Northamptonshire Archaeology An archaeological desk-based assessment of land at the Buccleuch Academy Kettering, Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Archaeology 2 Bolton House Wootton Hall Park Northampton NN4 8BE t. 01604 700493 f. 01604 702822 e.
[email protected] Charlotte Walker w. Report 10/161 October 2010 WEEKLEY GLEBE ROAD, KETTERING STAFF Project Manager Stephen Parry MA FSA MIfA Text Charlotte Walker BSc AIfA Illustrations Charlotte Walker QUALITY CONTROL Print name Signed Date Checked by P Chapman Verified and approved by A Chapman Northamptonshire Archaeology 10/161 WEEKLEY GLEBE ROAD, KETTERING OASIS REPORT FORM PROJECT DETAILS Project title Archaeological desk-based assessment of land at the Buccleuch Academy, Kettering, Northamptonshire Short description Northamptonshire Archaeology conducted an archaeological desk-based assessment of land at Weekley Glebe Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire. The site is currently occupied by the former Montagu School, now known as the Buccleuch Academy. Many of the current buildings will be demolished and a new academy built to the east of the current school site.The Roman town of Kettering lies just to the west of the site. Much of the town has been destroyed by quarrying and modern housing developments and little is known about the form of the town. Ironworking appears to have been a principal part of the economy and there are numerous quarry pits and ironworking sites, some of which lie adjacent to the current development area. The south-western corner of the site has been identified as having potentially national archaeological importance. The town is not thought to extend much further westwards into the remainder of the site.The Cytringan Saxon Charter Boundary lies to the south of the site and may extend into it; the boundary may have been formed by a double ditch and central bank.