• TEX TUCKER PAGE 15 ~ EXP ENT . EXPONENT@MONTANA. EDU THURSDAY, M ARCH 4. 2 0 0 4 ISSUE 2 2 V OLUME 9 8 -cCarthy, Galster A{>ologize for Actions ANGIE CONNERS - EDITOR ASMSU Hopes to ver 50 students packed into Increase Voter "MSC senate meeting last :ia). Feb. 26, many curious Turnout with Grant the issues surrounding JACOB BECKER cnt Scott McCarthy and EDITOR-IN-CHEIF t1ess Manager Chris Galster. 1eeting ran for three hour'; Last Thursday, Feb. 28, topics \\ere covered, but ASMSU learned that it had <lpit drrn discussion for received a $5,000 grant from Help half oJ the meeting-the America Vote Ad (HAYA). This , trip. grant will give student leaders Exponent reported here on campus a new resource in ·eek that !v!cCarthv and the fight to increase voter turnout, r .lltended the \iat 1onal which will be very important in ration for Campus the upcoming legislative session, amment's national con now less than a year away. n in Cincinnati, Ohio, "This was a big win for .:mtrovers\ has surrounded AS~!SU. By working to increase ,ue since the two returned. voter turnout, we improve leg • senate meeting last week, islative recognition, which will b asked questiom of positively affect us in the future rthy, Galster, and all senate _...,. Photo by Charlie Capp when money is distributed to higher education," said ASMSU ers. ~1an) students raised ASMSU President Scott McCarthy speaks at last Thursday's senate meeting. McCarthy apologizedfor President Scott McCarthy. tions and stated their opin- hurting anyfeelings, but defended his decision to attend the NACA conference.
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