Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Wedding by Horst Evers Source – Publication of the banns. In the Netherlands, you have to go in “ondertrouw” before you get married. This means that the banns are read, giving everyone in the community a chance to object to the marriage. In the period before the introduction of the civil registration, church records are the most important source of vital information. Many churches recorded the banns rather than the marriage. They recorded when the couple registered the banns, and sometimes noted the marriage announcements on three different times, usually on consecutive Sundays. The marriage was usually performed immediately after the third proclamation. Banns registers from before 1811 can usually be found at the provincial archives of the province where the church was located. Many of them are available on FamilySearch, with easy waypoints available at Geneal-IX. Farmer’s wedding, late 1500s. Credits: Pieter van der Heyden, collection Rijksmuseum (public domain) Contents of the marriage banns. At a minimum, the registration of the banns provide the following information: Date that the banns were first registered Name of the groom Name of the bride. The records may have other information, such as: Marital status, such as “j.m.” [ jonge man , single man], “j.d.” [ jonge dochter , single woman] Place of origin or residence Date the marriage took place Names of parents, or just the father Witnesses Dates of the three proclamations. On rare occasions, you will find a note that the banns were halted as a result of an objection. In that case, it is worthwhile to check the church council minutes to see if they discussed the situation, or to check court records to see if there was a suit filed against one of the parties. Example: Peter Evers and Anna Cristine Alers. Banns of Peter Evers and Anna Cristine Alers. Peter Evers and Anna Cristine Alers had banns published in Bredevoort in March 1663. The record provides the following information: In March: III Peter Evers and Anna Cristine Alers, both from Bredevoort. [note in margin] The third proclamation was halted by order of the court, at the request of Lumme ter Horst. [second note] but she failed to achieve her purpose. 1. This record shows that Peter Evers and Anna Cristine Alers from Bredevoort had banns published in Bredevoort in March 1663. At the third proclamation, the court ordered the minister to stop reading the banns, at the request of Lumme ter Horst. The second note shows that the request failed. The triple marks (III) show that all proclamations were successful. In this case, the third tick mark acts as the marriage record; the Bredevoort church did not keep a seperate registration of the marriages. So what happened? Why did Lumme want to stop the banns? The record gives us a clue where we can find out more information: the court records. In the case of marriages, the provincial Court of Gelderland had jurisdiction. When we look in the civil case files, we find a case for Lumme ter Horst versus Peter Evers, where she sues him for breach of promise. The court case describes how Lumme was seduced by Peter Evers in the garden of the minister she was working for, lured by promise of marriage, and had had an illegitimate child the year before. At the time of her objection to Peter’s marriage, she was pregnant with her second illegitimate child, and again identified Peter Everts as the father. She sued him for breach of promise, since she felt that she was engaged to him and therefore could not marry another. 2. The sentence of the case has not been preserved, but the marriage record of Peter Evers shows that Lumme’s opposition failed, so the court must have found in his favor. In a time before DNA testing, it would have been a matter of her word against his. Since she was a poor servant and he belonged to a prominent family in Bredevoort, it is easy to see how the case could have gone in his favor. Objections to the marriage proclamations are rare, but when we do find them they are worth following up, to get an insight into the lives of our ancestors. The Modern Novel. The world-wide literary novel from early 20th Century onwards. Novels set in Berlin. Novels set in Berlin. A city with a knife in its heart. Rosanna Warren: Palaces. 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Die Geschichte eines Moralisten M. M. 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Copyright © The Modern Novel 2015-2021 | WordPress website design by Applegreen. Privacy Overview. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Wedding by Horst Evers. Filed in Authors, Awards, Books | Steven H Silver, May 6, 2017 6:24 pm | Comments Off on Palmer Wins Compton Crook. Ada Palmer won this year’s Compton Crook Award for best first novel for her book Too Like the Lightning . The award comes with a prize of $1,000 and the winner will be treated as a guest of honor for two consecutive Balticons. A plaque will be presented to Palmer at Balticon 51. Obituary: Howard Frank. Filed in Art, Obituary | Steven H Silver, May 5, 2017 3:35 pm | Comments Off on Obituary: Howard Frank. Collector Howard Frank (b.1941) died on May 1. Frank, along with his wife, Jane, was an avid fantasy art collector and co-authored two books with his wife based on their collection. When Jane was Guest of Honor at Chicon 7, she and Howard loaned pieced of their collection to the convention to exhibit. In 2013, he received First Fandom’s Sam Moskowitz Archive Award. Lowder Named Editor. Filed in Gaming, Industry, Publishers | Steven H Silver, 9:05 am | Comments Off on Lowder Named Editor. James Lowder has been named fiction editor for Chaosium. Chaosium intends to relaunch its fiction line, focusing on the Cthulhu Mythos, in 2018. Lowder was retained by Chaosium in 2015 to examine their current copyright situation and figure out where the company stood regarding publishing contracts, rights, and obligations. Kurd Laßwitz Nominees. Filed in Awards | Steven H Silver, 8:58 am | Comments Off on Kurd Laßwitz Nominees. The Nominees for this year’s Kurd Laßwitz award for science fiction published in Germany have been announced. Best German Science-Fiction Novel. Moonatics , by Arne Ahlert Omni , by Andrea Brandhorst Der Bahnhof von Plön , by Christopher Ecker Helix: Sie werden uns ersetzen , by Marc Elsberg Alles außer irdisch , by Horst Evers Sternentor , by Mathias Falke Im Nebel kein Wort , by Frank Hebben Vektor , by Jo Koren Das Universum nach Landau , by Karsten Kruschel Unsterblich , by Jens Lubbadeh Blumen vom Mars , by Gabriele Nolte Ein neuer Himmel für Kana , by Karla Schmidt Babylon , by Thomas Thiemeyer. Best German Short Story. “Die Stadt der XY,” by Dirk Alt “Suicide Rooms,” by Gabriele Behrend “Acapulco! Acapulco!,” by Andreas Eschbach “Vor dem Fest oder Brief an Mathilde” by Marcus Hammerschmitt “Das Netz der Geächteten,” by Michael K. Iwoleit “Thuban,” by Hubert Katzmarz “Emukalypse,” by Niklas Peinecke. Best Foreign Science-Fiction Book (translated into German) A Darkling Sea , by James L. Cambias The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet , by Becky Chambers The Fold , by Peter Clines The Three-Body Problem , by Cixin Liu Sleeping Giants , by Sylvain Neuvel Lagoon , by Nnedi Okorafor Aurora , by Kim Stanley Robinson The End of the Running Club , by Adrian J. Walker Half a Crown , by Jo Walton. Best Science-Fiction Translation. Martina Hasse for the translation of Cixin Liu: Die drei Sonnen ) Bernhard Kempen for the translation of John Scalzi: Galaktische Mission Helda Parmiter for the translation of Linda Nagata: Morgengrauen Oliver Plaschka for the translation of Ariel S. Winter: Mr Sapien träumt vom Menschsein Karin Will for the translation of Becky Chambers: Der lange Weg zu einem kleinen zornigen Planeten. Best Cover Picture or Illustration. Lothar Bauer for the cover of Die Bibiothek der Tränen Lothar Bauer for the cover of Hauptsache gesund! Lothar Bauer for the cover of Nova 24 Dirk Berger for the cover of phantastisch! 63 Matin Frei for the cover of Das Ende des Regenbogens Mark Freier for the cover of Vektor Das Illustrat for Unsterblich Stas Rosin for the cover of Exodus 35 Greg Ruth for the cover of Lagune Michael Vogt for the cover of Exodus! 34. Best German Audio Play. Schöne neue Welt , by Regine Ahrem Atmen , by Christian Hussel Pimp My Brain! , by Simon Kamphans & Matthias Lang. Special Award for Extraordinary Achievements (One time): Ralf Boldt, Sylvana Fryberg, and the team of MediKonOne for organizing MediKonOne and the innovation of doing a crossover of medicine and science-fiction Thomas Braatz & Arnulf Meifert for the 1st Robert-Kraft-Symposium and the publication Hannes Riffel and the team of Fischer Tor and Tor-Online for the successful start Markus Rohde and Andreas Mergenthaler from the publishing house Cross Cult Verlag and the authors Bernd Perplies and Christian Humberg for the first official Star Trek novels in German original language. Special Award for Extraordinary Achievements (Over years): Thomas Braatz, Manfred Orlowski, Sabine Seyfarth, Mario Franke, and Dirk Berger for organizing ElsterCons Herbert W. Franke for his lifetime achievement Hardy Kettlitz for all the work in the background, as an author of secondary literature and the editor of Imprints Memoranda Thomas Le Blanc for leading the Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar for over 30 years. Tor Book Launches Imprint. Filed in Industry, podcast, Publishers | Steven H Silver, 8:35 am | Comments Off on Tor Book Launches Imprint. Tor Books has announced the launch of Tor Labs, a new imprint which will focus on experimental approaches to genre publishing. They will begin with podcast publishing with the August 2 debut of a science fiction audio drama by Mac Rogers. Marco Palmieri will serve as senior editor and Jennifer Gunnels will serve as editor of the line. For more information… Escape Pod Staff Changes. Filed in Industry, podcast | Steven H Silver, 8:32 am | Comments Off on Escape Pod Staff Changes. Norm Sherman has announced that he is stepping down as the editor of Escape Pod ‘s weekly science fiction podcast. Divya Breed and Mur Lafferty will take over as co-editors with Benjamin C. Kinney as the assistant Editor. For more information… Eisner Nominees. Filed in Authors, Comics | Steven H Silver, May 3, 2017 6:49 am | Comments Off on Eisner Nominees. The nominations for the Eisner Awards, given for excellence in comic books, have been announced. The awards will be presented at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Best Short Story. “The Comics Wedding of the Century,” by Simon Hanselmann, in We Told You So: Comics as Art “The Dark Nothing,” by Jordan Crane, in Uptight #5 “Good Boy,” by Tom King and David Finch, in Batman Annual #1 “Monday,” by W. Maxwell Prince and John Amor, in One Week in the Library “Mostly Saturn,” by Michael DeForge, in Island Magazine #8 “Shrine of the Monkey God!” by Kim Deitch, in Kramers Ergot 9. Best Single Issue/One-Shot. Babybel Wax Bodysuit , by Eric Kostiuk Williams Beasts of Burden: What the Cat Dragged In , by Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer, and Blammo #9, by Noah Van Sciver Criminal 10th Anniversary Special , by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips Sir Alfred #3, by Tim Hensley Your Black Friend , by Ben Passmore. Best Continuing Series. Astro City , by and Brent Anderson Kill or Be Killed , by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips The Mighty Thor , by and Russell Dauterman Paper Girls , by Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang Saga , by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. Best Limited Series. Archangel , by , Michael St. John Smith, Butch Guice, and Briggs Land , by Brian Wood and Mack Chater Han Solo , by Marjorie Liu and Kim and Kim , by Magdalene Visaggio and Eva Cabrera The Vision , by Tom King and Gabriel Walta We Stand on Guard , by Brian K. Vaughan and Steve Skroce. Best New Series. Black Hammer , by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston Clean Room , by and Jon Davis-Hunt Deathstroke: Rebirth , by Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan, et al. Faith , by Jody Houser, Pere Pérez, and Marguerite Sauvage Mockingbird , by Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk. Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8) Ape and Armadillo Take Over the World , by Burt’s Way Home , by John Martz The Creeps, Book 2: The Trolls Will Feast! , by Chris Schweizer I’m Grumpy (My First Comics) , by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea , by Ben Clanton. Best Publication for Kids (ages 9-12) The Drawing Lesson , by Mark Crilley Ghosts , by Raina Telgemeier Hilda and the Stone Forest , by Luke Pearson Rikki , adapted by Norm Harper and Matthew Foltz-Gray Science Comics: Dinosaurs , by MK Reed and Joe Flood. Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17) Bad Machinery, vol. 5: The Case of the Fire Inside , by John Allison Batgirl , by Hope Larson and Rafael Albuquerque Jughead , by Chip Zdarsky, Ryan North, Erica Henderson, and Derek Charm Monstress , by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda Trish Trash: Roller Girl of Mars , by Jessica Abel The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl , by Ryan North and Erica Henderson. Best Humor Publication. The Further Fattening Adventures of Pudge, Girl Blimp , by Lee Marrs Hot Dog Taste Test , by Lisa Hanawalt Jughead , by Chip Zdarsky, Ryan North, Erica Henderson, and Derek Charm Man, I Hate Cursive , by Jim Benton Yuge! 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump , by G. B. Trudeau. Baltic Comics Anthology š! #26: dADa , edited by David Schilter and Sanita Muizniece Island Magazine , edited by Brandon Graham and Emma Rios Kramers Ergot 9, edited by Sammy Harkham Spanish Fever: Stories by the New Spanish Cartoonists , edited by Santiago Garcia. Best Reality-Based Work. Dark Night: A True Batman Story , by and Eduardo Risso Glenn Gould: A Life Off Tempo , by Sandrine Revel March (Book Three), by , , and Rosalie Lightning: A Graphic Memoir , by Tom Hart Tetris: The Games People Play , by Box Brown. Best Graphic Album—New. The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye , by Sonny Liew Black Dog: The Dreams of Paul Nash , by Dave McKean Exits , by Daryl Seitchik Mooncop , by Tom Gauld Patience , by Daniel Clowes Wonder Woman: The True Amazon , by Jill Thompson. Best Graphic Album—Reprint. Demon , by Jason Shiga Incomplete Works , by Dylan Horrocks Last Look , by Charles Burns Meat Cake Bible , by Dame Darcy Megg and Mog in Amsterdam and Other Stories , by Simon Hanselmann She’s Not into Poetry , by Tom Hart. Best U.S. Edition of International Material. Equinoxes , by Cyril Pedrosa, translated by Joe Johnson Irmina , by Barbara Yelin, translated by Michael Waaler Love: The Lion , by Frédéric Brémaud and Federico Bertolucci Moebius Library: The World of Edena , by Jean “Moebius” Giraud et al. Wrinkles , by , translated by Erica Mena. Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia. The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye , by Sonny Liew Goodnight Punpun , vols. 1–4, by Inio Asano, translated by JN Productions orange: The Complete Collection , vols. 1–2, by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis, adaptation by Shannon Fay The Osamu Tezuka Story: A Life in Manga and Anime , by Toshio Ban and Tezuka Productions, translated by Frederik L. Schodt Princess Jellyfish , vols. 1–3 by Akiko Higashimura, translated by Sarah Alys Lindholm Wandering Island , vol. 1, by Kenji Tsuruta, translated by Dana Lewis. Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips (at least 20 years old) Almost Completely Baxter: New and Selected Blurtings , by Glen Baxter Barnaby , vol. 3, by Crockett Johnson, edited by Philip Nel and Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, Colorful Cases of the 1930s , edited by Peter Maresca The Realist Cartoons , edited by Paul Krassner and Ethan Persoff Walt & Skeezix 1931–1932 , by Frank King, edited by Jeet Heer and . Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books (at least 20 Years Old) The Complete Neat Stuff , by , edited by Eric Reynolds The Complete Wimmen’s Comix , edited by Trina Robbins Fables and Funnies , by Walt Kelly, compiled by David W. Tosh Trump: The Complete Collection , by Harvey Kurtzman et al., edited by Denis Kitchen and John Lind U.S.S. Stevens: The Collected Stories , by Sam Glanzman, edited by Drew Ford. Ed Brubaker, Criminal 10th Anniversary Special , Kill or Be Killed , Velvet Kurt Busiek, Astro City Chelsea Cain, Mockingbird Max Landis, Green Valley ; : American Alien Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer ; Descender , Plutona ; Bloodshot Reborn Brian K. Vaughan, Paper Girls , Saga , We Stand On Guard. Jessica Abel, Trish Trash: Roller Girl of Mars Box Brown, Tetris: The Games People Play Tom Gauld, Mooncop Tom Hart, Rosalie Lightning: A Graphic Memoir Sonny Liew, The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye. Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team. Mark Brooks, Han Solo Dan Mora, Klaus Greg Ruth, Indeh Francois Schuiten, The Theory of the Grain of Sand Fiona Staples, Saga , Black Panther. Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art) Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Lion Brecht Evens, Panther Manuele Fior, 5,000 km per Second Dave McKean, Black Dog Sana Takeda, Monstress Jill Thompson, Wonder Woman: The True Amazon ; Beasts of Burden: What the Cat Dragged In. Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers) Mike Del Mundo, Avengers , Carnage , Mosaic , The Vision David Mack, Abe Sapien , BPRD Hell on Earth , Fight Club 2 , Hellboy and the BPRD 1953 Sean Phillips, Criminal 10th Anniversary Special , Kill or Be Killed Fiona Staples, Saga Sana Takeda, Monstress. Jean-Francois Beaulieu, Green Valley Elizabeth Breitweiser, Criminal 10th Anniversary Special , Kill or Be Killed , Velvet ; Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta Sonny Liew, The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye , Wonder Woman ; Ragnorak ; Black Panther Matt Wilson, Cry Havoc , Paper Girls , The Wicked + The Divine ; Black Widow , The Mighty Thor , Star-Lord. Dan Clowes, Patience Brecht Evens, Panther Tom Gauld, Mooncop Nick Hayes, Woody Guthrie Todd Klein, Clean Room , Dark Night , Lucifer ; Black Hammer Sonny Liew, The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye. Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism. The A.V. Club comics coverage, including Comics Panel, Back Issues, and Big Issues, by Oliver Sava et al. Comic Riffs blog, by Michael Cavna Critical Chips, edited by Zainab Akhtar, edited by Rob McMonigal, edited by Megan Purdy and Claire Napier. Best Comics-Related Book. blanc et noir: takeshi obata illustrations , by Takeshi Obata Ditko Unleashed: An American Hero , by Florentino Flórez and Frédéric Manzano Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White , by Michael Tisserand The Life and Legend of Wallace Wood , vol. 1, edited by Bhob Stewart and J. More Heroes of the Comics , by Drew Friedman. Best Academic/Scholarly Work. Brighter Than You Think: Ten Short Works by Alan Moore , with essays by Marc Sobel Forging the Past: Set and the Art of Memory , by Daniel Marrone Frank Miller’s Daredevil and the Ends of Heroism , by Paul Young Pioneering Cartoonists of Color , by Tim Jackson Superwomen: Gender, Power, and Representation , by Carolyn Cocca. Best Publication Design. The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye , designed by Sonny Liew The Complete Wimmin’s Comix , designed by Keeli McCarthy Frank in the Third Dimension , designed by Jacob Covey, 3D conversions by Charles Barnard The Realist Cartoons , designed by Jacob Covey Si Lewen’s Parade: An Artist’s Odyssey , designed by Art Spiegelman. Bird Boy , by Anne Szabla Deja Brew , by Teneka Stotts and Sarah DuVall Jaeger , by Ibrahim Moustafa The Middle Age , by Steve Conley On Beauty , by Christina Tran. Best Digital Comic. Bandette ,by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover Edison Rex , by Chris Roberson and Dennis Culver Helm , by Jehanzeb Hasan and Mauricio Caballero On a Sunbeam , by Tillie Walden Universe! ,by Albert Monteys. Hall of Fame Inducteed (all four will be inducted) Milt Gross H.G. Peters Antonio Prohías Dori Seda. Obituary: Anne Dick. Filed in Authors, Obituary | Steven H Silver, 6:01 am | Comments Off on Obituary: Anne Dick. Author Anne Dick (b.Anne Williams Rubinstein, 1927) died on April 28. Dick was the third wife of author Philip K. Dick and they were married from 1959 to 1965. Following Dick’s death, Anne began working on a memoir of her life with Dick, which was published in 2010 as The Search for Philip K. Dick . Parsec Awards to Go Streaming. Filed in Awards, podcast | Steven H Silver, 5:53 am | Comments Off on Parsec Awards to Go Streaming. Following an on-line poll and much discussion, the Parsec Award organizers have announced the decision to present the awards during a live- streamed virtual ceremony rather than at Dragon*Con as has been done in the past. The awards will be presented at some time in November and the change allows the organizers more flexibility in finding judges and doesn’t place the awards in the middle of a time when so many awards are given out that they get lost. For more information… Clarke Award Nominees. Filed in Awards | Steven H Silver, 5:38 am | Comments Off on Clarke Award Nominees. The shortlist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award has been released. The judges this year include Una McCormack, Shana Worthen, Paul March- Russell, Andrew McKie, and Charles Christian. The winner, who will receive £2017.00 and the award, will be announced on July 27. Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. Entdecke genau das, was du hören willst: Wähle aus 200.000 Titeln und inspirierenden Audible Original Podcasts. Natürlich werbefrei. Genieße dein Hörerlebnis ohne Unterbrechung. Einfach ausprobieren. Teste Audible 30 Tage kostenlos. Du kannst jederzeit kündigen. Hör die Welt mit anderen Augen. Mit Audible Originals und exklusiven Geschichten. Wir können dich kaum erwarten! Entdecke Audible einen Monat lang völlig kostenlos. Genieße jeden Monat ein Hörerlebnis deiner Wahl - und so viele exklusive Audible Original Podcasts, wie du willst. 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