
Wilshamstead Parish Council Parish Council Borough Councillor Report:

1. Coronavirus in Bedford Borough Rates of Coronavirus in Bedford Borough are continuing to decline and are now similar to rates seen in early October 2020. Cases are falling in all age groups except 11-18 year olds. (this data is for w/e 5th March, so preceding the return to school on 8th March). The number of positive inpatients at has also decreased.

Wilshamstead ward registered 7 cases of COVID during the week 1-7 March.

2. Vaccine rollout The CCG reported the latest vaccination data on 11 March that showed high rates of vaccination in the priority groups. The Borough figures broadly match the vaccination figures for as a whole and show vaccination rates of:

Cohort Bedford Borough England % 80+ years 92.9% 93.4% 75-79 years 93.9% 93.8% 70-74 years 92.5% 92.5% 65-69 years 87.6% 86.3% 60-64 years 57.7% 62.8% 16 to 65 years 18.4% 19.3%

There is a small amount of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ across the Borough but the CCG are working with community groups to encourage uptake.

A Borough-wide update on both COVID figures and the vaccination programme, presented to the Local Outbreak Engagement Board on 11 March is available here: https://www.councillorsupport.bedford.gov.uk/documents/s54208/Item%2005%20Update %20on%20COVID-19%20in%20Bedford%20Borough.pdf

3. /Wixams Station At the 24th February Council Meeting there was a major debate on the chosen route for East West Rail as a result of a petition from residents in the north of the Borough. The Borough committed to supporting route E, though this was not unanimous. (Full details are in the ‘General Council Matters’ section at the end)

You will recall from previous reports that during the last consultation it was stated that Wixams station would be put at risk if a town centre route was not selected as the preferred route. However I have recently been made aware of a document produced for the Borough by rail consultants which advocated a southern route for EWR, which would not jeopardise Wixams Station, as had been claimed. I am concerned that some might be playing politics with Wixams Station in order to get their own way on East West Rail. Regardless of the position of others, as I stated during the East West Rail debate in Council, Wixams Station remains my number one priority over and above East West Rail. I have recently discussed the strong progress being made to date and will continue to do all in my power to push for its successful delivery.

4. Town Park – Wixams I have recently spoken to L&Q estates about the Wixams Town Park. This is being brought forward and work is expected to start fairly soon. The plans/drawings look good with green space, another lake, bridges and relaxation areas. They will form a focal point at the heart of Wixams, between village 2 and village 4. I’ve asked L&Q to discuss the proposals with Wixams PC as they will impact on the connecting roads between both sides of WIxams.

5. S106 review – Planning I have recently had a briefing from the Bedford Borough and Central Beds Council Planning teams, with regard to the Wixams S106. The Borough is currently looking at requiring £29m for delivering additional education provision at Wixams. Whilst there are some large sums already in the pot, there is still a significant shortfall. The Borough is therefore looking at a re-allocation of some of the existing commitments.

Before proceeding, I have asked them to speak to Wixams Parish Council and Cllr Hares from CBC has requested the same for Haynes PC. Rather than this be a large meeting of both Parishes, which might go on for some time (Cllr Hares and myself managed to make the meeting last well over an hour with our questions) we’ve agreed that the Planning team will do a joint presentation to a couple of representatives from each PC. I’ve also that that PC be included, as Wilstead has consistently been pushing for the health facility at Wixams since at least 2011, when Wixams was part of Wilshamstead PC.

As part of the discussion, I raised the issues of: • Skate park: I again put forward the idea that a skate park be considered on the open land just across on the Wilstead side of the A6 • Rokkery Area: I have again asked that any new S106 agreement reconfirm the preservation of the ‘Rookery’ on the green space between Southern Cross and Brooklands Avenue

There are many parts to this, and I won’t list everything here, but it’s important that the PCs are consulted on what is proposed and their views taken into consideration.

6. Green Lane traffic update As the matter was raised at the February PC by the Wixams Community Group, I requested an update from the Borough Council’s School Transport Officers, regarding the ongoing traffic issues in and around Green Lane. The response from the school transport officers was as follows:

“I’m pleased to say that both the schools have completed their hands up survey, which showed that 50% of primary and 21% of pupils usually travel to school by car. Wixams Tree have been working hard towards their Bronze Modeshift Stars accreditation by completing 15 travel initiatives since we first met.

As you mention the pandemic and school closure has slowed progress of promote active travel to the pupils but we’re sure the schools will continue to promote this message once they are back to full capacity.

We have embarked on our first School Street trail with Cauldwell School and are monitoring the progress of this carefully in the hope that other School Streets could be rolled out in the future.

We are keen that any school who does have a School Street will have reached at least Bronze level in Modeshift Stars as this shows a dedication to changing travel behaviour and will help with the consultation process.”

I have previously requested that a ‘school streets’ option is considered for Wixams and once an evaluation of the Cauldwell scheme has taken place, this can then be considered.

The connecting routes through Wixams remain closed, though I have been advised by L&Q that much of the road on the western side of Wixams has now been completed. However, there are as yet no traffic calming measures in place. Both L&Q and Highways officers remain concerned that to open the routes without these would lead to roads being used as a rat-run/cut through by traffic from the B530 wanting to get to the A6 quickly. It would therefore potentially increase traffic rather than remove it. I have again impressed upon the Borough the need for urgent action to address this matter rather than continual excuses for delay.

In addition, I have also had it confirmed that Green Lane has now been adopted up to the open area immediately before Wixams Tree Primary. This means that it is now Borough owned and the Borough can no longer avoid doing anything by saying it’s up to the developers. Therefore a crossing at this site should be a priority. I will go back to Andy Prigmore and ask him what he plans to do now the developer obstacle has been removed.

7. Average Speed Cameras – Wilstead I have recently seen various prices being quoted by the Borough Council for installation of average speed cameras. A number of Borough Councillors have queried the decision making process on which areas get cameras and the cost of them. A report to the Borough Council’s Environment Committee on 4th March confirmed that the actual cost of installation is £85k.

The Council has installed these in parts of the Borough where it has paid the entire cost and they have a list of sites where average speed cameras have been requested (it’s quite lengthy) and officers review the sites and make decisions based on various criteria.

Despite a number of requests, it has still not been made clear what the decision making process is with regard to the Borough paying in full or making request to Parishes for financial contributions.

8. Zebra crossing - Bedford Road, Wixams I’m pleased to see that the zebra crossing has now been installed on Bedford Road, Wixams. This should help focus the minds of drivers who casually speed into Wixams and help slow down traffic between The Causeway and Watson Road. However, we know there is a long list of traffic measures around Wixams, of which this is only the start and we need to collectively keep up the pressure on the Borough Council to deliver more.

9. 5G mast application, Wixams On 26 Feb I spoke to planning officers re the 5G mast application. They advised that the application will be refused. Officers tried to persuade the applicants to look at alternative locations away from houses, but the applicant submitted the current proposal anyway.

We are very much in need a phone and internet signal boost at Wixams, because everything seems to be groaning under the strain at the moment, but I have asked Planning to suggest to the applicant that they put a mast at an appropriate distance away from housing and have suggested the Wilstead industrial estate as a potential site. I also asked them to keep myself and the PC informed if and when a fresh application is made.

10. Resurfacing around the roundabout between The Causeway and Fisherwood Road After being contacted by a resident, pointing out that the construction vehicles had gone, but that the road surface around the roundabout between The Causeway and Fisherwood Road had not been addressed, I contacted the Highways department to enquire when the roundabout road surface would be done. I have received the following reply:

“The majority of the work is now complete and I expect everything to be finished in the next day or so. Unfortunately as the lorry operations into the B&M warehouse on Fisherwood Road is a 24 hour operation we have been unable to resurface the Bedford Road/Causeway roundabout in this visit, but we are continuing to work with B&M to confirm a time when it will be mutually convenient to carry out repairs to the roundabout.”

11. Cycle route A421/A6 link A recent report to the Borough’s Environment Committee on the cycle network, referenced the missing section of cycle track alongside the A6 between Wixams and the A421. As you know from previous reports, this matter has dragged on for some considerable time, as the Borough were waiting for funding from Highways England. The original amount quoted to me some years back was £100k, however the latest report referenced a cost of £300k. I have therefore queried the increase to check whether it is an error and await a reply.

However, the same report suggests a feasibility study into the scheme is due to report back in April. The relevant section of the report where the A6/A421 link is mentioned states:

“A6/A421 junction – initial feasibility design to be completed by April 2021 and if a viable design is identified, and subject to available funding, construction might commence during 2022/2023. Developer contributions to funding would increase the viability of the project and have been identified for ~ 300k from proposed future development.”

12. Grass verge Green Lane The grass verge in Green Lane (almost opposite Teal Close) has again been damaged by thoughtless drivers driving their vehicles across it. I have emailed the Environment team at the Borough Council asking for repairs and a longer-term solution to prevent the same happening again.

13. HGVs in Wixams We discussed HGVs at the February PC meeting. Since then I have again witnessed number of HGVs pull up at the junction of Bedford Road and Green Lane, then use Dunlin Grove as an opportunity to do a U-turn and go back along Bedford Road towards the Industrial Estate. It’s clear their GPS is off and the lack of adequate signage doesn’t help.

I wrote to Jon Shortland on 18th Feb suggesting the following:

1. The signs on Bedford Road that say 'unsuitable for HGVs' need to be made clearer and say 'no HGVs' (one was recently hit by something and facing the wrong way - am not sure if this has been addressed yet?) 2. Northbound along the A6, in sufficient time before reaching the Southern Cross/A6 roundabout from Haynes/Houghton Conquest area, there should be signage indicating that HGVs can't turn off the A6 into Southern Cross. Otherwise they end up going along Brooklands Avenue and Green Lane, which is a totally unsuitable route.

Jon Shortland advised in a subsequent phone call that he had spoken to the Executive Member for Highways and that a sum of money was being considered for the necessary signage. I’ll update further when I get confirmation on the specifics.

14. Early construction work on the Fuse Warehouse site I have been contacted by residents in Bluewater Quay with regard to Fuse Warehouse construction traffic working outside agreed hours. They are starting as early as 7:10am, when accepted working hours are 8am-6pm Mon-Fri and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays.

The enforcement officer advised me that the developer has applied for extended working hours, due to social distancing rules for construction work and that “This was accepted by the Councils Environmental Health and Planning team”. He also stated that he had made site visits and that after visiting he did “not believe these would be audible/disturbing within the properties especially with windows closed”.

I advised that the amount of complaints I’ve received suggest residents clearly can hear the noise and that I believe the decision to allow extended hours was flawed. I have therefore asked him to get the extended hours revoked and revert back to the original 8am-6pm.

15. Borough Planning Department As per previous discussions, the Borough Council’s Environment Scrutiny Committee agreed on 4th March to set up a ‘task and finish group’ that will scrutinise the working of the Planning Department. The terms of reference identified 6 key areas for investigation:

1. Engagement with the Public, Parish Councils and Borough Councillors 2. The ‘Planning Portal’ on the Borough website 3. The 5 year land supply 4. Reasons for refusing an application 5. Planning enforcement 6. Planning department performance

General Council Matters

Petition to improve flood defences in the Borough

Over the Christmas period there was serious flooding across the Borough, which is becoming a more regular occurrence. Investigations revealed that the current ‘flood action plan’ was drawn up in September 2015, and that whilst there was another risk assessment in November 2020, it is unclear to see how it follows from the action plan in 2015. The 2015 plan contains several actions which are still ongoing, and it’s unclear whether they have been completed.

A petition was started by Rural Councillor, Jim Weir, to review the causes of the local flooding and seek improvements to the flood defences. It also asked for more action to be taken to increase flood protection in the Borough. You can find more information here: http://chng.it/VYvBwZ8q

The petition was accepted by Full Council on Wednesday 24th February and the Council has committed to set up a ‘water management forum’ that will include Councillors, to facilitate the promotion of good practice in our communities in relation to flood risk.

Route 'E' for East West Rail a source of increasing concern for Borough residents

The chosen route selected for the East West Rail project - route E - continues to prove controversial and Borough Councillors received a petition this month, signed by over 1600 Bedford residents, objecting to it. The petition was debated at a heated meeting of the Borough Council on 24th February, when a number of residents from parishes in and around the route, put a series of questions to Council Leaders, and calling for the Council to "hold a full public consultation to be followed by a debate at Full Council in respect of the Council's decision to support Route E".

Many residents felt that there had been a lack of transparency around how the Mayor and Borough had come to support route E and felt that not enough information had been put in the public domain. They also demanded to know how route E, previously identified as one of the most expensive of the 5 options A-E, had suddenly become the cheapest option, without any explanation.

The subject of freight also proved controversial, with residents, parishes and Borough Councillors expressing the view that freight had been underplayed in previous discussions, and more information was required, as it forms a key part of the business case for the EWR project.

In the Council debate that followed, the Mayor and Council leadership put forward a resolution which reconfirmed the Borough's support for a route through the town centre but didn't really address the concerns of the petitioners. Councillors representing the rural wards in the north of the Borough, those most affected by route E, objected to the motion. They feel route E will do irreparable damage to the north countryside. Equally, Councillors in the south of the Borough wanted to ensure the safe delivery of Wixams station and wanted an EWR route that would not jeopardise this. Ultimately, the resolution was not unanimously supported.

The East West Rail project and the route it takes, are likely to be the source of ongoing controversy. Another round of consultation is due soon and residents and Parishes are strongly encouraged to respond.

Further information about East West Rail and any forthcoming consultations can be found here: https://eastwestrail.co.uk/

£2.7m of Business Support Grants to be paid out in March

A number of local businesses are set to remain closed, following the announcement about the roadmap out of lockdown. As a result, is now able to automatically pay £2.7million in business support grant to these businesses. These grants are set and funded by the Government at a national level and administered by the local council.

Additionally, any businesses with business premises that haven’t been required to close but have been badly impacted by lockdown are encouraged to get in touch with the Council and apply for support at: www.bedford.gov.uk/bsg

COVID test centres in Bedford

There is continued tested in Bedford at Borough Hall and Prebend Street car parks as well as University of Bedfordshire’s Polhill Campus. Test results from these sites should come back with 24-72 hours.

There are two walk through testing centres in Bedford for residents showing symptoms of Coronavirus. Drive-through testing is available 6 days/week at Gilbert Hitchcock House, Bedford Hospital and 5 days/week at Borough Hall. They can be booked through the national testing website.

If you’re an essential worker you can apply for priority testing through GOV.UK by following the guidance for essential workers on the government website. You can also get tested through this route if you have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essential worker.

If you are unable to get to a testing centre, you can order a home testing kit through the national testing website.

Further details on testing are available on the government webpages. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested

More information on testing in Bedford Borough is available here: https://www.bedford.gov.uk/social- care-health-and-community/public-health/coronavirus/covid-19-testing/

Cllr. Graeme Coombes Wilshamstead ward March 2021