Rotem Kowner | 9781442281844 | | | | | (PDF) (Book) Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War | Rotem KOWNER -

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Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War. Rotem Kowner. Every war leaves an imprint in history, but few have had such a pervasive impact in so many respects as the Russo-Japanese War of Politically, it fatally weakened the while allowing Japan to follow more dangerous paths. Diplomatically, it shook the power balance in Europe and reshaped it in the form of two coalitions, leading to World War I. With regard Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition the art of warfare, it emphasized the use of trench warfare and machine guns on land and the deployment of battleships and the use of torpedoes at sea. Yet, despite its importance at the time, it has become very much a forgotten war. So now, about a century after it took place, is a very appropriate time to remind us with a Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War that provides considerable breadth and depth of coverage based on Japanese, Russian and Western sources. The breadth is accomplished through a wide-ranging introduction, a detailed chronology and an extensive bibliography. The depth comes in the hundreds of entries on military and political leaders, major battles and lesser encounters, tactics and strategy as well as the weaponry and of course the causes and consequences. The result is the Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition major reference work on the Russo-Japanese War in English and the largest in any language. Glossary of Port Arthur Site Names. About the Author List of Illustrations. War Documents. Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War - Rotem Kowner - Google книги

Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition at was a garrison force consisting of the light cruiser Bogatyr and auxiliary cruiser Lena and a stronger Vladivostok Independent Cruiser Squadron consisting of the armored cruisers RossiaRurikand Gromoboi. The Vladivostok Independent Cruiser Squadron made a total of six sorties from Vladivostok for commerce raiding insinking a total of 15 transports. The second was from 24 February to 1 March along the coast of Korea without any results. However, during the third raid from 23 to 27 April, the Russian squadron ambushed Japanese troop transports approaching Gensan in Korea, causing considerable damage. The fourth raid from 12 to 19 June sank several transports in the Tsushima Strait in what was called the " ", and resulted in the capture of a British transport, Allantown. This was followed by the fifth raid from 28 June — 3 July, again in the Tsushima Strait, in which the British transport Cheltenham was captured. Kamimura's failure to do so on several occasions created considerable adverse public comment in Japan. A telegram from the First Pacific Squadron at Port Arthur reached Vladivostok on the afternoon of 11 Auguststating that Admiral Wilgelm Vitgeft had decided to attempt to break through the Japanese blockadeand therefore Vice Admiral Jessen was ordered to sortie the Vladivostok Cruiser Squadron to assist. However, as late as 5 Augusta telegram had been received from Vitgeft stating his intention to perish with Port Arthur, so the Vladivostok cruisers took time to get ready for action. Owing to the delay in sailing, there was little hope of being able to assist the First Pacific Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition at the critical passage of the Tsushima Straits; however on the assumption that Vitgeft would be successful, the two squadrons planned to rendezvous in the Sea of Japan. The warships of the Vladivostok Cruiser Squadron formed in a line abreast at intervals of 4 nautical miles 7. However, the Port Arthur Squadron had not been sighted by the following morning. As the Vladivostok Cruiser Squadron approached BusanJessen advised his captains that he had no intention of attempting to pass Tsushima Straits, and ordered the squadron back to Vladivostok. The Japanese squadron had passed very close to the Russian squadron in the dark of the previous night on opposite courses but neither was aware of the other. From on 14 AugustKamimura had been heading back from his night patrol area on a course that took him directly to the Russian squadron. Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition Jessen started his turn back to Vladivostok, he sighted the four Japanese armored cruisers. The situation was ideal for the Japanese side. It was dawn on a fine summer day, and the enemy was as far from Vladivostok as it was possible to be in the Sea of Japan, with the Japanese squadron between the Russians and their distant base. For unknown reasons, Kamimura ordered fire concentrated on Rurikthe last and weakest in the Russian column. Subjected to twice the bombardment administered to her stronger comrades, Rurik lost most of her officers in a short time, and although extremely damaged, remained afloat, the diminishing number of survivors continuing to fire the few remaining guns until the very last, in a gallant display of classic heroism that won the admiration of the Japanese. On the easterly run the Japanese ships took some hits, but nothing Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition to what they inflicted. It was assumed that when the Russians sheered away, Kamimura would have Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition his advantage closer. Inexplicably, Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition did not happen. Kamimura oddly held his course during the Russian turn, and when he ordered his forces to turn a few minutes later, it was to a new tack that actually lengthened rather than narrowed the range. The remaining Russian cruisers tried to cover Rurikbut with increasing damage, Jessen decided at to scuttle Rurik Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition, and save his other ships by heading back towards Vladivostok. The Japanese cruisers pursued for some time, and firing continued, with more damage to the Russian cruisers and slight damage to Iwate and Azuma. The Russians were in a far worse condition than the Japanese, but Kamimura then made another controversial decision: after pursuit of only three hours, while still on the high seas, and with long daylight steaming hours between the Japanese cruisers and Vladivostok, at he broke off the chase, and turned back towards Busan. Despite Kamimura's failure to destroy the two remaining Russian cruisers, he was hailed as a hero in Japan. Although two of the three Russian cruisers escaped, their damage was greater than what the limited repair facilities at Vladivostok could handle, and the Vladivostok Cruiser Squadron never threatened Japanese shipping again. Rurik was hit by a shell in her unarmored stern and the steering mechanism was destroyed, immobilizing her rudder in an elevated position. Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition the maximum speed of Rurik had been greatly reduced and her steering had to be performed by reducing the revolutions of each one of her propellers. Jessen successfully diverted all four Japanese armored cruisers and hoped that Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War 2nd edition could stand against Naniwa and Takachiho. However, the condition of Rurik was rather bad. First Rank Captain Trusov, her commander, and all senior officers were killed. Finally, Lieutenant Ivanov the thirteenth in command ordered Rurik to be scuttled. Faced with an increasing rate of fire from the Russian cruisers and with his ammunition supplies nearly depleted, Admiral Kamimura decided to stop pursuit. The very heavy Russian casualties suffered in the battle were the result of two factors: the bursting charges in Japanese shells was picric acid trinitrophenol which on detonation turned the shells into very large numbers of fragments. Additionally the Russian ships lacked protective gun shields for the crews. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Russo-Japanese War. Chast 1. Chast 2. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from September All articles needing additional references Coordinates on Wikidata CS1 errors: empty unknown parameters Use dmy dates from June Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Part of the Russo-Japanese War. Sinking of the Russian cruiser Rurik in the Battle off Ulsan,from a contemporary propaganda postcard. Date 14 August . Russian Empire. .