Project Foki: Clash of the Ships

Featuring the Fastest Man Alive


After several months of preparation, Scarra, alleged father and mastermind of the OfflineTV house, was finally ready to finalize this year’s vacation plans. Though it had taken him a fair amount of time to do so, along with a countless number of arguments, he was now moments away from sealing the deal.


He smacked the table. “Wait come on Josh, you can’t back out now. We did all this prep and you’re just gonna walk out on us?”.


“I really can’t come with you guys. I know this is one of those times that I should be keeping my promise, but it’s such a bad time for me.”, he said with a sad expression on his face.


He sighed. “First Mark, now you too? You’re telling me you weren’t able to get a week off from doing… whatever you do… for the sake of having all of OfflineTV go to Greece!?

Xell’s hand shot up defensively.


“Ok wait, hold up, first of all I’ve been writing a lot more recently.”


“Like what? What’s more important that Greece?”


“Secondly, Chris and Pecca aren’t going either, so why are you bothering me!?”, he argued.


“Chris and Pecca already said they’d be out of town, and besides you told me you were totally down for Greece. I did so much research on the hotels, the sites, and all that stuff for 10 people…”.


“But how does that make any sense!? Yoona said no too!”


“Alright I mean 8 people, but now because of you we’re down to 7” he sighed.

Scarra turned towards his computer with a sour look on his face. “…Look dude…”, he paused.

“You can’t leave me with them”.


“With who? What are you talking about?”


He shook his head. “The ships. Foki, Joast, Liberty. What am I supposed to do if they decide to go all couple mode on me!?”


“I don’t know, I mean you were ok in Taiwan … right?”


“But Taiwan was different. Foki was barely a thing, and Janet wasn’t there. It’s already bad enough dealing with this in the house. I literally can’t walk anywhere. I walk into Toast’s room and he’s giggling with Janet, I walk into Poki’s room and Fed’s on her bed, and don’t even get me started on Lily’s room, Albert was- “


“Ok ok I get it, but it’s just a meme, remember?”, he laughed. “Relax Scarra.”


“A meme? Just get out Josh. You haven’t seen any of what I’ve seen around here, … I’m so screwed.”, and with that Scarra clicked the purchase button; 7 Tickets for LAX to ATH ( to Athens), return flight 7 days later.

Day 0: Scarra’s Death Sentence


“Is everyone ready?”, he asked with a dull look on his face.


“Uhm… I think so. Imane is just getting her bags…” his voice trailed off as he heard the sound of luggage wheels rolling from the floor above.


“FED!~”, she yelled.


“I’ll go help her”.


“Yes. We are ready”, said Toast with a bored expression.


“Come on Jeremy, we’re going to Greece! Isn’t this exciting?”, she smiled.


“Sure”, he replied while staring impatiently at the front door.


“We’re good to go”, said Albert, carrying Lily’s handbag while holding onto two luggage handles.


“Great. So, we should be at the airport in two hours. That’ll give us plenty of time to get comfy for the 16-hour flight”.


“Ugh…this is Taiwan all over again.”, she sighed nervously.

The sound of footsteps along with loud thumps could be heard coming from the top of the staircase.


“I thought you said your luggage wouldn’t be heavy, this thing weighs a ton!”, Fed exclaimed.


“I never said that, I said I wouldn’t bring any heavy clothes since we’re going to Greece.”


“Wait, … is it even that hot in Greece?”


She face-palmed. “Just bring the luggage down”, she smirked. “…Dumbass”, she murmured under her breath.


He turned back, “What’d you say?”

Poki: “Uhm nothing.”


“You said something about ass”.


“Uh ye I just said … you … I MEAN TOAST … has a …nice ass?”, she snorted while trying to hold her laughter. Janet shot her a glare.

Fed smiled.


“Imane, you fu- “


“-WELL OK, we’ll just… head outside then”, interrupted Toast, who quickly grabbed Janet’s arm and made his way to the door.

Scarra closed his eyes.


“God help me.”, he prayed.

With that, the OfflineTV gang, or at least, Foki, Joast, Liberty and Scarra, made their way to the airport. After two whole hours of bantering and going through airport security, they finally boarded their direct flight to Athens, Greece. Since they were leaving Los Angeles at 5 AM, their approximate arrival time for Athens was 7 AM (GMT+2). To Scarra’s dismay, he was stuck on a Boeing 737 sitting next to Joast. It could be worse though, he thought to himself. At least he wouldn’t have to deal with Poki’s squeals or Lily’s complaints, or Fed’s stupidity. I mean Toast is … generally quiet right?

Toast: “So, Janet-…”, Toast began, he gently caressed Janet’s arm but was interrupted by a grumpy Scarra.


“PLEASE. Just please let me have a peaceful flight. I usually don’t complain, but just imagining you guys in Greece… this is too much”, he panicked.


“Why you so grumpy, Scarra?”, she said from across the aisle with a small grin.


“He’s just so excited to be going to Greece. He can’t wait for their Souvlaki!”, he chuckled.


“…What did I do to deserve this…”, he sighed.

Day 1: Ships in Athens

Upon arrival at their Hotel in Athens, the OfflineTV squad doubled down on their vacation plans. It was almost time for breakfast, and after partially unpacking their belongings, they headed towards the Hotel dining hall. Against the wall of the large room, a variety of Greek-style breakfast foods was awaiting them. Before entering however, Albert insisted they recapitulate their plans.


“So, we’re spending this whole day in Athens, and tomorrow morning we’re heading for Santorini. We spend two days in Santorini, and on the night of the 2nd day we head for Patmos. We spend the day in Patmos, and then we ferry overnight to Astakos. We then transfer to another ferry that heads to Erisos and we spend that day and night in Erisos. Finally, we head back to Athens the next morning so that makes our last day end in Athens …. Who came up with this plan again? Not that I’m complaining.”, he frowned while tapping his phone.

Lily: “It’s complicated, but I mean we’re here for only a week. At least the Ferries have everything included, so we end up saving money by not going to as many Hotels.”, she explained.


“Dude, why don’t we just spend two days in Athens, instead of like, splitting it?”, she questioned while glaring at Scarra.


“Ok look guys, Fed was the one who-“, Poki turned towards Fed.


“Why is it always me?!”


He shook his head. “Honestly, I can’t trust you with anything. You booked the worst times for taking the ferries. And now we’re literally going from one end of Greece to the other. You’re just lucky I managed to book good Hotels.”


“I’m not the one who wanted to go to Patmos! I don’t even know where that is-“


“Guys, guys. It’s fine. Let’s just follow the plan, and enjoy ourselves”, he said calmly.


“We’re sleeping on boats for two nights Jeremy…”, she said softly.


“They’re luxury ferries.”, he corrected.


“What’s the plan for today anyways? … What was that thing you wanted to see again Scarra? The Acro- thingy.”


“The Acropolis? I heard good things about it.”


“It’s literally a bunch of old rocks.”


“They’re ruins, Fed! And we really need to see the Parthenon. Hopefully if we have time, we could go around the Plaka district too.”


“We need to save something for our last day guys”.


“I’m getting hungry…”, Janet groaned.


“Uh”, Fed hesitated. “Ok, how about we eat and then do whatever Scarra says, … just for now?”

But without paying much attention to him, Lilly and Janet were already making their way towards the food, while Poki trailed closely behind.

Fed sighed and turned to where Scarra was just standing. To his surprise, Scarra was half way across the room stuffing his face with Pita.

Albert: “I’ll prepare the stream”, said Albert as he slowly edged away from Fed, leaving him behind with Toast.


“Wait since when do you prepare the stre-“, but before he could finish Albert was already with the girls, adjusting the camera. “I thought I was carrying the backpack today.”.


“There there Fed, even though you’re an editor, I’ll listen to what you have to say. If it makes you feel better … I still think you’re a person.”


“Hey man, that means a lot thanks Toa- Toast?”, but even Disguised Toast wouldn’t allow himself to sink to that level. He quickly paced away towards Janet’s general direction, leaving the editor behind.

An hour had passed, and the OfflineTV couples plus Scarra were ready to get started. With the help of their hotel’s tourist information desk, they managed to travel easily around Athens without too much trouble. Though taking public transit in general was rather tedious, but their devotion to exploring Athens superseded their impatience. Upon visiting the Acropolis, Toast insisted that they should take a walk through the museum as well. Though this sabotaged their plan to stroll around the Plaka district, it gave them plenty of time to appreciate Greek history to its fullest.

By the time they reached the Parthenon, it was already late in the afternoon.


“This thing looks like the colosseum”, he said in awe.


“Uhm no. No, it doesn’t.”


“He thinks everything with old rocks is a colosseum…”, she laughed.


“Janet. Would you be so kind as to stand right over there.”, he pointed to what seemed like the entrance of the building.




“I’d like to take a picture of you, standing next to old rocks.”

Albert barged in.


“I’ll take the photo, go stand next to her,” he insisted. Toast gave a slight nod. He took Janet’s hand and they walked towards the entrance. Albert leaned down so that he could get a good camera angle. Hearts could be seen across Chat.

To Janet’s surprise, Toast wrapped his arm around her waist. He gave her a warm smile. Feeling her face heat up, she looked nervously towards the floor.


“Say cheese!”, he signaled Janet to look at the camera.


“Scarra do you want a photo too?”, she asked timidly.


“Taken by you? No thanks, I’ll just take my own.”, he said while strolling away. Fed chuckled as Twitch chat went crazy.

Fed: “Imane, let’s go stand next to that column.”


“For what? A photo? How are we going to fit everything? The building’s too big.”


“You know what else is big?”, he pressed his lips together.


“DEEZ NUTS!”, she screamed. Bystanders turned to Poki. “Whoops too loud”, she giggled.


“I got you guys.”, replied Albert, who had just finished helping Toast. Fed handed his phone to him and glanced over to where Lily was standing. Albert repositioned himself for the photo.


Her eyes met with Fed’s. “I feel like we should take a group photo.”, she suggested.

Poki pressed her cheek against Fed’s shoulder as Albert took their photo. A huge smile appeared on Fed’s face.


“Ye we should have at least one group photo, wait where’s Scarra?”

After a few moments of silence, Fed’s expression lit up.


“Check Scarra’s twitter. I think he’s about to eat.”, Fed passed his phone to Poki. A photo of a restaurant was posted with the caption -About to eat Spanakopita-.


“He really is the fastest man alive.”, said Toast in awe.

Albert, who was busy adjusting the stream camera gave a puzzled expression.


“He left the Acropolis? Where did he go-“, he questioned but was stopped by Lily who pulled on his sleeve.


“We need a photo too Alby”, she said with googly eyes.


“Pass me your phone dude.”

Albert wrapped his arms around Lily in what looked like a defensive stance. She carefully leaned on his torso and relaxed in his arms.


“This is so embarrassing. Why are you holding me like this!?”, she said while trapped in a daze.


“You’re so tiny”, he said while squeezing her tighter.


“Awwwww, you’re so cute Lily”, she exclaimed, as Fed took several photos.

A few google searches later, Toast cleared his throat.

Toast: “I know where Scarra is, so… we should probably go meet him.”


“How far is he?”, she asked.


“Not too far. It would be nice if we could all eat together, since its our first evening in Athens.”


Fed adjusted his cap. “How much … Spanakopita do you think he ordered?”


“What does that even mean?”.


“Spinach pie, and I’m betting he’s already eaten a whole pie on his own. Let’s hurry up.”

The OfflineTV couple squad followed Toast’s lead as he navigated through the streets of Athens in a desperate attempt to join Scarra. After several minutes of walking, Toast walked through a door with a sign that read Mezedadiko.

Scarra, who was seated at the head of a large table, slurped on his Retsina [white resonated wine].


“What took you guys so long? This wine is fantastic! I’m surprised how fruity it tastes”, he said with a satisfied expression on his face.


“Why are you drinking- ah never mind …did you already eat or?”


“Nah I was waiting for you guys. Well, I had a slice of pie, but I haven’t ordered an actual meal yet. Honestly, this Ocatpodi thing sounds like a good choice though.”, he said while pointing at his menu. He then gestured to a small pile of menus placed in front of him.

The restaurant appeared to be seafood themed, however, there was a large variety of options in the menu.


“Considering how picky you guys are when it comes to eating, these menus are perfect.”, he stated. Fed passed the menus around.

Since Scarra was already seated at the front, Poki, followed by Fed, Lily and Albert sat on the left side of the table while Toast and Janet sat on the right. This left three empty seats at their table, with Albert and Lilly having no one sitting in front of them. Though the configuration was weird, they all refused to comment on it. Albert wouldn’t dare leave Lily’s side. Even sitting across the table from each other was unacceptable. The ships had set sail, and they were really starting to mess with Scarra’s mind. Even he couldn’t differentiate between meme and reality anymore. What kind of household had OfflineTV become!?

After fifteen minutes of looking through the menu, and another half an hour of waiting for the food to be prepared, the waitress finally brought a whole cart full of Greek dishes.


“Kali orexi!”, [Bon appétit!] he shouted with a huge smile.

By the time they ate lunch and returned to the acropolis to finish exploring, after what seemed like only two hours the various tour guide groups started to head out. Soon enough, nightfall came.


“I can’t believe we managed to spend the whole day looking at Greek ruins…”

Albert, who had just turned off the stream, gave Scarra a light pat.


“It’s really not as bad as it sounds. It was enjoyable, and we got a lot of footage. You also gotta consider all the times we stopped to check out their clothing brands…”, he added.


“Ya but that was just you. Nobody else actually went inside those stores yet”, he said pointedly.


“It makes more sense to shop on our last day, Greece doesn’t seem like the place to spend all day shopping anyways, there’s so many landmarks, monuments, beaches- “


“But we have to consider the camera. We’re not even allowed to film everywhere, and its gonna be tough taking the backpack around, especially at a beach.”, he explained.


“How is that tough you just put the camera down and… … I don’t know just don’t use the backpack!”, she said confusedly.


“Ye I don’t think our beach stream will be that long… it’s gonna be weird walking around with a camera near the water. Fed’s probably gonna drop the camera in the water.”


“Wait, using the backpack shouldn’t be a problem. I could get close to the water!”, he said confidently.


“Ya but then what if you wanted to go in the water?”

Fed: “Wait, who said I’m going in the water, maybe I wanted to …tan … with you.”, he smiled.


“But we still gotta go in the water…”, she grinned.


“Well I don’t know, I mean, I know we’ll go in at Erisos but-“, Poki’s eyes narrowed.

Leakmyster strikes again.


“Why? What’s in Erisos?”, she questioned.


“Hm oh I didn’t mean it like- “, he started giggling “Hey come on”.


She grabbed onto his shirt. “What are you hiding Fed? What’s in Erisos??? Don’t lie to me Fed, what did you do!?”


“I didn’t do anything, … yet. NO WAIT!”


“Yet? YET!? Fed I swear-“


“I just heard that Kefalonian beaches are nice, that’s all!”


“I highly doubt that.”, he said emotionlessly.


“Come on Fed don’t plot while on vacation…”.

Lily wiggled her eyes as Albert tried to hold his laughter.

Poki, who wasn’t completely convinced yet, released his shirt and walked to Scarra’s side.


“Wait Imane, come on there’s no scheme. I swear!”, he said sadly.


“HmmmmmHm.”, she answered while paying little attention to him.

Feeling exhausted from their first day, the gang headed back to their hotel. Though public transit took even longer at night, at least this time they all had to the chance to sit down and relax. Before going back to their rooms, the gang had stopped by a Mezedes [small dishes, appetizers] convenience store, located about a hundred feet from their hotel.


“Let’s try some of this… baklava”, he said while pointing to the pastries with one arm wrapped around Lily.


“Aren’t they too sweet? We didn’t even have a real supper”.


“Are you that hungry?”, he asked. Lily:

“Not really. I just don’t know what these things taste like. Are those nuts?”


“It’s honey, nuts, and dough. According to the reviews these taste really good”. He took a box filled with 6 medium sized pastries.

Lily smiled and brought her lips close to his ear. Before whispering anything, she gave him a peck on the cheek.


“Tomorrow we’re having a real dinner though!”, she hissed.

Her angelic voice quickly sent shivers down his spine. Albert didn’t answer. He stood still for a moment, his face was covered in pink.

From across the store, and to Lily’s dismay, Poki could be seen wiggling her eyebrows. She then picked up a sandwich labelled “Gyro”. Fed immediately grabbed her wrist.


“Not that one, I think It has pork. Take the beef one”, he said while guiding her hand.


“Thanks.” She bit her lip. Fed held his breath. “You don’t have to hold my hand like that you know, I’m not stupid. I could see where the other ones are…”, she insisted.


“I know … I was just, making sure.”, he said defensively. In response, she opened her arms and gave him a light squeeze.

Poki: “What are you gonna eat?”, she said in a small voice.

Fed reached for another Gyro, filled with what looked like some sort of chicken?


“I’ll take the chicken one.”, he said nonchalantly.

But before Poki could reply, she did a 360 and scanned the entire store.


“Wait where did Scarra go? I think Janet and Toast are gone too….”, she scratched her chin.


“They’re all in the same hotel room anyways. We’ll catch up with them.”, he said while his nose hovered over Poki’s head.


“…Hey… Fed? Uhm hello? Are you sniffing my hair!?”, she grimaced.


“You smell like pastries.”, he laughed.


“Actually, speaking of pastries I think Liberty is getting some.”, she said while nudging Fed towards Lily’s general direction.


“Let’s… just leave them alone, we’ll meet them back at our room.”, he said while trying to hide his smirk.


She sighed, “Dude, they’re literally just buying food, calm down”.

Fed winked and proceeded to the cashier.

About ten minutes after making their purchases, Foki and Liberty returned to their hotel room only to find that Scarra and Joast were already chilling in theirs. It was rather unfortunate that they’d be leaving for Santorini tomorrow, since having so many convenience stores in close proximity to their hotel made things easier. Alas, though Athens was enjoyable, many more adventures awaited them.

From across the hallway on the 2nd floor of their Greek hotel, Toast waved goodnight to Fed. With that they both entered their respective rooms. Fed changed into his PJs and climbed onto the left side of the double bed. Poki, who was laying on the right, had just finished her sandwich and was on the verge of falling asleep.


“I’m sooooo tired. Sleeping on planes just isn’t the same…”, she said softly.


“Ye there’s just not enough space, and it’s not that great for your back either.”, he said while turning his face towards the neighboring double bed.

Lily, who was already fast asleep and hidden by the blankets, was pressed up against a drowsy Albert, who was scrolling through his phone.


“Aren’t you gonna sleep Albert?”


“Soon”, he said while petting Lily’s head. He moved his hand steadily, being very careful not to wake her.


“Fed”, she said in that cute tone he always loved, “Who’s streaming tomorrow?”


“Lily”, he whispered. Poki gave a slight nod and buried her face in her pillow. She inched closer to Fed, just to make sure he was still there.


“Good night Fed, Albert…”, she closed her eyes.

Meanwhile in the other room….


“Jeremy, what’s taking so long?”, she asked.

She waited thirty seconds but still no reply.


“Maybe he got food poisoning?”, said Scarra in a strangled voice. “Don’t make too much noise, I’m out”.

By the time Toast got out of the bathroom, Scarra was already fast asleep. His snores filled the room.


“Sorry that took so long.”, he said while getting onto the bed. Janet then moved her head so that her face would be right next to his. Their eyes locked as they got comfortable.


“This is… nice”, he said with a small grin.


“Its only nice, …because you’re here”, she blushed.


“Let’s try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.”, he said, while simultaneously killing the mood. Though he knew he was (almost) alone with Janet, being tired after only one day wasn’t a good way to start. Better to sleep early he thought to himself.

Day 2: Poggers Santorini

They fell asleep early last night for this sole reason. Scarra, the first one to wake up that morning due to his phone alarm, frantically gathered all the Ferry Tickets he had purchased online.


“Guys get up, you don’t have much time so hurry up!”, he yelled.

Janet, who’s head somehow managed to find its way onto Toast’s pecs during the night, slowly lifted off Toast, who moaned in annoyance.


“Jeremy wake up, we have to catch the morning Ferry.”


He groaned. “Will we at least have time for breakfast?”


“If you wake up right now, then sure. The Ferry offers us lunch since the ride to Santorini is five hours. We need to be there at 7:45 sharp, and it’ll take us about half an hour to get to Port Piraeus. It’s 6:30 now so do the math…”, he explained.

Toast: “Wait a minute that’s…that’s crazy”, and with that Toast jumped out of bed, almost knocking Janet to the floor.


“Uhm ok, I’ll use the bathroom first since I take longer to get ready”, she stated.


“No shouldn’t I go first then since-“, but Janet had already closed the door. “Ok I guess I could go have breakfast in my PJ’s.”


“Honestly that’s a good idea. I’ll come with you, and by the time Janet is ready we could prepare and pack up everything.”, he suggested.


“You should’ve woken us up earlier…”, Toast complained. “What about the others?”

Scarra and Toast made their way to the door, upon opening it, Fed and Poki were already standing in the hallway, toying with camera. Albert and Lily soon came out to join them.


“You guys are all packed!?”, he exclaimed.


“Well yeah, Fed made us wake up really early. But now we’re having camera problems and –“


“Nope I think I fixed it.”, he handed the backpack over to Lily. “Here you go”.

Lily: “Thanks….”, she said while struggling with the backpack.


“Where’s Janet? And why do you guys looked so fucked up?”, he laughed.


“WELL excuse me, but we literally just woke up. Anyways, let’s just go eat, we’ll come back up later to get all our things”.


“Are you sure we’re gonna make it on time?”, she hesitated.


“Ya everything is running according to plan. MY PLAN not Fed’s!”, he said while pointing to Fed.


“Wait…, aren’t I the one who booked the Ferries? And who’s the one who didn’t wake up early enough, …remind me again?”, but without paying close attention to Fed, Scarra led the way to breakfast.

An hour and a half had passed, and the OfflineTV squad had finally boarded the Ferry. Though they barely made it on time due to Scarra’s plan, they managed to safely travel from the Hotel to the Port without losing any of their belongings. With the help of the Ferry crew, their luggage was placed in a guarded storage section of the Ferry. They made their way to the top of the Ferry, where they decided to take photos and relax in the hot Mediterranean weather. Through talking, laughing and entertainment provided by the luxury Ferry, four hours flew right by, and before they knew it, they were being treated to Kolokithokeftedes (Zucchini fritters with tzatziki), served with a side of Horiatiki (salad). Though the tickets were a bit pricey, it was well worth the money.

Sometime after noon, they reached the Athinios Port of Santorini. From there they were invited to take a personal shuttle (arranged by their ferry company) to the village of Oia, situated a few miles away from the port and located on the north part of the island. When they arrived at their next Hotel in Oia, they once again partially unpacked their belongings and took what they needed for their next adventure. It was now approximately 2 PM.


He pulled out his notebook. “So today we’re in Oia and tomorrow we’re headed for Kamari. As long as we tell our shuttle driver to take us back to the port tomorrow night from Kamari, we’ll be set to go to Patmos.”


What about our stuff? If we stay in Oia tonight, does that me we have to bring everything with us to the beach tomorrow!?”, she said in confusion.


“Of course not, that’s the point of the shuttle. Sure, we have to pack and bring everything to the trunk, but we don’t need to actually bring it with us as we go around... does that make sense?”


“Oh, ok I see, yeah that should be fine.”, she agreed.

Albert sighed.


“Just saying, whoever made this plan…yikes”.


Scarra ignored him. “ANYWAYS, now that we’re in Oia, we can go sightseeing.”


“Is that all we came here for?”, he questioned.


“What do you mean -is that all we came here for-!? This is Santorini, one of the most romantic places in the world! You guys are literally three couples you should be jumping for joy!”, he emphasized.


“Uhm what? Three couples?”, she shook her head.

Fed gave her a nudge.


“Three couples, for the content”, he explained happily.

Poki rolled her eyes.


“Right, for the content....”


“Though I’m not sure I agree with the terminology of “couples”, (Janet glared at him) as you can see I’m ecstatic”, he said while trying not to fall asleep.


“I’m glad to hear that Toast”, he said sarcastically. “Let’s start off with shopping, I heard there’s a lot of local craft stores”.

From their Hotel, the squad set off on their quest to look around Oia for various merchandise and souvenirs. To their surprise, though there weren’t many clothing related stores, there were tons of trinkets and pottery being sold.


“This stuff looks pretty cool”, said Fed as he stopped to look at random Greek related knick-knacks.


“This one’s cute”, she said while holding a small statue. The statue had a girl holding a ring. “Wait is that a snake!?”, she gazed carefully at the statue. The girl wasn’t holding a ring, but instead a snake which had its own tail in it’s mouth. The term “οὐροβόρος” [ouroboros] was carved along the bottom, but Poki couldn’t understand what it said.


“Jeremy, what do you think of this on me?”, asked Janet, wearing a shiny necklace with various Greek symbols carved into different colored stones.

Toast looked over, but ultimately, he didn’t care about what she was wearing. Jewelry related things were so overrated.


“Ah ya. It looks really good on you”, he said while trying to hold a straight face.


“Really, are you sure? I could choose another one I-“

Toast put his hand on her shoulder.


“Janet, you look good no matter what you wear.”, he said calmly.

Lily tried to hold back her laughter as Twitch chat spammed “SMOOTH”. Though she was finding it difficult to keep up with everyone, she did her best to stream as much as she could. Besides, Albert remained close by to keep her company.

After what felt like half a day, two hours had gone by going through random Oia shops, until they finally reached a real clothing store.


“All right finally let’s see what Oia’s got!”, said Albert as Lily tried to hurry after him.

Though to his disappointment, it would make sense that a small Greek village located on one of the Cyclades islands would have nothing to offer but-


“Knock offs. Cheap knock offs everywhere. I don’t think anyone other than the people who live here would wear these”, he said.


“Alby don’t be mean… They don’t look that bad. The girl clothing is cute.”, she said while looking through skirts.


“Let’s just try and stay with everyone else. Oia’s the kind of place you only come to for scenery.”

He took Lily by her arm and guided her to where Toast was standing.


“… Are you kidding me!? If Poki and Fed are over there, and Toast is here, and Janet is… where the heck is Scarra?”, he ran a hand through his hair.


“He’s the fastest man alive remember!”, yelled Fed from a nearby bracelet stand.

And as accurate as that statement was, Scarra was no where to be found. Fed attempted to call him several times but go no response. To make matters worse, he wasn’t answering any of his text messages either.


“I’m sure he’s fine. We’ll find him somewhere… so- “, she placed her hand on her stomach.

Fed: “You’re hungry, aren’t you?”, he smirked.


“Well we should probably eat before the sun starts to set. Isn’t this place like, known for its sunsets?”, she asked.


“I think Poki is right. An early supper would probably be a good idea”, he said while holding Janet’s hand.


“So, we’re just going to eat without Scarra?”, she said skeptically.


“I mean, he’s not really giving us a choice is he…”, she sighed.


“I’m sure he’ll turn up later, he always does. He’s probably eating right now.”


“I mean he is the fastest man alive, he’s probably already done his meal.”, he chuckled uncontrollably with Fed.

Albert scrolled through his phone.


He then turned to Lily. “Apparently the best vantage point for the sunset is the Castle of Oia…. So, if we eat now we’ll have enough time to hike up there.”


“Urgh, why are walking so much, I’m getting tired!”, she whined.

Albert gave her a sympathetic look.


“Once we eat I’m sure you’ll feel recharged!”, he cheered. “Alright let’s go!”.

Poki, who had been hungry for a while now, already had her eyes on where to go.


“Let’s head to that… Moussaka place? Over there”, she pointed. Twitch chat spammed “DON’T POINT” in reference to Taiwan.


“Wha-what’s Mou…ssaka?”, he asked with a blank expression.


“Who knows”, she laughed “I’m literally just looking at the pictures on the window… it looks sort of like… Sheppard’s pie?”, she said while walking towards the entrance.


“Finally, I could take this thing off!”, she said in relief.

The squad followed Poki’s lead into what looked like a restaurant. The name of the restaurant was written in Greek, with the only English letters spelling “Moussaka”. Upon being seated and receiving their menus, it was evident that the restaurant was a good choice based on the variety of options and low prices. Though they still hadn’t heard any news from Scarra, it was still too early to panic. The best part of their vacation had yet to begin.

Soon enough, and very much to Poki’s satisfaction, they had finished eating and were on their way to the Castle of Oia. The vantage point was known as the one of the best places in the world to see the sunset, and tourists (predominantly couples), often paid for private tours which ended with this astounding view of the Mediterranean sky. As they approached the Castle of Oia, so did dusk. The sun was slowly getting closer and closer to the horizon. Though Lily was frustrated with all the hiking they had been doing, it was worth it. Or at least, that’s what she kept saying to herself and Twitch chat. The stream was scheduled to end once chat was given a chance to see the view, after that, Toast insisted (winky face) that they turn off the stream.

Their hike had finally come to an end once they reach the lookout. Couples were evenly spaced out along the edge, patiently awaiting the sunset. Lily desperately ran towards the edge with the camera still on her.

“Look chat!”, she exclaimed. A combination of poggers and fed7’s could be seen across the chat. Though the sun hadn’t set completely yet, it was low enough that it made the sky look like a mosaic of colors. The sea was a dark blue colour, despite all the warm colors present in the sky. With that, Lily brought the stream to and end. She brought the camera around, making sure everyone had a chance to say bye. Then, with a huge sigh, she took off the backpack and handed it to Albert.

Before she could even process what was happening, Joast and Foki had split up. Janet and Toast went as close as they could to side of the lookout facing the sun so that they could take a picture, while Fed and Poki remained somewhere along the middle. Despite the fact that they were immersed in a crowd of people, they managed to isolate themselves within a small portion of the vantage point.

Poki looked towards the sun and hummed to herself as she patiently waited for it to go down. Fed stood next her, but instead of looking at the sun, he focused on something even more beautiful… at least… to him anyways.

He studied the way her hair moved, with every gust of wind, he focused on how her attention changed from the sun to the sea. He looked at how her eyelashes seemed to flutter when she blinked. He observed the way she’d cross her arms, when the wind sent chills down her back. He carefully approached her, so that she could feel his presence from behind. She glanced back for a moment and gave him a soft smile.

As the sunset was about to begin, they remained completely silent. There was just… something about this place… that almost made the world stop spinning.

A few more minutes had passed, and without him noticing, his shoulder gently brushed hers as she leaned down to get a better view.


"Wow...!" She gasped. "I can't believe how pretty it looks".

The sunset painted the sky with a red and orange mixture, contrasting nicely with the white and blue theme of the Oia village.

Fed gripped onto Poki's arm. She turned to him with a big smile and moved closer in an attempt to rest her head on his shoulder. A moment of silence had passed. Fed closed his eyes in bliss. The sunset had influenced Poki to remain lost in her own thoughts. For a second, she snapped out of it.


"Do you think that-...", she hesitated. "Never mind".

His eyes shot open.


"Do I think What?", he asked while staring straight at her.

Though Poki was looking into the horizon, it sure didn't stop Fed eyes from roaming.

...With caution he examined....

Her warm chocolate-brown eyes....

Her cute little nose bridge....

Her soft looking cheeks....

Her tender lips.

Oh... How he longed for her so badly....

If only there was way.


"What if..., what if we were to move?" She asked in gentle tone.

He was so close.


"You mean... us? Or like... OfflineTV?" He smirked.

Poki rolled her eyes. She then turned to Fed. Their eyes finally met.


"Wouldn't it be cool if we could all like, move to a place like Santorini?"


"I mean... I don't think it matters where we are.", he said truthfully.


"Ya I know but-"


"As long as you're still around, no matter where we are, ...or where we go, ...I'll be happy", he said in a low voice.

Poki's cheeks began to redden, but she hid them momentarily with her hands so that Fed couldn't see them.

Of course, to his satisfaction he noticed anyways. She put her hands back down, and immediately Fed retook her arm.


"Awwwww Fed" she grinned while gently patting him. Though she was already pressed against him, with Feds hand still reluctantly griping her arm, the distance between them kept shortening.

Her face was now inches away from his. Despite the whistling wind coming from the horizon, he could hear every breath she took. His heart rate began to increase. Though Oia' s sunset was a sight to behold, in his eyes, there was only one thing worth beholding... or in this case, one person.

Fed peered vaguely towards the direction of the sunset.

"Beautiful... no gorgeous", he whispered.

Poki shifted her gaze towards the sea.


"I know..." She said in awe.


"No.", said Fed with a stern tone. "Not that".

Poki shot him a puzzled look.


"I meant you...", he said while looking away.

Poki bit her lip. Her eyes jumped between Fed's eyes and his lips. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere. Fed's face remained still.

Not yet, she told herself. I don't understand this, not yet....

A smile emerged on her face. She bowed her head shyly.


"Thank you, Fed.", she said sincerely. Words couldn't describe the appreciation she had for him.

As if he couldn't control it anymore, Fed closed the gap between them by carefully nuzzling her neck. His hands quickly found their way to her waist, but all for nothing.

Poki pushed him away.


"Fed!", She exclaimed with a panicked expression. "There are ... kids around here you know", she said hesitantly. They both knew there were only couples.

She didn't know what to make of this just yet. Though Fed meant everything to her, she needed to diffuse whatever was about to happen.

Fed scratched the back of his neck. Despite being shut down, he played it cool. He imagined Twitch chat spamming “cucked”.


"Ha ha, ye I know. I was just... trying to tickle you!", he explained.

She held her laughter.


"With your nose? Hmmmmhm ok then", she grinned.

"I thought you said you weren't catching feels..." She said in a playful tone.


"Nah. I'm good, the sunset was just making me trip", he laughed. Though it relieved him to see Poki talking to him without filtering her thoughts, he couldn’t help but feel a little hurt.

Poki, who managed to quickly recompose herself, embraced Fed tightly.


“Fed…”, she said softly.

But he didn’t say anything.


“Fed…, you know how much you mean to me, right?”, she asked wholeheartedly. The sunset was now turning the sky into a purplish color. She was so close that she thought she could make out his heart beats. Her smile changed to a small frown.

Fed’s eyes began to water.


“A lot? I hope”, he sniffled, but he would never ever cry over something like this.

Without letting go of him, Poki turned her face back to the sunset.


“The colors, they remind me of us.”, she began. “The purple in the sky is you, and the orange near the sun is me.”



Poki looked over to the sea.


“When you look into the water, what do you see?”, she asked gently.


“I mean… I see… nothing? No… I see, the reflections… I see the orange and the purple…they’re…”


“They’re mixing”, she said happily. “That’s what I want us to be…”.


“You want us to be… together? Forever?”, he hoped.


“Yup. Friends forever.”, she squeezed.

Fed almost fell over backwards.

Meanwhile, unlike Foki, who were overwhelmed by their own confusing thoughts, Joast was enjoying the view to its fullest.


“The sun is starting to turn red!”, she exclaimed while flailing in Toast’s arms.


“That’s because of it’s angle relative to the atmosphere”, he explained.

Toast leaned his head against hers. Their hands intertwined with each other. Nothing could ruin this moment, he thought to himself.

Janet turned her attention towards the sea. The various colors present throughout the sky were reflected by the sea.


“Hey…, have you see any fish yet?”, she asked while looking around the shore.


“Not yet.”, he answered. “Maybe tomorrow, … at the beach we should be able to”.

As Janet gave all her attention to the sea, to her surprise Toast began gently nibbling on her ear lobe.

Janet: “JEREMY, what are you doing!?”, she giggled.


“I just wanted to see your reaction.”, he smiled.


“What did you expect me to do?”, she questioned.


Toast winked. “Reciprocate”.


“What? Recipro-“, but before she could finish, Toast took advantage of the moment.

With their hands still entwined, and their heads touching, he turned to her and quickly pressed his lips against hers.

It only last for two seconds, but it was enough.

Janet looked at him in shock.


“Jer…”, she couldn’t speak.


“Isn’t this better than nalgadas?”, he joked.



Toast: “Speak up”, he whispered.


“Why did you stop”, she hissed, and with that she lets go of his hands and cupped his face.

He kissed her back without hesitation. Though this wasn’t part of his plan, he couldn’t deny her. He pushed lightly against the edge of the lookout and attempted to get his tongue in deeper.

A surge of emotions rushed through Janet’s mind, panic, fear, happiness, anxiety, love, she was completely overwhelmed, but she didn’t care. For the first time in a long while, everything finally felt right.

Ten seconds had passed, and he refused to break apart. Though Janet was gasping for air, Toast wanted to continue, at least just a little longer. After all, this opportunity couldn’t be wasted.

The sunset was practically over, and dusk had arrived.


Toast and Janet broke apart. Their faces turned red as they realized how heavily they were breathing. I mean, it was ok right? Its not like other couples weren’t doing it…. But seriously who was interrupting them-

A friendly face stared awkwardly at them with a bamboozled expression.


“So, this is where you guys went…”, he said shyly.


“Scarra…”, said Toast with a pinch of anger in his voice. “How… nice it is for you to show up, at such a perfect time”.

Janet: “W-We were worried about you!”, she explained.


“Ah, Yes. You guys sure seemed very worried…. What a relief to know you guys were up here worrying about me.”, he said sarcastically.


“Come on Scarra. You’re the one who keeps disappearing….”


“Where did you go!?”, she wondered.


“Well let’s just say I’m never riding a Donkey ever again”, he said while shaking his head. “Apparently taking a donkey from Amoudie Bay to Oia is a popular thing to do among tourists. At first, I went to check out the bay. I figured I’d catch up with you guys sooner, but those things are slower than I thought.”


“They’re donkeys, not horses Scarra!”


“That’s actually pretty cool, why didn’t you answer your phone then?”, she sneered.


“Well sorry but I was too busy trying not to fall off!”, he said in his defense. “Anyways where are the others?”

Toast turned his head. Albert and Lilly could be seen standing together while laughing. He wondered what they were so happy about. What was so funny? What had they seen? Did they take pictures with the sunset too? He realized that not to far from them, Poki and Fed were locked in hug. They broke apart and made their way to Lily.

Toast, Janet and Scarra went over to meet them as well.


“Oh nice, everyone’s here. Oh, shit we didn’t get a chance to get a family photo with the sunset!”, he frowned.


“There’s still time. Who cares if we don’t get the sun, the moons out, and the village is full of light. Let’s at least have one photo with the lookout.”, he said while gesturing everyone to get together.


“Alby don’t you want to be in the photo?”


“I will be….”, he said, while repositioning himself. Albert got on one knee and did a 180 degree turn. He put his phone in selfie mode, so that his face appeared in the corner. The whole squad smiling in the background. “Everyone, say cheese!”.

With photos taken and the ships still sailing, their first day in Santorini came to an end.

Day 3: Kamari BibleThump

It had only been a day since they came to Santorini, and they were already repacking their belongings to take with them to the other side of the island. Since they wouldn’t be coming back to Oia, Scarra made sure their shuttle driver was informed about their plans. The driver happily gave the squad permission to leave their belongings in the shuttle. That way later tonight, they could go straight back to the Port and board the ferry to Patmos.

The drive down to Kamari was a rather short one. Since Santorini was a small island, the expenses behind having their own shuttle and shuttle driver weren’t too crazy. From the time they woke up, to the time they arrived in Kamari, with packing time and breakfast included, only three hours has passed. Since they didn’t have any ideas for food, the plan was to stop in Kamari, get food and bring it to Kamari beach, where they’d be able to eat and then enjoy the rest of their afternoon. The driver parked the shuttle along the roadside, he turned to Scarra who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

He spoke in broken English


“I wait here, you all take time you need. After I drive you to beach, and I go park. You call me half hour before you want to leave tonight. That good?”

Scarra showed a sign of relief


“Yes, that’s perfect, thank you Thanos! We’ll only take half an hour at most to get food, these are all restaurants, here right?”, he asked.

Driver (Thanos):

“Yes, but fast food. You want food to bring with you, yes?”, he confirmed.


“Yup, something we can carry. All right then we’ll be right back. OfflineTV … let’s roll!”, he said while putting on a pair of sunglasses. Everyone laughed.


“So, are we supposed to get like, sandwiches or?”, she asked while getting out of the shuttle.


“As long as it’s portable, we can buy it”.


“And affordable”, added Toast.


“How about that over there?”, asked Lily while heading to a small shop that said “Yemista To Go”.

Albert looked through the window.


“They sell stuffed peppers. That’s pretty good if you ask me, we can get a bunch of these.”, he attempted to look inside one of the peppers. “Is that rice?”


“Oh, if there’s rice in them that’s perfect.”, he declared.


“Look! Fed, look!”, she said while trying to get his attention. While Toast and Janet liked the idea of Yemista, Poki’s eyes were glued to a small labelled dish displayed near a restaurant window.

Fed peered into the restaurant.


“Pastitsio?”, he read. “So basically, a type of pasta?”


“I never tried Greek style Pasta, let’s get some!”, she said excitedly.


“Wait how much are they? … Oh, that’s not a bad price actually. Let’s get a few slices in case the others want to try.”, he pulled out fifty euros from his pocket.


“We don’t need that much”, she said while taking thirty from his hand.

Once they had collected a reasonable amount of Food for at least a small lunch, they returned to the shuttle where Thanos waited patiently. Upon entering the car, Scarra handed Thanos a small container.


“Here’s a Yemista”, he said with kind expression on his face.

Thanos looked over at Scarra with a grateful smile.


“I already eat, but thank you very very much. Really nice person!”, he took the container from Scarra.


“Ah don’t mention it. You’ve been very helpful ever since we got here…”


“Really? Why didn’t we use him yesterday instead of doing all that walking!”, she complained.

Albert playfully gave her a tap on the hand

“Don’t tap me!”, she snapped.


“Scarra isn’t it your turn to stream today?”

Scarra shrugged.


“Technically yes, but we can start the stream and put the camera down once we pick a spot on the beach. I mean, what exactly can we stream?”, he asked.


“You could like, walk along the beach people watching… or just point it towards the sea”, explained Fed.

Poki nodded.


“The kids will like anything. After all, everything is content!”.

By the time everyone’s seatbelt was buckled, Thanos started the shuttle and drove them straight to the beach. Though the beach was only a short distance away, he insisted on dropping them off before trying to park. After only a short period of time, he stopped the shuttle and pointed to Scarra’s phone.


“Don’t forget, you call me, ok?”.


“Yes, I will,”, reassured Scarra.

The squad headed towards the beach, but before stepping onto the sand, Scarra dropped his duffle bag near what seemed to be changing rooms.


“Assuming you all listened to me this morning, all our swimming stuff should either be under your current clothes or in this bag. So, everyone take what you need, before we actually start looking for a spot.”, he directed.

Fed patted his shorts.


“I’m already wearing my swimsuit. I’ll start looking”, he said while quickly switching his shoes for flipflops.

Poki, Janet, and Toast looked through the bag. Albert and Lily, who already came prepared, removed their T-shirts. Albert was now left with his dark blue swimming trunks. Lily pulled down her shorts as well, revealing her black swim attire.


“You were wearing a one-piece swimsuit this whole time!?”, he exclaimed.


She rolled her eyes. “Well duh…”, she said while examining Albert’s physique.

“Alby are you gaining weight?”


“Muscle.”, he corrected her.


“Hm”, she raised her eyebrows and walked towards the beach. Scarra laughed.

Albert shook his head.

While the others were changing into their swim attire, Albert, Lily and Scarra followed Fed to a spot about thirty feet from the shoreline.


“Do you think this is too far?”, he looked over to Scarra.


“Nah its fine. I mean we can get closer by walking with the camera, but for chilling this is a good distance.”.

Fed gave him a thumbs up. He walked over to a giant white pole sticking out from the sand nearby. He opened the parasol up.


“These things are for the public right?”, he asked just to make sure.


He gave Fed a condescending look. “I mean, why else would they leave a bunch of them across the beach….”

Scarra laid his bag down and pulled over a few nearby tanning chairs. He lied down on one of the chairs and removed his shirt. His red swim suit and larger physique gave him the appearance of a lifeguard. After pulling out a bottle of sunscreen, he squirted some into his hands and applied it around his torso. He handed the bottle to Fed and relaxed himself.


“Finally, we could chill for a bit”, he said happily.

Before Fed used the sunscreen himself, he handed the camera over to Scarra, who was supposed to stream today. Scarra placed the camera one of the arm rests.


“They could enjoy the beach with us”, he explained while preparing the stream.

Fed took the sunscreen but sat down in the sand. He looked towards the water, and despite being over ten feet away, he could make out tiny little fish swimming around. Lily put on her sunglasses and lied down on a tanning chair not too far from Scarra. She gestured Fed to pass the bottle of sunscreen. Meanwhile, Albert jogged along the beach and headed towards the water.


“Let’s see how hot this water is!”, he said excitedly. But to his surprise, the moment his toes hit water…

“Shit it’s cold!”.

A few minutes had passed, and Fed was still sitting in the sand like a lost dog. He hoped the others would hurry the hell up but-


“Hey Fed.”, a familiar voice called. Fed immediately turned his head around.

His jaw dropped but he tried to keep himself from freaking out. Scarra had started the stream and was already talking with Twitch chat. He had to act natural.

Poki, who wore a white two-piece swimsuit with bit of gold-black patterns on the side stood above Fed, who now really wasn’t ready to leave the sand.


“That looks so good on you! Oh my god…”, he said without a filter.


She smiled. “Really? I was nervous to put it on. I would’ve went with the darker one-piece, but since we’ve been going to the gym I figured this wouldn’t look too bad”, she said proudly.


“No, I think you made the right choice, it’s fucking amazing”, he said while trying to keep calm.

Scarra, who attempted to read Twitch chat, couldn’t keep up with all that they were saying.


“Hm. Nice swim suit Poki! Uh…”, he hesitated while trying to read the chat. “Fed, Twitch chat is spamming, STAND UP FED”.


“Tell them to fuck off!”, he yelled, while trying not to laugh. Poki scowled.


“Are you going to get out of the sand, or should I just head over to the water by myself?”, she questioned.


“Ye I’ll meet you there … in a minute, I just gotta … put on some sunscreen… ya… hey Lily can I have the bottle back?”.

Poki shrugged and made her way over to where Albert was.

Toast, who was walking alongside Janet, slowly walked over to the tanning chairs.

He turned to Fed who was now attempting to use sunscreen while sitting awkwardly in the sand.


“Is your boner finished yet or…?”


“Why are you all doing this to me!?”, he shouted with angst.


“Doing what? Just go near the water, and take Twitch chat with you”, he said while lifting the camera.


“Anyways…, Janet, would you like to tan with me?”, he asked politely.

Janet, who was wearing a red-black one-piece swimsuit, looked over to wear Poki and Albert were. She shrugged.


“I mean…”, she poked Toasts stomach. Though Toast wasn’t the leanest guy in the world, he had more of muscular foundation than most people would think.

“I sort of want to check the water first, but I think we’ll do that when Lily goes. Let’s tan!”, she said while pushing two tanning chairs closer to Lily.

After waiting a few minutes, Fed who finally managed to control his hormones, while simultaneously apply sunscreen, tossed his shirt over to Scarra, and took the camera. MonkaS could be seen across the chat.

Fed, who ran across the sand in Poki’s direction, was careful not to fall over. He tried to make up excuses about why he was sitting in the sand until he finally reached the water.


“Imane, come say hi”, he said while raising the camera. “Hi mom” was seen in Twitch chat.

Poki happily skipped over and waved to chat. Albert, who was a little too far from shore, shot his hand up in an attempt to wave from afar.

For the sake of the stream, Fed ignored his impulses to stay around Poki, and began walking along Kamari beach to show Twitch chat the scenery. He didn’t bother asking anyone to come with him, especially not Poki. The last thing he needed was another incident.

As Fed devoted almost an hour to entertaining Twitch chat, Scarra managed to successfully take a nap under the parasol. Nothing but the sound of the sea and wind filled his ears. Lily, Toast and Janet, managed to get a little bit of tanning done. Though Lily said she’d be tanning, she was technically trying to read. Toast, who had a lot of skin exposed, started to turn a little pink. To prevent himself from getting burnt, he moved over to the parasol. Janet, who was already noticeably darker, continued to relax in the sunshine. Poki, who spent time a lot of time in the water with Albert, was interested by how the fish kept following her feet. Not only were the fish different colors, but they were tiny and followed her feet no matter where they moved.

It was time for some lunch, and everyone met back at the Parasol. Fed laid the camera back on the chair’s arm rest and placed a large thin blanket over the sand. The squad enjoyed their Yemistas along with Pastitsio. Scarra pulled out a few soft drinks from his bag, insisting everyone to take what they want.

Poki sat near Fed and looked towards his chest. She hadn’t played close attention to Fed since she was swimming, but it was difficult to ignore him now that they so close to each other.

Fed’s chest was very built, with toned abs and obliques to compliment the rest of his chiseled features. For the past several months, he trained moderately hard at the gym. He brought Poki along with him whenever he could. But it wasn’t until now that she finally got to see just how far he’d come.


“What are you looking at?”, he said while smirking.


“I’m looking at you”, she said with half a grin.


“I mean where on me?”, he laughed.


“Nowhere”, she giggled as Scarra sighed.


“Not bad, Fed”, said Lily with a look of approval on her face. Albert nodded in agreement.


“So… since you’re so muscular, how well do you think you can swim?”

Fed raised an eyebrow.


“My swimming is fine”, he said reassuringly. “After this, let’s all go in the water together”, he suggested.


“With the camera?”, asked Scarra. “And what happened to waiting at least an hour before swimming?”


“Just don’t drop it, and who cares we’ll stay in the shallow end … for the content.”

Fed then took the camera and handed it to Scarra. By the time they finished eating, they still had plenty of time remaining. Poki insisted that after taking a swim, they could walk along the boardwalk and check out the souvenir shops before they go for supper.

Janet agreed, since she wanted to buy souvenirs for her friends back home. It was then that Albert reminded Lily to get something for Aria. It wouldn’t be nice to head back home almost empty handed.

Scarra instructed Poki and Fed to get something for Chris and Pecca. Since this was their last day in Santorini, they only had a few hours to look. Once they finished eating and streaming more beach content for Twitch chat, they waited about another half-hour in the sun to dry their swimming attire and changed back into their casual clothes to begin their shopping.

Toast and Janet walked through a variety of souvenir shops, hoping to find small items to bring back home. Meanwhile, Albert and Lily stayed with Poki and Fed in order to look through shops with stuffed animals. Specifically, they were trying to find plushies, but seeing as they were in Santorini, it wasn’t an easy task. After walking through six stores, they finally managed to find one with a few plushies. Scarra, who followed them around with Twitch chat on his shoulder, carefully looked for anything worth bringing home. Once they had a decent selection of plushies to choose from, Scarra insisted they pick the donkey. Though Lily did her best to argue against that, it was decided that the donkey was cute enough to bring back for Chris and Pecca.

Eventually, nighttime came, and the squad was forced into picking a place to have supper. Since this was their last meal in Santorini before calling Thanos to bring them back to the port, Scarra ended the stream and focused on picking a good Kamarian restaurant.


“Hey Scarra!”, yelled Fed.


“What’s up?”


“I think it’s time for that Souvlaki!”, he said amusedly. Poki rolled her eyes.

Toast pointed to the end of one of Kamari’s main roads.


“There’s a sign down the road that say’s “Jim’s Souvlaki”.”, he said while taking Janet’s hand.


“I- I don’t get it. Why is souvlaki so important?”


“It’s probably their most popular dish. Or at least the most popular Greek dish in NA”, he explained.

With Janet’s hand in his, Toast strolled towards the restaurant. Everyone watched closely as Toast tried to pull Janet in a little closer. Though they were just walking, tension started to accumulate between the two. Toast remembered what Scarra had seen at the lookout. And to Scarra’s displeasure, what was seen could not be unseen. Since then, nothing had really seemed to happen. Despite the fact that the two shared a hotel room with only Scarra, they refused to continue what they started during that sunset. Though Lily and Albert had gotten a sneak peak, it was not their position to bring it up. In fact, it was nobody’s business. But one young fellow, who still hadn’t found out about what happened, would’ve been more than happy to bud into their business given the chance to, solely for the sake of content. Fed, who strided alongside Poki, remained completely unaware of what had taken place between Toast and Janet. All he could remember, was his own failed attempt at ….

After walking a block, they reached the restaurant. The OfflineTV squad happily entered, and had a wonderful time enjoying a variety of souvlaki. Given souvlaki’s simplicity, it was prepared rather quickly. Within an hour, they were already ready to leave. While the others had dessert, Scarra dialed up Thanos’ number. Within two seconds, he picked up and assured Scarra he’d be at the restaurant as soon as he could.

Soon enough, the shuttle came rolling down the street. With utmost satisfaction, the squad left the souvlaki restaurant and were on their way to the port. Their first night sleeping on a ferry had finally come.

Upon reaching the port, Scarra thanked Thanos and handed him a few extra euros. With teary eyes, Thanos thanked Scarra for being so kind, despite having already payed for his services when purchasing the ferry tickets. Shortly after, the squad boarded the Ferry with all their belongings. They were each assigned a small dorm room with a bed. The Ferry ride was scheduled to last just over 7 hours, and so it made sense to sleep for almost entire ride. When everyone was about to enter their dorm rooms, Lily shook her head in protest.


“I’m not sleeping alone in this room”, she stated. “Though the ferry is really nice and all, this looks way too sketchy at night”.


“Come on, it’s not that bad”, he said unempathetically.


“I’d offer you to stay with you, but I don’t think-“, Fed tried not to look over to Poki, but to his contentment, she was already giving him a dirty look.


“I’ll stay with you. Being skinny comes in handy sometimes”, he chuckled.

Albert had made a good point. Though the dorms were very clean, the bed sizes barely sufficed. He left all his belongings, along with Lily’s in his own dorm, that way they would have more space for themselves in her dorm.

Scarra shrugged.


“Well, see you all in 7 hours. Good night everyone.”, he said with an unconcerned tone.

Though Scarra did in fact care to a certain extent, he was completely drained from dealing with their mishaps. He opened his dorm room, entered without another word, and locked the door behind him.

Toast turned to Janet, who seemed to be enjoying the ambience of her dorm.


“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jeremy?”, she said almost inaudibly.

Toast tried not to frown.


“Yes. Tomorrow…”, and with that Janet slowly entered her dorm.

Toast watched until her door was shut. He turned to Fed, who patiently waited for what Poki would say. He gave them a slight nod and walked into his dorm room without saying good night.

Poki and Fed were now left alone in the hallway. The staff of the Ferry could be heard travelling back and forth between different rooms beyond the dorms. Poki stared at the wall with a blank expression, she then shifted her head until her eyes met with Fed’s. She gave a sigh.


“Honestly… I know this is gonna sound strange but-“


“You’re not tired, are you?”, said Fed, completing her sentence.


“How do you always know…”, she said while biting her lip. Fed shot her a smile.


“Well, we could chill at my place with some memes.”, he said jokingly while resting on the door of his dorm.


“Memes and chill? Are you sure this isn’t some sort of scheme?”, she peered her eyes.


“Scheme? Pft. What scheme? I’m not trying to make excuses for you to come into my dorm. PFT why would I do that ha ha. It’s not like I have a whole night planned out or anything like that”, he said with laughter in his voice.

Poki giggled. Though she wasn’t quite sure where Fed was really going with this, she took it as a joke.


“Hm, you know what, I’ll take you up on that offer. I don’t really feel like lying down alone in one of these small dorms. Let’s watch clips or something…”, she pushed Fed out of the way and opened the door to his dorm. Fed followed her in and locked the door.

An hour had gone by, and by that time Poki had eventually managed to fall asleep. To Fed’s surprise, she never ended up leaving his dorm, and so he did is best to give her enough space despite being forced to sleep pressed against her.

Janet, who had chosen to sleep in her dorm without Toast, tried her best to relax her inner most thoughts. It was nothing personal, but she just needed a little space. She and Toast were walking straight into unknown territory, and she didn’t want to rush into anything while in Greece. Already, she remembered that Scarra wasn’t fond of all the couple-related things happening around the house, the last thing she needed was to annoy him or anyone else even more. Or maybe, she was just making excuses. Maybe deep, deep inside her thoughts, she just wasn’t ready for Toast. Maybe she needed more of a push? It was all too confusing.

Meanwhile, Lily slept comfortably within Albert’s reach. He effortlessly managed to spoon her, so that they both had plenty of room to wiggle around in the bed. Lily, who now found herself in a state of absolute euphoria, didn’t want the night to end.

Alas, the sunrise came to pass, and before they knew it, an announcement was made on the ferry intercom telling passengers to prepare their belongings for Patmos.

Day 4: Patmos Kreygasm

Chora, the main town of Patmos, was heavily industrialized, and filled with many stores based on selling clothing and accessories. Albert, who recognized this feature of Patmos the moment he got off the ferry, looked at Lily with excitement.


“I have a good feeling about this place. I’m sure we’ll find some cool clothing here”, he said confidently.


“For your sake Albert, I hope so. You looked so disappointed back in Oia”, he stated.


“Ya…, hey… wait a second… wait when I was looking at clothes in Oia you weren’t even there!”, he exclaimed.


“What are you talking about, I was watching you from down the street….”, he said with sincerity.


“But, we tried looking for you right after that and you weren’t-, ah never mind”, he sighed.


“What can I say man, there’s a reason they call me the fastest man alive. Besides donkey riding was awaiting me!”, he explained.


“Alby, what’s that sign over there about?”, she pointing to a billboard.

Albert examined the contents of the sign. Several Christian symbols along with an old looking structure could be seen, but why was the writing written in such a strange font? He pulled out his phone and tried to look up the symbols.


“Cave of Apocalypse. Something to do with St. John, some church saint who received revelations from God. Apparently, they’re offering tours around the cave, the alleys of medieval Chora, a Byzantine Fortress and a Monastery.”


“And you got all the information from a Christian symbol?”, she doubted.


“I looked up the Greek letters on the sign too. It’s ten euros a person, and the tour takes up half a day, starting from 10 and finishing at 4.”

Scarra: “Wait, only ten euros. Is lunch included?”, he asked curiously.


“According to this website it is.”


“That sounds like a good tour”, said Toast while avoiding eye contact with Janet.


“What time does the mall on this island close though?”, asked Fed.

Albert typed a bunch of letters into his phone.


“Mall is open until 11 PM. We got plenty of time to tour and shop”.


“Sounds like a plan…. So where do we find these tour guides?”, she asked while looking around the area.

“Also, what about all our luggage…?”.

Scarra gave a huge grin.


“Actually, about that…”, he said just as a shuttle-looking vehicle approached the port.

The shuttle stopped in front of Scarra. The driver then got out of the shuttle and a familiar face appeared.

Fed: “What the fuck, is that Thanos!?”, he exclaimed.


“Come on guys, he’s ma boi.”, said Scarra as he went over to greet him.


“I came on boat, with you guys. I have day off, but Scarra, he very nice person! I come to Patmos with you, to help with belongings!”, he explained in broken English.


“Oh my God that’s so kind of you. Did you pay to get on the same ferry as us? I didn’t even see you get on!”, said Poki in awe.


“I work for ferry company, long long time. They give me free ride. I come here and use company shuttle of Patmos. I use no euros. Only company things!”, he said happily.


“While we were about to board the ferry, Thanos insisted on helping us by coming along. He knew we weren’t staying the night here, and since we’re travelling with all our luggage, it’s not like we had a safe place to keep everything. He’s here to keep an eye on our stuff. I’d say based on the fantastic service we got in Santorini, it’d be ridiculous to start doubting him now.”, he grinned.


“He’s off duty though”, whispered Toast. “What if he tries to steal something?”.

Scarra laughed.


“I mean, what is he going to steal, Poki’s bra?”, he laughed.

Poki: “Ewww… Scarra!”, she slapped his arm.


“We have all our cards and papers on us, so unless he wants our clothes-“, but before Scarra could finish Thanos interrupted.


“I no steal. I give you promise. Here take my card.”, he handed Scarra a business card with his full name on it. “That card, has my name. You call company, they fire me, and I go jail!”, he said with a panic on his face.


“So basically, if he stole anything, we could literally get him fired instantly. I trust you, Thanos”, he said while patting him on the back.


“If Scarra trusts him, I trust him. Come on let’s find that tour guide.”, she said while bringing her luggage over to the shuttle.

Everyone followed her lead, it’s not like they had any better options anyways. Thanos packed all their things into the shuttle, and then directed them to where the tour guides should be. He instructed Scarra to give him a call if anything and pointed out that his number was also on the business card he gave him.

The squad then walked down the streets of Chora in order to find the right tour guide. Once they reached a sign that looked similar to the billboard they initially saw, Albert nodded, confirming that they had went to the right guide. A short man with a pale skin complexion, greeted Scarra with relief. He explained how happy he was to see people wanting to take the tour. This season, there weren’t many tourists visiting Patmos. From the way things looked, they were the only ones going on the tour, meaning that for a total of seventy euros, they got a personal tour guide with access to multiple sites along with lunch included for all seven of them!

When tour guides watch reached 10, he took out a small map to indicate their exact itinerary. As they walked to the alleys of medieval Chora, Scarra felt a few drops hit his nose.


“Oh no… we’ve been lucky so far but-“, he looked up at the sky.


“Rain!”, she shouted.

Fed analyzed the clouds.


“It looks like its just one big cloud, it shouldn’t last too long.”, he speculated.

The tour guide stopped in his tracks. He didn’t want to lead his only tourists through old alleyways while they were getting soaked.

Tour Guide:

“We can go to cave of apocalypse first, that way we won’t get too wet”, he insisted.


“Well that’s a relief. We’re going to the apocalypse one first”, she said sarcastically.

Poki reached for her arm.


“Lily hold me”, she said playfully.


“It’s a holy place guys! There’s nothing scary about it”, he said reassuringly.


“It’s just a small cave-like structure”, added Albert.

Fed adjusted the camera. It was about time they started streaming. Today he’d be the one to film the tour and their shopping adventures.


“Say Hi, Twitch chat”, he said while rotating in place to give them a glimpse of Patmos.

Tour Guide:

“Follow me, stay close”, he said in a powerful voice.

Scarra and Toast moved to the front, while Janet, Albert and Lily trailed behind. Fed positioned himself all the way in the back to assure he caught everyone on camera, while Poki stayed just a step ahead of him.

As the light rain slowly transitioned into stormy-like conditions, after taking what seemed like a ten- minute hike, they reached the entrance to the cave of apocalypse. The tour guide had arranged for the cave to be empty during the period he’d be giving his tour. Once he approached the entrance, he explained how the cave itself wasn’t very spacious, and in fact was relatively small compared to the alley’s they had already encountered in medieval Chora. He stepped into the cave, and as the Dad of the household, Scarra stepped in first to access its safety. To his astonishment, the cave was lite by candles.


“Excuse me, but aren’t there lights in here?”, he asked.

Tour guide:

“Normally, the light used to see the cave is just sunshine coming through the various windows and cracks, but since the rain is making the sky very dark, we have no choice but to rely on candles.”, he explained.

Scarra hesitated, but he wasn’t planning to back out now. Especially not with everyone behind him and Fed catching everything on camera.


“Alright, well this place looks pretty cool”, he lied.

Lily: “You mean creepy?”, she shivered.

Albert walked alongside Lily. He gently pushed her forward whenever she tried to stop. Though Scarra and Toast were still technically upfront, the small passageway of the cave was abnormally dark. Too dark for comfort.

Janet, who attempted to focus on the beauty of the rock formations, was too distracted by the tricks her eyes played on her as they walked deeper into the cave. Unintentionally, she approached Toast and kept herself within a foot’s distance of him. Toast looked back and motioned her to come up next to him. She gave a slight nod and hurried to his side.

Poki and Fed were giggling in the back. However, Fed was focused on making sure the camera was able to catch the cave despite its darkness. Eventually they reached the end part of the cave, where a small room filled with religious symbols and candles awaited them. Two benches were placed in front of a collage of Christian paintings. Though in theory, light from the outside should’ve been able to brighten the room, only fire from the candles could be seen. The tour guide stopped and began to explain the various apocalyptic visions St. John received from God. Though Scarra’s interest was piqued, the current circumstances made them all feel a little too weary.

Albert pulled Lily into his arms. He hugged her while gently brushing the back of her hair. Though he wasn’t sure if Lily was actually creeped out or just acting, he couldn’t let this moment of bliss escape him. The sound of rain hitting the ground created a soothing background noise, while the humidity caused the cave to feel rather cozy. Fed did his best to get as much footage as he could, but all Twitch chat was spamming is “<3 Liberty”.

Suddenly, a large flash of light appeared from outside the cave, followed by the entire cave shaking and loud BOOM.

Poki let out a loud screech.


“HOLY SHIT!”, yelled Scarra.


“WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”, screamed Fed jokingly. Everyone was laughing.

Tour Guide:

“Just a quick thundershower”, he said nonchalantly.

Albert, who still had Lily wrapped in his arms, brought one of his hands to her chin. He whispered something inaudibly into her ear. She giggled. With her arms now around his neck, after lifting her chin a little he strongly embraced her, and his lips met hers.

Poki glanced over to Fed, who was carelessly turning the camera. She panicked and pushed him to the side. “Show them the… rocks”, she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Fed, who was slow at taking hints, moved his head carefully to where Albert was standing. Once he saw what they were doing…


“OHHHH shit, ye ok. All right, so guys these rock formations are pretty sick right?”, he began while doing his best to avoid catching some intense Liberty action.

Poki, who was doing her best not to laugh, started humming and pointing to various rock formations along the wall. Toast and Janet, who weren’t completely aware of what was taking place, focused their attention on the discussion Scarra was having with the tour guide.

Albert, who still had Lily glued to him, paced himself towards the cave wall. He let Lily free so that she now leaned against the wall. They broke apart for air. With their small gasps shielded by the sound of rain, and their sweat hidden by the darkness, they were about to continue but-


“G-guys”, Poki stuttered in embarrassment. “Not here”, she smiled nervously.

Lily shot her a death stare. Though Poki was right, it wasn’t her place to ruin such a perfect moment. Like a mage who had just purchased Liandry’s torment, Lily’s gaze pierced through Poki with the strength of a thousand Viktor ults.


“I-I’m sorry!”, she whimpered while slowly backing away.

Twitch chat was now spamming “show Poki”, since even the slightest sound of her voice was audible to the stream. Fed, who made sure it was safe to turn the camera, slowly rotated the camera back to facing the paintings. Once the tour guide had finished talking, the rain started to settle down.

Tour Guide:

“Ah perfect. Once this rain stops, we can finish the alleys, and perhaps go around the fortress!”, he smiled.


“Don’t forget the Monastery”, he added.

From that point on, the rest of the tour was spent with somewhat of an awkward silence. Due to the fact that Fed was talking with Twitch chat, inevitably, everyone was forced to participate in the conversation one way or another. Lily, whose cheeks remained bright red for an extended period of time, continued to shoot razor eyed looks at Poki. Though in her heart she had already forgiven her, her mind was still in a trance.

For lunch, the tour guide brought everyone to famous place in Chora that served gigandes plaki. By observation, it was deduced that they were being treated to some sort of bean soup.


“These aren’t just beans, they’re giant!”, he exclaimed.


“Hence the term, gigandes”, said Scarra.

After eating the strangest lunch they’ve had so far in Greece, the tour guide led them through both the Monastery and the church, situated near the Byzantine Fortress. To Scarra’s pleasure, the tour guide managed to explain the general history of these landmarks in great detail. Toast, who paid little attention to the tour guide, did his best to win brownie points with Janet. Though she wasn’t upset with him, he wanted her to feel confident around him. It had only been a day and he was tired of this awkward mind game she was trying to play. He felt strongly about her, and he knew that deep inside she felt the exact same way. Why would she try to make things complicated? They were in Greece after all!

Poki, who was starting to get bored near the end of the tour, decided to read Twitch chat during the last fifteen minutes. It wasn’t long until the tour guide finally sat down at his booth near the port.

Tour Guide:

“Thank you all for coming, I hope you enjoyed the tour of Chora!”, he bowed.

Scarra, who felt immense satisfaction from having such a great experience at a relatively low price, graciously thanked the tour guide for his patience and explanations of Greek history.

It was now time to head over to Chora’s mall. Albert, who had already been planning out where to go, took the lead role for their hike.


“How far do we have to walk, Alby?”, she asked tiredly.


“It’s not too bad. Besides we’ll stop to eat somewhere anyways”.


“Can’t we just call Thanos?”, she asked while looking at Scarra.


“Come on Lily we’re almost done. Besides Albert’s been dying to go shopping”, he reasoned.

Poki sighed.

Poki: “I’m not feeling that great either, but I don’t mind walking just a little more…”, she said while looking over to Fed.


“Ye let’s just…, walk a bit more, and at least manage to stream ONE store.”, he said while checking the camera battery.


“Honestly, this day is going a lot better than I imagined. I’m so glad Thanos is taking care of our stuff”, he stated, but everyone was too zoned out to care.

Albert had already started pacing towards the mall, and the squad followed him like a heard of creepers ready to explode in his face.

Once they reached the mall, a variety of stores could be seen both inside and around the surrounding area. Since Albert was looking for brand names, he eyed the menswear store from afar. Next to it, a small shoe store with what looked like-


“Adidas, Jordan’s, I could see it!”, he said while speed walking.

Lily and Poki followed him, while Fed decided to stick near Toast.

Toast, who was more interested in looking at jewelry for not so obvious reasons, watched Janet as she chose to tag along with Lily and Poki. Fed gave him a small pat on the back.


“Do you know what she likes?”, he asked in a hushed tone.


“Ya… I have a general idea”, he said hesitantly.

The boys headed into the mall and entered the jewelry store seen they had seen from the windowsill outside. The girls followed Albert into what appeared to be designer clothes stores. Though Albert had first gone into a store with men’s clothes, the girls stayed close by anyways and took a look around.

It was only when Toast had begun looking at necklaces that Fed had an epiphany.


“Dude, where’s Scarra!?”, he said in annoyance. “How does he actually disappear. He legit just… fucking vanishes!”


“Instead of trying to keep up with someone faster than Usain Bolt, how about you help me pick something for Janet. In return, I can help you…”, he said while wiggling his eyebrows.


“Uhh… sorry man but… I know how sometimes I have this effect on people but… I’m not gay-“


“-I meant Poki”, he interrupted. “I’ll help you pick something, if you help me first”.

Fed gave him a quick nod. He turned the camera and asked chat for Fed7’s. There was no way chat could snitch, he thought to himself.

Fed kept the stream going until they were ready to leave the store. Though a barrage of BibleThumps could be seen in chat, Fed assured them that they’d be back soon with more content.

With that, he ended the stream and hid away the purchases he made with Toast. Once they officially left the mall, knowing that Albert and the girls would probably take a long time, they hopped from shop to shop along one of Patmos’ busiest roads, while still remaining relatively close to the mall. Hours had passed, and it was beginning to get late. Fed and Toast had plenty of time to discuss their various problems by engaging in some deep bro talk. In summation, they spoke of the things that took place in Oia, and to their confusion, they couldn’t really come up with practical solutions. In fact, they couldn’t even figure out if they were having problems to begin with. Wasn’t Janet already obsessed with Toast? Wasn’t Poki already Fed’s dearest friend? What about Liberty? Has Scarra finally managed to surpass the speed of light? What more can possibly come from this trip to Greece, they thought to themselves.


“Dude it’s like…”, he pulled out his phone. “It’s like almost 9:30, and we haven’t had supper”.


“Well that’s what happens when you have a lot to talk about”, he said shyly.


“I’ll try calling Imane, I thought they said they were tired? It’s been like five hours…”.


“Never underestimate women, and their ability to shop”, he stated.


“You mean Albert?”, he chuckled while picking up his phone. He dialed Poki’s number and waited for an answer.




“Imane? Where you guys at?”


“Uh, Hello? Hello? Anyone there?”


He sighed. “Shut up, I know you can hear me!”

Poki: She giggled “We’re at the Art café”.


“Uh… the what?”.


“ART. CAFÉ. Even you could understand that, you’re artistic remember?”, she said in reference to an old stream.

He smirked. Toast raised an eyebrow.


“Alright, so… where exactly do we walk?”


“Head towards the port, it’s up the street we took to get to the main road”, she explained.

“Do you want me to get you something?”.


“Uh ya…, you know what I like just order something. Oh, and get something for Toast too”.


“Obviously”, she said. “How far are you?”


“Uh”, he turned to Toast. Toast shrugged.


“A few minutes maybe? These streets aren’t that big, but I can’t really tell.”, Fed nodded.


“We’ll be there in ten”, he said and hung up the phone.


“Did you ask about Scarra?”.


“Oh, shit no. Fuck I hope he’s with them.”


“How could I be with them If I’m here?”, he said from behind. Toast and Fed jumped almost a foot in the air.


“OH SHIT, sorry to startle you guys!”, he laughed.


“What. The. Fuck. Where did you come from!?”


“There’s a little electronics store on one of the side roads. It deviates from the path we took to the cave, but I had to check it out. I wanted to compare their prices with the prices back home, but everything’s at least double, if not triple the price”, he explained.


“So, you spent several hours looking in a small electronics store?”, said Toast skeptically.


“Well, honestly…, TO BE FAIR they had a huge selection!”, he said defensively.


“Five hours?”, he asked.


“Ok fine I went to a bunch of other places, like the garden, the ATV shop, but it’s all minor details”.


“Whoa wait they have ATV’s here?”


“Never mind that let’s just find the others…”, he said while overtaking them. Fed and Toast exchanged looks.

Though Scarra continued to cover more ground that anyone else during this vacation, the whole squad happily managed to reach the end of their journey in Patmos. Since Patmos was very landmark based, with nothing but medieval architecture and some stores to offer, the plan was still to leave for Kefalonia before midnight. Since their next destination, Erisos, was on the island of Kefalonia located to the extreme west of Athens, and they were currently located in the far east Chora/Skala area on the island of Patmos, they were planning to backtrack to Astakos. In Astakos, they’d immediately transfer to another ferry which brings them to Sami, a few miles away from Erisos in Kefalonia.

Since they were transferring to a ferry which belonged to another company, the total time duration from Patmos to Kefalonia was projected to be 10 hours, where 5 hours was spent on a high-speed ferry to Astakos, and another 5 was spent getting to Kefalonia. In comparison to the previous ferries they had taken, these ones were relatively faster. Again, since they were offered dorms, the price they paid due to choosing high-speed travel ended up being equivalent to the price they paid to stay overnight in Oia.

When their supper had ended, Scarra called for Thanos, who arrived within only five minutes. He brought them to the port and handed everyone their luggage. As seen by the position of the locks, it was clear that Thanos had not touched them. Before heading on to their next ferry, Scarra embraced Thanos in what looked like one of the strangest bro-hugs in all of history. Fed snapped a quick photo for research purposes.

The squad boarded the ferry, and by then it was almost midnight. Lily, who practically couldn’t walk anymore, limped her way into the ferry with Albert’s help. As if history was repeating itself, they approached the dorms located on the bottom half on the ferry.

Scarra: “Ah finally, I missed these dorms!”, he said in excitement.


“Hmmmmhm. Well I sure didn’t”, she said while opening the door to her dorm. “I’m exhausted though, and we only have 5 hours before we transfer… so… I’m just gonna sleep”.

Fed frowned, a somber demeanor over took his expression as Poki locked her door without saying another word.


“Get cucked”, said Scarra as he dragged his luggage into his dorm and closed door. The others couldn’t hold their laughter.


“Janet, as you probably know, I feel uncomfortable in these dorms.”, he started.


“I never heard you say that?”, she grinned.


“Well, I believe It’d be best, for the both of us, if we shared a dorm. You know… for the content.”, he blushed.


“So are you planning to do a late night stream or?”, she teased, but he took her hand and led her to his room.


“We’ll see how thing’s go…”, he said with smile.

He pushed all their belongings into the room and allowed her to enter. Before entering and closing the door himself, he turned to the others and gave them a wave.


“See ya at the top… Fed7”, he whispered.

Lily, who was sitting on her luggage, waited for Albert to open the doors and move everything inside. Once Lily and her luggage were left, he nudged her off, and carried her bridal style into his dorm. Fed, who felt the need to help, pushed Lily’s luggage into her room, and gave a salute to Albert.


“Fed7”, he said, while first closing Lily’s door, which had all their stuff inside, and then his door, which had Lily face first on his bed.

Fed, who was now left alone in the dark hallway, glanced at the door of Poki’s room. Somewhere inside, he hoped that her door would suddenly open. But after two minutes of idiotically wasting his time, he headed over to his bed, where he stared at the ceiling for five more minutes before actually falling asleep.

Day 5: Jebaited in Erisos


Scarra smashed his hand on the phone. 5 AM


“Shit, we have to change ferry”, he said in a rough tone.

Suddenly, the ferry intercom came on. They were minutes from Astakos.

A knock came from the front door. He slowly got up from his bed and went over to open his door.



Poki, who was dressed in one of her favorite black shirts with a colorful array of designs on the front, stared at Scarra with a tired face.


“Next time, no ferries.”, she said in deep voice.


“It’s not that bad.”, he said.

Poki scowled.


“It’s pretty fucking bad. Bish I had to wake up right when I was starting to get-“, but Scarra waved her off dismissively.


“You’re such a drama queen. Get your stuff make sure the others are up”, he commanded.

Poki remained in place.

He slammed the wall.


“Bitch, what are you waiting for!?”, he said in a powerful voice.

Poki ran away giggling.

Thirty seconds had passed, and when Poki was about to knock on Fed’s door, the door flung open. BANG

Poki fell to the ground while rubbing her head.


“OW”, she hissed with tears in her eyes. Fed’s eyes widened.


“Shit, Imane are you!?”, he panicked while kneeling down beside her. “I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you were right there I-“, but he stopped talking when he realized a little blood was coming from her forehead beneath the right side of her hairline.

“FUCK. Scarra we need the first aid kit!”, he yelled.

Poki, who seemed a little dizzy, grabbed onto Fed’s arm.


“I think… I’m ok”, she managed while gently pressing her other hand against her forehead. When she brought her hand back, she saw tiny specs of blood.

“Oh my God! Is it bad!?”, she freaked.


“No, no it’s not that bad, its just a little scratch, but it’s getting all bloody”, he said just as Scarra came running out of his room with the first aid kit.


“What happened, holy, how did he manage to bruise your forehead!?”


“Is there already a bruise!?”, she panicked, but Fed kept her in place.


“No, well… it’ll probably turn black… maybe… look just let me put this band-aid on.”, he said while reaching for a wet wipe. He gently cleaned the wound and pressed the square band-aid against the corner of her forehead.

“There, it’s fine now!”, he exclaimed.


“Except for the fact that she has a band-aid on her head”, he said pointedly. Fed gave him a light punch.

“Stop abusing people man! First Poki now me?”, he smiled.

Toast, who exited his room with Janet, look down to where Poki was sitting.


“OH NO IMANE”, she said while helping her stand up. Toast gave a puzzled expression.


“What happened?”, he asked.


“Fed’s actually an animal. He physically abused both me and Poki, this needs to stop!”, he said jokingly but Fed gave a light growl.


“I didn’t mean to do it! She was right in front of my door when I opened it!”, he explained.


“Why would you open your door so fast? You need to be considerate of others fed. How shameful”, said Toast while shaking his head.

Lily, who ran out of Albert’s dorm upon hearing the commotion, immediately saw Poki’s forehead.


“Oh no! Pokiiiiii”, she exclaimed while going over to hug her.

Poki: “I’m ok”, she insisted. She turned towards Fed who looked like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.


“Imane. I’m so-“, but Poki interrupted.


“I know, it’s ok, it was an accident. Let’s just forget about it and change ferry….”, she said tiredly. When she returned to her room to get her luggage, she looked at herself in mirror

“AHHHHHHHHH”, she screamed.


“I knew I shouldn’t have cancelled that appointment with the ear doctor”, said Scarra while rubbing his ears.


“It looks so black and red under the band-aid!”, she said angrily.

Unable to forgive himself, Fed smacked his face and left his hand plastered to his forehead. He slowly walked into her dorm help her with the luggage. The ferry had arrived and so they needed to transfer before it was too late.

Fifteen minutes had gone by, and they were now on their way to Kefalonia. Though this ferry was technically offering a daytime trip, Scarra had paid for dorms anyways, since getting under five hours of sleep would leave everyone in a groggy state. Fed followed Poki into her newly assigned dorm. This ferry company had much larger dorms, almost twice the size as the previous company. Though seeing as the ferry was in fact much larger, it made perfect sense. Lily and Janet insisted on staying with Poki, but Fed gestured them to go away.


“I did this, so let me take care of her!”, he snarled.

Lily shook her head in disgust.


“You’re a terrible person Fed”, she said half-jokingly.

Apart of her felt good for making that joke, but the on other hand, Fed looked devastated despite haven given Poki only a minor bruise and cut.

Janet peered her eyes.


“Are you sure you hit her with a door?”, she questioned.

Fed frowned.


“Why, what do you think I did?”, he asked with a little anger in his voice.

She shrugged and left them alone. A few more minutes passed. Poki, who had tried to fall asleep again for at least a few more hours, was now lying down and breathing softly into Fed’s face. Though he wanted her to rest, he carefully observed the wound he left on her from a close distance. With his head directly above hers, he stayed kneeling near her bedside as she continued to sleep peacefully. About twenty more minutes had passed, and Poki’s eyes opened for just a second. When she realized that Fed was looking straight at her, she woke up with a puzzled look on her face. Her head remained on her pillow as she looked upward.


“Uh, Fed… what are you doing?”, she asked awkwardly.


“Making sure you’re ok.”, he said softly.


“Aw…”, she whispered. “But It’s really not that bad… it’s almost nothing”, she smiled.


“Says the one who screamed like a banshee…”, he chuckled.

She rolled her eyes. Though she couldn’t prevent her cheeks from turning at least a little pink.


“Why don’t you get some sleep?”, she asked while gently caressing his cheek.


“I don’t want to leave you”, he said honestly.


“Who said anything about leaving…”, she said while patting a spot on her bed. “These ones are way bigger so…”.

Fed walked over to the other side and climbed in next to her. He got into the fetal position and faced her direction. Poki stared at the ceiling.


“I hope this bruise isn’t as bad as it looked…”, she said while bringing her hand to her forehead.


“Don’t touch it!”, yelled Fed, but before she could react, she had already pressed it.


“AH”, she yelled in pain.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard coming from their wall. Poki and Fed almost jumped off the bed.


“Hey! Keep it down in there!”, yelled a voice from a neighboring dorm room. “Some of us are trying to sleep! Like Fed said, STOP TOUCHING IT POKI! Save it for Erisos!”, he complained.

Poki’s cheeks turned blood red. Fed started laughing hysterically.


“SHUT UP SCARRA!”, she laughed. “IT FEELS SO GOOD THOUGH!”, she yelled back while trying to play along. Fed covered his eyes.


“Oh my God…”, he hissed with a big smile. “Don’t say that!”

Scarra, who was covered in blankets in the comfort of his own dorm, grumpily tried to fall back asleep. With that, Fed soon fell fast asleep knowing that Poki was ok. Poki on the other hand, started to toss and turn and only managed to fall asleep once she was close enough to feel Fed’s warmth.

At about 10 in the morning, a large shake could be felt across the ferry. Janet’s eyes shot open.

“What was that?!”, she turned to Toast, who was still wrapped around her, shirtless. He grabbed the first T-shirt he saw and walked outside his dorm. He took a peek outside.


“Oh, looks like we’re here”, he said while carefully observing the Kefalonian forest in awe.


“Don’t they have an intercom?”, she asked.

But she had spoken too soon. The intercom came on and the voice instructing everyone to get off the ferry could be heard.

Scarra was the 3rd to come out of the dorms.

Scarra: “No warning? Seriously? Hurry up guys!”, he looked at Toast. “What are you guys looking at? Start searching for a place to eat breakfast”, he directed.


“Yes Dad”, said Janet with a soft tone. Toast shot her a strange look. “I’m not talking to you, daddy”, she whispered.

Lily and Albert, followed by Fed and Poki, came out of the dorms. With the help of the ferry staff, they managed to quickly get off the boat with all their belongings. Fed’s hand shot up as he waved to what looked like a bystander.


“Fed? Who are you waving at?”


“I’m the one who wanted to come here, remember. I made the arrangements”, he said while waving papers in Scarra’s face. Scarra took the papers from his hand.


“Hm, ok. So, this guy is going to bring us to our hotel in Erisos?”, he asked.

“Oh, he works for the same ferry company as Thanos!”


“Ye, it’s actually a bit pricey to ride up to Erisos, but it’s worth it. They have a really nice beach.”, he explained.


“How nice?”


“Just wait and see…”, he said while adjusting the camera. He called Toast over to take the camera. “Looks like it’s finally your turn”, he smirked.


He sighed. “Alright, when do I start this thing?”


“After breakfast”, she instructed.

A tall, pale looking man with almost no hair greeted Fed. He took their luggage to his shuttle, and soon enough they were all on their way to Erisos. The driver followed Fed’s directions very carefully. By looking at the window, it was evident that Kefalonia was home to tons of wildlife. In Fed’s papers, it was written that their hotel was located in a village called Fiskardo (in upper Erisos).

Almost an hour later, they arrived at their hotel in Fiskardo. Scarra, who hadn’t expected such a long drive, rubbed his belly from hunger.


“Ok it’s like, 11:30. I guess we’re having brunch then?”, he asked in a small voice.

Lily, who felt the same way, nodded impatiently.

Once they dropped all their stuff off at the hotel rooms, based on Janet’s request and Toast’s google searching, they headed to a restaurant that served rice-related dishes. After stuffing themselves up, Albert clapped his hands together.


“So… about our plans”, he began. Everyone focused their attention on him.


“I don’t feel like going to the beach”.

Silence spread across the table.


“Honestly, I’m tired of walking too… that includes the beach by the way”, she clarified.


“Well if you guys don’t want to go to the beach, I could go around town … with Janet … for the sake of content”, he said while looking at Janet. Janet agreed. After all, it was Toast’s turn to stream, and so he felt somewhat forced to do something for Twitch chat.


“I can come with you guys”, added Scarra. He didn’t mind going around with Joast, so long as they had the stream on he knew they wouldn’t be up to any funny business.

Lily cleared her throat. She tapped Albert’s arm.


“Alby, do you think we could find a nice, quiet café near the sea?”, she pleaded.

Albert shrugged.


“As long as we’re just chilling, I’m down.”, he said.

Fed looked awkwardly towards Poki. She hadn’t said anything yet.


“Fed?”, she turned her head so that their eyes met. “Since you’re the one who wanted to come here, I’ll let you decide what you want us to do”, she smiled.

Scarra’s eyes widened, but he stopped himself from commenting. Fed’s face lit up. His eyes were filled with happiness.


“Well, like I was saying, there’s this beach I wanted to go to… it’s a little different from the one we went to in Santorini. It has a little cove, and a lot of fish…”, he explained. Poki nodded.


“Sounds good… I guess we’ll go to the beach then. How far is it?”


“Like, everything is within walking distance. We’ll just bring a bag with whatever we need, and we could stay there as long as we want”, he grinned. Poki raised an eyebrow.


“Alright, then it’s settled. If anyone has something to show Twitch chat just give me a call, since I’ll be sticking with Toast.”, he held his phone up.

But before everyone was ready to leave, Fed got up and headed over to the bathroom. He pulled out his phone and started typing.

-Recipient: DisguisedToast-

-Message: Come to the bathroom NOW-

Toast, who was still at the table with others, slowly got up.


“Uhm, I have to go... take a pee.”, he said awkwardly. Janet giggled.


“You don’t have to announce where you’re going, it’s obvious”, she said while shaking her head.

Toast made his way down the hallway and took a right. He entered the men’s washroom where Fed was pacing back and forth.


“You’re staying in our hotel room, tonight right?”, he asked nervously.

Toast flinched.


“You mean, Janet and I? Uh, I believe so. Scarra wanted to be in the same room as Albert and Lily since … Janet and I … well… you know…”, he hesitated.


“Right, right, uhm ok. What time do you think you’ll head back to the hotel room tonight?”, he asked impatiently.


“Probably late. Depends on when we have supper.”, he stated.


“After supper for sure?”


“Yes”, he said in a soft voice. “Can I ask why?”.


“No reason… just curious”, he said.


“Soooooo, you called me into the bathroom because?”, but Fed shook his head.

Fed gently reached into his pocket and revealed two different “items” to Toast. One of them, Toast was already well aware of, but the 2nd one, was rather disturbing. Toast tried not to laugh.


“Ok…. I understand. I’ll see you at the top then?”, he joked.

Fed nodded and gave him a salute. Fed7. They left the bathroom and by the time they got back the table, everyone was ready to go their separate ways.


“Hit me up if anything”, he said while taking Lily by the arm and walking away.

Toast, who was now turning on the stream with Janet, followed Scarra’s lead towards what looked like an ice cream shop?

Poki, who turned to Fed with a band-aid still on her forehead, waited for his next move.


“Ah, ok so, we head back to get our stuff?”, he asked. She nodded in response.



Fed and Poki traversed the entrance to a beach less than ten minutes away from their hotel. After changing into their swimming attire, Fed who was now wearing a pair of white-striped black swimming trunks, and Poki who wore her stunning two-piece bikini, made their way to the sand. Poki, who saw a large sign placed right before the sand, squinted so that she could read what it said.


“Fu-“, she tried to read it from far. “Fo-“.

A smile formed on Fed’s face.


“FOKI BEACH!? FED!”, she gasped. “How is this even a thing!? There’s literally a beach named after us!”, she exclaimed.

“What the nani!?”


“When I was figuring out our plans for Greece, this was legit like the 2nd thing I came across. I was freaking out too.”, he explained.


“Is this like, really a beach, or is like, a name for something else?”, she said while twirling her hair.


“No, it’s a real beach. I mean there’s a taverna (beach bar) apparently, but other than that it’s just a small beach.”, he then pointed to the water in the distance.

“I’m not sure if you could see if from here, but there’s actually some pretty sick rock formations. There’s supposed to be different colored fish in them”, he said as they walked through the sand.


“Uh I don’t know if I could see it from here but- … Oh … hello there”, she said while looking over to a stranger. The stranger approached Poki from behind. Before saying anything, he took a quick look at Fed. He snorted, and his face twisted into a smile.

The man was just over six feet tall, he had long dirty blonde hair, and a face that looked like he could audition for a Hollywood movie. Though he was wearing a pair of sunglasses, his broad shoulders and muscular torso didn’t go unnoticed. Fed raised an eyebrow. The fact that he glared at Poki like a hawk searching for its prey definitely didn’t make a good first impression. To make things worse, the fact that he was really slim made him look like a model as well. To Fed’s distress, Poki, had immediately acknowledged the man’s attractive assets and was staring blankly at him. She gave him a warm smile.

“Hi”, he said in a stern tone. His voice was rather deep, but he had a little bit of an accent. “My name’s Georgio”, he said while smiling straight at Poki. Poki tossed her hair aside nervously.


“Hi”, she small in a small voice. “My name is Imane”, she blushed.

Fed cleared his throat.

“Oh, and this is my friend, Fed”, she said while gesturing Fed to greet him.

Fed, who felt like he had just gotten hit by an Ashe arrow from across the map, gave a fake smile and nodded his head.


“Hi Georgio, nice to meet you dude!”.


“Yes, yes. Well, sorry to bother you guys, but I come here often, and I never quite noticed such a lovely young lady…”, he said as he took off his sunglasses.

Poki, who was still blushing, now looked into his eyes. They were a solid ocean blue. Her heart fluttered a bit.

If this dude didn’t look like he came out of fucking Magic Mike, I bet this would be creepy as hell, Fed thought to himself. He hated to admit it, but it had only been a minute since they met this guy and he was already crazy jealous. Poki:

“Thank you, that’s very sweet…”, she said, not really knowing how to react.

Georgio put an arm around Poki’s shoulder and pointed to the beach bar.


“Would you like to, sit down with me for a little bit? I don’t mean to intrude, it’s just that I tend to be shy around pretty girls, and It’d be a shame If I didn’t at least try”, he grinned while looking away.

What bullshit, Fed thought to himself. He clenched his hand into a fist. He’s totally playing her, but I’m sure she won’t fall for-


“I’d love to”, said Poki without any second thoughts.


“Imane?”, he questioned with a sad looking face. Poki, who was too distracted, and was now acting completely different than how she normally would, ignored Fed’s concerns.


“I’ll be back soon…”, she said while not really paying attention.

Georgio guided her towards the bar, while Fed was left along with their hand bag. He took a deep breath.


“What. The. Fuck.”, he said in anger, but nobody was around to hear. The sound of Scarra’s voice echoed in his head -Get cucked Fed-.

Poki, who was now sitting with Georgio at the bar, watched his every move. She loved the way his biceps moved when he stretched his arms, or how his pecs shifted when he turned. His blue swimming trunks contrasted nicely with his skin tone and eyes, though it worth noting that he didn’t look as pale as most Greeks did.


“So, Imane.”, he said with his small accent. “Where are you from?”.


“Well, I’m here on vacation from Los Angeles”, she replied with a high-pitched tone.

Georgio began laughing.


“No way, you’re lying!”, he said jokingly.


“No, I’m serious”, she smirked.


“Then would be believe me if I said, I’m also from Los Angeles, except one of my parents is from Greece? Born right here, in Kefalonia actually!”, he added.


“No way! That’s insane! I never imagined meeting someone else from L.A out here.”, she said while touching his arm.

Georgio called the bartender over. A few words were exchanged in Greek. He turned to Poki.


“Would you like anything to drink?”, he asked. The bartender waited patiently.


“Uh, I’m not sure…”, she hesitated. Georgio whispered into the bartender’s ear. He gave a small chuckle and walked away.

“What did you tell him?”, she wondered.


“I told him to bring you the special. It’s a fancy cocktail”, he explained.


“Well actually, I don’t really-“, but before she could finish, the bartender was already back with a blue- ish purple looking drink. He handed it to Poki, and then took a bottle whiskey and handed it to Georgio.


“Ha, sorry. I’m a little bit of an alcoholic”, he admitted.

Poki let go of his arm.


“Ah that’s … cool. By the way, I’m sorry but I don’t really drink”, she said shyly.


“There’s just a bit of vodka in it”, he insisted. Poki shrugged.


“I guess I’ll try it…”, she said while carefully looking into the drink.

Though she didn’t want to be rude, she couldn’t bring herself to drinking it, at least not yet.

Georgio sighed.


“So, tell me, Imane, what do you do for a living?”, he asked.

Poki tried not to giggle


“Uh well, I’m a video game streamer, and content creator”, she said while using air quotations.

Georgio frowned.


“A video gamer!? There’s no money in that. Don’t waste you time”, he said without thinking.

Poki scratched her chin.


“I mean, I’m in my early twenties and probably making more money than you…”, she snapped.

Georgio glanced at her. He didn’t expect her to be so edgy.


“I’m also in my early twenties… twenty-four to be exact. I don’t mean to offend you, but I’m a mechanical engineer”, he smirked. “So, you’re saying you make more money than me with games?”

Poki, who wasn’t very fond of Georgio’s character, tried her best to act natural.


“Have you ever heard of ?”, she asked.


“Nope. Is it like call of duty?”

Poki, who almost about to explode, held onto her drink tightly in an attempt to vent.

Georgio laughed. He figured Poki was just messing with him. He gently patted her back.


“Why don’t you drink a little? You look stressed.”, he said while examining her facial features.

Poki, who knew she shouldn’t be trusting Georgio, slid the drink over to him.


“You first”, she said.


“No.”, he answered.


She raised an eyebrow. “Why not? Isn’t it just a little vodka?”.

He snorted while shaking his head.


“Stupid bitch…”, he hissed.


“EXCUSE ME!?”, she yelled angrily. The bartender, along with several others seated nearby turned their heads.

Poki, who was almost on the verge of tears, stormed away from the bar. What a jerk…, she thought to herself. Once she reached the Foki Beach sign, she spun her head around in a desperate attempt to find Fed. Where did he go? She thought to herself. I should’ve never left him alone, what was I thinking…. Of course, she already knew the answer to that. She hadn’t been thinking.

Fed, who had chosen to let go of any thoughts and feelings that made him upset, was now walking through the coves near the beach. Though he wished Poki was with him, he knew he was doing the right thing by not blocking her from talking to new guys. Even if those guys were better looking. Even if they were fags. He put all those thoughts away and focused on the water.


“Whoa is that a star fish!?”, he exclaimed to himself. A star fish the size of a small plate could be seen lying near the edge of a rock.

Poki, who didn’t really know what to think or do at this point, anxiously looked for any signs of Fed. She turned back and went towards the water. She scanned the area, but Fed was nowhere to be found, except-


“Is that… his bag!”, she said in relief. She ran over to where Fed’s bag was, and it looked like all their stuff was still in there. Fed has left the bag near a closed parasol, but something was off.


“His phone? Why would he leave his phone unattended?”, she asked while looking through the bag. Her had phone also been safely stored away deep inside the bag. But why leave it here? Unless…

“Unless he was close by!”, she thought aloud. She looked towards the sea but all she saw in front of her was.

“The cove! FED!”, she yelled with that voice he loved so much.

Fed, who was enjoying the wildlife of Foki Beach, heard the sound of one of the loudest mammals on Earth.

“FED!”, he heard from a distance. Fed ran straight out of the cove.


“Imane! I’m over here!”, he waved.

Upon seeing his face, she skipped through the water as fast as she could with her arms wide open. To his confusion, she embraced him tightly.


“Uh, nice to see you too?”, he said awkwardly while hugging her back.


“He was such an ass”, she hissed.

Fed’s eyes widened. He broke the hug.


“Why!? What did he do? Did he hurt you or-“, but she pressed a finger over his lip.


“I don’t wanna talk about it. I’ll tell you some other time”, she insisted. “So, what have you been doi-“

But when she turned to look into the cove, she saw hundreds, no, maybe even thousands of tiny fish swimming around.

“Oh my God they’re so cute!”, she exclaimed.


“It’s so cool. I can’t believe how many there are, and its connected to the rest of the beach too!”, he smiled.

While Poki examined the sea critters, Fed reached for something in the pocket of his swimming trunks.

Poki noticed and got closer to him.


“What are you taking out from your pocket?”, she asked curiously.

Fed made a fist so that the object was hidden within his palm.


“It’s for you”, he said while opening one of her hands.

He gently brought his fist to where her open hand was and let go of the object.

“It’s waterproof, don’t worry”, he smirked.

Poki felt the object in her hands. The moment Fed removed his fist, she bit her lip and looked into his eyes.


“Fed…”, she said in soft voice.

Poki was now holding a ring, a perfectly circular ring made out of silver, with little specs of gold. In gold characters, the words “Now and Forever”, were spelt out.

“It’s really nice”, she continued. “But what for?”, she asked without breaking eye contact.

Fed took the ring and slid it onto her left hand.

“Are you proposing?”, she said jokingly.


“It’s just..., it reminded me of us.”, he whispered. His voice was barely audible due to the sound of the sea.

“You mean everything to me, Imane. I just wanted you to have something…. Something that reminded you of-“


“Our friendship?”, she finished.

Fed nodded.


“That, and how much I appreciate you. And how much I love you.”, he said as he saw her pupils dilate.

Her chocolate-brown eyes, told no lies. Fed got close to her, and gently pressed his lips against her forehead.

Poki, who now had a thousand thoughts running though her mind, blushed so deeply that you’d mistaken her for tomato. Not only was she embarrassed by what just happened on the beach, but she was caught of guard by how direct Fed was being.

No one could see them near this tiny cove. At least for the time being, they were isolated.

Poki caressed Fed’s arms. She remained silent. Fed decided it was time to step over the line.

He brought one hand to her lower back and moved her a little closer. Again, she looked straight into his eyes, but refused to say anything. He then cupped her face, a ran his thumbs gently down her cheeks. She looked so adorable when she blushed.

As if to test her, he brought one of his thumbs to her mouth, and pushed her lips apart. She allowed him to freely move his thumb. Once he knew he had the green light, he gently brought his face closer to hers. But when they were only an inch apart…


“Fed…, I don’t know”, she squealed.


“Imane… look at me.”

She looked at him. Though she never stopped facing him, her eyes sometimes roamed.

“Do you trust me?”, he asked.

Poki hesitated, but after a few seconds she nodded.

“I trust you”, she said.

And with that, Fed went in to kiss her. Their lips met, and she was overwhelmed with passion.

She climbed onto him so that her legs were now hugging his waist. He stood in place despite her weight and continued to kiss her. His hands wanted to move up and down, but he had to put her down first. Instead, he settled for wall of the cove. Carefully, while not stopping the kiss, he moved slowly towards the wall and gently laid her against it. He then pushed his body on to hers and ran his hands through places he’d never thought he’d touch.

He began with her hips. He ran his hands slowly up and down her quads. They broke apart for air. He lifted his hand to her upper thighs and started to rub her inner most area.


“FED!”, she shrieked, but her tone quickly changed, and soon enough small moans could be heard. His other hand went for her backside, and his expression darkened as he managed to grope her in unbelievable ways. Poki didn’t resist. He then slapped her backside and went in for round two. She puckered her lips, and they continued. This time, Poki wanted to return the favor. She slid her hand into his trunks and managed to grip onto his rod.

As if she was making sure his rod of ages was fully stacked, she gently stroked him. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were standing in shallow water behind rocks, this could’ve easily continued to escalate, Fed thought to himself. He kept her pressed against him for as long as he could. The warmth of her body, the sweat leaking down her face, her hair getting messier, her pupils dilating, her little heart pumping, her ass showing through her bikini, it was all too much. Too much for this cove at least….

The broke apart for the last time. Poki, who smiled while gasping for air, was still glowing like a tomato.

Fed moved away from her.

After taking about a minute to recompose themselves, Poki was left speechless. She played with the ring he had given her.


“Ok … so that happened”, he said while leaving the cove. Poki followed him without saying anything. In fact, to his surprise, she had nothing to say at all.

The two walked back towards the beach, almost as if nothing had taken place. Fed picked up the bag, and they each took their cellphones back. They exited the beach and went over to the changing rooms, where they changed back into the clothes they were wearing this morning. They went back to the hotel in complete silence. Fed, who was now lost in his thoughts, watched as Poki continued to follow him without saying anything.

Once they finally got back to the room, he pushed aside Toast’s luggage and made his way over to the bed. Poki, who was basically acting like a robot, walked up to the bed, and began undressing herself.


“Imane!? What are you doing!?”, he freaked. She stripped down until nothing was left and crawled onto the bed.


“What does it look like I’m doing? We weren’t finished at the cove yet.”, she said without any expression on her face. Fed’s eyes almost popped out of his head. He quickly removed his clothes and got on top of her. Poki then looked over to the bag they had brought to the beach.

“You thought I wouldn’t notice it?”, she asked.


“Notice what?”

But Poki kept motioning to the bag. He took a look in the bag, and he remembered what he had shown Toast back at the restaurant this morning. Alongside the ring he had gotten for Poki, he also had….


“Right… protection”, he laughed. Poki gave a lewd smile.

Fed prepared himself for the best afternoon of his life. He latched onto Poki, and with a lecherous smile he attempted to fuck the living shit out of her. There was nothing he wanted more than that ass after all. Consumed by her lust, Poki obediently followed Fed’s lead.

After what seemed like forever, a knock came from their hotel door.


“Hello?”, said Toast from outside. His voice was muffled.


“Yes? If the stream is off, you can come in!”, he said.

Toast slowly opened the door. Tonight, he and Janet were going to be sharing their room with Fed and Poki. This was primarily due to Scarra’s inability to cope with Joast’s private time. To Fed’s confusion, Toast walked in alone.


“Where’s Janet?”, he asked while still lying down naked in his double bed. Poki, who was fast asleep with her head rested on his arm, was still naked as well. The bed sheets served as cover for their lack of clothing. Though Toast was well aware of what had taken place, he pretended he saw nothing.


“She took over the stream and is currently shopping with Scarra. I got a little tired and decided to stop by the room.”, he grinned evilly.


“Well, it’s great to see you man.”, Fed said sarcastically.



… A moment of silence passed.


“Can you get the fuck out?”, he asked politely.


“Let me just soak in the moment”, he said. “Oh, and by the way, meet us down the street soon for supper”, and with that, Toast, who had came back to the room for almost no reason, left them alone.

Fed grabbed his phone, which he had left lying on the windowsill before getting down with Poki. He looked at the time.


“Imane, Imane! Wake up!”, he shook her violently.

Poki, who touched the band-aid that was still on her forehead, got up from bed and took one of the blankets with her.

With the blanket serving as a cover, she looked over to the still naked Fed.


“What’s up?”, she asked, as if nothing had just happened.


“The time…”, he tossed his phone over.

She looked at the time.


“WHAT!? How is it already 9 PM!? How long were we asleep for!?”, she exclaimed.


“Well… we went to the Beach this afternoon. We spent quite a bit of time there…, then we came back here early… and we enjoyed ourselves for a while longer…”, he laughed.

Poki tried not to smile, her face was already turning pink.

Poki: “Ok and what time did we fall asleep?”


“I have no idea, but either way we slept for a few hours”, he sighed.

Poki pointed to an area bellow his waist.


“Get rid of the evidence… please”, she blushed.

Fed chuckled. He removed it and attempted to dispose it without any chances of someone seeing it.

They dressed themselves, and Fed explained how everyone was across the street having supper. Within ten minutes, Fed and Poki managed to join the rest of the squad, where they were enjoying a variety of sea food-based dishes. Though their fifth day technically hadn’t come to end just yet, the others were tired enough to call it a day.


“Poki, Fed! I haven’t seen you guys at all today! What were you guys up to?”, he asked.

Fed shrugged.


“I mean, we covered so much ground today… I’ll just tell you guys all about it tomorrow”, he lied. Toast and Poki nodded.

Day 6: Foki7 in Athens

That morning, they woke up nice and early to have some breakfast and pack up for their last ferry ride back to Athens. With the help of their shuttle driver, they managed to return to Sami by 7:50 AM, where they boarded the ferry. From then on, though this ferry company was different than the one Thanos worked for, they were served traditional kotopoulo with yiaourti on the side (chicken with a side of yogurt). Early that afternoon, they arrived back in Athens, where they managed to get back to their initial hotel, with the exact same room numbers (courtesy of Scarra’s booking skills). As mentioned during their first day in Athens, the squad managed to find some time to spend their afternoon strolling through the Plaka district, where Albert encountered multiple clothing stores, Lily found more plushies, Janet gazed upon more jewelry, Toast tasted strange foods, Poki looked at more trinkets, and Fed… well we all know what Fed was doing. Though Scarra had already disappeared, this was to be expected from the fastest man alive.

But speaking of Fed….

Fed was happily walking down the cobblestone streets of the Plaka district, completely ignoring the various merchandise available along the sidelines. As locals stared at him, Fed waved happily to each and every one of them.


“Twitch chat!”, he yelled after starting the stream. “I fucking love Greece!”, he said while consumed by felicity.

Though Twitch chat had no idea what had taken place yesterday, they were sure excited to see their dad in such a good mood. Though it wasn’t his turn to stream, he voluntarily took the camera anyways.

As their vacation was coming to an end, there was one last place they all mutually agreed to go to before calling it a day. With the stream rolling, and a few hours to go, Fed knew exactly what they should stream.

Though going from shuttles back to public transit wasn’t the most satisfying thing the world, they soon arrived at the Temple of Poseidon. Scarra, who once again carried his handy duffle bag, dropped it to the ground and began unpacking.


“Ah… an early evening picnic near the sea! Finally, a half decent idea from Fed”.


“I wouldn’t exactly give him the credit”, said Lily while sharing some pita bread with Albert.


“Hey Janet, could you pass me the bread?”, he asked while trying to reach Scarra’s bag.

Janet laughed


“Don’t you mean, pass me the TOAST!?”, she giggled.

He sighed.



Poki shook her head.


“Janet, that was actually terrible”, she said while trying not to laugh.

While they enjoyed their last solid meal together in Athens, Fed, who was observing the temple with twitch chat started to yell the wackiest things he could thing off. He put the camera down.


“Alright, everyone check this out.”, he stretched his arms and legs.

“THIS IS SPARTA!”, he yelled while kicking one of the columns. Due to the force he generated, he was pushed back by his own momentum and landed flat on his back. Chat spammed OMEGALUL while Fed started dying of laughter.


“What is that idiot doing?”, he asked himself. Everyone looked over to where Fed was.

“No seriously what is he doing? Fed?”

Day 7: Scarra’s Great Return

Many have tried, all have failed.

Only Scarra, who honestly was… the fastest man alive~~~… could survive a week surrounded by couples.

Early that morning, the OfflineTV squad had left Athens for L.A. Though their time in Greece had come to an end, the magnitude of the events that had taken place overseas left a plethora of unanswered questions. Only Scarra, the man who survived it all, held the key to answering at least some of the mysteries left behind in Greece. Toast, who possessed a considerable amount of information, especially regarding Fed’s sudden happiness mood swing, left everyone in dark, or at least, almost everyone. As the plane made its final approach to LAX, Scarra dialed a certain someone’s phone number.


“…Josh? How’s everything?”


“This has been one of my greatest weeks so far!”, he exclaimed.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me If I told you what happened…”

Scarra chuckled.


“Tell me about it.... Greece was… out of this world”, he sighed.

“If I told you about all the shit that took place in Greece, you’d flip”.


“In that case, we’ll have tons of time to talk about it later”, he said in a relaxed tone.


“I’ll let you know when we’re actually home. But honestly, some of what happened in Greece, is probably going to stay in Greece.”, he said as he looked over to his side.

Toast, who had a big smile plastered to his face, gave a wink. Xell:

“So, what’s the verdict on all the couples?”


“Well let’s just say, …at this rate we’ll be getting a sponsorship from Trojan™ in no time”.


Authors Note:

Sorry for the delay, it was scheduled for Sunday but took a long time for me to edit.

If you’ve managed to read 108 pages, or over 23000 words, then congratulations. Despite all the time I took to read it over, there’s probably still some mistakes here and there.

If you were confused about the locations or anything regarding Greece, use google. I based everything off things that actually exist, with my own exaggerated twist added to everything.

(Yes, even Foki Beach)

More stories are on their way, but for now I hope this will suffice. I’ll always post on reddit beforehand. As requested by readers of Project Foki Alpha, I had to write up R-rated Foki material. I hope you all finished the story with your pants on, and with your minds opened to the realm of possibilities. Keep the dream alive. CONTENT WILL PREVAIL



LoL IGN: Slash Dog

Twitch ID: Slashpup

Reddit: Slash-Dog

Youtube: gdarevolutions

Also, as a friendly reminder I’m looking for OfflineTV art to use in my future stories, if anyone is willing to volunteer please DM me. Thanks.