Chile’s and Wildlife with Don Cohen Photography

Enjoy an expertly guided photo safari to Chileʹs Atacama coastal areas, oasis valleys and the high Andean plateau. Explore the wealth of wildlife found on these Puna grasslands, Andean lakes, bogs and scrubby ravines. Our journey to the north of Chile takes us to the fringes of the driest desert in the world, the inhospitable Atacama, home to such as Puna Flamingo, huge, flightless giant Coot and the tiny Chilean Woodstar.

Also we will journey into the dazzling landscapes of Patagonia and to enjoy a rare look at the regionʹs diverse birdlife. Under the guidance of our skilled naturalists, your small group searches Patagonian steppes, sub‐Antarctic forests, wetlands and glaciers for imposing Andean Condor, Chilean Hawk, Austral Parakeets, King and Magellanic Penguins and more!

Please Note: This trip starts in Santiago, Chile. We recommend you arrive the day before the trip starts.

Day 1 ~ November 4, 2016 ~ Santiago / Arica / Lluta Valley / Putre Your Chile tour begins as we meet our guide at the airport for our flight to Arica, Chile’s northernmost city. Head into the , stopping first in the lowland valleys, where we search for Peruvian Thick‐knee, Andean Swift and Greyish Miner. Make our way to the picturesque town of Putre, our base for two nights. As we explore at 11,483 feet, watch the “pre‐puna” semi‐arid bushy slopes for a variety of species, including Sparkling , Andean , Creamy‐breasted and Canyon Canasteros, Golden‐billed Saltator and Blue‐and‐yellow Tanager, and Hooded and Thick‐ billed Siskins. Spend three nights at Hosteria QʹAntati. (B,L,D)

Day 2 ~ November 5, 2016 ~ Putre Enjoy another day of birding around Putre. The gardens, cultivated terraces, groves and rocky walls are the perfect for Aplomado Falcon, Mountain Parakeet, Bare‐faced Ground Dove, Spot‐winged Pigeon, White‐throated, Plain‐breasted and Straight‐billed Earthcreepers, White‐ winged Cinclodes, Black‐throated Flowerpiercer, Chiguanco Thrush, D’Orbigny’s and White‐browed Chat‐tyrants, Band‐tailed Seedeater and Black‐hooded, Mourning and Ash‐breasted Sierra Finches. (B,L,D) Day 3 ~ November 6, 2016 ~ Salar de Surire To see the Surire saltpan at sunrise is certainly one of the most fascinating sights of the whole Chilean , as the lake holds one of the largest concentrations of the rare Puna Flamingo. Puna Rhea, Puna Tinamou Chilean and Andean Flamingos, Andean Lapwing and a large variety of waterfowl including Andean , Puna Teal, Crested and Speckled Teal are also found here. Surire is reached after a nearly 3‐hour drive from Putre, so an early start is required to see the lake at dawn. We guarantee that you wonʹt be disappointed! (B,L,D)

Day 4 ~ November 7, 2016 ~ Lauca National Park The wildlife‐rich Altiplano or High Andean Plateau features stunning landscapes. Established to protect the highest lake in the world (and World Biosphere Reserve), Lauca National Park supports a great diversity of Andean fauna. The high‐altitude bogs are home to a variety of endemic species such as all three Chilean species of Flamingo (Chilean, Andean and Puna), delicate Andean Avocet, Giant and Andean Coots, Puna Ibis, Andean Goose, Puna Teal, Rufous‐bellied and Grey‐breasted Seedsnipes, Andean Lapwing, Puna Plover, and the exquisite Diademed Sandpiper‐plover. The surrounding barren plains are a very good habitat for both Puna Rhea and Puna Tinamou. At over 14,760 feet, Lake Chungara is the highest place weʹll explore. Enjoy gorgeous views of imposing volcanoes while watching for Andean Gull, Andean Flicker, Cordilleran Canastero, Puna and White‐ Fronted Ground Tyrants, Andean Negrito, White‐winged Diuca Finch and Black Siskin. Spend two nights at Hotel Diego de Almagro. (B,L,D)

Day 5 ~ November 8, 2016 ~ Arica / Azapa & Chaca Oasis Valleys Observe a variety of shorebirds and gulls along the estuary of the Lluta River before boarding a small boat off the coast of Arica. Spend the rest of the morning watching for pelagic birdlife, including Peruvian Diving Petrel, Elliot’s and Markham’s Storm Petrels, and even rare Wedge‐rumped and Ringed Storm Petrels! Around the harbor, observe Inca Tern, along with South American and Peruvian Tern. This afternoon, head into the ‐rich Azapa and Chaca Valleys, the haunt of Croaking Gound Dove, Peruvian Sheartail, Oasis , Tamarugo, Bran‐coloured and Vermillion Flycatchers, Peruvian Meadowlark and the odd‐looking Slender‐billed Finch. (B,L,D) Day 6 ~ November 9, 2016 ~ Arica / Santiago / Punta Arenas Board an early flight to Santiago and connect to Punta Arenas. After arrival in Punta Arenas relax from a day of travel. Spend the night at Hotel Diego de Amagro. (B,D)

Day 7 ~ November 10, 2016 ~ Punta Arenas / Torres del Paine National Park This morning we drive to Torres del Paine National Park, enjoying the changing landscapes and views of the windswept Patagonian steppes. Begin our photography tour on the eastern side of the park, watching for Spectacled, Crested and Andean , , Chiloe Widgeon, Speckled Teal and Yellow‐billed Pintail, as well as Great, Silvery and White‐tufted Grebes. We may also observe Cinereous Harrier and Black‐chested Buzzard‐eagle hunting for prey. As we hike through a patch of secondary woodlands, our naturalist searches for Chilean Flicker, Striped and Austral Pygmy Owl. Scan the fast‐flowing rivers for Torrent Duck. Along Torres del Paineʹs reed‐ fringed lagoons, search for elusive and recently re‐discovered Austral Rail. Spend two nights at Hotel Rio Serrano. (B,L,D)

Day 8 ~ November 11, 2016 ~ Torres del Paine National Park This morning we enjoy excursions in the piedmont and sub‐antarctic southern beech forests of Western Torres del Paine, looking for Thorn‐tailed Rayadito, White‐throated Treerunner, Austral Parakeet, Austral Blackbird and the striking Magellanic Woodpecker, one of the largest in the world. Enjoy vistas of magnificent lakes and peaks. (B,L,D)

Day 9 ~ November 12, 2016 ~ Torres del Paine / Sierra Baguales / Punta Arenas Enjoy an early morning exploration of the Sierra Baguales Range. Wind along the mountain roads, looking for , including Patagonian Mockingbird and Grey‐bellied Shrike‐tyrant. This montane habitat is home to White‐throated Caracara, Grey‐breasted Seedsnipe, Rufous‐banded Miner, Cinnamon‐bellied and Ochre‐naped Ground‐tyrants, Patagonian and Greater Yellow Finches, and the stunning Yellow‐bridled Finch. Spend tonight at Hotel Diego de Almagro or similar. (B,L,D)

Day 10 ~ November 13, 2016 ~ Straits of Magellan / Porvenir Board a ferry crossing the Straits of Magellan to Tierra del Fuego. During the crossing, observe Black‐ browed Albatross, Southern Giant Petrel, Cape and White‐chinned Petrels, Sooty Shearwater and Magellanic Diving Petrel. Watch for other seabirds, including Chilean Skua, Kelp, Dolphin and Brown‐hooded Gulls and South American Tern. Also watch the waters for South American sea lion and playful pods of Peale’s Dolphin. Once we reach the island, check coasts near Porvenir for Crested Duck, Chiloe Wigeon, Baird’s Sandpiper, Magellanic Oystercatcher and Dark‐bellied Cinclodes. This afternoon, visit alkaline lagoons and ponds watching for rare Magellanic Plover. This enigmatic wader similar to a little dove, and is often seen scratching the mud with its bright pink legs. Other area birds include Two‐banded Plover, Wilson’s Phalarope, abundant White‐rumped Sandpiper, Short‐billed Miner and Austral Negrito. Spend two nights at Hostería Yendegaia. (L,D)

Day 11 ~ November 14, 2016 ~ Tierra del Fuego: Porvenir Explore Bahía Inútil ‐ Useless Bay ‐ watching for a wealth of seabirds, waterfowl and shorebirds. At the top of our target list today are Flightless and Flying Steamer‐ducks, Kelp Goose and King, Imperial and Rock Cormorants. The surrounding meadows and fields are home to endangered Ruddy‐headed Goose, as well as , Aplomado and Peregrine Falcons. Great Horned Owls, the largest in Central and South America, nest in nearby ravines. Spend our afternoon in the only continental King Penguin breeding colony. The species congregates year‐round in Porvenir, and over the past few years the King Penguins have been successfully breeding here. Return to our hotel through the shrubby slopes and moorlands of the Baquedano Hills, searching for Rufous‐chested Dotterel, Austral Canastero and White‐bridled Finch. (B,L,D)

Day 12 ~ November 15, 2016 ~ Porvenir / Otway Sound / Punta Arenas Cross the steppes of Tierra del Fuego and mainland Patagonia searching for Least Seedsnipe, Tawny‐ throated Dotterel, Common Miner, Band‐tailed Earthcreeper and Chocolate‐vented Tyrant. As we return via ferry to the mainland, watch for striking Commerson’s Dolphin following in our wake. Large herds of camel‐like Guanaco are common as we drive to Puerto Natales, and our naturalist may also point out Southern Grey Fox, Patagonian Hairy Armadillo and Patagonian Hog‐nosed Skunk. Passing road‐side wetlands, watch for Chilean Flamingo, Upland and Ash‐headed Geese, Coscoroba and Black‐necked , and Silver Teal, along with waders such as Baird’s and White‐ rumped Sandpipers and Wilson’s Phalarope. This afternoon, visit the Otway Magellanic Penguin colony before heading to Skyring Sound and FitzRoy Channel. In addition to hopefully seeing Pealeʹs and endemic Chilean Dolphins, scan the cliffs for Andean Condor. Spend tonight at Hotel Diego de Almagro or similar. (B,L,D)

Day 13 ~ November 16, 2016 ~ Punta Arenas Transfer to Punta Arenas airport after breakfast to meet international flights home. (B)

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