Purpose: allow GRUB to be booted from NT/2K/XP This tool modifies the GRUB stage1 and stage2 image files located on an NTFS or FAT volume, to make them bootable by NTLDR.

Author: [email protected]

Acknowledgements: * The AUTHORS of GNU GRUB 0.93 for creating GRUB * Samuel Leo for writing fsys_ntfs. * Leonid Lisovskiy for writing fsys_iso9660.c * Gary Ng for updating the GRUB makefiles for NTFS+ISO9660 * Chris Semler and Tobias Svensson for testing

Limitations: OS'es from NTLDR requires stage1 to be on the same partition as NTLDR itself. Make sure that stage1 and stage2 are NOT on a compressed volume, and that the files are NOT compressed by Windows.

Usage: let's say C: is the first partition on the first harddisk hence (hd0,0) is the GRUB name of this partition and C:\boot\stage1 is the NT name of the boot file

* To make the files stage1 and stage2 bootable from NTLDR: C:\> grubinstall -d (hd0,0) -1 C:\boot\stage1 -2 C:\boot\stage2

When stage1, stage2, menu.lst are in C:\, use the following C:\> grubinstall -d C:

* To make the installer detect the install location itself: C:\> grubinstall -a -1 C:\boot\stage1 -2 C:\boot\stage2

* To make a boot floppy in A: (B: is not supported) C:\> grubinstall -b -1 C:\boot\stage1 -2 C:\boot\stage2

Changes: 0.3: - first released version

0.4: - added experimental FAT support (not released) - added support for DOS partition names (ie. "C:" instead of "(hd0,0)") this works only on windows XP

0.5: - fixed bug with NTFS: hardcoded partition offset and clustersize replaced by information

exposed by fsys_ntfs.c - fixed FAT support - added support for DOS names (ie. C:\boot\stage1 instead of "C:/boot/stage1"); - code cleanup

0.6: - removal of quotes from line - support for writing to a diskette

0.7: - bugfixes for win32_filepos and current_pos - corrected info: use %I64u (MSVCRT.DLL) instead of %llu (glibc) - added option to write to a bootdisk image to a file

0.8: - added autodetect '-a' command line option to probe disks+partitions

0.9: - renamed ntfsinstall to grubinstall - improved support for DOS names grubinstall -d C: - somewhat improved (?) error messages - added an alternate grub name option

0.9b: - corrected GRUB names (use PartitionNumber instead of entry number) - added '-B' option, so now it can be installed on any drive - -m '' now works to install without menu

0.9c: - fix bug in using PartitionNumber (of OBI1 :-)

0.9d: - no changes. 9c contained a debug-version of stage2

1.0: - no changes.

1.01: - compile in bugfix for fsys_ntfs.c from original author (