Dowles Brook Summary
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Aquatic Habitat Characterization and Use in Groundwater versus Surface Runoff Influenced Streams: Brown Trout ( Salmo trutta ) and Bullhead ( Cottus gobio ) Marie-Pierre Gosselin A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the University’s requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2008 University of Coventry (University of Worcester/University of Birmingham) ABSTRACT Riverine physical habitats and habitat utilization by fish have often been studied independently. Varying flows modify habitat composition and connectivity within a stream but its influence on habitat use is not well understood. This study examined brown trout (Salmo trutta ) and bullhead ( Cottus gobio ) utilization of physical habitats that vary with flow in terms of size and type, persistence or duration, and frequency of change from one state to another, by comparing groundwater-dominated sites on the River Tern (Shropshire) with surface runoff-dominated lowland, riffle-pool sites on the Dowles Brook (Worcestershire). Mesohabitat surveys carried out at two-month intervals on a groundwater-dominated stream and on a surface runoff-influenced stream showed differences in habitat composition and diversity between the two types of rivers. The temporal variability in mesohabitat composition was also shown to differ between the two flow regime types. In the groundwater-influenced stream, mesohabitat composition hardly varied between flows whereas in the flashy stream it varied to a great extent with discharge. Habitat suitability curves for brown trout and bullhead were constructed to predict the potential location of the fish according to flow. The resulting prediction maps were tested in the field during fish surveys using direct underwater observation (snorkelling). Under the groundwater-influenced flow regime brown trout displayed a constant pattern of mesohabitat use over flows. Mesohabitats with non-varying characteristics over flows and with permanent features such as large woody debris, macrophytes or any feature providing shelter and food were favoured. Biological processes, such as hierarchy, life cycle and life stage appeared to play a key role in determining fish habitat use and to a greater extent than physical processes in these streams. Bullhead observations in the flashy river showed that mesohabitat use varied with flow but that some mesohabitats were always favoured in the stream. Pools and glides were the most commonly used mesohabitat, due to their stability over flows and their role as shelter from harsh hydraulic conditions and as food retention zones. The presence of cobbles was also found to be determinant in bullhead choice of habitat. In this flashy environment, physical processes such as flow and depth and velocity conditions appeared to be a more decisive factor in bullhead strategy of habitat use than biological processes. This research shows that: 1. Though differences in habitat use strategies between the two flow regimes can in part be attributed to differing ecology between the species, flow variability affects fish behaviour. 2. A stable flow regime allows biological processes to be the main driving force in determining fish behaviour and location. A highly variable environment requires fish to develop behaviour strategies in response to variations in hydraulic conditions, such as depth and velocity, which constitute the key factor in determining fish location. i _________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors Dr Ian Maddock and Professor Geoffrey Petts for their help, support and guidance during this project. Particularly, my gratitude and admiration goes to Prof. Petts for his constant support, his encouragements and trust in my abilities during the ups and downs of this PhD project. Your experience and enthusiasm for hydroecology have been very helpful and have inspired me into pursuing a career in Academia. It has been an honour to work with you. Thank you for being there to calm the nerves and to help find the right direction. Many thanks to the University of Worcester for funding this PhD project and to the people who have been involved into this study: my PhD advisors Dr David Gilvear and Prof. Ted Taylor for their helpful comments on my study proposal; my field assistants: Dr Anne Sinnott and Graham Hill without who field work would not have been such fun. Thanks to Richard Johnson, Ian Morrissey, Mel Bickerton, Dr Andy Baker, Dr Mark Ledger and of course Gretchel Coldicot at the University of Birmingham for making me feel at home during my time at the University of Birmingham. My gratitude goes to Dr John Nestler (US Army corps of Engineers) for his help and advice and for always being so supportive, via emails or during conferences. I cannot thank you enough. I would like to acknowledge Dr Yenory Morales-Chaves: you have been (and still are) a really good friend. Thank you so much for everything. I miss our lunches and tea breaks. A big thank you to those who have made me believe in my ability to conduct this research by giving me encouragements at conferences: Dr Doerthe Tezzlaff (University of Aberdeen), Prof. Jim Anderson (University of Washington) and Prof. Tom Hardy (Utah State University). I couldn’t have carried on without the love and support of my parents. I love you. A special mention to my friends and to Jill, Harry and Maggy. Thanks for being there. ii _________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………..i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………………ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES ...........................................................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................x LIST OF ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................xi CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1 1.1 CONTEXT OF THIS RESEARCH.............................................................................1 1.2 THE CONCEPTUAL BASIS......................................................................................2 1.2.1 The River Continuum Concept (Vannote et al., 1980)..........................................2 1.2.2. The flood pulse concept (Junk et al., 1989) .........................................................3 1.2.3. Hydraulic stream ecology (Statzner et al., 1988) ................................................3 1.2.4. The Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis (Thorp et al., 2006).......................................4 1.2.5 Emergence and development of cross- disciplinary research ..............................5 1.3 OVERALL THESIS AIMS AND STRUCTURE .......................................................8 1.3.1. Aims, objectives and key research questions.......................................................8 1.3.2. Relevance of the chosen fish species....................................................................9 1.3.3 Thesis structure.....................................................................................................9 CHAPTER 2:LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................12 2.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................12 2.2 BACKGROUND TO SCALE CONSIDERATION..................................................17 2.3 FLOW REGIME: A KEY DRIVER TO CATCHMENT HYDROLOGY AND HYDROECOLOGY ........................................................................................................19 2.3.1 Influence of flow regime on droughts and floods events ....................................22 2.3.2 Flow regime and sediment load..........................................................................23 2.3.3 Impacts on water temperature regime (catchment scale)...................................23 2.3.4 Consequences for water quality (sector/reach scale).........................................24 2.3.5. Influence of vegetation on flow and local hydraulics ........................................25 2.3.6. Flow regime and mesohabitat composition.......................................................25 2.4 THE MESOSCALE APPROACH: DESCRIPTION AND RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT STUDY..........................................................................................................27 2.5 FISH BEHAVIOUR AT THE SITE SCALE AND MULTIPLE SCALE INFLUENCES .................................................................................................................30 2.5.1. Habitat parameters relevant to the characterization of fish habitat .................31 2.5.2 Influence of flow (catchment scale) ....................................................................35 Temperature and the influence of seasonality (catchment scale) ................36 Cover (reach scale) ......................................................................................38 Variations in light intensity (reach scale) ....................................................38 Depth and velocity (sector/reach/mesohabitat scale)...................................39 Substrate type and size (mesohabitat scale).................................................39