~~¢t!.'urti'~rullng .antl,[;I~sjst from enfenng IntOi:!riY 9gre:~irleht that Wduld\ii.Q1a;te thes~hrawf·peopt¢'5pt':rm~iienl.s6v~r$rgMty'overthejr:h*u~l.resqurces;

11" R~1teratesits>cte~i$lq.n ps~/~~lt()MM/1,,{tbx.cVi) It.adopte#~t j~li,4~!51~ meeting hgrd on 27 Matd~2015i to'esta'bHshahlnternatfrohaIContactGroupfor Western.Sahara(lCG~WS), in o.rder-to keepthe j~sue'Qn the.internatronal agenda and,to mobiliZe th:eh~cessary l;upPQrtfor the early te~()lt;ftI.QI1 of thecQf\f!t~ti~s \Nell \'(s Wreii'CtjV~t~rtheAd hgcComtrUttEH~ qf'Hea.c.lsoT State ifrid Goyetnmeht en tne,ctmftJetin Westernsahara/estahll~l1edpursuant, tQ resolution AHGj~eS;92,'XV), adopted altha 15th.Qrd.i'n~ry Session of the A.!isemQlyofHeadsof~tat(:l.and GovernmentoftneOAU;, held in , ,from 18 to 22 July 1978. Ctiundlren'ewS' its ~aU in regarq., 'to the Chairperson pf theCommlssi:on to u:ndertaketbe necessary cot'lSlllt~ti()ns to lhlselid as well as to urgentlY undertake the necessary i;ohs{Jltat~ons for the fihalfiatiol'i of thecqmpQsiti9h :an(ftheoperatlonal1zation of the Ad hoc Committee; i2~ AJ$'o fel~tat.es:p:ar~graph24,:ofdecfsiO:hAss.e.mblY.!Au:Ib:ec5.9.a(XXVlhadtrpfedliy' the· ~6thdtq!ij·~rY$¢s~19ti.9r'theAss.e.m~IYG.:fth~, t,Jn.tpn. whlcM r!:!qtJ~sts~heAfi:l';<9;ri I:rJ~m~~$ ~fithe· UN· SetJJ'tlty 'CduhCli (A3},:to work' wIth the Co.mmfssI6h:! inciudlng tnEfAU Pe'fiTiari~nt Qbset'lie,r Nrls,sic!'l' :tojb.e'I/N, t6.p:«:is!,}nt'r~pg~,thr:()<11gh the' psc, id tOI;!:,-Assen:rb1y of~&e Unib[h ,oi':lth:~ir eff6tt,s wf:thfn the'· UN S·~~uti.tVCq~hdt. :ani:{tI'!:ee~~tl;t 'toWl)ft;it thijy n:rana,g¢cI' tbPt~rnote Mncan pQ-$it(6~s asartlctdCited by the touricii.and ,further requests. the- Cblindl ro provide tjn;t~Y;·Mh;l~li¢~ ~¢tfleAa to ·f~ctl~t~~~"9P$j$te:nCy.il1.th~prQ.roo:t!.onan(jdi:1fali~e p(AfrJ<;;an postt:i'Gr.'\s on is-sues of concern to the c·CiI'ltfnent;ltt this t.egari:l, Coimciiurges the A3. to toi'ripW wJthtJ:'f~.A$~ff.fply!)f lh~Unron<\m;!t~e P9t,(ncH $.~Isi~ns iIlth~ir'ac;tlvjtl~s with!.i:l the UN SecufrtyC6uncil;

~·3.,A'fs.h rei~l!r.~teii t~j AlysComm.lt/1ie.hftp c9~tihy'~tqwoi~ ~QW~.rd~·t.~el;lr'y ~sqr\f~!o.r) of:the COIi.flltt ih We$lernSa;nara.tin the: .basis':df Internatlo,nafJegality,ahtf,refe.VantOAU!AU's ~~; t).N, Ihthlsre$:pe(;~j 'CClvn~fr '~"!lOUFaB~$ th~ Chalr:per.sonof the .Cdmfhissl6h tti:'ptirStie'~rid fhtensifyherMfbits; lricfudihg tP.if6i.lgl1hej' AU specj.~i~l1vQy:for:Westerrl$.~har~ rorWestem5.iln

{J} Requests the AU special Envoy for Western Sahara· for Westertl Sahara to Ul'~ently .und~rtake (;ons\jltation mlss.lontQ tile. WN $~cretarii;lt.inorqerto ri:1lterat~ the AU posftkm 'and to be iriformeq on the l~testde'iielo'Pm~i:l:ts with fegai~totbe;UN ~ngagem~.ntstQ:qver.come.~.hejmp\'l$s.e in the. pea¢~ pro!':eS'$ a.s,,well as:the:opetattonaJ ·sJWationbfMINVR~¢;Whp;!ll'l:.;ma.~qat~ ~x.p!f:es on 3Q,Aprtl' 2;b.~:(;; ari~t psc/pa/COMM.JD.l.XXXVHI) Pa~e4

Iii) Also req.uests. the UN Security Council and aU ftsmem:bers to 'fa{:Hitate the AU Spe:daJ E;l1Yoy for W~$:m sah

:1,4" l;.ool(Sf()t:~ard tg'ib ~Q:h A.iinu~~ Jbiiit C9iiNI~~tiVefueE!tlt1~Wi1:{!f.b$tJf1I$ee~fii;~ Cdtn'ic1I,lrv,MaY,lOi6~arid stresse:s the ne.ed tOU5e,the'op:!:iI'Jrtutlity'o.f'them~tltig,t6 ;1:Hseuss~ arrlong gthers, tbe i!.i~JJe':1i)fW~sternSaIW$~ ,

15. At~olodksforw~rd with greatlnt~r~$t to:. the hoJrllng In $el1!i!Vii! cit fh$Po!'1ol'si. CNlfer'enteoh SanaraWl ref(fg~e~ ahd: expre~Sc¢Sits'fult support t,(tt.Ke,'8:N:SecrehrrY"'G'~ner.a1 efforts1iilmihg, to, en.sure itsetlrly organrza1;jo.nand s,lIctess;to nJ,eeHheneadsand.:expeCtatlbns qf th¢.$~h<;lr~wt .refu.t~~~; , ' .

16. Welcl;imesthe fotththfuingSaharawj'Hign 'LeVefSol1'd'atrtY';semlhar ahdRh6tb'~XhIP'It;l,c)'n to b'l? 'b.Q$ted~by'th!;!; Ali: ;Gomm,Jsslb:ll1l:nd,QXF'AMI Jrpoo ZSto,i8"AP:rli:2

1.7. Requ'ests the:Ch~lrpertion of ~he CpmmfssiQn to 'forward tlwpre,:;el1tqommunlql,leto the two Parties, nameJythe :?OLlSARIOFront Clbdthe Kjngd'Gmaf Motdtco '(anhalt Inforliiation anaactia:nas appropriate. Council further requests the Chairperson of the Co'mrtiisslon to ttall~init tt)~GO.rtnu\infque.: t9 tfjeVN S~l;re@rY;.G,¢l1er~t~i1d t9t:e:qqe$t,Jh~fU ~.!? Gjf~i;1lat:e:g:

•• " ''':''':':'"., :"" ••" t •• ' ".': ••,::.',: :-.' ;, •• : •• ~""'~: