Arch Computat Methods Eng (2017) 24:495–518 DOI 10.1007/s11831-016-9178-z


A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High- Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification in Dynamics of composite Shells

1 2 3 1 2 T. Mukhopadhyay • S. Chakraborty • S. Dey • S. Adhikari • R. Chowdhury

Received: 2 March 2016 / Accepted: 5 April 2016 / Published online: 13 April 2016 Ó CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2016

Abstract This paper presents a critical comparative respect to original Monte Carlo Simulation to justify merit assessment of Kriging model variants for surrogate based of the present investigation. The study reveals that uncertainty propagation considering stochastic natural fre- Universal Kriging coupled with marginal likelihood esti- quencies of composite doubly curved shells. The five mate yields the most accurate results, followed by Co- Kriging model variants studied here are: Ordinary Kriging, Kriging and Blind Kriging. As far as computational effi- Universal Kriging based on pseudo-likelihood estimator, ciency of the Kriging models is concerned, it is observed Blind Kriging, Co-Kriging and Universal Kriging based on that for high-dimensional problems, CPU time required for marginal likelihood estimator. First three stochastic natural building the Co-Kriging model is significantly less as frequencies of the composite shell are analysed by using a compared to other Kriging variants. finite element model that includes the effects of transverse shear deformation based on Mindlin’s theory in conjunc- tion with a layer-wise approach. The 1 Introduction comparative assessment is carried out to address the accuracy and computational efficiency of five Kriging The inherent problem of computational modelling dealing model variants. Comparative performance of different with empirical is germane to many functions is also studied. Subsequently the applications particularly when both input and output effect of noise in uncertainty propagation is addressed by quantities are uncertain in nature. In empirical data mod- using the Stochastic Kriging. Representative results are eling, a process of induction is employed to build up a presented for both individual and combined stochasticity in model of the system from which it is assumed to deduce the layer-wise input parameters to address performance of responses of the system that have yet to be observed. various Kriging variants for low dimensional and relatively Ultimately both quantity and quality of the observations higher dimensional input parameter spaces. The error govern the performance of the empirical model. By its estimation and convergence studies are conducted with observational nature, data obtained is finite and sampled; typically when this is non-uniform and due to high dimensional nature of the problem, the data will form & T. Mukhopadhyay only a sparse distribution in the input space. [email protected]; [email protected]; Due to inherent complexity of composite materials, such variability of output with respect to in input S. Chakraborty parameters is difficult to map computationally by of [email protected] deterministic finite element models. In general, composite 1 College of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea, UK materials are extensively employed in aerospace, automo- 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of tive, construction, marine and many other industries for its Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India high specific stiffness and strength with added advantages 3 Leibniz-Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung Dresden e.V., of weight sensitivity (refer Fig. 1). For example, about 25 Dresden, Germany and 50 % of their total weight is made of composites in 123 496 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

Fig. 1 a Application of FRP composites across various engineering fields. b Structural components made of composites in Airbus A380 modern aircrafts such as Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 factor of safety. The consideration of such additional factor respectively [1]. Due to the intricacies involved in pro- of safety due to uncertainty may lead to result in either an duction process, laminated composite shells are difficult to unsafe design or an ultraconservative and uneconomic manufacture accurately according to its exact design design. In view of the above, it is needless to mention that specifications which in turn can affect the dynamic char- the structural stability and intended performance of any acteristics of its components [1, 2]. It involves many engineering system are always governed by considerable sources of uncertainty associated with variability in geo- element of inherent uncertainty. Sometimes the metric properties, material properties and boundary con- trends of input quantities are not sufficient to map the ditions. The uncertainty in any sensitive input parameter domain of uncertainty precisely. The cascading effect of may propagate to influence the other parameters of the such unknown trend creates the deviation from expected system leading to unknown trends of output behavior. In zone of uncertainty. Therefore, it is mandatory to estimate general, the fibre and matrix are fabricated with three basic the variability in output quantities such as natural fre- steps namely tape, layup and curing. The properties of quencies linked with the expected performance character- constituent material vary randomly due to lack of accuracy istic to ensure the operational safety. The critical that can be maintained with respect to its exact designed assessment of uncertain natural of composite properties in each layer of the laminate. The intra-laminate structures has gained wide spectrum of demand in engi- voids or porosity, excess matrix voids or excess resin neering applications. However, the common modes of between plies, incomplete curing of resin and misalignment uncertainty quantification in composites are usually com- of ply-orientation are caused by natural inaccuracies due to putationally quite expensive. Different surrogate based man, machine and method of operation. These are the approaches to alleviate the computational cost of uncer- common root-causes of uncertainties incurred during the tainty propagation has become a popular topic of research production process. Moreover any damage or defects in last couple of years. Brief description about the lacuna of incurred due to such variability and during operation period traditional Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) based uncer- (such as environmental factors like temperature and tainty quantification and application of surrogates in this moisture, rotational uncertainty etc.) of the structures can field are provided in the preceding paragraphs. compromise the performance of composite components, In general, uncertainty can be broadly categorized into which in turn lead to the use of more conservative designs three classes namely, aleatoric (due to variability in the that do not fully exploit the performance and behavior of system parameters), epistemic (due to lack of knowledge of such structures. As a consequence, the dynamic responses the system) and prejudicial (due to absence of variability of composite structures show considerable fluctuation from characterization). The well-known MCS technique [3, 4]is its deterministic value. Due to complexity involved employed universally to characterize the stochastic output in ascertaining the stochastic bandwidth of output quanti- parameter considering large sample size and thus, thou- ties, designers generally bridge these gaps by introducing a sands of model evaluations (finite element simulations) are concept of over design; the term being popularly known as generally needed. Therefore, traditional MCS based

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 497 uncertainty quantification approach is inefficient for prac- trended Kriging model with R2 indicator and application to tical purposes and incurs high computational cost. To avoid design optimization. Apart from the application of Kriging such lacuna, present investigation includes the Kriging models encompassing different domains of engineering in model as surrogate for reducing the computational time and general as discussed above, few recent applications of cost in mapping the uncertain natural frequencies. In this Kriging model in the field of composites can be found. approach of uncertainty quantification, the computationally Sakata et al. have studied on Kriging-based approximate expensive finite element model is effectively replaced by stochastic homogenization analysis for composite materials an efficient mathematical model and thereby, thousands of [43]. Luersen et al. [44] have carried out Kriging based virtual simulations can be carried out in a cost-effective optimization for path of curve fiber in composite laminates. manner. A concise review on Kriging models and their In the next paragraph, as per the focus of this article, we applications are given in the next paragraph. concentrate on free vibration analysis of laminated com- Significant volume of scientific studies is found to be posites following both deterministic and stochastic reported on Kriging model and its applications in various paradigm. engineering problems [4–11]. Further studies on the basis The deterministic approach for bending, buckling and of design and analysis of are also carried out free vibration analysis of composite plates and shells are [12–14]. Several literatures are also found to address dif- exhaustively investigated by many researchers in past [45– ferent problems related to in optimization [15, 16] and geo- 55]. Recently the topic of quantifying uncertainty for statistics [17] using Kriging model. Many researchers various static and dynamic responses of composite struc- proposed a lot of improved methods to solve the problems tures has gained attention from the concerned research with computational efficiency based on sampling. Impor- community [56–67]. Early researches concentrated on tance Sampling [18–20] is the generic method to achieve design of composite laminates using direct MCS [56] and comparatively better sampling efficiency and ease of progressive failure models in a probabilistic framework implementation wherein equal attention is provided in both [57]. Over the last decade several studies have been low and high density zone of sample points. In contrast, the reported to quantify uncertainty in bending, buckling and important sampling increases the simulation efficiency to a failure analysis of composites with the consideration of certain extent, but the number of effective samples required micro and macro-mechanical material properties including to map the actual performance is still excessive. Few sandwich structures [58–67]. However, the aspect of studies have concentrated on different variants of Kriging stochastic free vibration characteristics of composite plate model [20–26] such as Universal Kriging, Co-Kriging, and curved shells has not received adequate attention [68– Stochastic Kriging dealing with various engineering prob- 73]. Most of the studies concerning laminated composites lems. Kersaudy et al. [27] have studied a new surrogate as cited above are based on parametric uncertainties with modelling technique combining Kriging and random material and geometric properties. Perturbation chaos expansions for uncertainty analysis. Khodaparast based method and MCS method are the two predominant et al. [28] have used interval model updating with irre- approaches followed in this studies. Recently surrogate ducible uncertainty using the Kriging predictor. Sensitivity based stochastic analysis for laminated composite plates analysis based on Kriging models for robust stability of have started gaining attention from the research commu- brake systems has been conducted by Nechak et al. [29]. nity due to computational convenience [69, 71]. Com- Pigoli et al. [30] have studied manifold-valued random parative study of different surrogate models are essential fields by Kriging model. The uncertainty quantification in from practical design perspective to provide an idea about DIC with Kriging regression is found to be studied by which surrogate is best suitable for a particular problem. Wang et al. [31]. A of Kriging based investigations Though the open literature confirms that the Kriging have been reported for different field of applications with provides a rational means for creating experimental probabilistic approach [32–36]. The Co-Kriging is designs for surrogate modeling as discussed in the previ- employed recently for dealing with optimization of the ous paragraph, application of different Kriging variants in cyclone separator geometry for minimum pressure drop stochastic natural frequency analysis of composite lami- [37]. An improved moving Kriging-based mesh-free nates is scarce to find in scientific literature. Moreover, method is employed for static, dynamic and buckling assessment of the comparative performance of different analyses of functionally graded isotropic and sandwich Kriging variants on the basis of accuracy and computa- plates by Thai et al. [38]. Kriging is found to be employed tional efficiency is very crucial. for reliability analysis by Yang et al. [39] and Gaspar et al. To fill up the above mentioned apparent void, the [40]. Huang et al. [41] have investigated assessment of present analyses employs finite-element approach to study small failure probabilities by combining Kriging and the stochastic free vibration characteristics of graphite– Subset Simulation. Kwon et al. [42] have studied to find the epoxy composite cantilever shallow curved shells by using 123 498 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

five different Kriging surrogate model variants namely, 2 Governing Equations for Composite Shell Ordinary Kriging, Universal Kriging based on pseudo- likelihood estimator, Blind Kriging, Co-Kriging and In present study, a composite cantilever shallow doubly Universal Kriging based on marginal likelihood estimator. curved shells with uniform thickness ‘t’ and principal radii

The finite element formulation considering layer-wise of curvature Rx and Ry along x- and y-direction respectively random system parameters in a non-intrusive manner is is considered as furnished in Fig. 2. Based on the first-order based on consideration of eight noded isoparametric shear deformation theory, the displacement field of the quadratic element with five degrees of freedom at each shells may be described as node. The selective representative samples for construc- uxðÞ¼; y; z u0ðÞÀx; y zh ðÞx; y tion Kriging models are drawn using Latin hypercube x 0 sampling algorithm [74] over the entire domain ensuring vxðÞ¼; y; z v ðÞÀx; y zhyðÞx; y ð1Þ good prediction capability of the constructed surrogate wxðÞ¼; y; z w0ðÞ¼x; y wxðÞ; y model. The distinctive comparative studies on efficiencies 0 0 0 of aforesaid five Kriging model variants have been carried where u , v ,andw are displacements of the reference plane out in this study to assess their individual merits on the and hx and hy are rotations of the cross section relative to x and basis of accuracy and computational efficiency. Both y axes, respectively. Each of the thin fibre of laminae can be individual and combined stochasticity in input parameters oriented at an arbitrary angle ‘h’ with reference to the x-axis. such as ply orientation angle, elastic modulus, mass den- The constitutive equations [47] for the shell are given by sity, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio have been con- fg¼F ½ŠDðÞx fge ð2Þ sidered for this computational investigation. The precision where and accuracy of results obtained from the constructed T surrogate models have been verified with respect to orig- ForceresultantfgF ¼fNx; Ny; Nxy; Mx; My; Mxy; Qx; Qyg 2 3 inal finite element simulation. To the best of the authors’ T Zh=2 knowledge, there is no literature available which deals 6 7 with comparative computational investigation with the five fFg¼4 frx ry sxy rxz ryz; sxyz sxz syzgdz5

Kriging model variants for uncertainty quantification of Àh=2 natural frequency of composite curved shells considering T both low and high dimensional input parameter space. and strain feg¼fex; ey; exy; kx; ky; kxy; cxz; cyzg 2 3 Hereafter this article is organized as, Sect. 2: finite ele- A16 A26 A66 B16 B26 B66 00 ment formulation for laminated composite curved shells 6 7 6 B11 B12 B16 D11 D12 D16 007 considering layer-wise stochastic input parameters; 6 7 6 B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26 007 Sect. 3: formulation of the five Kriging model variants; ½Š¼DðÞx 6 7 6 B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66 007 4 5 Sect. 4: stochastic approach for uncertain natural fre- 000000S44 S45 quency characterization using finite element analysis in 000000S45 S55 conjunction with the Kriging model variants; Sect. 5: results on comparative assessments considering different The elements of elastic stiffness matrix ½Dðxފ can be crucial aspects and discussion; and Sect. 6: conclusion. expressed as

Fig. 2 Laminated composite shallow doubly curved shell model 123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 499

Zzk Xn where 2 2 3 ½AijðxÞ; BijðxÞ; Dijðxފ ¼ ½fQ ðxÞg Š ½1; z; z Šdz ij on k Ni k¼1 6 Ni;x 0 À 007 zkÀ1 6 R 7 6 x 7 i; j ¼ 1; 2; 6 6 Ni 7 6 0 Ni;y À 007 6 Ry 7 ð3Þ 6 7 X8 6 2Ni 7 6 Ni;y Ni;x À 007 where x indicates the stochastic representation and as is the ½BŠ¼ 6 Rxy 7 6 7 shear correction factor (=5/6) and ½Q Š are elements of the i¼1 6 00 0Ni;x 0 7 ij 6 7 6 00 0 0Ni;y 7 off-axis elastic constant matrix which is given by 6 7 6 00 0Ni;y Ni;x 7  À1  ÀT 4 5 ½QijŠoff ¼½T1ðxފ ½QijŠon½T1ðxފ for i; j ¼ 1; 2; 6 00Ni;x Ni 0  À1  ÀT 00Ni;y 0 Ni ½QijŠoff ¼½T2ðxފ ½QijŠon½T2ðxފ for i; j ¼ 4; 5 ð4Þ where Rxy is the radius of curvature in xy-plane of shallow doubly curved shells and kx, ky, kxy, kxz, kyz are curvatures of the and 2 3 shell and u, v, w are the displacements of the mid-plane along m2 n2 2mn x, y and z axes, respectively. An eight noded isoparametric 4 2 2 5 ½Š¼T1ðxÞ n m À2mn and quadratic element with five degrees of freedom at each node 2 Àmn mn m ð5Þ (three translations and two rotations) is considered wherein m Àn ½Š¼T ðxÞ the shape functions (Ni) are as follows [75] 2 nm ðÞ1 þ vv ðÞ1 þ 11 ðÞvv þ 11À 1 N ¼ i i i i in which m ¼ SinhðxÞ and n ¼ CoshðxÞ, wherein hðxÞ is i 4 ð8Þ random fibre orientation angle. ðÞfor i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4 2 3 2 ÂÃQ11 Q12 0 ð1 À v Þ ðÞ1 þ 11i 4 5 Ni ¼ ðÞfor i ¼ 5; 7 ð9Þ QijðxÞ on Q12 Q12 0 for 2 00Q6 2 Âà ð1 À 1 Þ ðÞ1 þ vvi  Q44 Q45 Ni ¼ ðÞfor i ¼ 6; 8 ð10Þ i, j = 1,2,6 QijðxÞ on¼ for i = 4,5 2 Q45 Q55 ð6Þ where 1 and v are the local natural coordinates of the element. The mass per unit area for curved shell can be where expressed as

Zzk E1 E2 m12E2 Xn Q11 ¼ Q22 ¼ and Q12 ¼ 1 À m12m21 1 À m12m21 1 À m12m21 PðxÞ¼ qðxÞ dz ð11Þ k¼1 Q66 ¼ G12 Q44 ¼ G23 and Q55 ¼ G13 zkÀ1

. where qðxÞ is the random mass density of the laminate. The strain–displacement relations for shallow doubly The mass matrix can be expressed as 8 9 Z curved shells cano be expressed as > u w > ½Mðxފ ¼ ½NŠ½Pðxފ½NŠdðvolÞð12Þ > À > 8 9 > ox R > oh 8 9 > x > 8 9 > x > Vol > e > > > > k > > > > x > > ov w > > x > > ox > > > > À > > > > > where > > > oy R > > > > ohy > > ey > > y > > ky > > > 2 3 < = < = < = < o = ou ov 2w y Ni cxy ¼ þ À ; kxy ¼ o o 6 7 > > > oy ox R > > > > hx hy > 6 Ni 7 > > > xy > > > > þ > 6 7 > c > > o > > kxz > > oy ox > ½NŠ¼6 Ni 7 and > xz > > w > > > > > 4 5 : ; > hx þ > : ; > 0 > Ni c > ox > k :> ;> yz > > yz N > ow > 0 2 i 3 : hy þ ; PðxÞ 0000 oy 6 7 6 PðxÞ 0007 e B d 6 7 and f g¼½ Šf eg ½Pðxފ ¼ 6 PðxÞ 007 4 5 T IðxÞ 0 fdeg¼fu1; v1; w1; hx1; hy1; ...u8; v8; w8; hx8; hy8g Sym IðxÞ ð7Þ

123 500 T. Mukhopadhyay et al. no Here the fourth and fifth diagonal element i.e., IðxÞ € ½ŠMðÞx de þ ðÞ½ŠþKeðÞx KreðÞx fgde ¼ fgFe ð19Þ depicts the random rotary inertia. The stiffness matrix is given by After assembling all the element matrices and the force Z1 Z1 vectors with respect to the common global coordinates, the ½Kðxފ ¼ ½BðxފT ½Dðxފ ½Bðxފd1 dv ð13Þ equation of motion of a system with n degrees of freedom can expressed as À1 À1 € The Hamilton’s principle [76] is employed to study the ½Mðxފ½dŠþ½Kðxފfdg¼fFLgð20Þ dynamic nature of the composite structure. The principle In the above equation, MðxÞ2RnÂn is the mass matrix, used for the Lagrangian which is defined as ½Kðxފ is the stiffness matrix wherein ½Kðxފ ¼ ½Keðxފ þ nÂn Lf ¼ T À U À W ð14Þ ½Kreðxފ in which KeðxÞ2R is the elastic stiffness matrix, K ðxÞ2RnÂn is the geometric stiffness matrix where T, U and W are total kinetic energy, total strain re (depends on initial stress distribution) while fdg2Rn is the energy and total potential of the applied load, respectively. vector of generalized coordinates and fgF 2 Rn is the force The Hamilton’s principle applicable to non-conservative L vector. For free vibration analysis the force vector becomes system is expressed as, zero. The governing equations are derived based on Mind- Zpf lin’s theory incorporating rotary inertia, transverse shear dH ¼ ½dT À dU À dWŠdp ¼ 0 ð15Þ deformation. For free vibration, the random natural fre- x x pi quencies ½ nð ފ are determined from the standard eigen- value problem [74] which is solved by the QR iteration Hamilton’s principle applied to dynamic analysis of algorithm. elastic bodies states that among all admissible displace- A x d k x d 21 ments which satisfy the specific boundary conditions, the ½ ð ފf g¼ ð Þf gðÞ actual solution makes the functional $ (T ? V)dp stationary, where where T and W are the kinetic energy and the work done by À1 conservative and non-conservative forces, respectively. For ½Aðxފ ¼ ½Kðxފ ½Mðxފ free vibration analysis (i.e., dW = 0), the stationary value is 1 kðxÞ¼ 2 actually a minimum. In case of a dynamic problem without fxnðxÞg damping the conservative forces are the elastic forces developed within a deformed body and the non-conserva- tive forces are the external force functions. The energy 3 Kriging Models functional for Hamilton’s principle is the Lagrangian (Lf) which includes kinetic energy (T) in addition to potential strain energy (U) of an elastic body. The expression for In general, a surrogate is an approximation of the Input/ kinetic energy of an element is expressed as Output (I/O) that is implied by the underlying simulation model. Surrogate models are fitted to the I/O 1 _ T _ T ¼ fdeg ½Meðxފfdegð16Þ data produced by the with the simulation 2 model. This simulation model may be either deterministic The potential strain energy for an element of a plate can or random (stochastic). The Kriging model was initially be expressed as, developed in spatial statistics by Krige [77] and subse- quently extended by Matheron [2] and Cressie [3]. Kriging U ¼ U1 þ U2 1 1 is a based modelling method, which is ¼ fd gT ½K ðxފfd gþ fd gT ½K ðxފfd gð17Þ 2 e e e 2 e re e compact and cost effective for computation. The basic idea of this method is to incorporate , governed by The Langrange’s equation of motion is given by  prior , to obtain the responses at the unknown d oLf oLf points. However as pointed out by various researchers [78– À ¼ fgFe ð18Þ dt ode ode 81], results obtained using ordinary Kriging are often erroneous, specifically for problems that are highly non- where {Fe} is the applied external element force vector of linear in nature. In order to address this issue, the universal an element and Lf is the Lagrangian function. Substituting Kriging has been proposed in [82–86]. In this method, the Lf = T - U, and the corresponding expressions for T and unknown response is represented as: U in Lagrange’s equation, the dynamic equilibrium equa- tion for each element expressed as [48] yðxÞ¼y0ðxÞþZðxÞð22Þ

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 501 ÈÉ where y(x) is the unknown function of interest, x is an m interpolates the residuals. Suppose X ¼ x1; x2; ...; xn dimensional vector (m design variables), y0ðxÞ is the known represents a set of n samples. Also assume Y ¼ approximation (usually polynomial) function and Z(x)repre- fgy1; y2; ...; yn to be the responses at sample points. sents is the realization of a with mean zero, Therefore, the regression part can be written as a n  p , and nonzero covariance. In the model, the local model matrix F, 0 1 deviation at an unknown point (x) is expressed using 1 1 b1ðx Þ ÁÁÁ bpðÞx stochastic processes. The sample points are interpolated with B C @ . . . A the Gaussian random function as the correlation function to F ¼ . .. . ð24Þ n n estimate the trend of the stochastic processes. The y0ðxÞ term b1ðx Þ ÁÁÁ bpðÞx is similar to a polynomial response surface, providing global model of the design space [43]. However, the maximum order whereas the stochastic process is defined using a n  n correlation matrix W of the polynomial y0ðxÞ is often randomly chosen in universal 0 1 Kriging. This often renders the universal Kriging inefficient wðx1; x1 Þ ÁÁÁ wðÞx1; xn B C and erroneous In order to address the issue associated with W ¼ @ . .. . A ð25Þ universal Kriging, blind Kriging has been proposed in [87– . . . wðxn; x1 Þ ÁÁÁ wðÞxn; xn 89]. In this method, the polynomial y0ðxÞ is selected in an adaptive manner. As a consequence, blind Kriging is highly where w is a correlation function, parameterised by a set of robust. Other variants of Kriging surrogate includes Co- hyperparameters h. The hyperparameters are again identi- Kriging [90–93] and stochastic Kriging [94–100]. While Co- fied by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Brief Kriging yields multi-fidelity results, stochastic Kriging description of MLE is provided towards the end of this incorporates the noise present in experimental data. Next brief section. The prediction mean and prediction variance of are description of various Kriging variants has been provided. given as: lðÞ¼x Ma þ rxðÞWÀ1ðÞy À Fa ð26Þ 3.1 Ordinary Kriging and ÀÁ! In ordinary Kriging, one seeks to predict the value of a T À1 T T 1 À F W rxðÞ function at a given point by computing a weighted average s2ðÞ¼x r2 1 À rxðÞWÀ1rxðÞþ FT WÀ1F of the known values of the function in the neighbourhood of the point. Kriging is formulated by (1) assuming some ð27Þ suitable covariances, (2) utilizing the Gauss-Markov the- ÀÁÀÁ ÀÁ where M ¼ b x ...b x is the modal matrix of the orem to prove the independence of the estimate and the 1 p p p error. Provided suitable is selected, predicting point xp, ÀÁ À1 kriging yields the best unbiased linear estimate. a ¼ FT WF FT WÀ1Y ð28Þ Remark 1 Simple Kriging is a variant of the ordinary is a p  1 vector consisting the unknown coefficients Kriging. While in simple Kriging, y ðxÞ¼0 is assumed, 0 determined by generalised regression and the ordinary Kriging assumes y0ðxÞ¼a0, where a0 is ÀÁÀÁÀÁ 1 p unknown constant. rxðÞ¼ w xp; x ...w xp; x ð29Þ is an 1  n vector denoting the correlation between the 3.2 Universal Kriging prediction point and the sample points. The process vari- ance r2 is given by A more generalised version of the ordinary Kriging is the universal Kriging. Here, y ðxÞ is represented by using a 1 T 0 r2 ¼ ðÞY À Fa WÀ1ðÞY À Fa ð30Þ multivariate polynomial as: n Xp Remark 2 Note that the universal Kriging, as formulated x y0ðxÞ¼ aibiðÞ ð23Þ above, is an interpolation technique. This can be easily i¼1 validated by substituting the ith sample point in Eq. (26) where b ðÞx represents the ith basis function and a denotes and considering that r(xi) is the ith column of w: i i ÀÁ the coefficient associated with the ith basis function. The l xi ¼ Ma þ yi À Ma ¼ yi ð31Þ primary idea behind such a representation is that the regression function captures the Largent variance in the Remark 3 One issue associated with the universal Kriging data (the overall trend) and the Gaussian process is selection of the optimal polynomial order. Conventionally,

123 502 T. Mukhopadhyay et al. the order of the polynomial is selected empirically. As the Once the correlation matrix R is constructed, the pos- consequence, the Kriging surrogate formulated may not be terior of b is estimated as: optimal. 2 ^ rb T À1 b ¼ RMc W ðÞy À Ma ð37Þ 3.3 Blind Kriging r2

where Mc is the model matrix of all the candidate variable This variant of Kriging incorporates the Bayesian feature and M is the model matrix of all currently chosen variables selection method into the framework of universal Kriging. and w is the correlation matrix of the samples. The coefficient The basic goal is to efficiently determine the basis function b^ obtained using the proposed approach quantifies the bi that captures the maximum variance in the sample data. importance of the associated candidate feature. The advan- To this end, a set of candidate function is considered from tage of the proposed approach, over other available alter- which to choose from. In the ideal scenario, the trend natives, is mainly threefold. Firstly, the Bayesian approach function completely represents the sample data and the proposed utilizes the already available data, making the stochastic process has no influence. However, this is an procedure computationally efficient. Secondly, the variable extremely rare event. selection method satisfies the hierarchy criteria. As per this Suppose an existing Kriging model YxðÞwith a constant effect, the lower order effects should be chosen before higher regression function is already available. The basic idea of order effect. Last, but not the least, the heredity criteria is also blind Kriging is to incorporate new features into the satisfied. As per this criteria, an effect cannot be important regression function of the Kriging surrogate. To this end, unless its parent effect is also important. the whole set of candidate function ci is used to fit the data in a as: 3.4 Co-Kriging Xp Xt yðxÞ¼ a b ðÞþx b c ðÞx ð32Þ i i i i The fourth variant of Kriging, proposed by Kennedy et al. i¼1 i¼1 [101], is known as Co-Kriging. Co-Kriging utilizes the where t is the number of candidate functions. The first part correlation between fine and course model data to enhance of Eq. (32) is the regression function considered in Kriging the prediction accuracy. Unlike other variants of Kriging, surrogate and therefore, the unknown coefficients a can be Co-Kriging can be utilized for multi-fidelity analysis. determined independent of the b. In blind Kriging, the Moreover, computational cost (in terms of CPU time) is estimates of b can be considered as the weights associated significantly less for Co-Kriging, as compared to the other with the candidate functions. One alternative for deter- variants. ÈÉ ÈÉ b is the conventional least-square solution. How- 1 nc 1 ne Suppose Xc ¼ xc; ...; xc and Xe ¼ xe; ...; xe be ever, this may yield erroneous result specifically in cases the low-fidelity and high-fidelity sets of sample points. The where number of candidate feature is more than the number ÈÉ associate functions are denoted by y ¼ y1; ...; ync and of samples available. As an alternative, a Gaussian prior ÈÉ c c c y y1; ...; yne . Creating a Co-Kriging model can be distribution is introduced for b, e ¼ e e ÀÁ interpreted as constructing two Kriging models in 2 b N 0; rb ð33Þ sequence. In the first step, a Kriging model YCðÞx of the course data ðÞX ; y is constructed. Subsequently, the sec- Moreover, the choice of correlation function is restricted c c ond Kriging model Y ðÞx is constructed on the residuals on to the product correlation form: D the residuals of the fine and course data ðÞX ; y , where  e d Yd 0 0 yd ¼ ye À ql ðÞXe ð38Þ wðÞ¼x; x wj xj À xj ð34Þ c i¼1 where lðÞXe is obtained using Eq. (26). The parameter q is The variance– R can be constructed estimated as part of the MLE of the second Kriging model. as: It is to be noted that the choice of the correlation function  T and regression function of both the Kriging model can be À1 À1 Rj ¼ Uj wj Uj ð35Þ adjusted separately. The resulting Co-Kriging model is represented using Eq. (26), where rxðÞand W are written as From Eqs. (34) and (35), it is evident that the number of functions of two separate Kriging models: considered features can be chosen per dimension and ÀÁÀÁ 2 2 2 afterwards the full matrix R is obtained as: rxðÞ¼ qrc rcðÞx qrcrc x; Xf þ rdrdðÞx ð39Þ d R ¼ Rj ð36Þ and j¼1

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 503 ÀÁ 2 2 dimensional correlations. Secondly, the correlation is sta- rc Wc qrcWcÀÁXc; Xf W ¼ 2 2 ð40Þ tionary and depends only in the distance between two 0 qrcWc Xf ; Xf þ rdWd points. Various correlation function that satisfies Eq. (43) where ðÞFc; rc; Wc; Mc and ðÞFd; rd; Wd; Md are obtained is available in literature. In this study, seven correlation from YCðÞx and YDðÞx . Similarly rc and rd are the process functions, namely (a) exponential correlation function, variance and WcðÞÁ; Á and WdðÞÁ; Á are correlation matrices (b) generalised exponential correlation function (c) Gaus- of YCðÞx and YDðÞx respectively. sian correlation function (d) linear correlation function (e) spherical correlation function (f) cubic correlation 3.5 Stochastic Kriging function and (g) spline correlation function has been investigated. The mathematical forms of all the correlation Although the interpolation property of Kriging is advan- functions are provided below: tageous while dealing with deterministic simulation prob- (a) Exponential correlation function lems, it often yields erroneous results for problems ÀÁ ÀÁ involving uncertainties/noise. In order to address this issue, wj h; dj ¼ exp Àhj dj ð44Þ stochastic Kriging has been developed. In stochastic Kriging, the noise is modelled as a separate Gaussian (b) Generalised exponential correlation function ÀÁ  process nðÞx with zero mean and covariance R. The hnþ1 w h; d ¼ exp Àh d ; 0\h  2 ð45Þ stochastic Kriging predictor thus becomes: j j j j nþ1  1 À1 (c) Gaussian correlation function ^  yxðÞ¼Ma þ rxðÞ W þ 2 R ðÞyÀ Fa ð41Þ ÀÁ r 2 wj h; dj ¼ exp Àhjdj ð46Þ 1 where r2 R is a matrix resembling noise-to-signal ratios and (d) Linear correlation function y is a vector containing the average function values of the ÀÁ ÈÉ repeated simulations for each sample. Note that if the wj h; dj ¼ max 0; 1 À hj dj ð47Þ entries of R are zero, Eq. (41) converges to Eq. (26). The covariance matrix R for noise can have various (e) Spherical correlation function ÀÁ ÈÉ forms. In stochastic simulation, R is created based on 2 wj h; dj ¼ 1 À 1:5nj þ 0:5n ; nj ¼ min 1; hj dj repeated simulation. In the simplest form, R takes the j following form: ð48Þ 0 1 varðy1 Þ ÁÁÁ 0 (f) Cubic correlation function B C ÀÁ ÈÉ R @ . .. . A 42 2 3 ¼ . . . ð Þ wj h; dj ¼ 1 À 3nj þ 2nj ; nj ¼ min 1; hj dj 1 0 ÁÁÁ varðÞy ð49Þ i where varðÞy is the variance between the repeated simu- (g) Spline correlation function lation of data point i. On contrary, if the problem under 8 > n2 n3; n : consideration is deterministic (but noisy), R consists of ÀÁ< 1 À 5j þ 30 j 0  j  0 2 k 3 scalar values 10 on its diagonal. The variable k is esti- wj h; dj ¼ 1:25 1 À n ; 0:2  n  1 ð50Þ :> j j mated as part of the likelihood optimization of the Kriging. 0; nj [ 1

3.6 Correlation Function where nj ¼ hj dj For all the correlation functions described above, All the variants of Kriging are dependent on the choice of 0 dj ¼ xi À x . correlation function to create an accurate surrogate. Vari- i ous type of correlation function is available in literature [102–104]. In this work, we restrict ourselves to the sta- 3.7 Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) tionary correlation function defined as: Y ÀÁ Another important aspect of all Kriging surrogate is w x; x0 w h; x x0 43 ðÞ¼ j i À i ð Þ determination of the hyperparameters governing the cor- j relation functions. The conventional way of determining The correlation function defined in Eq. (43) has two the hyperparameters is by employing the maximum like- desirable properties. Firstly, the correlation function for lihood estimate (MLE). There are several variants of multivariate functions can be represented as product of one likelihood that one can utilize. In this study, we limit our

123 504 T. Mukhopadhyay et al. discussion to marginal likelihood and Pseudo likelihood 4 Stochastic Approach Using Kriging Model only. The stocasticity in material properties of laminated com- 3.7.1 Marginal Likelihood posite shallow doubly curved shells, such as longitudinal elastic modulus, transverse elastic modulus, longitudinal The natural log of the marginal likelihood is given as: shear modulus, transverse shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, ÀÁn n ÀÁ 1 mass density and geometric properties such as ply-orien- log L ¼ logðÞþ 2p log r2 þ logðÞjjW marginal 2 2 2 tation angle as input parameters are considered for the 1 T uncertain natural frequency analysis. In the present study, þ ðÞy À Fa WÀ1ðÞy À Fa ð51Þ 2r2 feature (first three natural frequencies) is Equation (51) is simplified by taking derivatives with considered as output. It is assumed that the distribution of respect to a and r2 and equating to zero. n logðÞr2 in randomness for input parameters exists within a certain 2 band of tolerance with respect to their deterministic mean Eq. (51) denotes the quality of fit. Similarly, 1 logðÞjjW 2 values following a uniform random distribution. In present denotes the complexity penalty. Therefore, the marginal investigation, ±10° for ply orientation angle with subse- likelihood automatically balances flexibility and accuracy. quent ±10 % tolerance for material properties from It is to be noted that marginal likelihood depends on correct deterministic mean value are considered for numerical specification of Kriging model for the data and hence, may illustration. For the purpose of comparative assessment of not be robust enough when Kriging model is misspecified. different Kriging model variants, both low and high dimensional input parameter space is considered to address 3.7.2 Pseudo Likelihood the issue of dimensionality in surrogate modelling. For low dimensional input parameter space, stochastic variation of In order to address the robustness issue of marginal like- layer-wise ply orientation angles fghðxÞ are considered, lihood, the pseudo likelihood has emerged as an attractive while combined variation of all aforementioned layer-wise alternative. The pseudo likelihood estimate is given as: stochastic input parameters fggðxÞ are considered to Xn 2 1 ÀÁ ðÞy À Fa À li 1 explore the relatively higher dimensional input parameter logðÞ¼L À log r2 À i À logðÞ 2p PL 2 i 2 2 space as follows: i¼1 2ri ð52Þ Case-1 Variation of ply-orientation angle only: hðxÞ¼fgh1h2h3...hi...hl . where Case-2 Combined variation of ply orientation angle, WÀ1y elastic modulus (longitudinal and transverse), shear li yi Fa ¼ À À À1 ð53Þ modulus (longitudinal and transverse), Poisson’s ratio Wii and mass density: and

 U1ðh1...hlÞ; U2ðE1ð1Þ...E1ðlÞÞ; U3ðE2ð1Þ...E2ðlÞÞ; U4ðE12ð1Þ...E12ðlÞÞ; gfghðxÞ; qðxÞ; G12ðxÞ; G23ðxÞ; E1ðxÞ ¼ U5ðE23ð1Þ...E23ðlÞÞ; U6ðl1...llÞ; U7ðq1...qlÞ

1 where hi, E1(i), E2(i), G12(i), G23(i), li and qi are the ply r2 ¼ ð54Þ i WÀ1 orientation angle, elastic modulus along longitudinal and ii transverse direction, shear modulus along longitudinal Since pseudo likelihood is independent of the model direction, shear modulus along transverse direction, selection and hence, yields a more robust solution. Poisson’s ratio and mass density, respectively and ‘l’

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 505

Fig. 3 Stochastic simulation model

denotes the number of layer in the laminate. x represents the stochastic character of the input parameters. In the present investigation a 4 layered composite laminate is considered having total 4 and 28 random input param- eters for individual and combined variations respec- tively. Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of the stochastic system where x and y(x) are the collective input and output parameters with stochastic character respectively. [74] is employed in this study for generating sample points to ensure the Fig. 4 Flowchart of stochastic natural frequency analysis using representation of all portions of the vector space. In Kriging model variants Latin hypercube sampling, the interval of each dimen- sion is divided into m non-overlapping intervals having two alternatives for computing the hyperparameters equal probability considering a uniform distribution, so invovled in Kriging based surrogate, namely the maximum the intervals should have equal size. Moreover, the likelihood estimate and pseudo likelihood estimate, have sample is chosen randomly from a uniform distribution a also been illustrated. Additionally, stochastic Kriging has point in each interval in each dimension and the random been utilized to investigate the effect of variance noise pair is selected considering equal likely combinations for levels present in the system. For all the cases, results the point from each dimension. Figure 4 represents the obtained are bechmarked against crude MCS results con- Kriging based uncertainty quantification algorithm sidering 10,000 realizations in each case. For full scale wherein the actual finite element model of composite MCS, number of original FE analysis is same as the sam- shell is effectively replaced by the computationally pling size. efficient Kriging models and subsequently comparative performance of different Kriging variants are judged on 5.1 Validation the basis of accuracy and computational efficiency. A four layered graphite-epoxy symmetric angle-ply (45°/-45°/-45°/45°) laminated composite cantilever 5 Results and Discussion shallow doubly curved hyperbolic paraboloid (Rx/Ry = –1) shell has been considered for the analysis. The length, In this section, the performance of the Kriging variants for width and thickness of the composite laminate considered stochastic free vibration analysis of laminated composite in the present analysis are 1 m, 1 mm and 5 mm, respec- shells has been investigated. Two different cases of tively. Material properties of graphite–epoxy composite stochastic variations have been considered for individual [45] considered with deterministic mean value as E1 = and combined stochasticity having 4 and 28 random input 138.0 GPa, E2 = 8.96 GPa, m12 = 0.3, G12 = 7.1 GPa, 3 parameters respectively, as discussed in the previous sec- G13 = 7.1 GPa, G23 = 2.84 GPa, q = 3202 kg/m .A tion. Apart from the performance of the Kriging variants, typical discretization of (6 9 6) mesh on plan area with 36 the effect of covariance functions has been illustrated. The elements and 133 nodes with natural coordinates of an

123 506 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

Table 1 Non-dimensional Ply-orientation Present FEM (with mesh size) Qatu and fundamental natural frequencies 2 2 angle, h Leissa [46] [x = xn L H(q/E1h )] of three 4 9 469 689 8109 10 12 9 12 layered [h/-h/h] graphite– epoxy twisted plates, L/b = 1, 15° 0.8588 0.8618 0.8591 0.8543 0.8540 0.8759 b/h = 20, w = 30° 30° 0.6753 0.6970 0.6752 0.6722 0.6717 0.6923 45° 0.4691 0.4732 0.4698 0.4578 0.4575 0.4831 60° 0.3189 0.3234 0.3194 0.3114 0.3111 0.3283

Fig. 5 Error of the Kriging variants in predicting the mean error (%) of first three natural frequencies for the first case (individual variation). a Mean first natural frequency (FNF) error. b Mean second natural frequency (SNF) error. c Mean third natural frequency (TNF) error isoparametric quadratic plate bending element has been consideration of transverse shear deformation and rotary considered for the present FEM approach. The finite ele- inertia and also to the fact that Ritz method overestimates ment code is validated with the results available in the open the structural stiffness of the composite plates. literature as shown in Table 1 [46]. Convergence studies are performed using mesh division of (4 9 4), (6 9 6), 5.2 Comparative Assessment of Krigng Variants (8 9 8), (10 9 10) and (12 9 12) wherein (6 9 6) mesh is found to provide best results with the least difference In this section the performance of the Kriging variants in compared to benchmarking results [46]. The marginal stochastic free vibration analysis of FRP composite shells differences between the results by Qatu and Leissa [46] and has been presented. For the ease of understanding and the present finite element approach can be attributed to refering, following notations have been used hereafter:

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 507

Fig. 6 Error of the Kriging variants in predicting the error (%) of first three natural frequencies for the first case (individual variation). a Standard deviation (SD) FNF error. b Standard deviation (SD) SNF error. c Standard deviation (SD) TNF error

(a) KV1: ordinary Kriging. arguments hold for KV1 and KV3 as well. KV2, in most of (b) KV2: universal Kriging with pseudo likelihood the cases (specifically for standard deviation of response), estimate. yields erroneous results. This is probably due to the (c) KV3: blind Kriging. inability of the pseudo to accurately (d) KV4: Co-Kriging. predict the hyperparameters associated with the covariance (e) KV5: stochastic Kriging with zero noise (Universal function. Probability density function (PDF) and repre- Kriging based on marginal likelihood estimator). sentative of the first three natural frequencies, obtained using the Kriging variants and crude MCS, are In addition to the above, individual and combined shown in Figs. 7 and 8. KV5 yields the best result followed variation of input paramenters as described in Sect. 4, are by KV4 nd KV3. Results obtained using KV2 is found to implied as first and second case throughout this article. For be eroneous. As already stated, this is due to erroneous the first case (i.e., uncertainties in ply orientation angles hyperparameters obtained using the pseudo likelihood only), the sample size is varied from 20 to 60 at an interval estimate. of 10. Figures 5 and 6 show the mean and standard devi- For the second case (combined variation of all input ation of error, corresponding to the first three natural fre- parameters), the sample size is varied from 250 to 600 at an quencies. For all the three frequencies, KV5 yields the best interval of 50. Figures 9 and 10 show the error in mean and results. Performance of the other Kriging variants varies standard deviation of the first three natural frequencies from case to case. For instance, results obtained using KV4 obtained using the five variants of Kriging. For mean nat- outperforms all but KV5 in predicting the mean of first ural frequencies, all but KV2 yields excellent results with natural freuency. However, for the mean of second natural extremely low error. However, for standard deviation of frequencies, KV4 yields the worst results. Similarly 123 508 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

Fig. 7 PDF of first three natural frequencies for the first case (individual variation) obtained using the Kriging variants (50 samples) and MCS. a PDF of first natural frequency. b PDF of second natural frequency. c PDF of third natural frequency

Fig. 8 Scatter plot for the first three natural frequencies for the first case (individual variation) obtained using 50 samples. a Scatter plot for first natural frequency. b Scatter plot for second natural frequency. c Scatter plot for third natural frequency 123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 509

Fig. 9 Error of the Kriging variants in predicting the mean of first three natural frequencies for the second case (combined variation). a Mean first natural frequency (FNF) error. b Mean second natural frequency (SNF) error. c Mean third natural frequency (TNF) error

the first two natural frequencies ordinary Kriging (KV1) of actual finite element simulations needed is same as yields erroneous results. Similar to previous case, KV3, sample size to construct the Kriging models. Thus, if KV4 and KV5 are found to yield excellent results with 50 and 550 samples are required to form the Kriging extremely low prediction error. PDF plot and representa- models for the individual and combined cases tive scatter plot of the first three natural frequency, respectively, the corresponding levels of computa- obtained using the Kriging variants and crude MCS, are tional efficiency are about 200 times and 18 times shown in Figs. 11 and 12 respectively. Apart from KV2, all with respect to crude MCS. Except the computational the variants are found to yield excellent results. time associated with finite element simulation as dis- It is worthy to mention here that the whole point of cussed above, another form of significant computa- using a Kriging based uncertainty quantification tional time involved in the process of uncertainty approach is to achieve computational efficiency in quantification can be the building and prediction for terms of finite element simulation. For example, the the Kriging models. In general, the computational probabilistic descriptions and statistical results of the expenses are found to increase for higher dimension of natural frequencies presented in this study are based the input parameter space. The second form of com- on 10,000 simulations. In case of crude MCS, same putational time can be different for different Kriging number of actual finite element simulations are needed variants. A comparative investigation on the compu- to be carried out. However, in the present approach of tational times for different Kriging model variants are Kriging based uncertainty quantification, the number provided next.

123 510 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

Fig. 10 Error of the Kriging variants in predicting the standar deviation of first three natural frequencies for the second case (combined variation). a Standard deviation (SD) FNF error. b Standard deviation (SD) SNF error. c Standard deviation (SD) TNF error

Table 2 reports the computational time required for may not be advantegeous as observed in the individual Kriging model prediction by the five Kriging variants for variation case. both cases. Please note here that the time reported in this table is for building and predictions corresponding to dif- 5.3 Comparative Assessment of Various Covariance ferent Kriging models and this time has no relation with the Functions time required for finite elemet simulation of laminated composite shell. It is observed that for individual variation This section investigates the performance of the various of input paramaeters (4 input parameters), KV1 is the covariance functions used in Kriging. To be specific, per- fastest followed by KV5 and KV4. However. For the formance of the following seven covariance functions has combined variation case (28 input parameters), KV4 is been investigated: much faster compared to the other variants. This is because (a) COV1: cubic covariance function. unlike the other variants KV4 first generates a low fidelity (b) COV2: exponential covariance function. solution from comparatively less number of sample points (c) COV3: Gaussian covariance function. and update it by adding additional sample points. As a (d) COV4: linear covariance function. consequence, the matrix inversion involved in KV4 (e) COV5: spherical covariance function. becomes less time consiming, making the overall proce- (f) COV6: spline covariance function. dure computationally efficient. However, this advantage of (g) COV7: generalised exponential covariance function. KV4 is only visible for large systems, involving large number of input variables (combined variation case). For The above mentioned covariance functions have been smaller systems, inverting two matrices, instead of one, utilized in conjunction with ordinary Kriging (KV1); the

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 511

Fig. 11 PDF of first three natural frequencies for the second case (combined variation) obtained using 550 samples. a PDF for first natural frequency. b PDF for second natural frequency. c PDF for third natural frequency

Fig. 12 Scatter plot for the first three natural frequencies for the second case (combined variation) obtained using 550 samples. a Scatter plot for first natural frequency. b Scatter plot for second natural frequency. c Scatter plot for third natural frequency 123 512 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

Table 2 CPU time of the Number of input parameters Kriging variants Kriging variants KV1 KV2 KV3 KV4 KV5

First case (individual) 1.0511 s 3.1391 s 1.6714 s 1.62 s 1.2258 s Second case (combined) 335.4105 s 5205.1 s 7330.1 s 110.9570 s 1031.3 s

Fig. 13 PDF of the first three natural frequencies for the first case Kriging (KV1) is used in conjunction with the covariance functions. obtained using various covariance functions. For all the cases, Kriging a PDF of first natural frequency. b PDF of second natural frequency. based surrogate is formulated using 50 sample points. Ordinary c PDF of third natural frequency reason being ordinary Kriging does not have a regression Interestingly, results obtained using cubic (COV1), linear part and hence the effect of covariance function will be (COV4), spherical (COV5) and spline (COV6) covariance more prominent in such case. As per the study reported in functions are almost identical. Similar results has been previous subsection, Kriging based surrogate is formulated observed for the second case (combined variation). How- with 50 sample points in the first case (individual varia- ever, due to paucity of space, the results for the second case tion). Figure 13 shows the PDF of response obtained using have not been reported in this article. various covariance functions for the first case. It is observed that for all the three natural frequencies, Gaussian 5.4 Comparative Assessment of Various Noise covariance (COV3) yields the best resut followed by Levels exponential (COV2) and generalised exponential (COV7) covariance function. The error (%) in mean and standard In this section, the effect of noise, present within a system, deviation of natural frequencies are shown in Figs. 14 and has been simulated using the stochastic Kriging (KV5). 15. For all the cases, Gaussian, expnential and generalised The effect of noise in a system can be regarded as con- exponential covariance functions yields the best results. sidering other sources of uncertainty besides conventional

123 A Critical Assessment of Kriging Model Variants for High-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification… 513

Fig. 14 Error in predicted mean natural frequencies obtained using various covariance functions. a Error in predicted mean first natural frequency (FNF). b Error in predicted mean second natural frequency (SNF). c Error in predicted mean third natural frequency (TNF) material and geometric uncertainties, viz., error in mod- 6 Conclusions elling, human error and various other epistemic uncer- tainties involved in the system [58, 63, 64, 105, 106]. In This article presents a critical comparative assessment of present study, gaussian white noise with specific level (p) five Kriging model variants in an exhaustive and compre- has been introduced into the output responses as: hensive manner for quantifying uncertainty in the natural frequencies of composite doubly curved shells. Five fijN ¼ fij þ pnij ð55Þ Kriging variants considered in this study are: Ordinary where fij denotes the ith frequency in the jth sample in the Kriging, Universal Kriging based on pseudo-likelihood design point set. The subscript N denotes the frequency in estimator, Blind Kriging, Co-Kriging and Universal Krig- the presence of noise. n in Eq. (55) denotes normal dis- ing based on marginal likelihood estimator (Stochastic tributed random number with zero mean and unit variance. Kriging with zero noise). The comparative assessment has Typical results for the effect of noise have been reported been carried out from the view point of accuracy and for combined variation of input parameters. Figures 16 and computational efficiency. Formulation for finite element 17 show the representative scatter plots and PDF of the first modelling of composite shells and Kriging model variants three natural frequencies corresponding to various noise are provided in full depth along with a state-of-the-art levels. The distance of the points from diagonal line review of literature concerning the present investigation. increases with the increase of noise level in the scatter plots Both low and high dimensional input parameter spaces indication lesser prediction accuracy of the Kriging model. have been considered in this investigation to explore the Significant change the the standard deviation of the fre- effect of dimensionality on different Kriging variants. quencies is observed with changes in the noise level. Results have been presented for different sample sizes to However, the mean frequencies are found to be mostly construct the Kriging model variants. A comparative study insensitive to the noise. on performance of different covariant functions has also

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Fig. 15 Error in predicted standard deviation of natural frequencies obtained using various covariance functions. a Error in predicted standard deviation of FNF. b Error in predicted standard deviation of SNF. c Error in predicted standard deviation of TNF been carried out in conjunction to the present problem. (c) Among various covariance functions investigated, it Further the effect of noise has been investigated consid- is observed that Gaussian covariance function pro- ering Stochastic Kriging. The major findings of this work duces best accuracy. are summarized below: (d) Last, but not the least, stochastic Kriging is an efficient tool for simulating the effect of noise (a) It is observed that Universal Kriging coupled with present in a system. As evident from the results marginal likelihood estimate yields the best results presented, stochastic Kriging yields highly accurate for both low-dimensional and high-dimensional result for system involving certain degree of inherent problems. noise. (b) Co-Kriging is found to be the fastest in terms of model building and prediction time for high The present investigation provides a comprehensive dimensional input parameter space. In case of low understanding about the performance of different Kriging dimensional input parameter space, ordinary Krig- model variants in surrogate based uncertainty quantifica- ing is relatively the fastest followed by co-Kriging, tion of laminated composite shells. Although this study blind Kriging and universal Kriging with pseudo focuses on stochastic natural frequency analysis of com- likelihood estimate, respectively. However, the posite shells, the outcomes regarding comparative perfor- effect of relative differences in computational time mance of the Kriging model variants may serve as a becomes more crucial for large number of input valuable reference for different other computationally parameters as considerable amonut of time is intensive problems in the broad field of science and required in this case. engineering.

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Fig. 16 Scatter plot for the first three natural frequencies corresponding to various noise levels. a Scatter plot for fundamental natural frequency. b Scatter plot for second natural frequency. c Scatter plot for third natural frequency

Fig. 17 Probability density function plot for the first three natural frequencies corresponding to various noise levels. a PDF for fundamental natural frequency. b PDF for second natural frequency. c PDF for third natural frequency 123 516 T. Mukhopadhyay et al.

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