EMPOWER. FIGHT. RESIST.FIVE YEARS OF FEMINIST STRUGGLE IN EUROPE 2 MARY COLLINS 3 FIGHT. RESIST. FIGHT. EMPOWER. 4 MARY COLLINS This book is a tribute to all the smart, amazing and Brave feminists, who have fought the last five years for a more equal, more open, fairer European Union. It gives you a peak into the diversity of topics we were able to work on together with activists from all over Europe and beyond. With this book, we want to say thank you to all the breath-taking, strong and determined WomEn and men we had the honour to work with building a feminist Europe. You empower us. With you, we fight. TogEThEr WE WIll rEsIsT. The last five years have shown that it matters. It is important who sits in the European Parliament; it is vital what kind of majorities dominate. That is why the upcoming election is key. They will 5 decide in which direction Europe will head - back into the dark ages or forward towards a progressive future. Together with all of you, we want to set a feminist agenda for Europe. * by “women,” we are referring to all people who identify themselves as a woman* FIGHT. RESIST. FIGHT. EMPOWER. CREDITS. European Green Party Rue Wiertz 31, 1050 Brussels – Belgium
[email protected] Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author. Printed in Germany Designed by Laura Fabregat Illustrations by Felip Ariza Text edition by Caitrina Cody Book coordination by Lea Haas & Blanca de Riquer © 2019 EMPOWER. FIGHT. RESIST. FIVE YEARS OF FEMINIST STRUGGLE IN EUROPE “Never forget that a political, economic or religious crisis will be enough to cast doubt on women’s rights.