Y Final Evaluation Due in August Sh I II D
Vol. LIV., No. 19 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday, March 11, 1971 Middle States Team Studies GU, ~,y Final Evaluation Due in August by Tom Sheeran the ten schools of the University. personal competence, and sub Contributing Editor The team was briefed by the mitted a report of his study to the A team from the Middle States Executive Committee of the Board chairman, Dr. Fretwell. Association yesterday completed an of Directors, the President, vice These various reports will be intensive three day evaluation study presidents and various deans, and edited and reviewed by Dr. Fretwell of Georgetown University. also talked with members of the and will be compiled into a single The Middle States Association University Senate and the under report. The final report, scheduled accredits colleges and universities, graduate student government. to be ready in six months, will be and emphasized that the "evalua In preparation for the visit by presented to the President of the tion is for reaffirmation" only. The the evaluating team the University University and the Commission on Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, S.J., aca initiated a thorough self-study. The Higher Education of the Middle demic vice president, also stressed report of the self-study, entitled States Association. that the University's accreditation Perspectives and Problems, was is "in no way endangered." published last month and attempts The evaluation team emphasized Dr. Elbert K. Fretwell, Jr., President of the State University College at The 11 member team, led by Dr. to describe, according to Fr. Fitz that it would be making specific Buffalo, is the chairman of the Middle States team which came to Elbert K.
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