COLLABORATIVE LANDSCAPE-SCALE PREDATOR CONTROL IN THE CATCHMENTS OF LAKES WAKATIPU AND WANAKA R4951 COLLABORATIVE LANDSCAPE-SCALE PREDATOR CONTROL IN THE CATCHMENTS OF LAKES WAKATIPU AND WANAKA Contract Report No. 4951 February 2020 Project Team: Des Smith - Report author Melanie Lapointe - Report author John Parkes (Kurahaupo Consulting) - Report author Carey Knox - Report author Rachel McLellan - Report author Kerry Borkin – Report author Tanja Kozelj - GIS mapping William Shaw - Peer review Prepared for: Whakatipu Wildlife Trust Queenstown CHRISTCHURCH OFFICE: 7A VULCAN PLACE, MIDDLETON, CHRISTCHURCH 8024; P.O. BOX 9276, TOWER JUNCTION, CHRISTCHURCH 8149; Ph 03-338-4005 HEAD OFFICE: 99 SALA STREET, P.O. BOX 7137, TE NGAE, ROTORUA Ph 07-343-9017; Fax 07-343-9018, email
[email protected], CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. WORKSHOP AND SITE VISIT 3 3. BIODIVERSITY VALUES IN THE PROJECT AREA 3 3.1 Land cover and threatened environments 3 3.2 Avifauna 6 3.2.1 Overview 6 3.2.2 Important bird areas 12 3.3 Bats 12 3.4 Lizards 12 3.5 Invertebrates 16 4. PEST CONTROL METHODS 17 4.1 Goals of predator control 17 4.2 Species-specific methods 17 4.2.1 Stoats and weasels 17 4.2.2 Ferrets 18 4.2.3 Rats 18 4.2.4 Feral cats 20 4.2.5 Hedgehogs 21 4.2.6 Possums 22 4.2.7 Mice 22 4.3 Predator control zones 23 4.3.1 Alpine grassland 23 4.3.2 Forested river valleys 24 4.3.3 Braided riverbeds 24 4.3.4 Pastoral grassland 27 4.4 Which traps are best? 28 4.5 Aerial application of 1080 28 4.6 New tools 29 4.7 Non-target species 29 4.8 Natural barriers 30 4.8.1 Large lakes 31 4.8.2 Mountain ranges 31 4.8.3 Rivers 32 5.