Parish Council To all members of the Council. You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Wadhurst Parish Council to be held at the Pavilion, Sparrows Green Recreation Ground, Wadhurst on Thursday 8 March 2018 commencing at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of business as set out below.

Signed Clerk (Amanda Barlow) Date: 2 March 2018 AGENDA 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. 3. Public Forum – time limit 15 minutes. 4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting 8 February 2018 as a true record. 6. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating and noting. 7. Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting. 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources, if necessary. 8.1 To discuss next actions regarding vacancy on Parish Council 8.2 To discuss and agree the new Committee Membership and Representatives 8.3 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan 8.4 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to appointment of consultancy to work on Neighbourhood Plan 8.5 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Emergency Plan 8.6 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate with regard to Council’s initiatives on tourism and a letter of support to London and South East Passenger Rail Services Limited 8.7 To discuss and agree which option the Parish Council would like to pursue with regard to the reduction in grass cuts by County Council 8.8 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the Quotation for the annual maintenance of Wadhurst Memorial Garden 2018- 2019 from City Escapes 8.9 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Parish Notice Board. 8.10 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard the Wadhurst Recycling Centre 8.11 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Dark Skies programme and the lighting issues in connection with the High Street Pedestrian Improvement Scheme. 8.12 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the pensions of the Clerk, Responsible Financial Officer and Caretaker. 8.13 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Parish Council’s items stored in the vault at National Westminster Bank in Wadhurst 8.14 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the provision of a mobile telephone for the Responsible Financial Officer 8.15 To adopt minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 24 February (not yet approved) 2018. 8.16 To approve/note items payable and paid. 9. Items for report. 9.1 Reports from committees/working parties/representatives etc. 9.1.1 County report – March 2018 9.1.2 District report – March 2018 9.2 Wealden Local Plan Update 22 February 2018 9.3 East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy 10. Items for noting 10.1 To note spend, to date, against budget for 2017/18. 11. Items for Focus and Communication 12. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chair for noting or inclusion on future agenda.

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Please find enclosed the summons and agenda for the full council meeting for the 8 March 2018 plus attachments. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW WIFI CODE: BTBHub6- 2FGZ PASSWORD - 9DG7M9LbCVxE

1. Apologies received to date - Cllr Bullock, Cllr Gadd, Cllr Giblin

4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Item 8.7 – Pension discussion

5. Minutes of the meeting 8 February 2018 – attached

6. Matters arising 6.3.0 Meeting with Headteacher at Uplands – Cllr Wells to update Update on internet banking – attached 7.0 Cllr Vacancy on Agenda at 8.1 8.1 Clerk to write to WDC re; £5k funding issue 8.2 Proposed closing of Recycling Site on Agenda at 8. 8.3 Sustainability of High Street – update from working party 8.4 Parish Noticeboard – on Agenda at 8.10 8.5 Annual Parish Meeting – attached 8.6 GDPR – attached 8.7 Change of bank account – attached

8.1 Vacancy on Parish Council The opportunity for an election to be called is open until 7 March. It is proposed that, if no election is called, the Clerk should proceed to advertise the vacancy to be filled by co-option with a view to taking the co-option at the April meeting.

8.2 Committee Membership and Representatives and to discuss the Committee Structure - attached

8.3 Neighbourhood Plan – to follow

8.4 Appointment of consultancy to work on Neighbourhood Plan - attached

8.5 Emergency Plan – This item will be deferred to the next Community Committee meeting on 5 April 2018.

8.6 Tourism/Letter of Support – attached *FURTHER INFORMATION ADDED

8.7 To discuss and agree which option the Parish Council would like to pursue with regard to the reduction in grass cuts by East Sussex County Council – attached

8.8 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the Quotation for the annual maintenance of Wadhurst Memorial Garden 2018- 2019 from City Escapes – attached

8.9 Parish Noticeboard – attached

8.10 Wadhurst Recycling Centre – attached

8.11 Dark Skies/High Street Pedestrian Improvement Scheme Lighting – attached

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 2 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council 8.12 Pensions of the Clerk, Responsible Financial Officer and Caretaker – attached

8.13 Parish Council’s items stored in the vault at National Westminster Bank in Wadhurst – attached

8.14 Mobile telephone for the Responsible Financial Officer – attached

8.15 To adopt minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 February (not yet approved) 2018 - attached

8.16 To approve/note items payable and paid - attached

9.1 Reports from committees/working parties/representatives etc. 9.1.1 County report – March 2018 9.1.2 District report – March 2018 9.2 Wealden Local Plan Update 22 February 2018 - attached 9.3 East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy - attached

10.1 To note spend, to date, against budget for 2017/18 – attached

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Present: Cllrs. Bishop, Dunnett, Giblin, Harvest, Kent, Meredeen (in part), Moore, Morris, Oliver, Standley, Wells (Vice Chair), and Wynne

Also in attendance: Amanda Barlow (clerk) and Fiona Hensher (rfo)

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies received, and reasons accepted, from Cllr Bullock, Gadd and Murphy. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. Cllr Standley declared an interest in Agenda Item 8.2. 3. Public Forum – time limit 15 minutes. None. Cllr Meredeen arrived at the meeting. 4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Members resolved that Agenda Item 8.3 and 10.3 should be confidential. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting 11 January 2018 as a true record. Members resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting 11 January 2018 as being a true record. 6. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating and noting. 3.0 Cllr Wells advised that he had spoken to the Headteacher of Uplands and is setting up a meeting. (Action: Cllr Wells). 5.7.5 It appears that most of the email issues have now been resolved. 5.7.4 Internet Banking is on Agenda at 8.6 6.0 The Clerk confirmed a letter of condolence letter was sent to Bryan Bell’s widow 7.1 Neighbourhood Plan is on Agenda at 8.1 7.4 Committee Membership/Structure is on Agenda at 8.9 7.6 The Code of Conduct is on Agenda at 8.8 7. Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting. Cllr Harvest advised that Cllr Oliver will be resigning after this meeting and Members thanked her for her contribution to the Parish Council. 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources, if necessary. 8.1 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Morris gave a verbal update. The communications aspect is going extremely well especially with input from Uplands students. Despite extensive advertising for a facilitator the Working Party has not received any applications so are looking for an alternative way forward Cllr Standley advised on the situation regarding the £5,000 funding from Wealden District Council. Members resolved that the Clerk should write to Wealden District Council regarding the issue over funding. (Action: Clerk).

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 4 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council 8.2 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Household Recycling Centre Cllr Standley advised that East Sussex County Council are proposing to close the Wadhurst Recycling Centre as part of cost savings measures and he has strongly opposed it. Members discussed various options including opposing the closure, offering some financial support or suggesting a community initiative scheme. Members resolved that a small action group should be formed to structure a petition against the closure. (Action: Cllr Dunnett). Members agreed that Cllr Dunnett, Cllr Morris and Cllr Standley would form the group. Members agreed that the Clerk should contact the Clerks at Frant and to see if their Members would be interested in joining in with the petition. (Action: Clerk) 8.3 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the sustainability of Wadhurst High Street Members discussed the closure of banks, shops and businesses in Wadhurst. Members agreed that Cllr Giblin, Cllr Bishop, Cllr Dunnett and Cllr Morris would review the situation and discuss ideas with the traders in the High Street. (Action: Cllrs Giblin, Bishop, Dunnett, Morris). 8.4 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Parish Noticeboard Members agreed that Cllr Meredeen would look at options for the Parish Noticeboard. (Action: Cllr Meredeen). 8.5 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Annual Parish Meeting Cllr Meredeen and Cllr Wells agreed to form a working party for the Annual Parish Meeting. (Action: Cllr Meredeen and Wells). 8.6 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation Cllr Meredeen, Cllr Bishop and Cllr Murphy agreed to form the GDPR Working Party and the Clerk will convene a meeting. (Action: Clerk). 8.7 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to changing banks for the Parish account Members unanimously resolved to change the Parish bank account to HSBC. (Action: RFO). 8.8 To adopt the reviewed Code of Conduct Members resolved to adopt the reviewed Code of Conduct. 8.9 To discuss and agree the new Committee Membership and Structure Members resolved to adopt the Committee Membership as presented. (Action: Clerk). 8.10 To adopt minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 13 January and 28 January (not yet approved) 2018. Members resolved to adopt the Planning minutes of 13 January and 28 January (not yet approved) 2018. 8.11 To approve/note items payable and paid. Members resolved to approve/note the items payable and paid totalling £8,260.96. 9. Items for report. 9.1 Reports from committees/working parties/representatives etc. 9.1.1 County report – February 2018 Cllr Standley gave a verbal report with information on the budget. He had visited the Wadhurst Primary school with regard to the narrow pavements and is looking at exploring the possibility of TROs for double yellow lines. There was an incident at Uplands with a child running across the road and Cllr Standley will be reviewing the situation. 9.1.2 District report – February 2018 Noted. 9.1.3 Dark Skies Report Cllr Moore advised that 5 tenders were put out and 4 companies had declined to tender. East Sussex County Council were the only tender and Cllr Moore and Cllr Dunnett will be confirming the exact details of the tender next week. 10. Items for noting 10.1 To note spend, to date, against budget for 2017/18. Noted.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 5 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council 10.2 To note minutes (not yet approved) of the Finance & Resources Committee meeting held on 1 February 2018 Noted. 10.3 To note report from the Wadhurst High Street Pedestrian Improvements meeting on 1 February 2018. Noted. 11. Items for Focus and Communication Cllrs agreed that the items should be Recycling Centre, High Street Pedestrian Improvements, Neighbourhood Plan, Annual Parish Meeting, Wealdlink Bus Service and Cllr Oliver’s resignation. 12. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chair for noting or inclusion on future agenda. None. There being no further the meeting closed at 21.07.

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January 11 to January 26 2018

1. Southeast Water - South East Water Open Day at Bewl Water - Saturday 7 April 2018 (J3275) 2. SSALC - FW: Chief Executive's Bulletin 2 - 12 January 2018 3. WDC - Newly published decision: Estimate of Collection Fund Surplus for Distribution 4. WDC - Household Waste Recycling Site consultation 5. SSALC - Subscribe to The Digital Local Council mailing list from e-Mango 6. Southern Water - From Southern Water - granting of Bewl Water winter refill drought permit 7. WDC - Re. Meeting postponed - 29/01/2018, 13:00, Licensing Sub-Committee Re. Meeting postponed - 29/01/2018, 13:00, Licensing Sub-Committee 8. News from the High Weald Partnership - January 2018 9. WDC - Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 29th January, 2018, 9.30 a.m. 10. WDC - Agenda for Cabinet, Wednesday, 31st January, 2018, 10.00 a.m. 11. WDC - Agenda for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 1st February, 2018, 10.00 a.m.

January 27 to February 11 2018

1. WDC - Newly published decision: Approval of NNDR 1 Form 2018/19 (Forecast of Business Rates for the next financial year) 2. 3VA e-Newsletter 3383VA e-Newsletter 3383VA e-Newsletter 338 3. WDC - New development, Lower High Street, Wadhurst – advertised on notice board 4. RSPB - Weald Reserves E-Update 5. 3VA Training Update - FEBRUARY 2018 6. WDC - Decision sheet for Cabinet, Wednesday, 31st January, 2018, 10.00 a.m. Decision sheet for Cabinet, Wednesday, 31st January, 2018, 10.00 a.m. 7. WDC - Agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 8th February, 2018, 10.30 a.m. 8. 3VA e-Newsletter 3393VA e-Newsletter 339 9. Minutes for Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 29th January, 2018, 9.30 a.m.

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Changing bank and internet update – An appointment has been booked for Thursday 15th March at 2pm. This should start the process and I will update the progress at the next full council meeting.

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Annual Village Meeting/Annual Newsletter Update for Full Council meeting 8 March 2018 1. Councillors Meredeen and Wells are leading and have met to plan the above events. 2. AVM is on 15 May. 3. Aim is to publish Newsletter mid-April. Cut-off for content from Councillors/external contributors is 6 April. 4. Two key areas of focus for meeting and newsletter: (1) High Street improvements; (2) Neighbourhood Plan. Space and content permitting, Stop Press or other brief news item may be included in Newsletter. Illustrative or background photos to be used. 5. Andy Madden has again agreed to design and produce the Newsletter (already budgeted). 6. Councillor Dunnett will produce text for one side of A4 re: High Street pedestrian improvement scheme/implementation, etc. His opinion has been sought about whether ESCC should be invited to attend as observer and to bring the latest large-scale plans for display on boards. 7. Councillor Wells is liaising with Neighbourhood Plan group about text for other side A4, and the group has been provided with additional background information about how the Annual Village meeting tends to operate. 8. Newsletter content about the principal subject matter will be practical and focussed on what’s happening/planned rather than the broader issues or their history. The aim is to make the Newsletter content highly relevant to parishioners, likely to interest them, to encourage their attendance at the AVM and obtain their views/involvement/feedback upon which the Parish Council can act and make formal representations as appropriate. 9. The 2017 Newsletter included bulleted paragraphs listing Parish Council highlights and Parish Councillor actions, taking up c. 40% of available space. This will not be repeated in 2018, to allow more space for main content. Instead, WPC highlights and actions will be published in a simple report sheet available at the AVM. 10. Newsletter distribution is being investigated by mail drop and an insert in May Focus if dates work out. High Street and other locations will have copies of the Newsletter. Parish Councillors will each to be given a small batch for distribution in person to key contacts. Information about the AVM, High Street improvement scheme and Neighbourhood Plan will be made available via our web site and app with links to ESCC and Neighbourhood Plan materials. 11. The Parish Clerk has been asked to organise the PA, soft drinks, snacks, stationery and display boards. AVM agenda, structure and format are to be decided later although both plenary and smaller sessions will take place. 12. Consideration is being given about whether to invite Wealden Police to attend as observers. Bruce Meredeen. 6 March 2018

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 10 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 6.8.6 GDPR UPDATE from Cllr Bishop

Next Steps:

Appoint a DPO - The Clerk has provided a list of recommended organisations from KALC

Information held: (Clerk and RFO) - document what personal data (types) we hold, (paper and electronic) and identify where it came from and who we share it with;

Privacy info (Clerk and RFO) - review our current privacy notices (paper and electronic). - Clerk and RFO to inform working group and then together we need to update these notices as required to include spelling out what our lawful basis is for processing any personal data - ensure all sources of communication include necessary privacy notices (website, emails, any paper communications etc.)

Consent (working group based on info supplied from information audit above) - if we process anything that relies on consent as the lawful basis (other reasons are likely to be "public task" or "legitimate interest" we need to look at how we seek, record and manage consent and whether any changes are needed. - Update consents/consent procedures as necessary

Check current procedures on individuals' rights and Subject Access requests. (Clerk) - Clerk to review current procedures and advise working group - Working group to decide what changes are required and put in place the necessary procedures (Clerk), documents (see pro-formas from Amanda's documents)

All this ultimately to be included in a Privacy/Data Protection Policy I note from Amanda's documents that NALC is in the process of producing a toolkit. Hopefully this will be ready soon+ I will have attended a briefing on 28 March. I suggest we wait for both of these before trying to produce a policy.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 11 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.2 Chair: Cllr. Harvest Deputy: Cllr. Wells Environment, Highways and Transport Planning Roy Bullock Mike Kent Bruce Meredeen Roy Bullock (chair) Chris Wynne Chris Wynne Anthony Dunnett (Chair) Graham Wells Niamh Murphy Bob Standley Lynda Moore Niamh Murphy Sue Bishop Peter Giblin

Subs: Serena Gadd Chris Morris (1 vacancy) Community Finance and Resources Chris Morris (chair) (Chair) (chair) Bruce Meredeen (Vice Chair) Serena Gadd (Chair Planning) Lynda Moore (Chair Community) Peter Giblin (Chair EHT) Sue Bishop (Chair RGMT) (2 vacancies) (Communications Member)

Recreation Ground Management Ctte Mike Kent Chris Morris Graham Wells Bob Standley (chair) Serena Gadd (3 Vacancies)


Bewl Water Monitoring group (with and Ticehurst PC’s) Chris Wynne Uplands C. C. Extended School Governors Sub-Committee Vacancy (Community Services) Wadhurst History Society Trustee Serena Gadd Wadhurst Institute, Hall and Field Trust Development Steering Felicity Harvest, Graham Committee Wells, Anthony Dunnett Wadhurst Institute, Hall & Field CIO Charity Trustee Serena Gadd Police Liaison Graham Wells Wealden District Association of Local Councils Chris Wynne Wealden District Council Parish Planning Panel Roy Bullock Wadhurst Footpath Society Vacancy Community Transport Chris Wynne

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Mike Boden, South East Franchise Bid Director London and South East Passenger Rail Services Limited 2nd Floor West Wing Date 344-354 Gray’s Inn Road London Dear Mr Boden, WC1X 8BP Re: South Eastern franchise bid

I am writing on behalf of Wadhurst Parish Council in respect of your bid submission for the South Eastern Franchise.

The scope of this letter covers specific issues in relation to neighbourhood planning, community engagement and potential support to Wadhurst Parish Council.

We recently met with Wealden District Council and with Jon Harris representing your organisation in order to discuss rail integration, access for tourism and local economic growth, and ways of developing proactive engagement around Wadhurst station specifically. This was timely given the current issues with access to the station and our wider objectives for promotion of rural tourism and ‘High Street’ economic wellbeing in our Parish.

At the meeting we were able to understand more about the station travel plan tool and how it could fit in with the development of Wadhurst’s Neighbourhood Plan. We found the exchange helpful and informative and indeed there may be quick wins that Wadhurst Parish Council may be able to build into their Neighbourhood Planning process during 2018 to focus on station access/parking, ‘last mile’ and customer behaviour.

In particular we are pleased that the STP approach is sympathetic to promoting local tourism and access to towns such as Wadhurst as a destination for day trippers and longer stays. Wealden is rich in key tourist destinations including National Trust and other heritage locations, and in addition has a strong economy in terms of walking and cycling-based activities and enjoyment of open access to the countryside through the extensive PROW network. Connections to major local attractions like Bewl Water and Scotney Castle from the station are important linkages that an SRP would need to address, as well as last mile issues from the station to the town centre via Durgates.

With planning restrictions on car generation levels across the Ashdown Forest we see the STP approach and early engagement as crucial, and aligning the spatial planning, Neighbourhood Planning, tourism and STP workstreams certainly make sense in terms of providing a longer term, sustainable approach to this area.

From our own diagnosis of the station access, parking, and travel behaviour situation, we see that value of the STP approach to harness early engagement with organisations such as ourselves and welcome this ‘up front’ approach to community planning. We see the value in developing a strong evidence base approach that will equip us in our Neighbourhood Plan thinking but also to work with Wealden planners in response to planning applications that may be submitted in the meantime.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 16 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council We have recognised physical and service type barriers to use of the station (eg local congestion at school run time, lack of access to taxis for short hop journeys, parking behaviour etc) so the localised STP approach would allow us to provide this type of community insight and work proactively with the rail operator. We also see the value in using the STP to leverage funding contributions and seek external funding through bidding.

We are pleased that Govia recognise the potential for Wadhurst to be a stronger ‘destination station’ linked to walking/cycling and the visitor economy, and the potential for improved parking layout/bus access/drop off arrangements and full use of the station buildings.

We would be very pleased to continue this type of dialogue in the event that Govia are successful in their bid, and to see this type of approach applied to other villages and town served by rail in our District. We also see value of this type of early engagement as generally valuable to other Parish and Town Councils, where often we need to rely on part time staff resources and volunteers to deliver local initiatives. If through the STP tool a wider range of volunteers can be attracted, engaging support from the professional/commuter sector, then this will further enhance the quality and coverage of the STP and its action plan.

We see our station as an important community asset and as part of the Neighbourhood Plan approach, we are confident that the Parish Council will look carefully at the transport and access considerations. If the STP can help to address the wider issue of ‘reverse tourism’, support for the High Street economy and addressing ‘school run’ impacts then this will provide a good platform for ongoing project development.

Thank you for the opportunity to share your thinking and we are keen to see this type of approach to rail development take place within our Parish.

We look forward to hearing the result of the bid process.

Yours sincerely,


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From: Contracts Management Group [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 16 February 2018 09:57 To: ~Z Ext Clerk Wadhurst Cc: Councillor Bob Standley Subject: Grass Cutting Savings

Sent on behalf of Rupert Clubb

Dear Wadhurst Parish Council,

As you may be aware the County Council met on Tuesday 6 February to consider the 2018/19 budget. At the meeting the Council voted on and agreed the budget for the 2018/19 financial year. The report and minutes can be found on the website at:

The approved budget includes a reduction in highway contract costs of £400,000 for grass cutting services effective from 1 April 2018. This means we need to reduce the number of grass cuts we undertake.

We will be reducing the number of urban grass cuts from the current six per season to two per season from 1 April 2018. This will require a change to our urban grass cutting policy which currently provides for a minimum of five cuts per season. A report will be presented to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment in May 2018 with a recommendation to change the policy to reflect the agreed budget. Rural grass cutting will remain as two 1m swathe plus visibility splay cuts per season.

I appreciate that this is disappointing news for local communities however, we need to continue to provide services within very challenging financial constraints whilst at the same time managing an increasing demand for important services including schools and social care.

I attach a map and table of the total areas of the rural and urban grass verges that are currently cut in your parish. In reducing the urban grass cutting service from six to two cuts per season we will be managing urban grass for safety reasons only. However, we recognise grass verges in urban centres have an important aesthetic function for the community and we would therefore like to continue to support this approach where possible. We propose to do this by offering the following options for consideration:

• A financial contribution to your parish council equivalent to the value of two urban grass cuts based on current ESCC contract rates which will be in the region of £2399 per annum. This can be provided to the community as a basis to commission and employ your own grass cutting services using a local contractor

• For your parish to pay for additional urban grass cuts over the two cuts per season provided by the County Council. To maintain the current standard of six cuts this would cost Wadhurst parish council in the region of £4,797 per annum.

I would be grateful if you would indicate which option you would wish to pursue by 31 March 2018 at the latest.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 20 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council In the meantime, if you require any further information please contact Samantha Neame in the Highways Contracts Management team on [email protected] or by telephone on 01323 464991.

Yours sincerely

Rupert Clubb Director Communities, Economy & Transport

01273 482200

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Wadhurst Parish Council The Pavilion Sparrows Green South View Road Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6TW

20th February 2018

Quotation for the annual maintenance of Wadhurst Memorial Garden 2018- 2019

Schedule of visits: April to October Fortnightly November – December Twice monthly with one visit being made as close to Remembrance Day as possible. January – February Once in each month.

Duties: Litter pick site. Cut and collect grass on each visit when mowing is undertaken. Edge up lawns after each cut. Clip Heathers immediately after flowering. Weed and cultivate borders on each visit. Clip boundary hedge twice in summer months. Apply selective herbicide to lawns twice yearly. Apply moss control to lawns once yearly. Clear all leaves on each autumn/winter visit. Install Summer and winter bedding plant displays to the Circular bed.

City Escapes do hold the necessary Certificates of Competence required for the application of pesticides. City Escapes are approved under the “Safecontractor” HSE scheme. City Escapes are an East Sussex Trading Standards approved service provider.

Cost of works per month EX VAT £105.26p

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Had useful site meeting this morning with Sam of carpentry company.

His initial thoughts were that best repair option is to take down, rub down, reseal and paint. I said we’d probably want Wadhurst green. He doesn’t think the existing wood is in good enough condition simply to be varnished.

Sam didn’t quote immediately although thought repair, including infills, new perspex and locks would be nearer to £1000 than £500. The good news is that it could be done within 6 weeks.

Replacement price also to be sought. He’s already briefed his joinery. We can then compare his lower and higher alternative quotes with those for a brand new noticeboard you obtained and Full Council has already seen.

I’ll update verbally tomorrow.

Cllr Bruce Meredeen

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From: tracey moss Sent: 08 March 2018 12:54 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Parish Notice Boards

Hi Amanda,

You would be looking at £350 – 395.00 + vat for us to install.

Kind regards, Tracey

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Wadhurst Parish Council Wadhurst Household Waste Recycling Centre on Buckhurst Lane

Background ESCC is seeking to close the Wadhurst Recycling Centre as part of their cost cutting measures in their upcoming budget. The consultation started on February 27th and runs for 12 weeks until May … The Parish Council agreed to establish a small working group of Bob Standley, Anne Oliver and Anthony at its February Meeting. The group convened on 19th February to discuss the situation and to discuss a possible strategy.

Proposal The group met on 19th February and came up with the following suggested way forward: • There is little to be gained by the WPC putting significant effort into arguing the case and proposing the very many reasons why the decision should be reversed. ESCC officials will have already developed a detailed argument that would counter any position taken. Logic and debate will not win the day … however political pressure, by way of a well supported petition would be the best chance to force the decision to be reviewed. • It is recommended that a three pronged approach be progressed: o Bob Standley, as a member of the Cabinet that will make the decision will privately lobby all the decision making councilors; o WPC should coordinate a petition, aiming to raise 1,000 signatures across the area most affected by the closure – Wadhurst, Frant and Ticehurst. WPC would coordinate collecting signatures over the coming 12 weeks (avoiding the Easter Holiday break): ▪ On the High Street on four Saturday mornings when there are planning meeting committee meetings in March, April and May; ▪ From commuters at Wadhurst and Stonegate railway stations on 10 mornings and 5 evenings over the period; ▪ From the staff and students at Uplands School; ▪ From the staff and parents at Wadhurst, Stonegate & Sacred Heart Primary Schools. o WPC should approach all of the 50 or so societies and groups across Wadhurst and ask them to: ▪ either respond on behalf of their Members; and/or ▪ encourage their members to both sign the petition and submit a personal response on the ESCC website; and/or ▪ ask their members for volunteers to help man a team that would gather signatures; ▪ Approach the Parish Councils of Ticehurst and Stonegate to join the campaign.

Discussion We should have a steady and phased campaign over the next 12 weeks which should also include: • Placing an article in April & May’s edition of Focus and approaching The Courier to follow progress and undertake two feature articles in one in mid March and one in late April. • Placing information on the Parish Website. • Can we set up some thought of email/blog where residents can write and leave supportive messages under a banner “Disgusted and Outraged of Wadhurst, Tidebrook, Ticehurst and Frant” • Review the attached draft petition – • WPC should develop a simple fact sheet to inform those who are marshaling the petition • Suggested line to take with residents when approached:

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 27 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council The Parish Council encourages every resident in Wadhurst and the surrounding villages to join its campaign to Save our Tip. It deplores the ESCC’s decision to close the Wadhurst Re-cycling Centre as a way of cutting its budget. Please sign the petition, respond directly to the Council’s consultation by visiting their website, and share the message with your friends and neighbours. SAVE OUR TIP

We the undersigned deplore the short sighted decision of East Sussex County Council to close Wadhurst Household Waste Recycling Centre as part of the cost cutting measures in their 2018/9 Budget. We the residents of local villages who use this site demand that the decision be reversed and our local recycling centre be retained.

Wadhurst, Frant, Name Ticehurst, Signature Date Stonegate

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Agenda Item 8.11 Lighting

After a final meeting on 22nd February, Philip Berry, Wadhurst Astronomical Society, Eric Ware E.S.C.C and although not present he had sight and discussions with Philip and Eric, Charles Emeanuwa also E.S.C.C (in charge of the new High Street design and lighting), and myself It was agreed that 24 of the highest-grade lamps should be replaced first, this would leave a surplus of just over £4000.00 to cover any unforeseen problems possibly the concrete post may have to be changed on some of the lamps. Fortunately, now the high street is a separate issue we should get all the most damaging lights changed. We do not yet have a start date but Eric is aware that we are on a deadline to use the funding, and I will keep in touch with him to get updates on this. I now understand that there is more discussion on starting the above to co-ordinate the high street and residential area lighting.

Cllr Lynda Moore 8 March 2018

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 29 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.12 Pension – The pension regulator requirement is to increase the pension contribution. The minimum mount is 2% for employees and 3%for employers. This increase is from 1% from employer and employee.

AGENDA ITEM 8.13 Fire Box – As you are aware Natwest is closing at Wadhurst and the items in the vault need to be removed. One option is a fire box to be kept at the pavilion. Depending on the size of the box required they start from £56.69

AGENDA ITEM 8.14 RFO Phone - At present the Rfo has a pay as you go phone which is not very efficient or reliable. It also not cost effective. The usual cost of topping up the credit on this phone is between £40-60 a month. This regular runs out and I have to use my own phone. A contract phone would be £29.00 to pay for the phone and £24 a month with 1GB of data and unlimited minutes and text.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 30 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.15

Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at Carillon Cottage, High Street, Wadhurst on Saturday 24 February 2018 at 9.30 a.m.

Present Cllrs Bullock, Giblin, Kent, Murphy, Wells and Wynne, For the purposes of this meeting Cllr Wynne was elected Chairman 1. To receive apologies for absence . An apology was received from Cllr Standley

2. To receive declarations of interest and updates to members’ register of interests Cllr Wells registered a non- pecuniary interest in WD/2018/0190/PO

3. To approve the minutes of the meeting of 27 January 2018.Minutes approved.

4. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the meeting of 27 January 2018.None

5. Public forum – time limit 15 minutes No members of the public present.

6. To consider licence and planning applications received and make recommendations

Licencing: None.


Application No. WD/2017/2899/AN Application Type: Non-Illuminated Advertisement Expiry date for comments: 19 February 2018 - extended to 26 February 2018 Location: LAND EAST OF LOWER HIGH STREET, WADHURST, TN5 6LP Description: 2 NO. NON- ILLUMINATED, FREE STANDING, CONSTRUCTION SITE BOARDS

No objection

Application No. WD/2017/2894/AI Application Type: Illuminated Advertisement Expiry date for comments: 19 February 2018 - extended to 26 February 2018 Location: LAND EAST OF LOWER HIGH STREET, WADHURST, TN5 6LP Description: 2 NO. ILLUMINATED FREE STANDING CONSTRUCTION SITE BOARDS

An objection is raised to the illuminated sign as they are contrary to the Councils Dark Skys Policy

Application No. WD/2018/0190/PO Expiry date for comments: 2 March 2018 Location: 1-9 WEALDEN HEIGHTS, HIGH STREET, WADHURST, TN5 6AJ Description: VARIATION OF S106 AGREEMENT DATED 22 AUGUST 2012 ATTACHED TO PPLICATION


The committee is concerned that this technical change to Section 106 Agreement will adversely effect the current tenants of these properties by an increase in rent by the change from a Social rental policy to this category of rental occasioned by finance derived from the HCA.

Application No. WD/2018/0102/F 18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 31 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council Expiry date for comments: 12 March 2018 FRANKHAM FARM HOUSE, WADHURST ROAD, MARK CROSS, TN6 3PD Description: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW

No objection

7. To consider notices of decisions received








Prior Approval Not Required: None

Application Not Issued: None

Issue: None




Withdrawn: None.

Appeals: None

Enforcement Notice:

Land at Leeland, Monks Lane, Cousley Wood, Wadhurst, East Sussex

8. To discuss Tree Preservation Orders:- None.

9. To Note Cllr Wells updated the committee on the latest Wealden Local Plan update issued on the 22nd February 2018

10. Urgent issues

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10;15 am.

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18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 36 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 9.3

From: Library Consultation [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 26 February 2018 16:39 To: Library Consultation Subject: East Sussex Libraries - The Way Forward - Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy

To the Chairman or Clerk of all East Sussex Parish and Town Councils,

East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy

I am writing to let you know that on 6 March 2018 the County Council’s Cabinet will consider a recommendation to agree a revised Strategy for the future of East Sussex Libraries. This follows a 12 week public consultation on the draft Strategy between 21 September and 14 December 2017. Today we have published on our website the report that the County Council’s Cabinet will consider, together with the proposed revised Strategy document and all of the supporting papers. They can be downloaded from

We received a significant response to our public consultation and we are very grateful to everyone who took the time to provide their input and feedback on our original proposals. Over 3,600 consultation questionnaires and a further 1,100 pieces of correspondence were received, as well as petitions. Overwhelmingly most respondents were current library users and the majority were users of one of the libraries we propose to close, including the Mobile Library.

We have read and carefully considered every single submission received. Based on feedback and support for new service offers during the public consultation, we have made a number of changes to our proposals. These provide a fuller picture of how we will create a modern, sustainable needs- based library service. Key proposed new services are summarised as follows:

• Greater emphasis on the role of libraries to promote numeracy, as well as literacy, to support the life chances of both children and adults • Closer alignment of spending on the library service to meet identified needs, ensuring we can deliver the proposed Vision and Strategic Outcomes. This primarily involves: o re-focussing the service so that our work is centred on promoting and delivering against each of the Strategic Outcomes. o increasing our outreach offer to serve communities with higher need, including Ore and Langney, with activities taking place at the East Hastings and Shinewater Children’s Centres. o profiling spending on stock and resources to prioritise investment to meet needs, including materials and support for children and young people. • Prioritised investment in a modern eLibrary service to meet the needs of a growing online customer base, including additional Computer Buddy support, particularly for people who may benefit from practical support to overcome an initial lack of skills or confidence to use the eLibrary. • A new Community Library Membership aimed at supporting more rural communities, to enable them to make library materials available at times and in a location of their choosing.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 37 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council • New pilots of Homework and Study Clubs in libraries, based on feedback from young people about how the service can meet their needs better at significant points in the academic year, and the continuation of our popular new Code Clubs for children and young people. • Replacement of the Schools Library and Museum Service (SLAMS), following very useful feedback from schools, with a more flexible and affordable offer, including launching a new Teachers Library Membership for East Sussex schools. Turning to library closures, we recognise that communities do not wish to lose well-regarded local services. We also understand that in every community across the county there are individuals and families with needs and that in those communities where it is proposed no longer to retain a library or the Mobile Library Service, there are individuals who would be affected by the loss of the service. We have analysed all of the responses and revisited the evidence base again. We do not consider that new information has been presented in the consultation responses and other forms of stakeholder engagement which means that this evidence base for the draft Strategy was incorrect or had been wrongly interpreted. In view of this, and taking into account the revised draft Vision and Strategic Outcomes for the East Sussex Library and Information Service and the context in which it needs to operate, which includes the financial position of the council, we believe that the original proposal for a smaller network of 17 libraries is correct. If the revised Strategy is agreed by Cabinet, this would result in the closure of Langney, Mayfield, Ore, Pevensey Bay, Polegate, Ringmer and Willingdon libraries and the Mobile Library Service, and the end to support for Northiam Village Library. 92% of members of the current 24 East Sussex libraries would be unaffected by the closures and we have ensured that overall high levels of access to the library service for residents would remain, fulfilling our statutory duty. If Cabinet were to agree the revised Strategy on 6 March we would maintain our commitment to support each community in their considerations of whether they wish to take on the continued funding or running of the library. If you have any queries or comments at this stage please let me know. Yours sincerely

Rupert Clubb Director Communities, Economy and Transport Communities, Economy & Transport

01273 482200

From: Library Consultation [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 26 February 2018 16:39

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 38 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council To: Library Consultation Subject: East Sussex Libraries - The Way Forward - Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy

To the Chairman or Clerk of all East Sussex Parish and Town Councils,

East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy

I am writing to let you know that on 6 March 2018 the County Council’s Cabinet will consider a recommendation to agree a revised Strategy for the future of East Sussex Libraries. This follows a 12 week public consultation on the draft Strategy between 21 September and 14 December 2017. Today we have published on our website the report that the County Council’s Cabinet will consider, together with the proposed revised Strategy document and all of the supporting papers. They can be downloaded from

We received a significant response to our public consultation and we are very grateful to everyone who took the time to provide their input and feedback on our original proposals. Over 3,600 consultation questionnaires and a further 1,100 pieces of correspondence were received, as well as petitions. Overwhelmingly most respondents were current library users and the majority were users of one of the libraries we propose to close, including the Mobile Library.

We have read and carefully considered every single submission received. Based on feedback and support for new service offers during the public consultation, we have made a number of changes to our proposals. These provide a fuller picture of how we will create a modern, sustainable needs- based library service. Key proposed new services are summarised as follows:

• Greater emphasis on the role of libraries to promote numeracy, as well as literacy, to support the life chances of both children and adults • Closer alignment of spending on the library service to meet identified needs, ensuring we can deliver the proposed Vision and Strategic Outcomes. This primarily involves: o re-focussing the service so that our work is centred on promoting and delivering against each of the Strategic Outcomes. o increasing our outreach offer to serve communities with higher need, including Ore and Langney, with activities taking place at the East Hastings and Shinewater Children’s Centres. o profiling spending on stock and resources to prioritise investment to meet needs, including materials and support for children and young people. • Prioritised investment in a modern eLibrary service to meet the needs of a growing online customer base, including additional Computer Buddy support, particularly for people who may benefit from practical support to overcome an initial lack of skills or confidence to use the eLibrary. • A new Community Library Membership aimed at supporting more rural communities, to enable them to make library materials available at times and in a location of their choosing. • New pilots of Homework and Study Clubs in libraries, based on feedback from young people about how the service can meet their needs better at significant points in the academic year, and the continuation of our popular new Code Clubs for children and young people.

18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 39 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council • Replacement of the Schools Library and Museum Service (SLAMS), following very useful feedback from schools, with a more flexible and affordable offer, including launching a new Teachers Library Membership for East Sussex schools. Turning to library closures, we recognise that communities do not wish to lose well-regarded local services. We also understand that in every community across the county there are individuals and families with needs and that in those communities where it is proposed no longer to retain a library or the Mobile Library Service, there are individuals who would be affected by the loss of the service. We have analysed all of the responses and revisited the evidence base again. We do not consider that new information has been presented in the consultation responses and other forms of stakeholder engagement which means that this evidence base for the draft Strategy was incorrect or had been wrongly interpreted. In view of this, and taking into account the revised draft Vision and Strategic Outcomes for the East Sussex Library and Information Service and the context in which it needs to operate, which includes the financial position of the council, we believe that the original proposal for a smaller network of 17 libraries is correct. If the revised Strategy is agreed by Cabinet, this would result in the closure of Langney, Mayfield, Ore, Pevensey Bay, Polegate, Ringmer and Willingdon libraries and the Mobile Library Service, and the end to support for Northiam Village Library. 92% of members of the current 24 East Sussex libraries would be unaffected by the closures and we have ensured that overall high levels of access to the library service for residents would remain, fulfilling our statutory duty. If Cabinet were to agree the revised Strategy on 6 March we would maintain our commitment to support each community in their considerations of whether they wish to take on the continued funding or running of the library. If you have any queries or comments at this stage please let me know. Yours sincerely

Rupert Clubb Director Communities, Economy and Transport Communities, Economy & Transport

01273 482200

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