Dozens Are Dead As Record Deluge Stuns Northeast
C M Y K Nxxx,2021-09-03,A,001,Bs-4C,E1 Late Edition Today, mostly sunny, cooler than av- erage, low humidity, high 72. To- night, clear skies, low 59. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, mild, low humidity, high 76. Weather map, Page A24. VOL. CLXX . ...No. 59,170 © 2021 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 $3.00 TEXAS LAW ALTERS DOZENS ARE DEAD ABORTION BATTLE AS RECORD DELUGE ACROSS COUNTRY STUNS NORTHEAST MOVE SOWS CONFUSION Storm Ravages Infrastructure in 4 States Clinics Struggle for Legal — Region’s Worst Toll Since 2012 Strategy as Near Ban Takes Effect By ANDY NEWMAN Three days after Hurricane Ida The storm spawned tornadoes made landfall in Louisiana, its that reduced houses in a southern weakened remnants tore into the New Jersey township to splinters, This article is by J. David Good- Northeast and claimed at least 43 cut power to over 200,000 homes man, Sabrina Tavernise, Ruth Gra- lives across New York, New Jer- and, in Philadelphia, sent the ham and Edgar Sandoval. sey and two other states in an on- Schuylkill to near-record levels HOUSTON — When the Su- slaught that ended Thursday and and submerged part of a highway. preme Court decided this week served as an ominous sign of cli- Twenty-three people died in that Texas could carry out and en- mate change’s capacity to wreak New Jersey, including at least force the nation’s most restrictive new kinds of havoc. three people who were sub- anti-abortion law, even some The last storm this deadly in the merged in their cars and four in an staunch abortion opponents were region, Sandy in 2012, did its dam- apartment complex in Elizabeth, surprised.
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