IMPACT FACTOR 2.752 an Open Access Journal by MDPI The Future of Aquaculture Research Guest Editors: Message from the Guest Editors Dr. Esmail Lutfi Dear Colleagues, Nofima, The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture has undergone extensive development in Aquaculture Research, Ås, recent decades due to the great efforts of researchers and Norway producers. Nowadays, the consumers’ pressure
[email protected] demanding more quantity and higher quality products, as Dr. Emilio J. Vélez well as the need for more sustainable and efficient Department of Veterinary practices, requires starting a new era in aquaculture Biomedical Sciences, Western research. In this step, the role of emerging talents will be College of Veterinary Medicine, essential to meet this challenge. This Special Issue seeks to University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada make a compendium of the novel approaches and emerging frontiers that can contribute to the progress of
[email protected] research and production practices for a new strategy in aquaculture. Researchers are encouraged to submit their papers on new technologies, innovative approaches, and Deadline for manuscript novel solutions for diet formulation, diagnosis, analytical submissions: tools, and sustainable production, among other topics. 28 February 2022 Review articles focusing on new insights and recent contributions to aquaculture research are also welcome. SpeciaIslsue IMPACT FACTOR 2.752 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Editor-in-Chief Message from the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Clive J. C. Phillips Animals is an online open access journal that was first 1. Curtin University Sustainable published in 2011. Animals adheres to rigorous peer review Policy (CUSP) Institute, Curtin and editorial processes and publishes only high quality University, Kent St., Bentley, Western Australia 6102, Australia manuscripts that address important issues in the many 2.