Block Matrices with L-Block-Banded Inverse
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630 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 53, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2005 Block Matrices With v-Block-banded Inverse: Inversion Algorithms Amir Asif, Senior Member, IEEE, and José M. F. Moura, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Block-banded matrices generalize banded matrices. scalars. In contrast with banded matrices, there are much fewer We study the properties of positive definite full matrices whose results published for block-banded matrices. Any block-banded inverses are -block-banded. We show that, for such matrices, matrix is also banded; therefore, the methods in [3]–[10] could the blocks in the -block band of completely determine ; namely, all blocks of outside its -block band are computed in principle be applicable to block-banded matrices. Exten- from the blocks in the -block band of . We derive fast inver- sion of inversion algorithms designed for banded matrices to sion algorithms for and its inverse that, when compared block-banded matrices generally fails to exploit the sparsity to direct inversion, are faster by two orders of magnitude of patterns within each block and between blocks; therefore, the linear dimension of the constituent blocks. We apply these they are not optimal [11]. Further, algorithms that use the inversion algorithms to successfully develop fast approximations to Kalman–Bucy filters in applications with high dimensional block-banded structure of the matrix to be inverted are compu- states where the direct inversion of the covariance matrix is tationally more efficient than those that just manipulate scalars computationally unfeasible. because with block-banded matrices more computations are Index Terms—Block-banded matrix, Cholesky decomposition, associated with a given data movement than with scalar banded covariance matrix, Gauss–Markov random process, Kalman–Bucy matrices. An example of an inversion algorithm that uses the filter, matrix inversion, sparse matrix. inherent structure of the constituent blocks in a block-banded matrix to its advantage is in [3]; this reference proposes a fast I. INTRODUCTION algorithm for inverting block Toeplitz matrices with Toeplitz blocks. References [12]–[17] describe alternative algorithms LOCK-banded matrices and their inverses arise fre- for matrices with a similar Toeplitz structure. B quently in signal processing applications, including This paper develops results for positive definite and sym- autoregressive or moving average image modeling, covariances metric -block-banded matrices and their inverses . of Gauss–Markov random processes (GMrp) [1], [2], or with An example of is the covariance matrix of a Gauss–Markov finite difference numerical approximations to partial differen- random field (GMrp); see [2] with its inverse referred to as the tial equations. For example, the point spread function (psf) in information matrix. Unlike existing approaches, no additional image restoration problems has a block-banded structure [3]. structure or constraint is assumed on ; in particular, the algo- Block-banded matrices are also used to model the correlation rithms in this paper do not require to be Toeplitz. Our inver- of cyclostationary processes in periodic time series [4]. We sion algorithms generalize our earlier work presented in [18] for are motivated by signal processing problems with large di- tridiagonal block matrices to block matrices with an arbitrary mensional states where a straightforward implementation of a bandwidth . We show that the matrix , whose inverse is recursive estimation algorithm, such as the Kalman–Bucy filter an -block-banded matrix, is completely defined by the blocks (KBf), is prohibitively expensive. In particular, the inversion within its -block band. In other words, when the block matrix of the error covariance matrices in the KBf is computationally has an -block-banded inverse, is highly structured. Any intensive precluding the direct implementation of the KBf to block entry outside the -block diagonals of can be obtained such problems. from the block entries within the -block diagonals of . The Several approaches1 [3]–[10] have been proposed in the paper proves this fact, which is at first sight surprising, and de- literature for the inversion of (scalar, not block) banded ma- rives the following algorithms for block matrices whose in- trices. In banded matrices, the entries in the band diagonals are verses are -block-banded: 1) Inversion of : An inversion algorithm for that uses Manuscript received January 7, 2003; revised February 24, 2004. This work only the block entries in the -block band of . This is a was supported in part by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under Grants 229862-01 and 228415-03 and by the United very efficient inversion algorithm for such ; it is faster States Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-97-1-0800. The associate than direct inversion by two orders of magnitude of the editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was linear dimension of the blocks used. Prof Trac D. Tran. A. Asif is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, York 2) Inversion of : A fast inversion algorithm for the University, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 Canada (Email: [email protected]) -block-banded matrix that is faster than its direct J. M. F. Moura is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- inversion by up to one order of magnitude of the linear neering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). dimension of its constituent blocks. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2004.840709 Compared with the scalar banded representations, the block- 1This review is intended only to provide context to the work and should not banded implementations of Algorithms 1 and 2 provide com- be treated as complete or exhaustive. putational savings of up to three orders of magnitude of the 1053-587X/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE ASIF AND MOURA: BLOCK MATRICES WITH -BLOCK-BANDED INVERSE: INVERSION ALGORITHMS 631 dimension of the constituent blocks used to represent and spanning block rows and columns through its inverse . The inversion algorithms are then used to de- is given by velop alternative, computationally efficient approximations of the KBf. These near-optimal implementations are obtained by imposing an -block-banded structure on the inverse of the error . (2) covariance matrix (information matrix) and correspond to mod- .. eling the error field as a reduced-order Gauss–Markov random process (GMrp). Controlled simulations show that our KBf im- plementations lead to results that are virtually indistinguishable The Cholesky factorization of results in the from the results for the conventional KBf. Cholesky factor that is an upper triangular matrix. To indi- The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we define cate that the matrix is the upper triangular Cholesky factor of the notation used to represent block-banded matrices and derive , we work often with the notation chol . three important properties for -block-banded matrices. These Lemma 1.1 shows that the Cholesky factor of the -block- properties express the block entries of an -block-banded ma- banded matrix has exactly nonzero block diagonals above trix in terms of the block entries of its inverse, and vice versa. the main diagonal. Section III applies the results derived in Section II to derive in- Lemma 1.1: A positive definite and symmetric matrix version algorithms for an -block-banded matrix and its in- is -block-banded if and only if (iff) the constituent blocks verse . We also consider special block-banded matrices that in its upper triangular Cholesky factor are have additional zero block diagonals within the first -block di- agonals. To illustrate the application of the inversion algorithms, for (3) we apply them in Section IV to inverting large covariance ma- trices in the context of an approximation algorithm to a large The proof of Lemma 1.1 is included in the Appendix. state space KBf problem. These simulations show an almost per- The inverse of the Cholesky factor is an upper trian- fect agreement between the approximate filter and the exact KBf gular matrix estimate. Finally, Section V summarizes the paper. II. BANDED MATRIX RESULTS A. Notation .. .. (4) Consider a positive-definite symmetric matrix represented . by its constituent blocks , , . The matrix is assumed to have an -block-banded inverse , , , with the following structure: where the lower diagonal entries in are zero blocks . More importantly, the main diagonal entries in are block inverses of the corresponding blocks in . These features are used next to derive three important theorems for -block-banded matrices where we show how to obtain the following: (1) a) block entry of the Cholesky factor from a selected number of blocks of without inverting the full matrix ; b) block entries of recursively from the blocks where the square blocks and the zero square blocks are of without inverting the complete Cholesky of order . A diagonal block matrix is a 0-block-banded matrix factor ; and . A tridiagonal block matrix has exactly one nonzero c) block entries , outside the first diago- block diagonal above and below the main diagonal and is there- nals of from the blocks within the first -diagonals of fore a 1-block-banded matrix and similarly for higher . values of . Unless otherwise specified, we use calligraphic Since we operate at a block level, the three theorems offer con- fonts to denote matrices (e.g., or ) with dimensions siderable computational savings over direct computations of . Their constituent blocks are denoted by capital letters (e.g., from and vice versa. The proofs are included in the Appendix. or ) with the subscript representing their location inside the full matrix in terms of the number of block rows B. Theorems and block columns . The blocks (or ) are of dimen- sions , implying that there are block rows and block Theorem 1: The Cholesky blocks ’s3 on columns in matrix (or ). block row of the Cholesky factor of an -block-banded ma- To be concise, we borrow the MATLAB2 notation to refer to an ordered combination of blocks .