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[email protected] Verified Print Quantity 25 000 newspapers per week | Find us on @ Platinum Weekly Newspaper 18 JUNE 2021 Security guards, in full combat gear, arrived to secure those inside the Bojanala district municipal building from community members who came looking for answers. Let’s resolve this issueZinniaville/Rustenburg – For end about the situation which they they just want the unacceptable some time now the Platinum not only find inhumane, they are stinky situation resolved. ...taking all the Weekly has been reporting on the scared it might affect their health. And they want it resolved peacefully, Zinniaville community who want It is high time that the powers that unlike the voice note left on a public their dignity restored. They want be find amicable solutions to their group of a person opposing their parties involved to work and live in an area which situation. They don’t want the demands, threatening “don’t make is not revolting. Not only are they people working at the Rainbow us take out our AK47s”. into consideration fed up of being ignored for years on processing plant to lose their jobs, Read more on page 4. Staan Saam Rustenburg is ‘n baken van hoop. Staan Saam en doen jou deel. Visit us for a Wide variety of Father’s Day gifts, Steelwork & Construction fresh flowers and handcrafted articles for home Palisading & fencing Steel frame construction decor, school and the work area.