International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education Vol. 2, Issue 2, March, 2010. Professional development for the early learning content social studies standards Laurie KATZ The Ohio State University, United States of America Hatice Zeynep INAN* The Dumlupinar University, Turkey Cynthia TYSON The Ohio State University, United States of America Adrienne DIXSON The Ohio State University, United States of America Hyun-Young KANG The Ohio State University, United States of America Abstract This article describes early childhood educators’ responses to a professional development series aimed at helping them to understand and incorporate early learning standards for social studies. While the primary aim of the professional development was to focus on the social studies content standards, the secondary aim was to introduce early childhood educators to culturally relevant pedagogical strategies that take into account the unique learning needs of diverse children, particularly children of colour, English language learners and children with special needs. The findings suggest that early childhood educators can benefit from sustained professional development that not only addresses content standards but also helps them to understand how to incorporate the standards into their existing curriculum using developmentally and culturally appropriate pedagogy. Keywords: Early Childhood; Social Studies; Standards; Professional Development Introduction Standards of learning for children before they attend kindergarten (ages 2 to 5 years old), typically described as early learning standards, started developing in the 21st century (NAEYC & NAECS/SDE, 2002). The need to design standards separate from children in the early elementary years is * E-mail for correspondence:
[email protected] International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education Vol.2, Issue 2, March,2010 based on “research about the processes, sequences, and long-term consequences of early learning and development” (p.5).