Wadhurst Parish Council to All Members of the Council
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Wadhurst Parish Council To all members of the Council. You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Wadhurst Parish Council to be held at the Pavilion, Sparrows Green Recreation Ground, Wadhurst on Thursday 8 March 2018 commencing at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of business as set out below. Signed Clerk (Amanda Barlow) Date: 2 March 2018 AGENDA 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. 3. Public Forum – time limit 15 minutes. 4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting 8 February 2018 as a true record. 6. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating and noting. 7. Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting. 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources, if necessary. 8.1 To discuss next actions regarding vacancy on Parish Council 8.2 To discuss and agree the new Committee Membership and Representatives 8.3 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan 8.4 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to appointment of consultancy to work on Neighbourhood Plan 8.5 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Emergency Plan 8.6 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate with regard to Wealden District Council’s initiatives on tourism and a letter of support to London and South East Passenger Rail Services Limited 8.7 To discuss and agree which option the Parish Council would like to pursue with regard to the reduction in grass cuts by East Sussex County Council 8.8 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the Quotation for the annual maintenance of Wadhurst Memorial Garden 2018- 2019 from City Escapes 8.9 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Parish Notice Board. 8.10 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard the Wadhurst Recycling Centre 8.11 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Dark Skies programme and the lighting issues in connection with the High Street Pedestrian Improvement Scheme. 8.12 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the pensions of the Clerk, Responsible Financial Officer and Caretaker. 8.13 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Parish Council’s items stored in the vault at National Westminster Bank in Wadhurst 8.14 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the provision of a mobile telephone for the Responsible Financial Officer 8.15 To adopt minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 24 February (not yet approved) 2018. 8.16 To approve/note items payable and paid. 9. Items for report. 9.1 Reports from committees/working parties/representatives etc. 9.1.1 County report – March 2018 9.1.2 District report – March 2018 9.2 Wealden Local Plan Update 22 February 2018 9.3 East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy 10. Items for noting 10.1 To note spend, to date, against budget for 2017/18. 11. Items for Focus and Communication 12. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chair for noting or inclusion on future agenda. 18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 1 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council Please find enclosed the summons and agenda for the full council meeting for the 8 March 2018 plus attachments. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW WIFI CODE: BTBHub6- 2FGZ PASSWORD - 9DG7M9LbCVxE 1. Apologies received to date - Cllr Bullock, Cllr Gadd, Cllr Giblin 4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Item 8.7 – Pension discussion 5. Minutes of the meeting 8 February 2018 – attached 6. Matters arising 6.3.0 Meeting with Headteacher at Uplands – Cllr Wells to update Update on internet banking – attached 7.0 Cllr Vacancy on Agenda at 8.1 8.1 Clerk to write to WDC re; £5k funding issue 8.2 Proposed closing of Recycling Site on Agenda at 8. 8.3 Sustainability of High Street – update from working party 8.4 Parish Noticeboard – on Agenda at 8.10 8.5 Annual Parish Meeting – attached 8.6 GDPR – attached 8.7 Change of bank account – attached 8.1 Vacancy on Parish Council The opportunity for an election to be called is open until 7 March. It is proposed that, if no election is called, the Clerk should proceed to advertise the vacancy to be filled by co-option with a view to taking the co-option at the April meeting. 8.2 Committee Membership and Representatives and to discuss the Committee Structure - attached 8.3 Neighbourhood Plan – to follow 8.4 Appointment of consultancy to work on Neighbourhood Plan - attached 8.5 Emergency Plan – This item will be deferred to the next Community Committee meeting on 5 April 2018. 8.6 Tourism/Letter of Support – attached *FURTHER INFORMATION ADDED 8.7 To discuss and agree which option the Parish Council would like to pursue with regard to the reduction in grass cuts by East Sussex County Council – attached 8.8 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the Quotation for the annual maintenance of Wadhurst Memorial Garden 2018- 2019 from City Escapes – attached 8.9 Parish Noticeboard – attached 8.10 Wadhurst Recycling Centre – attached 8.11 Dark Skies/High Street Pedestrian Improvement Scheme Lighting – attached 18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 2 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council 8.12 Pensions of the Clerk, Responsible Financial Officer and Caretaker – attached 8.13 Parish Council’s items stored in the vault at National Westminster Bank in Wadhurst – attached 8.14 Mobile telephone for the Responsible Financial Officer – attached 8.15 To adopt minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 February (not yet approved) 2018 - attached 8.16 To approve/note items payable and paid - attached 9.1 Reports from committees/working parties/representatives etc. 9.1.1 County report – March 2018 9.1.2 District report – March 2018 9.2 Wealden Local Plan Update 22 February 2018 - attached 9.3 East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward Libraries Strategic Commissioning Strategy - attached 10.1 To note spend, to date, against budget for 2017/18 – attached 18 03 08 WPC Full Council Meeting Pack Contents Sheet Page 3 of 40 Wadhurst Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 5.0 THE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF WADHURST PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT THE PAVILION, SPARROWS GREEN RECREATION GROUND ON THURSDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2018 AT 7.30PM Present: Cllrs. Bishop, Dunnett, Giblin, Harvest, Kent, Meredeen (in part), Moore, Morris, Oliver, Standley, Wells (Vice Chair), and Wynne Also in attendance: Amanda Barlow (clerk) and Fiona Hensher (rfo) 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies received, and reasons accepted, from Cllr Bullock, Gadd and Murphy. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. Cllr Standley declared an interest in Agenda Item 8.2. 3. Public Forum – time limit 15 minutes. None. Cllr Meredeen arrived at the meeting. 4. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Members resolved that Agenda Item 8.3 and 10.3 should be confidential. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting 11 January 2018 as a true record. Members resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting 11 January 2018 as being a true record. 6. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating and noting. 3.0 Cllr Wells advised that he had spoken to the Headteacher of Uplands and is setting up a meeting. (Action: Cllr Wells). 5.7.5 It appears that most of the email issues have now been resolved. 5.7.4 Internet Banking is on Agenda at 8.6 6.0 The Clerk confirmed a letter of condolence letter was sent to Bryan Bell’s widow 7.1 Neighbourhood Plan is on Agenda at 8.1 7.4 Committee Membership/Structure is on Agenda at 8.9 7.6 The Code of Conduct is on Agenda at 8.8 7. Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting. Cllr Harvest advised that Cllr Oliver will be resigning after this meeting and Members thanked her for her contribution to the Parish Council. 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources, if necessary. 8.1 To discuss and agree the next actions, if appropriate, with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Morris gave a verbal update. The communications aspect is going extremely well especially with input from Uplands students. Despite extensive advertising for a facilitator the Working Party has not received any applications so are looking for an alternative way forward Cllr Standley advised on the situation regarding the £5,000 funding from Wealden District Council. Members resolved that the Clerk should write to Wealden District Council regarding the issue over funding. (Action: Clerk).