Victory for U.S. Cannot Be Won by Interne K/Eelc *$ Wat
SOUTH BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY. 304 S.MAIN ST.I CITY. Victory for U.S. Cannot Be Won by Interne •s—~————--—-— Squelch the Squabbles FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1942 Economical and Political Advantages Go Hang HAT new (12-man) War Labor Board with three "super-arbitors" and "umpire", successor ELIEVE It to the Defense Mediation Board, (which didn't work from lack of enforcement power), must Tdo its job effectively, or it is up to Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president, to see that the ! job is otherwise done, and done efficiently, for defense; no more monkey business. It is time for Or ELSE! Uncle Sam to stop monkeying with the industry-labor problem, as related to defense, and to stop (On Page Three) MEAT O' THE COCONUT / By Silas Witherspcon Elsewhere in "COMMERCIALIZED The Mirror this week is PATRIOTISM" HAS an advertise ment — con EVOLVED "RACKET" tributed—by us, and the Better Business Bureau of the Association of Commerce, warning against the sundry commercializations of patriotism, that are springing up to garner the public's pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters, through the sale of sundry contraptions calculated to enable you to do something for your coun try, and tell4the world of your superior con cern for your country's safety. Amen! But! There are other commercializations of pa triotism, some of a more high-toned, and "business as usual" order, that the Better Business Bureaus, in the name of real patri otism, might well put their foot down on. Reference is made to the exaggerations of government orders, and contemplations, of the "come on" vari.ty; better buy now (without saying it), for scarcity lurks "just around the corner,"—which publicity agents, for various lines, are constantly getting across through the news columns to scare the public into a panicky caution and consequent recklessness of expenditure.
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