Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants Ref No. ISSN 0725-8755 Newsletter No. 74 – June 2006 GSG Victoria Chapter GSG NSW Programme 2005 Leader: Neil Marriott For more details contact Peter Olde 02 4659 6598. Ph: (03) 5356 2404, Mob: 0408 177 989 Meet at 9.30am to commence at 10.00am for all Email:
[email protected] meetings unless stated otherwise. Convener: Max McDowall Sunday, 9 July Ph: (03) 9850 3411, Mob: 0414 319 048 VENUE: Home of Peter & Margaret Olde Email:
[email protected] 138 Fowler Rd, Illawong and Home of John & Lorraine Theodoros GSG VIC Programme 2006 Letter Box Lane, Illawong Sunday, 13 August PHONE: The Oldes (02) 9543 2242, Garden visits to be advised. Because of the SUBJECT: Grevilleas on the Sandstone Fred Rogers Seminar Acacia 2006 to be held in Newsletter No. 74 It is many years since we have been to the Olde's Melbourne from 26-28 August and subsequent Bus garden at Illawong as a group. We will visit some Tour, no weekend excursions are planned around others also in the area, as well as the Firestation this time in 2006. and check out a Boronia megastigma several years Melbourne Cup weekend in cultivation in the garden of a local resident. Friday, 3 November – Tuesday, 7 November What can we learn? Grevillea Study Group Workshop and Grampians Saturday, 5 August Field Trip based at Panrock Ridge, home of Neil VENUE: Meet in carpark on track leading left and Wendy Marriott near Stawell. Survey the fire off old Pacific Highway just south of the damage and regeneration of the Grevillea Garden Mooney Mooney Creek crossing.