Queensland Government Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing 9 September 2013 Mr Trevor Ruthenberg MP Chair Health and Community Services Committee Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 Email:
[email protected] Dear Mr Ruthenberg Thank you for the opportunity for the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing to present at the recent public briefing on the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2013 (NCOLA Bill). As part of this briefing there were five questions taken on notice, with a response required from the department by 9 September 2013. I am pleased to provide the following responses to each of these questions to assist the Health and Community Services Committee in its inquiry into the NCOLA Bill. Question #1 The Committee requested information on the average cost of litigation paid per year by the State Government as a result of personal injuries sustained in national parks. The Committee further queried whether the savings from not being sued would go back into infrastructure, upkeep and management of tracks such as the Great Walk in Spring brook or Purlingbrook Falls. Department Response Advice from the department's In-house Legal team confirms it is not possible to provide a realistic average yearly figure for litigation because a large payment amount for a single claim in any one year will skew the statistics. What is expended yearly depends on claims made, claims settled and claims decided in the courts. A difference also exists between the investigation and legal costs that the State incurs and the payout amounts for successful claims.