Here are a few of the aspects that make Registration “Canadian Box” different Please Print: 1. Goals measure 4’ high x 4’6” wide as Player’s Name__________________________ opposed to the 6’ x 6’ goals in field lacrosse. Grade _______________ 2. Goaltenders are fully padded in a Parent/Guardian’s similar fashion to hockey and play with their Name_________________________ stick to the ground as opposed to field Phone Number___________ lacrosse where they are standing straight up Street Address_______________________ with their stick up high. City___________________ 3. Game is played with a shot clock and a Zip___________ 10 second count to advance the ball over the Field Lacrosse Position_____________ mid-line. Strong Hand Left / Right 4. A face-off takes place after each goal is Parent’s E-mail_______________________ scored. This program will initially be offered Cell Phone __________________________ th to players in grades 4 through 9th and is Does your child have any limiting medical recommended for players who have strong conditions? ___________________________ stick skills and a good understanding of field Emergency Contact lacrosse. ___________________________ Phone Number ________________ Fee - $200 per player Payment Method – Please make checks Waiver for participation – Please read carefully payable to Pro Box Lacrosse, LLC and As a participant, or parent/guardian of a remit to: participant in the Pro Box Lacrosse, LLC Program, I recognize and acknowledge that Pro Box Lacrosse, LLC there are certain risks of physical injury and I Pro Box Lacrosse, LLC 66 Woodbury Way Syosset, NY 11791 Email Questions – agree to assume the full risk of any injuries,
[email protected] including death, damage or loss which I or my Unique Lacrosse Experience minor child may sustain as a result of “Canadian Box Lacrosse” participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the program.