Overview of Volume Rendering (Chapter for the Visualization Handbook, Eds
(version before final edits by the publisher) Overview of Volume Rendering (Chapter for The Visualization Handbook, eds. C. Johnson and C. Hansen, Academic Press, 2005) Arie Kaufman and Klaus Mueller Center for Visual Computing Computer Science Department Stony Brook University INTRODUCTION samples taken at regularly spaced intervals along three orthogonal axes. When the spacing between samples along each axis is a con- Volume visualization is a method of extracting meaningful stant, but there may be three different spacing constants for the information from volumetric data using interactive graphics and three axes the set V is anisotropic. Since the set of samples is imaging. It is concerned with volume data representation, model- defined on a regular grid, a 3D array (also called the volume buffer, ing, manipulation, and rendering [31][100][101][176]. Volume 3D raster, or simply the volume) is typically used to store the val- data are 3D (possibly time-varying) entities that may have infor- ues, with the element location indicating position of the sample on mation inside them, might not consist of tangible surfaces and the grid. For this reason, the set V will be referred to as the array of edges, or might be too voluminous to be represented geometrically. values V(x, y, z), which is defined only at grid locations. Alterna- They are obtained by sampling, simulation, or modeling tech- tively, either rectilinear, curvilinear (structured), or unstructured niques. For example, a sequence of 2D slices obtained from Mag- grids, are employed (e.g., [240]). In a rectilinear grid the cells are netic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), axis-aligned, but grid spacings along the axes are arbitrary.
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