CRORA Centro di Ricerca sull’Organizzazione Aziendale The No Blame Organization Bernardino Provera, Andrea Montefusco & Anna Canato Bocconi University Email:
[email protected] Working Paper no.7 February 2005 20136 Milano Luigi Bocconi Via Sarfatti 25 Università Commerciale 2005 o ann – versità Bocconi Uni – CRORA t Copyrigth 1 The No Blame Organization Bernardino PROVERA, Andrea MONTEFUSCO & Anna CANATO
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Bocconi University, Institute of Organization and Information Systems & SDA Bocconi School of Management viale Isonzo 23, 20136 Milano – Italy Tel: (0039) 02-5836-2632 Fax: (0039) 02-5836-2634 February 2005 Abstract accepted to the 2005 Academy of Management, Management Cognition Division 2 Abstract High Reliability Organizations (HROs) are those organizations in which even a minor error in their processes may seriously hinder the very existence of the firm, together with the safety of external actors (Roberts, 1990). Past field studies have shown that HROs encourage the reporting of errors and near misses, exploiting these accidents to improve their operative processes. We label this practice as a no blame approach to error management, arguing that it enhances organizational learning. In this paper, by taking a cognitive perspective of organizations (Weick, 1979; Grandori, 1984), we draw on existing contributions on HROs in order to discuss the characteristics of the no blame organization. Our purpose is to solve the following paradox: why HROs, which can not afford to commit errors, do not blame operators that spontaneously report them? We attempt to pool together and extend empirical findings, in order to delineate the theoretical grounding of the no blame organization and highlight its essential traits.