Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt

Fifty-third year, number 17 (2.644) Friday, 24 April 2020

The Holy Father at the of Santo Spirito in Sassia for the feast of Divine Against the virus of ‘selfish indifference’

Mercy and salvation means waiting for those left behind

ANDREA MONDA In his homily on Sunday, during the Mass cel- ebrated in the Church of Santo Spirito in Sas- sia, Shrine of , the recalled “Mercy does not abandon those who stay be- hind”. To this, we may add, it is mercy that makes us human. Instead, in a group of migrat- ing animals if one stops because it is tired, sick, or crippled, the others do not wait for it, they do not care, they abandon it. This is unlike us human beings. At the moment when someone falls, something kicks in that is manifested in the soul and in action, that something is hu- man, yet more than human at the same time and that accords another direction, another di- mension on the chain of natural facts. It hap- pens that we stop to wait for the other. This hu- man — yet more than human “thing” —, is mercy: which shows man’s greater face; a divine face. On almost every page in the Gospels, we can find accounts of this face, the face of Christ, the true God and true man, who shows what men are like, like Him, even if they too often forget it. In the Gospel, Jesus mostly walks, and does so with an urgent, pressing rhythm, moving from city to city to preach (Inspired by Mat- thew’s text, the film by Pier Paolo Pasolini is exemplary in this regard) and many try to keep up with him, but they do not succeed; they struggle or, worse, they try to overcome him by harnessing him to their petty projects for power. In Simone Bariona’s incipit, a beautiful story dedicated to the memories of Saint Peter as an old man, the Italian writer Ferruccio Parazzoli has the protagonist say: “A little more patience, Lord, I know I was always late”. In fact, Jesus’ rhythm is difficult to maintain, not least be- cause it is unsettling, paradoxical, and he al- ways escapes ideological temptations by going “e l s e w h e re ” continuously, as written at the be- ginning of the Gospel of Mark; however, if he sees that one of his sheep has lost its way, he al- ways stops and comes back to recover him.


F E A T U R E D No future without sustaining the environment General Audience ’ re f l e c t i o n s At the General Audience on nerable in our midst”. In Wednesday, 22 April, 50th Go d’simage we are called “to Domus Sanctae Marthae Earth Day, the Holy Father have care and respect for all called for ecological conver- c re a t u re s ” he continued. But PAGE 6 sion that can lead to concrete if we continue in our selfish- actions in a deeper “commit- ness; if we continue to fail to ment to love and care for our care for the earth, if we des- Interview with Msgr Jozef Bart common home and for the troy the very environment weaker members of our hu- that sustains us, we will have Mercy as medicine man family” and “by showing no future. solidarity with one another GORI ON PA G E 8 and embracing the most vul- SEE PA G E 3 page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 24 April 2020, number 17

Rodríguez, Archbishop of San Cris- tóbal de La Habana, Cuba; Bishop Paulo Cezar Costa of São Carlos, Brazil.


printed books department of the Bishop Miguel Ángel D’Annibale of Vatican Apostolic Library (20 Apr.). San Martín, Argentina, at age 61 (14 BULLETIN A p r. ) Archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto, FOR CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E Delegate to the Arabian Peninsula SSS, Archbishop emeritus of Paraíba, (17 Apr.). LAT I N AMERICA Brazil, at age 70 (14 Apr.) The Holy Father appointed Bishop The Holy Father appointed as Bienvenu Manamika Bafouakoua- On Monday, 20 April, the Holy Bishop Gérard Mulumba Kalemba, Apostolic Nuncio to Samoa Arch- Bishop emeritus of Mweka, Demo- hou as Coadjutor Archbishop of bishop Novatus Rugambwa, titular Father appointed as members of the Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo. Pontifical Commission for Latin cratic Republic of the Congo, at age Archbishop of Tagaria, Apostolic 85 (15 Apr.) Until now he has served as Bishop Nuncio to New Zealand, Fiji, Palau, America the following: Cardinal Ál- of Dolisie, Democratic Republic of Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, varo Leonel Ramazzini Imeri, Bish- Bishop Dorick McGowan Wright, the Congo (18 Apr.). Tonga and Apostolic Delegate to the op of Huehuetenango, Guatemala; Bishop emeritus of Belize City-Bel- Archbishop Bafouakouahou, 55, Pacific Ocean (17 Apr.). Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García mopan, Belize, at age 74 (15 Apr.) was born in Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was or- dained a priest on 29 August 1993. PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF He was ordained a bishop on 25 Au- SO CIAL SCIENCES gust 2013, subsequent to his ap- Congregation for the Eastern Churches pointment as Bishop of Dolisie. The Holy Father appointed as Or- dinary Member of the Pontifical The Holy Father appointed Fr Academy of Social Sciences Mr emergency fund Niraja Gopal Jayal, Professor at the Robert W. Marshall as Bishop of Al- As many brothers and sisters of the possible to support some relief ef- Centre for the Study of Law and exandria, USA . Until now he has Eastern Churches are celebrating the forts, also drawing on the Collec- served as vicar general and parish Governance of the Jawaharlal Nehru Sacred Triduum of the Passion, tion for the Holy Land, postponed priest of the Cathedral of the Im- University of New Delhi, India (17 A p r. ) . Death and Resurrection of Our this year to Sunday 13 September, maculate Conception in Alexandria, Lord and on the eve of the feast of Tennessee (21 Apr.). which normally guarantees sub- Divine Mercy, the Congregation for sidies for the life of the Churches in Bishop-elect Marshall, 60, was AD M I N I S T R AT I O N OF THE the Eastern Churches has set up the the East. The for the Pro- born in Memphis, USA . He holds a PAT R I M O N Y OF THE Fondo Emergenza CEC, an emer- motion of Integral Human Devel- degree in history and a doctorate in gency fund responding to the invita- APOSTOLIC SEE opment and the General Secretariat law. He was ordained a priest on 10 tion of the Holy Father not to aban- of Caritas Internationalis will be June 2000. The Holy Father appointed as don the suffering, especially the kept informed of every intervention. Member of the Administration of poorest, in facing the global crisis In concrete, thanks to the sug- the Patrimony of the Apostolic See caused by the pandemic Covid-19. gestions of the Apostolic Nunci- RE L AT I O N S WITH STAT E S Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Arch- Thanks to the active collabora- atures, it was decided immediately tion of the C N E WA (Catholic Near bishop of Bologna, (18 Apr.). to guarantee the following dona- East Welfare Association) — PMP The Holy Father appointed as as tions in the name of the Holy (Pontifical Mission for Palestine) Apostolic Nuncio to Guatemala Fa t h e r : Archbishop Francisco Montecillo VAT I C A N APOSTOLIC LIBRARY central offices both in New York — SYRIA: 10 ventilators, in collab- Padilla, titular Archbishop of and in Canada, as well as their loc- Nebbio. Until now he has served as The Holy Father appointed as Vice al offices, and in constant connec- oration with AV S I , to be shared in Apostolic Nuncio to Kuwait, Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Lib- tion with the other Agencies that the three structures for which the Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, rary Mr Timothy James Jans, compose the ROACO (Riunione project “Open Hospitals” contin- Qatar and Yemen, and Apostolic Scriptor graecus and director of the Opere Aiuto Chiese Orientali), it is ues — HOLY LAND: 3 ventilators for St Joseph’s Hospital in Jerusalem, the purchase and supply of dia- gnostic kits for Gaza and an ex- Prayer intention for the month of April traordinary contribution for the work of the Holy Family Hospital at Bethlehem. To help and accompany people suffering from addiction Other suggestions coming from other countries are being studied. In his prayer intention for the month of April, Pope front of the computer looking at websites for adults; or Despite the economic uncer- Francis asks everyone to pray for those who suffer from a woman laying in bed looking obsessively at her mo- tainty, the Congregation will assure addiction, especially addiction to gambling, porno- bile phone are shown. Forms of “addiction” that lead in- the aid it annually sends to schools graphy, and the internet so that they may be properly to a tunnel where to exit on ones own is very difficult. helped and accompanied. The video message was pos- and Catholic universities, as well as Let us “pray”, the Pope says, “that those suffering assistance to the displaced in Syria ted on ‘thep op’ through which the Pope en- from addiction may be properly helped and accompan- trusts his prayer intentions to the Worldwide Prayer and Iraq and the refugees in Le- ied” supported “by the ‘Gospel of Mercy’ we can allevi- banon and Jordan, likewise in col- Network. ate, care for and heal the suffering associated with new The Pope’s message is an appeal to help free people laboration with the Catholic Agen- kinds of addiction”. In the video concrete forms of from old and new forms of slavery that chain the souls cies that form part of R O A C O. helping are suggested: a man consoles a desperate man and the bodies of many men and women, of all age — Let us all pray God the Father even very young unfortunately — and social belonging. by resting his hand on the person’s shoulder as a sign to free us from the evils afflicting “Surely, you have heard about the drama of addic- of protection while speaking to him; reaching out to humanity, as we join in acts of tion” Francis asks. “And... have you also thought about young people; embracing one another in moments of genuine solidarity and brotherly the addiction to gambling, to pornography, to the inter- need. love. net ... and the dangers of virtual space?” he continues The video that accompanies the Pope’s words, was For updates and information while scenes of a desperate man who has lost produced and distributed by La Machi agency, in col- about contributing to the Fo n d o everything playing cards, where not only has he lost his laboration with , which handled the re- E m e rg e n z a CEC, please write to money but his car too; or a lonely young person in cording and the video is translated into nine languages. ro a c o @ o r i e n t c h u rc h .v a

ANDREA MONDA TIPO GRAFIA VAT I C A N A EDITRICE Subscription rates: Italy - Vatican: € 58.00; Europe: € 100.00 - US$ 148.00 £ 80.00; Latin America, Africa, L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO L’OS S E R VAT O R E ROMANO Asia: € 110.00 - US$ 160.00 - £ 88.00; Oceania, North America: € 162.00 - £ 130.00. Editor-in-Chief Management Office: phone +390669899480; fax +390669885164; e-mail [email protected]. WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH For India: The weekly English Edition of L'Osservatore Romano is published and distributed in Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Photo Service Giuseppe Fiorentino [email protected] w w w. p h o t o .v a India by Carmel International Publishing House, Cotton Hill, Trivandrum- 695 014, Kerala-India; Assistant Editor phone: +91471327253, fax: +91471328191, 329934; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. For North America: L’Osservatore Romano (USPS 016-419) is published fifty times per year (weekly, except third week in Advertising Agency August and last week in December) by Our Sunday Visitor, L’Osservatore Romano, English Edition, 200 Noll Plaza, Vatican City Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. Editorial office Huntington, IN 46750. Periodicals Postage Pending at Huntington, IN, and additional mailing offices, USA – phone: redazione.inglese.or@sp System Comunicazione Pubblicitaria via del Pellegrino, 00120 Vatican City Via Monte Rosa 91, 20149 Milano 800-348-2440 x2171; fax: 866-891-7390 – e-mail: [email protected]. w w w. o s s e r v a t o re ro m a n o .v a telephone +390669899300, fax +390669883675 s e g re t e r i a d i re z i o n e s y s t e m @ i l s o l e 2 4 o re . c o m POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750 number 17, Friday, 24 April 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 3


Fiftieth Earth Day

The Holy Father delivered a special reflection for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the fifth anniversary of his Letter, Laudato Si’, at the General Audience on Wednesday morning, 22 April. Speaking from the library of the , he warned that there can be “no future if we destroy the very environment that sustains us”. The following is the English text of the Pope’s catechesis which he delivered in Italian.

Pope Francis urges the international community to find a common plan to avert the threat to our common home No future without sustaining the environment

Dear Brothers and Sisters, to take to the streets to teach us but also God’s home. This our common home. I urge those Good Morning, the obvious: we have no future if should make us all the more in positions of leadership to we destroy the very environment aware that we stand on holy guide the preparations for two Today we celebrate the fiftieth that sustains us. g ro u n d ! important international Confer- Earth Day. This is an occasion for ences: COP15 on Biodiversity in renewing our commitment to love We have failed to care for the Dear brothers and sisters, “let Kunming, China, and COP26 on and care for our common home earth, our garden-home; we have us awaken our God-given aesthet- Climate Change in Glasgow, and for the weaker members of failed to care for our brothers and ic and contemplative sense” United Kingdom. These two our human family. As the tragic sisters. We have sinned against (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhorta- meetings are of great importance. coronavirus pandemic has taught the earth, against our neighbours, tion , 56). The us, we can overcome global chal- and ultimately against the Creat- prophetic gift of contemplation is I would like to support concer- lenges only by showing solidarity or, the benevolent Father who something that we can learn espe- ted action also on the national with one another and embracing provides for everyone, and desires cially from indigenous peoples. and local levels. It will help if the most vulnerable in our midst. us to live in communion and They teach us that we cannot people at all levels of society The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ flourish together. And how does heal the earth unless we love and come together to create a popular deals precisely with this “Care for the earth react? There is a Span- respect it. They have the wisdom movement “from below”. The of “living well”, not in the sense our Common Home”. Today, let ish saying that is very clear about Earth Day we are celebrating this. It goes: “God always for- of having a good time, no, but of us together reflect a little on that today was itself born in precisely gives; we humans sometimes for- living in harmony with the earth. responsibility which characterizes this way. We can each contribute give, and sometimes not; the They call this harmony “living “our earthly sojourn” (Laudato in our own small way. “We need earth never forgives”. The earth well”. Si’, 160). We must grow in aware- not think that these efforts are does not forgive: if we have de- ness of caring for our common At the same time, we need an going to change the world. They spoiled the earth, its response will home. ecological conversion that can benefit society, often unbeknown be very ugly. find expression in concrete ac- to us, for they call forth a good- We are fashioned from the How can we restore a harmoni- tions. As a single and interde- ness which, albeit unseen, inevit- earth, and fruit of the earth sus- ous relationship with the earth pendent family, we require a com- ably tends to spread” (Laudato tains our life. But, as the book of and with the rest of humanity? A mon plan in order to avert the Si’, 212). Genesis reminds us, we are not harmonious relationship... We so threats to our common home. In this Easter season of renew- simply “earthly”; we also bear often lose sight of harmony: har- “Interdependence obliges us to within us the breath of life that al, let us pledge to love and es- mony is a work of the Holy Spir- think of one world with a com- teem the beautiful gift of the comes from God (cf. Gen 2:4-7). Laudato Si’ it. In our common home too, on mon plan” ( , 164). We earth, our common home, and to Thus we live in this common are aware of the importance of the earth, and in our relationships care for all members of our hu- home as one human family in cooperation as an international with people, with our neighbour, man family. As brothers and sis- biodiversity with God’s other with the poorest, how can we re- community for the protection of ters, which we are, let us together creatures. As imago Dei, in God’s store this harmony? We need a implore our heavenly Father: image, we are called to have care new way of looking at our com- “Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and respect for all creatures, and mon home. For this is not a and renew the face of the earth” to offer love and compassion to storehouse of resources for us to (cf. Ps 104:30). our brothers and sisters, espe- exploit. For us believers, the nat- cially the most vulnerable among ural world is the “Gospel of Cre- us, in imitation of God’s love for ation”: it expresses God’s creative SPECIAL GREETINGS us, manifested in his Son Jesus, power in fashioning human life who became man in order to and bringing the world and all it I greet the English-speaking share our state with us and save contains into existence, in order faithful joining us through the us. to sustain humanity. As the bib- media. In the joy of the Risen Because of our selfishness we lical account of creation con- Christ, I invoke upon you and have failed in our responsibility cludes: “God saw all that he had your families the loving mercy of to be guardians and stewards of made, and it was very good” (Gen God our Father. May the Lord the earth. “We need only take a 1:31). When we see these natural bless you! frank look at the facts to see that tragedies that are the earth’s re- Lastly, I greet young people, the our common home is falling into sponse to our mistreatment, I sick, the elderly and newlyweds. My serious disrepair” (ibid., 61). We think: “If I ask the Lord now dearest ones, in the light of the have polluted it, we have de- what he thinks about it, I do not Resurrection may you rediscover spoiled it, endangering our very believe he is saying it is a very the joy and beauty of life which lives. For this reason, various in- good thing”. It is we who have is God’s gift. I offer my blessing ternational and local movements ruined the Lord’s work! to you all. have sprung up in order to ap- In today’s celebration of Earth peal to our consciences. I deeply Day, we are called to renew our appreciate these initiatives; still it sense of sacred respect for the will be necessary for our children earth, for it is not just our home number 17, Friday, 24 April 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 4/5

The Holy Father’s Homily at the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia for the feast of Divine Mercy instituted by John Paul II

Against the virus of ‘selfish indifference’

“While we are looking forward to a slow and arduous Sassia] — not far from Saint Peter’s — the church which is recovery from the pandemic”, there is the risk “that we may dedicated to the devotion to Divine Mercy. It was Saint John then be struck by an even worse virus, that of ‘selfish Paul II who instituted the feast of Divine Mercy on the i n d i f f e re n c e ’”. And even more, the “danger” that we “will occasion of the canonization of Saint , forget those who are left behind”, Pope Francis warned, as he 20 years ago. Once again due to Covid-19, the Holy Father celebrated Mass for the feast of Divine Mercy on Sunday, 19 celebrated Mass without the presence of the faithful. The April, at ’s Santo Spirito in Sassia [Holy Spirit in following is the English text of the Holy Father’s homily. At the Regina Caeli Last Sunday we celebrated the him, not as a taskmaster with feet; in our failings he sees children ourselves: “Have I given my fail- L o rd ’s resurrection; today we wit- whom we have to settle accounts, in need of his merciful love. Today, ings to the Lord? Have I let him Best wishes to ness the resurrection of his dis- but as our Father who always raises in this church that has become a see me fall so that he can raise me ciple. It has already been a week, a us up. In life we go forward tentat- shrine of mercy in Rome, and on up?” Or is there something I still Eastern Catholics week since the disciples had seen ively, uncertainly, like a toddler this Sunday that Saint John Paul II keep inside me? A sin, a regret the Risen Lord, but in spite of this, who takes a few steps and falls; a dedicated to Divine Mercy twenty from the past, a wound that I have celebrating Easter they remained fearful, cringing be- few steps more and falls again, yet years ago, we confidently welcome inside, a grudge against someone, hind “closed doors” (Jn 20:26), each time his father puts him back this message. Jesus said to Saint an idea about a particular person… At the end of Holy Mass on the unable even to convince Thomas, on his feet. The hand that always Faustina: “I am love and mercy it- The Lord waits for us to offer him Second Sunday of Easter, Feast of the only one absent, of the resur- puts us back on our feet is mercy: self; there is no human misery that our failings so that he can help us Divine Mercy, celebrated privately in rection. What does Jesus do in the God knows that without mercy we could measure up to my mercy” experience his mercy. will remain on the ground, that in the Church of Santo Spirito in face of this timorous lack of belief? (D i a r y, 14 September 1937). At one Let us go back to the disciples. Sassia, in Rome, the Holy Father order to keep walking, we need to He returns and, standing in the time, the Saint, with satisfaction, They had abandoned the Lord at led the recitation of the Regina be put back on our feet. same place, “in the midst” of the told Jesus that she had offered him his Passion and felt guilty. But Caeli. The following is a translation disciples, he repeats his greeting: You may object: “But I keep all of her life and all that she had. meeting them, Jesus did not give a of the Pope’s reflection, given in “Peace be with you!” (Jn 20:19, falling!”. The Lord knows this and But Jesus’ answer stunned her: long sermon. To them, who were Italian. 26). He starts all over. The resur- he is always ready to raise you up. “You have not offered me the thing wounded within, he shows his own rection of his disciple begins here, He does not want us to keep that is truly yours”. What had that wounds. Thomas can now touch from this faithful and patient mercy, thinking about our failings; rather, holy nun kept for herself? Jesus them and know of Jesus’ love and Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the discovery that God never he wants us to look to him. For said to her with kindness: “My how much Jesus had suffered for On this Second Sunday of Easter, tires of reaching out to lift us up when we fall, he sees children daughter, give me your failings” him, even though he had aban- it was meaningful to celebrate the when we fall. He wants us to see needing to be put back on their (10 October 1937). We too can ask doned him. In those wounds, he Eucharist, here, in the Church of touches with his hands God’s Santo Spirito in Sassia, which tender closeness. Thomas arrived Saint John Paul II chose as the late, but once he received mercy, he Shrine of Divine Mercy. The overtook the other disciples: he be- Christian response to the storms of lieved not only in the resurrection, life and history cannot but be Mercy and salvation means waiting for those left behind but in the boundless love of God. mercy: compassionate love among And he makes the most simple and us and toward everyone, especially CONTINUED FROM PA G E 1 done from the day of Pentecost on- the whole world today. Just when we beautiful profession of : “My those who suffer, those who have wards: to begin anew and evangelize can begin to imagine a recovery from Lord and my God!” (v. 28). Here is greater difficulties and those who This is what happens in the Gos- the world with an invincible courage this terrible health emergency, there is the resurrection of the disciple: it is are more abandoned… Not piet- p els’accounts of the Easter period, and joy in their hearts. The essential the risk of a two-speed restart. But, to accomplished when his frail and ism, nor welfarism, but compas- which relate to the apparitions of the point of Christianity is the inseparable go back to the world as it was before wounded humanity enters into that sion that comes from the heart. Risen One. In fact, Jesus took the link between the love received and the the pandemic, is not only impossible, of Jesus. There, every doubt is re- Divine Mercy comes from the longest step of all, for he conquered love given, the correspondence but it would not be right, because that solved; there, God becomes my Heart of Christ, of the Risen death, and though he is absolutely un- between the two measures, the forgive- world was not right. In yesterday’s God; there, we begin to accept Christ. It flows from the ever-open attainable, he decides to return to take ness of others because our debts have world, in fact, “vested interests” have ourselves and to love life as it is. wound of his side, open for us, back his own, the “b ro t h e r s ” as he been forgiven. The image of crystals those who stay behind. Now, while an community described in the and we practise making judge- often prevailed and this has polluted who are always in need of pardon calls them (and only after the resurrec- evoked by the Pope is both beautiful, Dear brothers and sisters, in the we are looking forward to a slow Acts of the Apostles. It received ments” (D i a r y, 6 September 1937). politics, that “high form of ” and comfort. May Christian mercy tion does he use this term), and he and effective: “fragile and at the same time of trial that we are presently and arduous recovery from the mercy and lived with mercy: “All Yet she herself complained one day according to the expression of Paul VI also inspire fair sharing among na- goes to those who a few days before time precious. And if, like crystal, we undergoing, we too, like Thomas, pandemic, there is a danger that who believed were together and to Jesus that, in being merciful, quoted by the Pope in the intentions with our fears and our doubts, we will forget those who are left had all things in common; and one is thought to be naive. She tions and their institutions, in or- had abandoned him, denied him, and are transparent before him, his light — of this morning’s Mass from the betrayed him. have experienced our frailty. We behind. The risk is that we may they sold their possessions and said, “Lord, they often abuse my der to face the current crisis in the the light of mercy — will shine in us Domus Sanctae Marthae: today, in- A surprising choice. In the sporting need the Lord, who sees beyond then be struck by an even worse goods and distributed them to all, go o dness”. And Jesus replied: spirit of solidarity. and through us in the world”. stead the political parties “may seek world people often say “you don’t al- This is not just a beautiful image, that frailty an irrepressible beauty. virus, that of selfish indifference.A as any had need” (Acts 2:44-45). “Never mind, don’t let it bother I extend my greetings to our together the good of the country and ter the team that is winning”. Yet, Je- or a story from twenty centuries ago, With him we rediscover how pre- virus spread by the thought that This is not some ideology: it is you, just be merciful to everyone brothers and sisters of the East- not the good of their own party”. The sus instead reverses this logic, by in- but what happens today, every day cious we are even in our vulnerab- life is better if it is better for me, C h r i s t i a n i t y. always” (24 December 1937). To ern Churches, who are celebrat- world of tomorrow is opening before sisting you do not change the team and, above all, what must happen to- ility. We discover that we are like and that everything will be fine if In that community, after the re- everyone: let us not think only of ing the Feast of Easter today. Let which loses. It is to this team that one morrow. If it is true that “Mercy does us, and so, the Pope exhorts us, that it beautiful crystals, fragile and at the it is fine for me. It begins there surrection of Jesus, only one was our interests, our vested interests. us proclaim together: “The Lord must give trust, and transmit hope. not abandon those who stay behind”, could be truly “new”, a world of resur- same time precious. And if, like and ends up selecting one person left behind and the others waited Let us welcome this time of trial as is truly risen!” (Lk 24:34). Above And so he returns to his own, he does the Pope exhorts us to live accord- rection after death: “Let us welcome crystal, we are transparent before over another, discarding the poor, for him. Today the opposite seems an opportunity to prepare for our all, during this time of trial, let not abandon them. And if by chance ingly: “Now, while we are looking for- this time of trial as an opportunity to him, his light — the light of mercy and sacrificing those left behind on to be the case: a small part of the collective future, a future for all us feel what a great gift is the even one of them is missing, he comes ward to a slow and arduous recovery prepare for our collective future, a fu- — will shine in us and through us the altar of progress. The present human family has moved ahead, without discarding anyone. Be- hope that comes from being ris- back especially for him, the last lost from the pandemic, there is a danger ture for all without discarding anyone. in the world. As the Letter of Peter pandemic, however, reminds us while the majority has remained cause without an all-embracing vis- en with Christ! In particular, I sheep: Thomas, whom Jesus allowed that we will forget those who are left Because without an all-embracing vis- said, this is a reason for being that there are no differences or behind. Each of us could say: ion, there will be no future for any- rejoice with the Eastern Catholic to touch his wounds — the “slits of b ehind.… In that community, after ion, there will be no future for any- “filled with joy, though now for a borders between those who suffer. “These are complex problems, it is one. communities who, due to ecu- hop e” —, and it becomes, as the Pope the resurrection of Jesus, only one was one. Today the simple and disarming little while you may have to suffer We are all frail, all equal, all pre- not my job to take care of the Today the simple and disarming menical reasons, celebrate Easter recalls, “the most simple and beautiful left behind and the others waited for love of Jesus revives the heart of his various trials” (1 Pt 1:6). cious. May we be profoundly needy, others have to be concerned love of Jesus revives the heart of with the Orthodox. May this fra- profession of faith”: “My Lord, my him. Today the opposite seems to be disciple. Like the apostle Thomas, let On this feast of Divine Mercy, shaken by what is happening all with it!”. Saint Faustina, after his disciple. Like the apostle ternity be of comfort in those Go d”. It is because of this attentive the case: a small part of the human us accept mercy, the salvation of the the most beautiful message comes around us: the time has come to meeting Jesus, wrote: “In a soul Thomas, let us accept mercy, the places where Christians are a care on the part of their pastor, be- family has moved ahead, while the world. And let us show mercy to those from Thomas, the disciple who ar- eliminate inequalities, to heal the that is suffering we should see Je- salvation of the world. And let us small minority. cause of this patient and merciful love majority has remained behind”. who are most vulnerable; for only in rived late; he was the only one injustice that is undermining the sus on the cross, not a parasite and show mercy to those who are most Let us turn now to the Virgin of the teacher, that the disciples will Pope Francis’ lucid, prophetic vis- this way will we build a new world”. missing. But the Lord waited for health of the entire human family! a burden... [Lord] you give us the vulnerable; for only in this way will Mary, Mother of Mercy, with then be able to do what they have ion warns us of the greatest risk facing Andrea Monda, 19 April 2020 Thomas. Mercy does not abandon Let us learn from the early Christi- chance to practise deeds of mercy, we build a new world. Paschal joy. page 6 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 24 April 2020, number 17

Wednesday, 1 April Living the Covenant with God, is what nally buried. “It is good for me”, the Holy makes us Christian, the Holy Father stressed. Father said, “late in the evening when I pray For those who work in media and “A Christian is not someone who can just the Angelus, to pray these seven sorrows as a communication show their baptismal certificate. A certificate remembrance of the Mother of the Church”. of baptism is just a piece of paper”, he added. Indeed, he said, “Our Lady never asked On Monday, 1 April, Pope Francis offered “You are a Christian if you say ‘yes’ to the anything for herself”. Like a disciple she ac- daily Mass at Santa Marta to those in the election of the Lord, if you follow the promise companied, followed and listened to Jesus. She did not wish to take away any title from world of media and communication who are that the Lord has made to you and if you live Jesus, her only title being mother which she working to ensure that people do not feel too the Covenant with God. This is the Christian isolated, “for the education of children, and received from “Jesus right there, at the mo- life,” he explained. ment of the Cross”. She never asked to be “a to help us to bear this time of isolation”. Tak- The Lord never forgets his covenant, the ing his cue from the struggle between Jesus quasi-redeemer or a co-redeemer”: no. The Pope said. Indeed, “his faithfulness is Redeemer is one and this title does not du- and the Doctors of the Law over Jesus’ iden- memory. His faithfulness to his people. His tity, the Holy Father focused his homily on plicate. Asking for nothing, “she received the faithfulness to Abraham is the memory of the theme of discipleship. When the Doctors gift of being his mother and the duty to ac- the promise he made”. This promise of hope of the Law were cornered by Jesus’ w o rd s , company us as Mother, to be our mother”. they responded with anger and insults. was made to each of us as his chosen Pope Francis concluded his homily by in- However, the Pope said, those who believe in people. “This is the revelation that the Word viting the faithful to honour Our Lady and to Jesus and remain in his Word are true dis- of God gives us today about our Christian thank her for being a Mother, and to pause ciples: “If you continue in my word, you are existence”, the Pope said. He ended his and reflect on Our Lady’s pain and sorrows”. truly my disciples” (Jn 8:31). The Lord does homily by inviting the faithful to be “con- not emphasize studying and learning which scious of being chosen, joyful in going to- Saturday, 4 April he takes for granted, but rather stresses the wards a promise and faithful in making the importance of remaining in him, a central Covenant”. The fight against temptation

Taking his cue from the day’s Gospel Reading which sees the doctors of the law and the high priest as protagonists (Jn 11:45-58), dur- Morning Mass at the Domus ing Holy Mass at Santa Marta on Saturday morning, 4 April, Pope Francis prayed for people who may be tempted to take advant- Sanctae Marthae age of the pandemic for their own personal gains: “We pray today that the Lord might grant an upright and transparent conscience to everyone, that they might allow God to theme to which he often returns, including at look on them without shame”. the Last Supper. Temptation begins with a small feeling of Indeed, the Pope continued, being a Chris- restlessness, the Holy Father explained which tian is not about having an identity card that in the case of the high priest began with John identifies one as Christian, but rather Christi- the Baptist. However, unlike John the Baptist an identity is discipleship. “If you remain in who had no repercussions, Jesus began to the Lord, in the word of the Lord, in the life perform signs and miracles, to speak to the of the Lord, then you will be a disciple”, the people and he did not always observe the law. Pope explained. On the other hand, if one This led to an increase in restlessness. does not remain in the Lord, one can still ap- As the restlessness grew, the doctors of the preciate doctrine and follow Jesus as a good law and high priest began to test him, at and charitable person, but in that case one times astonished at his wisdom, at times hu- cannot be a disciple. miliated until they finally decide to get rid of Being a Christian disciple, the Pope noted, Jesus because he was too dangerous, and they makes us free as it means allowing oneself to felt justified in doing so: “’if we let him con- be guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit, tinue, everyone will believe in Him. It's dan- not to be subject to ideologies. The Holy gerous. They will follow Him and they will Father invited the faithful to ask the Lord to separate themselves from us’ — the people help us “understand this wisdom of remaining were not attached to them”. in him, and help us understand familiarity The process of temptation of the high with the Spirit”. This is the anointing that priest is an example of how temptation works those in the Lord will receive. in us, Pope Francis said. It begins as a small idea that grows larger and begins to infect others until we end up justifying ourselves. Friday, 3 April This justification, he explained is necessary Thursday, 2 April because it calms us interiorly. However, he For those working to solve For the homeless and those who said, there is an antidote to the process and long term problems resulting from that is “identifying this process within us … suffer unseen this process that changes our hearts, from the pandemic good to bad”. The first step we have to take During Holy Mass at Santa Marta on is to ask the Lord for his forgiveness. Then On Friday, 3 April, during his daily Mass at Thursday, 2 April, Pope Francis prayed for we should ask ourselves “how did this process Santa Marta, the Holy Father prayed for all the many homeless and those who live hidden begin in my soul”; how did it grow, who did I those who are working to resolve issues that within the cracks of society, whose plight is infect. And finally, we should ask ourselves will arise after the pandemic including particularly evident in this pandemic. “These poverty, unemployment and hunger. Pope how did I justify myself. At the end of his days of sorrow and sadness highlight so many Fr a n c i s ’ homily was dedicated to our Lady of homily, the Holy Father prayed that the Holy hidden problems”, he explained, before de- Sorrows, whom the Church remembers today. Spirit may enlighten us to have this interior scribing a photograph he had recently seen in “It will do us good to think about our Lady’s a w a re n e s s ”. newspapers that had greatly moved him: “So Sorrows and to thank her because she accep- many homeless people in a city, huddling in a ted to be a mother”. parking lot”. He invited the faithful to ask Pope Francis retraced the seven sorrows of Monday, 6 April Saint Teresa of Calcutta to awaken in us a Our Lady. The first sorrow, he said occurred sense of closeness to these people. only 40 days after Jesus’ birth when Simeon’s For detainees in overcrowded Inspired by the day’s readings from Genesis prophecy spoke of a sword that would “p i e rc e prisons and the Gospel of John, which speak of Abra- her heart”. In the second sorrow, she thinks ham and God’s covenant with the chosen about the flight to Egypt to save her son’s During his homily for Holy Mass at Santa people, during his homily Pope Francis ex- life. Her third sorrow recalls “those three days Marta on Monday, 6 April, Pope Francis re- plained that Christians must be conscious that of anguish when the boy remained in the flected on the day’s Gospel Reading (Jn 12:1- they have been chosen by God. They should temple”. Our Lady’s fourth and fifth sorrow, 11) in which Lazarus and ’s sister, be joyful and tread the path of salvation pre- the Holy Father continued, see her meeting Mary, anoints Jesus’ feet with very expensive cisely because they were “elected, chosen by Jesus on the way to Calvary and his death on perfumed oil, incurring the indignation of Go d”and thus are the recipients of the the Cross. Lastly, in the sixth and seventh sor- Judas who complained of the waste that could “promise of fruitfulness, to which we must re- row, Mary continues to accompany Jesus spond with fidelity to the Covenant”. when he is taken down from the Cross and fi- CONTINUED ON PA G E 7 number 17, Friday, 24 April 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 7 A very different Easter Rogationist Father reflects on this special time of grace lived during the co ro n a v i ru s

FR CL AU D I O PI Z Z U T O, RCJ * treasure. It is like a walnut: a tough fold themselves year after year. They and even ugly shell on the outside, were an opportunity to rise again. The 2020 Lenten season that has and a delicious fruit inside. Lent en- Yes because we will regain the true just finished and the Eastertide we closes a “radiant light”, the joy of life. This will be the “true Easter” are living can be referred to as being the return, the return to what is es- because a tiny virus has forced us to a very, very different one. sential. The Liturgy “slows down its stay at home, to slow down our Lent, an intense time by its very rhythms” and “dims the light of col- activities and to have more time. nature, is a special time of grace and our” so that we can pause to reflect Even though suffering resulting of “radiant sadness” as Schmemann and return home, just like the prod- from coronavirus cannot be erased, used to describe it, drawing from igal son; return to that home where the Lord will certainly allow us to the experience of the Fathers of the the Father is and where everything stand up again and to rediscover Church. Yes, the alleluia disappears regains its colour and the light of a ourselves as people and not robots from our liturgies, the colour purple feast. who waste away behind their ap- marks the vestments, there are no But do we really feel this way pointment books that are always flowers on the altar and we offer a about Lent and Easter? Last year, or filled with commitments and things small resolution or sacrifice because two years ago, did we experience to do. Covid-19 has infected and such is the tradition.... this time of grace with this spirit in killed our “I don’t have the time ...” All this should make room in our order to prepare ourselves for East- to make room for a newly dis- lives for a more “solemn” space in er? I do not think so. Each year, covered God, thanks to the Euchar- which to prepare ourselves for East- Lent was the same as the other days Eucharistic celebrations. The slogan istic celebrations, rosaries and pray- er. However, it is not a time that is of the year. There were certainly was “stay at home”, a slogan that ers broadcast on television or on so- marked just by “sadness”, because liturgies, initiatives and “pious prac- has been drummed into our ears cial networks. The pandemic and by their very nature Christians are tices”, but our heart remained the since the start of Lent and still con- that stay at home slogan have al- tinues to be said. not sad, but rather it is a time of same, fatigued and uncomforted, lowed us to rediscover relationships, Thus throughout this season we “radiant sadness” because during and arrived at Easter very much the fondness and a strong desire to re- sat with our eyes wide open in front this time of grace, sadness simply same as it was before. Who knows contact others. has the purpose of expressing the how many good intentions there of the television or on social net- works to be as informed as possible, It was a time in which opposing sorrow for the time of “slavery” not were at the start of Lent 2018 or ideologies and prejudices were set to the Egyptian people but the 2019..., that were lost along the jour- but also alas to listen to the devast- ating number of victims that this aside not only in a small circle of slavery to what seems essential in ney because there were always too people but throughout the world to our lives but that in reality is only many commitments. But this year, coronavirus has caused. But now — as a Christian — I try to have a more rediscover ourselves as people with sup erfluous. everything was different. I think we more solidarity, prepared even to will never forget Lent and Easter wider outlook on what has Tears of sadness for the time lost travel across the world, ready to risk and the energy spent chasing useless 2020. Indeed at the end of February happened. I realize that in every contagion, for the love of giving passions and lifeless desires. Let us we were ready to begin the “nth tragedy, the Lord knows how to sow oneself especially to those who suf- try to think of the time spent run- Lent” with the “usual” Ash Wednes- small seeds of light that can shine even in the darkest nights. Covid-19 fer. A time in which many have ex- ning from one place to another, day, but an unexpected obstacle ap- has left and will continue to leave perienced the Providence that is re- completely surrendered to our com- peared: Covid-19. At first it seemed profound wounds (hopefully not for vealed in the many people who do mitments that are so important that like something so remote from us, a much longer) in the history of hu- not hold back when there is a need we do not even have the time to simple flu that would soon pass into manity. However, it is also true that to help those who may not have a look at the faces of the people we the repertoire of forgotten news. But our God “is able to write straight home in which to spend the quar- meet and those who speak to us. then it did not reveal itself as such. along crooked lines”. I realized this Sadness for all those times that we Precisely at the beginning of our antine. when a young man who does not Covid-19 is thus a truly historic selfishly told relatives and friends: “I Lent, this microscopic virus ap- have a very serene relationship with am sorry, I would very much like to peared, and within a short time it event, a pandemic that has brought faith published a small drawing rep- all of humanity to its knees. but I don’t have the time ...”. brought Italy to its knees. resenting Jesus giving the globe a It is a time of grace because we And the virus still continues to af- However, Christians always look for- blood transfusion. Even though this ward with hope and find light even understand how silly it is not to fect us. In a short time, fear and youth’s faith continues to somewhat pause for a moment to share a cof- sadness arose, caused by the various in the darkest tunnels. With this waver, it is nevertheless beautiful “jolt”, the Lord has given us an op- fee or offer a caress to our elderly or decrees that increasingly limited our that some seed of new faith is begin- portunity to truly rise again, to wel- sick relatives or friends; a slavery freedom as citizens and as Christians ning to bear some fruit. As it is to come the True Life. Let us thank the that ties us up with chains, that can especially when the measure — that receive messages or calls from those Lord because this Easter we have all be traced back to our selfishness, has perhaps never been adopted be- from whom we had not heard in a to the anxious race to continue to fore in the entire history of our long time. Like a grandmother I been more attentive to our relation- celebrate our “self”. How much time Church — was introduced: all Holy know who called me a few days ago ship and communion with him and is wasted in deceitfully thinking that Masses to be celebrated without and explained that during this time with one another. the work we carry out is a “just” people. We were speechless before of quarantine, she is taking the op- one, so as to reassure our con- this unexpected measure but we also portunity to call people on the tele- * Priest, Rogationists of the Heart of science. understood the need to stop the phone. Jesus However, this sadness is “radiant” spread of this virus, avoiding all Lent and Easter 2020 were not For more information about the because Lent encloses a hidden forms of assembly, including like the usual celebrations that un- Rogationists visit:

Morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae

CONTINUED FROM PA G E 6 Reflecting on today’s poor people, the Holy Buenos Aires when he received news of 15 families Father said that the ones we are able to see are who were forced to move into an abandoned fact- have been spent on the poor. But Jesus knew that only the tip of the iceberg. The great majority of ory because they could no longer afford to pay as the money keeper and a thief, Judas did not the poor are hidden and “we do not see them be- their rent. truly have the poor at heart and he said “the poor cause we enter into this culture of indifference Pope Francis ended his homily by reminding you always have with you, but you do not always which denies their existence”. In this way, he con- the faithful that on the Day of Judgment we will have me”. tinued, we minimize their reality. Indeed he con- be judged according to our relationship with the tinued, even those who are not indifferent to the Unfaithful administrators abound today, the poor: Did we feed them, visit those in prison and poor see their presence “as if it were normal” like Holy Father said. Let us “think of some charit- a statue or an ornament. in hospital? Did we help the widow and the able or humanitarian organizations that have The hidden poor, even with jobs, are the vic- orphan? “When Jesus says, ‘The poor you always many, many employees ... and only about 40% of tims of economic and financial systems who are have with you’, he is saying “I will always be with donations make it to the poor because” the rest too embarrassed to ask for help although they you in the poor. I will be present there”. This he goes to paying salaries. This, he explained “is a struggle from pay check to pay check. He gave stressed, “is not acting like a Communist. This is way of taking money from the poor”. the example from his time as Archbishop of at the centre of the Gospel”. page 8 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 24 April 2020, number 17 Mercy, medicine for humanity Interview with the rector of the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia

Msgr Jozef Bart with the Holy Father, 19 April.

NICOLA GORI of the Feast of Divine Mercy, but also 15 years of Santo Spirito in Sassia, ever since the 1950’s, after the death of the Polish Pope. Pope Wojtyła precisely from 1957. This is the first reason why On Sunday, 19 April, the Holy Father visited the emphasized that the message of the Saint Pope Wojtyła chose this church. The second reas- Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, not (Faustina) was a prophetic cry addressed to all of on is because every day here we sense the inner far from Saint Peter’s Square, to celebrate the Europe and the wold. The message entrusted vibrations of the pilgrims and Peter. Jesus asked Feast of Divine Mercy, instituted by Saint John from Jesus to Faustina regards the whole planet the Saint to bring to all this comforting message Paul II in 2000 on the occasion of the canoniza- because she was sent to announce divine mercy to of mercy. Therefore John Paul II wanted Santo tion of Sr Faustina Kowalska. The Church has all humanity. Let us consider how truly current Spirito in Sassia to be a beacon to spread this become a spiritual centre of devotion to the mer- and accessible to all her message is in this mo- wealth, also thanks to a great inner inspiration. He ciful heart of Jesus as she houses a relic of the ment in history. himself was very attached to this church, so much Saint donated by Pope Wojtyła himself, who cel- so that he came to visit it and celebrate Mass on ebrated Mass in this Church on 23 April 1995 and How important was this Shrine of Divine Mercy to 23 April 1995. On that occasion he confided in me: blessed the image of Christ inspired by the Polish John Paul II? “Every day I feel attached to this Church and I nun after her mystical vision in 1931. In the fol- sense the vibrations of your hymns”. There is an- lowing interview (conducted before Pope Francis’ From the time he was Archbishop of Krakow, other detail that is worth remembering. Every day visit) with L’Osservatore Romano Msgr Jozef Bart, John Paul II followed Sister Faustina’s Cause of rector of the Church, explains the significance Canonization. He had the grace of seeing her be- through his private secretary the now Cardinal and relevance today of Divine Mercy devotion in atified and canonized. When he was elected the Stanisław Dziwisz, the Pontiff used to send us light of the tragedy the world is experiencing. Successor of Peter, he carried from Krakow the messages with prayer intentions for difficult cases message of divine mercy in his heart. The Feast of that he wanted to entrust to the “hour of mercy” What is the significance of Pope Francis’ visit in this Divine mercy has been celebrated in the Church recited in this Church. time of coronavirus emergency? Pope Francis’ visit is an event that we have been awaiting for a long time. At this time in the history of the Church, we are being led by a Statement of the Director of the Press Office Pontiff who focuses his magisterium on mercy. His evangelic program is one of mercy. He re- peats this and reminds us of it every day. Today World Youth Day and we are living not only a time of pandemic, but also that of a “third world war fought piecemeal”. Meeting of Families postponed There is disorder and disorientation, somewhat everywhere. Thus mercy becomes a medicine, a prescription to heal the social and ecclesial fabric. The Holy Father has decided to post- The Pope’s visit falls at a time in which many pone by one year World Youth Day parts of the world are facing the emergency and the World Meeting of Family. caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people The Director of the Holy See Press are suffering from illness, lack of work, economic Office, Matteo Bruni, made the an- difficulties, lack of security. Mercy thus assumes nouncement on Monday, 20 April: the value of a message of comfort, of tenderness, “Due to the current health situation of courage. A message of relief for people who and its consequences for the movement are experiencing great discomfort. In this Church and gathering of young people and the Pope will send a very strong message of hope families, the Holy Father, along with reflecting the cry of John Paul II who said: where, the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and if not in divine mercy can the world find refuge Life, has decided to postpone by one and hope? year the next World Meeting of Famil- ies, scheduled to take place in June What is Saint Faustina Kowalska’s message to the 2021, and the next World Youth Day, women and men of today? scheduled to take place in Lisbon in Pope Francis’ visit takes place 20 years after the August 2022, to June 2022 and August canonization of Sister Faustina and the institution 2023 respectively” reads the statement.