GGIISSSSUUEE 7788 AAZZEEWWW.HTTEDGEENTTD-TC.GOEEV.UK FFRREEEE SSUUMMMMEERR EEDDIITTIIOONN 22002200 VVEE DDaayy CCeelleebbrraattiioonn ffoorr 7755ttTTHH AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy HHeeddggee EEnndd PPoolliiccee RReeppoorrtt CCoommmmuunniittyy SSppiirriitt iinn HHeeddggee EEnndd RReettuurrnn ooff XXeellaabbuuss SSeerrvviiccee AAuuttiissmm AAwwaarreenneessss WWeeeekk HHeeddggee EEnndd HHiissttoorryy bbyy SStteepphheenn TTaannttii NNHHSS WWeesstt HHaammppsshhiirree CCCCGG RReeppoorrtt WHAT'S ON GUIDE. LOCAL SERVICES. EVENTS . COMMUNITY NEWS. COUNCIL NEWS HEDGE END TOWN COUNCILLORS Wildern St Johns Berrywood St Helens Berrywood Freegrounds Margaret Allingham Sheila Baynes George Brown Chair: H & P* Ian Corben Helen Corben 01489 798646 01489 690126 07841 685044 Paul Carnell 07561 343858 01489 692406 01489 785216 Dodwell St Helens Freegrounds Wildern Wildern Shamblehurst Tonia Craig Cynthia Garton Chair: Personnel & Patricia Jenkins Vice Chair of Chair of Council 02380 404680 01489 797213 Strategy Committee 01489 786265 Council Lucy Jurd Keith House John Jupe 07730 072606 07768 357918 01489 780293 Station Berrywood Station Wellstead Shamblehurst Station David Kinloch Rupert Kyrle James Mitchell Cliff Morris Ron Nichols Chair: P & R* 07875 232557 02380 407045 0800 316 3435 07848 946822 07981 852901 Derek Pretty 01489 797213 P & R* = Policy & Resources Committee St Helens Wellstead St Johns St Johns R & A* = Recreation & Anne Small Amenities Committee John Shepherd Ben Thomas Chair: R & A* 01489 692597 07900 255518 01489 790701 Jane Welsh H & P* = Highways & 01489 784962 Planning Committee (Email:
[email protected]) 2 A Note From... The Chair & This issue should have reported the annual Chair inauguration at the Town Council and an opportunity for the new chair to set out their vision for the year of being chair, instead in The Town Clerk's Desk these exceptional circumstances this like many things has been postponed and I continue in this role for another year.