© YEAR VIII THE Nº 19 OCT 16, 2018 HAVANA, CUBA ISSN 2224-5707 Price: avana eporter 1.00 CUC H YOUR SOURCE OF NEWSR & MORE 1.00 USD A Bimonthly Newspaper of the Prensa Latina News Agency 1.20 CAN

U.S. Sectors Focus on Cuba, Advocate Rapprochement

P. 4

Culture Photo Feature

P. 11 The Fascinating Corner of 23 & 12 in Havana Economy

P. 6 P. 13

Cuban Culture Day, A Celebration of Arts Cuba-U.S. Team Up in Biotechnology 2 TOURISM

U.S. Tour Operators and Businesspeople Set Sights on Cuba

Text & Photos by TinoMANUEL month, mainly in the Varadero beach resort, the country’s leading Sun-Beach HAVANA.- The growth of the tourist destination. industry and the fact that Cuba is a safe The group included 335 travel agents destination for visitors are important from 16 issuing markets of tourists and factors that make U.S. tour operators and journalists from those same countries. businesspeople focus their attention on The trip included Havana, Varadero, the Caribbean island. Holguín and Santa Clara. The number of tourist specialists The big news always is the U.S. citizens’ and businesspeople setting their sights concern over visiting the island freely, as on Cuba grows year after year, and not they can only do so by opting for the 12 only from the United States, given the categories approved by the Department increasing trend of this Cuban sector and of the Treasury. the updating of the country’s economic Despite the travel restrictions, the U.S. model. visitors currently account for the second For this reason, U.S. groups like largest issuing market of tourists to Cuba, Engage Cuba and CubaNow recently after Canada. visited the island and condemned the Cuban Tourism Minister Manuel hostile measures imposed by Washington Marrero announced that the country against Havana for more than 50 years. welcomed over 600,000 U.S. tourists The blockade –which is the term used last year, which is the reason why tour by the Cuban authorities to refer to those operators and tourism authorities from economic and commercial barriers- is that country are centering their attention condemned by the majority of the good on the Cuba trips. people who come to Cuba, as recognized All the U.S. tourist directors and by many of the tourists polled. travelers polled so far have agreed to Even a coalition of 28 tour operators say that people’s safety and the locals’ and companies specialized in educational kindness, above all, make Cuba a highly

trips asked last month that the U.S. travel attractive destination. Internet PHOTOS: restrictions to Cuba be lifted, in a release addressed to U.S. President Donald Trump. The tour operators visited different places of interest in Havana and praised them all, including the recently inaugurated luxury Hotel Packard. According to press reports and official statistics, 68,000 U.S. tourists came to Cuba last June. After several months on the decline, the U.S. tourist arrivals to Cuba recovered in June, mainly due to the increase of cruise ships docking on the island. From January to June, nearly 50 percent of the U.S. visitors to Cuba came in cruise ships –compared to the 25 percent registered in the same period of 2017- according to Caribbean News, for instance. They basically came with the Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., Carnival Corporation and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., which added new stopovers to their Cuba itineraries. In the meantime, Cuba’s Havanatur travel agency made a weeklong Tourist Familiarization Program (Megafam) last

A Bimonthly Newspaper of the Prensa Latina News Agency SOCIETY.HEALTH & SCIENCE.POLITICS.CULTURE THE YOUR SOURCE OF NEWS & MORE ENTERTAINMENT.PHOTO FEATURE.ECONOMY HavanaReporter SPORTS.AND MORE President: Luis Enrique González. Graphic Designers: Paola A. González Publisher: Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana, Information Vice President: Hector Miranda. Chief Graphic Editor: Francisco González Prensa Latina, S.A. Editorial Vice President: Lianet Arias Advertising: Nelson Pérez Vergara Calle E, esq. 19 No. 454, Vedado, La Habana-4, Cuba. Chief Editor: Luis Melian Circulation: Commercial Department. Telephone: (53)7838-3496 / 7832-3578 Translation: Dayamí Interian/ Yanely Interián Printing: Imprenta Federico Engels Fax: (53)7833-3068 E-mail: [email protected] CUBA-U.S. 3

Cuban Residents in the U.S. & their Homeland


NEW YORK.- During a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, several generations of Cuban residents in the United States ratified the deep affection they still have for their homeland. On September 28, the Cuban Permanent Mission at the UN, welcomed Cubans from all across the US (including Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Louisiana and Minnesota) to hear an important message from the Cuban president: “we count on you. We are Cuba.” The strengthening of bonds between the Caribbean island and their nationals abroad continues and is irreversible, said the head of State, who dedicated time from his busy agenda at the UN General Assembly to meet with fellow countrymen. Among the Cuban residents present in the meeting was Mariana Gastón, who arrived in the United States with her parents in 1961 and for decades has been an activist in favor of Cuba-emigration links. Another participant was Isabel Díaz, who is the young granddaughter of Cubans and has never visited the island; yet, she claims

to be more Cuban than North-American. PL PHOTO: “I think this is a moment of hope amid the desperate situation we are all going through with this U.S. “My generation still feels that we are connected with Among the participants at the meeting were three president,” stated Gastón alluding to the White House the Cubans who live there, even though we do not know generations of Cubans such as Cuban-born Emelia chief, Donald Trump. our culture as much as we would like to,” stated the girl Gutiérrez, her daughter Irene and her granddaughter The New York-based activist, who is one of the from New Jersey. “I would love to know our people, our Isabel Fernández, both from Florida. founders of the Antonio Maceo Brigade (1977), told The country,” she added. “I am very proud that we were invited; I have my roots Havana Reporter that those who have always wanted “to For his part, Florida resident Max Lesnik said it was and I know that my roots will not die anymore because I be part of our homeland” feel accepted. very kind of Díaz-Canel to have met with emigrants in the have sown them in my daughter and my granddaughter,” Commenting about the fact that Cuban residents United States in the course of his agenda at the UN. This is Gutiérrez told The Havana Reporter. abroad can participate in the ongoing consultation on proof that Cuba is an inclusive and not a confrontational Her daughter noted she feels as Cuban as the the draft Constitution, Gastón said it means recognizing nation, he added. nationals who live on the island. the possibility of dialogue. Lesnik said the Cuban president’s presence in the United Meanwhile, Susanna Kohly said: “I have visited the Meanwhile, Díaz noted that after having listened to States, like the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel island more than 20 times. Being a Cuban-American the speech by the Cuban president, she feels optimistic Castro and the first Secretary of the Communist Party of has helped me be part of the history and origin about greater unity between the Cubans who live in the Cuba Raúl Castro had done before, once more validates the of my family. I want to connect with them and with country and those abroad. meaning of Martí’s phrase: “With all and for the good of all.” my past.” Blockade against Cuba Comes Before UN General Assembly By WaldoMENDILUZA

HAVANA.- On October 31 the UN General Assembly will vote on a new draft resolution to end the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba; an initiative that will certainly have strong support, as has been the case in earlier years. Since 1992, the main deliberative organ of the United Nations –the only one that brings all 193 member States to the same table- has been supporting similar resolutions, which in the past three years had the support of 191 countries. At the end of September, heads of State, prime ministers and foreign ministers from Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania used the 93rd session of the UN General Assembly as a platform to demand the end of a siege in force for nearly six decades. The presidents of Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico and

Namibia, the prime ministers of Barbados, Jamaica Internet PHOTO: and Vietnam and the foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Nicaragua, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago and Tuvalu, commitment in the world are replaced by imposition During his first visit to the United Nations, Díaz-Canel spoke among others, called for an end to the blockade which, and unilateral measures with a markedly extraterritorial with local authorities, congress people, business executives, according to the Cuban government, has caused character and without the consent of the UN Security actors and Cuban residents in the United States. The support accumulated damages estimated at more than $933 Council. for good relations between neighboring countries prevailed billion. In addressing the UN General Assembly in New York, in those meetings, without the hostility shown by President Bolivia strongly and openly condemns the “illegal, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel explained that the Donald Trump since he took office in January 2017. inhuman and criminal” economic and financial blockade, U.S. blockade poses the main obstacle to the country’s “Good neighbors do not build walls; let culture help stated President Evo Morales. Similarly, Russian FM development, and he received signs of solidarity from all build bridges,” famous U.S. actor Robert De Niro said in Serguei Lavrov lamented that diplomacy, dialogue and five continents and from the U.S. society itself. one of the meetings. 4 POLITICS U.S. Sectors Focus on Cuba, Advocate Rapprochement

After the meeting, the president of the National two sides analyzed Cuba’s prospects and the need to By MarthaANDRES Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA), eliminate the travel restrictions that prevent U.S. citizens Jeff Witte, expressed his full support for agricultural trade from visiting Cuba freely. NEW YORK.- The Donald Trump government has with Cuba and rejected the blockade against the island. U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas significantly set back the rapprochement process between “Many state agriculture officials have relations with Donohue commented that the conditions are suitable for the United States and Cuba started by the Barack Obama Cuba and we are here today to build and enhance new the two countries to have better trade relations. administration. However, many U.S. sectors refuse to step associations between the NASDA members and the “We are taking one step at a time and will continue backwards and are in fact striving for new progress with Cuban officials, particularly in agriculture,” stated Witte. to bring those efforts forward,” stated Donohue, who the island. The Cuban president also met with members of recalled that he made his first visit to Cuba in 1997 and This was corroborated in the large agenda developed the National Council of Churches, who reiterated their that they have ever since worked successfully with Cuban at the end of September by Cuban President Miguel rejection of the economic, commercial and financial authorities to build more lasting relations between the Díaz-Canel during his participation at the UN General blockade imposed by Washington for more than 55 years two countries. Assembly, when he met with U. S. legislators, chief against the Caribbean island. The commitment to increasing relations with Cuba executives of technology companies and agricultural For his part, Bishop Darin Moore, member of the was also expressed from the world of arts, as corroborated business executives. National Council of Churches’ directive board, praised the in a talk with Díaz-Canel and internationally renowned During his activities in New York, the head of State hospitality of Cubans and their wisdom to recognize the U.S. artists. also talked with tourism authorities and members of the difference between the U.S. government and the people. Famous actor Robert De Niro and producer Jane National Council of Churches, as well as personalities from “The majority of the U.S. people want the blockade to Rosenthal invited the president to meet at the historic the world of art and culture. be lifted. As true as I am here, there’s one thing certain: Dakota building, where they praised the importance of “It was very exciting when the previous administration it will be over and we will be able to build bridges,” the culture to build bridges between people. began to open doors, and I think that not all of them can religious leader stressed. According to the main character of films such as be closed now,” said Rev. Joan Campbell after meeting Likewise, in a meeting with top authorities from the Godfather II and Raging Bull, “good neighbors do not build with the Cuban president. This same perspective seems U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the tourist industry, the walls. May culture be used to build bridges,” he stressed. to be shared by many of the people who spoke with Díaz-Canel. The Republican and Democratic legislators who met with the president at the Cuban Permanent Mission at the UN referred to the need to lift the blockade imposed by Washington against the island, and to the importance of increasing bilateral cooperation. “I wish the United States had full relations with Cuba. There is no need to have a blockade that we know has failed,” said Democratic Congresswoman Karen Bass, one of the participants at the meeting. “We think there must be a widespread exchange either in medicine or other fields,” added the legislator for California, who also condemned the travel restrictions that prevent U.S. citizens from visiting Cuba as tourists. Senator Ron Wyden said that as the main Democrat of the House Committee on Financial Services, he is very happy with the optimism that prevailed in the meeting on ways to change the current trade restrictions and promote mutually beneficial activities. Referring to the opposition shown by some Congressmen to the rapprochement with the island, Republican Congressman Roger Marshall noted it is a minority group of people with a lot of power, but they are trying to overcome it. In a meeting with U.S. agricultural businesspeople, the Cuban president highlighted that agriculture is one of the sectors that most defends Cuba-USA links. The backward steps made in the resumption of relations is only connected with the interests of a minority which, making profits out of politics, is trying to hinder the advances, Díaz-Canel sustained. Therefore, the Cuban president reiterated before agricultural businesspeople that Cuba was bringing a message of dialogue, but always based on respect and without conditions or impositions. PL/Internet PHOTOS: HEALTH & SCIENCE 5

Cuba Promotes Heart Health for the People

ANOTHER TIP TO PREVENT By ReinaMAGDARIAGA CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES A change in eating habits is another HAVANA.- Heart diseases such element to be taken into consideration as myocardial infarction and to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular accidents are the main commented Alfredo Dueñas, specialist causes of death in Cuba, followed of the Heart and Cardiovascular Surgery by cancer, diabetes and respiratory Institute. diseases. “We must consume 50 percent of In 2016, over 17 million people calories during breakfast, 30 percent in the world –mainly in middle or for lunch and 20 percent during dinner,” low-income countries- died of heart stated Dueñas, adding that in Cuba, one diseases. Of them, 7.4 percent died of in every three people with high blood ischemic heart diseases and 6.7 percent pressure remains stable. of cerebrovascular accidents, said Last year, the World Health Reinaldo de la Noval García, a specialist Organization and the World Heart at Havana’s Heart and Cardiovascular Federation launched the “25×25” Surgery Institute. initiative, which aims to reduce early According to the Pan-American deaths from cardiovascular diseases by Health Organization (PAHO), these 25 percent by the year 2025. afflictions normally affect men and A medicine to treat acute myocardial women alike; however, early death infarction developed by Cuba’s Genetic incidence is higher in men. Engineering and Biotechnology Center The statistics in Cuba corroborate (CIGB) will positively influence the that assertion: more than 14,000 men accomplishment of that goal. died last year, while women’s death Known as CIGB-500, the medicine rate was around 12,000, De la Noval will be available in Cuba next year and said during the activities marking World contains six amino acids that will allow Heart Day in Cuba (September 29). to increase the quality and duration of It is necessary to be very attentive life of people with this illness, which is to the risk factors in order to counteract considered one of the most serious heart those results, the expert noted. afflictions. Among these factors are: diabetes, Another achievement is the creation consumption of animal fat and too of the Cuban Chapter at the American much salt, high levels of triglycerides, College of Cardiology (ACC) during the Cuba’s presence at the ACC is very information and fostering relations, stated smoking, hypertension, poor physical 30thCentral American and Caribbean important to our scientific development, as Eduardo Rivas Estany, president of the activity and alcohol consumption. Congress on Cardiology in 2018. it affords the possibility of getting updated Cuban Cardiology Association (SCC). New Solution to Plastic Waste in Cuba PET containers are less fragments between two By MarnieFIALLO sustainable, because once used and four-centimeter long. they end up in dumping sites In the trial phase, the HAVANA.– Plastic is a material or oceans, where they will last established regulations that is used in many products between 500 and 1,000 years were implemented and such as food containers, toys, because the bacteria are not it was corroborated that clothes, cosmetics, bags, familiar with the material and do there are no differences curtains, utensils among others. not digest it, he explained. between concrete made It surrounds us and even The engineer praised the with PET-aggregates and contaminates rivers, seas and measures Cuba has adopted conventional concrete. damages health. to reduce the negative impact Commenting on Finding a use for plastic waste on the environment and the topic, the vice benefits the environment, given exemplified with Law 1288, director of Investments, that nearly 100 million tons of which compels legal entities Communication and this material are produced every that generate plastic waste Quality at the Union of year. during their productive process Recycling and Raw Material This was precisely what or when providing services to Enterprises, Dayamí Suárez, encouraged Cuban engineer take them to the recycling sites. told The Havana Reporter Joaquín Cuetarato to propose The specialist explained that the wide variety of using plastics, especially that up to one percent of flake- plastics makes its recovery Polyethylene Terephthalate shaped PET is added to the quite complex. (PET), to produce concrete; taken concrete without affecting its Since it is difficult to into consideration that a huge quality, with proven resistance collect, the only plastic amount of this type of waste is and porosity. that is exported are the soft- Suarez explained that in More trials will be held neither recycled nor reused. This useful way of reusing drink bottles, because the rest is the past, all waste plastics were soon with the objective of In remarks to The Havana waste plastic is gaining more used by local industries. pressed and sold to the local adding more plastic to the Reporter, Cuetara said that currency in the world, stated In order to reduce industries but today the different concrete. This practical solution every year some eight million Cuetara. transportation costs and containers are classified and minimizes the amount of tons of plastic goes into During the study, Cuetara contribute to saving efforts, the sold to some industries for their plastic wastes released into the the oceans. According to used common Portland cement plastic is pressed or crushed in reutilization, in line with the ocean, thereby protecting our predictions, that amount would (P-350), natural building mills or waste disposal units set policy for plastic containers and environment from damaging outweigh fish by the year 2050. materials goods and PET up at the recycling sites. packaging. pollution. 6 CULTURE

Cuban Culture Day, A Celebration of Arts

By YanisbelPEÑA

HAVANA.- October 20 is one of the most important dates in Cuban history because the Bayamo Anthem, today Cuba’s National Anthem, was sung for the first time on that day of 1868. It was an act of defiance not only toward the Spanish political and economic colonialism, but also toward the cultural control, because the already prevailing conscious act of thinking as Cubans was demanding the creation of the country’s own cultural values in order for it to be independent. Only ten days after the uprising led by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes at La Demajagua, the then rebel Cuban forces known as mambises freed Bayamo City, one of the most important in Eastern Cuba. Therefore, the Spanish authorities sent a considerable number of forces The celebrations will also include there to recover it. tributes to Cuba’s National Ballet on It was on October 20 and, according to its 70th anniversary of founding, to historians, that the people from Bayamo Ernesto Che Guevara on his would-be were humming the melody composed 90th birthday, the 40 years of founding by an illustrious local lawyer, whom they of the Culture houses, and the inclusion asked to write the words for such catchy of punto cubano musical genre on the music and sing it himself. UNESCO Intangible Heritage List. According to reports, as he sat “Con la misma estrella” (With the Same mounted on his horse, Pedro “Perucho” Star) is the name of a series of celebrations Figueredo wrote some stanzas to be that will also include concerts, CD passed on from one hand to another. launches, workshops, collective painting That melody today is the Cuban National exhibitions and tours of hard-to-access Anthem. communities by artists, among other Over a century later, October 20 would activities. be proclaimed the Day of Cuban Culture The Cuban Book Institute joins the by Decree No. 74 of the Cuban Council festivities with the presentation of several of Ministers’ Executive Committee, titles such as Breve historia del Himno recognizing the historic and symbolic Nacional de Cuba (Brief History of Cuba’s value of the events that took place that national Anthem) by musicologist and day in 1868. researcher Jesús Gómez Cairo. From October 10 to 20, different The 3rd Congress of the Hermanos activities will be organized by all cultural Saíz Association, the Festival of Ibero- institutions to mark the Cuban Culture American Culture, and the 24th edition of Day. the Festival of Cuban Identity in Bayamo This year, the festivities are dedicated municipality (Granma province) are to the 150th anniversary of the beginning among the main events. of the Independence Wars and to the first All of the artistic manifestations will time that the National Anthem was sung be represented in the Bayamo event, in Cuba, including spaces to remember considered the most important and to the establishment of the nation and the be held October 17-20 with a program anniversaries of important Cuban figures. listing some 230 activities. SPOTLIGHT 7 Cuban National Museum of Music Undergoes Restoration The musical heritage of this facility By MarthaSANCHEZ comprises paradigmatic works of the different cultures developed in Cuba over HAVANA.- Cuba´s National Museum the years. of Music aims to become a center of Together with the Ministry of Culture reference for those interested in the and OHC, the Cuban Fund of Cultural historical development of this artistic Assets and the Cuban Institute of Music manifestation and its instruments, after are also involved in the restoration works. a full restoration that will give back the “It is a heroic deed to conduct the splendor to a building that captivates the restoration of this work at a time when attention of any visitor. there’s a lack of resources,” the minister In order to get the details of the noted. restoration works conducted on the According to Alonso, the acquisition of landmarked building, Cuban Minister of musical instruments, pieces and resources Culture Alpidio Alonso recently visited to conduct the restoration works is one of this entity. the main difficulties the country is facing, “I think it would be difficult to because of the economic, commercial find a more powerful and vital artistic and financial blockade imposed by the expression than music, which is part United States against Cuba. of the Cuban people’s spirituality,” the The works are expected to be minister told the press during the tour. completed next year as a gift to Havana In his opinion, the will to restore such on its 500th anniversary of founding, in a valuable building for arts speaks for November 2019. itself about the priorities given by the At the museum, visitors will be Ministry of Culture to this comprehensive able to appreciate the architectonic work program. furniture that belonged to the first Music “We are fully committed to protecting Conservatory, in addition to mechanical and enriching the Cuban musical players; instruments of various cultures; heritage,” Alonso stressed. a collection of the Hubert de Blanck The facility, located at the entrance family (a renowned Dutch musician who to the Havana Bay, facing the Morro settled in Cuba), and the extraordinary lighthouse – a symbol of the Cuban capital collection of drums that belonged to – will host seven halls that will deal with the Fernando Ortiz, a prominent ethnologist following thematic topics: Backgrounds, and anthropologist. Piano-related issues, Mechanical Other pieces to be exhibited at the instruments, concert music, popular music, museum include a Guarneri violin, a rival song-related issues, and guitar. of the Stradivarius in the 18th century According to the museum’s directors, and a trademark associated to Niccolò over 6,883 movable items will be Paganini’s prodigy – because the artist exhibited there, not including documents used that type of violin. and recordings from different periods. Other attractive objects include the Built in 1971, the center will be guitars that belonged to Sindo Garay, Leo dedicated to preserving, studying Brower, Teresita Fernández; the violas of and showing the great Cuban music Alejandro García Caturla and José White; patrimony, as well as to making it and a collection of batons and personal accessible to the people and researchers, files that belonged to Gonzalo Roig, the Alonso explained, adding that the author of the song Quiéreme mucho and museum will have its own cultural life. the operetta Cecilia Valdés, among other As agreed upon by the Office of the distinguished pieces. Havana City Historian (OHC), the house “This is a great work that has an where eminent Cuban poet and writer extraordinary social scope,” stressed Julián del Casal was born in the 19th Alonso while holding the original score of century – located next to the building – the Cuban National Anthem. preserve a place that is considered an will also be part of the museum, to serve Over 10 million dollars have been artistic and cultural treasure for the island

as a library and information center. budgeted for the restoration works to and for other countries of the world. Ministry of Culture PHOTOS: 8 CULTURE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT [email protected] (THR is not responsible for any changes made by sponsoring organizations) WHAT´S HAPPENING Havana´s International Ballet Festival IN HAVANA? (Oct 28-Nov 6)

Cuban artist Zaida del Río exhibits Todo empezó en sorpresa (Everything started by surprise) at Orígenes Gallery of Gran Teatro de La Habana (thru. Nov. 25)

UPCOMING EVENTS Havana Mozart Festival (Oct. 25-28) Havana International Film Festival (Dec. 6-16) LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN 9 Escazú Agreement: For Human Rights & the Environment in LatAm By AlejandroGOMEZ one of the most important in the last decades, as SAN JOSE.- The recent signing of renowned experts and the Escazú Agreement shows the famous personalities have commitment of Costa Rica and 11 other acknowledged. countries to renew principles of the The text also Rio-1992 Declaration for human and includes measures environmental rights. aimed at strengthening The original version of this agreement cooperation between was endorsed last March 4 in the Escazú nations, based on the neighborhood, thus its name, with creation of a common and Costa Rica and Chile as co-chairs of the ambitious standard. Negotiating Committee Executive Board During the signing of and with the support of the Economic the Escazú Agreement, Commission for Latin America and Costa Rican First Vice the Caribbean (ECLAC) as Technical President and Foreign Secretariat. Affairs Minister Epsy The document, presented last Campbell referred to the September 23 at the 73rd session of the meaning of the place United Nations General Assembly, was where the document

signed by Antigua and Barbuda, Saint was discussed and finally Internet PHOTO: Lucia, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Argentina, approved. Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala “Recalling that place which our native affected by or benefit from environment the Regional Agreement on Access to and Costa Rica, although other countries aboriginals from Huetar called Itskatzú,I action and climate change. Information, Public Participation and are expected to join it. can’t help but welcome this signing, a The Costa Rican Foreign Affairs Access to Justice in Environmental Issues The implementation of the principles step taken by giants, so that the Escazú Ministry highlighted that 178 in the Latin American and Caribbean stated in the Rio-1992 Declaration refers Agreement is sooner or later a reality in governments of the world agreed, during region. to the rights to information access; to our region,” she stated. the Rio-1992 United Nations Conference That day, ECLAC Executive Secretary participation and justice in environment- Campbell highlighted that a functional on Environment and Development, that Alicia Bárcena described the Agreement related issues; to obligations for the governability on the protection of the the best way to deal with environmental as historical and as an example of States, which are consecrated as human environment and people’s wellbeing issues is through the participation of all democratic maturity, stressing that “we rights. demands institutional capacities, but the interested citizens. have taken a big step, full of hope—our The document, a second-generation also holding talks, creating agreements The ministry added that in its ninth own step, with our colors; a tribute to our instrument that explicitly binds to protect and creating synergies between different negotiation round, held in March this history and the result of our experience, the environment and human rights, is parties, including those that are directly year in Escazú, the Committee adopted of our shared dreams.”

The News of Cuba & More at Your fingertips for more news about Cuba & Latin America: plenglish.com We want your feedback! Write to us: [email protected] Boundless Image: A DebtSettledwithCubanPhotography aims to pay off a debt with this art andall aims to pay offadebtwiththisart set up. exhibit of the Cuban photography was display inCuba since 1983,whenanother mutilation ofbodies. symbolism, deterioration andthe is characterized by anthropological and physical beauty, whiletheother human beingseclipsedby banalities of theambiguity One ofthemportrays includes Jorge Batista. andRodney Otero Ernesto CheGuevara inoneofhisphotos. Heroic Fighter Guerilla immortalized Puig, Korda, who andthefamousAlberto Fernández, nudephotographer Herman group photographer are Jesse portrait international symbols. withthecombination of 21st century visual approach changed-andfrom the 1970s), the1990s–when thecountry’s (1960sand astheepicperiod is known Cuban identity. Álvarez, considered anexponent ofthe photographers suchas important Tito represented there through theworks of (1902-1959)areof theRepublic and theirrelatives. the photographers involved intheexhibit Photographic and private files of Library belong to themuseumcollections, Cuba’s codes influence. and thepostmodern affords insight into thevisual anecessary can beappreciated intheexhibit, which the development ofphotography inCuba (fromperiods 1840to thepresent day). from differentof 100works by 50artists offersPhotography” to thepublicaselection Anthological ExhibitionofCuban the collective exhibition Image. “Boundless Cubano (Cubande Arte Building), Art at theNational Fine Museum’s Arts Edificio HAVANA. For thisreason, thisnewcollection hadnotbeenon A work ofthiskind The listofmore artists contemporary inthis The mostoutstandingartists Also exhibited are photos from what The 1895Cuban war andtheperiod The pieces that makeuptheexhibit According to itscurator, Acosta, Rafael 10 By YelenaRODRIGUEZ – For 4 News Headlines per day for just $1CUC / month, send aSMS / month, For 4News just $1CUC for Headlines per day

Open through November 26 CULTURE

have asource for future consultations. and professors interested inthetopic will on digital platforms, researchers, students female photographers. photographers, including renowned a recognition ofCuban andintellectual opinions aboutthetechnique usedand works, there isacatalog available with could beincludedinanewexhibition. figures outmany who left important process difficultand selection was very photography. 180yearsalong thenearly oftheCuban the photographers whohave it nurtured With theprint bookanditspromotion additionto thelarge-format In However, according to Acosta, the with the lettersPL to8100.

PHOTOS: Courtesy of the Fine Arts Museum PHOTO FEATURE 11

Text & Photos by FranciscoMENENDEZ

HAVANA.- Cubans are getting ready The Fascinating Corner of to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Havana on November 16, 2019, many of the busiest places in the city are enhancing their appearance and history, as is the case of the intersection of 23 and 23 & 12 in Havana 12 in El Vedado neighborhood. Calle 23 (23rd Street) is precisely one of Cuba’s most famous avenues, marked by the hustle and bustle of city life on every corner, keeping in tune with the colorful atmosphere of the capital. It crosses Vedado from one end to the other. The intersection of 23rd and 12th streets is quite popular indeed and close to emblematic places such as the Colon Cemetery, the Cuban Film Industry (ICAIC) building and several establishments like La Pelota cafeteria. Declared a National Monument within the Cultural Patrimony of Havana, it was at this famous intersection where Cuban leader Fidel Castro proclaimed the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution in 1961, and where young Cubans held many political rallies. Today, the people who live in the area or visit Havana find space for their healthy recreation, to share with friends or simply contemplate the city life from the establishments located along all four of its corners. It was on this corner but during another political rally that celebrated Cuban photographer Korda took the most become one of the main districts in the famous photo of Cuban-Argentinean Cuban capital: the beautiful and elegant guerrilla fighter Ernesto Che Guevara. A Vedado neighborhood. documentary was even shot about that Commercial establishments, schools, event, made by director Pedro Chaskel ministries, banks, bars, restaurants, and entitled A Photo Travels around the movie-theaters, night clubs, hotels, parks World. and even the famous Coppelia ice-cream In addition to Cuba’s Film Library parlor are located along the main artery and Chaplin Movie-theater, the other of 23rd Street. However, the intersection buildings in that section are Café Fresa of 23 and 12 is particularly attractive. y Chocolate, the Cinecitta Pizzeria and Many people walk up and down this several shops. intersection every day, while onlookers Beginning in the late 19th century, go for photos amid the constant hustle the area formerly occupied by a forest has and bustle of a very colorful environment. 12 REGIONAL AFFAIRS

BOLIVIA-CHILE The Hague Ruling: Two Sides of a Historic Conflict

According to Morales, By CarmenESQUIVEL paragraph 176 of the ICJ HAVANA.- After a five-year-long process, the International ruling recognizes there is a Court of Justice (ICJ) denied the Bolivian request urging pending issue between the Chile to negotiate an access to the sea. For Chile, the ruling two countries. means that the case is closed, but for Bolivia, it means a “Bolivia will never give hundred-year-old conflict remains unresolved. up requesting a sovereign According to the verdict reached on October 1 with access to the sea. We are on 12 votes in favor and three against, the Republic of Chile the side of justice and we are did not have the legal obligation to negotiate a sovereign right,” said Morales. access to the Pacific Ocean for the Plurinational State The country lost its of Bolivia. Therefore, the rest of the final arguments coastline during the Pacific presented by that country were rejected. War (1879-1883), when Chile

Nevertheless, the ICJ magistrates warned that the seized 400 kilometers of Internet PHOTO: decision should not be considered an impediment for coast and another 120,000 the two sides to continue talking in a spirit of good square kilometers of lands rich in natural resources like The Andean country considers the maritime issue neighbors to cope with topics about Bolivia’s landlocked copper, lithium and niter. as the main priority for the State and government. condition. After many years of talks and fruitless efforts to access According to several studies, each year Bolivia loses $1.5 The ICJ ruling was acclaimed in Chile, where the sea, the Morales government decided to bring the case billion due to its landlocked condition, while the Gross President Sebastián Piñera said it was a great day for before the ICJ. Bolivia appealed to Article 31 of the American Domestic Product registers a 2 percent decrease. his nation and stressed that not one centimeter of the Treaty on Pacific Settlement (the Bogota Pact in force since It’s clear that even though the court denied the country’s sovereignty will ever be at stake in any kind of 1948) and mentioned a dozen written commitments request, Bolivia’s right to access the Pacific Ocean is still negotiation. contracted by top Chilean representatives between 1920 valid and cannot be waived, said Vice President Álvaro Meanwhile, Bolivian President Evo Morales warned and 2010 to negotiate this request, including the 1975 García Linera. at The Hague -where he traveled to hear the verdict- Charaña Declaration and the 13-point Agenda of 2006. Although the verdict closes one door, it opens that although the ICJ ruled that Chile was not forced For its part, Chile focused its arguments on the 1904 others by citing UN mechanisms and procedures on the to negotiate the requested access to the sea, the call is Treaty that demarcated the territorial limits between the peaceful settlement of conflicts between the States, the made to continue talking. two countries, 25 years after the Chilean invasion. vice president noted.

Venezuela Welcomes Back Migrants in Vulnerable Situations

Migration, nearly 1.6 Jorge Rodríguez and Minister of Defense million Venezuelans Vladimir Padrino. left the country in According to a report by the UN the past three years High Commissioner for Human Rights, and 90 percent of the present-day situation in Venezuela them are in South largely owes to the economic and America. financial blockade. Several analysts The consequences of the sanctions are of the opinion imposed by Presidents Obama and Trump that the determining and the unilateral measures adopted by factor behind this Canada and the European Union have flow of people is the worsened the shortage of medicine U.S. economic war directly and indirectly, have caused against Venezuela. delays in the distribution of food and On March 8, 2015, basic products and resulted in a number then U.S. President of deaths, according to the report drawn Barack Obama called up by independent UN expert Alfred Venezuela a “threat” Maurice de Zayas. to U.S. security and This topic has been overlooked by the set the legal basis for mainstream media when addressing the

Internet PHOTO: imposing sanctions Venezuelan migration issue. They also avoid against the South mentioning that Venezuela has historically By OliviaSARRIA The majority of migrants (2,300) come American country. been a large receiver of refugees. from Brazil, but there are others also That decree was renewed by President Over 6,500,000 citizens from Colombia, HAVANA.- On August 27 a Conviasa flight coming from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Donald Trump, who also tightened the Peru and Ecuador live in Venezuela landed at the Maiquetia Airport with Argentina and Chile. measures after President Nicolás Maduro and benefit from the social programs 89 Venezuelans repatriated from Peru, “The reality is hard. It is not what we was reelected last May with 68 percent implemented by the government. thanks to the “Vuelta a la Patria” (Return had expected,” a young girl who came of the vote, a result that Washington The situation is very different for to the Homeland) Plan implemented by from Lima told a local TV station. rejected. the Venezuelans who live in other the governm ent to facilitate the return Another Venezuelan from the same flight Trump signed an executive decree countries, as many of them are victims of of nationals in vulnerable situations in explained the difficulties they (migrants) face that prohibits the banks from making discrimination and xenophobia. neighbor countries. in trying to start a new life in another country. transactions with public institutions, Therefore, the number of Venezuelan So far, more than 13,000 Venezuelans “Everything is very difficult, for including Petróleos de Venezuela oil emigrants opting for the “Vuelta a la have opted for the plan which, in example paying for food; so, we decided company (Pdvsa). More recently, he froze Patria” Plan keeps growing, as part of a addition to facilitating their return free to return to be with our families,” he the assets and applied other sanctions logistic, social and diplomatic effort to of charge, supports their integration said, while thanking the government for against officials such as Maduro’s wife provide a friendly hand out to people into the social protection system with facilitating their repatriation. and former Attorney General Cilia Flores, in precarious economic conditions and the same rights as any other Venezuelan According to the UN Refugee Agency Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, Minister who want to return to their country citizen. and the International Organization for of Communication and Information voluntarily. ECONOMY 13

Cuba-U.S. Team Up in Biotechnology By AnaLauraARBESU activate the immune system so that its components – which normally protect HAVANA.- Cuba and the United States the body against any disease – fight the created a biotechnology company aimed cancerous cells that grow in the body. at conducting research and developing This tested vaccine has significantly new medications to fight cancer. prolonged patients’ life expectancy, as Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance proven by its administration to over 5,000 SA, the name of the entity, will be settled patients from all over the world. at the Mariel Special Development Zone, According to a BioCubaFarma report, an area that’s considered a strategic the company will also carry on three economic site for foreign investment on additional immunotherapy treatments the island and located in the Artemisa developed in Cuba for different types of province, west of Havana. tumors. The Cuban Biotechnology and The main objective of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industries group Immunotherapy Alliance SA in its early (BioCubaFarma) announced that the new years will be to conduct scientific and joint venture was founded as part of the clinical research in order to prove the commercial branches of two renowned safety and effectiveness of these new research centers: the Cuban Molecular treatments in the United States. Immunology Center and the Roswell Park In statements to the website Comprehensive Cancer Center, from the HemOnc, Roswell Park Institute of Cancer United States. chairwoman and CEO Candace S. Johnson The project was already being said last year that collaboration between

developed between both institutions both entities can lay the foundations for Internet PHOTO: when the United States Food and Drug future research in the United States and Agency (FDA) authorized the start of thus improve access to these therapies. on the growth factors that fed it; and further studies, including one centered clinical trials at the U.S. entity at the After mentioning that this exchange because of that talks were held and the on the effects of Heberprot-P, the only beginning of 2017. started in 2011, she said that the results academic exchange started, she added. drug of its type for the treatment of The company’s catalog will include obtained with patients were really The joint venture is already a reality, diabetics’ foot ulcer, and another on the Cuban therapeutic vaccine against captivating. The approach used in these and the U.S. researchers’ interests go monoclonal antibodies for other types of lung cancer, CIMAVax-EGF, a drug that therapies was very creative: instead of beyond the therapy against lung cancer. malignant tumors. according to research leaders helps attacking the tumor, they were focused They also try to lay the foundations for MITM Americas & the Rise of Tourism in Cuba Text & Photo by RobertoF.CAMPOS became a global pioneer in this field in the country is 1973, now with 48 meetings of this kind expected to have HAVANA.- The MITM Americas (Meetings held in 34 cities from 18 countries. In the 103,000 hotel and Incentive Travel Market) took place case of Cuba, the venues were Varadero in rooms. in the Cuban capital for the third time, 2004 and Havana in 2009 and 2018. Last year, the highlighting Cuba’s attractions for However, apart from the business, island welcomed developing business, meetings and meeting and incentive travel modality, 4,689,894 incentive tourism, while corroborating Cuban Tourism Minister Manuel Marrero foreign visitors, the growth of the tourist industry in the illustrated the progress attained by the an 11.6 percent country. sector with very important detailed increase over From September 18 to 21, Havana’s information. 2016, despite the Meliá Cohiba Hotel hosted the 22nd He commented the country has effects caused by edition of MITM Americas, attended by 69,286 hotel rooms -69 percent of them Hurricane Irma some 200 experts. are four and five star- and 5,000 new hotel and the tightening of the U.S. blockade increase the quality of services, Marrero The delegates from Europe, America rooms are likely to be added this year. against Cuba. said. and the United States who gathered in The minister explained that 21 Regardless of the blockade, more than The quality to price relation has 88 Havana called the meeting fruitful. For renowned foreign companies are 600,000 U.S. citizens visited the island percent approval rating, and 97 percent this reason, the event’s organizers agreed operating hotels in the country, last year, in line with the 12 categories of tourists recommend visiting Cuba and to hold the next edition in Havana and in accounting for 45,333 rooms and 95 approved by the U.S. government, more than 40 percent would visit the the same month but at Hotel Nacional de administration agreements. including the meeting and congress country again, the minister noted. Cuba, an emblem of hotel and catering In addition, there are 27 joint ventures travel category. In the meantime, Tourism Ministry’s business and tourism in Cuba. in the country that represent 5,000 According to polls, there is 95 percent Sales Director Michel Bernal announced MITM is organized by GSAR Marketing, rooms. A total of 610 new projects would satisfaction among visitors; however, that the island expects to welcome 5.1 a Spanish event organizing firm that be materialized by the year 2030, when a strong plan has been designed to million tourists next year. 14 ECONOMY

LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Challenges of the Labor Market By MasielFERNANDEZ In this case, neither the rural population –usually HAVANA.- Reducing the unemployment rate and in worse conditions- nor increasing the quality of jobs are challenges facing Latin the people commonly America and the Caribbean to foster social and economic known as “the dispirited,” progress and attain steadier and more inclusive and that is to say, those who sustainable development models. say that they are not The unemployment rate increased for the third interested in working. was consecutive year in 2017, affecting more than 26 million taken into consideration. people, according to a report by the International Labor As a result, we may say Organization (ILO). that this indicator sort of Guillermo Andrés Alpízar, researcher with the World had the same behavior Economic Research Institute and associate member of more than 10 years ago. the Cuban Academy of Sciences, referred to this topic in statements to The Havana Reporter. THR: What do you think could be done in the THR: What can you say about the behavior of region to attain steadier employment in our region, which is one of the most and more inclusive and Researcher_GuillermoA.ALPIZAR unequal in the world? sustainable growth GAA: Over the past few years, the region has gone models, with more and better jobs for the future? entered into an uncertain adjustment process also from a period of prosperity to crisis. Even though the GAA: If we take the current situation into referred to as “fiscal consolidation.” economic growth recovered slightly in 2017, the region consideration, the more difficult the economic Another important mid and long-term element must is still characterized by minimal increases in the Gross conditions are, the more unfavorable the environment be added to a situation that is already very complex: the Domestic Product, with risks of going back to a period will be for the labor market, with the consequent current industrial revolution. of recession. negative impact on the life of millions of workers who When speaking about the future of the labor market This behavior, which is mainly due to the depend on their salaries. in the region, we must take into consideration the unfavorable growth of the leading export markets In order to understand the scope of this situation, just possible impact of the technological changes and the and the dynamics of capital flow episodes –including think that –according to ECLAC estimates- the payment replacement of human workers for machines. This is not the drop in foreign direct investment- influenced the for labor in the region accounts for nearly 80 percent of science fiction, this is a very realistic situation. regional labor market. the family’s source of income. There is a real challenge and the region cannot sit back The statistics recently published by the Economic With regard to the economic policy, the situation is idly. The contemporary patterns of the technological Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean quite singular, because the region is going through a change demand the implementation of active public (ECLAC) reveal the magnitude of the impact: the urban period of crisis and, instead of increasing social spending policies that give priority to the people’s wellbeing and unemployment rate increased to 9.3 percent in 2017. as a means of compensating its negative effects; it has not to macroeconomic results. SPORTS 15

Cuban Proves Havana Prepares for Competitive Level at its Marathon Race World Championship By CarlosBANDINEZ

By AdrianMENGANA In addition to the two silver medals, Cuba recorded the fifth place of Maylín del Toro HAVANA.- The Cuban judo once again (63kg) and the seventh of Asley González proved its competitiveness by becoming the (90kg), the Olympic runner-off in London 2012 leader for Latin America at the World Judo and gold medalist in Rio de Janeiro-2013, in a Championship Baku-2018, occupying the tournament attended by athletes from 124 eighth position on the medal table thanks countries. to the silver medals won by Odalys Ortiz, the The performance of the Cuban judokas is world champion (78+ kg) in London 2012, and a warning sign for the Pan-American Games Iván Silva (90 kg). of Lima-2019, when the island aims to recover Ortiz won her seventh medal in world the second position on the medal table. The championships after the gold medals won in Cuban judo may well give a major boost to the Rio de Janeiro-2013 and Cheliabinsk-2014, national delegation. and the bronze in Roterdam-2009, Tokyo-2010, The women’s and men’s teams of Japan Astana-2015 and Marrakech-2017. headed the medal table in Baku with seven gold Only Japanese Sarah Asahina got in the way medals, five silver and four bronze, followed by of the Cuban when she defeated Ortiz in the South Korea (2-0-1), France (1-1-2), (1- extra time of the final combat by hansokumake, 1-1), Iran and Ukraine (1-0-1), (1-0-0) and after having been penalized for the fourth time. Cuba (0-2-0). The great judoka matched the brilliant The rest of the leading positions (up to performance of another Cuban star, the 22nd place) were occupied by Russia and DriulisGonzález, who won seven medals in Holland (0-1-2), and Kazakhstan (0-1- world competitions and was four-time Olympic 1), Great Britain (0-1-0), Mongolia (0-0-3), Turkey medalist. (0-0-2) and Brazil, Slovenia, Canada, Argentina, In the men’s competition, the winner of the Bosnia-Herzegovina and Colombia (0-0-1). bronze medal at the Budapest-2018 Grand With two silver medals in Baku, the Cuban Prix, Iván Silva, was defeated by Georgian-born judo now totals 78 world championship medals, Spanish Nikoloz Sherazadishvili by ippon. not including team performances. By countries, With their performance in the Azerbaijani it is in sixth place overall with 18 gold medals, capital, the Cuban judo team once again led 21 silver and 39 bronze.

the medal table for Latin America, a region that For Latin America, Brazil is ranked eleventh PL PHOTO: had four bronze medals in total in the hands with seven gold, 12 silver and 26 bronze. of Brazilian Erika Miranda (52 kg), Argentinean Colombia occupies the 23rd place (3-0-3), HAVANA.- On November 18th, However, this number is likely to Paulo Pareto (48kg), Colombian Yuri Alvear Argentina, the 27th (2-2-1), Venezuela, the 35th the streets of the Cuban capital increase. (70) and Puerto Rican María Pérez(70). (1-0-1) and Puerto Rico, the 47th (0-1-1). will come alive for the 33rd Another piece of good edition of the Marabana Race, the news related to the project was biggest sport event in the country announced in Estonia, where that combines physical activity the Association of International with tourism. Marathons and Distance Races This long-distance race, which ratified the inclusion of Marabana is now known as Global Ports in the 2019 world calendar. Marabana Cuba, will include “The continuation of the event new elements such as the five- for 33 years in a row shows the kilometer race – which adds to seriousness of the organizers, the the traditional marathon (42.195 tour operators and the runners in km), half marathon (21 km) and accomplishing the international 10-km race – and the organization goals,” noted Gattorno. of contests for differently-abled Traditionally, the largest competitors – blind, deaf and number of foreign participants in wheelchair runners. the event come from the United This year, the race will States, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, celebrate two special events: the Italy and France. 499th anniversary of founding of Last year’s edition was St. Christopher of Havana Village attended by more than 100 – declared a UNESCO World runners of over 65 years for the Heritage Site – and the National first time, which shows that this Day of Physical Culture and Sport. event enjoys good health and Marabana/Maracuba, a keeps growing. long-distance race and walk The overall winners of the project, supports the sport for marathon are Cuban Emperatriz all programs, specially the fight Wilson for women, and Cuban against cancer and the Olympic Henry Jaen Ortiz for men, both Day. with five titles. Carlos Gattorno, Marabana/ The circuit of this year’s race Maracuba general manager, will be the same as in previous recently announced that more editions. The competitors will than 1,130 foreign runners from run through the main streets of some 50 countries have officially Havana, including the city seawall registered for this year’s race. or Malecón. Internet PHOTOS: 16