a . . a ' ivm . . itu..' Mi I"Si i' 1 a . a, a ...... The Stillma B. Al.'ca ha already lis tnft Ami 1 It lilra n tr . 11 II THE Uun PACIFIC ,' f.0,rkL-- 9 MoMytr. Mr v l M. Mr Mumfpr. her cargo. SUPREME COURT J!' Matter. CALENDAR. 4 ... Mr W B IH lure, Vr C Ut , t Island Notes . k Koilin. and Htwr, - :" . ( I ' - e"'lej- ? - v i rr r . ft m f 3.3 Eo'" ua .. .4


IS PUBLISHED BT THE PAOIPXC 7tf P. C ADVERTISER CO. Kyery Saturday Morning. Cflimncrcial bbediser PCBLISUKI) AT 4r..tf. Honolulu, Hawaiian Mis...o.u.r,Maalaw. .iOf." Ilrn1. ''k-HwU- Vi...!! r.r.l,. I- - . . War. arlndlMg aa.iaa... nAtoet of Advortinluc M SI II H I U a ii W H WO ''Prr il l j 1 m I ui N tti. I n. Daily I Pacini Comasrcial Advertiser. ! l.inr. c',.i!f Inch)... 1 1 Oil i2 f 1 CO 4 CO $ tHl TOraSSaw:' , i ungm i Lii-- (on ir.rU 1 Ik) ( 4 ix) a f I oo t u oo 4 on h (xi to 0 month - . t io is " '" ij Stl An S 4 IX AO 10 H "wr mow to.. in ti w ii J j (Ihr ). (tl 7 0" li I ' 4 (hi a oo vo oo ya . Line. fur loj.. in ii ihi mt ? .. 10 10 00 14 04 1 UO OO ftlly and k"eki U oj'a Uurin- Column.. 30,,: further wU:rr "r Ttiinl Column...... Mil O0 It U Yl A0i MIMI - - I nlf C"lutnn IS OO SO 00 t4 00 SO OO1 44 OO lif tt'h. CoJttBB 14 00 30 00 44 03 T 00 100 01) CoiaastcUan fro --a U pi-- t o: :h will IT A"lverti-- r in tNe l"Mern I'ti.lrd flale. oe alvmj b ery acceptable. IciSc pay fir their car.ls by eeeiosir.jt Creet.tmrk rr Ciiitrd Hiai.s a to pay and the,r Fareoaa jB any ih- CnH-- Hiistare Fianps ftr urh aainant liter oh pari tit - 1 Sttn rards will insrrirj as per above IMe, fur Ci time paid for aa raalt tb Mooot of ub.:rtptioi ln tb-- p paper la A.merlran atamp. fr XJT Wiines Cards, alien mri'li roa a vtsa. art Coannanl-itloahoal- J alliiwel a discnant fri'ta tl.ese rate, ehieh ar t transient beal.)r.feJ. au 1 i.vonvn ad ert Yemenis wt en pa: ! or quarterly. m a. i , nanaj?r for the FACIFinC XXVII-N- O. 1 ?irrle eop;es of the A riTssTt-- s. Ti n Cents t when otisrf.d COMVERCIAL AUTEBTI5EB COVPaXY VOL. 49. FIONOLULU, HAWHAN ISLANDS JUNE 2, IS83. WHOLK NO. 109. Fifteen Centsi by the rl --ten. line Dollar. Tha aabarriptton prlre for ppr forwarJr.1 to anr part f the Cnltwl Statin ia C per annum, ir tx wuca laciaaea pttagt. riu icr.. nsnrantt Cat? 5. Easiness izte. SJiisntfss i&tilistmtnts. Tttotfl.5 & tlr.at.iur.iut.'J. For Erer and For Aye- - THE CITY OF LONDON JOHN EL7SSELL, W. E. HERRICK. DR. G. A. RAWSON. HOLLISTER & CO., I rolled down by tb water when night wai draw AST O R HOUSE FIRE INSURANCE CO, OF LONDON. DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS! fxpiial. 5.00.0(l. A one Attorney at Law, Homeopathic Physician L Surgeon ad by one the little sum came jwpin.i; from NO. 4 3 MKRCHAXT BTBEET. NEAR FORT ST. Turning Establishment. WIMII.Kttl.K AM RETAIL. the akr . ImZa It dal AKO RLSIDNCG CORKER UO ii Niiimu'I Street, tl. ii .!.j!li liur4'3i ly A.V7 ;. The aoand of rolling water made inu-i- - .ft and Bethel Street, - - - Honolulu, H. I. OFFICE Richard Street. aprtT diwtf. (t4ir.j !; ;lt. I an Acrirjr It'. ihe urdirirw It mithrter.I t hc (' rivkp irmt fr'irr. rn IImIIIImb lew. c. D. H. HITCHCOCK, toav 11 3tn I rrrhn !tr, K r , on hi n.tt t r., (it,i And a gentle zephyr npon me aoft diJ blow. f4rmi. y t n t !jus-- nl (tMi I. (i My Drs. McAllister & Grossman, M. & r o. to H 4. Kit, though U were not npon the veue. rlxmh ATTORNEY AT LAW S. CARTER CO., mm k Lien uwmi Kpl ly di'tvl Vimu Ittfv(lt AND BEYOND COMPETITION! v''. beautifal to ve. DENTISTS. K1XC STRKIT, - - IIONOI.L I.l . . I. Kor on the gentle zephyr, blowing - ft and fret; JUST ARRIVKD FROM SiAX Nw. 74 Mi.i 7i Hotel Sali, Ent of a charming maiden, who NOTARY PUBLIC, HAVING hete to iatorsn you tbat they have opeueU Retail Ii.aliu in SWISS lloylT go., th.uh far. far OPK.VED HIS OFFICE ON PIT.M AX B. MORE & CO., their marine ihs. HAS Court will away. tw(, nrar the Huum in liilo, and earrfulty - atlTid ft all bainrs intra Ird to him. KING STREET (between Hethel tad Fort- Eire Wood, HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. 1C .V. iTKUTII I'll. Towed to lore for for er-- r and for ay . W ill at? the Circuits of Supreme C DENTAL PARLORS cttr, ano4 ihe mrt. Coal Eeed. A A K AT and !!E l'MVllIONED IS I'T II O R 17. ED D COKSTRTCTIOK Of THE Board by the Day, Week or Transient ! I rOlNflllK And not because I d'mbted. but that I loved her suhvi:ying ia ly REPtlKIKGMachinery and Smttb'a Work. W'E WOULD NOTIFY THE PUBLIC. AND HOl'PE-- f ioi:. Corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets, T Keeper in Particular, that we ketrp on hand and ON CARGO and TREASURE ao. r FREIGHT operations for sale in quantities to suit pnri-bae- and at Where they are prepared to perform all in fuel, as : Ueril From llaaalwlw. I aaid. I'll aak the zephyr. wbi h on me soft did WILLIAM ATJLD, Dentistry, rely lug entirely for their succesa upon Rates, follows blow. ICEXT TO TAKE ACK . VIKIXil B.TS Guns & Pistols UOOII WORK AT REASOK 1BL.K I RICES Hard and . ft VU, t BILLIARDS, to p.ms or Tin: m. to Ceotracta for Labur io ibe Uwtrict of Ken Iilaod of Cut say lcagthj ; all wo:.i If it ha brought a menage front my love They will be pleased, to have you give them a call. and iton o'er the Oaba.at the Oace of th lluouiaa Water Wurf. foot ol harcoal, N, W., Nowea-tl- c Coslo. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Nanaoo Street 81 dmyt Kor Sale and Repaired Having OFFICE HOURS FRO 9 A.M. TO 4 P. M. It V M'KCIAL I'KllMhMON aea. jl It Coal aud the tomERV jaalTdAwtf On the st Favorable Terms. And if he atill i happy, iu her great leve f.r me ? CeU-lrste- d Welliugtou Mine Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. M. & Co., STK.V3I VI M. O tl?MIN A CO., PHILLIPS Bay ; So I aaid. gentle zepliyr blown ,ft POWER Departure Coal r that and 4. LVOS. J. LKVPV. nl81 .l;i:jl ftnu(rs the Hawaiian Islands. . IMPROVED TOOLS and SKILLED WORKMEN, wa t. Aldo. Bl.CAsniith'a Coal free. AMI W H O f. KM A I K MKtU can Execute all kind of work in our line with HEALS SERVEO IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Have ye brought a fMI'ORTERH Shoe. Ilta, Mea'a FiruUhoa aud not from my lore nnt fa-lu!- a cfc The it'UTe au bu ordered by or otherwise. an mea'j tmarj UoJ. (janl SI) No. 11 Kaahnmaou rtt I.YONS IiEVEY, J AT A I.I. IIOI'RS. GREAT WESTERN me?" daijl NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. iinausti. e delivi-r- guaranteed. Gal 81) lUr.T. PROTII KR8. And in ita gentleat whip?r. th z phyr thu did MORE & CO.. U OT INSURANCE COMPANY. --IONEERS 7U i AND 7. H. E. McINTYKE k BROTHER, 73 KINO STREET. IIOXOf.t'L.C. GIVli CALL! - XX T3 X" X C! Tl . 3h bid yon for ever, for ever 1 janldwtf Tcr.i'iioNii No. 305. "TFT XE3 D O trnt au for aya." Merchants, AO W A I.L cTRF.Er. MIV VnttK JRQCKRT A NO FEED STOKE. General Commission T Then, ine-iwe- et. Corner of King aad Fort MrtrU. not content with hearing ths Jphyr'a BEAVER BLOCK. QCEEX ST.. HONOLULU. !- - anl 81 daivS Honolulu." 11. I. HOUSE, rivilE tllOVK CO.MPANV II I VIMi EMPIRE E t tlliatiel an Agencv at llmi'iliilu, fur Hsw.nsn . In i Sale of Furniture, Stock, Real Eelata and O.neifcl We Also Keep Stock HOTEL ! the U'"'rr,iKn-.(- i aulhoriaed to sivepl sn.l write . I aaid I'll a the wat.--r which ripple at uiyfoet Choice & Marrhandise properly attended to. f ED. H0FFSCHLAEOER & CO., Ales. Wines Liquors, mfilTifllL i-- : rz Yar now they are o traniuil. lul i re ln loud SOLS AQESTS FOR C .sifts, ri i i s i s 1 MX Hay, it u, t'O RTEKS A N l Ml I OK MKK CORXER XUCAXC A HOTEL STS. CalilVrnla and New Zealand : may roar ft CflAXTf.CM: And like thunder wake the echue a they Cn-- r f Fort aad Uerchaot Scrwis. jaol 91 ly daijl American and Europaan Merchandise. Mercliandise, Freights. Treasure. Com- dah JAMES OI.DS. Proprietor. fabidiwtf tSarley, Whole and Urouud ; npon the shore. Wheat. Com Whole and Cracked ; missions, nnd Hulls. t . C0NCHEE & ACHAT. A I rum-ti- It .t-- But while they are peaceful. I know they'll give S. ROTH, "RT.T.TS. - Bran. Middling, anl other Feed PROPRIETORS. A. Ii. - - KS. CUNHA. WiYI. & tc Me (;r( T A I LOR. 38 FORT ST. C3 Order the above through NO. 4, HOTEL UTRtKf, UONdl.l'l.C. C. ItlWIN CO., 1 . The my "1 jao iiivt Honolalo, H. I. si STOCK AND BOND BROKER, ua ly lin MsiiHgi i for tli. II ..a .iiait Inlaods. tuetaae that loved one ha n icm dmjl RETAIL WINE DEAL EH. - - - it a : ESTABLISHED 1833. Telephone No. 305. UNION SALOON, Ordwa The Taaic.it. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, me. ye rippling wat-r- . what did my dar- Offict with E. F. AJamt, AvHiomrr. AaJ we warrant quick "Tell THOS. HAYSELDEN, I.V TtfaT REAR Or HAfTAIlAX GAZETTE BUILD ling aay." J. CT Copie of By-La- In the "Original Greek." ccl4 tf from the other Inlands solieitrd. Coolest, OF LIVERPOOL. MO, BO. 23 MERCHANT STREET. " ' and And they answered. Love forever. inj l('TI(IVeER, Kohala. Hawaii. Salra Jan 1 81 -v CAPITAL tllMMIIMHIU firMT f Kral Kood and Property of every deacriptioo Best for aye." K'e. ly dmyl P. A. SIIAEFER & CO., FREE DLKIVKRY Keit I'M I.MITKD I.I IBIMTY ttnjeil to. CoainUtioas moderate. bt to all parts of the city. HTBAM CANDY EIRE It AM K or all s will b. And I my eye akiea fii.-tl.- J Mo,l-rat-lNte then raited unto the clear. Importers 1 Commission Merchants t Hale, ut l'riniiim. bv tti. lln.Kr.if no J . Where like a Queen of beauty fair I. tin a did JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, MANUFACTORY and BAKERY, Remember, 82 King Street. W.M. J. IRWIN A CO.. iXT" And Telephone So. 305. I IV auJ'81 lv"duiiT Managers for th llawsimn lalaods. EM-l'I.O- ml, ESTATE HKOHKR. AM) V HONOLULU. H. I. apiSd THE CITY. Sol aaid. Ah, ahe ran trll what I mu! to l KN r HCRE (U. HONOLULU. H I pi ly K. HORN, diw 3m. K-- ta Practical CaftTecUancr, Pastrf Caok and Baker, xknow, Kimi, CoUtt. Ilae. and aelU and leate Real CiKRMAANhO-Vl- i Vsmt in all part ot the Klnftna). KMPLOYMKNT foand ESTABLISHED I8SO. No. 75 Hole atreet, between Nuunou and Faru Meals served at all Hours and no Pains For she ia liokiu? from i!.-.-nj up.si m for tboe ekin( work in all the variou branebaj of busioea jaul 81 nor Expense MARINE OF Iit Jir CHinecirl tbeae & C. C. COLEIV1AN, Spared to Keep the Table ISDRANCEJJO., BERLINS ; eilh IUnJ J. W. ROBERTSON CO., ling'a brow T LEU A I. Doromen; dr.wo, BUI Collected. Book Supplied with the Best the Market Luna fair, thou Queen i.f f crave unw ad Aer.Hlol. kept and tieneral offlce work transacted. iSaecessers Ut II. M. Whitney.) HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCY BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. "OU. Nlji Moderate, ap9.81.ly. dmyl Affords. j- bend of thee P.mxi.xe ioli i'ed. CoiniBiiiion AKO M A KC FA CT V RI KO COMPANY - irruNA IMPORTING Dealers, Pobl ber, and book binder. Hose Shoeing, Table $4 to $5 per Say. will my love be happy e'er iu her love for Not. 19 and 81 Merchant Street. Honolulu. H. I. JalS ly 18 (Liusilr.1.) Board Week. GENERAL INSURANCE OF , may 12 SI CO, BERLIN. me?" CHAS. T. QDLICK, mVOKET LOANED OK FIRST-CLAS- H 1T1 ecurll-e- . for long or short period Apply to 0,iM"isi;re Work-- Sco. my 1 And ti heart, thi whiapcr toon did tind it M H. W. L. GRKKN, Mmer, pr Urn. jo elliop on King street, nest to Castle A Cooke. 81 A1IOVK INM II NCE COMPANIESI Y PUBUIO, C. CRABBE, a Ag.-nr- OT AH 'IIE extabliktieil Oeneril here, and Hi way ACKNOWI.KIHIMKNTS TO (lire Queen Street. over O. W. MACPARLaNB ft CO. I hre , under a U EXT TO TAKE ft'gne.l, li neral ag'-iits- are suilimiri'd - jpamfstic pro.uti. Intake in yonr for ever, .- LABOR CONTRACTS and "NT au20.tf f "Happy love for ever and for A "V M A CHAS. D. GEMSCH, KULs a'cnlust the l)ti;ri of Ihe Sea at lite tuvit aye." D R Ceneal Business Agent. X 4AOEEK . II OL17 1.C UeitMitialtle on (lie OiDrein Block, corner Queen and Kaanumaou OFFICE. 33 M Hlr, and Mot Uakee' WO CHAN & CO., I And ao with loving thonght. I atrulled 'way from Si reen. Uonolula. janl-- l ly WING PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER HOTEL STREET MARKET. avurab!e Ti riu. Prompt and attention to the AND UENERAL pl U P. A. "CJIAKf f.lt (..Cenersl Agei,u. water aide careful DRtU e the IMPORTERS Amerii-a- add Chinese ProvisionM, Hotel slrerl. u;jj--lt- In teroalUuil Ifotcl, And Oh, I may MercJtan-li- Tea Supplies. Also, First-Clas- a prayed. Father hate the time w.hen DR. E. COOK WEBB. transportation of and flantatton aud Oeneral , j White and Colored Contract Matting all qualities aud rr THE NEW YORK call her bride ; Rkhidexcb. . a& Ornci aid PYtwl.t to all parts of the r!t j price. II A kuoweat bow I love and how lie . I "1ST 'I'lIK i;DKRSIf:KF.O. VIM; I'lll- - ( Tana her. t.o S 1 MJl MKKKf, a 1 ClIAHLU TH E HO'l'KI. ft'l'liF.K 1' MAUKKT, TAKKS LIFE LMIHANCE RICHARD AKO HOTEL. TS. Ur IV it m 1 .ex. t C. I TJ S UMPANV. Ti'lephone j13 wly Opposite Mr. AfouK' j pleasure H biiMiiu-M- X M K in CtORKER IU A. VI; 4 no annonnring he ill give the lovea me. noLRd 8 to to P. ly dmyluaa'U if t: that personal attention, and hopes to ku f.jly the wnnls ut llif oi:;imzi:i Grant that these lores of our may hut draw u public of Honolulu iu a HatiHfuot'jr.r luiiiiiii-r- . nnn.v sictial. WHITING, ! nearer thee. W. AUSTIN .ilifrbanital. Watclies Clocks Beef, Aa,et 1 47,000.00' too. Heavenly Father, nor apirit may illfflanital. Accurately Mutton. Veal, Lamb, Grant le Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Repaired at Ra,suaTl And other kinds of Meat th table !v.uyh in I an I. Surplus 10.0C0.0 bleat, Prices. fr "'J. faTake A ekaswledgmral ( Prompt tleilivery xuadc. O tile is. by THK M:W TtOUK I.UK (OIIIMNY ia VSeal the UUod of Oi.hu, No. 9 Kaaburaanu atreet. H. A. BURNS, tnl:tit lsKA(K that land where aio not and where the weary fr loeii diiirg bu.ifiesa for y-- t la Honoluiu. "Cl Telephone. l.s. tl.irl I'vea y.ar., sml was never 'J THOMAS S0REN0N. Satis&ction Guaranteed or o strong sml prusprrnns now. It nllt-r- . rest. Hard-Fiiiisliiii- or In i)i,e desiring Plastering, ant Decorating. I. K. rVI'L. Proprietor life Aad together near Thy vuice, on the eternal day Money Refunded. jn2i2v Telephone No. 2 id. instiraurc Ship Carpenter, Spar Maker, and Caulker, . me ever, ever RICHARD F. BICKERTON, (OMBIM1IOV (,1 tlVlT.K.IS Say, " Live with for fur and for - CRN'S' PATENT PLASTERING MADE TO ORDER No- - whicli only lniiR experience, a an l well 9 Queen treet, below Honolulu to rit an; snrfsre. Walls nniahed tn the best style. ! lBre t.tsbll.hed bust ave." F. J. Drw. Attorney Counselor at L w. E. B. THOMAS. HONOLULU STEAM BAKL.TV ness,and carcfu ly perfected pl.n and meihoila ran sflord. and ! Address, Among tlieoe sdv.tiiUig cs arc; Iron Works. II. A. BL'UNS. R. LOVE, J10XK1 la LI'.MI) aa SIORrUltiCS of FRKKUOLUS. uiU General PoRt-offlo- e Honolulu. Proprietor. lHolute J Wdiwm Hecurity. Miscellaneous Items. pars. Oak Plank of all yfiip Kne, U.kuai. ,'elt. Xl't'ANC STKKKT. cr OFriCE. no. 40 merchant strkkt. Inaurnnoo nt Ijow Cost, my la 80 Copper BIU, and Sheathing Meial DeRlliijf. the iiiom frequent c.ovt in'ly on hand. MEDIUM AND NAVV HREAD Kciuitabln Postilion btcks are ON. WALKER, PILOT. on band aod made to Til B. order. IVF.RV DKS'I It A Ut.V. FORM OP POLICV finish for pointed carsages. m.A U.url. some with s.Ivshihi;-'- . olfnei by no oilier Com- JAME8 M. MONSARRAT, POLKS Also, ltirt. Soda and Batter Crackers. pany. Apply to small, FLAG Contractor and Builder. Buckles, large anJ are ihe popular TORKEV AKD COUNSELLOR AT JENNY LIND CAKES. Ac. VT Special attention ptid to the negotiating of Made to order, and placed in jositiou. RTICl'l, R TT EST ION O. O. HKRGKK, millinery orn ments this ffason. .tV. lAlDffrur- - on the Conveyaocinr aod all mailer, appertaiuins; to Kea my 20 tf the semne of all kind of Steam Boilers, gTfl SHIP BREAD REUAKKD shortest notice j.v2! ly OKNUtAI. AOKNT lor Hawaiian 1.1. ml.. L.k:i. Pi Ilrick or Scone Chimneys, FAMILY BREAD, dres-e- s naces. ovens and Kane. a made of the Best Flour, baked daily ar.a Sleeves of anJ of mmties nnd h- - C and Head Stones. 1 A NX-AT- LA NOT A HI l'lULICs.4 anv ielit, nip nicion Monuments is always on hand. TH NTIC wraps are high on the shoulders. marlile or itrnniie. IT Satisfactory Referencai given whtn kmmmmm male (aanaioiancr af Deeds for tbe States ar Vw lark THOMAS TANNATT, reijuired. Address t. O duiy22 tf wjauS 11 .1. 8.BR0ITX BREAD OF THE REST (JVAUTY FIRE IHSURAHCE COMPAHY. and Califanla. ! No. S3 lort St.. opposite K. . Hall H Son. Honolulu. San 1 81 The summer silks which come in large OK II A Mill KU. : No. 27, Merchant St. CLOCKS, OFFICE WATCHES. JEWELRY Capital f tbe Company V plaids of brilliant blues and reds sell more boxolclc, a. t. ;anl 81 and FINE I A C II 1 N ERV carefully WILLIAM JOHNSON, lle.erve Iteii ,XMI,(K0 any other for skirts. paired in a workmanlike manner. ilieir Conipsi l . )01,6W,0O0 readily than lres promptly at- - Tttllof, HONOLULU SOAP WOBKS. UT Orders from the Other Islands JLL Merchant BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. f"'-'- 1 tended to. Wtore temporarily occupied by A. W. Richard Relrliainsik 1UT,CM,000 Yes.' siJ the fond mather, hare JOHH W. KALUA, ial il In rear of Lolco. 1 1 onol ii I ii. I Lear son fc Co. Fert Street- - r u Shart NO II such a dread of the ocen that can't a TTORKEV AKD COUNSELLOR A T api"28 w3m. rMitntr arttuh.'il atire. III liKUMlV to think of my son's going to sea, and to LA W . ''.he Ks.inr.. mf the abavr rsscrrs .FIRS Kfal to lake acknowledgments of instruments for the WILLIAM TURNER, RTICl L R ATTENTION PAID TO I been transferred to l.nviu IHSURAHCE COMPAHY, prevent it I shall enter him at the Naval I.Iaud of Maui. Also Afeot to uke acknowledgments lor PA Steam Boilers. Furnaces. Baker'a Ovens and OK fur District of Wailuko. janl 81 ly LAWRENCE & FREETH, Heating IIAMItl KG Labor Contracts tbe PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Ranges, and all kinds of Apparatus. Also, Variegated . . . V . I TV Cbp'tal f lt.e Company 4r Uenerve Academy at Annapolis." . Sidewalks. All Work t execu- I? Wr I , Relrh.mark 8,830.000 Coirtrttotoi-B- Concrete entrusted loewill be T W ttielr Ke li.anranre Coinpan s, 2 j,0"0,000 A item states that the Boston LATE OF AK FRANCISCO. ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. Ue hereby gives notice tliKt lite msnuf ictme of fashion H. THACHER. , AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED E. . es Box Post Office. Telephone 2 Residence, l'otal. . . I(e eye-glass- Has established himself at 8 2 K I NO S opposite M PLAN'S Construction. 117. SI. rb. mark 4S,830.0O0 yaung m m is beginning to wear f.. of Piikoi-atree- t, BereUnia-Htree- t. Hose's Carriage Factory. above janl bl. knee-breecbes- ." Well, necessi- 33 o and the one eiurgoou n tint. Civil Engineering and Surveying. All Kinds of Soaps 'HIK I.M)I:kMXKII. I;KKIUI, Ai:r1T tates the other. The average Boston young NT L OFFICE. 1X Far sireel, FINK WATCH WORK Will be continued by him. 8.JKT SOAP always on liatm. of IheatMive two cm psnla f.rilie llitwail.n Islands, t .r Dickson' Photograph Gallery. jalSl Carriage Factory. Will buy beef, mutton anil soap rreiise, and soiici's are prepared In.ure f : uil.l i u , DE shove A Offlre and Shop, near O. West's ,fOII BOWLER, ti Firiilture, Merchandise and need eye-glas- e in order see SPECIALTY, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ap. 2, '81 ly consignments of the same from ttie other I'rmluce. Machinery. yuar lli-- e aaan the to P. O. Box 101. ja25 di wtf Ac. abo ai.u Mill., and ves- Jala Islands. .) sels in the harbor, sjfiiifl lw or ilnmag? t,y fire, vu Ibe o o.t his legs S. M. CARTER, .aOaaCrk7. svorable te:ms. love-lett- er MAX ECKART, Jy22 ly Miss Snowball's : Miss Matilda to talce Ackntiwleditment METROPOLITAN MARKET, H. HACKFELD & CO. having closed the door, ap- 4ixont IjT Labor. Office. P. M. . U.k. Tele- - MAn ifTlUl; JKWKLKR and HlTCUyAkKE, O. MICAS, ORNAMENTAL & STUCCO Snowball, ti. HALLKIJ, IlnmlaiirR-rXromo- n. the lady of the house in a most pbooe. No. 41. ou" OF DIMOND. GOLD AKD proached IMPORTER Jewelry and Pure Bred Aylesbury bucks. Hotr.r fU Turkeys. manner and asked as a favor c. a. coosa and Precious Stones. Contractor Builder PLASTERER. mysterious host. Lirktt El NO STREET. HONOLULU. tan 1 81 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY that her employer write a letter to Sam COOKE, Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Artificial Stone Sidewalks Laid, LEWERS 4 Honolulu I lis.-i.- do you want me to O K A A NU froieutlng la all Its Brandies, 'I'lIK 'NDERSIUNED IUVIM; Johnsing. What (juccrwori to Laaaaa Dica NO. All I'M STREET 9 Appointed Agents l tlie ab vc Company, ar prepared Write him dat I was at de corner sp.'J ly t . insure n.ks siriiist fire, on and write ?" K IN LUMBER AND ill ILDINO Ultltening, faNomlalBc aad Johslir: om Nianr Uriels llaHd. tLKRS 81 GOODS ! and therein, on th he didn't come.0 Material. ort Street. NEW I fivor-ibl-Im, at de 'pin ted hour and dat I) Promptly attended to. IWSTOfiB! I' rlli. for p irlicnlar st.ply at Ihe nfh of mt Well. I've gat that down." ' Den add to CEO. S. HARRIS, I pi ly I . A. fCHAtr-K- A CO. iai Steam I my-e- lf wid de fond hope 'lajSFJLw A'brstos Pipe aad Boiler rverla;, dat ar : consoles & j BLACKSMITH r- VVM. & SHIP GENERAL Ta-T- iT - NORTH BRITISH AND by sickness. Vour ooly G. IRWIN Co., r.. Planing Uods In tbe best manner, and by tiperleured workmaa. j. riopp & ao., MERCANTILE was kep awy 1 you WORK. BRIDGE. HOUSE. AND 1 1 . lub. Matildy Jane.'' 3u.jar Factor and Commission Agents. SHIP Wagon Work. Moulding Bitts. Planing Knives. As to ability to perform work in onr ll&e, wa bag to 7-- JCInn-e--i r-t- INSURANCE CO., true Anchors and Anvils repaired. Uooaeoecks, Crank Axle mWL . OF LONDON HONOLl'Lf. U. 1. refer tho public generally to tbe residence of His Ex AND EDINItURGII. Double apron fronts for Jre$es are JinH and Wagon Axle made for the trade on reasonable terra. MILLS Bam'l O. Wilder, II. H. Kutu Keeiikolani and Hon. C. U. Wagons Engines, Judd. Having secured KHTABLISUED, 1800 revived. for Traction ESPLANADE, Hopolulu, H. I. CA, Leave Orders at I.ocas Plaulng Mill. Fort street j the Services of an A. S. 0LEGHORN L Co., or Box 327, Post OBre. , CAPITAL Manufactures all kinds ol t2.000.000 Alisa Verdant of Verdantville bought a AND ARTESIAN" WELL TOOLS my 13 tf (rrumulHird and lavratetl vlt'ilKIKHS AND WIIOLESALI With all Pitting., a .perlality. EMINENT UPHOLSTERER Fand, ,O0T,S4 letter-write- r, and then wrote nn indignant I HKTAIL DetLRIU IN tlfir Uwuliiltigx, Brackets, Hladow Frasues,Sabeg, Daars i I s V1IIE Ortlt-r- Iwi.-lon- CNDERKIGNED II h? had .-- Attended to and f r..tn Pails an t . and rwei.ity Irofli rt.o Kran B AVE HERN AP to the bookseller leraue to Merchandise, . ttlinda aod all kinds ar Waodwark flaUh. KERR THE PAINTER, POINTKD AOKMT8 for the Sandwich Islands, letter General eisco, we are prepared f irn,-!- i and at j Work to and sulhorised ro Insure aaainst Fire nson favorable laal 81 Ouaraideed. N'ew Si-- trrni, wr te the letters berself. C and Kaahamans Sis. and Original Iks r.f Risks taken in anypart of i TURNING AND SCROLL SAW1NO. KING STREET. IMPORTER AND the Islands on frosiins Woou. ffrlB .'hop n in rear of Mr. lieu. I.ucs .rr.i-.hr,- , ; UT the K.pltna te. the 4 Dealer in Taints. Oils. V Paints and t ButlilinRS.and Merchsnili.e stored Dwelling 11 oases a j I'U 181a iitd therein. A Kussian princess at rvenl lll ien JNO. A. HASSINGER, Mill. ' All ki:ids of Painter's9 Supplies. ii,. r urnuure. i imwr, woais, r tups in riartmr with or without pea- Sole Agent for the Celebrated Av-ri- ll Chemic.l Mixd repair. Nice wore a dress made entirely of " ! Sawiner, in TO TAKE ACKNOWLEOG-ssm- s Planing and Palnta, ready for use. Thse popular paints have tee.i suc- Kf). H IKF.iCHl ABOKR A CO. He ids f the birds, with MK.r LaOnr. cocks feathers. to Coa'ract lor CONCHEE & AHUNG, j Morticing and Tenoning. cessfully introduced into these Kingdom for Ihe p?t four were used in looping. Interior Office. Honolulu. jaal 31 v ears, aod have established a reputation lr fast color aoJ eyes mode of garnets & ! durability, superior to any other paint ever oaed. IMPORTERS GENERAL DEALERS Plaaa, Speeidcaliaaa. Detailed klore suited to the Cliin.te l:iegam and t Tin: woman. When Drawlsfi Paints mixed ready tor use of any Tint, Shade or Color, and Chcaiwr than is a practical a & Mrs. Smith M. McINERNY, mmd eat us a lea faraiahed s,.s A alicnlia-PlaalatU- supplied in quantities to snit and shipped to any part of tt.e LONDON PROVINCIAL told of a wonderful instance of mil Kiawa, Islands. j sae was W.rk af either la desiring to do Painting can be ! : ! M I China Goods and Merchandise Parties thirown supplied Inferior Import:.. remarked "Only think of it llrirk, Waad. ar Suae required quantity or neces- ions prayer cure.she 1 ISO. BooU. Shoes. Hals, Caps, Jewelry. Perfumery, OF KVERT DKHCRIPTIOX. Ir.a ('a.traclla with the and oulo, and the cm the INSURANCEFIRECOMPANY (Limit d.) didn't cost a cent, did it ?' Pccket Cutlery, and every description of Oent's Superior Me is wrksaeallke uiaaaer aail at r eii sary brushes, etc. It furnishing Ooods. Benkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots, Always on Sc price.. Orders from the other Islands. Platilitloos. etc., respectfully t7 Hand For Sale ssskls guarantee-.- ! ! Plain silk mitts will be more worn than always on hand. Oraaa Cloths, Chinee Crepe. Silk Handkarchief. solicited and satisfaction julO Im l?fll?loi" J3eclV001TL Subscribed Capital (ci,Hi,(XrO, $5,000,000 N. K. Coaxsaor roar axo MsacaaiT Sraasra. jaolSl Dress Silks in Great Variety, Lacquered War ones. Fancy Work and Ulove lace Boxe. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED AUOVK COMI'ANV HAVE NOW i 1 Ivoryi Shell and Samlle Wood Fans. 'HE a Tortois. ejl.iblistie.1 an AGENCY e. A up town made wager with dy & CO., Tiger Claw Jewelry Set in Hold. and Work Guaranteed. CREAM snd ai prepareil to tsks aian S. J. LEVEY i ! K thread a needle quicker than Camphor Wood Trunks. Fine Ch'na Teas, Orders from the other Islands solicited. jal'SI li dlfliy J5ANDIES. BOUDOIR RI.-- on property of RVKllY DESCRIPTION within ibe. could SETS - ' that he j.KUCKK AND PROVISION DEALER. Rattan Chirs. China Ma'ting. la Slack fcritl ' sharpen a lead pencil. The man M F.inily Uroe-r- y and Feed "tore. (.'"r. she could will t It UT .IrJers entrusted to me Irom tbe other isl.nJs NO. I I I3. . rcIiXKRIVY, sons, J. T. WATERHOUSE, Jr., and 40 seconds. HAWAIIAN V "RnRfTESS. LorKs, ) won ; time. 14 minutes promptly attended to. 5 2 F.rl Street. Honolulu. tjanl Si RICK! N uimt iihkomius. Sia Agent. ditlVr-n- TJT STORKS at No. I O0 Xuuanu an l No 8S Fort result would have been t & j ' '1. is thought the Street. oo!9 ly j Importer Home Manufacturer of Caiiiies wiedmbw. xt.. the woman had not r.ia oat of lead carpenter and builder, uk (k, . if 811 ! Prioe-- . UNION WONG LEONG L CO. )P, No. St. KINO i'TBKKT. OPPOSITE M.J. ROSE'S. Of A LI. DESCRIPTION", At tb LOWK?r pos.ible Cash pDcil inside of five minute. BROWN & PHILLIPS, Fire and Marine Insurance Co. ATES GIVEN ON I f Vss.ss ss4 Marlae SlrerI., lSTIM ILL KINDMOFj o. 112 Fort Javt 4 Wave Hwtei St., OK nkV ZEALAND. ' Pittsburg girl, who had refused a good Crarr n. I. Dealer in Dry Oood., Clothing. Bool ...PKACTICAL... nuiKiings, wnen retjuirea; umces auu stores Dlteo up Street. ! A anl h Ilts and Cap. Faocy Oeods. etc. Have also Id th latest Eastern Styles. RTCSS ICS CAPITAL. : : . tlO.OOO.OOO. telegraph iif mn three times r. hjo Rice to suit. Also Has iust made larire additions io '.i t establishment, and is riHi.iAutlv mi l, llawuiau in MTTmat-ria- l. looking GAS In every Miks, Kurcka and f. PLUMBERS. now to pub- Hair. Straw. Haodier-rhie- FITTERS prepared furnUh the trade, tbe Honolulu 1 a he China Chi:!e ret. China Seine Twine, China Silk REIMIRIXG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ti B ff 4 ? 1 S 1 K 1 A A sir months, give as reasoi that lic, and residents on the other Island, the VEKx . V " ' ' ii K N C V within and ."A.t,e. etc. AND possible manner, and molulu, lor the Hawaiian Islands, tha undersigned of a wanderer. That he wan- Oone in the best at reasonable rates. are prepare :1 to accept risks was too much Plard-.ilijn- . Molokai HARDEN ORNAMENTS or all kinds male to order. Saws NE PLUS ULTRA sgainst fire in dwellings, stores O'Cwrt ni .uVtitu Sujar IIOME-aiD- K Celebrated one to ivr x xx . FI.EST of A IJ1P0KTKI) tlDIKS. warehouses and merchandise, D favorable terms. Mariu from pole to pole fr.ra clime tiled and set. on freights, rial dered A Kailua Rice Plantation, Ssepa Rica Plaatatioa corrNo. 71 King street, Honolulu. II I rari;o, Uittoinry, profit and commissions. did come home he d be (rsl. t N. B. Persona attention will be given to the moving of a all Descriptions, AT VERY REDCCED if he Palaina Rif jalOll Of PRICES. I another, and Plantation. kinds of buildings Having had experience io tbe Eastern a..e. aramailv i.lj..arri aad 'V '. .io.yl aul 81 (J- warabl. that the neighbors would be sure to State. I feel confident I can glv aatiafactioo to tb moat fas- Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Gu.rantes th WM - ,BWIN A vo insuUte Hoiife and Skip Job Work of his goods. PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO. tidious. purity THE CREAM CANDIES talk. F. T. LENEHAN & CO , TT Orders lelt at my shop or resideuc will receive prompt are a specialty with hiui. and are mad by th best manu- HAM II V llfi-.- M A Oirrfll I R C about to finish a bill of costs, attientoo. U'.t of references given. facturer in California, aod received fresh by every steamer. An attorney, Commission Wash-Bow- Residence, Fort Street, Honolulu. FIRE client, a baker. to Importers and General Bath Tuba, Water Closets ls 'ill INSURANCE COMPANY, i: was requested by his i Soda Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. or IIAMUUKO. v couid." Merchants. ALWAT3 ON HAND. Orders from the other islands tolicited. i make it as light as he p.l, fan 4 LK IK ' - - that what you sav WHOLES DEALERS BEST ICE CREAM CITY- - Aod a variety of jr'u.r ?ir',e, at tbs LtWKST possi- IlVurliX"?-- v k"Thakii4ic riiiM-., . replied the attorney, Particalar attntlou paid to the fitting up of the TE IN THE in.ured tu." ... . ble j I make r Prirss. favorable ternis. foreman, but it's not the way WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, Baaioevig icic-jts- e&AND of CHOICS CIuVARS always baaj to your ts Complete Hulu, $3.5i, at Window Cerbka and Lambrequin., In N.w and i. . fl- Sprirxrfl.ld. Gas XTaohunes u'Oaa Jy A JAUOE:il-l(iitr- ,i tb Hawaii HOXOLULG. - . m - I I.'ssia. cny bread.'' I. ti t ii tf Caa. J, Fiiatu-'- i Pvpni.as Stabs. lau tf) i. HOBg Co, No 7 4 King- re(. " la. Ill


1: ' a1 1. -- W ,l'fc.l4ai i'


BY AUTHORITY. posses f n!c bl f jwhose novels are. for the most part j?r aud thumb used iu handling it become. aud its foes, and, as we staud by these graTcJl"l:1"!tr Jin tmr cars; hI 1 Ned of the negative merit of not being bak japparent, and in an ourselves that the of our de:ul j'Ilr '?''t- - Our o: iicMcot and brvr we set' iRtxc vtxtiuwnu. incrediblv short tirnt lledre meuiorr . - nee u:,rt- the ras-'- - in a literary sense r injurious to thcl,t and its wearer become identified with! 3 shall fatrengthen in us all a more loyal jwitriot- in and earnnce of tntik- A Card. Then the tumult rrthe war-clou- vic- mlud3 ox the you n if each other. aisru. stills; lift: 1 Tl.t. - - . i . - l : f. tory and jai-- at !at. This army the Army o' I FRANCISCO. iun ate is proline ui rnert Review the present appearence of a half; The Ofiieer of the Day, Comrade Emerson. mr Dead once were passes in review thi FOR SAX We. tl Ufore rxpr- - our r.rorelist.s who turn out weak, colorless lozen Derby's, for instance, that we know upon thfS nation. It nles with noiseless tread. take ns.rtunity to so-call- ed then advanced, and niacins flowers lnnerel I.ampson p'pu-t- res of " home" life, in which were purchased wearers aboutM with istlu'.irelevl new commander of all bv their at iKaiV. and with fadeless renown i'A1:k . C. Crst. the 11 .;rave said : amkuicaN I ,siiie Heroine (it is almost always a Heroine) tne same lime. 1' ountless ceiue: l ies are its camping ground. It. ti:i: hanks an.i miirtentlH- - ng loi ni j commences by Loping for nothing, is Iu vour name, niv Comrades, I lay these arap-nrr- s blaze ::i loval American th.' l.u.l Here one that looks almost as good a? evirv heart ranciw o i nothing but deserving Its victories emblazon the starry banner with ( ii our fr. to everything. new, with its original shape but slighty al flowers upon this grave which repre i,c trii . .. . . IHOKM -- . Estella,l . 41 ...all nightly records, of M AS t Ii. - Reception jltistheold storv of Cinderella told overt tered, and fetill, their is an air about of saereu which every lover of fredon-- jlNil.K, We ch. iftill.v mvmmcmi ar.. at Iolani Palace. dres-e- it sents the craves of all who died in tne is proud. nJ waaaaaaiav ticrain and d up in twenty or thirty witl1 a 0 -- juiet dignity, of reserve and alertness thats - Above would - t:h.ipter4 iiu- of our country. Our floral tribute shall The treat t rencn soldier, Tour D'Auverrne. Will Ilnve Quick Dispatch for the wilo l:e On Friday, Jane 1st, at 12 o'clock noon. Hit but always with the same result. ?alls to mind distinguished man off--1 Ij rolling deep. the :he hero of many battles, in remaining h id.as-n- t on the Why it should be so is a mystery, but we . i wither. Let the tender fraternal feeling for Port. B. K Majesty the King, receded at IoUui r&lace, iipiuiuav,,?) nunc lut: auscutc ui aus i ii omniou soldier m the raiiks. Napoleon sent huv. - H. Harrison. George Saer. Jo not remember ever n ? rn-lur- e h lply to siKIJl- T. of having read cular evidence of its beingoften lifted shows. which it stundn until the touch of death jj. sword mscritied. l'irsf the ereuadier!- - Fur rnht .r JatneWoLnson. Ilia Excellency RoIIin II. Daggett, United States tory where the average girl of period aiianr7 Haislij. leon;e (Jte.--. Capt. the that its owner satisfies himself bv recogniz diull chill the Wiirm pulse beats of our heart. iterance. u lieu he frll iu the neld of battle Wm. C. Irwin & Co., MlniaUr Resident, Captain C. C. C arpenter, and iieaus an averagely nappy life, a idiriy 'n'(1'- - ' witu mg bis friend by a waive of the hand rather by the Post, :he r.uiperor ordered his heart embalmed and an.1 family. .nil The ijrnvis weis then decorated ca.-ke- o2cet of tb U. S. S. Hartford. iocni nmoanu witliout nivlng Iirst gone than with a touch of the hat. daoed in a ndver t. which he entrusted to the .through enough trouble to entitle her to The next one is a little out of shape aiacy of th ir fii.-- u ls al ;o joining iu the simple keeDins of his comrianT. wirh th iommin.1 ilia- - Fore Hi Exellncy Rollin M. Daggett. Captain roll-cal- ot Mortgagees' Intention to Jroucu more than she eet. 13 iniyte?,ive Aiter a brief interval iiiU nstne should be called at everv l, and lf.t:c? both before and behind, and ouite brown but cereiuouv. - Carpenter and officer were met by the King's Taking the titles of some of the books as Used on a u.ruiuoi areaauirr sntuia resioaa. ieau close and of &l.'- with dust. carelessly, pulled in of silence the band played a hymn. n the field of liouor I" One million fiv.' hundred Chamberlain at the entrance to the Palace and i gwide we can pass from pure fiction to hurry, owner is recoenised as a its rather Mrs. ascen ded the rostrum thousand American I"An vergnes went out fromt ...... t llx - riving facts. Commencing "Maradon, bu-ines- s, W. J. Hopper then 1 1i., u.U.).. 'Sift- . wer received by Hia Excellency the Minister of with nervous man of who hasn't time :he loyal North : AO Ut;iA. t. " I living of Cambodia.' and ending with ''Ants. and delivered in an eloquent and impressive at the call of countrv thiiei Foreign Affairs at the head of the stairs, and to take his hat off to anybody, and who, hundred thouand felt dead on the field f honor uua lo III r. lUekerton. ! Ml. day ej ti inbrr. Jliees aud Retween these two' Kefitiy ol Com'y. escorted to the audience hall and presented aD." when he claps it on his head, intends it to manner that beautiful poem, " The Blue and the t.ach year others as brave, as true, as heroic as Kecorded iu Liber folio m Ihf llaw..u Oceanic Steamship then stand the Histories of Greece and the tay some lthey--wh- o also served iu her trial Drds. li tnere for time. Another speci ' their countrv e I', h vjirav. Nutic-- sni.lK.rbii.l l.ickeitou to Ilia Majesty the King, by Ilia Excellency the United States, and Mellville's ''Omoo" and very-muc- hour fall by our side. In is hrebr xtvu tint men is carefully brushed, and retains yonder Kiur street ai-- l l I.rokeii. The Itev. .1. A. Cruzau, then delivered the fol rythmic ifalcud to foreclose il.Ti t r coiiditiou. Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hi Etcelleucj 'Typee." of its original newness. A look in emeiery, with the l?at of old ocean for tod uoou said forcK-u- i will srll th.? MorlKeil proilly As far a9 we have examined the list there flowing oration in his usual able manner: his requiem, sleeps Comrade U.irrv Rose : yonder fit Public Aui ti.in at u of K P. .lo, on side shows lining is but . Rollin M. Daggett then presented to lii.i Maj that the silk little jnder - Soth dav .tuue. ls.s.1. kl m. ol ssid U Noiiio l Slilinrs. fi3 a great deal of good reading to be had at the shadow of hound Top and Taiitalu- ardav.. of I' - worn or discolored, and in short there is Mr. Comrade Geo. tlf 1 i ' l ...... '...I ...... ,r:..t..l at P.ltlMlllU. klHilAU- esty, Captain C. C. Carpenter of the S. S. a very money. Minister Ketiilrnt. of .'tail ret Comvadf .Twkos Cunton McKy : and herr I'. trilling outlay of time ami every Judication of its belonging to one of Post, American. Ladies and GenVemen : l..a. Island of Oahu. K. V. BU Kl.UtUN. 'at our feet, guarded bv these cverlastini; hills ls-.- t. In busy of many life-rac- Honolulu. 2. Mortae Ilailford, who then presented to Hii Mjety the life here the latter our " elegant " young men. Here is another Day feverish e. - June Memorial gives us pause in our iies the dusr'jf t.'umrade J. Iuckson-- brave lt.l ), articular-- can be bud i f I!. K. ho k.rtou. following officers Hartford: Chief '.'oinmodity is much more precious than the " among men liis Fuuher m:w si h k nn. the of the that has rowdy," "hoodlum.' "loarer" It bids u remember. Stundius the and true, whose warfare is o'er men worthv joni I.I. rnui. wr.i h.i intrudedif.wahlp-uien- t 2iormer, and still there is time enough if in sniTOUnded by the- - living ot I ne i...w coiui'leted. Mrcl.an.li. Engineer T. W. Moore, Medical Insrwetor S. D written all over it. It has been dented graves of the dead, I 'l the honor which we, as the reuresentaties bv the atK.ve liu will be rts'eive.1 fraa of fr,r to-da- y. Improperly cared to read at least some straightened out again ; stained and witnesses, aud Greater host of invisible wit America, pay them iu th I Kennedy, Fay Iuspoctor II. M. ,,,,, that Notice of Mortgagees' Intention to Fore- Moiage. aud receipts .Ilea lor oauie. Deuuistoi.p( tiaT1 tjie newspaper or the purely tJand n u til it looks dilapidated and nesses. " the Grand Armv of our Patriot Dead, we prescence of the liviua and the dead, with our Insurance in iueiihmiilie while iu the Warehoua at Lieut. G.P. Col Tocoresses, Lieut. T. A. II. Xick-t- t rashy novel, and the Library afTords u I'idissipated. hearts filled with sacred tender memories, and out close and of Sale. bwuera r(sk. Is. Lieut. Commander White. A. G.F ifaeilitica for doing s at all reasonable LI is whit'h Webster, the keen sighted aw, has ovur ye;, with tears, woure h;i-he- d int silence. E P. En". In contrast with this one that ha - & Co., , C. ttt-st- , Irwin (times. reread the whole heavens. Its tieive iszag liuht- ouir.h.---- r.-- t I : - Win. C. Ingrown fat from its wearer. Its rolled brimj iu slfp KJin 1 S A " V. I I II A FR ilK S il l! Ci.- S. Cowie, Qualthrouyb, L. n 'RDANri: Mft jr., Lieut. E. F. aings strike to the of every patriot though! i.f nu-- be t A.rsTs O. t. t'u 4has a portly roll : crown is broader,! terror heart the shall ,iv n aK ...... vi..rt.i.n. m..(M ). llilili lirl. its 10-ii- Webster. U. S. M. C. At Sumter it begins to drop its bloody rain. T!. sent iuels to keep Ell Kiti (k. to H. I. !'...Ae!t...i, J.l-- I Jim-- IS '. Imore squat and bulgy was Your rest Snnd r - Artesian Wells. than it wheni south mad.lv springs to troiu tiangtr irr ESUet-u.di-- in i.ib.-- u'., fr- T.S Hi ttii llswaurtu Ills Majesty was attended by His Ficellencj arui. s pm-- . new, w ii ne tne lining nas oeen sattiraieu Tlieu we stand. for a little moment amaac-- i'onr silfut lenis cf plot I n-ls- n, ' Cleg-hor- nru-.-iia- i. We di'i k with rt.iwer ; ia hereby H iiit.tli.ts Governor Do minis, the Honorable A. 8. lieferring to wells, we may lover and over again with perspiration. The' ! irarant P3 Nctiee Hicu .! again " The sad apertjunt of asuicUe while Yours sutjerinj f br.A. n and upon - ! hi the teen. to rechwe aid Mortagf lor conditions en- by u They light .v - the Honorable A. F. Judd, Chancellor, date a of facts which should lunger marks show that it Is often seized They break the liiiks f.f uui . .ni-i-it- at 1'ub- at . - The laemorv be ton-- will sell the fiif; wii-l- ehH our." Fm.t Mortaed . . .. . , . . . 1 . - - The tire of hell to anew the cliaiu are on .1...... l His Excellency W. M. Gibson. His ETcellcncrM .oura' experimenting gjj ' ..Ml. red where each blow pais." After a beue.lic.iou the Post formed liu-f- tilt r.tltor Llonlu if iiir trrnii n i iwl fi(trc oa that aavd u aCaio I - sOunt-- a of Jl E. Bash, His Excellency J. M. Kapena, Col. Ve shudder as we see the dread reality of Webster's and ui.ir he. to the cciueterv n the opposite J i -' V-'V- r,3 ,u be sold is at vi'ailiki, I 3ift yet reached the fresh water reservoirs. Koyal 1'ateiil No. :'.1T4, c.utMiuiUrt I' )NOLlII.U H, Majesty'a Chamberlain. Majoi n) vision : l bi sun in tne neaven sinning on tin sioc-- id (he .i.i.i.u. ndde..ribr.liu C. J odd. His jThe Slate Government of Colorado, after! Amongst hats that are only suited to - road, aud there .l.v.oate.l the ii.ivily-- t.iih, ,.re, r. k. itlt'KKRToN, L ,. n,:? OIOKL'II I ragmen i a i m..n a . i . ei i oi ouctr Glorious Mae- suii-ueun- i i prt-"M,an- o.fg Honolulu, Jui 2, Moiuae.-- ! E.W. Purvis, G. W. - expending 8100,000 attempts to r biyie, i e wauua The comparatively lwentlv. duii ixted list. in vain .peculiar ilot. u a.cn.hed with fratemal blood !" K.inl.rr l.aili.-- n cmu be h..l of It. ! Ui. Lertoli Department .lr-.n- Fire farlane. Major C. T. Gulick and Major A. Rosa. tinil artesian water in that St ate.ahanuoneil lemiiieiii. one iuai in miy cart Imt. not till unholv bands have torn down theI fOuptiiiu Hope, H. ., also m.-- t vith ed j.iti;t t. few a looKing HKe a guy, all further efforts. A months sinc. iione wunoui wime io )U dag wluch oar tathei and thrin tave us. audi. In sileutil"" Uolarado, own me Hre doe? itteiition. silence the I'o.it hit the 1': gentleman residing in and niiietii tney oecoming. K3trailed it in the dint amid jeers and ridicule, 01 10 - Sf a. Nakooko day been appointed a geo- - ampiug groui.d of comrades. Notice mortgagees mienuou...roie- J. ha this ing a large tra:t f land, was told by a their diud I i depe-LJmo- st ask Sale. Agent to take acknowledgements t Labor Con logist that there was probably a coal people, as its pliable make admits of Lincoln, turn his face northward and for help 1 count- - close and f ny The iuj nnled, the Post - and advised him to turned UD in iront lor I IP IWsv.M.v it laairic, comranes. uriijaous, armies spring tracts between masters and servants for the Di- site in the vicinity, rllts beillr ( bed i plY-iti- y ?o-ahe- ad a who never kuew-- jcituav: their headquarters, the baud tin re with nrtpsinn with a view man: behind for the caIculatincSito life in moment. Citizens, K WITH A P.iWKU HA nntviratus Jie-,ui- ACloKinX. 4r I.t l'iN of Wailtku, of Mani. I trict Island ; "r i war. tear themselves awav from u series i.i lively Aiotii.-ai- nirs throughout IN '1' A I N Y.I) iu k cei tuiii njiide l Kiuill.au In of finding coal. He did so, and at a depthl?enius on one side for the rakish party Mort'nf - :S " B. 10 A I id th- JXO. E. BUSH, 4ot) ton averaere wearer, an. 1 iU ' V - . .. . A.. , e 1" nJ I'. M!i,e f'arfwri jht. Administrator r recently both for line of to: f - of less than fet has struck the allies ... inev love more man an eise. i ne inns an.i rcb. At thev brohe K.Btlteof .is- ,t,y t S.ileu.- Minister of the Interior. p . i" t artesian water, sufficient to irrigate his se styles, and with the crown nchetlv ... fNew Fll ... ,linilIlta:1J, ,lf r.elin. IraiikK, ;iud thus tet n.inatc.i the foitaal e nber. lSTTa. Ho ordeJ in l.ih.r la ( in u. tlnviiimi Department of Interior, May 22. 133. land, and render it thnes more valu- - in as u reiiiuii3t;eiii"P oi iu war in intrj ivlvania, and the prairies of the Mississippi Vulleyi Registry id Heeds. iranv R t tho d.iv. Notice is hereby ;ivei that t.d A. J. a.twriht jnn2 St fible than it tviw before the discoverj'. United Statess.. .eem alive with sharp swor.ts and glittering anus to sa.tl luortaje for iiiiuliiumi hrot.rn, .'.v Those who know wlmt Colorailo laws are, home men have a number, ot hats otSfbe nasrs of war. hke sto.ra birds, dv to the front fana upon said fnvclosiire will sell lti MoriKae.l jr..- - er-k- furnace-blas- Su . s. . - .".-.I- . . 4 will understand the value of the discovery, hfferent style and make, w'hile others weara for four vear war's t beat hotlv at Uotli.. .Sri .JB&fUVtK TU" ...... v. v.. j ...... 'tiitl, iUv rtf June IhX'I 1 l nl Kui.l .lav. i- "patriot army. - it Pound Notice. which is worth - milch or mote thau a fone till it's too shabby for fuither use, andupou our They dra thetuselvel In th.- evening almost all those who httd turned .mi he .roerty to ie aul.l are lan.ls uluuie t at the weary march ; hunger and thirst torturs i , el Morta'eil coal deposit e would have been then buy a new one. The first ceuerallvr5ijve' iit tit.-- vntil-- if llt Put .liieiurr ttik na taikiki. Island of Oahu. And aUo all the share and ii- - tM.. Makaaoanoa, day Com - Jr., haa thi been mis i them : exposure, disease, ahot; and shell, and I". U Maho.- in of Aiioaianii, encouraging fact refei red to, think more of their dress than of comfort - tereit of said the Ahuiud' ; The other j nen iint led nl the Hawaiian Hotel, sat Jownj t i ( i iened a keeper of the round for etraya at TLi well Chicago the last are most independeut. ;iyi.eiiisi, prison ien. uo then- ternnie work, aud Papaa, aud Uoioaa, si:uste.l o i l.dsuil kanai. tlie at te.sian sunk by the rich the A a .: i . Kona, Hawaii, place i a r rs . , . I. : . n r... ; T h mnn'sV?'''1 Appomattox, and peace, and a restored to an inform. il little supper. The spread purtooks J. i ninii lua. North in of Makanoana raiwi-n-..ii un Rnl whMever mar ll.o stvlonf ! J. IS X or nieri limit, nn pnpciijf '"jr - Paled I'oululu, Juue MoiIh i .. ,.ir. : . . ... i . . , ... I i . v i, i " I'ut. alas at what puce! AKrau4nnv 71 i . i . - , t . r r- 'sen., i. r o... .111ii IH1.-- I i if iinMa wi.4 .i v. parlicula: he had ot H. K. Hi. Leitou. deceased. EEKAULIEF. t lllitV mini 1 oi lite omul.- oi oiirt oi luose .imp urther tan lilt? Iie.il l tllT nucic f j ff II ' rrtrS OOl'.VinJ .IIIUl .ieilI l lllltlll III lllu J3Souiew ee. - ZAI1U 11UU1f 11 All II . .... 1 41, ... .1. . , torney for Morta: gentle- lfUL'11 ULllt?I. IUUIC V- I..,. " oiiu-tiiiieb- Ooverne of Hawaii. fatternr'tsliail proved failures. Thia . .. . .fll lillCtt ll.Clllr'J - I'l.v V111& rfUI llie i.iiiu I.. liic umti Tvi.3 t Ail'ire feasts that fell to the lot of Hawaii, Hay 22, 1833. 1113 1111 ueau gear, a departingf lkr0l.c hearted women, bowing over orphans. , Hilo. man persevefeu m eiioii im MWiiu iiiuxcuiiiie ii their iP soldier tu i ne uuu'i ti. .voiiie goo.i apres llie Annua. Klcctiou u""k for-the- apparatus a depth of over 22UO feet, (truest will crab ins own articu!ar head hear I.achaels weeping ir children, au.lw'S 4 junS St reached Jaud , d, an!;3ravids lamenting thing-- were s.-.i- and many odd and in Iwheu suddenly the water was thrown out Piece as quicitiy ana unerringly as will for their Absaloms. touprr Atliiiinistralor's Sale of l v. T . n . 1 . 1 10 01 over ou f ana.11.naa old hen select her callow cluck trom oui a5r j.,, We sc the old flae once more iu iis honored terestitio nersotial reiiiiiiii.ceu.e-- or the ,Apr a nigiit ieet couiinueu -- - - - . Pound Notice. lozen broods. : the Union restored : tho sin and the shame' ...... t ... a flow and furnish an ample supply, carry Molace " ta 1:1' . . . . -- : . . RfCl 1 X, ing It to floor or tne largest ... iiavery ar gona iwievei;. mi - " " he Uebeiiion. of Meiico. of 13P2 and W. II. Johaon haa this day been Commissioned the Inchest uutr i . . REAL ESTATE! structure in Chicago. These results, ob L-- . We have gained which i- ere related aa Ii. il.aa Lehnula-uk- a MEMORIAL DAY- " that a keeper of Pound for at a . . 1 I 1 V the eitrayi ot ' Riforiceles.s. 11.,.. II Il v, 11- Pi - t Y VIR'fVK OF AN OhDKR SALE R N I Kl ; I'rl-- ! I Jti L 'J. tained in localities where laree sums " I'Cihi, I lit- ana VV, i 1) OF For the Uou.dalii Kir infill Hill kkt Ni. t'ui iirnur .anil j Aiit-l.- u 11,11 . . aVl.w.l.a...,1.. 1 Kona. Hawaii. KFKAULIEK, t'--J 1 by the Honorable I'l'iijinnu 11. t.lttni aa a l.nili. .ws.ai.. I1,.... ot.t previonslv expended Decoratioti Dav hids Americans everywhere . : . Imonev had been with n. IT..:, e.-- i j Judge Probate, ou 21st Mav. A 1S8:I. of Hawaii. 51ft. fefpause and remember these things. i a day! .irru. in tbe dav of I. the Governess success, seem to give hope that artesian DeCOratifvorSrarnonifit. Mdw IRga. It undersigned will Bell at 1 "iridic Aurtion. In front the !out L - -- rf Hawaii, May 22. 1933. jun2 3t. mav vet be obtained, at least on acred and revered by every true, loyal citizen of iHawuii' were lnlv ivuit in!rrel. aud the toasts office ol 1. H. HITf HCOI K. Am tioueer. lit!... Ulat.d ol Hilo. r. 11 . . . , , ' ' ritA" orfi.li inn mi.-- i ia a day inflii ru flii.iff i.; i .. .. i ' The? Uawail, at 10 o clock a. m.. On Monday Evening Kauai and Maui. Wednendav. the Sflth i.f Mov wai nniverllv! " . Tir.' .i r;Mu,,Jr " I"""'" '. uruy .liter wnicu ; " June 4. fr.-t- 7 . w., y. m. observed iu this city ns "Memorial Day. "F$iug of which has been trusted te an organization MT'lt,'' d 'Light out were sounded, and On Saturday, the 23 day June, '83 lssi. folia i.en lo THE PACIFIC - 01 which has for . Earthquakea. Place of husiiiM closed ii.d the jreetaMlhe ',anJ Arm? itl lthe coiupaay dispersed well pleased with the A foundation and sur.imn none of tha ordinary For Cash on the Kircutiou ot Tiilu I.'ds. Charles T. Cullck...... : . . fhri... a.il cm... ti ..if v ...i.f Ma Sint.li:if li .lai- Tn... or.r--. l .A i..,..M . i reunion. r l i csoui i i r&ui iru iu iu i.ccj line mc spun uu lal All those Three certain l.mvi-- i.l..ii-tv- Jiitle t K.IrllaH. The American Journal of faience 1 Icordauee with orders previously issueJ. the Geo. i!l vigor of such bodies ; an organization which has H Hm.u.ui r,. W,.,ll k' 1.... u..:t : contains au interesting article on; no political Luuiaiiou3, purposu.t Iu Colltiectioil with ihe report of the " MeuiO-lfno- belD and Hituaic ou the laud 01 prcuilea at Mu llii. It. Sttiiih, 1. I.. Ihphari Tellers. la. V. De No. 4j. Depart, of Cala sciiemea aiiu .. earthquake phenomena in relation to at Post which has no mystic and imposing ritea and insig-- j rial Day " proceeilius we puhlisb following i Hilo, (hereunder descrllmil in I..4 V). These liuild-- f llOMoi ui.c, June 2n.l, l.vi.S. jiin'i dt It. the to be removed from land b.v tilt- - pur. Ims.-- i A. II., met or tlixair lian.1 nti Port Vji.ia ; no captivating legends link with clii-- j lings the witiiin JUNE 2, 1883. mospheric pressure, observations in Japan, nniriara that it r.-- Lo. P. C. A. :itwo nontU's front the Fale. One ol the lluildiiiifs in a extending over a considerable period off Street at 3 p. After answering the roll call, uweinn ik.iic ami More. All can be euari.v !! ! I nun t siitiHi. u. il. v im.a Headquarters Geo. W. De Loug Post, time beinsr discussed the comrades were joined by the following offi ?Lailiirin nliftin a nrilfiv cnTincptini' irtfVj No. 45. Dept. MARCIIAT tly tin titnrtt of Cala., G. A. Ii., S All r.t II A - Japan H pre-eminen- a country of J 2d that certain piece or arcl I.aud si!u iled THR - , i'-i-rt DEATH OF PRINCESS RUTH...... 1!.. . 1 . 1 . cers of the V. S. S. Hertford : laeut.-Com- - ith the weird and inscrutable racords of the past.E Honolulu, June 1, 18S3. I 4 at Maulilii, Hilo. Inland cf liawaii, and il. in Koyal as r ijeariliquaKes me list. gien aoiiniiaiuiy ;3-!o- reachine, bv the transmission of blood, iniciii - l. io;m. n iHiruem ou ii Hiiiiea Mreaiu y a a. The fjommaiider to II (' i H. U. S. uoander llarthon, Chief Engineer J. W. Moore, f e - - desires erpreas his thank8taina 24 acres. To be nold the iheico'. i; T o n. ItestiQes. and Dr. Thos. Street, A. it., ,v a 1 1 - w TL a . wiibnt u.uldinua in ai . est ars III. I u,t 11." T.- i i .. - lui ill iiMiiJivi vtiL low uvi -- i a I Highness the Princess Rnth Keeliko- ll lull .i ""J--". . ana auujeci .o monins pr,vi!eKa lor ol Her JNavv, author of the article refused to ISnrcreoi, fArstiller. Pnv Insnpctor H. M. nen.!('9iinniill nf tin. nnrl of fnliirp fin thn cr.n-- E . " ivaiuuaioi i. aucinis aoineijf the pnr.h .er. the tli. ll" " ounaiugs to remove i a r or Mill liu-l- r 2eonclude "'the barometer gives irmv of dso ,n nvT"or J. O. Dominis. for hisX"e t,e,. valuable investment, ..iaf Later the riud latl. - lanl died at Kailua, Hawaii, on Thursday that while fuiston, L. C. aud Messrs. trarv .eexWenoe of the Grand he t . is . j Lieutenant Webster, lA stl.' 7 ,f The above tr.t.riy p.rt d the eatate of ivtero w. Ino indication or the approach of an eartn-- in iiiic. uaies l.nuui a, ew vtnrs litmuck, anuand u lewfuw vcLirs wu v .k vb- - 1 ...... a luyl'.l wit i at about 9 a.m. The venerable rrlnces.4 a J. II. Payer, J. G. Doyle, W. II. Fletcher, aud Whence will cease to be. With the end of the pre-- To the Indies and" gentlemen who iV are it . - list 7quake, they with - ...... V 7 Tl . i . . , , , t&Lm lVobe iLVthe hase,. number comparatively h'ijih tute of atmospheric V. J. Grarubs. Cadet midshipmen. V sent century the urand Army or the j:epubi wiUAiKumi.y roummui no vers, nua assistea to iieco-- ftV Further isrti m.v in hiino.i ..r ti. nn.i.r J slitrhtlv lick with fever for a - i ur. j liT" I to sell cretons :h in-f- continue at cer vu ipressure. 7 per pro- -' 2 a reuc oi xno ynt ; a wui consist oi oniy a iew.ar.iie r urr i uuren mi emorial baubath. signed at Honolulu, or it HirrHCOCK. Auctlouerr. pet About cent of them ilaDV of the Comrades beinz ubsent. it n.,ai)0 'Af l. ; A very day? preceding her death, hot nothing JageJ veterans white with the winter snows of three ine laiio'.s wuo so save their valuablev'i ii t lo. Hawaii. W. A I mTIX WUlTIN'U. yard, small assortment left al t.'m. J. of foeeded or accompaiiMti rainy or threaten follow- - nJio...... tredv Adtuiiiiatrat.ir Kstate I KtSHKI-- itupos3ibla to runster in full force. The 'Vseore years, who will hanil down to thoir children s. Ullli.. nil. I ll'tlfl.1 Cl'ill 'It- tlk I. oil i ...., ri,.o. of Petero Wahakaue. POeUf.4K time ling or heralded clearing veathei." jiiu2 w.'ll. serious was apprehended. For some weather -- incr answered the roll C.untnaader It. W.'jreluldren the traditions of tha caauii-hre- s and battle l tne autnor goes r.n io say migni im- - call: ttie tlorai contributions which Ioviue? hands had V" suffering Uhis, of the war. Not onlv is the existence of the mude a desert of their 'aniens, in paat the. Princes had been fromj ply some reiation but, Inasmuch as the Lame, Senior Samuel Nott,fJaml ,lf h- Remibiic order that! ArInv - limited in the at ' 11 of is remarkable for its hu- -' EldridiJe, Adjutant C. members, men now in ithis Memorial liii .ht be lonw mio. atid it Is probable that the: .climate Japm Junior Wand in tbe future, but its Sbered. i'' fcl .T ru 1 preser t I ents- .A.lmiditj', "this connection is probably only v p a h .?v iddle ife, - ving none of he embel Mnn - a.irr.i.i nnurmnctiF . w a w a f . - J . . oflief-r- s weakened system so the old? ' uvixi, waai.aa-ia..- ai" .f nn Tilnni . . frriin To the ol (he never to be forgotten her that f W aa fever 1 in arhrP incidental." a l s t r r n.f t aaaaa.fcaiaviiartf trttiiiitifr0 ' i firli 3 n ; - La With in here if has been noticed that ilftlU 1. Ij. liarfct. rIirSPOU .:. Hawaii ii. It.ltl.amvKnnrfnn.lrJ lmmfH- wm.m of thPirniina Hartford, to the public geii'.-iail- who ragardlessSl & miivumrwlfilal. always preceeded? Emerson, Offi. of Day; J. Simouaou, jr.. Oft', of irstion. make no pretense to tinsel and nhow whi.-- l )f creed or nationality, joined with one accordlf Lycan of-b- y iearthnuakes areaiiiiost Johnson, dav .id Princess Rath was born on the 9th unselt!ed gloomy weather, so much so iGJ.; D. Arnold, W. McCandlefI,tiTat V'e fan,e-- v rnd thr "l ito celrbrate the dear to American hearts. J. "or - - yet Y?Army of the Republic Mis. W. Ij. f.u rendi-- J 'o- - ?4,er'4- To llupj.i her beautiful I oeing Qm. Sergeaut; Comrnr les? J. A. Cruzan, T. - r ebruary, isia, mereiore in lgoftcn "regular earthquakewiiimiu5 "'"weather."! Cavey,';gt.aspS ti,e heart of its member, and the ffreai lion of the poem. The- Hi tie and the Grev''.3 called I, Skllieart of"meriea, as no organization. Why Cru:-..n- f 66th year when she died. She wa the, ji,. rsaiwt tlin mil linr'a aTnpripnpp h.isl Allen..!. S. HcGrcw. Samuel McKeacrue. T. other To Comrade i for his very able remarks, No. - - - , - .is,bilseJ ulwn nd Kraudg t-- 105 and 107 Tort ...... r e T- .. - 1. 1 A E i! him fo a lifTerpnt conclusion from thnt P. Goodwin. J. II. Dalev. W. R Williams. J.!SBfcause " md last but not lea.d. tlo' veterans who came Street, Honolulu. o uu 1 j I oaagmer me cnieiess i uuui viovl.. " liT rkf ' fnnoMt Anrarra ntitorrAro tliict . Wrigh,, and C, W. Smith: The th.-e.- 1 inil following' M Lt'of i- "'One i of the late Kame--J J(.jass fraternity. of - enior Kekaanaoa, lister Df terreMial disturbance. He states! uamea rauss: loiijh ot union, tne spring oi our eninusiajui be-- veterans aiso joineu in ine ci.cour ArsiiV of the Republic. It. W. I.atXK, eitizeu-soldi- er ; was first coii?In-- 1 'there apiears to be an even balance l f? . ,.t t,' the lov which the true bear for t hamehasIV. and V. She i Ti.f.r.id PacI t ti r;,..,vis 1 obt t'otnman.ler. nniQJJtween the time of the autumnal equinox! ' ' jlni ooiiirade, dead 4or alive. Sof profound is tlii ... r, t f Cl.AltKK, ,r t P. L. AdjntaUl. ' m iiuu. una. w t T;e.....-1'- f jand the time or iiie irreatest irequency oil uuuie, ou i. jii.;j. i. v.opei.iua, ji m.i, ;ff?elinu-tha- it is wrousrht-int- the verv lif of eer J Tdst Oriice Box 88. I 1 7 - every true soldier of thej phone" N o. 9. sister-in-la- w of Majesty the Dowager! earthquake shocks." The opinion usually T. A. Coodwin. son of veteran. F.d. Harvev. i:veterati. lie lount- a Iler fejijreat lcepiiblii: yonder, his Fraternity i we may say by records -- brother. V held (and supported Mass. In.; 1. I. Higgins, 3d t. Iu., F.d. Lyean, . His Majesty's Visit to Hil jr. .Qaeen Emma. The remains of Her late asso- - MCml .(irJ WlulH ,he hmrti of veteralls ro kept here). that earthquakes are T.ove-i?.;eth- ii er -- 4th Iowa In.; Lyons, 2J Me. In.; J. II. and weaves a mystic thread from every Highness lay in her late CUll nit; ui l. Kin w r "noral in State I'll Willi rijuiuuLiiiai jrciiuii ill i s - home, to eacU His Muiclv the as received tu a vervt " 2ioIdier b'1''- and desolated . . : .. F sjoy, Masters mate " iaiipoosa; Murnhev- . . i . i mospberic disturbance. rJ i - 3 i in f..,i:.., ...i.:,.kit 'Mii ii usitiKiic iu uerat lid., 01 Thursday, th'egr.YCAN Si magnificent residence on Emma street yes be? sys--J ' kW ViL'ulJ..u:- lieu ii. aiiu iiii " i. wiiun 3.1.. i . . JOHNSON have hist received a beiiutifnl lot of - It would well If there was a more U. S. S. ' Hartford: Frank .May, 1 a. in.; JvSus forth succeeding year, with ever a warmer 4lli insiniii. Parlor Suits up- eich hT-nruS- ijobtevrt in Silk, Silk ami Jlusl, terday. from 1 to 5 o'clock p. m. A large tematic reflord Kept nere oi siiocks, anuj B. Sillowav, Mexican eterau r"t...iii ...... ;L.'n....i .....t. .r. I,.... . v...... ;. tii. jVald with biiiuit a I'lush. nnd Hair C loth. Hair cloth mid .u... w L.a nil ;iiv.w. , : At - i a those?-- ...t...... 41... iiit-ywi- n it ....it ..a Ito this end we would recommend that S hilt ranks, aud with hearts hushed witii tears, audi; :iud escorted His Maiestv to the residence of nci..-- in.iL in foreigners and 1st Tu.; R. G. .'igwall. 72 III. Ill - - ine lowest jnices, jiossiirie. number of people both jwho mat-- f Jniflep, Wash. Tallin. 14 rilli.fl ttiivvrn Macre.l iitlirritii- i r 1 1 : . ii.- ...... V. sii may notice such disturbances, no niUe nor .01. iii i . ii iije.-i- noil ui ti:i a I . . .u . , nunibet- - .jii lino turuierj natives called to pay final tributes of re iter how flight they may be, and let the? 1 UV 1 lsi luuuru ill nil.. t J J. to the graves of our dead compatriots. ucqtmiutanceiutheptisoiiofCaptaiuCarpenter.LYCAN & j lr a . 1 1. a I ! . . I. t JOHNSON liave list received a : t - n.,l.l P.oyalsfe coin-- : L "Sue Iare JisHoi tti.ent ol . decea-se- ,eve,,t ut? in about 45 ruiik aud file. Headed by the And our love for these dead and living lormeilv in cemmaud of the .S.S. Portsmouth, v : 1DMt to the Priocew. The casket! ii""B senti'-uta- LlliillS Ire " com-mndi- Steamer tluit sl.OllId Hawaiian Band, thev marched towards Siiuauu'-!- '? practical as well as l. Tin but now u.' the U. S. S. Hartford M folding llis..'( ted lv every on. olitetiiilitt- - containing remains was placet! in the !ftnaime.l and diseased comrades, who, from wounds V tjton ' whose wi'e is utiw In i the clipse Cemetery in the following ordei : af.ient. Honolulu Itz Expedition ri.oli.sii of limbs, or shattered constitutions, and un Ion boaid the Hartford. His Maiestv made room mau ka of the hall r tht-fe,-; a' elegant drawing Adjutant, QuurtermasU-- viable to care and provide for themselves; the!T) 'Sshort cdl at Kailua on the 23rd instant, at AT LYCAN & JOHNSON'S can he found Mu.-i- front entrance of the; to on Thursday Chaplaiu, Surgeon i3jwidows and orphans of our dead soldiers liesef al of Ihe latest c just le- - leadinz from the main A visit the Hartford gavf a ; never nun Is ime time with Her Maiestv the Queen Dowager? 41 r'xsare saered trust these shall know .. 1 1 . nr. 1 . 1 K'k ceived by ' Suez," and Day, of nurd 'I'heEj u1 1 'jo. uuIf... a can upou Australia." 1 Four alt. nd.n.3. C. bearing a, '"gllto'lS Officer of the Oftier it want, distress or iain that can be relieved. iuc i, uibiiop, muuiug STSStS Vice-Couiuiau- to Seuior Armv of the liepublie is au organized, liv ithe venerable rrincess tiuth, who, according & kahili were diposel on either Hide of tlieWi0me interetins particular iu relation toa fating, loving charily, leeimg it a privilege to serve the opinion of her physicnu, was apparently LYCAN JOHNSON have a large assortment of Hahy Carriages, Swiii'Mii" i . Officers of IT. S. S. Hartford 1 : : ...... 1 , of Ken, Party to t arolme the I IU 11113 VI..t UUI l.....,V..a WUW n.a.l . only sntt'ering from a transient cold, which, how- - which waa covered with wreaths) Jthe visit the llill lllllll.iw Uli'.ucia 4., .....iv.i, .iiw.i. .in. i ini huv iiair.s ii r i ii e cataalc I Jlsland and of their experience there. Members of Post to shield, provide and protect those whom death lever, t.roved fatal, Her Hiyhnsss dving the' fol- - ii.ii little IoIkm. a of Cowers. The funeral of Her late Royali Jmembers of tiie party we learned that from Po-I- CftiriiaNDKK ... io ruthlesslv ilennved of tirotector. & ',(IINS0X huVe H,M,U 'J Ikd-looi- Tnnot-lth- time they were landed on the islet so; Colors and Guard il3 :1. There is one more bond of our association llIiTMHfe, visils the district of Puna dnriuggLXCN ,',iei'l expensive n iiiKuairv,...nn.i..ni..nClinF.ioVMwa.. j to America and American Our .0 fortuitously located for special occasion " institutions. week, and may be expected to return to this Members of .1 &loaltv i .1,. . jthe inj Po i wnen Me i.i when remains will be placed j;u Imniediato track of moon's uiu uoi fii.i . iiuieu our iisks luniir town bv steamer on ri lGth, her the the f i . i . . . i .i . i . i . . . . v a suuduv Veteran Visitors ; t n.JIdiadow as it would sweep across the Pucifie. iii.i ;The Princess Poomaihaluui. who accompanied LYCAN ov -- t r .f.K.T.'0m0),mpl,w in m a ., u-- q;m.1. 'fivei'p.'l And JOHNSON the Hs.ortiiient I iw. dxausuicus f.-l- wmI hur ntlaii. o.l I mm trl:i.ii lai.l tliti tiut iiriifnrm ftiajesty, partv i hae of mail Musical In:tlU- - Uu, t. Junior Knurr tl.A nri.l V.ntterpil miiAVet or nword. itlis leit tue noyal at Mahutoua. ments in Honolulu. Valley. yui.j observations were ourriei on Hou". Ellwood E. Thorne and Mrs. also Nuuanu t ami tbat their Immediately following the Post wi re the Hon. OoveAhe chimney-piec- e. That which we won by Thorue in.lAP ovAnnr intiollv fa fnro hi a r! m. - at same place. rii R ! vawar, ue ana perpeiu- left; the &. M. Dapcett. Unite States Minister KesiUeiit must preserved, consoiutatea V 1 1 pf ILYCAX JOHNSON ha H tilt' (; ;ill II t iril-l.- t it' I'l 1 1 1 1 a vi . EDITORIALS. The party was coniosed of Prof. Kd. S ailU 1113 l.A. tlliu. '. UI.UIIII.1, V1-111V- VI I tea and American institutions rest secure only A Generous Gift. to he htiiiul in this kiiioilorn. J ry , H-ai.-, i. From the Daily.) I jllehleii Director of the WasHburn Oahu: D. A. McKiul.-y- Uuite.l Statcswiu.u bnttresaed b.v, aud incarnated in loving loyalf at Medina, Wis., Mr. C. H. Consul and His Ex W. M. Gibson. Minister fSshearU. e s tan.l pledged to be true to Amei icaf Last Wednesday evening, after the usual n 111 be M Rockwell, who uccompanied the party as J peace aa well aa war to faithful in ourj Mrs. II. A. P. wife of Maj- of the Board of Health. Foreign Affairs ersiceaud lovaltv to that government "of the! Carter, the His thejsellc or, sell oi, t ,e Precaution 7:in amateur;" Dr. Hastings, Prof. I'hy nl ti kv ohl ox-chaii- At nf tvere collected &people, by people, and for the people," in esty's Minister Resident at Washington, rose, lij iitallnu ,,la, i.ist, mei,l )H . , , at Hopkins Haiti the headquarters the P"t the and lea v a I ... A"ics the John Institute, wn en and, in a few words donate. towards a fund to tl.t'in ownurr-- tho rouin i.. , i i was aru .S. - , eolk-ctio-u IiIk--:, nf wi.icn eacti American nas an equal snare, u j.in-.- .iii rnau('. A report reeeiveu iy uie Mt Knsljsn J. s. Brown, U. N.f.- roost brilliant of rom of w vror-- jti oimo C"? . vj v ;3bemsed iu the erection a ue place of per watuao '"ty-Mt- - to S'aval Observatory, K.iiV II .Tlitvllail ail uai .nvjr, miiu nnivu lieaitu che Washinston.M iH tinds. from the tomuiou i j iur idirvjeaC l American is luiJi-- i an eaua! resoonsibilitv hip lor Ihe members of Fort Street Church LYC,rN A .IOJINSON koep Thompson, me uovernineiii "'fjS.Mr. U. .Survev; . evrrytfihu in the Miii line. pyinaii S. Coast an.l lit-- tlif-lini- 1'iestoul, Asst. i r was jruil,iont3' .,U(,LslJ3 leinatis. jia..ts. l v hirli can onlv iu'eel anj enJur h ng. ith6 sum of one thousand dollars. This sum stating ne irrawiiK lil!H S. Ofticer.l, v Kohala. inai WXlr. Wilson Upton, T. Signal - . iL-t- oruin-TheJ- V . 1 even liici iiittii 11 ii kimci Mrs. alter said, had t.eeu to her bv - supposeu m an cheerful it uui ti buu.NSti.N have tho He niiio- I of what be ai nrsi wvre two j..!;, observers with thri' hvtiseus. S"",,uu,:'u "'""'""Sliaeut-li- w own to defend, sustain and etlJlier beloved father, Or. fJ. P. Judd, and now, 'j,i, Kir' an. disease, but which had tran-in- it Jii.prool aies to sell. ary eruptive Messrs. and C. C if two colors, lovely ferns iu all thr e.piisile4tn)i i,;s OWI1 t, to his children. symptoms or II. A. Lawrence ..njoy and iposi 01 uei .i ijtiicii urpiiiuie uoiu?j veloped Mme mrkd variola. f3Voodj sent out of the-- These, then arc the objects or our order: lo iurcc . f"' hadsa of green, aud fathoms i.e.uitifull he she wished to it where sheTJi n rwi;ui.3 ement fi keep Kieen . V. -v tV gavi ito transferred Callao, to thti ,vS tlic len.lsiiips. an.i ine iiirmo y liiiv v. -lo it ""6"'r3partv were at BUiilai. By valuable ii fir l.o wi.il.l lil t.i it r.luw.l ..ii.lV'' JOHNSON keoj. constant ly in l; I mnlr vine resembling the rtj-viee- the argc-- m proving (.nil - ieg()f c,,,i.Mlon which" has united oui I I I W. . . . w . t OftlM;diea.4. cmoi iu uai "pnilart in f;irrli t. "nil t fur Parn- I II L la I ' 11.1 , I s, I - 1 assuitniont of . to nccept an iTiii-ivf- irom-'ij- : he asked the church it an offering n.w coming j Tcl-iiid- . aid of a few flowers and Lv tin stronccst ties exist amoug men ll. siue oiimm- suspected. Other paniesi four thousand three hundred ladits these eergreensft hearts that ac- i.n. i.i. and Urai ki ts, Ac, ; :roiu her in memory ot him. Mr. Cruzan in 1, . -. - 11, 1 , names, the eraves, of Ivnhala. have spoken of ttiia .1.,.. l.,niH nirii'Inif 1111U .i. v d , s...nninio.lvim...... rreserve the aud honr " e r I I 1 oui'iwi;k . ' . . I vuiniucti nicaiua, tlio-.- : cepting the gift on the pnit of the church, said: & as al intra liap - fnltrta', ' 0- ..'-.- who died tbat America nuht hve to LYCAN dOHNiSON have n laro-- fi'ssortuiont ( -- cae .ii " . of ujiuk"'' - - jjApril :o. There Lieut. (Jualtrougb volun- iturs and numerous other problem?. t. .It. . j n ltlMaclir.1 t.l. . -.lie. . .I.,v ..r.n.l...... in . . l.aiirl...... if 'liter Talilfs - www f . i . i . r !(.. to succor our less fortunate comrades in v. to put on tin- - (Vntt-- i every- 7 ttowtver. iuc nuaiu ui iieauii.L j i. r seif-dnyin- g thing Talilc. aiarra. , i - aisU-- on alightet BU5.pieior.ri, i.i: Eac of the Comrade9 carried wreath-- : to kuard and suouort the bereaved depend- .ur such geusrniiH, love for j' promptly the . 1 V trJ! . ... , ...... , i,A. . actlrnr ,rought ollt bv EiirIIsIi party, and 1.-- 11 1 .1 jr t ..t' m re. u i hn-it- . tlJ ac-o- - ijiiiiii.-s- of same of disea-- e of this character,Up . bouquet,; in addition to which a large v. uiitiiui: in- ...v ibis church Hie love doubtless & of any danger v i uixou iook ennrse oir the ornhans of our coturude'is dead ; ti a11 your hearts, Ii is ot vital importance liUA JUlliN.SON havo tli only aHsoilinenl f ft dispatched to Kohala Per Litelike Dr.M Ca6det exotica, followed ih r . . . . jisin thatg ' Japanrse t telf.scope Midshipmen Fletcher loaded with earlands and love all whom they loved; to honor the nag that it should be, for in evr.-r- iiimuuity, back of nese )iliea, Fniw, .Scrt'ei, Slc Stc. Vut Ja,,a. gentleman ho has had largcH , 1 .. r i Mouritz, a p.Vere In coc .cl procession. contributed in a most thev honored, and to defend the national..aunity well-bein- g The ladies - wverv oryaniatiou which mvLi the In as 1 "i. i. .. . i 1 thel xprlenc ireaurigsuiaiipo, fpecia!tell .1 party ,, these onlv. are self-deny- -, LACAX & men. and in short - .ri,..,.!.:. toco-opera- te , time the . . .f the ieople, back of eery eainest, JOHNSON uvea h, t Board, lu case offtl1T.,.p jlUCI'.'Ul spun, UUWCir'j nii'iiu.i ill... 1 cause ol tue ,mk of Toys, Cl.e.-d,-. i airentof the in readiness to make their observa 30 Meets and iinriio.cs. and the tinal CI b.-- a DolK'lool J), f the moot elaborate description. tl.. I y4,ii;fovir ..l,-i- . ;i .l.l.i ! wt call flranil mo worker for o.l, tiiiist living, aggres Carriages, Ac, &c i of the suspected case with tiieHtIon U)e guc. 'it the confirmation u tli v.ith best of --.ive vvoikino Chiucb. The should havt measures 111 v of the liepublie. rhuivh district physician in devising every l.elieve moved fimii r.nl- ...... lr..l on" Viiiinu Vallev. E.u Lev having reason to I ' f irAl ot shall never perish. the first place iu the heart ol every Christian. It LY('AN Si JOHNSON havo out a rigid local r 3 our order the only l for carrying quarantine,.. t meinbt-- l.tins.? in' black. ,.,Th"e - laig,. of a ffnriApa I r wi imriAii thei Ohervations. . will contribute''f attire l'nipf of time now steadily uimar.l. will be a sail day for Ilouoliiin for the cause of line MonMi.r Ull,t and to eniracre in . M a a a r a a a a w a a a a - a a Cornke Moulding to he found in . nra T" 1 1 ; ....vt r w u ' the naval officers in their uniform . it piesei.tedJ ri,( generations will pass away. Soon the laM Christ, and of morals if any oi her organization, Honolulu. ; tarougnoui iusulihw. ",!,f2poition of tbe sun. and will assist ma-- (. (Soldier s r. '""..""f,1tovern--lerIaU- v , scene be uion will be mustered out. 11ns organi :ir cause, Cumes to regarded us Crst, and the Sl - nt per arne steamer, to the i thai will not icadilv forgotten LYCAN JOHNSON li:iv- t r settiill, Inanv ,i0ubtful points, zation ill cease lobe. lint fair and lovely to, Chur.-- as secondary. And so 1 rejoice in this a vorv arge :.o.-luM;,,- (,f ment phyicisns on awl would be Honolulu. Ii5.--.i- up ihe valley, Veteran view, Colors, I'almin, Water I Itmu rece,vc--au,'"ritr. eutirelv premature to dear to the heart of everv Irue American generous and tangible videm e of lote for this EiigravinH ami Chroinos that tlifv h surply of bovine virus just upon whut resnlt9 wilI be;lan White's wait nl served to be hand hall ever remain ' Fraternity. Charity and I.oy 'ii lieov tuetion cir-Illh- at ulale I'hur. h. It is couiecrute.l, halloaed money. It 'liee. from Boston, also a Urge quanti y of the.-- i weBII he sure of i3 tliat the w1ioic comely aud iippropriately decorated On our republic is builded. and "she is not so much a gift from living as from a LYCAN k JOHNSON have , no u language. emoouy,K 5 i?7jhall never from face of tlic the. their e.,.(,v Mr W. (J. in 3party i,3ve faithfully the earth. il.-ad- . ile,-,.r;tto- r ooi - Il 'I cuianin -- ,ine their work and ieiih i ho Dr. Judd, whose money it once was, only professional who 1 . 1 1 . w as side of tho entrance were large sized likeness. Comrade-- i : our living Grand .'Vrmv of the He house in ihis ie regnuMM in rcnim under-- we have said excep uou-'i- i eonutr If vou . 1 J lovcii i was w;.t nation, xmow we wui.i ""jaii of fittrfu-ld- e i onlv a deta.-hmeii- t the ft wiujj. The.-- this liurcn. his voice to harmonize, overytliii.tr 1 revacci naTe kkxi. . . . mau) .?,umii. " Generals Wiisbiuctnn fnd consult hint. At... . 1. I r. . I J rcumstances. ' iehloiii gave it 1.1 ,., .i,o.,.--, i invisible to mortal is. VCtt- - heard in it. he his best thought opinions anu uMuniucn mat iui iijjpuscuj tr...... i.i it.H .1..... 1. i 11.h v, ,.. rv.. ;s.Sttrt. i sihl falst-- J i.va.l, very real, To-da- marshal-?'- ; work, prayers, moiiev, and, best of all. to eve is, as we have said, altogether a present, to us. it neit 'ii' , w ""'"""liire : we are pleasel to record.? '? WATS. 3 mourniiig it it immorieiies iouna ine irarm i .jg-ai- its embattled hosN in serried ranks. We I hi- - Savior, Port Street Chinch had his love." f ,V , ' Lamluorpn's Con.ue, .,,,,1 h, altrm and ret . ) . ! . 1 .1 1 . Comiee wo the public will be satisfle.if 1 iiuf .1.ine line 01 mnrcn rmnv ojotr iriui. i.-- Vtl.t.sj"; ..in. see the (Jran.! Armv i.f ouiai No other nse to whii-- this money could be put; '".s r.noiiv ami W end tLink . -- tr.-n '. alnut , , , Vni'-'aa- w.-nl- tbiee uumlre.l ihonaua i And every so please this strong niun, whose memory r a XT e. v . . . . . l"-at- f ivl.o Mutlle-- I ,ul were t.erveu 10 anisucaiiy uecoraieu. g3jea.-- h &! lfili':,-i- 1 i j i , T,':..: Anyone has the ject of the remnrseles recrnitiio 'rrt'eaut iC is so creeu and And this thousand j.i a .mmi..w. wm i estimate for tl,,! ii; muH hav bceiJ itnprePseil with theij j Ou arriving at Nuuanu Ceruttery, Ihe increasing its roster a i oi.ipi.Mt or have taken on an occasion of rioubtfuiH"' j . . .2 jdi'llar.s meuiis l:e r.nd thatiS nishintr of eilpnTs. parr,.,! fur. t tlie- ha-il- y I tronf imiivmuallty. played a funeral dirge whikt the Comrdcri3 r..iu fiel.ts f fShiluh 3 n. i rv f ir in the future. We have need of it. Janer. MutT the phsLtoiu banJ- : J And heart-.- , as lull of love for A 1:1 lifci a new styie oi hed slowly toward the "rave of their late I torn Viijr.nia's wt.iitf , your oeueious LYCAN JOHNSON ami rent ( 'hair?' ol, .1 nai ic inirouucen aii.t5i' avatnp, and gi.ip. as our will Good L" though, when new, there is no apparamZcomrnde, Major Huh s Dickson. post Com-J- - On i an. lira' fan.lx ; tbis Church fisteis, furnish the?? 'I'11 loan anyone else EeadiDg. The Trom au.l Oettjabnr;-- , iu in their beyond money necessary. Aud building a house forjg' LYCAN A JOJIN'SON lnoiio.--e ..11 i i HJ'rterence apiKarance. tliegRJaIuler tben cMcd upon lhe chaplain for prav-- 6 I see thorn t'athpriug -: bookr-CTivarl.itio- liit, 4- . tndl ' n . .it io.l VOU will not onlv honor Him, butanch, olwi i . ... i' : . " Hlloil l(.V - ' we publish a of iu sizes, yet, when worn for Ami up from what is it that passe, a J " - " - I J I iTl I I I W I 11 I I I tlicin aJ Hirvkm lit followed by 6acred Miui!i, and.,' ' II II ' II la. only u and Iwhile each one takes on somecharactei rJb,0rL music I Lite thin clouds In the blast ? fci blessing will come throueh this devotion :,SKf ' i! lately dded to the Honolulu Library isticif TTonolnlii. Ur -- (self-sacrifi- in 'oods ce to your own souls.'' in fine Reading Room, and a glance at their titlesVicf the wearer. M The Commander addressed his commdes nh From the Wilderness where blanches F 'fir uere r Tbe tameless ikeleiou ; a x" . --v i . will show as rar as lies in inejea i is, ior instance ine "jjerny." iiiisia,"v ""'""."b 1 ir t rMiM that thel-jstyl- Vickl.urg' 'd nave of e is deservedly popular, because, whentJ Comrades, We meet to honor our dead, audjjj run laiii;hter, and maler. Wi; remind those who intend to t&UiA the lest St power, that Is. within the means And Ihe trenches ot Dout-lJn- ; have to beer .iwuu: wine 'i,i 1 JtriL-i- I I a 4Vand rev-i-n- r f.-.- r t,,?. purposes ra 111 ''-- if mi nu trra tiatro nrfr!i voref f oil in the Kfnn? It found to be fltte.1 to deenen our ll..;v unitl. Kri.iu the cruel, cruel, rrions, whrre their bodies j.iui jfhibitora at the Agricultural Show, that the Board ufacturing and sell them at from 'to ami man- - ulillnn. A 1 U 1 : . 1 . . ' . 7 I I... n . . r. n , ! . I Vi aa .'I am r I c .1 , 1 . , ...... 1 . .1 1 C C .. - . 20 $IT '"l ' IO CalcT IAJ iiierary ew ui au..If r.A rl. iictim, uhu i , in im. i i. ii;e uoiui.1 ci nnicr-- away tJoi jianaicement win te enllJarrasp(l ii wiey uo uoi h' uic siiirrii k-- . lill i:i.i twiruciiiuru aiiiieir Trom the gruanlus ileek, from sunken vire. E1: receive aiadieations for si .ace at once. The erec LYCAN A JOHNSON by sequciicc, irom nrst. to encourage more generous charity nr-- have all o,,)(is tuAe work ol tiction authors wlioe comiortai.ie ine gjinty, forj i us lo-ili- A.f .,.1 Q V fln.l vainer with fif .t il.a.lj .nl.l . 1:11 li.U I V ...... ,1(1.1.1 1. V.U.. , " " '- f ciaine are a guarantse of somethiniff ooel ;rj (iradually a change comes over the hat. vnr comrades who are sick or iu dbtre.s, a."ni fl 111'.. II .111 .ILVl l.l by everyone Answering all of fl" w by writer, whose strong Imaging With each successive wearing it yield, agrenew our pledge of loyalty to our conntri their Wrii",,d,.n V ' s aHhrs nag audf3i to 9 promptly, and J, i0od powers, H1 poarera rtescnptinn en.l .tile ana Deconie more Cioseiy niOUIUea Ana now m this silent Vhe pur-- S hee ier do all iw I tive ior to4our c.pi,;!,ar,irUli1 lgentlema n. Uauthe Mcl'herson arsTf .pace thev want. Blanks for this aud othersWtbe contour of the head it covers. sorael.Jground of our dead Ut us recall those quality. nvr to " ebarm to and still At kallant, the left, and Lvon. our first mai tvr .?pose can be had at thii office or at the bookseller.. please in. f fin-ithe- ii c f price Whose Bnae are to ns unknown, but' ?one on its br.m the marks of the breast a barricade between our ;trylthe right. Thev march and deploy : th and p,x of the Board of Minaeeiaent. 'ii crt.h from member? f mayl9 wtf. f 4 4 ' , i r-- Vf -- nwfm--if-- ft r W M n rn ft r !D M " I fie sui.nian La already begun dia- - 1 Uayi,,--. au.l a rl.iMrro. f li ieymullrr. Mr J VVitu THE PACIFIC - . j charging her cargo. SUPREME COURT i :0 jir M.- ut.r Mr T l if Mtitfr, Mr t Mun-r- CALENDAR. Island Note f li ft VV4 V A -


! Mr. J. J. SntTHits ha thi- - e--f 1 BY AUTHORITY. dj been anrw.iiited the eornar Fort and Hotel streets, Mr. James In pt'-M.- notice firt. pec.ple is to le a strong one. It must bcthcinpirer felt that her day wcm numbered. The flattarcd t fv(tl,niii.:nr ef War. and Water Kit.ts Lodd having erected a uw building on tu.-i- tM'M-i.- J NATION vK NATtON.VI. SIN'S. and the of that moral sotttiment which lira curate sweetly" kissed her aud departed. Not br-rooi- i- - i for s;to. u - - back of constitution, back of laws, mlcr3 I the Inttrict of Kui Mind of O.ha, iw J. The in y ..fji'i.irt .n shape 1 !.- "j- ' of and many days after he received a pare which con- - t ..fly .iie lluti::tior. from tho powers, i- - ' .1 j:!..Mrl-tin,;- , to IXK) atid which the pf.wer and glory of all 1 '. ,....-.1- fl e.: .1, with a A vy LL....-I- : t n f ' ll.A Vnanaul. J. F. BUsH. archi cvilin". he. aUicU fun.ioho iv.r ceasly j kl. .f i rmoeJ. i:itr cuman governmentr. ! nunp 'mm iniit-itio- kis-sim?- 'hmp i m u 01 with The t , Minuter cf Interior. griii.rd hi.ck waiuut, vmii Aiaerii cherisbett the in of l.icry. Ix-- these three wcrs: the home, school, scene of the with a letter ftont tho fair mm panel ..i Above roni;s .t the p.v.r slaves and their ctv Cime upto i the '1 ii lv.jrd run around the ro'u.. and the church, lay ih. ir iuoaldui hands r.pon one siayiu that the hoid e!cv ii more ccpif f, j unuu munu i ,;,!, 0f n. lii.nc-sr.afnn- tr o.io !f!l easier w.til-- v (icd. He iu iio'; thi th tiUicd K ilLt IrOWll. llU.: Willi enduied the life, the c.f c nation, li which La could Lavo for Shn). The curate is ) iiiuiuuiu pr-r- t t and that will K. Uni-he- d 1 cr.iiii-.-- : the evil. Siivint; thru N'.ition time for - I. ryle. v.. tL a be..vv liiouldu iu a strong. nob!o, mighty 1 now- ; three e i ;: people. rate not how making negotiations for the picture:., and repen'.-.n.-- rep.-- h r mr.a-doini- bnt dl 'L- 1'-- lli-li-i s and ration of siu.-- Kahr.au. light - t!ic i.i.'e i a b;.t:cn -- may be hrr territory; how few her fcia - , l. coi in he w.n!ld At 1 t he rup of verv's iniquttv teonrces awful example mav be a .variiin. to svmpa- e.i-.- l not. ist, hov, darker with m lit Above "omIiw-I- nor snnll may bo the number cf her peonKN in j ,hctic clcrgylnau. J. .". itii.il. broi. iiiil.iiii. w...s ftd!. xl used vcord His and - Kxchan.e. the i.i i ho;- l i .ii w em-rrie- u. bn-as- invincible manhood of her fKns, she will Mi Is-- :. the t Lei arfh of the .cimi cut fro:u t of uP.tion torvil.le Tar. Court mill g. ir.io (nil ruo'trnin:; for H- -t Ivj.ntj. in oi Inttrixr. 2J. the the that vat, and i ike exalted I - a bot'l-o- bro-.x- and woe, aii tlacv amonij the nations & r.iyi? wit e. is blue. cancer. Ihe the anguish, the weakness vihich ! . Whitman Wright goes hipt-inj?- late Royal Upline the l'rin- w- I:irw Kari.iKo-Lim- i ALf.ve .. years war, was pfr.iilty of the tsirth. In all that to make true national black, fioru of s ii narrower border iu on canie four the : houit-- j f -- greatneH. pure are better than broad s from the of n..fiee. the day which An. erica paid for the in of slavery, , j - .SMie.f-or- to M. J. date thi. until which jie jiuiiited, :iltei utely, br.e .boe and acres: school house-- vkld richer treasure-- s l!o.) - than BouuJary Commissiouer't Jiotue- shield-- . .vfii. lake Turkey, the "Sirk Man of turoj as j after the funeral: and will wear half mournim; the Ha tn ciat of ami. , rnanza mine?-- : and spires nre raoreitent tl.i-- . i atn.luer illostrnlion. Stamlir.r, as he with t ! from tim of L'J - Alo bro ul llr than bavon. that until the expiration .1 .".U--d ,w t.'Jii. iiuaiaiic lrdei one foot in and one in Knrope, holding the FOR SAX FRANCISCO. 'eiitivU har.t.4 leit hr li.t.el.- in tJre.-ia- it Aia iu di.letetit ci, with puttei?.. , ihos-izrep.- t frcm the day .if the funeral. the v.T.ce of the ;Lat the i.lud IMrdan lies And the Kisphornvt-i- the kfys to uaderiuM. prayiut; Th.? t t 'irve?,i-l- t 1 j C. II. ceilit. a blue. :.i d t inlantl 'Kvm, the .Mediterranean and the hee memorial days to yon are doublv sacred, JI'DI. of a Lele of KaaLa!oa-iL- i. . '.: -- tan.1.-, wor.,'.er-iu- al mr rAVor.nt li.v.s Hirawai. at in;ra!s ir t rovered Hl '.rk S ns. wiih a o.nntry of vast v.t"nt. l lo the American and the lover of Liberty ; II. f. . -- hamar!aui. sil iate.J at Ttfanoa. of Oahu. rear Us eTtlfJt draprv of rei.-.i- f:.--- Tr aii'-.-i wi:h rtnr'p.. and vr.rioxi scenery and climate, she tho annual strcwinfr ef 9over is cnlv a fitting J "urntrUri' oiU.'e. IV.aril I'a'.i.e. "ly 21. i. N.y'lce i herebr ;iren to all aJJ jin.r.g owner, anj liowr anJ "r"---j- . vrv erte.t:. i.nld be fiw of tt;e stror.j.'st and wealthiest r.a-'.iou- .s irionte oi a prnteini nation to DPr dead cerocsw ll Forest Queen, c.f j i i-- C. - .1 j eiecuti-.-n- . in the world. She i one the weakest and is t'ixt to yon. ftr.t more: yon it Is also a jun- 1? tt t ci intara-ttej- . snd A vine run Io uli that the said will dcin '.:ui r hank-rnp- i love-oiferi- nc ,' matter ! lrdrr f ooret. She i the among cations, t wet with holv tears. laid on the . around the cciliog and pieces, and sprin-- i or.ie ol for l.ear.ng cu tc? 19th day cf June. 13-- 1. in treasury and mornl.a, totteriru? to her fall. era vps of friends nrd brothers. With Memorial i Quick for in; frotn the corrice and filling up the four 1 rulers, generation, havp been Day, von, comes ' Will Hae Dispath the Abo, NOTICE. at ct. o'ciboL p.m.. at ns. wfle. Merchant frset. ler for rapacicns to rdso the past, and those who angles of the ceiling arc stalks of sugsr cane. rohtxrs, oppressing their subjects: from the palace; fought wiih you. Once more they vor.r j Port. ali. march at In the biiliard-root- n adjoining the wall 8nd of the Sultan to the hovel of the peasant, the poi- sid. Von feel the tonch of the shonlder of son-.- e i For t Pi.s., e arP1? U- - f.lCllfj. hlCKLiriON. tnintpd the-nation-. r;tt ir Uraud t'orclsa Lahlltlt ioa, Bo.tou. J. A. I. ; celling are of a innch tone than the room son of licentionaness has the blood of Jonnthan whom yon loved as tecderly ns David Ccmtiii-t-ione- r How decades, H. & Hoi:ndiry ! that we have ju-- t de?cribo?il. The wnli-- i or of a the hand of God hath smitten her loved his. fiy, more than two but yon HackfctU Co., amny ; for her sin! Army after has invaded her love him still. Yonr eyes nil with tears when von - Uoaon light violet r.loit; a lik .le-- ir u- i tl.i K.iu;-do- l'!ed i.u Irland of oahu. shade, .viiinsoting that She. Carriage Manufacturers, TLe ii..reroincnl tein ai . has been scarred, and cut, and thin!; of that day your ! in the room. i ifrritor.. dreadful when he fell at .May 2C. l.-J- air2 dlt "t ' lint Ihe c.rcit?e in two licht by sword, and trampled nr.der the hoots I lie lo-.- j t houl.l fallr rtprer.te.l at the harried the side. battle sr.ent" ra. vnld not tay av shades of gold with u bright gold moulding of charging sqnadronfi. Province after province of e vr--n to t.nrr him. Oceanic Steamship Company ivit.T ti.e ruhli- generally to forward ; above. From this is a lianging border of half her rich domain hns been wrested from her. She WHEELWRIGHTS Art-.- . Boundary Commissioner' Notice. . to-da- y f?im.M rt rrndui. and Mna!otire. iaedalliorn-- Atove the is a balustrade exists as a natiors only lec tn.e the re,it o r a ad '.ipou hie lotielr cratt. No f ; 1 AM" her a U 'a?e '.f n.aun-factare- j. at li?ht rey in imitation of stout ou a sky fmpires cannot apree bow her territory shall be .iirac in t.or.nr nf th:"br.ivr . Cliiiiii. lh latter. trf. .!. a J'otuiou having been filed by the Trustee Yi divided! By h ... ried oidicr han.1 hi- - tm rrirc; t !i 'em n. For foiilioiif of balus- ii- -r. blue round. Twined iu aud out the I ('!'c!;!y on the una rtrve"'"uiki!Ov r. the I.iii.al.I office of Sin is the great national destroyer. It saps nat- !!- '" lU:l!l-i- rTi- V.Mi.f. t.'.ate in the the underif;ned. trade at- - morning glories, hybiscus rlowera, r.' t:!i t :i lil. i ( u. h vr.il he the ural resources. great armie- - nnd navies Mti! rajit Tha cost forward.!!.; prayinj that the boundaries of Apana 1st of the Llue golden yellow It renders General Blacksmiths. . tooatna, and blossoms. Eight impotent. defrayed by tue Onvrnin-it- i;i mi!,.-i.-i d Hi of Kapal.nlu, may be settled. Not ire ig hereby vaset ar placed ou the balustrade, two on each 2. I iiotice, second, that a n;;ii..n lid I'f.Td. li:!; n, luateooraio-- 7 7, 'J auU a concise and graves, hut fory-Mtou- . SUEZ, No. M Khit St., Intendiiig hould Stve s side of fLt room, aud filled with exotics. A iH'inj; persons Sny.i ear, i. Bihilit'r Kiren to all adjoining owners, and to all pet-ion- consists in the of her peop!. i:t - al-- d i- vou cowr i!it;rr- of dead with immor- aorurate of their ethihiia. the interested, delicut, vine is in pracefnl aioag lr. Itnshnell: "Natimial wealth - personal, not v..!r Mill l.rae fur Ihr tbiitf I'. it that tha said matter will enie. on - in- tal les. e -- -- fr of i. ilost e. material. It includes the natural capacity, tlu- and f the raiU Around the skylight I amount of floor wall spj.-- rate heat-.r.j- on 1SS... the And ih.y .:. not t.m;. t Cti iti;el house n l ' LI T. the day of June. at otie dustry, the skill, the science, the bravery, the loy- , On ot About June l.'itlt, 1SS::. MONO ,f-ant- iu the ci'Utreol the ceilii. attd the centre pieces I i whether theetluhit if-- for sal" or alty, th- - moral religious wouh of the i.ate of i ii,-,- n ii:. u lij, :;ud loud, r than our oVJovL p. TO.. at nty ottice. Merchant itreet. Mono the light is t pivtry ine pstteru. ;uil and comes ! HiHlit or la.tifj raur In i m-- r V.v api.l.. rernri..-nt- . lor the I he wetlth of a nation is in the breasts of ht "much speaking" the oi ihe furej to the i- - iii. ! - ."tin-i.ue- d. wuoip very n .r-i- burial ;iiul ihr- t And is nifv-s;iq- e - V I enect l i.e actstgns Let liianhixid be advancetl. it is sure to this tluir of .i..aiod a : We Form Appliratioa i'r S.- :l'HI. F. lilCKFItTON. I tn room are copt'-- sta- - dint for am r.ca and lor freedom. Will Wm. C. IRWIN & CO.. tins growing with it liberty, strength, pun-hate- - :r'm noins brinf. rich, justice, mm, tivii,4 Irani h axaitilr -- it'-- . ! you :ii;d r V.. l:..l.ri- oiigrJu-- live for count r for frectlr.iaf We call upon lliabova a at the F"reign Ofti. ltoi:udary Comriiisionei here, and the artNts have hewu cre.i j hi lity, invincibility, and every othp'r o.kI. Neglect ?ru " Agent.. the and tioo.t-wil- l - t tha well known Hutlaa-- f Thra.-- i. or M. wojk or degrade manhood, and every of success you who s;ipr Uouers upon our graves, to t ike he M. I. I'.o.r, cf . A Co.. Mr. T. li. Mear. J. n.t. t'ai.l lloaolul'i for of Oahu. ality and tastr in their sort and up The whpre latu rnnt.tiu; propperity.-'- I ; death snatched it from our but accidental and deceitful." hat hnn-i- A. COOKE, . Co. Mav CO. I S:;. o.vCfi dlt t : ii. l:ind bp trup to thefneved causp FRANK Jr.. ! any ruler, or statesman, should upon the nti'v -- -- We have u It'icUd wh is cOUStabtiy iiii-l'- Carriage Slioj', AfpUrationi l...ut.l. li .hi. Ik; ent iu no lUialie. manhood ot his countrymen as secotutat!. v, con- - for :bt d t;.e .v.ue of riaht. of libertv. in I OFFICE, hotuctt:tig new. tits siipettons ore enerady 'that r'd . lie manly, biave. true, cr.ur3;eons n s'quenee, to monev and possessions; .r, he .Shop, U er thtn i"h Jane. M.jhi :he 11 ill day of Jnne, the ('ointneLaora-ti'- of r.l I t; l, hoicinity right Wheelwright Oov-trome- an agrioultuiul n:itiire, ..ud hi pani and the j.ai,.t- - i ni sh.nilu not valne the revenue of creat abilities, Stu Corner Nuuami and Queen Sts., Kar.it-hauiab- anl tx! .S vv ob-er- vJ All it' the of a I'ub-i- i.i-- . l ith F.ahihin mui I. ill le a i of mind is in i biniili fr hit;h mot-il- qualities such as purity, visor, valor, lll.u .Shop, - ,1. u-- a y the July. Molidar. and all Ofiices through- vegetables. Jum is un..-- integiit3- any possible , H . I . Gorernment and he factosJ above other increase or HONOLULU. I I.j-- a . . Hie Nuuiuu Ceniete ry. ".ii I- . a'li'-rie- hy tt-- li.-i!- advantage is full of portent to that "Vou nt Shop nxi r t- subject ' x -' Mr. Chi It. iv.eUand '."o out Kinifilom will be clobed. with the of turnip t:rowi!j'4. lie nation. C f--i TNT 'A Jr- 1 ti-ir thou-an- will confer," said Lpictetus, "the grtatest btntfit O demonstrated to thut tUe d uu.l y Goverument to iriniend JOHN r.. LUSH, ni on? - M.iuy .u ilon-- Tii mining .Shop, ih i n yonr city, not by raising the roofs, bnt liy i- to Scuauu t p-- . abandoned taro pntches to be .nit.d up pr. re etr.. etc. aud fellow-citizen- s: t- gratifieution ut ctwir desj.atrh. ttj1o;;i.. Mit.iilar of the Imeiior. allium the souls of your it - pi iheir the jpat The Following iiww o iv outer, for woik or j down the many of th Isluud are ju-.- i ftr Packets: .Vie prepared re.i u,ilril with t.. th Fihil.n.on 24, 2t toettei that pleat should live in small habita- ct tb.e grounds and enclosures. The . iu vuy of the ... twmuPli". Full iiif..rmation Jeprttuent of Interior. Mar ; , I places grow turnip:-- j y w.ii.i.:i.r-.- the to care bein;; t:iken to tions, abject si vea should hmrow in walk- - very-man- villi. :.p. lira'.ion to tha than that and drives were in nice order, aud . from hito or on - W I I VI cab ha obtained ; : WAIKHI I.I plant only in lho.c iu:il have iit...ieriii.e dere- of Krent houses' of the graves and tombs weie decorated Family Cu ilia ires. reUry a i ihe Fotvigi. fie. hi.- I n we M Al.OI O K l t Acting li pleated ilia Majesty the Kintr to appoint j moisture to frfhen up the daep bl.uk oiI, in he supreme value of manhood is if look bv h i...ral to cerfmonieq ti , Ihe of . V Mcj-.Ra- I h .el. ! M 4 t ( I n.jr'J'i dltk.. WtLux Oihso1.-- Atior&ey-ijeura- l, f which quote hi. owu vrords the turnip to the founders of America. That heroic Men... Jl Phaeton, "to band who came over in Maiijloirtr, and laid I . ; ou!d grow with u rapidity, and to a hirn thai the the K 4 M O KIU'K in.vri.-i- tic K. l'retoa resiiied. t'onndations, of a grpat nation, did not oorn to l. loL4Nl May would simply astonish you." We do not doubt A u Iuiintgrotii'--n Ordiuwuce. I'.iLct, Itiu, amass wealth but to secure iibertv. .'.s one has Large Heifer. Cxpiesdej, Batr-- A ; and we suppose if auyone bill.-ship- s, it thut should well said : " They brought hit her "in their ! . FLAG with White Ball their mind to the subject, that they os'id beat not monev, not merchandise, nor oi I. ,i. oi" lira H. o oi Kansas has one the largest marll It OmuihuaiwS, the world in turnip.-- : iu n iosle Benson. We armed torce, hut they e.ime freiKlttett with lebg'on, 'i tlie i.eiters in this couutrv. She ventured reui.-ir- aa know ted-- p learnioi;, law, and the spirit ot men. Strong in liie.iks, : 1... xorii':K. to that lai as out - ;iiri.tt. . :. . . i . 1 ; . . V . . - i . is a white. perfect form, and weigh3 a i. - i. - ot the went we did not Ihink lbt.t it w.. j. '7"""''.""-'"-s-'- " SfK-- 17 - Tru- k?, . nt-.i- l I . Htile over 4nounds. She taeasurei - teat A. l I.. .. ,. u-.- wiih danger I of g . aT v . a a a m w or be, vo iheir combat""" hardship. dfllU: TIME b extensively euough TABLK Jll , l 'a jwi woiild here Wi.go.i-- . re.--- ua t.'.e ,'lbtal 'ka ' smote them but ihey faltered famine, but irom noe to tip of tail. 10 teei Iu girth, and Milk j.rwrid-- : th iuipo,rtiwu U lor , one in goin. very - hini-aes- i, not: tL)t Lh ,rtit lfip up roin wLn aboot ttri'..ui largely into in.- Tl-e- 17 She is to ir Kii, . they feasted on root: wiih .atiei.t spirit. standi hands LiL. said bs sizaplv . . -- ...... i a l oi an Act .p b racue across l&rpe when we were-inte- d by . Plantation Wugom, . o "w- - .luiakkrrati- 'ii. r. mil lrrira thid Krt ..:i..u nipt the statenii;t built a house for h i: ft.t ihems.-iv;- I hey j Waatv. She was raised in Conlev Stmr Likelike i-- be--- t (d, ft&i.-t;- d ' 10 - r prorad oa the 2urd .ly oi Juuc A. L, i.l.ei ; .lu i ih, from 1" t' iocb lonj that they Wade the kiud stock lot jat.. esiRblishetl etincaiion. 1 tiey v.r- tho-i- sons to uuulv, ar.d i- - now 4 vears old. v Jren lying Mult Cart", " oi all kind; be of ; 11 j the af the baiea.. Jam made the t..rcip. ijoti through iro tovi.ine: ,nr...i.vh virtue to down," the-- t.ps of her "horns ore as hi--- as "An Act tu aiwai por , 1 r.c operation ot th Uiw L-- i Th?re rtre uiiilioii- - oi tins oi curraji.-- plum, the "state. .So they laid the it was .S'. Ox Carlis ,.;m; tolo lut , r mf.ni bead. 1 Chronicle. ImtU.TitiwU. necessary tbet the intruciioaa spii.-ot- atrawbeiry and other ' fruit jums ' raads the stront; manhood oi th.-i- sons which won the Meaner l.iaelike will leave Xr.uolutu eacb lurt.lny at JUj-.i- y ru.le it fields Bay, Hand Carts, -- by ia Privy nt-uir- victory against such fearful in hefoie r. it., touching at Labaiiia, Maalaea MaLena, M. be it r.U.ned lit. ae.-,...- r lUi year should form wiib cow by adding to the bodv oi lurcips the e,f iirii to cob trni-- r.f I77fi, when Atneiiea place The G. A- - R. biikooa, Kawaihae, l,uphoiUoe and H.lJ uf M.ni.icr ' - coal-ta- ! took her ih the Ins th le.iu.reiiieoli of tbat luw. Thf-i- instru..'- rlavorings extracted from r Here we nations. It was blood K'turn'.o? will touch at all the nt.oTe t'Crl- - arrlvlog at &e.. At Ae., Ac. io., Ac, I.ttTi.jr-tio- r. : anions the ihe of the ei.-- A. tto of m tollow And now bein pre- - could of banana, orange, rose - Sunasy a. k. ror and Bureau liou hire beeb prtolwd. re make the extract Pnritand in the veins of the loyal North, which in To u luoap of orticer. tryiu-- j to nhile- away ord-- r t Made o order, m id iuo-- 1 woikuibulilm tuaubet, al abort U prote.-- ihe r,r.red for apple, guava anri other fruits, and export ship 1C1 was a potent force in saving and perpetuat- many . Wbraj. It i.iie one amount thu sleepless nighla endured unli'-e- ou most libu loads yea, ship loads, sir 1 of thw finest jams ing nationality which our had and the favorable lrui" be -- or . tun the forefathers by the Co.000 men who left Vickaburgh under I.IHKI.Irit: WILL LLtVL III K u,ihlie fr.oiu i ord .iiiai.ou a.eari. bequeathed us. IvtlK at 4 i., aii.'i SO l"r. 1,M Kingdom ,1. ..l i 1 . Th telephone t iu the aiidiwh in the world !' It would seem as though, as General Sherman in February, 1S61, belougs j tlti f. mil ieeeivr.1 ...n,rAL.t arririn ' iii ii. And this suggests, third, that n nation muft lc the alter J t'. it. line oonre in f;iv en i. thi rule, sud it u ill in all its in tha ndti iliale.t js Colonel Seller would say, there's something H1.-3- I Blacksmithing Barnches, : . W v I t.i 'hello' uonoi iiio uwucepitoii ct tue Vjiriauu tararrtedoi.it .'mvl- W I.Dl.li CD. . .. ir4. . .,vj.. I: . as trell as coiistruetert. Bnt where lies the Army 't..11 ItikaihrAl-anhaihoihaukni- inw.iue what ) in it !" di'ndfd of the l.epubli.-- . From to i ia"fcdiiabl pUc- - id U.r..ol.-- htienMth of a nation's defense, in time of peiil? that time this the lhl" l ..ad time they Lave at the ceutral." In such things as money pnrchascs: in ships, fe organization hm gone on increasing in numbers; -. ;- - thma. Lr they wso b ir- KnJ e aay add th.U iu Boston they call np MEMORIAL SERVICE. guns, of the latent Improved pattem, tviid and it ii not long now before it must reach its PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPAMf Curriairo WorU. i. .. "!- - o "Hi.b, ho " instead of rnnnitions war? No! " The real T tiaaa of w-.- prs..a--t .vntral by sLoatintj . of bulwark a maiiiiiiiiii oi ttrenth. It is unique in iia con- IIouse Woih, F.ifhingr. nation," r..tyn Dr. finshnll. "is in the bodieH of ; tv-v- d aB'.l heiio.' ception, member iliip uud purposes and in a L. Uitabl ani son.-.-; 1 s.ay liJl-?- Tut Memorial Service held iu tlm even- her or, should rathpr in the spirit and record-- , l'OI Sftll I' Shiji Work, a, lim ' i.it ib:e few yearj its like those cf the Sanitary reaiouabl t" - principles oi her son. Ihev" are publio bive, hd 1 our'. u Juiy will soou roil aiound. nud j ing at Fort street Church on the Sunday Commis'sloti, will be elesed, its laair.berbip Artesian Well Work, wisdom, altaebmeiit to home and country, and ' - o.iat. p.iiioii': Ameiicans are Waking to see it w ever to maj orty.' iHl !rLMU!l ,'ltll.l- t 1 tuc arrial preceding Decoration Day were iuipressive bravery." these cannot be twiught ith money. tha Or Mtu'li'meiy Forging. TLerelore. b it orJiu which will be j celebrated," it under I 1m Ctn-r.- ot K.'i-,CO.- appropriately hey ?;re not inspired .n occasion. They . tl.i- - n. ! an.J Dr. .Mrs. ..r I'--. interestiny. Mk McGrew, s.t a.'y W. Long A. mean-bred- , f ny hip or eiel the ftuspieea of iieo. be Postfi. , be infnsed into a hensna'i, ifbo . King-- Telephoue Cfty or m re imiui.i-- 'i ..ri We Uarn that the of Kapiolani F'ark lias I. C. Jones, jr., and Miss: with the iniemperate people. In a time of crisis Wires Horse Shoeing a Specialty. r.i illiUii :r!il- - loeen proffered, and th-;- i arrangements are now i help of Mohsi- -. W. W. Hall, Captain Jaok-9o- n, true men tilled with the-- courage that comes from, j mploymeat ia ihii u We and e; iMsed upon, noble principles, are worth more J Tc;(3j.i4.-.- wire-- i b.-- ua.a-wa- employ ti'.iie but the lunM .Itllirul Merbltwloa. - vessel under way to have lie; r.te lourth.' . Mr. are a .i a In YAW I. A N 1)1 I L; fr.jiu au. niir .r U.S. (retired and Stratmeyer, had i le--- . A. ami uur ia .N, . .Kill landed ih.in and war. . We , ti-.- uui ireasnre, Runs inunitton.s of ' ' ii, .;i. on y Milrii.il 1S-- I f', " " not look XV DHUKK, 4 - . tha ulhcr i c ll ulljr to do "f.all l.ae le'i framed - decorated the church most beautifully with in.s truth iu ,,t America. he nation f ,u r Oi.lrth '). aolf'itrd. until pertui.iioH qiie-dioi- i ha- beeu atked i.i a fT Ab so.i:ewhU It Hoard f The wht -- tupped hy a traitorous cabinet of her runs I "f3 dan2rous two or All work and umiciiiil guarkuli.sl. b i A i. i ..' the i- - t. -iK I'reii.leni. r A the name giren to that flags aud flower. I'ach side liijht vvus -- 1C5 Wiii LLAVL f j cudge ?" 'cadge' ami iiiiit.ilioiis of war; she was without an armv oi iuc iev :upponu. n:e wires, oa HONOLULU ii)H sAN hAM iS;o givr a . nil ho f ne urrhaiinif cr tiO if t Io- - -- "" i- ! i'le.'.e ni rculrai Icamife' ration. of fjuesttoning whih may be characterised decked with a ciit-- oi i iij erb canlinal or it. i y. mu sue nau men, Merehntd were to awav, as it ia bv no ioe beri-- . .oii ON o i. ..(.ti.uod the for lli-:- j impossible they may of & i Oa A83J( ju: 3. rt Second. Wh'eu acu j hfqginfj for a reply or information. It red Llossotti-r- ,' ibrr linvi-n-- t set in iiiinJed. nnnly inen. means iu case violent ill OrJerK itirei n o Hot 5l brin-iu- ji - (itttieti v J n&.-.-- ai.l im- ti'sort of interviewing that is carried on rrit Mi ll who their kn wind storm, any one who happened to be mainland. u ..f the implies f a rVru- -. I'to- - io -- the midst tuft of organ Hill knew their rights, and knowing dm niaiutulii. l ucli ostensibly for the purpose of obtaining inform. the falling wires and poles might be badly J hai; a.i tk"" Udra wa.- - FOK 3 DNEY VfA AUCZt, VNI Attention Civen to rtopalr Work. miitraiit. : Hi a- - for purpose while it i intended io r.e front draped with American fugs, d Men for example, like General Sumner : At iujnred or even killed. But all danger of j. 1 of Itam. ratios lion one the this hv the ll.rd ...i" . .1 tor another. the initial- - "'. A. Tt. made of '.he blossoma end of the second day of the bloody battle of Pair kind nnd th iiiiiijjhtly jspfct rre.je rough : Jill. blii i'i v by u.a of ih of I viute may be indicated Ain . Oaks, the tiion troops, had forced their way with h.--ii arms m- - WHITMAN 6t WRIGHT. oftllede.p ivd double geraiim-.n- Along poles and iixtures d.me a pi 7 w ll. a ifore-.- d. on our liable a leaden across the Chtckahominy. The floods carried away with all . ' We hare had left editorial - . the wires iuto uLles iai.ut-grtaaaforei- tt o'T..er ( n u-- U'.uviii. ' come in only on a the front of i beorRan gallery v ..- arranged awav Ihe budt-es- The situation was one of ex- - laying Third.--- l ...be (suth as painters colors .K-ri- i and theui ui.dcii7roucd. This practice i i treme Alter maki.i i.li arrangementA for sib.- - an --o h so."t nhaviug Ijomptet of w li to lilies, on .d bv.-iu- ..r . and r.o.v wh. hll Und larger stale) containing a pateui of an ail. iei. , t ieu. Sumner --,em for iien. Sedccwich is followed iarly in Germany and ,a d. uuy ; Hy ouscrewing oi the tube, and ijvsl. . . I ra- is being by the autiioi ities of NEW DRUC paen0'eM or imiuintraun i" he Uid-- aud soap. thecip the pulpit re p aof.1 py ami s ttd to him Sedfcewick, you perceive tho several V STORE. - a . NKW base quantity of ste-pLtau- :" OF t the lar.di.ii of any ihen pressing togelher its mids of lilies, the is. Mexican situation. The enemy will, doubtless open or us large cites in ihe United States. In Chicago CU YORK. wh.ha.llai.landai By j pcr..ii-- i'i r.icelv scented so.ap is out. smearing at da.vliht. He can overwhelm us, and destroy one telegraphy company has made ita wires into vIMHI.K. or tiumir-:- tl witl.o.u the creeper, and fern frond. Palm branches ns. lint country c tnnot afford to have up de- runiiaiiJr. paner. lue.-hiawit- this a lather " is formed, and the cables but not buried underground.. It has: I !- t: COI m-.i- n-r a. Vill i. f toft TilK OVHi ih-rw- i.i Hif - , - ui.-uud- li i-te in feated. There is just one thing for us to we lhau the : then Ihe flat edk- of the lube (formed by press-- i were placed in the hark and to do: sawed orTlhe unsightly arms and the tops of the -- I statu! here nnd die like Impress PALMER & , pro.id.d for. hall ble to to scrape off the - must men! it ;o ' THATCHER r ...Wnv" article, !i iii2 it l.vgether), can be utilized finish the trio of color- a superb bloom of upon your otiio rs that we must do this to the last poles, and attached the cable, that they are Oil 08 A30UT JUNE 10. ' i. ( v'n thousand I together. Thn sharing is not suspended so high wires were, r j. tine not tieed.ti tiie nil i ap and stubble the rich IJlue Lily was placed between t he man to trie A man! We may not meet again, v ihe and rr,'. Bpply lo V 3 - lr--- s tu f.ir.- I !.- or easy. J t.ood-hvc- . good-bye!- " there is danger from fitiliug olrs. couvicti-i- h aii l'Isirict made Sedgewiek, And the two oifthe H. II .V Cu. n , I red roses and while lilies. Ai'Kf LLh PHARMACISTS. olUr. Mr. J. Williams ha,-- made such arrangements brave soldiers shook hands and purled. The ene- - At,it. Mayi-olr- a le- - w'.tb tleneral Agent tor the 1 acinc t oast oi Promptly at the hour for commencing failed to nttack, and the sacrifice wsm averted. i.w.ts ur M.ipuif ui per Sirnmrr h wr N"H HI At.' I 8 IN - 1 - the ru in place , Queen -- VU ir.i evening,-service- j man Ltiu'o Forsworn by the F.iariW. i he Chicago, Hurlinjnon and Qniuey Railroad, tlie tiie Comra-lc- of C'eorge Hal Sumner the to have carried out his e f rer ;iooe. in I be -o-- .:" - irrd. Drug, ! -li to ih I .nut died ai his post of duty tor conn- OKawM subject intending goiug to tne &wfra NV j r thai trailers ,e JlugpOKi, numbering, with ''"in e mhil-.-i iui-..-nic- aiirftnM.ni-.ifiiifMiM.ni- r totr h . - . . 1 , I . , i veteran ! try. sncii men, she counted them by the a.ij mm, iu Wharf, l:.-r- ileaUSi- - ad '..-- nVs r all .i r.I,ii,e and ouret.Uincs f tha d ..f f. ..!.. i.r h;-a-v ' Chemicals, visitor-- , (led hy C - ! million, ihooch without uri army or navy. Ameiicn. j i ihe raoi tality among the rheep unJ istai in-.- ir t.-i- . about forty, pree onmand- He-ali- i ror ;cro.-- tho with sul'ely aud nay nta!.e in it.e t.iken contiueut ! K . t- - It .jrd of wh-- ineiote. is iiie re.ti ! jamn.s m present season 1 It. ll ' :!.' V t pff i.r.rf l la i e I - in. inn iiierr sirenutn tiie and he low state -. Ageut j er i llu- - ) I 'l'..-.ij- of Mr. Williaiat.- as Corresponding uiaivhe into c.iutvh and h HS I I. i.f- - r, t t health of immi'raati ..r Hia. detipatch. et- nation in lime oi pern: iu to.- .levoiton 01 hi.-- lh,- - liocks in this eonmrv liad r j KKft :.n Si.n rju Patent Medicine, of ibe on the subject, vvho f IU-- , tuai..t I. :dl needfnl information sons, will lie. t l,i I i cau took that had been reserved for them l:er manlv die for her if need th-.i- elr ?i'ie . i du ed, the Queen had given orders no iamb pablic. - j How nc-d- Toilet Articles and save b the traveller in irauietise aasotml of II. c:in this great this real strength. - liittrprewr ia.,h ie- - shall and in lne m:U1 ,ti,e. Xi,e (.,rol, was crowded is to be served for food in the- lioval household ; if ih. I'rojier a't . w"rr-- an1 b.-iu- g i ; v j seating .',00., and tic w.l, .1 it'll f I In r.l.:l I tiltis The thus set bv the Queen Fancy Goods. be aftor.ied by the r.Olr.1 of IIl.n.;ra::on i" oi'i'i. tits caparity about tino icll.nnu Oceanic Steamshij) Com'y. ! overi;ed omen. I be family is a divine institii- - j i one which it is greatly to bs hoped others will t. make eiig.veBienis tueir flo..d-b- e said h as she started on a afler the aisles were well filled many went .:t immii'riiH fr der," tion. I bis is the corner stone of fill governments, j he disposed i lollow. P.oth in this country and J r Wo. 113, l. if yoa want anything of Afi.-- Fort excursion " fur room. Ihe lie-- . i. ?"? "J chopping away want of usual It b:ie .f all government of all order. With- - i in .ome of the I Steet. Immt-jrratio- eontiueiitial countries there has ll f. ..r."... 'n call up So. 1C, I'll be there for ' II IKHVJ hereby ji to the Board of ine this nfternoon introductory exercises by the choir, and out it there ran be no stability, no morality, and been a seuous decrease iu the past few" years in uLorit. i. upon a while.'' No. 100 was accordingly called up of course no true maryiood. Napoleon s celebrated to preveni all t,na.ithoried ittirus.on hy the Itev. .s. C. Damon, Pastor the liuinbtr A iheep, and the process of replen- - measure as later in the day, aud a gruff man'a voice re- prayr j answer" Site, what ts the creat need of France?"' l'mlirular atttuUiu paid Io tak folbtw-intbne- nl .""--- ishment is noi one that can be hastened. I'wes and to surli X delivered j " Mothers is in point. But I would broaden it: auch immisrant.. eleun- - sponded hello!" "Is Mr. there V and Comrade Cruan the of onitort, i is, the oi.lei breed nsr.allv have one lamb a year Le condricie io ih waa the iwery. "'Gaess not. Ladies dou'i divc.ouise: The i.reat need of this nation, of all nations Physicians' Biit : o: ..f sucti immtsrant wiuia looked that (bnl's loest gift, the family, should be kept and those ihe aud more higldy led A Prescriptions. l .ild UOd Older call in here much,"' and the questioner j 0 ns 1 in: si.hmo.s. inviolate and sacred. varieties r.ir-i- have more tbatt P p P S t-- to find y provided. her friend : L id again at the telephone card mi-.-hl- 1 r..i,hnKin the 'M San,. I How nrr th. i:i! it'll, .ind in. Those grand men who founded America knew tripkls are soineiiriies seen. The chance of in- - u ii ill r - ! i if any 3nch tinmi- ; well-guarde- d -- had made a slight mistake of i this, hefon nation was born, a I On ihe encasement weapon" the crease in the number r.f sheep iu the country i -- s;th. ola.-- e rt0:lj 1'or ihe Nation ihr- - t'tist wi: .'j bn ll.i.o.lula n h Uur .lore is kejd thi alotesaid. tr Kinnloni home, where simplicity. pietv,an.l purity reicned, j tliillesvr v.i lit nl. iiir H.i nj.cn livening!, wiiile I. . - . ... -made at -- K-h- o ., therefore depmder.t in some decree, pre- KM tilw.r ...... rrve Thee yhnll poii-- t: llin-- nation l:!ili ' was ou the , Con;rf--r;a- l H'rall, Portland, Oregon, for nt made the national citadel. Modest, pure, I ..." t wa-1e- f t t ; a l f live .lo. ar, The i. home-keepin- servatiou of lambs of the present 'I rsi ir.ii oil oit.iii i.u iiiiil re floyer shall pay utlnrlv g mothers : noble, brave, true, patrio th? season. 'l n:i. lli a oiuetPiit I'liai maeist id in ..er. cU be Mat 3. contains a list of the canneries rn the which, if ' euga.cd by him. ...all A th;iit Iweniy-tw- o years were s army, The diminution the example of the l M i. Hi CD Coast, from which we learn that there little more afro America tic tattlers the nation standing iney Ihr IU af ull , l'a.iiiie birth-hoa- r Queen be v..deiy followed, would take place iii ilnrino portions of Snmhr-v- iiarantBoard of Immigration towards the for putting up salmon, and the entire civilised world, heard the booming needed no other. When in I77t. the nation iu .PplieJ b. die me 0 j - e of cannon at Sumter. How iheir thunder rolled came, forth from these homes went the the demand, would enable the farmer to keep Mpiif-in- maiuteniu.-- of th- - -i- .i placevuid aud oavier, located on the i SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS, aO that lieedino- oil of the iiueii, salmon trout from nation to nation, fiom State to Stale! And Waslunctons, Ie.s, Marions, Sumter's and the ewe lambs for further replenishment of their : jeiotis .apen. river--- , j Columbia, Sacramento and other how Mhimhering awoke, Greenes to fiyht battles; and the Adamses, , of tt.c i.Bm.ranti therein. Praer, at the sound the North her rlovks. Unchecked consumption tend-- i to per- - D. Spx'eckels & that ilav fan le aivoinmoiluteil. ae-irii- .5 Juo. Bros. not. i and on Puet Sound. These 89 canneries have like a giant out rf sleep, and girded itself for war! btys, Madisons, franklins and .leffersons to frame petrate and increase a scarcity, which will cer- capital in busi-- No more dallving No more palirving over her Constitntior. and make her laws. .J2"J .tOi,. shall. f . leaving ti.e.iepot. invested at lei.it $l,l.0O0 the then! tainly b of serious detriment to farming pros- - Mthet Street. for labr of fish-foo- d j party trirles. No more indolence, or cowardice, i The homes of every nation are her slronerd rftaaicots I'.o-a.-- a - nes- - and the number of potiuds i.i oi immt- .- . : ! i ! to-da- i pe.rts, and which will only be prevented from j . t. il. I'resi'ieut tilt . 1- i. .u ...t. - bnt a errand tipiisint; for count rv. for richt. for fortification. Sav in her homes is the HONOLULU AGENTS. tliev aU'lltatiy aupp'y l'J mai.ei- I tba.1 they wilt.lO. ll.t.1 l" the cause oi Liberty. M.at davs those were! J nation of l'tfYi. Tlte hand of every mot her touches becoming serious to consumers by bringiu from We cany ihe hirtre-.- t of e.id.... Heside'a e, b.-.b- iiortraeat .tdid.Vl.ir euorm.fU-- . freighting eutire ships there i i .rfcli..n And what men thev produced! I rom the farm, not alone the cradle of her bnt the cradle New Zealand and Australia the supplies which . Win. G. Irwin Sc Co. ij.i r.tieri caught for food by the Indian i np- - rui-e- are .'rea: from the shop, frotn the store, from the bonne of her Commonwealth: the father's kiss, pressed might otherwise have been d in out own ai:ticli:s in the Kiiikj- - j toilet 1 api,rt- - lining on tije banka of the river and Sound, luxury, and from the cottage of poverty, they c,me: on the lips of his baby is fell npon the lips of the field.-- . baibj . iheir of "hrideVroom, j is in . .ic-- lorn. fr -- T.ii- .M.r.a-- v - iall m l it is ,die to that the number pounds fresh cheeked hoys. benrdei men, nation of the near future. What thai nation, cradle-side- . be? what i t - --e u of ioori ti a., t. each year from the watera of the from the altar, and fathers from the the near fntnre to Just our homes ' - ' to-da- y wif-r- . Fur Europe via t '" t e.jual. if they do not exceed, the Thev were era nd in. n and true soldier. are no stronfrer. no no purer, iniif Our June Fashions. New York Pacific l.'a s.!.-iie- r almo-phr- re - NNhat transforms the mm inio a true ? child breathes the moral of your home. elsewhere the ; Our jdicei are 'Jo ,u lloliolabi- it- .'ijljiaed j.er oeut lower -y January. iuaui.lv - w no be- - liecomes his very He sees world . lolwiii l'- - tfaio Mu. e culti- 'Ihe irne soldier iie risks his life in It life. the through Our divoei uid jackfti for day or cveuing at jv'.rld i urea of piSturs-- ur i Uor.a ir..:.i equl ha I: ot :m ida. noi ii :ue interest of mere glory. your eyes, imu life and spirit mold him. He went sre. vol w iih low sousre neck and .sleeves of th:.ti other in KLKr. l.ti. - beiiK; I niiy (.rc town. vated com- lives moves in yon. Yonr T 4.. 1. laud. or power, or advemure. However dull and and and has his j full oi dtini length, ulio .vith hijh neck worn inon-plac- mao, it voice"' j child, twenty years now, will vonr Kit.iT the "ti.e still small speak trom incarnate j lhc i- - standing collar. TLo style in ir, Jy hail-pa- st f wh-?- wiih front like - H Io.. r:-'- i loorninu, about to him of tt.itv, treed. mi. triilh : if these tire his home. nd t of our hov. and vonr Id A r- c u.fle: List. tine a, i.u-it- i .viit- - - true homes of poinifd bodice, snort ovr the hips;. At their ,11 t: oubtrei ar :t between a man by the name ol sonl an.l senit nim to ive.ttia, men. like hrme, of nil. li the this nation, blao-ksmith- . I coar-v- . back edges ide iorai-- ur ino Our ilflieioiH r,re, low, the deeply pointed. Cunard ,.f Heaven, he oi Ai:CTlC SODA l from Kohaia. and a ton" Michael on the ramparts nation. drunken, carnal, ' h.l,.'v l.telv .iivinely-equioper- - ! ! wan eonun.s- profane, sensual, devilish, vims A seam extendi through tht backs from I K.I, I 1 ,Eed"i working in the shop ou King bec t) lor. ptssiotuue, the .irnkre t: Hl.s to. WATKK iiiierjiKtl.'tl. ' . ' - Sjone.i to the battles ot ihe ages, and of l od. will enter the verv veins of the bodv p.. itic. Water the neck or btk,w to iir.c waist. 13 01 , t Mo.mey i.ht - just tht the yard Hr ill. ..r.-ei- ..pp-.s.- the fetation Hmi,. on- t . never purer, never n in Anipricit n)ill0n snrh ul(.n nnd nes nigner, man its " This poition i.i lengthened and widened to ; to ti.e shop snd .ome hard , .pr:ms, Mothers forth their ms. source. A nation's life is never purer or higher to .,ml. seni lorm a polonaise drapery, e tensions being ; Two Sailings Every Week - Morgan who ordered him away - mas, maidens lovers, th".n its home life. Sulli L. 3it- with 'v- wlves their hush their and allowed upon its fiord edges, the tops of hieh ' raeu came to blows and i hands vuns wbb a principle. hoever raises his hand to or ilnte the pnrttt , We a full SI'KCTA-CLK- S lbl.-- - eral tii.ie. i'iualiy the pin in their touted r. - - FOR LIVERPOOL : have lino of -t- t- n of is. j are iu lin- wiih the- of -- f VI wun wonu . or weaken the suhiluv of the family, strikes a termination the centra H. -- .le. l.s.rdt:.r .i.u.'k MooueV on lne ngr.l tempte ta.t nnu itiouviu I W .... ;:.e ..n. o.,t.if. w ! ! l.lr.vi nt I hfl of Ihr n.Tlinn. I?A. of nil seam. 1 be drapery ts lined .viiti a coutrashng IUO it.tl InitK U.KI bi.MMHi. i- 1 world Inev kUd iialio.. . -- of the km l uaed by blacksmnos. The of the ..rir. thein hnrl ami EVi: GLASSES. cold h.s is He w ho j exttn-ion- -. -- fou;.i.t tour loni; bl'.iiv ve;r, net for America men an enemy of his country. weakens color and texture, and the are folded i 1 rC t (111 b-i- r.J like u t the tud of a M Nil hammer for .' family tie by the advocacy of easy divorce;' lit ,... of a derp vlorie. but the world the backward and forward, jabot fashion, disclosing .il .f. . ... handle. The edge the chisel eui Ihey I'oticht for Liberty eveiywhcre : that every ne wi.o pierces me i amity to me r.ean wuntne , - - - a - lW i;nina. The elf eve is ir. shape and es l - n-- of police oai l. -- r t .he I'i.H fi ii. tie- head. Mr. Marcus, the bondman on tile golrf tatsht have hope; , : A large stock of thu , . u- - trJici-- tv xUv oat-Ma- seum RATES OF PASSAGE lIIOTOGRAilIIC I.I.liO' t.i. rej-uce- : ;i ;. ihe tMhU. wiih len Mcro-- s n .. tP!- - wh' bad stepped the alreet upli evety p .i.tot n.i. hi thai evry traiur and ii j ui ijjdii i.ij;r inn it ut ! u. .r i ij iur vi'iiti' or neverti itiche?. Tiiere i- - a standing ' I HI It M.I Vlilll 1,111.11 l'k'",:"-a- ho in io in ihe aim quarrelling. arie-ie- d Morgan eveiv oppressor on 'he whole earth, and in all CHEMICALS. ., . . . - ioi-- hi ,nn :isl,fija;-,i- against collar with square ends about the neuk. aud c.ut- v. : u.'i,ii. cu'. .. hue oth- - r took care of Mooney. Ilr. McGrev. coutiii lime. tremble be in ifcaiiist God, humanity, and asrnnst their for i.Vix t ra.n tii-s- e ; of br.ck, s jabot of -- strnc;2le hnnnrcd thous .ud Tins one of dread periN our day. side this, at the is luce, which di------i;.;i th it turee of nation. is the ct e si.- a is w to dress the wouu.'.. taie thut 1 I I I Oit 1 is it ien-.- e le every Itl.l ii tllK.1 lil.i. It.li'is ar ;tf:o":,i ' -- brute men laid down their li.'e in of that menaces the life of nation wheie it exists, is urr nged upon the bust in style. ii cao-j.-- t few h the Porr.f eicur b.i r.- - teU Lr - ars h" erions (iihl-yive- 11 man- ' p. the i principle, freedom for all for it poison the source from whence true Tor dressy occasions the r.ecl, i T.t vfl'.r.K 4GK .. 2i K UK. vn Orders fro in the .otwitrv will oi . 1'iiot to be- - The man was aer.i ;o the -- aocitr w,.nd ua t eraini'titly tiltins; Ameticins where hood, the life nnd of ever nation, must ; , w.s.aI r.' a - that eveiy strennth filled in with lace or tr.lk-- while the sleeves sre uut ol.e- jf locked np tn awiii the world-wide- , every flow. ceivt careful . .. .hv Hoard while Morun ave, mankind of race nnd clime i - - ,tttention, an.l good .1 r.:.ia t.lrf f aui shortened to the- elbow and Cuiihed wiih e staiid- - Wit. I.I 4 .S! j, Co. ba re-i;- !t injury he ha., inflicted shonld pause and remember them, and their grand s -. -- f ts. No i'ilol of the 2. i mi. nation Mivtt woi t.i eosi.:-- an.ni f.i J 4.- 41. I AMjI.H. rm: . I! ur.r!e.t : iug and a lViling frill of lace. This b:sftue dogs t trinri.r 3hiiped witho;ii IU iht H-.'.- t, '' work, and heroic sacrifice should stT.d with - ileiav. l.I'-ii-i Sia- Villfa iM. WiilTri, iiANLt iir.N, SifSI d any r&sde ' th.-ui.-.t head and tir-fille- heqrt by l not require triiamlnrj. bin l.en of V . '4 - "".'".' lrt:! S-i-n Mirchant one of bared their "rave, joyvi.a VNP i'Srorn-.fi- Fr.VCATION. KKNON Ii auoW brin,' -- 'A' Francisco ls.-- e v'h'-ni.'l-- ? r ; t I v tsj. .a dowers fnl! upon tr.e areen silk or grenadine, f:itij;e 4 B .w: .0 reliable ar.d nnccessf..! tri..l journal.? on and and tears All free goveriiinent must be based npon intelli- light Iu-.- raou'ids. .re ithe the id refrain of Daviii tor S:nl adds a dies"y eacct. All our Goods :,,t. a th- - ?oa-- : .oa.es to hand in a new form. gence, liesiiotisni c..n eiist without it, but f'rrfdom XEW btit and loii uh m: "llo.v ..it the mifihty fallen in th" vicweat jackets worn independently viith ,1. ;:r-P- i - rj,t. i H , now ! must think. Mide by side with the home should be 'The wi.f- vii ... i a large sicele it n published O .iiifc,-.- : l , I r.udst oi tbe bitih- Jon:;:han. thou wast sl.nn I. vaiiety cf are of brilliant material, such lala Th lane a!f r,i. visr ll.n r.s,iJ in FliESlL n at'ei.u:i very . ! I !.- -, ie-M- ihe V" very child, of suitable nc. sbor.h'. i tkiits r I ' C-J- - mo i lorjveiiteial hape snd cnuuiug t Ii ute hi.jh pl.ic am for ihee, pi'-ii--- 1'r f:u-i..-- ' -- J ad i'-- iii in r.e w ihroJih rirz .i. ir;tl: l''.r. , Q..f ! t -- ithin it. as brocadt- - overshot with tinsel thread sun l V ,,ie l'e.ii g ... plei-,i;- i, !: f. of c t.ap- - - reaiit-- c.atier than formerly. Ibis itlj brother o;.'.lil Wit l ihoii dcvcl-.ii- tbiilaa fri-- m.u:i:i: V ur.. We . ; ir iii. .ih Dine to bricht-colore- d U-- manufacture B.ardof HealOi t hoiii--h Iieeu unto me. hy love to me was wonciert til, The school should have for itsaim fulh plnsh. rolcuaises wrt n 'jn.i ion r" tt .i. .0DA WATKU, a esisbiished in 1S79. 4 ly j..,.rual firt powers fit th-i- h--- i .H". '1 ! How the of the child: to hiic elnr.e rar-r- fashlonablo m s vv ll. HltoWS Co.. were p the love of ,wni; .iretne tiihty r! iote-sira- prestiit, ior SAIiSAPAKILLA e. smnll, its .ins . and t .i e, itiipieteittioits and issues wm place r.s l 4 4 GINGER i.,s ult 1 to his bread, bnt to take his m - rio.,,;.i t p--i v.".e - w. '." j- i.i" 1 ,r iiiv rt "i o: r dlen nnd tbe weap'm- nf r iienshetl materials ure to irapeiy looping', but ; ., .bifcble rapeciaily bn the taliabiliiy the it.-j- t f the nation. He should know his ri. l.is rri.u:... .. - - S:itiuk: i, r to iimht, witn the thought ot firi have plasiou-- , p eatt.ti breadths ux ihe back, aud ALE, and have rejulaiij..- BQd of iau- c nnd as :t His education should lie ' the Agency for .urautoi' yorts 'he TrnTal spirit si.u.Ji;!, of the h.'ioic sncritir-- of the- - duties t:ian. )i.:,w r he-!:- .lid uiter-,:i.--- -. lenible hi- - tho ricliesl orobiuaiioiii iu fabrics and iblic fi distinguished it editorial he:-.ri- wli.-- such aa to cive him true viewof life, and si! which ir. ou: ! ..r .te id p.ntiots r.iit bssi,n for color.-- . Many designs have vests, while &t STAGE LUTE. GENUINE le-u- anaiior:" tiers OVERLAND n resjionsibildie. In order todo this woik, EASTERN ;. hn j"J . It ha suadiiy grown in popuUriiy wbil world-wid- e truth shall we I'his: CIDER. ..!-- ,ti. a frc panss-:i;-i-.teri- e, Go . thah.i - schools must he consivtered sieted her Lave jacket uts adapted to ... i.f- .?.e re- - trnsi: f.i:-- -- an L- -I . - ntvll ,r.-j iis estal.lishment and ha exhibited - NVll'.s"- - VI. S.KI (.TH. Ml AM- IHO-- . '. x-.t- t tl U.fH her brain, and heart should be lav g.irnitr.:-- spirit from the first. It has been ireasnre, lesi or embroidery The only .iu..r.iriti ..r wioic': an .iibiti .us HiITV is MOfcil. TOWHi. ishh bestowed upon thera. They should not be ii.nov itiou is the Watteu r.k&t it. the back, Leaves Nawiliwili lor jh! iltIU: fid-irg.-- a J4x:J.o in 1179 when -- " - irom single sheet . prostituted erve of any person, r--r We deliver our ..u...U Uidiir tt l cond lexi le tfiies t hat t or the nation to the interests which new apbeir- - -i- .is wli a Good io any part is-u- -- hone " - -d issue, re t'" Cr-- a beet for its third -- wri-i- i: partv They shonld be nurseries of man- Koloa Jti to 2!xl or clique. t tt .,.iaii""- iir.pv.-r:- ! u-- t or the kingdom tit it will not thee hall CC-- 1 U rue - and Kapaa Evefy Tuestlay M s, - hood. How thcra such should be the one ef tltie City, and V t it.e iifaUll.i since tii' u it has frequently noted that tliose nation- h.tll be utterly wasted."' to make ship to the other ''-l-- jen, irini-c- , : pirati'" - a'-- "- "f '" motive in management and control. 4fter f 5if.ir.u -- be ih- who generally desired to preserve files has written and that ttnth. in let- their .i hull 0vl 2. enough a man be to Warning: Island l'.r reference, complained that the form was ters of bloj.l. nd ch iracters of dame, on nearlv Kut it is not that trained jittely 'ntrot-- ' P"'- - and hard to bind. The quarto every page of ihe world's history. And it is not think, if he is to bless and strengthen his nation. Keturniug Friday Io Connect , , .ii.e.e yet a "dead letter:" it never wiil lie. It is jusl ;is He must think rightly. Knowledge is powrr. Hut A vouuj- - Lr; ;lish curate iu a London suburb more nmfi'.. gi Ji'o io which it now appears will be ranch H'J.at thnt -if-- J' . I- l comitioc. si.e now, 1S3 years after Christ, as it was the vital question is: direction shall beer, made the victim of woman's ingenuity Willi Our - bible only for reading but also for binding. true a power good evil? has Telephone Number is No. lie f public treasury. handv not liefore Christ, when it was first written. h.ufr t,i!.c t Shall it be for or sec-m-3 ta the -- and applied science. It that he was 297. l We Isd to note the improve- Hnrrs, with brilliant intellects ami fas -- and -- fi- inenrred n weeount are Merchint'8 Truth do not change about the throne eternal. The Aaron called upon by a young woman drsssed in deep ' - we are sure it has A cinating manner, hut licentious and unprincipled Way. L tx.a quaran-- ments and prosperity, and No matter what her natural resources. nation mourning, who implored hint to accompany hei Fare S2.60 Each Soliciting :;p itri.oa L. ul,a.r ay merits alone. 'rime, and debauchery, intera-rf-- r in life, are a enrse to any nation. Woe to that the Public Patronage, we -- won success thronch its superior cannot foster and " aUl Ui'isua L Siirdat (viiitraft. IU lb. cf any BU..h ,1. ves.el. I've in defiance of God's immutable nation which puts them in Its "hifih places. to her home on urgent business. There she ltti lor ir- M b ,rs uice, and Resjier-- t . law.-- , v. toodness, Christianity must sei.e this brain power in the confessed that she had fallen hopelessly in love I rrr. are Very fully, r4i respectively. ar.ists of mini strength and and s;iow tasasre 0 7 " w-- . . ...--- - 1 er ls Messrs. liucbanau aud Rappreehi, the guide is to be a -. f 1UIU - strong and r tain her place auionvf the nations of schools and control ii, and it, if it with him and his ritualistic garb. She declared wu- hereby deMigc- wh designed and eiecuted the beautiful frescoes ; er - Honolulu theeiirth. Snch a nation, though every acre of blessing, back of the school must stand tne church tL t tbe oulv return she cottld hope for was a Saddle Horses Furnished if De3ired. The'061 and other decorations of the Coronation Pavilion wun a be as the. te.-.ch-er of morality, and of the principles of & in- tier territory teem natoxe rict.es, will a kiss from the curtde s lips, a clerical courtesy Palmer Thatcher, ar-- T d Ampitheatre, have just computed the poor, dsciyinjz State, nao-tcre- i. justice, snd of liberty. The church most lay its W. H. RICE. Proprietor. HAY5ELDES. wetk, ar? hich Le coull grant without misgiving, as sfcj i Baj2 diaz w4t. iacblw w ll. terior ieccraticra of th Paotkeos Saloon, en . hand oa the t$arv, of rulers acd people, if that " cf Health. 'i'--" Secretary cftb. Brd

'jffcl. 4tar'tt mtrmtf 1 ,1,eHaaa;y l;al,.ia'asiiays en.ifcafc PACIFIC COMMERCIAL A D V E R T I 8 E K, JUNE 2. 1883. ii,nn.. .;d th tsacher. a lie v. . lueut, similarly us the rich funerals pav fur Ncwtii'ii k t. The comii1 Tii uicctiii ic'-ga- n, issued j 1 A The has -- if yourT s , Gurcrnc.rol lVnnsylvania Now, HOYATi ClirrCiTIOM" TLj lliirc-- u'o.-- thtte-yt-ar-cl- ds Rehc weil ns told ""- -!;- the gratuitous tmrial t.f Then? lII fir - acted as t Itjtts the neetly. the char- j "ir-- a forfeited aell mf) woa 1'V --I. II. Klae proclamation declaring Mini in and ai H t I'ot.ir.'rmuta . women ainl i"),0ml nidi on the charitv Kotiu's tlr.iss. I wat to put hn nv l, 10 .1 I U-- t. tailed -- t M-I- .n' Wil fcaa jhit Ir-.- t all which hive .ii HAW'fi AGRICULTURAL I' Waiff roll of tlie capital. Alexander's Arb L rJ Uscbtrrv i.i,;h;, nUcii free pain tersof comerationa i - - : -- i i Vn-- ii -- -. ! l would l.y tlie Addition tit' - Ulnc tbirJ. There ic live i:irt r- !;iiuVr.-- d..rk-:iie- t make Attorney-Genera- l with ,- Oon !n J! -k r Italy t.i the Aiitro- in room '.low. returns to the ,.,...... i told him saul" f .w ' m.nber : ; Cierman L; v h. 1.;.! -,- f- nJed alliance, Franco isolated in D.sbliii. The r.ant !i .o:c;iiutii In l.ihie : 1 aa.1 --t in three years, which have not r h- - . folded and :sly. nnd v.id he - ; Kuropt-- m.aP, too v Ha she leeN the situatiou i?!:arply j tho .leatii sentence 1'el.icoy. who il ,'aihvre.l lilt, - since proclaim Johnny. i ioi v.rti- the of the previcii 1- B-- more - j o - .-t : the after powerfully conttibu-- j ami 700 didn't caic ! "2- - W tion th days Between l.'0 P-- ond- -i ;l.--- r- ity President, UN --Majesty the Kin. -lt t l.reeu tin"; to tlie founding of Italiatf unity and ur.irJv vf C :ivca-1i- unl Uaik. e it il.rown with ae. ao said t the lerdmg : - I'.. - ' list is ptetrnttou t Carrot- dec. Tii1 : N'v'.v M.-- withered, charters are tred lurfeitrJ I i - I Turn": V.nk, 12. The loauJaiiou for ti, and iih oarioiu 'yf? read o'er vil.-ge-- -" How would . I - a country r..--t C"abl-'- iiadowa. llussia is equally isolated, and - t'j-iLt- y. 1 hfc composed largely ol deitinct concerns. own if 0K1 or MASALEMEM: i li .i ilfiii stjiue Lt- bfOti wri:::- t;i.re l il iho pz Y- ' utt the - I i u p tauat henceforward alli- i bv me on Mount eiuvius Mj-t- j j count with that i- A , a lecture Hi '. -- ; i 11. -r djit. a dim An entire tamiiy oi' white person-- boy rrvMnt t P'.ropk'.s ance, as well as with Turkey, liouniania L.i .. May The (.ijim:uc cj.cii-- i tnittal noiiiim; more of your vilLpe?" N well, Hon II A Wilinann Vic pre'id'-n- t iu tl-.- - liiU 1 li.'.tioiui Ti-.l.- ies HxLibitiou to-- i and girl only was. murdcrod in iiuh.hiMnts erj 9- B':-- and Swede u political An.l . escaping, - by -B t iu her movcinents. mo.-.-o- ?; iikej. i;. 'Am know " lecture yoa Hon A 5 Clrzhorn. h i- - I a;ra.;-- 1. TL: Dipkatatio rlili ci; wh. luulcea'- he ansive.ed; -- Eirs-p.au- t The French avow they to once ' . the village ol Palicicoi, Ciibi. recently. anJ i ouzht at , And hind-- tom-he- Ju-M- . j Corp-- aiemb.-- 1 - Es-- I :ha. i: irintly. revereutly. would eiiit them a H! Honor Chief Juttec 11 - t Badi'L'S ; ci the iliuisiry. au the- Mount Vesurius marcji band in hand with England cease J-i- r Alonzo Uivcrs. a wealthy grower, was shot 0n . 1".' y.i'-- X tuth-vrst:- - What riif-i- Bit Honor Firt Associate Jaitic Mr.Cul!-- Kohiraij:-- 1 Ltbitioti will ;elli'? near the Juis oiil uf days fc'one hy better than a lecture by yoa in H.-- to uselessly cross her in Kgypt,and negoti- - ioreatdeal A V titry IL.- Pi :?.ce of Wales This dead while driving- iinn with hi tmily. R McKIbiln, Dr O Tronau, Mr Euh. 1 -- srar-de- n inthebuil.hu,' Ltrle faded rniv:ht be ! Ir of Ve tab! ate a treaty of commerce. 'That's the - lift v. ; i v..;-.-- . TL- - n. ne this villain, sir.'' Sir A Jejrr Trar:rr and soii tt royal prvce8-sie- r Pinar del iiio. - caudide would select to cultivate. Pro- V.'hy - M Secretary niviMo- IMPLEMENTS Le by - r.xLibiri . ..nu ir.U und fol- l: J ihe kept it tnd Jen ther y dining at the tious.- ol .urs. J 8 Webb tectionist Kouen objects to auy treaty, but ii'i Her. l)r. l)jrnell. Principjl ot D.itlVrin Foote. . lowed by i:nz r.u.t Cc:as:i--siofei'3- , Through ail yeir.--' ' were. likino-- nd AND MACHINERY. .oionUl thse What that t s dis- found nothing to hi? sat will applaud the boring of the channel tun- n Oo'lee (Episedpil). London, int., h Tnrale. th-- ; Briticb sa-- ol What Society's ryliectSoc of For-- s.i!t '.e nel, provided doe? to an sill paj U:roaa crary 01 sotnc i'ir offitay, of something better. A neck The First Annual t Tres, Xr the it not lead invasion 1 Co-rt- appeared leafing liabilities i:iiouniin$ to in expectation of EDglish goods. gdlieriss aa fo:ei;-- s. After tLet the ?r.i .,f:ly from ti.Oi i:h?rei leaves t hir; Ni.!i-- ; $7,000. on bein, th last thing he refused it, it- - Bet Collcctj'ji Of politics deficit national anthem will be given, with a chorus of Tte e?tat will pay live er.ls uf mutton In home the budget, nt Ttf of the tii.-jx.ia- a fcanl Whit p.:-- n-- s dishes. As the servant rrifs rivn for t!i? tt exhibits of Ixr.pl and the conversion of the Five per cents four hundred voices and of seventy tti this, to strt the dollar. Crooked i. more tl.an as h? had th other Machinery y Arl-f'liiar- pieces. Upon ddis. Duke of menu and tpH::u. adapted to the reaching the the i'.'e a.a riiit oil forxotten tinted ut. t kino it kowevd, understanding -''. Into stook, occupies Evi- tim. awiy. 'r! of" TM tr.ds. er.d to tti pre-p.-a- all atteu'ion. ws I' t agi-tatio- ng Eichtaond wtil read an address and the Prince r.a.tr.i-- iu h.?r th.-reV- a called out c pr-lc- country'desires chili and wlttry i.es.rt Foote oi.r A:;i.Ci;':T.irtl ts for exportation, dently the no factious name Queen, Dan Hogan. ihe pne I'.ifl.ter. in that nothing of Wales will reply iu the cf the izi-jrinc- and csptriilij for lr.vr.!io of vtlce Id this and useless discussions. The peo- ria-- h her youth's - ! back HORTICULTURAL SHOW fw lnr icJ Ud cla-se- s, to hou H lio John; bring that department and the Archbishop cf Canterbury will deliver a priin.-- . evangelistic work amonc the Ex. M'.nUU-- r of ple turn aside from theoretic politics; !cir 1 will. perratislon cf Hit the Interior, special prayer. Then, iniiirt a blast of trum- to from his asr-ii- lind it's neck or nothing." heldIt trw J t round, of k.;- - Aw.4(.i hence, why prove abortive returned Chicago Omitu to nnd maiika manifestations , be ca re clim-- Jlil' j.o b: zn'id for meritorious exhibit pets and the nring of .dut'-- the Exhibition will Hid .ji of s.rf.clt- - uhic.ii rr.ay cot b': Included in the above leagues, h..vi ijicr it th3t day. wife, who had ( of : l.a street. J and all whether monarchal of bp domo the im.' Iai Civil Service Kelorru If there is one li- -t ; th-:- t :i b be decelsred ii.d. ail exhibit of irjtcr.'t to the from to opened. lnat ijir Lrijn: summer Jay k ' in A7rirr.;:u.-'i-t- ";ie M;:l Owi.'t. or the Hort:ru!lur.iil,-- t auarchal march check check. ao work Chicago, married to nnoiher man thino i lie Austin dtrkey knows more about ' On Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday v' carnr-ill- A. Paris appears to be a pied Vviit ci. shy dre5.n1 lay there away ? i ic t' coming simply bhe claims to have been divorcid. than another, that thinp is politics Darinrj ' de terre for iho--e classes who like the lilies What ir.iiden hope sr,.l fear V We lV.h nd 1Kb of . ) - Notable Sochi Events miht not lh I2ih. Jt'Nh. ii i u r. y r ': ri.1i- tLit lh . eh.i Thomas A. Ktlisou mid others, represent- the recent municip.il election in Austin. - ll': 11: :,.- - i of the field toil not nor spin. They quit the 'khow. Tkrnnrh th llbrrl!. Iv of lht I.f tr. '.rirl ;:i . i in-- of i: 1.; frit. pri.'e zilalir - capital at the lirst cold breeze, for Nice or C. A. Mi-- - Cro-vii- le ing a capital of filed Fn.d Mnse was haired one mVht as lie was of Management are in a roitinn t pril fornril I rn- U. d. The we.lJiu ci Sprerhels to htve ort'.-- t... Pan; then on the first K'earn of true sun- Ssitely ;.t na tood. We felt & of shame, Set-re- t ol" low in exrentve f lti" PRIZES thy will . fr.-.r- a Dor took plae the r.f papers with the r State of Xew returning to his bumble cottage by n burly The fr."M,-1.;- t . 11 d irn, ,. vei. t the rei ine compciri at thW Show. The money Tmlix A th r.au. they depart for iIo-.var- d , A- - be far 'i.-th- shine the country. The lic-i- t!4.,,c iio wandering, soli ty for e p..rpoe of exhibition ut Claus Spreckcls, No. feju eiiter ViriiJare York, incorporating Railroad of with an inny-- s zed bludgeon, and a different prtzm anJ the form tn which ihey will t other deml-itntio- n, entre-ment- s. the Electric negro 1 city is thus only a t - ! - . i!l to M:e inttud-- at !. Com-pafl- y be at a later dale. In Siiow rrfundd vhibitor bf the ait Francisco. It wub first j have ihr sa.- jda c. Aii n..: wer. t, '.iiiiia Th.- (he y jrlTeo, liI aononncal lt,rctc i t v. SC., - - the Unite'd States. object of demand for his iiioiit-- or his life. "Splain Dr. aged ha- re-i- ds . . more Important the Prize wiil be vk Iiictrd through wedding at the a of the brid p..ieai-hu- t s w . . 1 1 1. of all the cia" f.i. tunt.-J- a. id it iv there. i J ..-.- -- - .1 I a a b worthy n C!.-:- . the rlpyelopmeni of eloctrioitv t a ue ooj--- on ni s.aiii tjui man. gieo in auch form to of just given his annual musical and owing to tL" if kucss t:f pu-ckvi- iiiier. ine (BStncntoea of the event. '1 St .h.-i- i ni-.iii- s lie rollw ing are the AnJiut; Comiulttee dancing soiree; he had a Joke as usual for and liii inaViihty to th-- " iiuii.jr., a war .1... lini .e gail.er.d f..r ..iir hst lon; l.x.j. inoior for the propulsion of n'rotd (rams Hit je-- i ihat money lias got ter be year: -. . o! Society for the i- - - the pe?nl every guest. The novelty of the evening cidr-- to have the c i!i prforiiied at thr i' t'f.. ii 1..-- in her calm and tmr.ipiil re.--t, The .MoUcular llejihonr jnd Teleg.tpli r t ed ." responded tin- interviewer, spitting ZXPxvLso- . F. i.i.'.d. .ri.ir.ri II. .n. c--f o a. J. was, the dancing of tlie lancers in costumes bi ido:'i c'-.r- s sni-diu- g I xidcuee the The c rlj f i Solicdulo a. 1 oi.f.iii)-- . 11. a M. I:il:i f'r:.!t .i:J drtv i!k' .ver tin orn ol.l Company was also incorporated. ;on hi band i taking a firmer hold of Ins DIVIiIti f'ATTl.K. ;.i r. Louis XV. a charming spectucle. n havi h.rei; rni wis Vrry oaiet, invitstips 1 r r.fj h.-- - .- -- Ay-mar- d, VnJ u p. avfi:l Urrast. o ; e;ik. old H ivi-tiv- utrai-tu..--paili- Wayne- n.a. io The man sighed, 1 Best Imported Bull. Dnrhani : - ;i: W 1I.1I Much fympathy felt for Gu3tave issued to .thi 1 th'iti rs of the The Pittsburg, Fort and Chicago Nut Cn- ll Mw.v J. be- - 8 Second Imported Ball. Durham -- Sij.truii Hi r t:.i. n Bet 'A . ii. iv ;irhani ni,d M. called the French Fenimore Cooper: . The v"ii s p.-- i farmed by 1'.". . Pittsburg. liOiiis land as imi Jercd three car tickets, old 3 Imported Ball. Hereford Js.. Cai.iot.' 'inclnuatii and St. and Bet is now an i . . bric-a-br- ac 4 Second Bent Imported Ball. Ilerefr.r.t he inmate of an asylum, and Dr. , recher. uf C.ivoiv PresbyUi ... huo-h- ihf Vandttlia lin have adopted a new rtih-- lp ie, and several oilier articles of .o" - . , - Imported Ball. An?n :lf.J.P J. 1. oi r f kir.r lair Hi.l though incapable of rnovingfrom paraly-i-- The l v, io.- 1 be-e- n 5 Bst F. iial pally wic- paseiij. iLr ).m Abusing Government Otffeial i eo iuio on June 1st No.single b tiid: Il had notified that you C Best Imported Bnll, Jerey Sprlirer. to . v- c lr. his constant supplication, is promenade oil li land train in the veiling. t. v. " - 7 Imported Ball of any tire-- -M- .-M-r . :Ii rid t?."0 mg voluntary contribution- Bent other SwrvK A.i.in 1. eil-kn.- f .mi r( HtI.. h in country and to be married, tty a ". .vu .u piece baggage wois'hiu more than wis olifci the Sprcr.kels li .talihy :;nd ;l Th is tt 1 8 Best NatWe Bull of any breed Ceo. N. ilcov. ishtiiji. ic pup?r iblis!,cu i.ert - , , be- Ipoiiiiiii.uo c.unnaiirn I Dnrhani Cow, fnlj blooit or rra..-- native curious coincidence they are bis iiovd--i that young in.-n- vvh.i uihiir-- . cpiaitti- - bounds will tor tr m toi de 'snenses. Best . lnrn sr- - H. . S.- -i . Ml- - ihi which UppeaiS to ha sir.lwk. Oi .h'i.iL- - ;. hu :,ceted n'portttion erati"-- i i'm iiir-'ti- '- I B:i lh.-docto- rs 10 Hereford Cow. fail blood or r.a'iire nrri t & hit.ii.-- Rel jr.d V. . 11. the inmates prefer to peruse, and that iolher ac.jitirc The j lli wn , .fli..:--(- et public will luv.-t- would lith ycr up to p.iv my 11 AiiZQ Cow, fall blood or srrade. ii.itive horn rf hii n.iiune. slllli'. a tiiek in lile ..I i ing. liarjgage. and tlie tr..v!ioo B'ft M-- prescribe. ri.ooiu)li-h.- Best Jersey Cow, fall blood or er.iili native- bom Iikv Pkom rr - lr '.'. !,;irif ur.d II nr. biide is a beanlif u! vniifig lady, i i It Used 10 b.- - published l Hinniu and AJorru. le on promptly. tneuts." li r . ' tiie v M .1. . a success s 13 Bet Imported Cow of any breed iy Slid S. l. Lio Delibes haa scored in his iuid titniablr-- The nupl. s til f.;.r r.tit'i.e in P. i!ii'i.:..il, , il iiselt :.s 1 ttdepeudeiu 14 Best Native Cow of any breed - Mes-- r. W . V opera La kmc, by v, . f i cm 11 rt au Ijif.r ii.K7- llll. three act comic libretto Mi .Tlid ill be ubrnt ab..iit a vt : fceptilni.-au- l.asl iiinnief ii j.iil.iishe.l. wnck IV Best Yoke of Working Oxen, native bru I- U. J. Atln rtoii niid il. Mscfirlnne. Messrs. Gondinet and Gille. The plot is a -- - years old, wect.. liltucks !! :l;i.- :;i inag.-dicu- t I Best Fat Ox, over fonr native born ha--.r-- ilter a'.iii: li-.- .j so-us-e u On - II. Puty. I . A. V. 1 iMt-- - t years irni ti i.t. J. kind of Selika in the Africaiise, in the 1 c . ..( 1I10 a-- fri-asm- - 17 Bert Fat St'fr. under four old. native . ptn ni.il r.it .linn.. u ; of the mid ih mm.iIiI- S . li r. .d. r. r I r.v,y 19 on d Best Fat Steer, nnder I years old. native do. i'iaenrlin K!deM - . - Set that Lakme also commits suicide. It is In lit Arthur to tin- Mar.iii ni lioiii.- 1.011-- L1 NVii -ii- i.l.-oi.-e, 19 Imported or t InrV. l'reid. .n his Testament for a nn.t. Best Mileh Cow. native hi-- , co.; a jLSVEY & thus mixture of melodrama and comedy. vh.it U j0 Second Milch Cow, Imported or native rfoeni to (sayi a London undi i us inrliietice, rewarded 'k.hI rj t, S. J. Bt : i ord.-- of iho li...".f.:. (Jerald, a British officer, trying to ordain pi. per) has air.u';od t mhusiasui a iuir l 1 Ditimow 2 HORSKs. mtikiit llinton Special Agent ilie l'icitaniy4 t 1 : l tlie pattern of some sacred jewels, is sur- (i.iivspcnucnt. wht vriti--;- : Tl)p very decora-lion- s sunigling on thr Meiicaii Hro itoiily flu lnlli lluy e torsion holder. Stallion, forearrifice J. 5. WEBB. prised by th-- - : .b'liciU-coliipliti- li lBet Imported ne Nilakantha. Lakme's father. of tublt win ,Uy...e.-.iiv- Coiiii'ijiier.tly, lite paper is only pabi shed b Second Best Imported Stallion, for carriage utr Sc-cret- t 2 I. If y. Lakme aid (ierald not to copy, but to keep tit . In ll.e was a Thi-- : oui-doiii- 3 Best Imported Stallion for draught cciiliv hmy canoe, Mmr.ni at present. persion is now A I VIC v. W N TO Hit u- -r Disguised 'beggar, HAND 'AND 4Second Best Imported Stallion for draught the jewels. as a Nila- made of red and hiie .arnaiioii ., .et wiiii hi., lonner partner iu attacks on the IIAVi; aaddl- - use i - 5 Best lmorted Stallion for kantha and his daughter travel as wander- nnd fringed stnilut. "I'll ifit on l!n- d for saddle ifisea, iith estenlay he jniblislu-- a double ft second Best Imp rted Stallion u? ing minstrels, to discover the iconoclast. lniK? ceuiral as on a uawhvss lake. At 7 Best Native Stallion, over fonr year old ROYAL mirror leaded editorial, one column long, bitterly ibu Best Native Stallion, nnder f yer old (Jeraltt is waylaid and wounded, but Lakme th , n,i ,i.w. Oana.li iu mU, of iny the President, chielly because he weiu m a i Jr j ; st-- b.- Best Imported Mare for carriage, nse saves him it is however at the cost of her vi,ite hi natinn, t win rod tulips, titnl - t.- - u pleasure nip Florida. Morrow sujs: n lii Imported Mare for saddle own life, as by j of ll - . - liBest nse Hawaiian Agricultural Society she poisons herself eating i.i. ihem pairs s.u.,.,hr, IU midst it t ii Ui heav il, Ahich seems likely t II Best Imported Mare for draft ; of a is . ii the toxical Iraq shrub. Her father s, ma.lo of ihf ..am. . i..-I:- of 13 Mare and Foal, native sh. cl..i the robbid and wietciied, hapless Lot Croceries, Best Fresh Best and Foal, natl re delighted at her death, and Or raid is deli v- - li Second Mre and Inoed pe;isaiiiry oi Ireland, the Prcsulput 1 1 t l la l i p ia i 1 4 A n ikiitl u Best (ieldlnc. native ered from an inconvenience. There is a At a oonrl hall kl Athens rwi y U..H a.;.ear was g"i himself with liquids and xhrimp inc i'it:n Second Best Gelding, native , li good deal of gracefulness, color, charm and cA in uniform:-.- as there were iV lii-- r sala.l, au.l while American werr bfii.-- wr.i.li win :tU tU- - .o ..t V n. inma. mnJ wi.i.'i 14 Best Fnly. native ex- citieus ltirw 17 Second Bet Filly, natite warmth in the music; ii unites the diplomat t, an.l the ministry. S.jiue im railroaded to the gallows iu liilliu without one me- la-lie- s 13 Best Native Male Special Notice to tremes of tendernes.s and passion; the men on one side, aml2n0 on lie other, word .1! from hi:u or Iroin hallbreil 19 Second IK-s-t Native Male Exhibitors! piottt that . lodies are full of delicacy and taste. At a lane roy.-.- l ! Ji Best Pair of Native Horse-- formed for the party ia eonie llai v.i:-.- I'ligli-- h snob, our .Minister to Kulaud. a. e. ' R.eioiiul)lu SI Best Pair of Native Draft Hor-- least a score of beautiful "morceaux might through. Then all formality was i iide.l, and ii .latins Kussell Lowell.' On ih same page. Will Be Sold at Prlco applauded. i X! I Drnetoy 3 SHEEP. tie cited, and that were highly wfcnt on like any other hall. There were only Secretary Frelinghnyseu is allressril as a doiurd ballet was as it were framed with the kinds of dances all thv evt-uint- quad- Attorney-flener- al s The two the Seer, taiy Volger as a ana 1 Bam, for wool Prizf-- he (Jiven Best Imported to at the Annual Show popular fife and drum music of the English rille and gallop, and so fearfully da need ! Unt Urewster as a soj, while Assistant 2 Second Best Imported Ram. for wool Tala-za- c, 3 Beat imponea nam. ior muiion army. The two chief roles were by everybody, from roulty down, went iu wiih Secretary French is told if he does not resign, Raisius, Aliuouds, Walnuts, unwatcbed as a terror; his execution tremendous eagerness and vim. The supper the method by winch he secured his appoint- 5 Best Two Imported Ewe of has Hwp TO I E AT ACP.KLI.-- of tlie ballad. "The wins love was a curious, eoonu:uieal sort ol aft'iir told will be revealed. It is presumed that Candied aud Assorted xtraotu9 C 1 ment Peel second Best Two Imported 'PilK PRIZF-- t.lVKN THU . url .vas supc-ib- Mile. Van Zanelt, the 7 Best Native Ram TL'Rb and II01 show to be held in Hono- passed'' cuicken, vegetable salad, jellies and oranges, Morrow wants lo be treated like his ol.l partner, .V lulu In If K 8 Second Best Native Bam ncl month will be the firm rf handsome protege of Patti and Nilsou as Lakme, and poor claret, ordinary sparkling lihine wine, and but is in donhl hi h member of the Admiuis-truih- m 9 Best Two Native Ewes now their rival, was matchlesi in the wretehwd viu da poi.s. I'.verybody iiood aloui would be likely to heap coals of fire upon ! 10 -- Best Three Native Fleece aud Imported Expressly lor the MOL AYS Silver Medals, stranzas, It is the god of youth." Tt had and helped themselves, except royalty and hi- - head and all ii. :ii. F. Perfectly Fresh --S WINK Jiull tin. Dtrisiox dis- ! , y V K for consequence to compel her suitor, a diplomats, who sat down separately to a vriy A- haul-heade- I i. Bu ii to be t T toi lt .leal Willi ., ; - Capiaiii Cuitie's' d friend nsed tej u.. 'nil 1 Best IopC?t34 Boar Drome Medals. tinguished member of the turf and jockey superior affair. Dawn stairs, iu , a snn of bearing:- - of ud 2 Hccarrd Best Imported Boar club to at once propose for her. cellar-room- , were jars of tobacco, and eigarette say, 'ihe ihe above on ihe And Diplomas, oil-broke- G-iin.rnnte- e V4iest Imported sow Biedermann the great Jewish r, papers. All the guests stayed very late." upph.Mtiinu thereol." Ld. P. C. A. I "" Second Best Imported Sow A. 15 'livery " Europe is green j,ouisa T.varts, of AL We Article A Best Native Sow in arrauging a corner the daughter William ft Best Native Sow operations, has been caught Uvarts, who Dr. Scudder, of New York, Our &tr li j.i:--i ben fi..i-- ae-- ller-.- ! ol .il n-- tj em t.io fitft-- 10 On i.i o.l rotnli.i' iA t. l'ut4oiaf Secocd In these kind of married Coffee - old. Cultuie iu Brazil- j Litter of Pim nndr ten months native awardcu to the I 1! lbirors of Animals and Stiii-irei- i picn-i- i Aii-ni- mi.. I Jet very l l.noe th 7Bt Tbeprtzet in his own net. Asaisted by a ring, they was dressed in a magnificent white satin dress, Wr b irg il.ff.f in'u.fi Or.lrr Wt !.. ew,l ft Best Fat Pi?, native objects cf crest excellence will be the Society's Silver bought up all coza oil in the Continen- with a very full It was trimmed with Best Fat native the train. j ! 9 Second PI, Medals ol the First Cla. sup- Although Brazil stands at the bend of cdee-- foT Bv native" i meant an animal horn ia thi In addition to the above prize, all succes.ul Exhibitors tal markets, and thus commanding the Houiton lace, and the bridal veil was fastened producing counH ies, its culture therein does not odbh irrespective of pedigree. will ertifiottes p iu Cliss and I ply, expected to dictate prices. The house with a diamond pin. She carried a large bon.juet , !,aEisroY Kingdom, recivel tbo 'birarter j enjoy benefit-- either of sutall luraa or of f - the sole the 011 of whit.- veil glisten-c- g twirl". , of cards fell down; liiederruann called ro.sts, and from beneath the free labor. The plantations are very extensive, Ditisios 3 POULTRY. f'y on'., r i f tuv Boar-J- associate, a banker, to see w could a diamond necklace. ! his hat ; aud are wrked uimost wholly by slaves. The ROBERTS' CELEBRATED CANDIES 1 Leghorn; Rooster and 2 Hena be- Best White be done ; was shown into a bed chamber The Sultan's favorite daughter was married i liens balk of the crop is grown iu the province of u -- Brown Leghorn: Booster and J, S. WEBB, dining-roo- : idJ e'il tu.r ''oioisr.iiv nn Hani I.lie ni.a Varinl Aur men, iiin.ijj o! Psi Black Spauish; Rooster and a Hen side the and there blew out ut Constuntiuople by the following oeremoiiy i Bio de Janeiro and the adjoining provinces oi Ht Rooeter and - ll'-- n Secretai'y. so quietly It seems the chief of Mohammedan approach- 4 Best Dnmio'.ck; his brains; that The the church j San Puulo and Minas Geraes, aud mostly on 4 Best Three Domestic Geese. llo.oi i ir, :i;j i am. may'.'6 dlt w3t. "banker in the next room never heard the ed the throne, and after bowing to His .Majesty, CARAMELS, FRENCH 7 Pair Native Geese hillsides. MARSH MALLOWS, NOUGAT, Bet report f pistol. took the left hand cf tha bride, iu his left hand ! ft Best Pair an v other breed the The soil is tolerably welt hoed, but not I I" VI) I I I Q.f M IOh. ri-- ht HKOI I'HIVI JhA.l.l t Kit Best Three Muscovy Incka The Freuch tnnductr has just put iu its and the right of the tjroom in his hand, i The first blossoming of UlHS Uth. Aylesbory Dncks tuauured. the coffee 10 Best Three 13 days drill. The men are mostly all mar- and praytd for some minutes in a low m MJ Kl. KX1K I I) Our Foreign Correspondence. vice. j tree occurs iu September, anil second one in WllVt'T I'HKOh. t'.iW I'Ht'.lM I'Ulil. I.KMUV HUP.. 11 Best Three t anion Docks : Ki.-mi- ThreeTorkeya ried, fathers of families, and settled In life. Then he said Hairy, son of l, Ihou art November. Harvesting cojimeuces about April rs ia-p-liBeste-t pljeons object of calling out of these husbaud of Meuekxeb, daughter of Hamid ; r.-J- ". Three Vanetie of The the tho j Hay, aud tne crops i. arrive Pauls, April 19. re- or beiu iu the m reel Is to keep their hands in. The Menehxeh, thou art the lawful wiie of Hairy, i iu June or July. Il i.-- . sometimes injured And unci Oilier Varieties Division 6. market 4 4 DOi. M. Ilichet attributes the social and eco- sult was satisfactory ; the men had remem- r.on of Ki.smil ; obey him." A small golden ' tony u tici- - VVK IllVr. VOX H IM) Ml KXI'Kr? -- by being left too on the grouud after A ahow of thoroughbred do s will be organized. and nomical difficulties of France to her sta- goose how to fall in, to tray containing bread and salt was od'-r- pd thc - . bered the steps, it has ben picked. vVhMt io known iu the y I.AHIil M)RTMKM lit' prteu will oe iwirufa iar utmum u.i tionary population; M. Block on the con- to a musket straight. pair, with words, ' May there he pienty ' wheel about, and hold the j market us washed cort'ee, however, trary considers tin? population so denst, were glad it was over. In your r.iof !" and each received a piece cf beiu. 7 DAI PRODCC K. But all when under j but a bniall is thai wiueh has Uiniil - Itr de.-pi- te proportion, ben i. nriAiy f that the fecundity of the soil, these mobili, where there is no exception ; parchfurnt containing verses from ihe Koiin, befol- - atirt"r food-lni-porti- picked inlly ripe and wijile :he iruit a I 10 or wore his Best Irkia of Batter. t France must ere long become a resignation rather than enthusiasm reign- which dciiued the duties uf a husband or a wife. ' cliTiiy-lik- e , - of Batter. W or more - red and appearaiic-- uu.t then put lalw&d OrJe.- Juliette J. Alt Order will Kecelve our necoud Best Firkin home-keeper- as- Ftroutl s country. M. !iv.- Altntli.. Best Pound or B'Uter. the eihtbltors beinsr d'Hausionville ed. The men who preferred to wear " Louj the Sultau !" cried the .spectators, iuto water and the kernel- - separated iiom the .Ir9 It . per upuit-mcn- and makinsr their own batter sorts, that below a salary of fri.73 dav, their own linen and shoes, were allowed while the bride was hurried elf to hei i hull by washing. In it no Best, Is the market has there nothing but misery, and Mme. de four francs compensation for wear and tear. The groom did not see h.i .g.tin for aliiie.si and silvery appearance, und is a fe-,l- i viiie-wcr- affirms, a woman earning but frl.50 twenty-liv- e or e ' fl. FISH. Barran The ability of the officers has been highly Jay3. until the public f aiioy article. But inn dly c.;tL;e is hulled or Dirui"X daily, cannot live virtuously iu Paris. All of, over spoken but the supply of ; tbrushed and m""cliiiuically alter it is ripe jsperlmen Imported Fresh Wafer Fit however concur, that high rents are the officers fall Complaint was short. i Second Specimen Imported Fresh Water rl.h and dry. From the plantation it is t ikeu in Bst cause of much of the suffering which geueral that the uniforms were the left ofi' sack'--, Sketc-hi-- a course which bear the planter' name, DiTisiosj - DO M 3T I C"M A N V FACT!" P. KS . exist. clothes of by-gon- e braves. In several cases in the Malay Peninsula gov- are afierwtrds returned to him on mules or iu The philanthropic intention of the were mayors simple privates, subject vthe-U'-- t-- way Beit Variety of Mat there ow.ats, to the nearest rail station, to constitute an immense building p a- - Beat Bshibit uf Men' Hats ernment to sergeants who were the town clerks. "Isabella Bird " (or she now . is on iir. it the pvernmeiit ruilu, at HF;;-rfX- TI of Women'a Hat of cheap s!:.-u-h- i 3 Beat Eahibtt society for the erection houses iu An Apathecaries' club has been founded is), who h is written o:ne vei,. . ad.:'le vei high rates of transportation. iiul'l I'LLV ANNOUNCE TO HIS FliH.NDS AND THE GENE-If- f I the suburbs, to become the property of the In numbers C70 members. of i rul public thnt he has a -- BCII r.Lkiir rlikaihH' mule" from" Ila(ts.!r Paris; it scentty and life oa thii isiauds, ii Arrived at the market, it has before fcLipmt-u- opened nuiuniwoods tenant after twenty years occupation, i The French chemists are jealous ot their now publishing a strips of (with the of Kttfis to oo through several hands, each taking a Best Exhibit of BowUof Wood and Cocoanut warmly received. Grave people do not German confreres, as they call a new aci'' above t nit.--; in i'f.e L'i"-- ilo in which she Kihibit of Ornaments: Kuknl. hhell others nt to see the State playing at socialism, " Hope :rt liberal profit, iirt, iuto the bauds of the 7BelSecond Besi Exhibit of Ornaments: Kabul.i Shell. like Orthonitropheiiylpyroplollque." discourses in un easy, discursive style about pluntei's agent, generally the creditor of the tiv stovo & House Furnishing and to favor these dwellings by an ex- any case to ' llni'dware store A others England will subject it iu her everything that catches her eye. -1 what an phdil-- i and whom he charged from six to twelve and Wreaths ex-bauk- er 9 Best ihltnl of Artificial Flowers emption from local taxation and dues on new Explosive la a. An adver- eye she has for cdor!; making interesting read- loans. 10 Beet tExhibit or Carvinit on W ood or atone pel eent interest for The agent sells the building materials, is not relished. Such tisers for a position to address envelopes and ing and giving not a fe-.- facts and Cgures colo-- It Best Home Made Saddle ultimately fall into thit to ihe "dealer" ;ud charges the planter IN CAMPBELL'S NEW 11 Best Uome Made Harness houses must the hands teach classics to children. are important. thiv per c;nt of th price for his services. The BLOCK. of those members of the laboring classes Mother to son: ''that's a dariing, for Writing of Singapore, she says : " The only dif-- Dm:o I'J AG EICULTU B A L PRODI" T exceptional by and dealer then manipulates the cofl'et, mising ! already their thrift stopping crying:" "No, I've not stopped: people who lo',k thoroughly awake are the Chi- fer'-n- t sorts together, and put it iuto bags. He I Canes. n Cias Saar steadiness. only resting." uuuib-- r SG,00 out of a pop-elatio- I am nese, who of ; makes his sales to the eiporter through a broker, Beat Bundle of Snpar Ca&e The chilloi.nlers constitute the dregs of A clergyman traveling in a railway car- 130,000. "They m nopolie many streets alto- 50 2 I of sugar Cane. who receives reis (ab.xi centdj from the Second Best Bundle city population; they reside no where his 3 s.ii-- sr.p-phiutin- g of the riage was a butt to many insolences; gether und ate to b jcrada.Jly i on each bag. The broLei's Collcrtioa of Different varieties aar ; they camp iu structures com- esporter charges permanently windows, I.'.r.r. : Cane insulters at last shut the the smaller peau merchant . Toeir has been uxed by iaw at ont-fif- th pet . eut of the archi- to- -- Co b siugle UrW of Snsar Cane f the most primitive order of menced smoking and sending the puffs merchants, some of whom ate very lick, eii Vcilue . coffee, Gppusite 0 Wilder Luuibri Yfiid. boui JULY 4. Best run up on site3 recognized a no f the but the law is not enforced. i Int.. 2 tecture wards him. " Pat don gentlemen," said he everything, and as they r.rc always bl to Be.-id- es Class Foraje Plant. iJ thee brokerage charges there i;te heat, laud. The repulsive nature of I 11 -- f Forage Plants, m man's their coolly, drawing a oook from his pocket. unders' l.'uropeans, th ir cu;tomt-r.- .tiv ii for cartage. - preatcst variety of reprei.. ? I For tte calling forces them to remain "Kroumirs." - - eipnes mg nelds of not less than one arrc hope my breviary does not inconvenience races and claSi.es." On tic- to As ai the cotiee uiiives ut ili. it j? WITH A JPUII, XIIHZ1 OF- STOVES, ifce., introduction of any ncf':l foreign fb.nt Next iu the scale come Hie scavengers; von Malacca Mrs. Bi-h- op tcaveiic 1 on a stir.ii .'ni- - J For the Kinz-Mo- conveyed from ihe ra.lnof stuiic.n t. the succeed in any portion of tne j b'-iu- proved to they reside In barrack, forming cities; nese steamer, she u the only r.uropr-aii- ind - vspecimea plant to be exhibired t the agent's store, from here i. the dealer's store, Goods pei- " Discovery " seven or eight individuals club together and j only woman on board. Th? crew and passengers from Suu Fraucloo, 1 'iow) Notes, and fre.m thence to the docks or pluee of ship from 120 fr. year, so Foreign k rent a room at a anl live. I (both cabin and steerage) were ail Chinese, and ; ' for-eig- lnenr, being transported each through Yoi-- IVom Cluas 3 Other Prod.irt proper floating u iuis New aud ulso Liverpool per The kborer' the and the vessel was crowded, bem oi.ii.j.-.- l to iup narrow streets by mule power, and handled bv Oberou." - ; . I Kal- element of the population follow they morn- " because these ..oh.? : thf-s- e Best lite I r.dy Larapsou arrived Wednesday their cable at Singapore inbor. In u!l cartages since leaving ' ' 1 Kalo , Second Best are generally single; a cock loft, shared by every of ss.-l- By the Uisf.ovfi'y havti ivceived th tA . . r.f Al Kalil were clambering up over pan the ihe plantation there i.t considerable following Stoves & Rangen v.mKr VanttPl es from San rrar.cisco with dates io Miy 12th. uuyr. pe-nat- ing of Rice In Ear, or Paddy a chum or a pal, with the scantiest of and defj'ing all attempts to keep then; ut.'' c .ft'ee .'olLi-ie- 4 Best exhibit - Exchanges r.s follows : An oyport duty on is by suffices. After these classes, ar- condense from our v. -- wuipit v. v v... . pli.ni the Upon hrr arrival at .Malacca Alri. Bishop as t ioverurnent. For a long time this i; a iniBest colUctioo Of Native ttrr.nn r ibrou en scene. mean average j Mav 7. treaty of eomraerre be- - k 4 tizan enter The Li.nliu, The aiiprised to 2nd that it " is to mai intents au tax rem&ir.e.i r.t ihirh en per cent on nn r.; 7 Best Pumpkin two-third- ( i.veiage is about fr., and " Germany au l Mexico pa el Ihc econd e g ft Best Svre-- Potatoes rent of Paris iweeu purposes a Chine-- city. The Dutch have h.irdi Valuation by the author. lies. The was 9 ll-- n af to-d- a , hed tai Bestlri-- h Potatoes of the total rctts ot the city represent a rc.idinc in the left a trace. The Portuguese, ind"lc-ui- for thc on Novembei ii i,uJ 1- -L reduced n, ii no eleven Hawaii ! 'Aloha 4 and V t a S- - Ranges v; mean ir. In hachelor could May TI;o .' are without 1 'Oahu' - product a Msniifaeeiire.l f.r Loudon. Titan' Lrrhr. ir' inost part poor inibiencr. Cj.,. ( iri. for f per cent. biting the year ended June "hi, .secure a fair room fr. a year, win n I i ; so - M. I'll I. vi H.NeiV sayi the over utile nt n:d iho Keich'taf The English, except in far as I SSI , the loial tp'-Yiu- i coffee froui wu III. sub-lieutena- nt, Brai! I Best s iaipK of Sujar a u - : Napoleon I came to Paris sepm to be'driftin,- rr.pidly into a eonrhcr. the administration of government. a:e no- .",10,4'-'- second be:t. ditto l ,90 i pounds, on which the ekport .buy he paid only Id fr. for a mouth for his ! i 1Bct sample of Kite St. retersbiiii, May jt. Official reports ironi where. The eo;iiiu" trade is in iheii Uhc was S4,1S.)3.". I he consul says that hi itv und u i i i ! Second U t, ditto two room- - under a gam t. I - vsT 4 A- mon"j of Simbcersk ...1 - . Chinese;- hands, and am ihnv ii"t ball" p.-- r ut of ih coffee exp..rl-,- i ii i; V-- any or ri-c- went to the in Best of Fibre from native Inlrwim -n tlie Government Famara, c a emhiblt im- Since ten year provisions have an-- nt in li.illt in Mala.-- irrown nere. state the crops arc a total , ii t'nited States, utid tin that quantity the esport nltnt I're-erv- to d ed trakhan f.l Built Stuud Drl.-- el-:-- Work, Best exoTat of kind of or In:. moderately in Pans; this is chiefly owing Aud il i. a heiv, ih.t ll;.-- , U Hard aiythisconntry famine i, rxpectrd. dutic amounted .'.".iiLVi'Hi, which probably ro'n in to the excessive barrier dues, so that the make n,o j and ihen to s nie in i hiua May m. A t i ivturu fell about eepially on the Americuu consumer Munich, Consular Ai-- uamo.l lif-rc- I Imvi-hi- k 1- 1- HORTIC fl.ll Kr.. capital is embellished at the expense of our but they - with their v. iv ::i families. Brazilian producer. Wrought Iron :'.3 t been to six impris and Ranges for stomach'. Bread, forms per cent of the ieyer hh sentenced months' b,,::.l houses. j,iir, i.ibuir.n- - ...Irh. jlid Plantation Use Class 1 Plant in Flown of '.? line NVhile coffee is admitted lree of duty into th? ontnent for the Dnke r food of citizens, kept low, and chiefly libeliu? S.. i.iV-- . i ( oth-.- ,!..iy in displaying it tlie rn t'uited States, njcjst contricr. collect a I -- iti-c I Rest ciuev-tio- of Itose motive-- . Meat tripled j and Cotha. A sjsorl ot form political has in l:ni"i3h rule." iit-.o--j duiy on raw coffee. t ho Ihe iotal mmil Best IUes wj-se- en duties hlf d'2cn heese ha ve S'ew .May 7. -- - -- price; egg, and butter doubled. York. Cardinal Me. ii- s 3 Best inle plant Oar hriv wiih Clone ocs to in European couiitric-- ahotu as follows : lire. , art j ay - of Geraniums always selects the price of to-d- ihe- London Slar.,lur'l's - Iti-ho- j', 4 Beet coiiectiou Koehefort hutter about rhow- that whilfi hr .ii that Mrn. 1 cent-- ; Deiouiik, J ; Geraniums ! 'i cent Great 5 Best ha.f dozen metropolitan ; I.- - as the standard of morality. dispatch to the eftect that Cardinal Jacoluni, iin claims for him r - a n ir.idt r, aiid lifels- - iu .1 - : :i : plant ! Britain. cent- Sweden, cfnr P.no.ia, :1JJ House Furnishing ft Beat Geranium, sinel .s Yet the cost of living can tempt those who papal Secretary of Slate, cabled the inquiry if j t,.-- ; "i Hardware 7 Best collection of Pinks pursuit afur wealth, he nwi vet come io : Germany, 4;. cents Norway, cents; -- H nave had -- il.-.- . si-n-- , Best collectiou of Carnation like John (jtlpiu Irn.al minds. it w. re true that Cardinal McCloko tup'" in ih.it h is a ,ol..uist Tho e 7 : 10 ; col leetiou of Gladcoli Austria. cents ItaU, cenis and Best In the me de la Vcrrerie, a meal can be ceived Alesau Sullivan. President the th-"- - of Chine-.-- . of br . who have studied movement the II Well Casing It Best collectiou Pnies 13 , cent. and Hydraulic had for sous, without wine, ami a second National Lent'"-3- and demanded an eip'.....i!i.-.- it t of Pipe 11 Best collection of Fuchsia throughout the world, 'ive as th - k.-y ,.) iit,-i- Made to Order, and Work of All Kinds in mv. . of is on of that he ej,. thc-i- r - iu-- . Lin r,rnm.i 4.1 1? Best collection Dahlias of these establishment- the point Cardinal McClo denies f6' observations thai the L'iiitit go u- r" """f niltuuru IP l'1-B- esl eol.eetion of Blzonta -t- att-meiit .i - "I ornamental Tr r.! being opened. That miracle of feeding the a disr. it. h. and hara.Merie3 the riders auracted byihc- .k mands for lab r Miscellaneous Items. O. BOX 294. 4 Cefol lad i any P. Cls Itants (jrowin?). tliousaniis is uaiiy penormeu tv tne Lvon s absurd and ridiculous on its face, ns one labor in a country, and ih.it h-- ih h railway company : it supplies a dejeuner to j piaiutrd with ro lcsiastical l.v would readily 1 the field they leave the ocenpati n f er 1". Best eollection of Ferns e Marsh Poik recently sous iraps-il,!- i' n -- 2 hair dozen Ferns I,J0J employes at I" ahead, including Sce. The Cai.iinal added it wa? ti:e land t.. iho-,- e who ara free fr'cn such ti'uiig Bel - - executed a bond of $35,000 as required by We have. .1 Best i wn. "ii),- pliint interest on capital I anv sui-- requ- si snouia oe .uaoc. n as the- - Chinese look for JUST dional tiaditioiis lead to -- RECEIVED 4 Best cjiiection or colored leaf Bioo Clothing is cheaper, tlue to improved ! Judge Alien, i nd vvt- - cus- Per 5 Best collection or Shrubs Dublin. The third trial uf Timothy K'.iN tor a itate- of happiaesi in another life a dep. n. tent, frm metlwMls of making, and can be seen in tL'-i- . est collection of Crotons this participation in the murder of Cavendi-- h :.::d m a degree, upon tt.. interriuc; of tody. 7 secon-- i H-- collection of Crotoa well appearance of the crowd on y . $c the drtsvd bcgiii. James Carey, the informer, b nes witiini the Lo. n is of ih l.iufo Kinv-.i- bequ-.- u "CONSUELO" 8 Best coilvcuon or & Bmke The to a Catholic priest in New "AUSTRALIA," Ilibici or , ... .Sundays and fetes. With a ribbon ! Best collection or Drae?na swore thnt evt ry one of the Invincible-- will, th.-- ' for for woman not only give cfi"-.i- - Yorx spying masses the repose o:' A ) t -- Hex l coiicticu ol Palms tichn, a Fivnch will of Joe Brady, had i to turn i:: FINK ASSORTMENT OF be-- exepi.n te.-iat- 11 Secocd 1 collection of Pa'ni herself the air of sriiart ne?s but of elegance. la-- wh-- i ihe .soul ol the has been dedered Trce-.snitab- :.- i was ihe msu -- or f'ir rr..ir-- former. Carey aid he t li Best collsxtlon Foret The mean price for sustenance for a work- 'iOiue New Book?. by the 15 Best colie lion of Native Tree 1,2'-'- offered to testify against thr prisoner a!id Circuit Court. rjH man iu Paiis is to fr. per annum, of , llBr--t collection Plani sj ; - of WVe-- forui..;! LADIES' which n. presents for 'J'.D working days, London. The Prince i hr..u,u tne- i,in,in., r.i ti., i.i:.-.- lati Fiie first annual Arbor Day, set by T'ic BUTTON BOOTS, Flower- - School of Mu-i- o Kensiuc.t...i iijv.-- r Class 3 Cut fr. 2.7o to fr. I a day. A wife costs j opened ihe st larni-i- d .vith " li- -t of books latel.v Uovernoi of the Province of was about tu.-.- Oot.io, - In his address he announced t ssniuvuu. t '. I il e,!n V,V I Bet Bouquet of Blower one-ha- lf more to Mipjoit and a child one- added tne l.oi. Library. hope to b observed recently, and was an iinqulifi-- d 4 Second b-- t Bouquet of Flower 3.00 i e Music Composer, and J. Grove, Editor :.::. ..b!e to publish from to liiiie tii- - ot third. Laborers and porters earn fr. to time titles .v-i- : . TIES, Ilosex rs He 1 success. Tree planting Indulged in bv co.ircriou of scavenger-.2'- .; rag-picke- 1.50 Writer, had been knighted. a.so stutvd thai wr.rL- - both new .n ; they are received, SLIPPERS, Etp. -- jtl Uo-- e 4 day; .s Jlest one ier i! Director, o .. . Flower-- 0 4, double if thev have good Geoige A. Mclarren. Music had as b.iievc iL-- . Libr.i'v to be an institu-io- nlmot everybody. 5 - Best exaibtt uf drirdand presed to sometimes ' PKnt- - created ,t Knight. The Duke and Duchess o! i ' -- Bet eaai'iit of sri?d and presed leg8- - Their clothing costs nothintr as their that support and encocragr-men- : President Walker. n( the New Orleans DIRECT must oe rags; tncy picK up scraps Ed.cbmgh and Gl.idsnr.e were preseo at ih.' Grote's History of Greece; Pop. Hist. FROM Cl t Frnite. uniform ceremony, U.S. City Railroid. makes a formal affer of PHILADELPHIA. of fooil from kitchen or the charity by Bryant and Gay : Hist. Inductive Sciences. Be- -i Hjiieti of Banana I servants. London. Lord Cariington, Lord r resident of Whewetl ; Genesis of Species. ; Origin $i:)0.000 to the World's lndusiml and 3 collection of Hannna of . Mivnt Lare! f.-- L- build- 3 Best rapes Stone cutter-- ) earn -0 per hour and Agriculture, on receiving a deptilaitie.n from of Species, Darwin : Ant, Bees and Wasps, Cotton Centennial Exposition if the -- 4 PB Appie 13 sous to fr. 1.J0 : women composi- the Central Chamber of Agriculture, tiuaed Lubbock; Natural Seely : is com- - Bet 4 printers Travels ia ing located near the lines of tint 5 B"et A licator Pear-- th.-i- tors are paid 13 sous the 1,000 letters, same reque-- t that he endeavor to secure E. India Archipelago, Bickr.iorc : Invasion of STRAW & B. t tn jrie pany. FELT Orat.k-e-s nun, but the of the enactment by a measure, for Crimea. Kinc;h:k-- . HAT 7 as th amount work turned Besi.ies these there are Hou-- .BestBt Oiive by them i- - tlower girls can make ihe prohibition ot the im pollution ot cattle from works of tu tion bv V.'iro hrop, The Duchess. The Massaciiusetts e has adopted, ' e out S r - P RIN"G fr. o a day. but It:' ,.-i- only four cornitrieii in winch infection exists. He prom- Egglesion, Craik, G.o. Sards and others, and under a suspension of the rule- and without STYLES, til Best Imoii rts lats It Best Fiv month. I)re-s-nia!k- eis IV. o to 4. ant! sewing ised, however, thit the present power3 of the the magazines ot the day for '51, '2, and '3, debate. - the Semite resolution recognizing ' 1 vobim---.-"- . Best girl", fr. 2.o0 to fr. I. among fiovernuient to prohibit the entrance of infected bound iu handy We have not . It Cociianuts It the latter the i!ip ability services and integrity ol Oakes A. W. RiGHARncnur,L U Best -- I 1 ns uniu.als should be atrousdv exercised. One of space to enumerate of new ' Q I2M1 - Best Bread Krnli-1- 5 that the shroud is ilclie as welt a shirt. t.iany the books, but Ames, and for a like recognition on sen ' II ( Beet Lemons There is no Poor Law in IVance, the indigent the objects of the deputation was to obtain fresh their titles will Le iijuni on th "accession asking C0KSEB FORT Limes " i MEBCHUfT 1 Best being supported by & taxcu places of amuse- - restrictions on the American cattle trade. catalogue at the library. the part i 17 Best Loqao STREET

i t

i . - ... -- ww-w'- "" ' ""'" .. j jr tj w. i'u."uu -- - - r -- ' ' "".'"1' J1, - wr rrs--sfii-" wo-- fiN lur r." p rx crri- err: 1 liaiueeaud 2 rjiu.lrea. Ills. 11 t ieyuaullcr. Mr J WitU THE PACIFIC nvrir ' 1 SUPREME COURT koki.MrSM,'.lvi Mr M Muter, Mr Muntfer- - . , CALENDAR. Island Note. w 11 I.s lucr, VrC A t 1 -. " KolInu. iir end ster, I i H in m p r r la I h rt rer The steam roller at wurt na the ..


tl-.- adopted as a motto. "'Est modus in rebiw," there PtSSEXGKRS. MR. Ii. K. HaiaLiP. a tcher from I nixed Polict Court - -- - en the l.sdy is a medium a all things. At that time and for Money Orders- MMEHCIAL. Vrvtn Waianae, jmt ilii, May Id Hon H A W1- States, arrived iu thi city lard Postal WiI-- I h-- 1 -- - some sixteen afterwards, nana and ilr,d N j. Mk ilacfarlane, and I.a in p- -ii on tif- :iOth n't. M M.1T ti. or seventeen months ervatt. his particular "chums" held the Government .r., j in-n- i KamehamehaiDay s . int-- i t ss were iTL'i:n.ir in;. Lik-l.k- Ma- - Thk Cmirt ni:ii "in Seven cases o! dmiikciiut d.cketed It K K X CoM I'rou WinJaard I'urte, ,rr Mav :;. k- - reins, and he tried to keep within the "happy II.VIX. , J'Hft Mar-ana- - (JiH-e- ' tl..- iliH VKK.4VCEMKXTS rMSTAI. ne i.a been fairly act-.,,- during the rL. l,wagr r ii.n.t. Hon Mr K Bisbup, l r,.;it .r of Her lae li aud disposed of tt usual. the ol .lomrMic medium," only occasionally overstepping utli-s- ? jt Parke, V Ladgate.T A l'u l..it . w.fa. A Herzo?, J I'al-- ' li.ni. Moki. with aud battery, for- MoNKY ORIFKS by tbe Pot !. pannirnt, ootue happening nj-.- ii charged assault ( mal) 1st, 4yiiorUI Pay" a Wednesday, utru. Prof Alexabder.J I' KawaniK, H L Vredeutx.-r- j mark by his verbose laudations of their isfiTt-- that from anJ alter MAV tuooey ortlers will inter-islan- . aloHj; Hotel feited bail SlO. be isaued he ou. ol ih futluwiaj 'A the d had on i D MaMwin. Mn farmlr, S k.v, Ai VuiiuB, A uuoi. u pipe heiii laid administrations. A change came "o'er the at. and can drawn etll...r lfft their y fvjr f -, : .tnti.tr. l.n-- StillmaiJ,i lir'xlie. W Y Mra residence to the arteian naoieti poat bSices s' . Vrij, lr Hner. trtet fr:.i Lr. Tuesday, May2'.ith. scene," and his friends rere iguomiuiously weekly was very !U by i trip, (;.''. observed our A Ha ic daughter, I Vt ilatiu, K w'- - child, wi ll the Hawaiian Hotel. It will snpl'ly the Honolulu OaUa 11 f at were in early of Session of 1S2. Mr Uia I'. ,n ), r Two rasee of driiukeuiiess di iosed of as ousted the part the Maui business turn, thr re a cessation of all Mil. l t.illiuaD. Mi'u"U, i!ui-;.,- ifid"ii-- tt':i WiUr ffoiil the vvol!. l.ahaioa lm, - iniii.lt, A H'K, Mm ll.jp:., Mr..!va.VV" l:b Mak-- e Usual. Since May 1SS2 to the present day Mr. Alatati XX ailuku .f t nec-s-ar- y ai.' kinds business except he unnv .' da-he- d Thursday Kahultii , iut rroin Kauai, jkt K li'nu. M.v 27 lnkT, li F i.,:v.t. iwit ah.ti Kin stieet Keoni Uulil, Aniel.nj.ii aud 1'ual.thaule, T. Atkinson, the Government schoolmaster, a, XV M V XV !; r- wdiioh Hilo ...Ilavtso The foreign arrival have been t.f ti e Potest guc n tt.ll-- I: T l'urv.r lir J jiiu:tb, aflciti n n h -l. k at a rate of ;.ped. charged with distmbiug tile quiet f nij;ht were drawing a salary of $2000 per auuum, has never I A Mr NVa!. M ililctie. A K XVr-- cra?.ing the Kebala Franci-..-.- , A t. wa poitixtlv a nieuace to ians oppor- last Saturday fri.ru t. Hackfeld X - a, .1 lined ' entsh, costs each. ceased to avail himself of every possible vXaiohiuu ,. Siii HiUimn. a Mi aiiley, i 'Uiue- 4i k j au.l 52.ol r.iiir.i' road. There - a law a'4aitivt ftttiouH Jriviiig. with art ray tunity to viiify iu the strongest possible lan- Honokaa Co., with a cargo of general merchandise. The K Kiian--- a W ' nit-a-ioi- t Lee biug and Maka. charged XX r .r a'lii' il. prt H Xlr XN '.iltnau. it x iti'o ee.utH'it on an like aimea... , KAPIOLANI PARK s. . A Xli XX J-- J- pleaded were MaVt guage. His Majesty, the lioyal Family, and His Lily Crate t. Sunday, from Sa Francis.-..- to Kay. I.iteu and i - k. not guilty, but couvicteJ. Kralakeakua , thu. Majesty's and brother For Kaua , pr Jamaa Mak-e- May J ' x' l" A lieu. tiueJ $1U, Lse Sing tlued $ lo. Appenl uoted.t Miuisters. His friend I.ibee Kaaai Castle A with general merchandise. '1 he - .. Hay-dd- '-ii KingdjlU Kaloa, C'ook. U V olaJe, I' ; Jjuea. XV l:.j.i ar j Mk. Jaiii- i!l the A. Morgan, cliarged with aud battery schoolmasters have warned hiiu of the inevita- -- jr. J wif, Cua-- r. Mary Altec on Monday, from Sau Francisco. tTh.s If Sparka.aan and atout .ic k. ! tecipoiarilv ill ite:airr the with a weapon eniitiectly dangerous to life, was ble result of his writings, but deeming his posi-- At any of the above Money Order Post Offices, an order June lOtli, 1003. .1- - r - ta!.- - of Mr. Hay,el- be issued, on application, for any not iceejia w Maul and Muloka!, p-- May 2s lout j Hon. S. 'Waiter will c.'.irsfe helped to wili mui vessel we learn ill be etnploved in coasting rr x remanded to await results of injuries. John tion impregnable, these warnings hae uon al aitair- - a:i I . n . I'.no.len Will Ssty dollar. The loHowiaj: arc the te established, ; -- he is email, j.K 21 , !lt.- - for defence. make him more vindictive than he otherwise wbirb are payable by lu appii.-an- at tbe tiui tba order trade njeastir.ug ah tun, hut Fran.-ia'o- May Hr i i,oi Kall The following Gentlemen will comprii !' saa per Lktoo Diocvry, si attend tu : -- would have been. is issued Mem to lc well adifted to the iuter-isiart- d freight- Kawe. J ti aoaon. w.f 2 children. M HiZ2oii. lui: k- ienc- -. Wednesday, iluy oUiii. oo. if XT The Pre says "he (Mr. A.) is right and Mr. l or aay sum not riceejiu Five Dollars J teats the Committee of Arrangement!: I. Chapman. s l rhdJ. Jrnokeaue-i- was disposed of exceediQi; 1J ing bueine. The Lady Lamps .in arrived ..u Corn-wl- Mr-s- . M.s of this city One caid of as ? Over uve dollars, and uot $10 Mau! Hawaii, May H i, Lb. Hao.N and Eiuerick Gibson is wrong. " In what, pray, is he right . tor and or I.ikel.ke. t Fratifis-j- A it Nahv-l-lu- a, G. A. K. 'ver ten dollar, aad Uot eiceediui $.'5 li cents. DU. S. Wednesday, from Sa.t to Rrewrr Co.. A A R Vi.ta, Kia are deserving of thanks lor assisting the Usual. ; J. MiGitr.W. W. O. IRWIN', ir Mount, ll Ui Bree. In instructing the youths of Hawaii to accept Over twenty-fiv- e dollar ditto ditto, $4- 0- JO cents, ht-r- R XV V r, V W wreaths and charged with disturb- ti - ilru-- F boquets. Pelapela and Kaaiaka, ei.-UiD- Wttb Buckland. llut at their io..ms in arraniti j his ? to be forty dollars, not $5e a full The departure La.e the H 1 a.. 1 Hanni-uold- , teachings In framing thtir minds xiver a cent. H. A. WIDF.MAXN. A. litrii. Faron, T I. AL1 Tell. i rosse-- . craves by the G. Katnaka S. CLEG HORN, Di-cve- Ka. , etc.. for decorat.nj the ing the quiet of forfeited bail , W. arid, i? ou M :j XX' k;-y- XVafcy, niht. disloyal to their Sovereign ? No order will b issued lor more tbau filly dollar. G. Irwin on Monday, 'he W li llulir.r. A 1'tatt, VJir Ii. A. U. labored hard and hnst. They $10. l'elapela pleaded guilty and was fiued io, re-pro- Wbeu a larger autu ia wanted it must b procured iu lw or CECIL UROWX, . Ab Vouo.', I'aun I.o, Koki auJ t mu. I would not you, Mr. F.ditor, to -i FIUKK BROWN. Tuesday, both with fall targ.e, f sugar. their designs were luo-- t leautiful. ak more orders. r C R Ui.hop. Xlav . N W.l. v.x,R W costs $1. duce your ret-lp- s. ce For Kauai. 2i in columns, extracts from the columns H. R. MACFARLANE. JAS. of pn-iu- dm mg il.e XV An order eauuot be issued ou auy (tost oftl. e except DODD, The domestic T J XV Hahn, Ailuen, Ur j mifh and about w on Queen si reel, Ahii, reuaudesl from the ISth was agaiu .ti iiri, Mb. AoNtw's uew ha. a.'ebo.ise of the Gazette, on matters pertaining to Hhs oue of tbe above-name- d mouey oflice, Uotu e : I pkg-- : J"' drck order uutil E. : : have been. Sc..... 11 til pkgs '. "' near Messrs. Hackfeld .V t'o.'s establishiuoiit. is remanded. Majesty and the present Government, but cou- - ba beeu given that it ba l.eeu made a money order JO. WISEMAN, SrciBTAHt. Mola 2 From San Fran.-i.-o- . p.-- r l.aly Lampaou, May 1 li F linished, or very o. The storeroom is lOii Kinio, remanded from the 29th pleaded not oaice. Harlip, J U li arTiaou. jrve Jauiea Jobntau, wife tent myself by the assurauce that the writer of tie jraa, feet lou by oil "feet wide. '22 feet to plates and i guilty, but was couvicted and Cued $C. cost Au order is payable ou only at tbe t.fli. e Ia the auctiou r.y.iiis bunuci ha u.ei. aad tliree rtoljreu, Ijvt ajrr, Mitbew Htnitb. those libels has at last naet with his deserts. A ieeua(iou, - ( are nil openings. drawn ou. and tlie persou to wti l paid pt Jl PtiFS E. WILLIAMS. Wm. WILDKK. , -- XV feet to ridc cap. To this there $3.50. iiu it iuut Lyon Jt Levey's sale yesterday of furniture tt From Kauai, per Jaioea Mak-e- Jtia 1 t'ol F Alien, is covered with con Ufa ted schoolmaster, above all other persons, should be for tbe tuiuuu'. L. The whole building t'. A Ma. ue, p C Jonea. Jr.. A It M Swift, auJ .' May ; W. It. UUCHANAS. Abergeldio, was well but prices re&lied a entirely encircles it. Tul'RsDjxy, 31. an exemplary character one who disciplines, Blink api'licaliou are at a. a niouey-idc- r o.tire. attended 1 p iron, and driveway '. iruru Maul and Molukai, per Irhua, June ballon, s instructs and the youno. Though Mr. A t the country uiouey-or.le- r wsre lew the class of offered. Mw Mr Hewlett and 21 deck. As old sailor from the L. S. S. Hartford, was Two cases of drnnkenuess were docketed, and otU.e. dts, aud TI ME Ki:i:i'El:S: F. I.. CLAKKE WILLIAM fr of Atkins, 'i was truiiK-.- l for his profession, accord hours ol the day, will be dexijuaied by ea-- P.luia-ter- , ivi Tbc week show an unt.:ia!ly active luarketmith Front Uaui and Hawaii, par Iwalaoi, June 2 Hon U M observed yesterday with a wreath of rlowera in hi disposed as usual. wheu uioney t.rder will be WENN Fit. Whitney XX' A itig to his own st itcment. it is ideiit that mad Mra J 3 Suiitblea. J Montni, tie grave of a comrade Ukia, charged with assault aud battery, bn-iae- nale-t- . aifc. baud. intcntlT seeking for the N'j uioiiey-ord.-- r ss a. . Urge iu W.ih.Lu. MilU and Waiaaa. ( he prove! himself uulil ted for trau-- led on dun ly Str brtiteville. Jula J IJoapili and So deck. of who was killed in the city in lirtl. by a fall pleaded not guiltv, but was convicted and taned has the poitiou. sTAHTri: : CAITIN A. II. II AY LEV. his s Is and an interesting feature of the uiuteiu'iit ha From per 2 1 Marliue. The " Father who ict-l.- s.i aggrieved at the Pamphlet. ..'UUiuiu; more full dfta; of Ike luouey. Kahulul, Kilauea Ilou. June I' cemetery a disappointed . 1 XV from a He left the $5, costs $3.30. be ou 1o auy Ji Manle, A N B iVi.u. II, S cLih hore. o: bs; order ylem aa its applies! iou of tbe po. T : t been Over ev. nty per cent of the Gilmao. F Mn j dismissal Mr. Atkiii ;uii. may somewhat . fi:k rot is. rtmarLed. iie R Mitcb. C i and sjd man. liming liceii iiinhl to Win. K amsay aud Kipi. charged with atl'iay. ultce. of i:i: iiaiu.fs wii.son. . . drrn aii l .rniDl, Mr Clark. ll. Jn.Uoti. ' . -- consoled x.heu he th it llie Mii.-.V-OKl..lt- purchai were f.r .f pjrlte-- previ-ni;- I -- II. H.ri J XV Kiiui, J XV Kar.abi. K C J XI the object of hi earch. pleaded guilty, aud were reprimanded aud dis- burns important p.i Ki!'. i'li.N eauuot be isaaejuuiil of " l'riucipal of Fort will be tilled by nioU'-- lieati-- s sllI.INO I'.slilHH'K: JAMES ltODU. 1 a to the value ti.rner. Urv Kaili and wife. Mra M'imwIi, i Iiiu i'biu lately charged; both defendants small boys. Street" orvtei have load Willi such couulnes and j V: uf some blood h have m iatretd j'itr u I wife, and 1 deck. hear the admirably eilicient seeoud of wb.ui he as it may he to v.:rud Hi to. t- - A. Morgau, 2SUb. XV a new and very distinguished thennelve by hooting and brawling remanded from Ihe pleaded . H. M. M l V. XI . of the above twt'L. ii makes iu his lrf-iw- TNKY. il. - strt-ei- s - lieeii in liieunou letter to the Q-- t - th- ! j aliout the wlien th.- to have guilty with extenuatiug circuiustauces, aud was lliiuo'.alii, April, lss.l. auJ" Iiu ad'an pur. ha- and n rt the oulit It is the duty cf people to to execu- t3t led. We are tempted to i;ive names, as some of tiued$15aud seutented to '24 hoars' iiupiison-rtien- t. submit the MilU Co.. the slo'l ha j d Iffc'.itv m r UIKTII. ' tive Star lu.i.' Fl:l..H.-!- N the youthful iVi roisterers would ls possibly a $1. authority of the Government under which Programme: . in. u to th of Ir. costs oi.AJ A dtvtd.-ii- .f t". aV XX . J low they live, and admitting fair comment on DROPS. cent to ler harc. l Ft let ,a ou. little ashamed and desist from such habits in li. Moouey. charged with assault aud battery, that DENOMINATIONAL The races will commence at 10 a. m. Sharp. lU-- the a King per abarc wtll be paid at !he end of . futiue. but we forbvar this tune. pleaded guity. and was fined $10 and costs. tious of and Miuisters iu the pablic pfeut lst-PA- RK - papers is admissable, and sometimes productive PLATE, $75- - quarter and uuJr td- - u- arrneiu'tit thf THE PACIFIC Hr the arrival of the l.ady I.anipsoii Wednesday. Friday, June U The Jtrahiiiter (Baptist organ) lias loeked Parte re-- of much good, yet it is, to say the least, unbe- t liv pvr May were j HURDLE One Da-- h ; 4 Hur-tll-j- s; compau ahould pay frtta cuty e t. thiriv late foreign pajiers up to the Uth );ie case of was docketed 11 RACE; Mile change iu druukeuues.s and coming for a man to coutiuue drawing a hand carefully into the 'history of the Isa le on next crop. M.uev it in -- tpply ceived. There to le no material disposed of as usual. five to all : catch weight. ttot eod 'J i some salary from the Government, aud at the I the of any product of these Island iu San j inining buint-s- . an. concludes that xx'as y l- - price "it twek.. that will pav from l:-nt- inentv :ie Aommficial Aibfrtisfr. of T. W. Kelley, charged xvith driving a horse same time to vilify and scaud.ilie its officer. Francisco markets, but the news departments i 2nd LEAHI CUP, Pune $25. IjI-i- i and dray faster than a walk, pleaded "iiilty. a case of xr Q I'uit l.einj .j.l.t. ll In the foreign papers are lu.ue than ordinarily full of uoi Mr. Atkinson had always the opportunity to oxtivni; verJancy on the pan f l'Ut itf and after trial was discharged. MULE RACE ; One Mile Dash ; Free for all, knowing accounts of tillanics and c.lnuio(ioiis iu reioii, and had he possessed th heart and j tlie .Meiho.lisl officials, an, I the uiin. ' I. i leson tliev catch weights. - v Morris, charged with assault an battery, understanding of an ni-li- vy all pans of the w.t ld. Kng'ishman as hs professes Mr. A. ti. Flh . hi liti tin- s rt jrxr. . l:t. pleaded guilty, aud was fiued costs must hale learned by heart xvilt u -. to be, he would have availed himself of that leaJ them took Ul quoted iuf..riii- - u of the jie ili h ptibltc spirited fellow citix.-- Mr. .la- l.idd Saai i.iourley, T. Walker, S. Wat sou and 3rd QUEEN'S CUP, Purse hh. waat-.- . prerogative without wailing to be dismissed for to be a good tlenl more $150. Tm r :o-- i who is ever coiisideriu..; the public mounted incredulous next K Wi ! aiu-tin- t f a it i")tli. over-indulgen- RUNNING RACE; One Mile popular ihs i Georg. Patterson, reiuiuded lr.un the in that that is held to ba dear 'i NEWS OF THE WEEK. his mammoth watei ti carl Wednesday and laid the time, ami never heal: 11 .lust on Nuuaitii avenue as far up as the second rr :ioaiu rem inded until theolli iustunl. and to himself and his patrous. again io tolerate stock iu 3 ; free for all. bridge. This was .lone 'i a tuilously by Mr. lo,ld V oil s obediently. PsTKP.r.iMit.i.xs. specula! ion as a means of b;iiIJing- up uni- StOvk Uuotit;Oit i- - UiU. Tut hark anived yevierdiv at tint port and every ciiieu who tisited the cemetery out) 4th KINO'S CUP. Purte $150, N versities or else coiiitertej Hich roil (roll. thanks to him for I'm- - eon nil,! in1; to their com- The Hartford. The following utile (which explains itself; anything wt th TROTTING RACE; Mile Ileal.: 3 iu I ha-- Ii(-hI- h-- I ; It A. a b . ll jin. sfKtl i i )ell ferj fiou he fort. has been hambil by Mr. Thomas Walker the kingdom of (Jod." to harness five for all. flirialll . tons ,Y. M. A. liuilding ainioif to Fort ntrtt-t- WKiiNr.siJiV. especially in the afternoon, business The S. S. Hartford, Captain Chai. C. Car-Iente- r, ' F. for miblication. Ehitor 1. C. A.J was almost entirely ed throughout the city, A Louisville xvonian. xvlio is the mother of PLATE. Purte $100 t d'lir. Iidy LainpioiiN regular berth is for arrived iu port yesterday at 10 o'clock Haukaa Vudir l.'v and lcc-iratio- l'ay was observed with remarkable HoNOi.ri.u, May 27th, ISS3. Rl'NNINO RACE ; One Mile ; Ha- Ktlaaea t'o. !' her. it lieinj vacated by the lM-oo- y veterday. twin babies, has become a fanatical lunatic Daub for . from Hilo. The following is a list of her -- luWaMiiro. o uuiter-- lirv. The shipping ihroiihoUl the barber a.m.. Mr. Eniron, A statement which appears iu waiian bred horses not having a lH-lt- record Make I'o !. Till l.udy l.ump-o- ii ii do. l.t-.- l at whaif. .l:-pl- ri.ijs at half-mas- t, as also did the diplo- in consequence of her devotion to the teach- l'rmei's . officers: the Satitt'thii lJ'ess of the 27th inst., and iliau 1.T,7. Ookala 3JrSiitiar Co l'"o vthcre she Unloadini. matic and consular oflic-s- Entire tpiiei ami in- an aflair I am Co juo li Captain Charles .'. Carpenter. relating to in which the injured ings of the ''Mountain Evangelist," Barnes. HlleaSu.'ar activity made the day seem much like Sunday. -- Co ! ' Majescv vclerdjv I. party is t also in very particular. Tlie true G h Waibe ni;ar His returned from llilopor int. Commanders Edwin White. Joseph Marlhou y ANA She began to develop consider i hie I.UNAM AKAAIK PLATE, BukaMitw Co .Vai t . S. S. Hartford. (.'a Hi' .t is Xi:i.mos. ol the stauier XVaimanaio. Lieutenants James M. Miller. Ileo. P. Colvo- - story is : .A party of four of which I was one Olowala ,rnar Co I"0 t.tT Saturday evening. e A. Nickels. Purae $125. 1 XV u. when I'iauioiid Head last iresses. John H. went to Kukaako to bathe. Ou reaching there in Waianae'Co '. O. In i mot has almost limshed ' when Barnes was Kentucky, but ho Tui. suon distinguished a boat M F. TltOTTINU RACE ; One Mile Heat ; heat a Waimanalo i o I.m 1:. balla-tt- . heard crie for help, and asters Edw. Quattrough, lluinihon Hnichiiis. myself and another one of the party both iu nzr and begins to lake iu containing who had come from Ensign Henrv since he went axv.iy she has been carried iu .1; free to all Hawaiian bred Ouon.ea Suar '.. toiitl .ai . - o three lisheriueu Minnett. liquor, had words, xvhich resulted in a clinch, horse. i' a They were ehaiisiej Midshipman M. L. Head. Kebala C Neuit' Merrill brought down from Lahaiua. Molokai with load of tisb. 7th-PRINC- 5unr Tiir struggle and the interchange of blows. Another away by her theological vagaries, and is now ESS' The Wallnku Mitir 4 o o '2.1 lt ol sugar, the large! ever xvith fatigue, and weru taken in tow bv the W:ii- - Cadet Midshipmen -- V. li. Fletcher, W. P.. Whit-(iraml)- s, CUP. Puue $100. Mill ! j lias one of the party, Mr. Thomas Walker, separated L'aton t'o. ! Ci. Doyle, M. W. hroulit hy her to thu nianalo and brought into port. tlesey. J. J. Payer. J us as as xvas uncontrollable. She has named one of her POXY RACE; One Mile Dash; Open to all tar Mill 'o. j.ju wo jrt. S. A. W. Patterson. quickly possible. It then found Xliui 1'laiitatton Co Jtni ...V - of of Mr. Wide- - ; ponies iu Kingdom 14 Ki.t Tukkk will be no music- at Enuna Square this On last Saturday one the walls I). that I had broken my ankle, having done so in bahes Jesus Christ and the other George (). ; hied the not over bind (irove Kau. ! i'lautatiou - Medical Inspector S. Kennedy. -- afternoon. Trie band will give an concert on warehouse, situated near the battery inal.ai xvhile it mo- ; o Ml extra inanu's W. S. 11. Mar- - jumping from the carriage was in high catch weights. Pacific Sux.r Mill...... joo A of business, Passed Asst. Surgeons Dixu..E. Barnes. She says that Barnes t night her j Bell TelepUone I O i : Monday evening at the Hawaiian Hotel. of Messr. H. Hackfeld t'o.'s place tion ; my condition preventing a previous dis- Hawaiian ; stillar. tumbled down. The wall was composed of two 8th-RECIPR- 0CITY Hawaiian K li V nail-o.T- .. M. covery of fact. was no how to make " faith oil." xvitli xvhich CUP, oNMDFR xm.r. number of the marines and '. Pay Inspector Henry Dennistou. the There "prize lo Purse $175. Kaaului B It a layers of brick with a layer of loosa stones between W. Moore. fight no later-Ialau- .Navij-a- . I hcloning to the L'. S. S. Hartford, visited the Chief Engineer John '' nor " put up job." RUNNING RACE ; Mile ; d . j.' . One heat. In Steam f j'i i.m li - them, and readily yielded io a little pressure from . anoint and heal professing believers beat. -, eniox- Passed Asst. Engineers John A. Scott, Oeorge G. W. Fatocrsos-- '. Brawer A Cuipaiiy i Xtrri'autil- to.) IM li veterdiv. Tliev iieemed to the inside. (Signed) I : free to all Hawaiian bred home.. l.itl Umi C Kau b -- ell. 1 owie, jr. Much discussion prevails at Trenton con- ! Asst.-Engine- er I '" I'kom Maui a correspondent writes us that on John L. low. I QRAZIERS Mi:.ti:. IS. A. Maoiits and A. E. M. Swift of side of the island the weather has Cadet Engineers A. H. Clarke. J. H. Pendleton, Island Notes. cerning the prayers otlered at the opening 9th PLATE. Pune $125. Fran-i-i-.c- n tbe windward " Kawai. und Jones of 3-- S tiling' of tit; P A .;ii-- Webster San good for the growth of the cane, except at F. E. Calex. RUNNING RACE ; 4 Mile Dash ; frew to all PfjiDjtij ref;isiered yesterday at the Hawaiian Hotel. been of the sessions of the Xcr Jersey Legis!. ships for 1333. Hana. where there has been quite a spell of dry 2nd Lieut. Marines ,. C. Webster Ham x kia. Hawaiian bred horses two year old. Pay-Office- Mi k.-. O. W. Mat-fa- i k Co. have found weather. Some of the cane there is reported as Clerk L. I.. Hriham ture. Some of the ministers say that the roa - lane it A lady who lives in a lonely part of the tt I liet'ex-iar- to put in a brick foundation on which to looking quite yellow for want of moisture. At Boatswain Francis A. lran. 10th AMATEUR CUP. I - . X district, bar Celestial neighbors, received, some gre-tl- Pur.e $50, li iu.- C Vo - E. custom has become so desecrated V I i Kipahnlu a fair amount of rain has fallen, while Gunner J. lieacham. ; yd.ieji inly I a I I . ! t uirii inic iaiu. nights ago. rather a scare in the absence of her TROTTING RACE Mile Heat : heat 2 in 3 'ity ot .ll is ! Carpenter S. H. Malooii. Au.-cr- . ... . further on towards Kaupo it dry aiaiu. that it ought to be abolished. criti- t 'hIv - .A.l.i-- i ;J Tuk metalliu of Hotel street, between I'.ichatd husband. Vbout 2 a.m. she awoke with a feeling Other to harness; owners tit drive. . i-- l 'J Sailmaker O. Van Mater. t itjr ar.Ses Xar Vni;.it ..i..,..l,'-'- l "somebody was about," and on looking XeAiAO-U.- . 'r ; v ... i au tbe wtreet callel traigut. in lro.it ol tlie i The new telephone cards were distributed to that cise so man- Mir-:iio.- t Vorit ." Jo ECLIPSE the legislators for having little 1 s saw a Chinaman the window, City ol 1'n-- j r ll . . i bell tower, is bein linished. j subscrilx-r- on Saturday last. There have beeu round at uid moving 1th LUNALIL0 PLATE. $75, Llnu :i .r H Pure Aiutraliia VuihiiIm It - Nov 2 i I Home alterntittiis made : not onlv such as were F. S. olden C. If. Rockwell towards it. Having hastily gathered together her ners hs not even to loxv their heads during r The three-maste- d schooner lleporter, Captain RUNNING RACE; Mile open IVj of . Vorii. . Itv-u- ' names iinui- - C. S. Hastings W. Upton somewhat numerous progeny aud a young lady Dash; to til '2'-- required by the addition of the and the but 'ooke, l days from Port Ulakely. is at Kahului I). been prayer, to talk flippantly and to liers of recent subscril-ers- . anil the eiast'uiciit of E. Preston S.J.Iirowu, Ensign U.S.N. friend who had invited to scare off burglars horses bred iii the Kingdom that have never Maui, discharging a full load f 440.000 ft. lumber. '.Vic-phon- those of former patrons of the Company M. A. Laurence C. P.. Woodi. during her grass widowhood, they all crowded on speak of the market value of the prayers run at Kapiolani Park. ii.s-- i t'-- . - one bed till morning broke, in an agonised state f PORT OF HONOLULU, H. I. Artr.MioN is called to (his morning's issue of who have tliscontin-ie.- wires, but ttde- offered. One minister s.axs that unless the the Wr.r.ki.Y P. C. AoxFKTisEM, wherein matters phoiies outside the arc : instead of fear and suspense. The Chinamen still kept his 12th- - EXPRISS CUP. Pune 50. relative to the Kapiolani Eaces will appear iu the numbered anil c tlLd stations. Health Department, Hoaolulu, H. I. ground, alternately bowing and raising his head character of the legislators shall be changed ! TROTTING RACE; O.ta IKKIVALS. Head and moving his arms. But. alas xvith daylight Mile; froo for all notes" in advertisement. them. s HfXT, a f th ted States, Moricaht Rcpobi M.w, 18S3. was there, on for he shall hoi-He- co.isrwts. Mr. Asnnrw native I'ui roa he still and close examination it the better never again address that have never trotted in any public AttoNti t!if paseners of the Lady Lampson, fell dea.l white eating dinner yestc.M ." at the Old Tbe total number of deaths reported for tbe mouth of turned out to he a palm tree, which had been race. -- - XX i w 4.11 . his Maker in the presence of the Senaie or Mai A br FUukea. uot aitlu i. ahn. ilb which arrived ou Wednesday last, was our wull Corner Itestam-jnt- He came tt ' .i- - c mntry on May was distributed as follows : moving its branches legnhrly to and fro from the p i- Lhl lUolas--Lse .i..j.aeo hats. f?r - kn. ii carriage Mr. T. H. Harrison, who ... wh-.-- 1 year 5 30 40 8 13th-FO- 0T r r artist. lxiar.1 the sell ier Emma, liist canic I'uder From to effects of the- wind, lion'i mention the word China- House of Assembly of of Xexv Jer- RACE, !s-i- ihe State Maluku, front I'apjid u, w.lb lis; 1 o II 40 50 8 200yd, Pt tie $30, lias brought a few superior mechanics for the pio- from the C ia-- i. Since that tins.- in leen From to From to man in that house ! llr. I 10 7 pr-yer- s t.as uar -- ron! 5 to :' From M to 60 I for four Ut man 20 2nd man M . vv I'SW neer hop. working iu this city at different jo' ind though A few days since had the pleasure of inspecting sey. The sum of $10 is S. i.r a. main. frou. Hoi.outu. Hawaii. cb From 1I to 20 4. From uO to 70 7 -- a a tau s-- k-. not teetotaler, ho has not '..!! 'JO t ;ld 70 3 tbe quarters of the German immigrants recently Hth-BICY- CLE iiKr . K.-- Mi Hart Bros, are having some improve- I'r.n.i ;Ovrr allowed to each of the clergymen xvliose 1 Imi M.-- iu. frtiu .l i. t'sl.n. thinking man. IUmi i l t .- -- as ...bjblv lh.' arrived for Mr. Overc-nd- . They are on RACE. MIIJ2 DAf II, ri.-- ments made on the Old Corner restauraut iu the situated with l.as Males "C 17 view-befor- e for ex- XX . cause of his death. Female .. high greund. so that the men have a good services are secured ihis devotional Purse - t in r XX atiiuiiaiols Nel-o- u. fr.nu ao.iai.alo. way of a misily patered ceiling, which gives the $25. ! : - 111 c them, and consist of ten rooms built back to Oabu. vt h la .stf.'ar aa.l l'.bbl- place a much cleaner aud neater aspect. Os Thursday evening, at S p.m.. a Poi f uoui-s- Hawaiian Great Britain.. ercise. -- I a along 15th GREASE POLE, - - boy. 14 years of age. d:-- d on board the Chinese United States Auieric back, with verandah running both fronts. Purse $20. will. V ch way of bricks has been thrown over about floor U Ca.uerou. fniu K.m, si ai ai u Portuguese Other uutious The uprights, rafters and timbers are all 3x4 7stiuC ll,it.. an.--l I." schooner Emma at sea. letwc.-- ims place and the the He v. Dr. Wild in ;oob.4 u.ar, II rt.c, Mies t :i- - entrance to the space ia the rear of Mclutyre's South Sea Island.. . inches, each man has a separate room, containing a When preached tJ add-utuc- He very arrived in this Hfinr klUK, Iron Maui aud liaaan h Waianai. had reeontlv lakelii.. !S.O tore, ou the corner of Fort and King streets, good, strong iron bedstead, chair, table, lamp and X al-U- 'l. w.l.. his passage from the Azores Brooklyn he had no trouble in drawing a jStbl Iioltl ttltou.ee. the look of the building. Kingdom, and during Cacsk of )cru. ware. Thti hou.se is "io !ili'. lo box-di- crockery itself faet long and ba--; V head, i'ilr , a nail got driven info his but as the 1, . . f..-i- .in-- .!! Accident Fever ."2 feet wide is whi inside ami out : each large congregation by announcing- that he br rl i'.t-i- llatsait. haa fitted up the apace behind was to :j NOTICE. - PisroH I'.lZtX not complain much no attention paid Asthma Onugreue hlltll- K how-eve- r, room has a separate door and window, giving Io."'- - . lite gallery over the front entrance to Fort Street going over to Waianai. CouvulsinUs ol siomacli. would preach on the identity of Jeremiah All horses entered for the alov races jt.-h- r , s the wound. Alter Judauiatiou will be .Iran.-'- from k. iiu II' of light and air, and the of every as a delightful "study." where he is Ud was on way to the j I'onsinuptitiu Ieprosv pleuty interior tiiurcti he became ami his a under the of Chlldl.irlh ljOld Age room looked neat ami clean. At present there ait-- and St. Patrick, or by pronising s line control the Judges, and their decision - S. Mm- -. i'r-'- u , Hw- - '. wtili lis .io see those who want to see him. Hospital here vtln n he died. J br tt li 'rou (i r Pnoumouia couple of large iron tanks, but a tank capable of will be final. eUpTar - C1 remarkable information about the lost ten XX V aij.i , Tan Uiecovery took away Weduesday 22 tons THrisr. is a sweet singer that occasionally di- lropsy 1'aralvsis holding o."0 l.ai ieU will soon be finished, aud it is .cir fi.uoiki. Itoto n.u.i, l!w. t'isease of heart 4;3yiibi'lli All running races will le under (he Rule, of j- . a.lly ' She had two extra hou.es built ou deck to cour-e- s enchanting harmony in the vicinity of our estimated io hold enough water all through the In the wttb -' siiar. !yentery . (Tetanus tribes of Israel. Toronto he pursues S.-h- r Ki.knilt-e- l. Willi somu Norwegian Ju-- a sougsi-.-- Pacific Blood Horse a llajf i Marion, from Il.aii. accommodate passengers, families office. i what kind of the warbler is. I I lilt). n dry season. Close to. but apart from the main Association; exec. ting l &omg to the Coast. is imp tssihle to say. for he is alw ays iuvisible io a cook-hous- e dining-roo- 20 much the same course, tretiinghis hearers ll"-i- . K.sjls.i, Oabn, with . it building, aud feet weight. S. e'.iuuia. ! tirst-clas- hr -- when his dulcet notes are distinctly heard. The Total by 12 feet, lifted with a s hair Thi. V. M. C. A. has put up a new ign. ll is stove and all the occasionally to the most extraordinary All horse carry a u.r jOO La4- - sweet tones, however, seem to issue from the Tele- Number unattended . lo crockery ami cooking io rider. Cat. riue. Ilsusl. I, Kaus., with xerv I v gotten up made chiefly of stain- neces3arv utensils. Both ai lt.tr neat Tower at the Central Olficti. near by. and were by Mr. of On a he an- All ed glass. It hangs under the front portico of the phone MoNTHl.T MoRTALITV. buildings erected Bruce, Waiiuea. attractions. recent Sunday trotting races will be under Ihe Rule, of lb Mtbr avafuoi. i'r.'..i I a.tp h.tt.w. Hswa.t. w tlh '.V they are so iu quality, depth and compass appear have everything necessary for w hinl. ling. varid May. 1S7S. death 4:1 May, 18S1 . .. . The men io National Trotting Association. lie , deaths nounced that Mrs. Langtry would be at the that it is impossible to tell whether thev are the IsT-.l- comfort, and lo be quite with I'lUmal'u".! K. U..1B. llawa.i, wirlt Ti bas Mav, tleaths 5C .XIav, 1882. deaths .. . ..1 their satistied their 8 t oo Sunday j a r .. tr angar The Lilly Grace arrived in this production of gulgnl blue jay. Ma. Is. I. deaths 47.Mav, 1SSJ, death-.- master, while Mr. Overetid on his part is equally church. Although she xvas not to preach or No iol elling will le allowed on the Park ff.nu nb from Mahukoua. To this port sheiibrings a small satistied with his men. hoi-s- Jnae rJu" M.krr. kiiui. Is the morning, between live and six. every day take uny part in the services, but simply to ground. All that are sold in pool, will be y: . t.a, u. f-- g i l mixed cargo, exclusive of 70.ikh blicksfor Mr. UntTH, bt XX' ahii., ton .XlnsTU. It is stated here that Mr. Williams, the photo- I.abaina. Maul wilb several little native children may le seen bringing be an auditor like the rest of them, a ruled out. N,ttw Merrill, irom lieorge Lncas. Ward I ; 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 tf 10 11 1 11 grapher, will make a business trip through the great ibr tea. and sometimes pni or bread, from Chinese , - We so, Ir-- Lleeib 1 5 9 4 1 1 1 district shortly. hope and may tell him throng of people came, but Mrs. Permit t.t train horses at ihe -- l.ebua. o. iu Maui an.1 Mulokal. Tiir. oew fence around the etatueof Kaiuehameha ; restaurants to thoir parents at their resjiective 3 2 0 2 0 0 Lmgtry Pari track ran Itir bay-suii- . y are waiting for him. 1m.. ITslItziaat and be. p of Aliiolaui Hale, in completed aud Vcstt-rda- morning, while one of these Heath" outside city limits 10 that the dollars came not. Dr. Wild did his best lo keep obiaisi.-- from the Secretary. with M 1.. in front homes. the a.amanalo. ' Mill has shutdown for six weeks, while wa.a.unl'. els..n. from nicely painted. It is a great improvement to the little childien wa carrying a pot of tea from Jso. II. Brows, Aj;eui board of Honokaa to- - Lab--e lare lltalib. xvhich is work, audience happy by preaching a sermon in oidei io and ma i t ai I .alio, with soar general appearance of the neighboring grounds. a on Merchant street, a big. overgrown that at Paauhau, .till at will srciin. ii order, no one ktlatt Hon. Mears. Irt-- kabuli.t. Maui, restaurant shortly proceed with renewed vigor, as many of xvhich xvas considerably of will srmr j out the common on the track without the Associa- au I -- potato hoodlum walked up while (I.e child was taking a .1". t. bat by Mr. - (he with ha,s "ii.ar Wi are requested to state MaxKohu that j A baskets f..r hauling carte along wire t s - rest, aud the pot was sitting the ground, and isw.?rs to Corresp3ndenti- the roc, rut, after which he said he xvanled a very tion Radge, which may be on 1 Sour " i.e had itothiiig to do with the artistic work done oil which had been lying idle owing to broken clips, obtained application a..u .k. deliberately kicked the over, spilling al1 it Tlieb-sket- s ti'r ''' l lie l'iiutiieoii Saloon, as alleged in our Wedne-da- v latter iu large collection. were passed to the secretary on Ihe Part "rounds. en ' The word is prouoiiuced as if it was are being replaced position. to work was contents. He then rau away. ''Sahil." ..'I I contemporary of yeaterday. The Dr. Grossman, having worked out Honokaa, is at among the throng and the result xvas the ADMITTANCE Ol- -, ll . ir.no S.I. taucl-- o spelt "dood," uot 'Moody:'1 as for example: TO THE PARK I'edeMtiiaim Haw bk Lilly .rt. .1 iie by Messrs. Puckuiaiiu and Kupprechst. j Tt rlMX 's issue of the lfir.iiitui f 7i'(te.e .Yeic.i present at Kukuihaele. still meeting with great ia ' was a of a much larger sum than Usual. 2t cents; children under 10 Mabuaoos. .w.. k j was more than usually interesting. With it a There young purposeless dude, year of age free; --. trout mist-heviou- s success. .- I.r Mary I. oj genius marked up the panel - l.sitip-ou- . Ko'l, I large was published containing the Who, when asked why he never had wooed: Horses and Horse ami Can iuge. 50 cent, r.rt.:. l roie phos-pliorece- nt supplement About forty Chinese laborers for the Honokaa lo the bark of th-- J letter Ux that was painted with the latest new from Canton and Hongkong. Among the , Replied, with it smile and Mr. W. If. Uickard, arrived by Park ; U.I. the night. The new set of Plantation, admittance to Grand Stand. $1.00. il?rV.TJ. I .. arpeuler. Irou. paint other more articles on local were you it worth V on MISCELLANEOUS I !"" . V n :IC1 4 10 interesting matters ''Do think while" the schooner Waiole her last trip te Paauhau. ITEMS ll, Is.it-- have lecii neatly uumbered from to ! Ian 1 Uk iron. Arw thoe in reference to desertion of cou tract service. Aud fell back iu a medative mood. All entries must ) made under Heal, at the Sec- in. lil-l- V e. : and a monstrosity in the w ay of a half-- hite girl on retary's oflice before 5 o'clock al., i "Y.M.M No, it was no! the ''iuvincible driver A man xvas on a f. Jim 7h, .XJ f diplomatic corps, Kauai who has never moved since the day of her quietly munching piece I !: tit ii vst tla Ihe and consular of a whose office is in Licenses Expiring in June, '83. They will then r.xiied in presence of Com- . nag (..t.vcrtimeiit were uu in aituoiigi. sue is now sixteen years oiu. e pen," the Uazctfe of pie in a saloon, the other morning, xtheu li the n.tn i. and al at the buildings building, that we said did uot know how to mittee. half-ma- con- living st iu respect to the are glad to noie the enterprise of our Chinese M-- .. t. I.r Krka.ll.lotO I"' llUle. ..ii Tuesday al ! o . a look of distress suddenly disturbed the ... ..r nan. of deceased Princess. Her Highness temporary and learn xvi.'h pleasure (hat ii- - cii dila- drive a horse and carriage. Oh, no he is kk.tail-- tin l.lle lltf memory ilit 1 A pan, Moauttlua on Jockeys' colors in tut accompany entrance feea. XX U Kre.1 i'. u.i". tiBa.. tion i slcadilv increasing. located iu the swamp. serene expression his face. Taking Muit iru. i.' I l::tili Keidikolani. 1 .Mrs T l a. !., Fort s reet 11 ouolulu .i.l.l ..t K.UJI Half-ma- st - P..'' " dag to 1 from look- Entrance fee 10 per of Purse .isse.. -. laeaus the hoisted Koo!aolu something betxveen his teeth and uioney. tmrJaiue. . tor Uauiiitii .Vlak- cab-drix- Ting Miug, Funaluu, cet ii.,.. Os Stattir.Uv eveuing a Chinese of of ti Jt Cooke, King f..r vi. l kat a.i i m withiu its own width the top the pole. Castle street Honolulu ing at it, he cried to the xvaiter ; "Here, There must ! l.f U.u. savagely a lulled a native who did uot pay his A Ya-sa- r. C Ken, sheet three entries in all races and twe si,i l r ilu.-L- rheumatic young lady at Not necessarily half-wa- y up the leugth of i'hew Nuuanu hr promptly. I he native xot It.s eye bad ly 11 J H Uruns, I splanade you, there's a stone I found in this to - tor XV ail.ta. .10. lure Whose teacher declined lo pass her. the pole. pie?" start. br Fnuk... lla-a- .t I'-- did attempt to strike hack : the lo lug Chona, Hotel street XV hinised. 1 not SI. Jacobs Oil bought. - took it, es b. a.oil. P.ha... c-- 21 Yiuss Jt- Co, Suuiuu f roet The waiter glanced at it critically, At the call of the Hell from the Judges' .. . lvt. ti.eo. Cuiuamati wa arrested. ii.l ii wrought Axxiors IstairtHtR." A mau can be a good t'hiuii stand all ii.i..tl..l..r lia.o the cure 21 You Hop, Hotel street and, handing it back, briefly siid: "It's no out-clas- Jockey will promptly - ir isv.'.'.. s minister of the Gospel, and still like to have XX' jt tiu-e- ti .-rt bring their Homes out iTiTwike. .... Ma... - or.K has leeii resumed ou the large brick build- slwsct that none could hsr. 21 O Maelarlaue Co, ' -- a good time."' Hy tt good time we mean 21! l.ee, Ueretauia street good to us; you can have it. cording to the Race Programme. fork,,Us. U ..I in curse of construction on the comer of look irIXt M.loU. ings be cau laugh a good joke, enjoy 2S lau tifr, Nuusnu sttcet : ' Fort 9trccts. If nothing unforseeu that at Boss, sposen was In Race xvhere stmt it Merchant and -- M I I you ter miss some all weight are to hi rarrtej. s. . "; l Mr. Lucas. I he contractor, will Court manly sports, and'help diive dull care away liKT II. t S,tm, c occur pteve.it. Supreme Diary. pure xyhat Rider aud Drivers r il. 1 T XVailuku mornin' dat ar pimer do; you are required lo provide their - l!..... Aou, :!t.,-l4- vvti..-- Ivts-ts.- work through to Completion speedily. with as much propriety a you or I. This I..r ts:. puh the :; Aboi, lluelo, Hauiakualua own rKKMKUiAKV has oidv latelv been found jiuid $'.'00 for, how much xvould you give weights. -- . Fett-titree- t In I'ot'hr. out. Kiliula, Molokai 1 s. hr i...... t si-v- Vt.KSiso. at Church, the or- j J Lima, 1 King vs. Toil;; Wo 21 Violat- C Tung Cbuus, Kahului me ef fetched him hick to yer house on A few more liooth to Rem. 20 foot a.usre. Sec- r dinance- ..t ititant baptism and the Lord's Supper The and others. : - oo. Wuk..... 9 Sam Lunsj 6c Co, Olowsiu askpd I 10 No Jeue I fs.br w adiuiuisiered. and six per-o- it admitted to Fira Regulation Act, ou appeal from Police Austin Avenue?'' Sam Johnsim;. tion one allowed to sell refreshment Iruu.e. i n Kek... Iv.uo ill ing WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. 15 Wo Kee, W ailuku at t i.urcii metiiliership. lu the evening. tligotrv Court of Honolulu. J. L. Katilukou for the 14 Ahtim 4: Atai, WailuVu expect I xvould gixe you 10,'' replied ihe Park unless by purchasing sections which may l- - Mo--iu- an A' I'.r.i... mil Mr. Cruaii's theme. pi'osecnlion, W. R. Cuttle for defend. mis. Con- - Id Audersnn Colonel Y erger, thoughtfully. " ell den, 1 had of the Secretary at bis oflice. M jm Uklue l..'t..er, XX e iuvite expressions of opinion from tbe public U)ou bi-ug- s a cargo of tiuue.l till after Monday, Jntie 1. KT II 1 VV 4 11. Int. I.;tl Lampson general til subjects of general interest for insertion under this ll All boss, jess hand out dat S10 noxv and yer All Refreshment team, paying W. P.rowu vs. II. Tenorio, 4 7 Kohala after firal gat provisions, hay. tloiir. bri.ks. etc. Alse t.ue line assumpsit t.2"i. uead ol the AbrcuTisr.it. Piich communications should Awai, Halawa. North miss in t 2.i C Akana. Kaiopihi, North KoliaU won't dat dog de fust place. Hit money will lie charged free crossing -- horse for M r. Johiisoa of the linn of Lycau Appeal from Folice ol Honolulu, J. L. be authenticated by the uanie of the writer as a Bridge. ie of good faiili, but uot uecessarily for publica-lisu- . :;0 J F MKcn.'ie, llouuapo, Kau will a heap of .. Kill t and' Johnson. It appears to be one of the bet Kaulukou for plaiutirt', W. A. Whiting tor de- save yer anvietv about de All Rule will be strictly enforced. hand-fine- st been imported and animals that have fendant. Continued (ill June day. object i to ollr.r f ullesi opportunity for a variety It K IA ll.-- K 11 pup." Oa.L ll va.lt...' Our the tl. The eflicial Programme of tbe Race, can be ob- i.. r.- Kingdom of late. I'. taps v,.-...t- r, Vi.ru... into tbe Mi! ias Miller vs. Lias Fernandez. Action oi of popular discussion and inquiry. l.i lame rant, 11..1 He from t.a w.jr..-- - XVednesday for a ho se. damages 2().l. Appeiil We are not to be understood as neeesssiily endorsing ihe What they .In sty: " Your tained the Secretary n June 8(h, at his oflice atr.i . let shore battery fired a salute as the trover from view set forth in commuuieatious published uu lei this V I CT LMI.IMh r,, ,t...r MJ.a-- I""1 ' Ha-Ma.i- father be xvorili a million, 27 ?,t sieauied into port, iu honor t.f the Police Court ol Honolulu. F, M. Hatch for 1 Haiku, Maui must at least and Merchant Street. b , llartic.tl AwaDa, at if1"' Standard Cying at the main. When Hi plailltir)'. W R. C lstle f.u dcleti laiit. Couitlllled all inquirers we Khali endeavor to furnish informa- 1 Sam Foofc, Hilea, Kan. Hawaii you xvould enable me to go through lile in a - wa fired tion of moat complete cbara.'let on siiv iubie. 7 Wah Foong Kee, Kin street, U..t.i i!u Aa bk .liwre.Jr:ik- Xlajestv left the vessel a saline in his (ill June 13. tbe ini style 1 could never hope for f JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, 1 which they may be interested. 7 l.oo Achu, Funaluu, Kau, Hawaii without you. -- . honor. At o'clock p.m. the ship saluted Mokuhia (k.) vs. W. M.'t'.i.idless. Vi .a. iall t.ra. ll.l.li. in iu. assumpsit 7 Alion, Waihee, Maui do it is . " flag. not love you, true, but one cinnot Secretary. bark l ady laiup--f- ' the American 42iJ4. J. L. Kaulukou for plaintiri", F. M. Hatch 10 Ah Choiiff, North Kobala. Hatva.. ,,.v2.. P- -.l- I satisfac- 5V,i. au ta Wt.Lsi'M.xx afteruoou a number of men were for defendaut. Continued till June day. Mr. Editor, looked with pride and 1 i Afn, Heeia, Koolaupoko, Oabn expect everything. So let us marry. If 7. I V 1 - t iu of I'J Henry barman, Waimea, Kana: l aged for souie (may in aising au old iron shaft of a Akeui vs. W.mg Ka Muu autl 4 others. tion ou those who marched tbe ranks the your father fails I can craxx out of it some- - iU A I" I'olifhee, Kapaa Ka.iei ( i -- milt, recently brought frouiWatluku.no that l)e Long Post, G. A. R., on Wednesday, and Lf.adi.-- V. a 8- - ariut- ' ugar Damages S. li. !..le for piaint fl, J. M. 2:1 Awana. XVatlukn, Maui how." Sh Very ! You xvill never "TueTimk" AuricLF.. Extract from I steamship 1 know-t- wll 'it cotil. be place! on a dray at the old Mousarr.tt for defendant, i'ontitiued till June saw amongst their number many whom 2 i Koki, XX'aitnea. Kauai Ihe l.on'Jon Timrn : Paing by a crowd of uiuor State, and sold a C 4c Co, Olowahi. Mam amount to anything, but you are good notions, we come barf. It will shipped the day . be fathers of sous old enough now to take up 23 Sam l.uug iion the exhibit of the Walthani ..Id 2d Kee He. .ir--'. Hoiel street, Honolulu enough as far as you go. I have trifl?d with XVatch Company, which, in economical importance, '- - uon. Niuaualii ;k.) vs. Kawaiah-i.- i (w.). desemng aims for the country of their father or their si v Ir .hi " sr 'slaltdl. g. A is perhaps superior lo anything elite shown. The pic-lo.'in- . adoptiou. And it occurred to me to ask whether W HOLES LU. sa many men that most of them hate me. J.'ki. iroiu l.iveri I'tii si. are the tiuel day in the World for hnsbattd. J. L. Kaulukou for laiutiti', H. N'. rivalry of the watches of thi. Company already .itrrLr. llr-u- i. tt y; many living whose I's-ti- e A Cooke, I ha. ZJi-- mil. Iroio . - and we only wonder that young .eople do Kahnlu for deleii I mi . Cxitiuued till Juu-tla- there were fathers here sons J King Mreet. Honolulu nd I may not get a better offer. If I do Ata ,. aH.- :i 1 A Co, cor an I l.'. ii.utnU 1 been felt by our own makers, and a liesitatinf? at- t themselves of the uniformly dry weather ( fought in the war of the lebellion ? I kuow of Sebaefer Merchant l'i ...... ii.. avail loeau while wife ordered go back t lo r hus- 7 I" 11 tempt was . 1: , Hobrou, Kahului, Maui can break the engagement." made last session, in the of the oa , daily breezes to take short excursions but one. and one is His Excellency W. M. intore.t Aiu lltl.o ..i..t vet cool band that 7 claus Spreckel-- , K ".buhii. Mtui Coventrv manufacturer., to prevent "' V Gib--o- n. the watch snip .'"'ii. ir .... Nw 'lk.J.ov t'ie Pali. r elsewhere, for purposes of enjoy- Is there another Amkri-'a- 19 Kd Hon-rblaei- .V Co, Merchant sir the floods in Cincinnati and the -at .!,. Jl'S'E .)1H. Since case of the Company receiving the English at Mm, 'k p7 ...., t .au & (jut-e-n -- amp, - I v.. "'J(l rccreatioti. 20 I S Criubauiu Co, treet t.l- ar .,, ment and Wa; tli w., t -rs which cextities they are Ur.i st.ur , Estate ol i, petiti for of 22 G W Maefarlane Co, Queen street hotel fires in other places it lias been almost that niado of. fold. It siaudiug in of the J A i would seem that the Walthani Watches may defy . 1 ... I'a. I. I1M.1 ii A Lit L.ssto cairiage, front Administration, belore the Chief ;siice. Mr. Editor: A cotemporary has treated the 2. Cooke. Kort street impossible to suit hotel guests. They xvant ir Commercial on Tuesday nigUt. was tuu talo by a Jl'N'K 7lH. all attempts to exclude them in thin indirect way. Mrtl t.iu. public to an article coinmeutiug ou the "Re- Hll.l.l . KU rooms above high-xvat- er mirk, and beloxv ti ll" conveyance that came rapidly around the IVtukl up):.-- of K. Ahau.t. Flet-tio- Their first claim to public approval was derived ..nvate oi moval of Mr. principal of the Foil 1 Xailu!:u, The" private lost a pair of Atkiusou,"' loU"iu.u ion, in. Mi.ii the fire-lin- and finally the hotel proprietor from the extraordinary nicety of their construction. M IMlR l s Street School. As the article in question has p. lames Bi'iini. Kapaa. Kau it They were made with such perfect .SI .'.- a couple of lanterns aud it three occupants, exactitude that -:" -' s:.afts. a skirT to every ,,r I a ly I i Jcs'K 3rd. no doubt been generally read in Honolulu, it Vi;. compromised by hitching the parts of all watches of the same class I'prnl " l.ol ' s it. e. uot much hurt. A. S. I C:i!lu-u. I'EUnLI could b Estate ol petition for L. bje me, XX xvindoxv, so in of fire or xvaler a guest I) I tiers will not necessary for in criticising it, to id K" in' t u , Kingdom, Honolulu cise interchanged, and, production being thus made L'pioS. who is now stopping at the Ha- of A Jiuiuistr iti iu, before the Chief Justice. on a large , .m-'ttt- I Mrs. make any lengthy quotations. But should the could paddle a his oxvn possible acalc, cheapnes. a. well mh excel- bran, el.-- 1 her husband. WHOLES. I.B cnoe. aair.i.kVhav. waiian Hotel, will join Lieuteuant Estate of W. F. Leleiohoku. before tbe Chief of journal reach the eye SPIUIT. lence was secured. But the Company have gone U. S. S. Hartford, commenti the that i'. W MaiMarlane Qu-"e- street Upton, au officer on board the Justice. Final accounts aud order of discharge of anyone outside this Kingdom, it were well 22 fo, A German nobleman had txvo .sons xho on introducing improvements in their art, and the w hen (hat vessel arrives in this port. Mr. Upton of admiuistrator. compensation balance they have devised seem, KXI'OKTv. by of her husband. Mis that they should know that the Fort Street BCTCHFiR were reported rather fast boys. One of to is accompanied a sister 1 lie- -, , Maui have overcome the standing bktue l.is.s.vry. " Jink 1"th. School is a Government institution, and conse- Vouu XVailuku was a clerk in a bank difficulty of the vary ,r a: . Up ton. of Washington city, D. C. them andj the other ing. expansibility of the lireer Nil Estate of Kmiiska. xv. . petition for proof .if quently Mr. Atkinson is a Government employee. C.lKR HRDUI.IMJ. spring and the wheel. It ia becoming so numerous and trouble- will before Chief Justice. xvas an officer of the army. "How are y ur aid that the delicacy of construction of the me- T Wairr boose. Flifs are the He was permitted by the Government to pursue ." Suig H..., I.aie, Koolauloa, Oabu il. J in town that custom-er- a sons coming on '? " asked a friend. "Bad chanism invented by the Company in ttuch that a some hi several restaurants Jl's'k ISth. other vocations in addition to that of school- micrometer they exhibit are -- eeking refuge in those dining balls which of Wiu. Bf ST. ! in the bank, who to at Paris meamirea the - Estate Harbottle, petition for school hours. Of enough The one ought twenty-iive-thousand- th XBXMliM- w master during other thuu 7 Ke.da, Huboluiu part of an inch, and might are kept tool and partially darkenea. here these of Aduiinistr.it ion, before Mr. Justice A us; in. Mr. A. be drafts, spends ad his time be ( are rarely found in multitudes at least, this privilege, there is no doubt that has drawing in readily divided under a lens into Report f ftW TSTUoea litfbl variable peU Jl'.s-- 22su. fully availed himself. Amongst other lucrative AICTION. in parts. M. Agent May "H' b by should be kept with particular car at XV hunting, and the one the nrmy,who ought McInf.b.vt. for this traneiee... d wbi.-- Were itestau.'aun Iu the matter of proof of the will of Her 2s r Makawao. Maui Kingdom ; season of the year, or they easily became any- occupations, he eugaged in that of editing a to be busy shooting, is always draxving also Agent for Oorliam Sterling Silver- thi j drafts Fairly -- ,.ra,k uaiee cn tbe agreeable to tho,e who rnu.t take their Highness Ruth KrelikJlaUl, before the Chief newspaper, to wit. the (Jazefte. lu his Saluta- FIRK 4 RMS. ware. The Trade supplied ou the mot liberal thing but I XX on me for money. WljfmZM"""""1''t'1 ' u.si in Item perpetually. Juitlce. tory addrea to the public, January he 2 John tlau.ibea, Koiia Ouku j uul td It aiy.

WTCtte....tf e...T.sw .. ".ve tsAe; 6 JUNE 2. 1883. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, i m mm BaiamamwBaWaBaaaaaBmaamaaaaaaamBWaBaBa n ' '' .' , ' ortiait 3&&trtistnintts. The Two Wooiugs. the other hind, to Mr. Wilkie Coliins to bacco is his friend. When I read,'' be ; In a garJi-1- 1 sweet with rr.-- c says, "attacks on smokers I feel indebted to j N ( JfDI-- u WILLIAMS. DIMOND & CO.. rllAMBEl'.!. IUti'IT 'I roK, rECONU l MuseJ maid one summer day. j In of the writer. He adds largely to the relish of NOTICE. IAL lntri. t. Iliwa the matter Dreaming 'mid the Mourn an-- 1 -- ta:c-c( 11 1.M A N. Makawao, ra:ira'ic :;,r JOHN BOA deceased. my cigar." Mr. i &. Anthony Trollope, too, ,. Shipping Comciiwion Merchant j aa. aattaV I'F.O K. Of the year Ion jiaist-i- away. ! .awP rta.li.'i an.i nliiii; the 'ii f i I!KOl"L.H ANXl Al. MtX'ilNii OK TH K vli:i Teata-iti.- -t gives his testimony in favor 'l'lir. of the weed, 1 .N.it Kaliului.i mvim; tbet tlie last Will and ' In this vi-r- garl-t- i olden. I liee.a Si:yr t3'! 11 iVis-- i any i:l I t.el at tl e ( I t -- . j !':. ('alifaritia nrrrl. ;if ' f.t!..-r- JOHN li: J.Vi.'DM AX, of Makawau. having been a smoker all his life. Mr. olBce of ti:f t .ui-iiy- .".. ;i :ii I ru! street, ntuii S, in Ms-lit-. i alir.:t!.-- aud that I l.avr heard my lii.itht r any. t . - v '.i di.crase.1, lT I City is.l o .u l"i?i-- ;t- i f l.kri)i :, mh29 1 SAN r K A NCt.-C-u. le li'. the .ty .. t l Of". K. luiardiiiaii. tate-lv-. Thomas Hardy never smoked a pipeful in le L'iai.i'l mi my grMid ire, j.roud and ! v.- ". 1 . lid Oa il: 3d f J. j.i It 1. r.ere.l that A . th of J lN K, lwl, at 1J his life, never found 2iocdt. UO'tNick. ( ;: maM-- and alcohol helpful in , . . it the i.urt-io- , iu Wailuku, be set al the time Woo a fair mid ay. For the 11 leit.: a ! cr i f ! irf.tor r H. ; u f I :ie ;.etiti-n- . slid any objections novel writing Mr. James Pnyn is a con- Trustees to the en u v. otlii r W. SEVEBANCE, ;..jrr if mil t'iiy and fair, my j.rrandJ.;:n - , jisi Mil jth t:. .t iu?. tie i.fVrerl tuer- - tc, si:.! all lurries, iu'rrvsted are biiMue-- s n. iy ct:i.e ::-- ii:-.;- N s l:-- r "'iiji-tnre- fui--'- . stant smoker, breth- VA II AMI COM MISSiON b- j .;,y :i. 1. (I s.re-i- and the guiltiest of his b i; .5 ffSVl16 to atteo have Trioi'f tk will ;' e.'usT!. Vy 31st at HA II NT, 'lifcri,i. Pan J'ranriaro, H XJy Hill. rOKM.MIKK. ren. He smokes the whole tin:e he is writ- o'i'lock. t i.NK, California. Hm.n So 4. irt. Jt-.d- i F"ui' and as any lily. ol lj t i.i uit .lu ige. 2r.d :ai litrii t. II I. (lir luy 1". v; t OI'rK vftetarr - . ing - e hours a day I.alitlMa, .y 1.', mvlU wit With a dainty, old t:u:c- K'riio.-- and after meds. & Those who object to it he have JOHN HAEVEY CO., He. so tall and ga'id and stately. thinks neer I l j To the Proprietors of Sugar Mills. - ; tried or Hn CCOMMISSION I KRCIi XTS end WOOL PURCHASING AGENCY, I'owdertrd Lair and qiiauit att:r-.- it it disagrees with them, bRUKiKK, . hing-.r- y J y.r.. W. V.. EErtY, leai-.r- Yet lejea:h the gzrb f inanbo-j- w..s greit moker. He used a j i 4 Cnnnda. r.n-- i S ACfXT FOR FIKST CLSS ARTISANS IIraiItti. long t. ecu- - j Beat a hr&rt of yiu:hfnl fire. cemi Ci..y pip"; when they 1 he is t for buiiJ-iti- d 1: - uadeiitfueJ prepared Contract IDiE-- THE iiAXCTS'.'O PCF.CnA8- I s Bark of Montreal. d , rite--i great Besrni IS'j DlllEAC wllct oruer. (larg vx .ruali) to tux-- AnJ he wi.fx-- in orirtly pbra.-ift.- rnulited they were sent tick t be rebaked. J. Prif llt Air t'aruaer-- (Witb dlspatdi) T j to tbe t f the late celebrated Professor rbxae kc-!-- i of tTrfxy le.rirt',:3- - pecial qaallScatloua IT 81 Cah oa Ccc!goireoi ifarmured hw n bended knee. Tourgenieti", the Kusim novelist, neither Jeunry. formerly Prvlrssor of Chemistry at rba A&derso-nia- n aJnoa I r selt. tiv. I ;.!.! Iiitrnuien'. Farnltnrv. Jewellery, University, Glasgow, Protecting all parties from B xjV, etc. ; .Milliuery, 1 'le.-i.alir.- i., and Infants' Clidh-l- n Like a true and loving iubjsct nor drinks. Mark Twain bvgn. parent - acy init'.ncrv iuf.itgementii or Koyaltiea wblch a iHna;:fy. Iteliable- ladie., under r . W. H. CEOSSMAN & ani ei;eiienctl Like a royal prinevss sLe. eccoitiing to his own account to smoke im- iini-at- .h ti .luiiTT f tbw wo; k .iim;i:h tfce results BEO., wLoae iu&u3eU,ent the nn Pdrcha.iag iinreaa i - No. Street, tramo fer.-- ' ;b t.iz.uituf th iues- liirtt t troti: the roller. At ths Old Stand, 8 Kaahumanu yea:., reply to Scarce he with humble ;:r. t, has prcijred during two will promptly dared moderately when right years old. blowing ;U'-;i- uiij,-c- : f.ie!, a upon receipt of erV'tiUi ji' vi.z aviig of labor. Hhlpplng and Commlnslon lftt:r4 ol It.rjairy to tyle, price., etc., Ler dainty finger-tip- s ; wagon. te. i stamp, au.olea furuiahed. f?i;d fur Circular. Press himself 100 cigars a month, when twenty urj::? stmis. trjtuwv. . Lower 1 head, lower, j 118 MERCHANT Addrei: ben his and he smoked 200 a month, and by the time he E. OAKLEY, CkiaWn Street. NEW lORK. SAN TRANCISCO PfR' il ASINO BCBEAl", When he raised them to hi lips, a;rT 3:iiw. 171 yueea Stree J i I s Refereoc Caatle k. Cook and J. T. Wterhoae. was thirty his monthly allowance was 300. , ooppEe & mn woescEe, p26 Ul I'ost street, San Francisco. Ah, so old-t;ia- e wooing. sheet si grand that For four months he works five hours a day, R f.-- r to A. I.. Banr-rcf- t A To , O'Connor, Moffatt A Co., knee ! G RATEFUL COHFOBTIN'G. and '. P. Cole t Co, Sau Iranclaco; and Mr. V. K. Timid glance and bended and fiv3 days in the week and smokes the branches; Cattle. Uonoluiu. inyl9 wly Thus," so ran bar gentle musings, time he is at work. Wine he finds a clog PLUMBING, in all its " Must my lover kneel to me," V'U- - "! KURT STKKKT, IIONOhl'LC to the pen, but two glasses of champagne 11 IMPORTER AND DEALER IS ( PRINTING and PUBLISHING In the garden as she lingered. are an admirable stimulant to the tongue. WELL PIPE, all sizos; Dreaming will, Sewing Machines & Genuine Parts ARTESIAN EPPS'SGOGOA. dreams as maiden Mr. Frederic Harrison has never touched In the Down the leafy walks there soiiuded Attachments, O-- l an 1 Accessories. tobacco in his life. The Rev. Mark l'atti-so- n BREAKFAST. Steps that mad? her pulses thrill. T has been a smoker all his life. ,V (i K T I" O It T 11 K I By thorough knowledge of th natural la w faith Joy-r- m LANGUAGE. CHINESE And a youth of modern aspect. Whitr .Vrtr Home, Crown, !RAi3CES th operation, of tligeatioo ami natrilioo, and by a Of all people in the word one might liavit. and iteil-aeiret- a manner careful application of lite flo properties of rd ,- With debouuair, Hurt and Florrnce Machine, A WEEKLY tVirly to find l Mr. ppa baa proTwied oor brcakfait tailea wilb a 'I'HF. "si '.VAIIAN CHIXKSK NEWS- expect the traveler and the Htya'-i- te CoiiU-st- . Now Rival. (wm, ( Cams with words (f careless greeting. MicAine yeeJien, all kintii J Medallion. i:i lim in t. Tij Tori. I'alace, Flora. May. (Jraml lrice. deiicateiy-naror- beverage which may aae na many hravy 1 r publishett iu the l.ineae lanjfuae, is Uncle Sam. garden-chai- r. newspaper correspondent in the ranks of the Taii-- y , t'Larta, Uurk, buj enor. doctor' bilia. I; la by tbe juiiictoua ase of tach article of tssai'd eveiv "atarday Irom Ihe Ortice 'f the Company, Sought the nearest Corticalli Silk, in all colort; OiKr. Dtrbv, Wtfit. Do!lv. (ivjs. Qu A Army l!anst .Maua diet tbat a cooatitatioo may tx gradually built ap aotil And h chatted of the weather, smokers. Dr. W. H. Russell, or instance, Clark't Mile End MacAine Cotton Magnet. Osceola. AliiifJa. Ktltpso. Charu r Oak. Nimlilo. IhimJ Laundry Stove. enough to reaiat every tendency to diaraae. Ilundreda Uoil. rs for ItatiKt-i- . tirauiu- - Iron Ware, Nickel l'lattd A Plain, iroof ; has moked for Mr. ' (talvaiiiicd Iron C.U'ier of auatis Bialadiea ax floating aroaad oa ready to attack No. 45 Nnnanu Street. Praised the garden, plucked a rose and taken wine years Agent for Midnrne Keli .hie t Paper Patteroa i woereeer tberc Is a weak point. VTe may escape many a Likened it to her iu beauty ODo:inovrfn gives some very strong, evi- itpii i'u'iiCJiti"i;9 by keeping ooraelee well twtifled with par ltei:ler in K.lU-.- t'is'ols. Oiin mih! (i-iin- Gnfi. Sliota, fatal abalt blood I Postarr, Bill Headi, Fairest, sweetest flower that grows. dence in favor of stimulants," anil s a owiler, C(i5 and Metallic CarlrtdKCi. Also, ' and a properly ooarwbed frame." Se article la lb Citit dn Pipe, sizes, and laid . Strvieo timztttc. Not a of awe of his in Kerosene Moves in all sizes. Galvanized Iron Water all tra.v or homage arrivd some wretched mud vlv si ic UoMers. Tobacco, Ac ., wil MaJ with boiling water or Notices, Circulu. C" Pine, t'isnr limply Bilk. On his fiauk and happy face ; built town, wliere he his lain down in some be sol i ni COST PRICES. ap23 ly Sold only labelled i ; ia packet, Tickets, Prcgrammefi, &c Vet the maiden read his purpose miserab e hovel worn nd TT Ti.e services of a go l mechanic having beon aecured on at Lowest Hates Cast & Xead Soil Pipe. out with fatigue alij;l- - to . entrusted tile will le jiromptly aoj aaUfactorily & Printed quickly a:id 1 heaj-ly- . liy the 'Xeath hi mien of careless giae.-- and anxiety. But the newspaper letter had attfiuieJ lo. EPPS CO., : G-ood- s JAIESHOMEOPATHIC CnEMIaTS, Oh his heart is true and tender to be written. It was then th t he found ! h'.3 Co. the tale he : LONDON. Havaiiaii Chinese ITews Sweet has to tell stimultnts gave him him energy to un- 1 Mouse Furnishing " And " (so ran her happy musin.i;) rn '.I A!to EPI'yS CHOCOLATE ESSENCE, far Afternoon No. 45 Xuuaiiu Street, Honolulu. pack his writing materials, lie on his face, janll.ly ' Sure am I he loves me well." and propped on both elbows to write for hnirs Ailvc-rti.-.tnieu- kneel, i V at Office of the Pacific Doe he thi.s innk-- n lover by the light of a smoky lamp." 31 r. Henry Press dainty finger-tips- ? GRADES L. P. FISHER, Commfbcial Advertiser. her finds it difficult to write without smoking I'eisoiifflii. RUBBER HOSE ALL SIZES and 0 apr23 ! m diwtf. Ah instead he clasps her chwt ly, AGKNT. 21 MERCHANTS Mr. Sala has been a constant smoker for Lift and l'or.-.- - l'imis. Cistern Pump. Galvanised lion, Slirft Coiiior. Shift I.euJ. AUVERTISIMG Francisco, California, I aatborized Boldly kisses willing lips ; nearly forty but to stu- I'ad l'ijie. Tin Plate. Water Closets, Marble Slabs ami Howls, Enameled Wasb StamN. to receir adrerUaeoaenu for tbe columns of this paper. love-lighte- years, "as smoking Eagerly, with eyes d. $10.00 UEWAUI) ? pefying a mn's faculties or blunting his a vi so si: t: r r e r thk sole aokscv on i Gazes on her Miinhing face ; ; 1 The Islatulf for this energy, that be i Calls her dearest, best, and fairest. allegation tke to mainly WILL. GIVE TEN DOLLARS REWARD nonsense." declares, however, th 1 if JLamps, Praises every tender grace. lie MOST I'SEVl 1. AND ECONOMICAL j Okandeliers, Xianterns I for the he had to live " Stately wa my grandsire's wooing. his life over again he would 'i X. P. Arrst and Conviction never touch tobicco. According to M. FISHER'S On that olden summer day ! Water-raisi- ng OF a is Automatic Machine, NEWSPAPER Yt " (thus rJim her guileless musing) Taine. cigarette, useful between two rJ?lie t jaPiii'ties " Sweeter far tiie modern way." ideas when he has the first but not the e w-u- respectfully the attention of j ADVERTISING AGENCY, Iiii-- or Three-fou- BROGUE & SPEAR, second. t ths of the men of let- j Room , Exchange, Vho bhut two of my Sheep at tb Stock Raisers, Dairymen, 20 and 2 1 Merchant' ters of his acquaintance smoke, but none of Planters, California Street, Ban FraocUco, Smoking and Drinking- - Slaugfhtor House tnem has resource to alcohol. M. Taine and Ranchmen j Manufacturing and Importing declares that English journalists write their Jewelers ew-pap- en B. Solicited On Thursday Night Last. '13 j STX. AdTfrtlslas for all What the real influence of wine and with cham- To a few of the atlvautRtfea that Hie 75 FORT STREET, HONOLULU. articles the aid ef a bottle of ! Pikllshed tbe raeific Coast, the Sandwich tobacco, nar- D. K. FYFE. cigars, gin and stimulants and pagne. "With us," he-- adds, ' the articles Islaadi, Toljaesla, BXexieaa Ports, Panama, Valpa- d Hotel Market. brain ? Do and tayJ vt(. 3:rt cotics, upon the they weaken are written in the daytime. We have, IMEW PULSOfVlETER LKIVUTO IM'llHIl IIIK PI'III.IC tl KNICK A I.I. V THAT TIIKIH kTOCK raiso, Japaa, China, New Zetland, the iistrallaa cloud intellect? Is a man's intellectual lir the therefore, no need to to this stimu-ant.- " resort Puises.-'- s ovt-- i otbor metlioas of raising water. Colonies, the Eastern States and Europe. Files of strength hindered or helped by their use ? There are many more opinions which early ererj Xewspaper PablNhed on the Pacific These are the questions to which a practical we have no space to is Holiday oods Complete. quote. It sufficient. - is adrer-tlse- rs been to find some YHIsri.Nft IX I'AKT Coast are kept Constant! j on Hand, and all inquirer has endeavoring j to add that Mr. Reade's conclusion is that II IS ITIilEi.TIA S1JIPIE, or are allowed free access to then daring fcasl-e- s satisfactory answer. And he evidently has a ana are otr no t to a COLD AND SILVER SETTS. ccnoi iooocco vaiue u " a siiihll bti aru-lxiil- being fully Honrs. The PiClFIC COMMERCIAL ADVER- taken much trouble about his work. He has !lil J.i Any cue mho can tire healthy student; the most vigorous thinkers cmupettut to manage it. PINS, RINGS. EAR RINGS, TISES Is kept on file at the Office of L. P. FISUER. addressed his inquiries to men of letters, and hardest workers abstain from stimulants VEST CHAINS. NECKLACES. SCARF PINS. essayists, journalists, men of science, states- IT IS WRFECTLY UT03IATIC, The ''student'' will probably think out the SCARF RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. ;. JOHN FOWLER & CO. men, in England, France, Germany and I problem for himself, but he might do worse Working ai it does without any other attention than to let Leealo. America. Their replies he has embodied England, than consult Mr. Reade's curious collection, 011 the Steatu. PREPARED TO Fl'RMSII PUXS in a volume of 200 pages. ("Study and and think over the words of Wendell iSOllS SHirESaR WilTClHIE Eatmate for Steel Portable Tramway, with or ; ' ARE Stimulants." By A. A. Keade published IT t. BE I'LAf EI AWWHERE, without car or locomotive, specially adapted for Sugar Holmes : ! do not advise you, young man, xJ.-tl- : icscl Plantations. Permanent Railway, wtib locomotives and curs. by A. Heywood and Sons.) Altogether, to consecrate the flower of your youth to Oocupyiuif as it Joes but 9 by 1 inches for the smallebt "77 Eoc-in- e Ploughing specialty. Traction and Road Locomotives, Steam twenty-fou- r Silver Filagree Jewelry, and Cultivating Machinery, Portable Pteam Engines for all someone hundred and answers painting the bjwl of a pipe, for, let me as- size, ami 52 by 45 inchest for the largest. purposes. Winding Engines fnr Incline. have been received to his appeal, and in reverie-breedin- g Tasmanian Shell Necklaces in all shades of Color, Photographs ( sure you, the stain of a nar- Catalogues, witb illustrations. Models anJ only re- THERE AUE 10 SIZES, the above plant and Machinery may be aeen at the offices ol many cases the writers have not cotic may strike deeper than you think. I Silver Plated Ware. American Clocks , th nndersizoed. plied to the direct qut-stions- "Do you VVhU:h will deliver from 8 gallons per minute , TO I W. L-- GREEN and have seen the green leaf of enrly promise t, 50 " '!' x tr'. A O. W. il ACFARLASE If CO., smoke? 'Do you think?" but have given grow brown before its time under such OALLOXS PER MISl'TE. VK WOfl.li I.SO T THAT WK M M FU'Tl'ltK A I.I. KINDS Ol' Agent fcr Fowler A,Co. " aarOtf John everyd-i- habits, brown-ambere- A many details of their nicotian regimen, and thought the d col- IT WILL DISCHARGE ! cn which add much to the interest of the meerschaum was dearly bought at GolcV Iului, IBIicll and otlici? Jewelry lection. the cost of a brain enfeebled and will en- EXTRA DIRTY SEW AO K WATER, S1CIMMIXOS Waxtoliesi Tt y -- iretl Workmen, o r9 Twenty five use wine at dinner only ; slaved. Pall Mall Gazette. MOLASSES, MUD, CHEMICALS LIABLE TO ja CoiniX'tnt thirty are abstainers fr.m all alcoholic CRYSTALIZT, aut from 25 TO 7 5 DIAMONDS 1 i i i i i "a t i a rs. a e SE1 IN THE LATEST STYLES. til liquors; twenty-fou- r use tobacco. Of these Tcr Cent, of MID, ORAVEI, r, SAND, Etc., Etc. A il'I twenty-fou- only twelve smoke while at iTIsilc Scraps of Wisdom- - Speciality hi vingr of all Itinds I! Inra i work. Mr. Edison chews, and Darwin took IT EVFR GFITS lUSTV OR DKitA.VCF.D, I.MIXIMNC OF i: snuff. One or two find alcohol ''useful at Adversity is the only balance to weigh mmmm. i! Ana it can be worked gu low lifts is h EXHAUST STEAM. o a pinch." Not one resorts to alcohol for in- friends. MONOGUALS, MODELS, LOCKETS, fcc. spiration. Mr. Gladstone detests smoking, Command large fields, but cultivate small IT IS :MT l PKIl'F, OllDKRS t KOM Til K OTIIKK ISLANDS W I I.I. KKCKIVK OUll PROMPT though he finds wine is necessary to him at ATTf.K X 'I 1 O . m the time of greatest intellectual exertion. ones. Auil ll the part '.iaVif: lo w.-a- ate ts ily goi at, and can Every Article Guaranteed as sUvrjs be replaced from the Agency at short notice. represented, or Money Refunded CORNER OK He drinks one or two glasses of claret at The natural sentiment of man toward luncheon, the same at dinner, with the ad- woman is reverence. For further particulars please addr.-s- s 75 FOIST. STKKKT, dition of a glass of port. M Jules Simon ly Of.po.ilr St Streets, man desires to live long, but no j I. "V. DilliatkbaM Beale and Howard on Every IOWIII. objects to smoking the ground that it man would be old. II. i. CltAHIin. f. SAN fRAKCISCO, CALIFORNIA. from society of f Y tends to seperte meH the ! Hole Ajfiits, Iljnolulii. women. M. St. Hilaire thinks that in From the lowest depth there is a path to mciioi w.iu. i W. U. TAILOR, - President, s : a France no stimulants are needed. The the loftiest height.' - JOS. 3I00RE, Snperlntendent, a 0) Duke of Argyle 1ms never touched tobacco, Advice is seldom welcome. 1 hose who ! and only takes alcohol under medical advice need it most take it least. Sir John Lubbock considers the use of to- JAOOBS OIL SEN TS' FINE FURNISHING GOODS. BUILDERS OF When angry, count ten before you speak; SI j bacco in most oses prejudicial. Louis TRADE ataMARx. Blanc neither smoked nor drank, and so if very angry, a hundred. A 'I" STEAM MACHINERY J could not give an opinion. Of the scientific AH flowers will droop in the lisence of p i IS ALL ITS branches; opinions, those of M. Paul Bert, given at the sun thit waked their sweet-- . M some length, are. as usual with him, out- The certain way to be cheated is to fancy P spoken, trenchant and to the point. cunning i Steamboat, o never smoke," he says, "because I am not one's self more than others To hi lc your 't--r you ss fond tobacco I take wine at all my trucks where . I Stcainsliip, I.si ml f lie cartful m tto walk iu tnuinr. meals because I like it.'' As"with all other i1 w o pleasures, it is a question of degree. Pro- I have lived to know that the secret of ENGINES AND BOILERS, happiness is never to liovv your energies I fessor Tyndall thinks the man h ippie.-- t who it f llijn Prenre or Componnd. to st.ignate. P is able to dispense with the use of both. feci i STEAM Vt'.SIKLH .1 all kind, bo.lt complete with Sir Henry Thompson, in a speech at Exeter Tlie all'eetions are like lightning you 11 all of Wood. Iron or Compuiie. i Hall, declared that brain workers could not cannot tell where they W:ll -- trike till tliev ur a. 5 ORDINARY EN C I N ES compounded wbn aJruable. stind alcohol, f'rofessor Huxley did not hive fdlen. j' LAUNCHES. Barres and Steam Tugs con commence to smoke until he was forty ap i i STEAM 1 atracted with retarence loth Trad In which tbe, are to The greatest pleasure know is to do a n hi t n.r draft of water guaran- of age. Dr. P. Carpenter Ins jm be employed. Speed, tonnage and yeirs good action by stetlth and to have it found rr teed. used tobacco, and has never felt the never by accident. THE GREAT alcoholic timiil.ints. Darwin used out AND SlCAK MAKING need of ' SlfSAR MILM '! AC II I N ER V made after th boii approved plan. to drink a glass of wine daily. hve,'" The temperate are the most truly luxuri- AIM. all Boiler Iron Work eoonected therewith. (i .11 I) he adds, "taken snufFall my life, and regret ous. By abstaining from most things it is E II 1 A 3 II Ii E I WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any ii, ever acquired the habit. I feel sure surprsing how many things we enjoy. maJe ia eaitable length for eooneeting togetlr.or theeta that I FOR Rolled. Pouched, and Packed for Sbipment. ready to be that it is a gret stimulus and aid in my human sih r.my btirn seted os) tbe grnand. work "' lie was accustomed to smoke two Till it the world woul 1 overturn. RIVET INK. Boiler Work 3d Wa- paper cigarettes Turkish tobacco. 'Tirs is hard and act Hy-rau- of It to personate apart Illimtll.lCter Pips made by tbi Eatabliabment. Kiveted by b RHEUMATISM Kivetlng Machinery, that qual.iy of work being rests me after I have been compelled to talk, lone;, for where truth is not at the bottom, utr uperio to htnd work. with tired memory, more than nin thing mture will peep out and betray herself one Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Steam Wineh-e- ; cien.-e- . - M Ship arxl Steam Capstan. else."' Out twenty men of only way another. linckache. Soreness of- the Client, II I WORK. most ap of or fAir and Circulating Pump, mads after the two smoke. Professor Boyd Dawkins finds Gout, Quinxi, Sore Throat. Swell' proved plans. Consider how much more you often surfer n quinine the best stimulant. Edison invari- ingA Sprains, Burn aiul if 1 VTorthlngton Duplex Steam Pump. from your and grief, than for and AC ENT foe chews when at work; smoking linger thoe it'. ably tobacco very things fur which you are angry and Scald, General Hod ily PtJMPS. Direct Acting Pump, for Irrigation or City Wa- he thinks too violent in its action. Night, Pain, Works built w.tb the celebrated Davy alve crieved. ter Irpow d- 1 is best time for intellerMnl Motion, uperior to any other pump. -' " he fancies, the Tooth, Ear and Headache, Fronted work. Feet and Fars, and all other science to THE FRENCH To turn from men of men of j Hrown. who has come across his taiUr. to I'ains and Aches. letters, Mr. Mathew Arnold tells us that he sea-sid- e I whom he owes a little bill, at the No jirrp.iration on earth t. ,'?culs i 111 a j , ! -- smoked and has always drunk j cheap riif.iy. A trial enli!8 ! has never haven't been able to settle your iurr,sinipl'ud Kxterial 1 EXPORTER 'Sorry I & TRADE k the wine chiefly claret. As a general rule he but tfce omparatively Uirima outl of i CenK. and trry fi account, loinpkins, Dut lompkms, on- - snlT.-rin- with pain can !nve rlir-- ; a.id positive ).rt"f drinks water in the middle of the day. At of in c'nim'. Oh I don't compliin so much of that. Tre . Poakolu KVTn l.4i..iac-K- Elele ' ODTJCE One sf Ihr a late dinner '"a glass jr tvo of shairv, and sore point is taking your custom elsewhere . ... Mi Ee?iew & General Prices Current ! some lght cliret mixed with w.it-r- Brown Don't let that trouble you Tomp-kin'- s SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL Haitets Host Advert isinu; 3Iciliiuns He to seem to snit me very well.'' comes (confidenti dly), look here. I don t ERS IN MEDICINE. PuMUhed Mn.hly, and in Eogli.h. Indi.neni ' Ie Iloaelnlw conclusion in bole-a- la the very acceptable tint, the for Purehasr of Continental tiooiU; give H mean to py other man, either ?' Prices, and Discount allowed, of general, wine ued in moderation adds A. VOGELER fc CO., Faocy Goo.1., Hawaiian Language. Wines, Brandtcs, Preserved Provisions, In the the of life for adults, .it The loe of praise, howe'er concealed ly Baltimore, H.'d., U. S. A. MilUnery. Lres Material. Ol-- . Porcelain. to agreefibltues Plated Ware. Watches, Clock. Real Imitation Jewelry any rate, and whatever adds to the agree-ablene- ss art Boots an. I ?lwe. Perfumery. Toys, IMeograpb. of life adds to its resources and Keigns more or less, and glows in every HOLLISTER & CO., 5 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, Pbotagraphic an.i Printing Material. H. I. Scientific and Musical Instrument, Drugs. Chemica!., OVER 4000 COPIES Mr. is heart. AGENTS ... powers." Freeman endid enough ' 1 ,"V Kill thk Pharmaee-jtica- l Preparations, Stationery, Swe-t- I'uMl.l.ed Krrry Weaaeiday. Silks. Vamianes. Paints, Paper Hangings, etc , fctc. in his reply. He tried once or twice when Oscar Wilde aiys the people all ever the SOL Also Prices Current of Preface. JIarket Reports. Notice, on young to smo'e, but "finding it nasty, did South sang in his ears the old aiperior" JSTovo Intelligence, Mail melancholy Industrial Novelitiea. Trade etc. 3000 Copies Sent by not again." Why people moke he h:is For Hawaiian Islands. 8UBiCRIPriOS3 Ss for I'nion. and e to the try refrain. 'You ought to have seen it before the Stoves and AN3TJAL Pul Erery Tue.lay no notion. As to alcohol he has no Ranges. tnr other Countries. theories the war.' 'I was once sitting on the portico jail KVKUY I)l HII'IIUX payable to GE'JROK WATERLOO Paa r Loo- - INT - and finds ot Mvtey order e OS- He drinks wine like other people, currency r pj-t-j- 1SLA of a country hous?,' he said, "with a young dc, or th equivalent in any local OTHER brandy an excellent medicine. " I have stamps Oa VejQ'Jjy ! is tent t ) I1. lady, admiring the beauty of a limpid EH. SHEET METAL 4 beer and wine as I have beef Tl! ME1U1I VXTS. i'LWTEHS, WARE CT UNPAID LETTERS REFUSED. drunk eaten stream under the riys of the moon, and 1 At REPORTER IUna ur ,u Th PRtMCII TR4DR JOURNAL of Island. and mutton, without theories one way or ' ilaj, Ufdr Asdrsss. Chabrol, Erance Outer Districts This s'id to the young lady. 'How beautiful is ; I. IJ O , o if 14. Rue d Pan. the other." Mr. Lecky is not a smoker. ' JAM KS IICXX. MKKIIHM'. the moonlight falling on the w iter ' dt is TiiiHiiijr, Pir-inMiiE-, Mr. Kuskin is very emphatic. He abhois (imv.iiHN O'vsru GntleriD, Etc, beautiful, indeed 4ie replied, but ah Mr L'n lert jVes Ihe parch. ie un l s!iiiin-.- it .if a:l rii-- f Hril Very a Moderate. tu smoking for reasons: a or pipe J t rrc-n- Charges two cigr Wilde, vou ought to have sen it before the iah nl Coiitinental O mil. a.-i- will - g ' ' OrJ. iiticli-- for. or STEEI often makes a man content to be idle ; th war ' "' at ratM either Iree oa tunrJ at shitKiiu.' ''' Europe, the roR All Jfrtj:mn:i wri'.len ia ttngli'h ttaa!lrJ into f..r tmcr'a at Water ?t-f- . excessive use of tobicco abroad, and the JelircreJ ex alilp (but with .luly Pipe Bnt lla:a:ian remittances, anil Fittings, : More hearts pine aw.iy in secret anguish, lloriolu u Such UrJers any he accoinpaaJ To insure isiineU'ale invrti-- all Advertiiieaie t. mutt consequent spitting everywhere and upon 6 OR PERMANENT olT.-- e . ; or he will Jrn" ATX 8IZKH. PORTABLE m in the of puMirvion by 2 o'clock Mo lay f.x Mr. Keade stuns up for the wr ut of kindness from tho-- e who payable in L.nJnn or San Franclso ' tKKD. I lie everything. Charles Jaya tight a,',iiii.lcontirme. irom lloiioiu.u Hanker, tola Agent. should be their comforters, than for any Jn tbe.. ' 4 the matter in three curt but pithy sentence s: otherwise, to ci'tiveoieu're 'if laers. I.aBd. for other in life. sr suit tlie a. 25 1 " I have seen many people the worse for; calamnity BBl BllliSCES Ft- - LENGTHS. 14 lb.. PER TaRD c ' p--r Duke ol Aterrom from lc Poakolu .t CO., liouaiulu arrivw I - MESSRS. WM. G.IRWIN Montafruo Iwr Mo-- B-- have seen many people appar- RnT,ft tt t t A f red pufe'i.hel tob'eco. To change window glass to tin; leave the jvervooL Aply to lathe uractive ail no Fper WAI.KKR, Honolulu. All BUM W. L. ORf.EN.or here iu the Hawaiian language. eutlv none the worse tor it. l never saw window open wh"m it rains, and it will beat UON J. S. stock. C,rcU,.4 FiUm B ANK,(LitnilJ). Uoci.a O. W. UACFAHLANE A Co. All cotumcnicitiou to bo aJ JrnfieJ to F, J. Tralat. anybody perceptibly the better for it." On in TOPAltRA janU wly mBattg Aou for John lasler A C. Edlior. JunlS,lyr TELEPHONE an.

v..V.r.In,. 6