__ ____________ WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPER NUMBER 317 ,/X6. /9fls Information Technology and Public Disclosure Authorized National Trade Facilitation Guide to Best Practice Robert Schware and Paul Kimberley Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized J ,, I I,- , Public Disclosure Authorized A5,IIIII/ _a~~~- -- f - '_ RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 237 Webster, The Emergenceof PrivateSector Manufacturing in Poland:A Survey of Firms No. 238 Heath, Land Rights in C6ted'lvoire: Survey and ProspectsforProject Intervention No. 239 Kirmani and Rangeley, InternationalInland Waters:Conceptsfor a More Active WorldBank Role No. 240 Ahmed, RenewableEnergy Technologies:A Review of the Status and Costsof SelectedTechnologies No. 241 Webster, Newly PrivatizedRussian Enterprises No. 242 Barnes, Openshaw, Smith, and van der Plas, WhatMakes PeopleCook with ImprovedBiomass Stoves? A ComparativeInternational Review of Stove Programs No. 243 Menke and Fazzari, Improving ElectricPower Utility Efficiency:Issues and Recommendations No. 244 Liebenthal, Mathur, and Wade, Solar Energy:Lessonsfrom the PacificIsland Experience No. 245 Klein, External Debt Management:An Introduction No. 246 Plusquellec, Burt, and Wolter, Modern WaterControl in Irrigation:Concepts, Issues, and Applications No. 247 Ameur, Agricultural Extension: A Step beyondthe Next Step No. 248 Malhotra, Koenig, and Sinsukprasert, A Survey of Asia's Energy Prices No. 249 Le Moigne, Easter, Ochs, and Giltner, WaterPolicy and Water Markets:Selected Papers and Proceedingsfromthe World Bank's Annual Irrigationand DrainageSeminar, Annapolis, Maryland, December8-10, 1992 No. 250 Rangeley, Thiam, Andersen, and Lyle, InternationalRiver Basin Organizationsin Sub-SaharanAfrica No. 251 Sharma, Rietbergen, Heimo, and Patel, A Strategyfor the ForestSector in Sub-SaharanAfrica No. 252 The World Bank/FAO/UNIDO/Industry Fertilizer Working Group, Worldand RegionalSupply and Demand Balancesfor Nitrogen,Phosphate, and Potash,1992/93-1998/99 No.
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