HD First Name Last Name Twitter 1 Tenisha Yancey None 2 Bettie Cook

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HD First Name Last Name Twitter 1 Tenisha Yancey None 2 Bettie Cook HD First Name Last Name Twitter 1 Tenisha Yancey none 2 Bettie Cook Scott none 3 Wendell Byrd none 4 Rosemary Robinson @rosemaryc313 5 Fred Durhal @FDurhal3 6 Stephanie Chang @stephanielily 7 Latanya Garrett @GarrettLatanya 8 Sherry Gay-Dagnogo @DetroitEducator 9 Sylvia Santana @SenatorSantana 10 Leslie Love @statereplove10 11 Jewell Jones @OnlyJJones 12 Erika Geiss none 13 Frank Liberati none 14 Cara Clemente none 15 Abdullah Hammoud @AHammoudMI 16 Bob Kosowski @RobertKosowski 17 Joe Bellino @electjoebellino 18 Kevin Hertel @Kevin_Hertel 19 Laura Cox @lauralcox 20 Jeff Noble @Vote_Jeff_Noble 21 Kristy Pagan none 22 John Chirkun @AirMayor1 23 Darrin Camilleri @darrincamilleri 24 Steve Marino none 25 Henry Yanez @RepHenryYanez 26 Jim Ellison @Jim4MI 27 Robert Wittenberg @Wittenberg4Rep 28 Patrick Green @RepPatrickGreen 29 Tim Greimel @RepGreimel 30 Diana Farrington none 31 Bill Sowerby none 32 Pamela Hornberger @PLHornberger 33 Jeff Yaroch @WeTrustYaroch 34 Sheldon Neeley @SheldonNeeley 35 Jeremy Moss @JeremyAllenMoss 36 Peter Lucido @PeterLucido 37 Christine Greig @ChrisGreigMI37 38 Kathy Crawford @KathyCrawford38 39 Klint Kesto @KlintKesto 40 Micheal McCready @McCready4MI 41 Martin Howrylak @martinhowrylak 42 Lana Theis @LanaTheis 43 Jim Tedder @electjimtedder 44 Jim Runestad @RunWithRunestad 45 Mike Webber @webbermi77 46 John Reilly none 47 Hank Vaupel @HankVaupel 48 Pam Faris @PamFaris1 49 Phil Phelps @phil_phelps 50 Tim Sneller none 51 Joe Graves @RepJoeGraves 52 Donna Lasinski @DonnaLasinski 53 Yousef Rabhi @VoteRabhi 54 Ronnie Peterson none 55 Adam Zemke @adamzemke 56 Jason Sheppard @RepSheppard 57 Bronna Kahle none 58 Eric Leutheuser @EricLeutheuser 59 Aaron Miller none 60 Jon Hoadley @jonhoadley 61 Brandt Iden @BrandtIden 62 John Bizon @DrJohnBizon 63 Dave Maturen @DaveMaturen 64 Julie Alexander @JLAlexander14 65 Brett Roberts @RepBrettRoberts 66 Beth Griffin @BethGriffin66th 67 Tom Cochran @RepTomCochran 68 Sarah Anthony @SarahAnthony517 69 Sam Singh @singhsam94 70 Jim Lower @JamesEdmore 71 Tom Barrett none 72 Steve Johnson @johnson4rep 73 Chris Afendoulis @ChrisAfendoulis 74 Robert VerHeulen @RobVerHeulen 75 David LaGrand @DavidLagrand 76 Winnie Brinks @WinnieBrinksMI 77 Tommy Brann @Tommy_Brann 78 Dave Pagel none 79 Kim LaSata none 80 Mary Whiteford @MaryWhiteford 81 Dan Lauwers @DanLauwers 82 Gary Howell none 83 Shane Hernandez @shernandez4rep 84 Ned Canfield none 85 Ben Frederick @votefrederick 86 Thomas Albert none 87 Julie Calley @JulieCalley 88 Roger Victory @RepVictory88 89 Jim Lilly @RepJimLillyMI 90 Daniela Garcia @RepDGarcia 91 Holly Hughes none 92 Terry Sabo @RepSabo92 93 Tom Leonard @TomLeonard28 94 Tim Kelly none 95 Vanessa Guerra @VanessaMGuerra 96 Brian Elder @BrianKElder 97 Jason Wentworth none 98 Gary Glenn @GaryGlennUS 99 Roger Hauck @RogerWHauck 100 Scott VanSingel none 101 Curt VanderWall none 102 Michele Hoitenga @MicheleHoitenga 103 Daire Rendon none 104 Larry Inman none 105 Triston Cole @triston_cole 106 Sue Allor none 107 Lee Chatfield @LeeChatfield 108 Beau LaFave @BeauMattLaFave 109 Sarah Cambensy @RepCambensy109 110 Scott Dianda @scottdianda Facebook https://www.facebook.com/voteyancey/ none none none https://www.facebook.com/staterepdurhal/ https://www.facebook.com/stephaniechangMI/ https://www.facebook.com/LatanyaGarrett7/ https://www.facebook.com/votesherry/ https://www.facebook.com/repsylviasantana/ https://www.facebook.com/repleslielove/ https://www.facebook.com/unitedforjewelljones/ https://www.facebook.com/StateRepErikaGeiss/ https://www.facebook.com/State-Rep-Frank-Liberati-800575940012411/ https://www.facebook.com/State-Representative-Cara-Clemente-720338004825026/ https://www.facebook.com/AHammoudMI/ none https://www.facebook.com/RepJoeBellino/ https://www.facebook.com/RepKevinHertel/ https://www.facebook.com/ElectLauraCox/ https://www.facebook.com/repnoble/ https://www.facebook.com/kristypaganmi/ none 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