Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-12-14
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f li Congress Allows $3.6 Billion For Foreign Aid i WASHINGTON 11\ - Congress authorized a $3.G-billion foreign The aulhoriution measure. whlcb sets the ceiling (or (oreign cretionary authority to dispense aid to Communist countries if be istance to cooperating countries ill Cll1'tYiDc out procrama 01 aid program Friday but a House Appropriations subcommittee rec· aid spending during the fiscal year that started I July I, was d~m this vital to U.S. security. population CUltrol." N ommended that the financing be held to about $3 billion. sent to President Johnson. Knocked out In the Senate-House conference was a SelV'le Clad: said the last ball of this had beet! deleted at the insist. The subcommittee's money bill, which would provide about Johnson and other top officials of the State and Delense de proposal to withdraw President's discretionary authority and ence of House conferees. and be coateuded the blue-pencilinc may partments had urged Congress not to endanger the program by prevent the use of information by nations that Deed it the tnOIt. $1.5 billion less than the late President John F. Kennedy requested, imP0ge a flat ban on any aid to Communist nations. further cuts. Sen. J. W. Fulbri&hl (D-Art.). bead of the ~ coafueeI, will be reviewed by the full 5O-member House Appropriations Also struck out by the conferees was another Senate amend· Kennedy originally a ked for a $4.9.billion program but scaled defended the compromise bill u fair and reasoaable adjustmeDl Committee on Saturday. ment whicll would have specifically denied aid to Yugoslavia and his request down to $4.5 billion. Then, if that group approves it, the bill will be sent to the prohibited the President (rom waiving this restriction. of Senate and Bouse diUereJICtS. Prior to the Senate roll call, Sen. Allen J. Ellender (l).LaJ Voting for the compromiJe ere 4S Democrats and 18 Repub House floor for debate Monday. Revi Jon of a section known IIlI the birth control provision jOined Morse In attacking th compromise authoriutJon biU. Ellen licans OpposIng it 'ftre 18 Demoerats and 10 Republic8III. Congressional action on the $3,599.050,000 authorization measure brought a protest !rom Sen. Joseph S. Clark !D·Pa I. who ld it der said the Senate conferees "simply bowed down LO the Ho was completed after a sharp Senate fight led by Sen. Wayne Morse. m y thwart efJorta toward the control of population erowth in un. Included In the authOriutioft are ,1 billion fir military MIist· <O·Ore,). managers and struck out every amendm nl of consequence." OF denleveloped IUItions. ance. $925 milliOn for developmen loans, $220 mll1ioIl for cItwJ. The Senate voted 61·26 to accept a Senate·House compromise This. Ellend r aid. resulted in the elimination of restrict 0111 As approved by the Senal • this section would have authorized opmeat uants, $525 m1IlIon for the Alllance lor Progress Ia Latia which Morse denounced as a monstrosity. The House already had written Into the m ure by the Senat . the use of foreign aid funds "to conduct resear h into the problem America, $t60 million for the President', COIIWlgency fund, aad I approved it, In its final version. the bill continues the Pre!ident's dJ. of controlling popul lion growtb and to provid t hnical and other milUoa for supporting economic: aid to defense pad allies. RWAY I 1111lm,HU lAS E Favor New Plan Fair Today Five Iowa City government leade... favor an MHtty f~r ...,.... ....Itht. HItIM tMay "- ~Ll'S area-populatlon reapportlonmont pl.n. To '" who thes. leader' are and whV thev favor luc:h • plan, 1. to 11 In the Mr1h .. 11 ... ill .... ..,... turn to ,tory on Pat. 6. Iowan P.nty c'-'Y -' _""'*' c.w s-A.y. ~s Serving the State Unit)~r.~it" mIfHJ)(J and the Peop16 of lowo Cit" Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Pre. Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa - Saturda)', December 14. IllS ~SE Still in Orbit- Boards 'Seek Questions! Iniun III Gathered High .School Questions! Solution Johnson Counting Coralville and Clear Creek Questions! First Aurora Data School Districts have the same The most definitive scientific observations yet recorded of auroras problem: they need a high school. After 5-Day Blackout and the charged particles that cause them have been made by an earth School boards (rom the two dis· tricts in a mooting Friday night FBI Gives First News satellite designed and fabricated at SUI. discussed the possibiliUes o( shar· Professor James A. Van Allen. noted space physicist at SUI. reo In Sinatra Kidnap Case On Labor Leaders ing the burden of providing the ports that Injun III, launched Dec. school by building one high school HOLLYWOOD (.4'! _ Old the gang 13, 1962, became the first earth for the two districts. which kidnaped Frank Sinatra Jr. Boarel of Regents satellite to make a simultaneous Members of the boards agreed evade an FBI dragnet with $240.000 survey of an aurora ~nd !he low that the basic problem Willi to in small bills? Must Hold Spiral OK Property Buy energ•y electrons plunglDg l~tO the make the taxpayers in the districts The question arose Friday when $1.00 ~arth s atmosphere at the high lat· realize that schools cost money. the FBI released serial numbers of West 01 River Itudes where auroras occur. Clear Creek board members are many of the ranSom bills. This Injun III was ~u!Pped to J?le~s' l especially aware of the problem as newes! puzzler wa but one oC ~E 49c The Board of Regents Friday ap ure not only the lDvlslble radiatIon two bond issues for a new school scores of intriguing questions still Of Wages, Prices proved purchase of a property on particles but also the visible light have Cailed In that district. The unanswered In the mysterious case. WASJUNGTON 11\ - Preadent Johl1lOll declared Friday he is by auroras. Its orbital in· 175 Clear Cre.:k secondary students The FBI list went to banks and the west side of the SUI campus. e~itl~d countin, on "the nse of re pollllblJlty 01 the nation's lncIustrallsts and The Board also approved the pur cLmatlOn - about 70 degre~ to tbe attend a school in Oxford. financial institution _ indicating labor leaders" to bar any upward spiral of wages and prlcel. chasing price of $30,257. equator - took the satelbte over The Coralville School Board Is I the ransome money could now be OR 49c ln another day o( ,etllng lIQuored away In hi. new .lob the chief The property at 211 Newton Rd. the p~lar regions of the earth at , now facing the prOblem o( Cinding Iin circulation. I executive : is a 4,843 square loot tract where an al~ltude that ran~ed from only a high school (or its 100 students. It was the (irst break in the the Psi Omega dental fraternity 150 miles to 1,750 mdes. A. H. Cutler, su~rintendent o( FBI's flve-day news blackout on _ Promised diplomat. from 1Il now stands. The land is owned by DATA FROM INJU~ Jl( pro· the Coralville School Board. asked the case the agency apparently is nation the UnIted States "will tbe Roscoe Volland Memorial vlded the strong~st eVidence .yet. "Is it practical Cor us to get to· Investigating almost exclu Ively. BunaBs Sale o our lull share of I~ way toward House Corp. Dr. V~n Allen sBld, of the Intricate gether now?" The announcement came Crom the I peaee." and ur,ed them to join SUI will take posession of tbe and slill not (ully understood rel~. Although no decision was reach. FBI's Washington headquarters. Swings Away that effort with candor and un' property no later than Sept. 1 and tionshlp between electrical parti· ed the boards discussed the need AGENTS HERE REFUSED t derstandln,. cles that bombard the atmosphere f' I f I th b r . 0 • Pledged his administration will may offer the dental fratemity the and the auroral phenomenon which 0 n ?rm ng e voters e ore reo verify that the gang made the pick· option of renting the land at $100 suIts orgaRlzotion Is brough~ to II vote. up of tbe cosh. But Sinatra Sr. has For Students strlve to lor,e "even stronger and D a monln until Aug. I, 1964. relnjU~ HI circled the globe more Cost of a school buildIng, the dl . said he gave it to a (ederal CCIIIl'ier cl r" ties with Italy UlIder Ita University officials said that the tI an 4 SOO times before Its rlld'o tance students have to be trans· for delivery at a VI t Los Angeles Puzzled students, seek1ng a soh.l· new government. land might be u I'd to relieve t:ansmittil\g system went dea~. po~te~ , and the location of a sCh?01 service station. His 19·year-old son tion to the big BunaBs mystery, • Become honoral')' Chlitm.D 01 crowding in some academic de the ca,use of which is not known bUildIng were problems ~hlch was released about the same time attended a rally at the Union Fri· a $6-mllllon fund·raillin. drive to partment, depending on the posses for certain. would conCront the boards If the 54 hours alt r his abduction (rom day ni&hl sponsored by the SUI build a library at Rarvanl Unl· sJon date. The land may be used Some 180,000.000 data bits were districts were 10 merge.