Program Syllabus Clinical Practice Training Program Academy of Medical & Public Health Services Meetings: Saturdays, 10:00am to 02:00pm 273 Bowery Street, New York, NY 10002 Instructors: Jerald Chandy (
[email protected]) Hewett Chiu (
[email protected]) Pensri Ho (
[email protected]) Marnelli Hamilton (
[email protected]) Mon Yuck Yu (
[email protected]) Coordinator: Mon Yuck Yu (
[email protected]) Welcome to the Clinical Practice Training Program! This course is designed to equip students with the underlying skills to prepare for further and advanced study in the medical and health sciences. Pursuing a career in medicine, allied health professions, and public health is highly rewarding and fulfilling; but involves much time, preparation, hard work, and financial resources. Through lectures, class discussions, community-based fieldwork, and hands-on clinical practice sessions, students will be able to develop a deeper appreciation for the rigor and intensity of studying the medical sciences. In addition, the coursework is developed to inherently integrate public health and clinical research principles into the clinical sciences for students to better understand both theory and practice in healthcare. Program Syllabus | 1 Course Objectives The objectives of the program are to: Provide a well-rounded experience for the student to see how basic science, clinical skills, public health, health policy, and research design works hand-in- hand in the current U.S. healthcare system. Health professions schools often do not provide training in public health and health policy, and we aim to give students valuable insight into how public health frameworks affect clinical decision-making.