VIDEO CATALOGUE OCTOBER 2013 Health Sciences Library Phone: (705) 523-7100 Ext 3375 Email:
[email protected] WHO CAN BORROW? The following videos and audio-cassettes are available to the staff, volunteers and health care professionals at the Sudbury Regional Hospital from the Health Sciences Library. Professionals and healthcare workers in the Sudbury area can also make use of these resources by inquiring. The library makes every effort to support the educational and clinical needs of those working in related healthcare fields. LOAN PERIOD Videos and audio-cassettes are available for loan for a one week period. Mailing time will be added to the loan period to ensure a reasonable viewing time is available. RETURNING VIDEOS? Materials borrowed must be returned at the borrower’s expense. Return materials to the Health Sciences Library in person or by mail. Materials returned through the mail must be returned by registered mail – priority post or courier to ensure the safe return of these items. Please advise when materials cannot be returned on time. DAMAGED OR LOST VIDEOS? All materials damaged or lost will be replaced at the borrower’s expense. COPYRIGHT All videos and audio-cassettes are protected by Canadian Copyright Legislation. Reproduction in whole or part, by videotape, video disc or by any other means in existence or hereafter devised, conceived or invented it expressly forbidden. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PSYCHOLOGY ................................................................................. 4 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY ......................................................................